Chapter Eleven

Story by Alice In Wonderland on SoFurry

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#12 of The Roommate

Sunday didn't end much differently than Saturday did. Oscuro and Xaver didn't have quite as many arguments, but Xaver tried to avoid his host as much as possible and slept out on the living room couch a second time.

When Monday morning arrived, Xaver slept in late again since he had left his alarm clock at home. He had only fallen partially off the couch that time and still had the blanket Oscuro gave him. The beams of sunshine coming in through the living room window finally prompted Xaver to wake up, but it took him a little while to do so. His eyes were tired and his body didn't feel like moving, but he finally forced himself to get off the couch.

He thought the sky was slightly lighter than normal, but didn't think anything of it until he looked at the clock on the wall and saw what time it was. "Son of a bitch!"

He had forgotten all about work, since he felt like he was living in an alternate universe since moving in with Oscuro. Because it was a workday, however, he needed to get ready and would have to hurry since he had woken up late.

First he wanted to find Oscuro. After storming angrily through the house, he found Oscuro in his bedroom fixing his hair. Feeling unusually bold, Xaver entered the room and glared at the cervine. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Oscuro laughed. "I'm not your mother. Can't you wake yourself up?"

"Not when I'm in a strange house. My sleeping pattern gets screwed up when I don't sleep in my own bedroom! Now I've gotten up late and I barely have time to get ready for work!"

Oscuro glanced at his watch. "And you're wasting time by shouting at me. It's not my fault your body decides to become lazy when you sleep in a strange bed."

"I'm not lazy!" Xaver argued. "I like to live by organization and you're completely fucking up my wake-up schedule by letting me sleep in! You should have at least been courteous enough to make sure your guest didn't oversleep on a damn workday!"

The grey-haired buck attempted to plug his ears, but unfortunately he could still hear Xaver. "You should hear yourself. You're like a nagging wife."

That remark infuriated Xaver the most and he tried not to turn red. "Well it's your fault I sound like that. You're not a very good host."

"If you're my roommate then that means I'm not entirely responsible for you," Oscuro shot back. "This isn't a hotel."

Not wanting Oscuro to find a way to win the argument, Xaver headed for the door. "Well I'm still pissed at you." He exited the room and slammed the door shut.

"You're always pissed at me," Oscuro muttered to himself. He wished he could change that, but at the same time, he enjoyed fighting with Xaver. It was exciting to have a nice, rousing argument with someone and it was almost as exhilarating as sex sometimes. He supposed he could have checked up on Xaver earlier that morning, but he honestly thought the other male could take care of himself. He didn't think he would ever understand Xaver.

Xaver, meanwhile, hurried over to his luggage so he could change into his work clothes. There wasn't enough time to take a shower and he would have to eat a quick breakfast. Stupid Oscuro. He was a completely inconsiderate moron and everything was entirely his fault. It was Xaver's choice to leave his alarm clock at home but Oscuro should have still helped him.

He locked himself into the bathroom and changed his clothes and washed his face. When that was done, he put his dirty clothes away and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Oscuro was nowhere in sight and Xaver helped himself to the food and kitchen appliances. He made himself toast and some tea, keeping his eye on the clock while he ate. It was only a few minutes before the time he usually left for work at.

Xaver finished breakfast and threw his dishes into the sink, not caring if he broke them or not. He supposed he could look on the bright side. He was going to work, where he would be in a building with his own little space that he could keep to himself in. He wouldn't see Oscuro for several hours.

Oscuro appeared just then, as if defying Xaver's hopes of solitude. "Get your ass in the car."

Xaver didn't move. "Can't you say it a little nicer?"

"After you came into my room and started bitching at me? No way."

"Can I at least brush my teeth first?" Xaver asked. He didn't feel entirely ready for work, but he would have to deal with it.

"Hurry up," Oscuro said.

Xaver quickly made it to the bathroom and brushed his teeth with super speed. His gums hurt afterwards and he thought he might have made them bleed a little bit, but he was only concerned with getting to work on time. He found Oscuro in the front room and sighed. "All right, I'm ready."

When he sat in the car next to Oscuro several minutes later, Xaver was silent and could only think about how close he was to being separated from the other male for the day. He grew impatient and started fidgeting in his seat. Oscuro noticed and made a guess at what was going on in the other fur's head. "Eager to get away from me, aren't you?"

Xaver smiled. "Of course I am. It's only the third day and I'm already so sick of you that hearing your name makes me want to stab myself."

"Well I'll be glad to have a break from your never-ending whining," Oscuro said, appearing unaffected by Xaver's words.

He succeeded in offending Xaver however. "I'm not a whiner!"

"You're whining right now."

"Just shut up." Annoyed, Xaver crossed his arms in front of his chest, wrapping his tail around his waist, and busied himself with looking out the window. All he ever did was fight with Oscuro and when he wasn't fighting with Oscuro, he was fighting with Hiro. He needed a break. When Oscuro drove into the parking lot of their work building, Xaver was ready to open up the car door and fling himself out of it, even though the vehicle was still moving.

His restlessness only increased when the car came to a halt in an empty parking space. As soon as the vehicle came to a complete stop, he ripped the seatbelt off, opened up the car door, and started walking across the parking lot without even a single glance at Oscuro. Oscuro sighed, got out of the car, and walked at a slow distance so that Xaver wouldn't think he was following him.

Xaver felt free as he entered through the doors of his work. He was by himself without Oscuro harassing him or insulting him or invading his personal space. He had wonderful freedom for a good portion of the day. Work had never been so welcoming.

He actually smiled stupidly to himself and cheerfully tapped his hand against the side of his leg in some victory rhythm. His salvation wouldn't last forever, of course, but he would enjoy it to the fullest extent.

When he got to his desk, Xaver sank down in his chair and just sat there for a moment, savoring his relaxation. When was the last time he had gone for so long without Oscuro nearby? He scooted his chair up to his desk and thoughts of relaxing temporarily disappeared when he stared at what was sitting on his workspace.

Xaver wasn't familiar with such accessories since he kept to himself and didn't establish relationships, but he knew that there was a tube of lubricant sitting on his desk, and it certainly wasn't the type of lube that was involved with cars.

He didn't know what the hell it was doing on his desk, but he wanted to get rid of it so he could work. He picked the tube up and deposited it in the small trashcan that sat next to his desk.

As if one little problem apparently wasn't enough, Xaver groaned aloud when he saw Hiro walking around up ahead. He had a feeling his boss was going to approach and tried not to smash something when the short man finally arrived at his desk. Hiro looked pleased with himself over something, which automatically meant trouble.

"Hey Xaver, does your ass hurt yet?" he asked as soon as he approached.

Xaver looked at him in disbelief. "I don't think that's a question appropriate for work."

Hiro spied the lube container in the trashcan and pulled it out, smiling wickedly. "You didn't like my little gift then?"

"You put that on my desk?" Xaver demanded. "I suspected it was you but I didn't give it much thought because I only wanted to throw the stupid thing away."

"Oh." Hiro's expression took on a more innocent shade. "I thought you would have liked to have it to ease up your first time. I was just trying to help."

The conversation was embarrassing and Xaver clenched his fists tightly to prevent himself from throwing something at the smaller fur. "Well I don't need it, so you can quit trying to give me stuff."

Hiro's grin returned. "So I guess you like it rough then."

Xaver looked shocked. "No! I don't! Don't you have anything better to do besides harass me all day? You never took any interest in me until you wanted to fire me!"

"And now I'm glad I've gotten to know you more," Hiro said. "You definitely make a boring work day more interesting. Since you're already throwing a fit this early in the day though, I guess I'll see you later." Still holding the lubricant in one paw, he walked away.

Xaver took his eyes off the other male and tried to bring back the aura of peace that previously existed. He wasn't going to let Hiro ruin his day. Not in any mood to work, Xaver propped his head up on his paw and half-shut his eyes, deciding he deserved to be lazy.

Hiro entered his office in a good mood, knowing that Xaver had probably been seriously unnerved during the weekend. It was obvious that Xaver wasn't getting along with Oscuro, since Oscuro had called Hiro on Sunday morning and attempted to get rid of his new roommate. Hiro laughed to himself at his own genius. He was torturing two employees at the same time.

He realized he was still holding the tube of lubricant and set it on his desk. It had served merely as a joke to provoke Xaver and had done its job well. Hiro personally had no use for the stuff. He thought it was a waste of time, since the sub always forgot the pain and enjoyed himself before long. Bel was a slightly different case though and Hiro needed whatever it took to win the other male over. Perhaps the lube would come in handy. His sudden lack of sexual activity was starting to take its toll on him and he was getting frustrated just thinking about it.

It had been a good idea to finally make a move on Bel while taking him home from the movies. Hiro planned on taking the next step soon, preferably that very day. All he needed to do was get himself alone with the rabbit.

He remembered where Bel's desk was and left his office to find the feminine fur. When he got there, however, Bel was nowhere in sight. That was odd, since Bel wasn't the type of person to come to work late or wander somewhere, slacking off on the job. He was either sick, or Kyle had managed to lure him away.

Hiro sighed. It seemed like Kyle always got to Bel first every morning. Hiro would just have to interrupt the two of them, just as he did every single time.

Kyle was at his secretary desk when Hiro found him, but surprisingly he was alone. The tall wolf was in his chair, trying to build a tower out of various items he found on his desk. Hiro strode over to the desk and roughly tapped on it, causing the tower to partially fall apart. A stapler came falling down and landed right on Kyle's paw.

"Ow!" Kyle pushed the stapler away and looked indignantly at Hiro, folding his ears back in anger. "What are you doing?"

"Getting your attention," Hiro replied.

"Well that was a mean way to do it! You wrecked my fun!"

Hiro ignored the other fur's pouting whine. "I haven't seen Bel around yet. Have you?"

"No." Kyle's pout immediately turned into a wide smile. "But I spent the day with him yesterday! We went to the amusement park and went on rides, played games, and had ice cream! Bel's got a really sexy tongue!"

"I know," Hiro said smugly. "I felt it in my mouth." He got satisfaction out of seeing Kyle's grin turn into a look of unhappy confusion mixed in with doubt.

"You're making that up," the secretary protested.

Hiro shook his head, smiling happily. "If you don't believe me, ask Bel and he'll confirm it to be true. He made out with me in my car on Saturday after I took him out for a fun time at the movies. He saw me with my pants down too." Hiro didn't embellish on what he meant by the last sentence, wanting Kyle to use his imagination.

The taller canine supposedly did just that, because his facial expression grew even less happy. "That doesn't mean Bel liked it," he said, still determined to disprove anything Hiro said.

Hiro shrugged. "Be your own judge then." He hadn't noticed it earlier, but he needed to use the restroom. He supposed he shouldn't have drunk so much water with his breakfast. He said farewell to Kyle, who refused to acknowledge him, and made his way to the bathroom.

He received a bit of a shock when he opened the restroom door and went inside. Bel was standing at the sink, appearing to be loitering there. Hiro was both surprised and pleased. "Bel. I didn't expect to see you here."

Bel had sought out refuge in the bathroom, wanting to finally have some peace and quiet to himself without Kyle and Hiro fighting for his attention. His plan obviously didn't work, because there he was all alone in the bathroom with Hiro again.

Hiro picked up on the slight sense of déjà vu and smiled. "The men's restroom again. This reminds me of Saturday."

"I'll get back to work now," Bel said. "I only needed to be in here for just a minute."

"Damn it, Bel, you're not in trouble," Hiro said, amused with the rabbit's attempts at maintaining a good employee image. He drew closer to Bel and laid a paw on his arm. "Have you decided whether or not you want to continue what we started on Saturday?"

The other male's touch was a minor thing, but Bel's pulse quickened anyway. "I don't know, Hiro..."

Hiro took his paw away and frowned. "I heard you spent the day with Kyle yesterday." His tone was accusing.

"Oh." Bel's face took on a slight red shade. "I guess Ky told you."

Hiro twitched. Ky? Since when did Bel start calling the secretary that? Hiro used the nickname sometimes, calling it out while engaged in sex with Kyle, and to hear that name coming from Bel's lips sounded like a threat. Provoked and suddenly impulsive, Hiro backed Bel up against the wall, doing it in such a way so that he and the taller male were nose-to-nose. "I can give you a lot more fun than ‘Ky' can with some ice cream and cheap game prizes. I've told you more than once, but I guess I need to prove it."

Bel didn't get a chance to respond because Hiro's lips were suddenly on his, attacking him with a pleasure that was familiar from two days before. Bel's back and head hurt from being pressed against the wall, but he didn't notice much because Hiro was kissing him harder, pricking his lower lip with his teeth in a way that was more exciting than painful.

Though he had wanted peace just minutes before, Bel found that he enjoyed himself and kissed back, completely manipulated by the moment. A gasp rose out of his throat when he felt something stiffen unexpectedly against his leg. He knew immediately what it was and tried to keep his face from turning warm.

Hiro's desire doubled in quantity as he grew hard. He rubbed himself up against the taller fur, making his sexual need even more apparent.

He considered going all the way with Bel right there in the next few minutes. He would then accomplish his goal and defeat Kyle easily, instantly becoming the victor with little effort. But somehow, he wasn't sure if he would feel like a true winner. A spontaneous fuck in a public bathroom wasn't something that was really worth bragging to Kyle about. When he took Bel's virginity, he wanted the sex to be so good that even Bel would brag about it.

Forcing himself to have self-control, Hiro took his mouth off of Bel's and let the pretty rabbit catch his breath. Hiro was breathing heavily himself, gently blowing air onto Bel's face. "Was this better than the first time?"

Bel didn't need to think up an answer to that question. Nobody had ever touched him the way Hiro did, but it was one of the most pleasant surprises he had ever received in his life. "You're really good at this."

"This is nothing." Hiro pressed his hardened cock against Bel, giving one last rub. "This isn't the time or place to have good sex, but you're welcome at my apartment after work."

Starting to become overwhelmed, Bel tried to pull away from the small canine's excited body part. He enjoyed what had just taken place, but sex was more serious and he didn't know how to reply to Hiro's proposal.

Fortunately, Hiro did the work for him and backed away a couple of paces so that there was space between the two of them. "I guess you're still not ready, so I'm not going to rush you. I want an answer soon though."

"I can't promise anything," Bel said.

"I'm not asking for a promise." Plenty of time had passed and Hiro knew he couldn't hold Bel hostage in the restroom forever. "You can go to work now. I'll take care of my little issue in private." He gestured at the crotch of his uncomfortably tight pants.

Bel said nothing and exited the bathroom, leaving his boss behind. Now that he was alone and in control of his senses, he was aware of the burning, tingling feeling within his body. His crotch burned worst of all, and though he wasn't erect, he felt on the verge of becoming so. Bel leaned against a wall for a moment to calm himself.

He didn't know how much longer he could go without giving in to Hiro. The short dog was his boss and Bel feared he could be fired or punished if he didn't obey. It felt almost like an obligation and Bel didn't know what to do about it.

Perhaps his fears would come to nothing. Hiro was in charge, but he didn't have control of life outside of work. Bel decided he would put the issue out of his mind and worry about it later.