Just Married

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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Inspired by the songs November Rain and Last Kiss.

The day had been everything Roger and Mary had hoped. All their family were at the occasion and there were no

problems at all. It seemed almost too good to be true, but there they were, finally together and alone, on their way

to a cabin in the mountains for their honeymoon.

The bride was a gorgeous young vixen with bright blues eyes and dark red fur. She walked down the isle almost

in a daze, so happy that this moment had come, the moment she declared to the world how much she loved that

white wolf. Mary stepped closer and closer, the sound of the organ drowned out by her mind which was focused

solely on the man she loved, waiting patiently for her at the alter.

When she arrived at her destination, the priest began speaking but all the fox heard were dull, indecipherable

syllables that drummed on her ears. Roger looked down at his wife-to-be with his large brown eyes, filled with as

much love as hers. They had met by chance only a few months ago, but they connected so well and when Roger

proposed, Mary threw herself at him and screamed her answer.


Many said it was a perfect match, the rare occasion when one finds that perfect someone in the world that they

are truly meant to be with. The young couple felt such a weight lifted from their body and mind when they looked

at each other, if it was not love, it was a dream. When in each other's arms, they felt as though nothing else

mattered, all they wanted was to hold each other for eternity.

Mary wore a beautiful white gown that stretched across her chest, leaving her shoulders bare. She wasn't very

large in the bust, but didn't matter in the least to Roger, all he saw was her and all he knew was he loved her.

The gown reached to the floor and widened from her hips like a large white bell. Roger wore the standard tuxedo

and a red rose in the left breast pocket. The moment felt so perfect, if magic was real, this was it at work.

The priest clicked his fingers between the couple to tear their attention away from each other.

"Do you Roger..." he prompted, having already recited the entire passage to the oblivious couple.

"Yes, I do." The tall Artic Wolf said as he looked down into his bride's eyes.

"And you Mary?" The priest, an elderly goat, turned to Mary with the all important question.

"I do." The vixen breathed. All her essence and love seemed to have been poured into those two words alone.

They weren't just said, they were felt.

As if out of a movie, Roger held his bribe close, put his hand behind her back and lowered her down before

kissing her passionately. The priest didn't even get a chance to say the final line.

As cheers, whistles and cat calls rang out through the small church, Roger lifted his new bride once again to her

feet and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you too Roger." Mary replied as she hugged his chest.

The newly weds turned and walked back down the isle, barely aware of the many congratulations being said to

them as they passed family and friends.

The reception was just as wonderful. Lunch was served at a local but fashionable restaurant. It was a lively party

and many guests eventually went home quite drunk. Mary however spent most of her time in Roger's arms, if not

sitting on a couch in the background, dancing slowly on the dance floor to their favorite song.

Speeches were given and laughs were had, all the while, the food and drink was consumed to the best of

expectations. The day started out great and only continued to get better as the party moved from the restaurant

to Roger's family estate for afternoon tea and dinner.

When they arrived, Mary and her new husband made a direct path to a vacant bedroom to further express the

meaning of those two little words. The large house was old, built some time in the 17th century and had many

rooms, most empty. Inside the room the young couple picked, was a double bed with soft white covers on it.

As Mary went to the window to look out over the large open landscape behind the house, Roger closed and

locked the door, turning the lock until it clicked softly. After the wedding, they had both changed into clothing

just a little less formal. The artic wolf wore an azure suit with a dark blue tie while Mary wore a long backless,

ruby red dress.

Gently, Roger slid Mary's dress off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor to reveal the beautiful fox beneath the

fabric. She turned to face him and as he kissed her again, she casually unbuttoned his shirt and untied his tie.

The wolf stepped back and pulled off all the clothing that covered the top half of his body. As he did so, his new

wife pushed in backwards till he sat on the bed.

Roger looked up at her as he slowly slid down her white panties, pushing them to the floor. Mary stepped out of

them, all the while keeping eye contact with the wolf she so ferociously loved. He held her close to him, pressing

his chin against her lap. She trailed her hand down the side of his face and smiled at him then leaned down and

kissed him.

As she straightened up, Roger pushed his face in her lap and firmly licked her folds. Mary threw her head back

and breathed heavily before pulling away. She stepped back and pushed Roger backwards onto the bad. He let

her take control as she undid his belt buckle and removed his pants, stopping when she was hindered by his


Mary giggled and removed the shoes, then continued to pull her husband's pants off. His penis was thick, hard

and several inches long. Through the love and tenderness, the vixen focused her attention on the piece of meat

with lustful intentions in her eyes and climbed onto her new husband.

Roger put his hands on her hips as Mary lowered herself slowly, taking every bit of that large erection inside her

body. Soft, passionate moans began filling the room as the dark red fox lifted and settled then lifted and settled

once more. Her pace was steady and she felt as though she had died and gone to heaven. The couple looked at

each other as they felt the warmth of each other's body flow into their own.

With Mary kneeling over him, Roger sat up and held his wife close to him as she moved, breathing heavily with

each movement. The passion they felt for each other was endless, each wanting to hold onto this moment

forever and be totally consumed by it. They stared deep into each other's eyes and felt a sudden surge of

pleasure reach deep into the bodies.

Roger coaxed Mary off him and she kneeled forward on the bed. The wolf got into position behind her and

pushed himself back into her body. With his wife kneeling on all fours, he leaned over her and wrapped his arms

around her front, grabbing her breasts firmly and plunging himself as deep into her body as he could. He moved

faster than she did, pushing them both towards their climax rapidly. The room was on the second floor and all the

guests downstairs smiled as they dismissed the cries of pleasure that were filling the large house.

Nobody said a word as the newlyweds emerged on the staircase and rejoined the party. They both mingled now,

though always seeking the other's gaze from across the room; Roger drank and laughed with his friends while

Mary gossiped about past boyfriends with hers.

It was late into the evening when Roger and Mary finally left. Before the big event, they had packed a car and

parked it at the estate ready to be driven away as soon as the couple were ready to get their honeymoon started.

The estate was already nearby the mountains and an hours drive away was a small town with only a few houses,

a couple of local stores and a small police station on the edge of the road that winded up to the mountains.

It was pouring rain when Roger pulled the car into the small gravel parking lot outside the local store at 9:34pm.

Mary and her husband went inside the store to buy a couple of last minute items before finally heading up to

the solitude of their cabin getaway.

"Newlyweds hey? Going up to the mountains for your honeymoon? It's nice this time of year." The store clerk,

and plump human woman of about 42 prattled on about the surrounding area as she put the purchased items in

the paper bag. "You two enjoy your time out there, away from the world. Not even phone signals can reach this

far out."

"Thank you." Roger said as Mary thumbed through some postcards of the local mountain range.

The couple left the store and waved to the police officer across the road who stood on the veranda of the police

station. As the rain subsided, the white sedan started and backed out of the parking lot before driving up the road,

the police station being the last building it passed. Flicking his cigarette into a small bucket, the officer waved to

the car and went inside the station.

"Wow, it's so nice out here." Mary looked out her window into the darkness that covered the mountain range.

"It's nothing compared to you." Roger said.

"Oh that was cheesy." Mary said as she cuddled onto her new husband's arm. The wolf just smiled and shifted

gears as he looked ahead up the empty road lined with trees on either side.

An almighty crack tore through the air as lightning struck a tree to the left of the road. Instinctively, Roger

swerved the car to the right. Out of the darkness, a tall, thick tree fell across the road.

"LOOK OUT!" Mary cried out as Roger swerved around the tree. The car went off the road and onto wet, grassy

ground that sloped away from the road. Roger turned the wheel again trying to turn the car back onto the road.

The back wheels spun wildly on the wet ground and the car turned way to sharply. As the front wheels hit bitumen

and found sudden traction, the back wheels slid round and the car flipped wildly over the road. Mary screamed

as the car crashed down and tumbled to the opposite side of the paved path into the mountains.

Dazed, Roger slowly came to his senses as lightning crashed in the distance. Rain once again poured down

now, blanketing the area in cold wetness.

"MARY!" Roger cried out. His vision was blurred and he could feel warm fluid flowing down his face. With each

blast of lightning, Roger caught a glimpse of the red that was covering his eyes. As he crawled across the road

where he'd been flung from the flipping vehicle, he felt broken glass and twisted metal that had been tore away

as well.

"MARY!" Roger called out again, he was beginning to grow frantic and desperate. Where was his wife? Was she

alright? How could this happen after the day had been so perfect?

A soft moan came from his right, only a few meters away. The white wolf crawled in the direction and found his

wife. With shaking hands he picked her up and held her against him.

"What... Roger..." Mary's voice was rasped and shallow, she was finding it hard to breath, the only thought on

her mind was her husband and the past day she'd had with him.

"Hold m... hold me, Roger." Roger's tears mixed with the blood that flowed from his head injury. He leaned down

and kissed his wife as lightning crashed once again. As the rain poured heavily on the couple in the darkness,

the Artic Wolf felt his wife's final breath leave her body as he kissed her.

"Mary... MARY! MARY! MAAARYYY!" He cried her name over and over, sending it out into the night, trying to will

her back to life. His hand shook viciously as he moved it over her body. Finally he found what he was looking

for, the reality of the matter, the twisted metal that had been plunged into the chest of his dark red vixen wife.

"AAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAH! HAAAAAAAAA-HAAAA!" Even the lightning was drowned out by the distraught wolf's cries.

He took a deep breath after each cry, then cried again. Slowly he rocked back and forth, cradling the limp body of

his new wife, crying terribly as the rain fell heavily.




Roger slowly stood up, his wife's body in his arms. Barely even thinking what he was doing, he started walking

back to town, filling the night with his lonely cries of anguish and despair.

"What the hell is that noise?" The young female, feline police officer said as she stood up.

"Sounds like crying." Another said. The howls of sadness grew louder and the three officers of the law started to

get agitated by the noise. The feline stood up and went out onto the veranda and as lightning crashed,

illuminating the area, she saw the wolf walking down the center of the road, his wife's body in his arms.

"Jesus Christ! Get out here!" The other two officers emerged from the building at the sound of their colleague's

distressed voice. When they saw the source of the chilling whaling, they rushed out into the rain.

Slowly, Roger walked into the town and under the light of the street lamp the police officers could see his white

fur was matted and stained red with the blood that flowed from his head wound. He cried loudly, barely even

aware of his surroundings as he trudged onwards, baring his wife as if calling out to heaven to give her back to


"What the... oh god no." The woman from the shop came out to see what the commotion was about and instantly

recognized the wolf and his vixen wife.

"Do you know them?" One of the officers asked her.

"They were going up to the mountains for a honeymoon, they were in my shop just a couple of hours ago."

The feline officer approached Roger and held out her arms to take his wife's limp body but snapped her hands

away again when he yelled at her.

"LEAVER HER ALONE!" Tears no longer fell from his eyes, all that could fall had already fallen. Roger fell to his

knees in the middle of the road under the light of the street lamp and continued to cry loudly, calling Mary's

name on occasion.

The rain poured heavily and a small crowd of people gathered around to pay their respects as the wolf held his

wife close to his body, calling her name again and again. Though the wolf was out of tears, more than enough fell

for him from the small group of people that stood around him as the thunderstorm raged onwards without concern

or care of the happiness it had ended so abruptly.

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