An Orc's Kitty (Stream Story)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Taiko during yesterday's stream, we have his orc character Bruha braving something much more dangerous than anything he's come across before...a loudmouth Khajiit.

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An Orc's Kitty

For Taiko

By Draconicon

"I must say, you must be part bard. Why else would you keep showing off your rump in these freezing temperatures?"

I swear, this cat better shut up, or -

"I am grateful that you let me see it, however. Green is a wonderful color, or so I am told."

Bruha grumbled under his breath as his hired guard kept talking and talking as they kept walking through the snow, the orc unable to believe how much the Khajiit had to say. It was like buying one of those birds from the southern lands, except those things only knew a few words. Pity that it wasn't the case for this guy.

He glanced over his shoulder, the black and white striped feline following along a few paces back. His heavy armor and the sword at his waist spoke well to his equipment, at least; they hadn't actually had any fighting to do, so Bruha didn't know if the guy was actually any good at fighting. Probably was, considering how many people spoke well of him.

For his part, Bruha wasn't even sure of his name. Started with an I or something. In...something. Heh; he'd prefer to have something shoved in the guy's mouth, at this rate.

Sinking his sandals into a snow drift that was deeper than it looked sent a shiver down his spine, and Bruha reached up to one of the little gems threaded through his beard. A word and a touch released a small flame shield spell. He could feel the drain on his magic, but it was small enough, and the flames certainly took away that horrible, horrible cold. Water ran off as it was melted, only to refreeze a little ways off.

"By the way, I meant to ask."


"Why is it that you wear a kilt? I have not seen such a thing since my days in the east."

"That's cause I'm from the east."

"Ah, but you are a mage now, are you not? Surely, the College of Winterhold has something in your size. Perhaps a bedcloth, draped over you?"

The orc's fist squeezed his beard hard enough to pull out a few hairs by the roots. He let those fall to the snow, but resolved to fire this Khajiit as soon as this particular journey was over. He'd dealt with enough bandits on his own to know that they weren't too serious a problem, and he only needed another body for carrying his prize. Anyone, literally anyone would suffice for a job like that. The orc pumped a little more magic into the flame spell as it was dying, and turned his attention to the horizon.

They still had a long way to go. He recognized their destination, a spire off in the distance that stood over a cave. The mushrooms in there made for potent ingredients in several poisons and potions, and a couple of concoctions that young lords would pay a lot of gold for. That, plus a few of the deep ores and the venoms of some older creatures...well, it made for a profitable excursion, when he could bring enough of it back with him.

"We're getting close."

"Ah, are we? Perhaps you might tell me where we're going."

"Right there. There's a cave."

"Good. It will be nice to be out of the wind."

"You got that right. Getting -"

"And to have a view of something other than your rear end; perhaps you can walk backwards for a time?"

"You're damn lucky to be getting a view of what you are. Most people don't see it."

"Ah, then I believe most people are luckier than I. Are you sure you wouldn't wish to stop at a town? I'm sure we could 'borrow' a sheet and wrap it around you for proper coverage."

"...Okay, then, how about you lead the way?"

Bruha gestured ahead, and In-whatever stepped forward. He let the cat keep walking for a couple of steps before he summoned a new magic, a powerful, customized spell that he'd been developing in his time alone. Bandits might not have been difficult opponents, but they were good for testing out spells.

He lunged forward as the green light reached its full power, slamming his hand into the back of the Khajiit's head. The light exploded outwards in a powerful flash, turning the snow green in a circle dozens of feet around them. What wildlife was around scampered away, leaving the pair of them completely alone.

Bruha panted a bit, not releasing his grip on the suddenly-still Khajiit. The orc shook his head as he stepped closer, running one hand down the guard's arm, and then over the leather straps that held his armor on.

"What are you doing?"

The voice wasn't angry. For that matter, it was barely curious. It was...he guessed he'd describe it as relaxed, for the most part, a bit floaty and distant. Heh, probably was what the cat sounded when he was high, considering his past.

"Since you're so damn obsessed about my ass, I'm getting a good look at you. Can't do that while you've got armor on."

"Oh. Okay."

The Khajiit went silent again, and Bruha chuckled. It was something of an accomplishment to turn a Calm spell into a Charm spell, considering that nobody taught that sort of thing anymore, but there had been remnants of it throughout the land. The compulsion spells that forced a daedra to obey its summoner, combined with the effects of a Calming spell that made people think things were their own idea made a reasonable imitation of it, even if he was still working out the kinks.

Still, it was lucky that it had worked as well as it did. The last time he tried it, the bandit in question had been a bit of a blithering idiot afterwards. Bruha had gotten that part fixed, but he hadn't been sure if the cat could still talk.

"You know, I am very good with knots. I could get this off myself."

Unfortunately, he could.

"No, I'm fine."

Not true, honestly. The knots of the armor were tied on very, very well, and he doubted that he could get them undone without help. Grumbling, Bruha eventually reached for his knife and sliced through the leather, letting the armplates - followed by the breastplates, and then everything else - fall towards the snow. What was revealed...

"Mmmm, now look at you, kitty."

"What? Is there something on my back?"

"Heh, not yet."

Bruha smirked as he dragged his hand down the Khajiit's back. The fur was surprisingly warm and soft, as if In-whatever-the-hell-he-was-called kept it groomed on a regular basis. Feeling his way down, the orc nudged the cat's tail out of the way and started squeezing something that was far more interesting.

His smile grew as he felt how firm and muscled those ass cheeks were. They weren't as wide and rounded as some Argonians that he'd encountered, but they were definitely well-built. He gave them a good squeeze, pulling on them. Natural muscle resistance held them together, but he pulled anyway, forcing the kitty's hole to come out on display.

It puckered tight as a cold breeze came by, and Bruha chuckled.

"Getting a little cold there?"

"It is a cold day, Bruha."

"Well, don't worry. I'll get you warmed up...whatever your name is."

"I'm -"

"I wasn't asking."

It was a bit more difficult than simply casting a fire spell towards the ground, but not by much. A little work enlarging it, forcing more magic down the spell, made for a ring of flames around them that heated up the wind passing by, and the snow around them melted, too. The orc smirked as he pushed the cat down, and took a moment to enjoy the view from the front.

Yeah, the guard definitely had some experience; aside from the scars from prior fights along his arm and chest, he had some 'experience' with other stuff, as well. His groin was marked with a cock ring that wrapped around his balls and sheath, keeping him slightly excited at all times, and it even had a little bell hanging from the bottom of it.

He reached down, touching it, and then chuckled all the more.

"Oh, this is ridiculous...This thing's actually enchanted?"

"Ah, well, I admit that it was a discounted ring. Nobody thought that they could wear it, so I bought it and put it there."

"Well, that', I guess."

It must have belonged to a giant or something, because there was no way that an ordinary person could wear it in a finger, toe, or anywhere else. The band was thick, too, forcing the Khajiit's equipment forward by a good bit, and leaving him looking...well, nothing short of lewd.

Bruha gave him an appreciative pat, and then rolled him over.

"Alright, boy...I think it's time that I actually get something out of having you around. That mouth ain't worth a damn, so let's try this other hole."

"Oh, I think you will find my mouth worth much. Why, I've been told -"

"Stop. Talking."


It took about an hour for Inigo - he finally got the name out of the cat towards the end of their fun - to 'wake up' from the spell. By that point, they were in the cave, and Bruha had put the armor...mostly back on the cat. The breastplate was off, but that was a lost cause. The knife had cut off a little too much leather to leave that wearable without repairs. Instead, he'd rooted around through the cat's pack until he found a good bit of leather armor, and had shoved the Khajiit into that.

Inigo groaned as he stretched out, looking around.

"Huh...When did we get here?"

"A while. You started muttering or something while we were walking around."

"Ah. Must have been the skooma. I am sorry; it just happens."

"Yeah. Just happens."

"...Did we fall over or something? I feel -"

"Nah, that's just from walking. Come on, stuff's back here. You can squat over in that patch and start picking."

And I'll get a show while I do the same...

The End