Chapters 10 & 11 - Refugee's Departure & Brothers in the End

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#7 of Genesis

Chapter 10 â€" Refugee's Departure

The morning that followed had to be one of the hardest on the members of Black team; this was mostly because Skye and the others had yet to get to know the other boys.

As the boys boarded the ship, some looked back, with angry tears in their eyes, and some with tears of sorrow, leaving the first place they could call home, since their transformation.

Skye had spoken to the boys before the ships arrival, welcoming them to return to the planet and the base if they so chose and reminded them that they would be family no matter what, after all they were a new species together.

An automated voice sounded, it was Wasted Star, "It's time to go," before closing the doors to the Prowler.

"Oh and Skye," the AI said through the external speakers, "You made a grave mistake in disrespecting me."

"We'll see," Skye replied before walking away from the ship atop their mountain.

The Prowler shimmered before activating its active camo, and then floated up into the sky and on an out of system vector.

"We should get our gear cleaned up, it's been a while since we were fight ready." Spencer suggested.

"Yeah okay," Skye whispered, walking back inside the mountain.

"You okay Skye?" Alex asked, after he chased Skye and caught up.

"Yeah, I'm peachy," Skye answered.

"Dude, what's wrong, you know you can tell me anything, I'm always there for you!" Alex pleaded.

"I'm scared all right?" Skye replied tears welling up in his eyes.

Alex knew that Skye always held his composure, he had only once before broken down and that wasn't a pretty sight. Thinking quickly he used his ability over gravity to shift a large boulder aside and ushered Skye within a cave behind it.

"Where did you find this?"

"I found it working on the pathway we just used, no biggie, I keep it for a place to go alone!" Alex replied, "Now spill!"

"I'm not sure how to say this," Skye replied.

"You can say anything!"

"Are you sure?"

"Dude, of course I'm sure," Alex whispered as he wrapped his arms around his lover, he could feel the intense emotions built-up in Skye, he could share the pain.

"It's just..." Skye cut off, a sob escaping him.

"I may act all tough, and powerful, but I'm still just a kid, I don't know everything and it's because of me we have such issues in this fucking Solar System, had I Just gone along with Joey's plan and stayed with him when he first morphed me, none of you would be dragged into this." Skye replied.

"Babe, this isn't all your fault, Joey woulda still captured us to make his army more complete, so what if he made you into the leader you are now through force, he made you into the boy that I love!" Alex almost whimpered, his eyes welling with tears.

"Still what if I can't protect you when you need it the most, what if.. you... what if you die!" Skye broke down once more.

"Skye, I'm not going anywhere, when it's my time, it's my time, I can't control fate, neither can you! Just stay with me, you're all I have!" Alex cried, the tears flowing freely.

The two boys embraced one another; they sheared their emotional baggage, together.

After a few minutes it was Alex alone who was crying, hands around his knees, crying into his lap; he couldn't stop, it was the first time he had a chance to vent since they had been thrust into this life of chaos.

Skye slide around his lover, wrapping his arms around him, his legs closing around Alex's. "You don't ever have to worry about losing me, I promise as long as I breathe I will be by your side, we may have fights, we may mess around with other boys, but for better or for worse, we're stuck together!" Skye laughed, pulling his boy closer, smelling the sweet smell of his body, it always smelled this way, it amazed Skye, he was infatuated with the smell alone.

"You're my life, my soul; Skye if I lost you I'm pretty sure that it would kill me." Alex sobbed, pulling Skye's arms tighter upon himself.

The boys fell asleep in one another's arms, waking up to the familiar sound of an alarm.

"Time to go to work!" Skye grinned, to Alex, who smiled looking into his lovers amber eyes.

"As long as you're with me I'd go through the depths of hell and back!" Alex grinned, his perfect white smile framed by his golden locks made Skye's heart melt.

"Is possible to be more in love with you?" Skye asked.

"Only if it's you who's doing the loving!" Alex grinned wider.

The boys walked down to the bridge and looked at the monitor over Spencer's shoulder.

On screen sat a man and a boy, both in the middle of the lake, on what appeared to be a massive sheet of ice. The boy who looked all of fifteen was bound and bare, chained to the ice.

"What the hell?" Skye asked.

"I'm guessing that Joey is breaking in a new recruit?" Evan said.

"More like breaking a boy for the fun of it!" Spencer replied

"What should we do, go get him?" Evan asked.

"Yeah I think we have to," Skye replied.

"Okay, let's go." Alex grabbed his small P90.

"What about us?" James asked, looking from SKye to the rest of his team.

"You're more than welcome to come with us, it's up to you," Skye replied.

"What about making this a training mission for them?" Spencer suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan, I can go with them, you guys can get some more work done on the ships plans." Skye ordered.

"Okay, sure sounds good," Evan replied.

"I'll be watching you from here," Alex explained.


Chapter 11 - Brothers in the End


Five minutes later Skye, Lucas and James we gliding over the top of the mountain, finally mastering the partial morph, they had their dragons wings on their backs but were otherwise in human form.

"ETA ten seconds, then we will have full over head visual," Lucas informed.

"Copy," Skye replied, "Are you two both in position to take the man?"

"Aye, we will have a flanking approach and have two angles of fire down on him." James confirmed.

"Good, let's get this over quick," Skye reported.

The three boys took up their triangulated position over the two below and rapidly descended to a hover above the water.

"Didn't your mom ever teach you not to pick on someone smaller than you?" James asked.

"Huh, didn't yours ever tell you to mind your own business?" the man answered back looking over at the newest morph, "James right?"

James slightly gasped as he realized the man knew his name, and probably a lot more about him, hes was after all his previous handler at the lab.

"You know him?" Skye thought to James.

"Yeah, he was my old handler at the lab," James replied.

"Crap this is going to make this more difficult," Skye thought.

"So you guys came here to try and stop us from breaking our new recruit huh?" the man's deep voice echoed off the rock faces surrounding the lake.

"We didn't just come to try, we're here to stop you!" Lucas shouted back.

The boy kneeling on the smooth small stone on the lake was surprised beyond belief; first of all he had figured he would never be rescued, but most importantly, he never imagined the people to save him would be his age, especially standing up against his tormentor.

"Well i was hoping to save this for Ryan here, but you will do!" the man spoke, "Try this on!"

There was a large thud, the water's surface seeming to ripple, then a second, and finally a third.

"What was that?" Lucas asked across team com.

"Not sure," Alex replied from the base, "Nothing showing on radar... no wait!"

"What is it?" Skye asked slightly more concerned than usual, having two green horns out in the field alone.

"They're three massive pods, easily large enough to encase the dragon forms," Alex warned.

"Skatter!" Skye shouted, as he saw the three pods over top of them shatter into thousands of pieces.

"They're heat seeking, so that might not help you any!" the man warned.

The pieces the pods had broken down into were actually floating spheres of liquid metal, seeming to join together in thin strands of wire, like a portable more modern version of the ball and chains that pirates used to use.

The boys scattered, looking around them, trying to dodge the metal spheres pummelling down on them, quickly and gracefully rolling and dodging the onslaught.

"We're comming in!" Alex called over team com.

"Negative, we may need you for a rescue, standby!" Skye ordered.

"Aye, but i dont like it!" Alex replied.

James wasn't as quick at dodging as Lucas and Skye, being a dragon for less time, he hadn't fully learned to fly the way he needed to now and several metal spheres impacted on him, spreading out across his body and wings.

"Now watch as your friend joins me on the ground!" the man laughed as he watched James plummet to the rock surface below, causing s cloud of dust to be kicked up following a loud thump sound.

"James!" Lucas cried, and instantly changed his flight to go to where he was."

"No, Lucas, don't!" Skye shouted but it was too late, he knew that Lucas would get caught if he went after James, he had to help them.

A large bubble of air formed around Skye, he was heating the matter of the air to a hot enough temperature that he hoped would destroy the alloy's controls.

Skye raced towards Lucas, hoping to catch him in time, the spheres seemed to not be able to pass through his bubble, however holding it up was costing him big time, his energy levels were dropping, he couldnt do this for long.

"Lucas!" Skye shouted as he hovered beside him, the spheres un-able to get the two of them now.

"Skye, what do we do, we have to help him!" Lucas was frantic, looking at James, who was pinned to the ground several broken bones and a shattered leg were the least of his issues, he was un-consious and the metal seemed to be being absorbed by his body,

"Oh no you don't, no helping James, he can do this himself, he never go to complete his test, so here's one for him! No helping!" the man shouted, raising his right arm; a small ball of Black light appearing on his palm.

"Try this one on for size Skye!" he shouted as he launched the blast.

Skye did what he could, quickly converting the energy of the heat into a shield, the blast deflecting and crumbling Skye and Lucas' only defense.

Several metal shards now impacted on the two; causing them to bolt in two opposite directions, Skye going up, and Lucas down across the water.

It only took a few minutes before Lucas was hit in the face with a sphere of metal, he couldn't do anything to stop it now, he couldn't see. Lucas quickly fell to the ground along side James, the metal encasing his arms and legs.

Skye began wondering if he could handle this, things weren't looking good at the moment.

Flames engulfed Skye as he morphed into his dragon form, hoping the scales would be strong enough to help him stay flying while he toasted the metal with his flames.

For a few minutes Skye was actually winning, the flames were melting the alloy and dissolving it to nothing but dust.

Then Skye had an idea, "they're heat seeking, so he should go somewhere cold, like underwater, the lake, thats has to be it!"

Skye dove straight down, smashing into the water as quickly as possible.

Once he was safely hidden he could see things so clearly, there was a light under the water, something along the bottom of this lake glowed, the coral.

"Coral in lake?" Skye thought, "that's impossible!"

There was suddenly movement in the water, a massive shadow overtaking the light, something grabbed onto Skye's leg it was cold, slimy and wet.

Skye shot a stream of fire from his mouth, the flames evaporating the water about six feet from his muzzle before the water extinguished them, useless.

Several splashes were heard, as about ten of the metal spheres followed the heat signature of Skye's flames, once they were near him they quickly bonded to his scales weighing him down in the water, causing him to sink lower to the source of the tentacles.

Four more tentacles wrapped around Skye, one around each leg, arm and one choking him on his throat, then there was more movement, which Skye's now oxygen deprived mind realized was him moving up out of the water.

A few seconds later Skye registered he was now on the same slab of cool rock that the boy he had came to rescue was kneeling on.

"How do you like our newest pet?" the man laughed, "We thought a massive giant squid suited our needs in this lake, and with something like thirty tentacles in morph form, he could easily allow us to restrain people.

As you can see, we genetically removed the suction cup like appendages from him in order to increase muscle mass, they're now smoother, softer, sliperier and an attractive blue colour!" the man laughed again.

"What's your name?" Skye asked the boy beside him, completely ignoring the man.

"Ry....Ryan," he replied.

Skye hadn't noticed just how beautiful the boy was from his image on the screen, like all of Joeys creations, he was completely smooth, except for his head. He has the most dazzling green eyes Skye had ever seen and he was built like a swimmer, slim and toned, his member was completely soft, un-cut, and about four inches long in this state.

"Oh you two will get to know each other real soon!" the man cackled, "Oh but where are my manners, I've captured you, your team and still haven't introduced myself, I'm Joey's new right hand man, Jacob.

"I don't care who you are, just politely fuck off!" Skye replied.

"Well that's not very nice!" Jacob shouted, snapping his fingers, the tentacle around Skye's throat tightened, choking him more so.

Skye started coughing, trying his best to get air into his lungs, though he could go without air in space he needed a full lung full in order to maintain it, and he couldnt fill his lungs.

"Now as cute of a dragon as you are, let's let that cute boy out!" Jacob mumbled, snapping his fingers once more.

The tentacles now sent pulses of energy across Skye's body, making him dizzy, he felt his focus slipping and his body shrinking as a dark red light over took him, and he shrank back down to his human form, the tentacles re-adjusting to his new stance, the same size as Ryan, same looks, the two could have almost been brothers.

Skye noticed Ryan's soft member beginning to spring to life, looking at the boy he had beside him. Ryan was more than a little turned on, Skye was absolutely perfect, he was smooth, about 5'7 and had the most amazing green eyes matching his blond hair, lightened by the sun. Not only that, Skye had an amazing looking cock, perfect, un-cut, about four inches soft and it's tip was a pinkish colour.

Skye couldn't help but blush as he looked up into Ryan's eyes, they captivated him, his own member stirring.

"Wow, now there is something you don't usually you see, two boys looking so alike, almost like you two we're brothers huh?" Jacob smirked, "But I wont ruin the surprise."

"What surprise?" Skye choked out.

"Oh fine, you dragged it out of me," Jacob laughed.

"Well, you see Skye, we never could understand how there was two sets of DNA so alike, and it took you leaving Earth for the military to prove our theories. We scanned the Globe, trying to understand how you could still have an almost perfect match to another set of genetics, your profiles across the board all showed you were an only child and therefore we were surprised when we actually captured the boy.

He was almost the spitting image of you, except he wasn't yet perfect like yourself. When we injected his DNA it automatically adapted to a dragon, just like you, and it allowed him to morph flawlessly into a dragon, an extremely rebellious dragon; so we studied his DNA and compared it to yours and that's when we got a really big surprise he was over 75% related to you, he's your biological brother, dunno why or how nowhere was that mentioned, well your younger brother, hes only 14, your 16 now." Jacob finished.

"Wait, hold on a sec, hes my..."

"Brother!" Ryan finished Skye's sentence.

"Yes, and together you two are the most powerful morphs that can ever be created, which is why I've got you two here now, We're gonna break you and put you where you belong, in Joey's army!" Jacob snarled.

"You wish!" Skye shouted.

"Yeah, I'd never fight for you!" Ryan shouted.

"Well see, but first, since you both look so excieted," Jacob motioned to their equally hot hard-ons, " I think we better blow some steam off first." he said snapping his fingers.

Several more tentacles shot from the water, wrapping around Ryan's and neck, then Jacob released his chain bindings holding him to the rock.

Jacob snapped his fingers once more and the tentacles around their necks squeezed the tightest yet, knocking them both out.

The two boys awoke to find themselves in the middle of what could be called a small Colosseum, there were several staff members around, followed by scientists and of course Joey, sitting on his throne like chair.

Skye and Ryan were still suspended off the ground, when they looked down, they noted that there was a grate in the floor, from which these purple and blue tentacles were jutted out and around the boys.

"I see you've both met my newest morphs," Joey smirked, "and once more how nice it is to see you Skye, you're cute ass floating in front of me is equally attractive as your younger brother's."

"And once more I'm going to tell you to Fuck off! Don't you dare talk about my brother like that!" Skye shouted.

"Well for that we're going to have to punish you two!" Joey grinned, a chance to try out and use my new morphs desires.

"We're not scared of you!" Ryan shouted looking at Skye.

"Well we will see who enjoys this more!" Joey snapped his fingers.

The grate below them opened and the two giant squids emerged, holding the boys above their heads and about ten feet off of the ground.

"Now show them why I have you as my new prison guards!" Joey snapped once more.

The two squids pushed two more tentacles up, they side lewdly up the boys sides leaving trails of a clear fluid as they snaked their way around the boys heads.

"Suck on these!" Joey laughed as the two tentacles pushed through the boys clamped mouths and into the entrance of their throat.

Ryan and Skye gagged and tried to bite them, but they were tough as nails.

"Oh there is more where that came from!" Joey laughed.

The tentacles, began oozing copious amounts of the clear fluid from their tentacle tips into the boys mouths, it wasn't long before the boys eyes dropped half lidded.

"You see the excrete a fluid similar to liquid viagra, they can keep you horny for years, they also are the perfect source of water and nutrients, so we can keep you hooked up for a long long time.

Skye tried to say something back to Skye, but instead his body betrayed him, he moaned loudly.

Four more tentacles snaked their way around the boys, two of them pressing against their tight bubble butts, there was some resistance but they excreted more fluid and slipped right in, going into the boys a good foot each, filling them.

The other two tentacles found their now rock hard cocks, the tips of the tentacles opening and engulfing the boys hot meat.

"Now ladies and Gentlemen let us begin our research on the boys." Joey ordered.

"Yes sir!" the scientist replied as he hooked up wireless biometrics to each boy, their virtual copy on the display screen showing that the mind numbing fluids had spread through their whole body.

The tentacles in their ass's began to vibrate, apparently something else Joey had added, massaging the boys prostates and driving them crazy, their cocks leaking more and more pre-cum into the tight suction of the cock tentacles, which carried their fluids away into a collection bag marked with their ID.

The boys both began thrusting thier hips forwards, the pressure in their cocks too much, they tried to cum, but couldnt, they were being held back.

More moans filled the room, Ryan and Skye's blond hair becomming rapidly damp with sweat, "Turn on the sprinklers, keep em cool, we dont want them overheating now!" Joey ordered.

Sprinklers above their heads spewed ice cold water onto the boys the water cascading down their bodies, making their nipples quickly tighted and point out in the cutest way.

"Allow them their first cum!" the head scientist ordered the krackans.

The tentacles in the boys milked their cocks as they began spweing their loads deep into the tentacles, their small balls pumping out quite alot more cum than expected, they filled one collection bag each off of one cum.

"We will return to them later," Joey smirked as he watched the two boys building another load of cum, the fluids from the krackans was clearly allowing them to preduce their fluids at a much greater speed than normal.

Joey walked out of the room as the boys orgasmed again, their muffled moans cut off by the titanium-A door sliding shut behind him.