Hunter's Choice

Story by WolfTales on SoFurry

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#1 of A Pack of Wolves

If given the choice, would she choose her Alpha?

Hunter's Choice

She dropped low, the pulsing of her heart drilling fire through her veins, but she was silent. The deer twitched and lifted its head, but looked off to her left. Even the wild beast could not hear her silent steps; she herself had to think of it to tell she was even breathing. She was a pride of her species and her pack, though not very muscular or strong, she was deadly fast and quiet. Every sense was toned to the highest degree, her ears heard the first noises, her nose caught the first smells, and she knew no one who could match her eyes, lest they were of Aves decent. But the saying goes ‘as far as the Bird sees,' not the wolf.

Her mind on her purpose, her paws tested the ground, claws digging slightly into the loose dirt for a better grip. All the deer would see before it fell was a blur of white and a flash of yellow in the night. Even the beast's thud was silent to the forest.

His eyes were keen, watching the trees for any sign of movement; the vigorous training keeping the phantoms of twilight at bay. A swivel of his ear and he stood, spear in hand. "Who goes there?!" Not five paces away she emerged from the trees, deer over her broad shoulder and a wicked grin of her slender muzzle.

"Getting tired Garin?"

"You're just getting quieter, Shanna." He left his spear to lean on the tree he stood by and went to her side, examining her kill. "And stronger. This one's bigger than the last. And a beautiful wrack as well. Twenty points."

"Yes, they will make plenty knives for the fighters."

He smiled, still looking the dead best over. "Will you never take a trophy? So many think it odd you would not want to be proud of your skill."

"I am proud, but I do not need some worthless adornment to tell me I am the best. As long as my pack is fed to comfort and we have blankets and knives enough to go around. That is where I show my pride." She heaved her burden higher to her shoulder and lowered her head, but not her eyes, to her pack mate.

"Alpha will be pleased!" He called after her as in four paces even her white fur was lost amongst the trees.

"He always is." The reply made his black pelt stand on end, barely above a whisper and sounding as though it came from within his mind instead of out in the trees. He looked up to the branches overhead, shrouded in darkness. His watch should be over soon, he hoped his replacement would not be late again.

"I see you have returned victorious." His voice was deep and resonating, as anyone in command would be expected to sound.

"For the good of the pack, for the honor of our Alpha." She knelt beside the deer, now laid before the chair of trees the dark gray Wolf sat in. Her eyes were down cast and her neck bared to his will, as was customary and respectful in the presents of the pack's Alpha. Yet her heart gave no great leap of joy as it used to in the old formalities, though she could hardly blame it on their age.

Things had changed the last few winters, as her skill increased, and expectations where made known. Expectations that she was meant to follow. They were still apparent as her Alpha allowed her to rise. "Shall we drop the pesky formalities, I know how they discourage you." It was not a question, but even if it had been she would not have answered. Her thoughts were not ones openly said to ones leader.

He rose from his chair and, with the wave of his paw, bid his guards to leave them. By the time he had descended the few steps, they were alone in the hollowed, torch lit cavern. Her eyes were locked on his own now, but his were looking her over. She could feel them trailing across her bare fur and linger on her loin cloth, like all other of the pack, the only garment she wore. "The excitement of the hunt is still upon you. Would you not like to relieve yourself with me?" She had to hold in her sigh of discontent. ‘Expectations...'

She remained standing formally. "No, Alpha. I shall return to the den and see my kill is properly cared for."

"Did I not say to leave the formalities." The commanding tone grew stronger, though she knew he could never be angry with her. This was proven as his paw rose to her long head fur, draping white curtains about and past her shoulders. His claws ran through it invitingly, but she was unmoved by the gestures. "Why do you refuse your Alpha? Do you not wish to please your pack?"

"I please the pack with my service as hunter. But I have told you before, Alpha," though she said it with respect, the slight scolding tone brought his eyes finally level with hers. "As long as you ask I will decline. The Alpha has every right to claim what he wants, and until you do, I will perform the service that I have been trained to do."

His eyes were suddenly sad, but even that did not move her now, as she had stood there time and time again. He knew from puphood how stubborn she could be, yet he would still try to sway her. He let his paw fall back to his side, knowing as much as she. "How can I command you when I know your interests lay... elsewhere." She could hear him holding the distain as far from his voice as he could manage, but she never faltered. The moments were long and silent, till finally he turned from her and resumed his place as Alpha. "See to your kill, hunter, and may the light of the moon see you safely there."

She knelt and bared her neck formally once again before grabbing up her kill and heading out the way she had come in. When she was gone a skin curtain pulled back and a younger gray wolf poked his head into the cavern. "Yes, Ferrin, you can go now."

It was a short winding way to the den, and many were gathered, all of whom greeted her warmly. "Got another one for us? You certainly do keep us busy." Another, almost white Wolf rose from the ground and crossed to her. He let out a surprised breath when she shifted the deer to his own shoulder. "My, this one is heavier than the last. You must be getting stronger."

"So I've been told, Dain. Make sure to get use of everything, would you."

"Aye, no trophy for you, I know, I know. Be off with you. Get some rest." She smiled and headed off toward her own little den. When she was there she dropped onto her bed of pelts she had collected her first winter hunting, the only part she ever kept for herself. There was a faint smell, besides her own, to them still and she smiled as she buried her muzzle in the inviting memories.

Even almost asleep, she could hear the quite foot paws approaching. Recognizing their sound, she only pulled the pelt she lay on closer, sighing softly to herself. The skin of her door was pulled back and soft flame light poured in. Though her eyes were still closed, she smiled, hearing the torch placed in its holder. She sighed again as a cold nose nudged her shoulder. Obliging she rolled to her back and made room.

"Sorry it took so long, Ferrin was late again. I'd skin him if I didn't already know why. I'm not too late am I?" She slowly opened her eyes, smiling at the black wolf looking down at her hopefully.

"You are never too late, Garin. I always wait for you."

"That is why you're here and not with him."

"As long as I have a choice, I will always be here." She reached up her paw and placed it softly on his cheek. He leaned into it, even as it stroked back and into his long head fur, draping down to her mid forearm like a black curtain. Letting her claws reach through it, she took hold and pulled it back slightly. A groan escaped his muzzle as it fell open.

"Don't tease me, Shanna." She smiled and pulled again, but this time he emitted a low growl. Grabbing her wrists he pushed them down into the furs beside her head. Her yellow eyes flashed and suddenly her legs were entwined in his and she was rolling him over to his back.

Letting go of one of her wrists, he raised his own to the back of her head and pulled down. She tried to resist him, to tease him more, but he was still stronger than her. Though she tried to push back all the way down, when their maws fused together there was nothing stopping them. Her tongue was immediately enwrapped around his, a soft purr starting in her throat. His paw left her neck and began to travel down her form. Now the claws in her hair sent shivers along her spine and her mind begged for them to continue.

As if hearing her silent wishes, his paw continued down her back. She could feel him smiling into their passionate kiss as he felt her shivers and understood them. Reaching her hip, he pulled slightly on the cord and her loin cloth fell away from her. Breaking their kiss she looked down at herself; then, as she smiled back down at him, reached for his own cord. Looking down again to find it, he took his moment of opportunity and lifted her.

He stood and she groaned as he held her to the wall, just high enough for her to claws to scrape the floor. With one hand he pulled his own cord and the last remaining cloth between them fell away. Suddenly they were more than aware of each other heat and the excitement Shanna had felt during her hunt filled her mind. It was only instinct now as she lifted her leg, letting him hook it with his arm and lift her completely off the ground.

By now he was hard and ready, wanting nothing more than to feel her intoxicating heat around him. Bracing his arm with her leg over it against the wall to give him access, he let her hold her wait against him as he positioned himself. Letting her slip down just a little, she engulfed him, his own head fell to the crevice of her neck as hers fell back into the stone wall behind her.

Buried to the hilt, his knot was already starting to form. His tongue slipped out and licked at her collarbone and her head fell to the side. His cock pulsed inside her, as it always did when she showed such trust to him. He nipped lightly at the flesh beneath her white pelt, licking some of the blood from her kill still on her shoulder. Her groans had turned into grunts and moans as he moved within her, every thrust intensifying the rush she longed for. Her heart was pounding and her senses focused harder as his musk filled the small area, just as they did when she stalked her prey.

As her first orgasm ripped through her, her claws sank into the flesh of his shoulder. Cringing, his knees went weak and he leaned into her, both sliding down the wall. On his knees, it was easy for her to off-balance him. He fell to his back on the pelts, still inside her and she now sat across his lap. Thrusting in her still, he groaned loudly as she thrust back against him now.

He let his claws rake down her sides, sending shivers through her body as she rode him to her second orgasm, even more intense than the first. Feeling the pressure all around him made it hard to hold back. He gripped her shoulders and held her close as he rolled them again, thrusting deep into her as he pushed his entire body weight into it.

Her moans were so enticing, so encouraging that he made a point of withdrawing to the tip before thrust all the way back into her. But only three times and his knot was pressing against her, threatening to tie them together. He looked into her glowing yellow eyes, but she could only manage a half nod before her head fell back against the furs and she growled in lust.

One last withdrawal and he thrust back hard, feeling her flesh squeeze him till his knot broke within her and he was lost. Humping into her as hard and fast as he could, he felt her tighten around him harder till they both howled out, relieving a few nights of tension from both of their bodies.

Tied together, Garin slumped, but held himself above her. Their chest meeting as they rose and fell in time with each others, their warm breath meeting and filling the air not the only reason for them to sweat. His brown eyes met her yellow again as they opened drowsily, by now tired enough to sleep a day. She managed a smile and he leaned down, licking her white furred cheek.

Turning her head she nuzzled into his black fur, loving the warmth it held in these cooling nights. She was almost asleep when he could pull free of her, but awake enough to roll into his side, where she seemed to fit perfectly, as he rolled to his back. Her head on his chest and an arm beneath her neck, he held her close to him; both content enough with life to slip into dreamless sleep.

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This was a story commissioned by **Ritts** , written by **WolfTales**. The title just seemed to fit. Hope you all enjoy! * * * Her breathing was heavy, but still rhythmic. This was all work she was used to. And who needs a gym when you can...

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