Gray And Valkyrie - Chapter Seven - Lake Type

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Transcender: Gray

Part seven here! Origionally, I only intended for there to be eight or nine parts, but since I have something major on the way, it may yet continiue for a while... I actually have a written plan up to the tenth chapter, and from there the conclusion is still a little way off. As usual, it's not proof read and I'm definitly not happy with it, but if I don't post now, I'll be here forever. Hope you enjoy.

Gray and Valkyrie â€" Chapter Seven â€" Lake Type

Cain: I've kept on fighting for so long, all for those few words we shared back then...

Valkyrie sighed, curling up against the boulder and staring upwards into the moon. Its waning light painted the landscape a faint silver, the vast fields leading up to the volcano rustling in a light breeze. The distant fortress cast its own shadow over the scene; the satellite paused just above it in the prelude to the morning. The wyvern pulled herself up, taking a few steps to the river coursing through the area, drinking her fill and dunking her head for a few moments. She groaned slightly as she shook the water away, readying herself once more, "Ge!" The azure's body shimmered slightly, as if she was passing through a heat haze, distorting just a little before returning to normal, "Damn it! I still can't get it right."

She looked up as something thudded to the ground behind her, tail swishing instinctively. She froze when she saw it was only Gray, a partial transformation gifting his human form with a pair of large draconic wings. A trick he had learned from Dran, "Morning, Val."

She rolled her eyes, "It's rare to see you up at a time like this..."

"Everyone starts early in that fortress." He yawned, "I don't understand. It's not even daylight yet and they kicked me out of bed. Ge." His wings faded as he took a few steps forward, dropping down beside his companion. "What are you trying anyway? Practicing with your Gua?"

Valkyrie glanced away, "I can't get Change to work..." It pained her to admit it to a man who was inferior to her in the majority of the remaining seven, "I start to feel it, but then it just disappears."

"Let me see." He cupped some of the water from the current, finding it surprisingly clear as he drank, "What are you trying to become anyway?"

The wyvern was slightly red, "That's none of your... It's a secret." She gulped, yet an idea was beginning to form in her mind, a small grin appearing across her face.

"Ok, I guess... Just don't get hurt." He seemed serious. The last time that she had kept a technique to herself, she had been working on Tong Ren, Soul; the wyverns initial attempts almost killing her. "I don't want to see anything like before."

"I'm not some overzealous kid anymore." She flicked a wing irritably.

"You're still a kid now by human years. You're almost nine, I'm almost nineteen." He grinned, "You should respect your elders."

"Wyverns mature more quickly than humans. By your own reckoning, I'm almost your age." The wyvern set her jaw, having had this discussion with him a few times in the past. She swept her tail along the ground, tripping the man in response, muttering "Jia Ren" beneath her breath as she did so. He failed to notice the As One skill come into effect.

He staggered to his feet, "Oh, you asked for it." Although their usual games had been somewhat different, Gray was no stranger to being taken down by his companion. At least now he had a way to combat it, "Ge!" A puzzled expression crossed his face as her voice spoke Change in unison.

He closed his eyes for a few moments, the usual sensation of transforming somewhat different, like something unfamiliar was drawing upon his own energy. At his neck, beneath the scarf, his Dracite pendant was shining furiously, bridging the gap in power. Gray opened his eyes, and was silent for a long time. "...Val? Is that you?"

The creature was only slightly smaller than he was, though perhaps her tail was a little longer, her features more lithe. He gulped as an azure gaze, unmistakably Valkyrie's met his crimson one, the dragoness rolling her shoulder slightly to adjust a wing. "It worked!" She roared in triumph, sending a small jet of flame across the water, scorching the stones upon the rivers opposing bank. "It feels weird having both wings and arms... And..." She reached up, cupping a large pair of scaled breasts, "Yeah, these feel pretty strange too."

Gray's jaw hit the floor as she toyed with them jovially, smiling in the wake of her first transformation. Drawing upon him had allowed his Dracite to affect her, the former wyvern successfully defying the physics of the technique in a manner similar to him; her size undoubtedly increasing. He chuckled, creeping behind her as she continued to celebrate, hands brushing across her neck and shoulders. She glanced down in surprise, her guardian's Dracite pendant settling in the hollow of her throat, "Keep a hold of this for me from now on." He smiled his usual smile.

"Gray... This is..." She was silent for quite a while, understanding full well exactly how much the necklace meant to him. Her hands closed about the last memento of the hybrid's parents, eyes welling slightly before she pounced him, nuzzling against the other dragon affectionately. Yet the more she rubbed against his larger form, the more sensitive she came to realise her new chest was, a soft blush crossing the silver-grey dragons face as he felt something somewhat damp against the scales of his abdomen. "I'm still not used to this form completely." She was panting slightly, "How about we break it in?"

The dragon resisted the urge to roll his eyes, knowing that a sombre moment with her was virtually impossible. She descended into a kiss, Gray slowly coming to realise that his partner was becoming quite the nymphomaniac. In fact, with the amount of attention he received from her and Yuri, he was surprised that he had the energy left to blink, let alone mate. At least they wouldn't be recognised in these forms though; he couldn't help but remember that being with his wyvern like this was a taboo.

Such long winded thoughts were driven from his mind as a tongue entwined with his, the dragoness shifting herself slightly to rub against him. Gray's clawed hands roamed an unfamiliar body, mentally mapping every curve, softly caressing the first of his kind he had ever seen. *So, this is what Yuri felt like...* He smiled inwardly, breaking their kiss to slowly lick down her neck, long tongue passing over her breasts, tracing about a nipple before he took it into his mouth, *And she's almost as sensitive as Yuri there too...* He felt the reaction from the dragoness' body, a light shiver as she groaned with pent up arousal, further dampness spreading over his scales. He cursed himself for comparing her to the wolf, yet he couldn't help his train of thought.

"Gray..." Her tail had curled upwards, Valkyrie fighting desperately to penetrate herself as his own restrained hers just short of its target. She was free only to flick the tip against her exposed clit, slowly managing to slide her body to the side, rubbing up and down his leg in a feverish attempt for a quick orgasm. Again, he denied her, continuing to worship her breasts for a few moments longer before at last taking pity, batting her own tail aside as he slipped his broader tip into her sopping cunt. He probed gently as she gasped above him, the dragon finding few differences to her from the wyvern form. Yet he could feel a strange pressure against his tail, glancing downwards to find that she was using hers to fuck her tail hole in time to his own thrusts.

He grinned, "Fuck your tail..." His pace increased, sensing an oncoming orgasm as more fluids leaked between them, Valkyrie working hard to keep up, bucking her hips and tail. Wyverns always dripped with lubricant since their mating sessions were so brutal, yet from what he could tell of the squirming creature above him, when dragons fuck, the mountains must shake. She cried out, a veritable gush of cum passing over his tail as he continued to pound her through it. Mere moments and a brutal heave later, the dragoness was on her back, his tongue parting her folds as he buried his face into her waiting snatch. "I need..."

Scaled hands rested upon the back of his head, making sure the grey didn't pull away as he serviced her. His tongue extended to its limit, knowing from experience all of the places to hit, finding new ones in an unfamiliar opening as each flick brought a fresh gasp from above. Valkyrie was never satisfied until she had cum several times, and Gray had no intention of disappointing, sliding his nose up and down against her clit as his tongue worked its magic within. The azure moaned softly, releasing him to gently massage one of her ample breasts, *He eats pussy almost as well as San... I've got him well trained.* The pleasure was overwhelming, each climax dizzying as the dragoness ground herself against his maw. Gray's voice was a little muffled, "You need...?"

Twisting her head to the side, she could just see beneath the crouching dragon, a thin line of pre connecting his long draconic member to the earth, the thing throbbing with arousal. "I need you in me." She grabbed his head, pulling hard as he staggered over her, the azure sweeping her arm to push him onto his back, "Since normally you're the one riding me..." She grinned lustily, hand closing about his dick, guiding at as she slowly sank down to the hilt, "This time I'll be riding you." She moaned, in control for a change. Gray had always had quite a dominant streak in sex, and she liked the side of him he let loose in those moments he was banging her senseless. Yet Valkyrie grinned inwardly, today she would make him submit. "Any objections?"

"None." He smiled, lying back in a relaxed fashion, resting his hands against her hips in guidance as she began to bounce against his crotch. Utilising the limited space he had been given, the dragon responded with bucks of his own, rewarded with a wet slapping noise as balls released from his male slit slapped against her ass. Her tongue was lolling out of the side of her mouth as his had been in his wolf form, fluids dripping down the length of his shaft, soaking his crotch as their frenzied motions splashed her cum and his pre about. "Damn, you're good at that..." Gray groaned softly, feeling himself slowly coming close to release, yet her movements were slowing the closer her got. The dragoness grinned, hands holding him down against the floor in restraint as she took complete control, using her empathy to hold the larger creature at the brink of orgasm.

"Payback." She said simply. "I'll make you beg."

"I'll get you for this." A bead of sweat pearled upon his brow, his partner denying him climax as she continued. For him, this was torture, the slow clasping action of the wetness gripping his dick constantly adjusting its pressure and speed as he trembled. He set his jaw, his pride slowly diminishing as he felt her climax once more, time passing. "Ok, you win." He gulped. "Let me cum, Val."

"Let me cum, please." She made a strange sweeping gesture to highlight the final word.

Gray went very red, fighting a battle of instinct versus pride. He knew at the start which would win, "Fine. Let me cum... Please." He chuckle was lost in her throat as the dragoness released him, the male instantly commencing a brutal pace. She screamed out his name after only a few thrusts, the grey hilting and cumming inside her, as was his preference. Valkyrie remained panting for a few moments before hands grabbed her shoulders, Gray rolling her onto her back as their positions reversed. He withdrew, leaving a line of thick dragon seed before placing his tool just slightly lower, filling her tail hole in a single motion.

"Fuck!" Valkyrie winced slightly, his well lubricated member setting a slow pace as their combined fluids blossomed from her slit. It wasn't long before she was moaning his name, squirming and bucking her hips with abandon, anal always being a particular turn on for the azure. Having just cum himself, Gray knew he was going to be a while anyway, making no attempt to draw out his actions as he pounded her with the vigour of a dragon.

He batted away every attempt to touch her cunt, determined to have her climax just from his motions beneath her. "Payback is a bitch." He was rewarded sooner than expected, the dragoness' features scrunching up, her whole body trembling as she sprayed her fluids onto his stomach, pent up arousal coaxing forth such a result. She was blushing furiously, trying to hide her eyes in response to such an action, the waves of her climax sending Gray over the edge. He pulled out at the last moment, spraying his seed all over the front of the dragoness, truly claiming her as his own, before rolling over onto his back, panting in exhaustion.

A little time passed before he pulled himself up, dragging Valkyrie by the tail behind him as the pair began to wash off in the river. Gray yawned, exchanging a grin with his partner, yet a strange sense of uneasiness was beginning to settle in his stomach. He scratched his head, yet before he could mention it to the dragoness, the sound of an explosion tore through the morning's tranquillity. Gray span, facing the fortress as clouds of black smoke billowed from the buildings eastern facing. Beyond it, framed perfectly against the orange of a rising sun he could make out a mass of winged silhouettes, waiting silently. "They're here."


Valkyrie beat her wings furiously, wyvern once more and rising with a speed exceeding any one of her kin.She had found herself incapable of maintaining her dragoness form over so much time. Wyverns and Guardians spread out beneath them, the sound of so many wing beats filling the air, scarves of the people billowing in the face of an oncoming wind. At the front of their formation, Gray could see them, Erin and Cain to one side of the wolf captain, and Yuri to the other. The light type was looking over her shoulder, scanning the area desperately before her gaze fixating upon them. From here, he couldn't hear the words she shouted to Erin, yet with an agile flip and a flick of her wings, San projected them back and upwards, rising to meet the duo. They wheeled around to match courses when they came level, Gray continuing skyward as Yuri flanked him, "Where the hell have you two..." She sniffed the air, the wolf's nose not fooled even in these conditions, "Oh."

A shadow crossed Gray's face, the man seemingly unconcerned with the disdain of his companion, "Did you see them, Val?"

She responded, "Rose always liked high places." Neither looked down as the sounds of battle erupted beneath them, Yuri nodding, raising her first two fingers in preparation for her usual barrier technique.

"I can smell them." The light type huddled against her wyvern as they penetrated the gathering clouds, rising up, higher and higher before breaking free of the swirling white. From here, the world looked so different, most sounds lost to the wind, the covering distorting their view of the battle. "We all have our own aims for this... We're bringing back our friend." The clouds began to bank up, visibility once more reduced to near zero.

Her smile disappeared as a pair of winged shadows dove between them, each barrel rolling to the side to allow them passage. "Yuri!" Valkyrie straightened her course, glancing from side to side, relieved as San drew level once more.

"I'm fine. Gray, I think there might be- Tai!" The remainder of her sentence was cut off as a crimson wyvern tackled San from the air, a second of identical coloration slamming against the wolf's barrier, knocking her from her partners back. She seemed to hang in the air for just a moment, before the clouds swirled and hid them from view, "Graaaaaaaaaaaaay!" He heard her scream his name.

"Yuri!" The azure beat her wings, attempting to clear the cover yet to no avail, "Valkyrie, dive! I'm coming, Yuri!"

"Oh..." A chillingly familiar voice came from behind, "Are you now?" Valkyrie froze, dropping a few feet before a single beat of her wings and flip of her tail brought the wyvern about. The wind began to pick up, the clouds parting to reveal a black wyvern, dark haired guardian casually toying with her jet scarf, "Did you miss me?"

"Karin..." He looked from her, to the earth and back again, Valkyrie turning her head slightly and nodding to him. "Ok... We'll trust them." He steadied himself, drawing up to stand between his companions wings, "You're coming with me."

"And if I refuse?" She smiled sadisticly as his expression darkened, "Oh, this truly is delectable... The runt and her dropout challenging the pick of the group and her genius." She drew back her arm, "Kun." A black sphere came into being, "You're naive!" She threw it.

Valkyrie streaked towards the oncoming missile, "Feng!" The dark slammed against diamond, shattering it with a small explosion. The azure emerging from the other side, "NEVER CALL ME DROPOUT!" the wyvern swept her wings, freezing in the air for a single moment as momentum threw Gray over her shoulder, Karin's eyes widening in surprise as he seized her scarf, pulling her from the black wyverns back as the two plummeted.

Rose made for a dive, yet jaws clasped about her tail, "AND I'M NOT A RUNT ANYMORE!" Valkyrie engaged her.

"Li! Li! Li!" He could barely hear anything as the air streaked past his ears, barely able to see as the pressure forced him to squint. He continued to scream out his fire technique, sensing each of his flames slam against the chaotic energy Karin was generating in response. The dark type indeed had the authority to proclaim herself a genius, each of her abilities forming a perfect block to his own. The ground was looming closer as they broke through the clouds, the wide mouth of the extinct volcano beside the fortress waiting beneath. Gray waited until the last possible moment, "Ge!" Wings spread from his shoulders, a single sweep consuming a massive amount of his energy as with a sickening lurch his descent ceased, the man dropping to the ground.

She said it almost casually, "Cui." Her movement technique slowing her before a light perfect touchdown, "Earth or sky, I'll still win, Gray."

"Feng!" A silver dagger blossomed in his hand, streaking towards his friend as he made a throwing motion.

Karin extended her palm, "Pi." It froze as the tip touched her skin. "Jing." Moving with rapidity far beyond his natural power, the blade was returned, slicing against his arm as he dove to evade it. "This is why I say you're naive... You could have at least targeted a vital point."

"Karin..." He began.

"Bo." She swept her arm upwards.

"Feng!" Dran's technique had become one of Gray's most commonly used, a shield of diamond forming from his outstretched palm, his arm jarring as she followed up her slicing motion with several more. He winced, yet after just a few moments, she ceased, looking upwards. Something was falling, two wyverns locked together in combat as their wings flicked outwards in attempt to slow their collaborative fall. With a sickening crunch, both impacted the earth, both covered in blood and barely conscious, but alive.

Karin grinned as Rose staggered to her feet, clipping the azure with her tail as she did the same, "Well then, Gray... If you're going to struggle so much, I guess I'll take the easy option." She turned to face Valkyrie, "Bo!" She made that same slicing motion.

Gray barely had time to react, making a dive, yet her ability was just too swift, a crescent of blood slashed from his wyvern as she screamed out in pain. The azure dropped to the ground, "Val!"

"Oh..." Karin stepped forward as Rose backed to her side, "It looks like we're back at square one, aren't we?" She rose her hand, "This is the end! Cui!" The dark type made the same downwards motion she once used to break the neck of a lightning user.

"Ge!" Between them and the downed wyvern, a silver-grey dragon slammed into the ground, his dive only taking him a few feet in the air, it felt like he had dropped a few hundred, only his race preventing it from being fatal. A tail swept across, the momentum of the fall itself forcing it to whip across the space, smashing into Karin's side, blood ejected from her mouth as she was thrown into Rose.

She spat out blood from beside her wyvern, the pair now so close to the edge of the crater. She targeted Valkyrie one final time, "Bo!"

Gray moved out of instinct, "Feng!" In that one moment of reaction, he threw his body forwards, an immense pain slamming into his chest as her cutting move struck him, a clear blade of diamond forming in his hand. Time seemed to freeze. The dragon looked down, his old friend impaled upon his weapon. The breeze picked up, her scarf falling away, the black shimmering pink for a single unseen moment. Blood was dripping from her mouth, the girl blinking a few times in confusion as the great creature became a man once more, "Gray...?" She spoke like she was just waking from a dream, "What happened...? Why am I...?" She coughed blood.

"Karin!" He grabbed her arm; "Karin!" the man repeated her name.

"Oh..." She smiled weakly, speaking in that dreamlike state, "So that's what happened...?" She staggered back slightly, "Commander... Controlling all of us... I'm sorry.... Gray..." She took a step back, "Say hey... To Yuri for me." The dark type disappeared over the edge, the black wyvern falling backwards with her.

"Karin...?" Gray fell to the ground, blood gushing from his wound, finally unable to move, "What have I done...? What have I done?" A light shone from the interior of the volcano, shadows dancing along the far wall, too many wings. "Karin!" His vision began to fade, "KAAAAAARIIIIIIIIN!!!"


Cain mopped his brow, staggering through the door of the infirmary before collapsing in a chair. The amount of casualties had been tremendous, the infirmary overflowing. Several of the units that he had been fighting seemed to just snap out of a trance when hit by his techniques, yet most were instantly turned upon by their own as soon as they came to. His front was covered in blood, his arms aching from using his healing technique near constantly for the last few hours. Perhaps the worst of the wounded were Gray and Valkyrie, the slashes of a dark type normally killing whoever they managed to strike. His eyelids drooped slightly, thinking of the work he had to finish on San and Yuri, both wolf and wyvern sliced up pretty badly by their attackers. A voice came from his side, "Mountain negates Lake... We finally know what's going on for sure, but it's all too late."

Cain turned to face Erin, the lake user somehow managing t escape the fight with minimal injuries, even though the man had probably exacted the highest death toll upon the enemy, "What are we going to do?"

"The same thing we decided last time..." He slumped in the adjacent chair, "The four of us will confront him ourselves... If other people find out, there'll be a revolution."

"Gray... That man is going to kill him." He wiped some blood from his hands, "Gray won't be held back."

"Gray, Yuri and Karin..." Erin smiled in memory, "They were my favourite students... The dropout, the warrior and the genius." He coughed, "They were the best of friends... I can't imagine what Gray is going through right now. Or what Yuri will when she wakes up."

"We will have to disappear as soon as they're able to move... As soon as Brent has finished healing Sasha, he'll come looking for us. He'll ask questions."

"The commander has that Dracite... We're probably going to die, Cain." He caught the earth users eyes, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to your mate?"

Cain smiled, but in light of what had happened, it came out more like a grimace, "Sorry, Erin. But I've got no intention of dying."

"Glad to hear it."

~ Arc ~

Thanks very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Ah well, please rate and review!