The First Day Blues

Story by skaman on SoFurry

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This is the first part in a series which I hope to continue if I get good feedback.

Just a heads up, this story takes place in an obviously fictional time where humans are rare to the point where most furs go their whole lives without ever seeing one in person.

Sorry, no sex in chapter 1. Lots in Chapter 2 and on.

Chapter 1

John pulled his Honda Avalon into the open parking space and shut off his car with a quivering hand. His heart was pumping out of his chest as he was beyond nervous. His brain said to get up and out of the car but his shaking body would not reply.

Today is the day that John moves into his dorm and starts his college experience. But John is not an ordinary student at this school, he is a human. This was the thought that ran through his mind on a never-ending loop. He has had many previous experiences of people reacting badly to seeing him, and some people can be very mean.

For a human, John considered himself to be normal and nothing else. He was 5'10" with long blond hair that covered his eyes, and a build with little muscle, but very little fat.

He gathered up his courage and left the car, leaving his bags behind, and headed toward the school. He lit a cigarette as he walked to help alleviate some of his worries for he could already see the shocked reactions of the few furs that walked near him.

He entered the lobby of the dormitory and got at the end of a decent sized line right behind a 7 foot lion. Most furs were at least 5 or 6 inches taller than him, but the sight of this cat towering over him doubled his nervousness. He refused to look up and just prayed that the lion would not turn around. But unfortunately, the whispers and stares that were based around him finally made it around to the lion, who turned around to the human. John waited, his eyes to the floor, but when the insults and jokes he had come to expect never came he slowly looked up. The lion had completely turned around and was wearing a large smile that showed the human many of his very sharp teeth. John froze at the sight of the teeth and he didn't snap out of it 'till he felt giant velvety paws pin his arms to his sides and lift him effortlessly into the air.

"He's so cute" said the lion to someone behind him. "Do you know what room your in hun" the lion asked John.

"U-uuh no, not yet" he managed to finally get out.

"Don't be so scared, I like you and I really hope were in the same room, we could have a lot of fun". The lion finally put him down but rested his paw on John's head and said "I'm Josh and this is Scott (he motioned to a tiger standing next to him who was just shorter than Josh), "what's your name"?

"Uuuh John" he said with a shaky voice.

"Cool... oh" Josh was cut short when he realized he was at the front of the line and turned around. John could tell that there was some arguing between Josh and the lady behind the desk but he didn't really pay it that much attention. The tiger stepped to the side and it was finally John's turn at the dorm assignment table.

"Name" said a very bored looking Kangaroo. "Uuuh, John Fisher"

"Okay ... her we are, room 316, and you'll be sharing it with one roommate.

"Great" he replied and walked to the side of the table as to not block anyone's path.

"What room did you get?" said an anxious lion who had obviously waited for the human.

"Uum, 316" John replied.

"THAT'S GREAT!!, we're in room 317, right across the hall from you" beamed the lion, "we got to unpack now but I'll come and get you later".

"Okay but..." but before John could get a word through both of the cats had vanished.

John lit another cigarette as he clumsily brought his instruments from his car. His saxophone, amplifier, and both his electric and his acoustic guitars were all he could carry at the moment, while still enjoying his cigarette of course. Again he did his best to ignore the looks he received from furs in all directions as he entered the building.

"Thank God" he thought to himself as the elevator door closed without any other people joining him on it. He got off the elevator and proceeded down what he assumed to be the correct hallway, counting room numbers all the way.

John breathed a sigh of relief as he finally made it to the door with 316 on the front. He set down his amp and pulled out his key and upon unlocking and opening the door he truly regretted his choice, for now he would have to meet his roommate.

:Will he like me, will he think im a freak, will he think I'm a loser?" John thought, but it was too late, the door was opening.

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU!" he screamed in his head upon finding the room dark and empty. At that moment John also noticed the small group of furs that had collected in the hallway and had taken it upon themselves to stare at the human and whisper amongst themselves. So he grabbed hi amp and scurried into the empty room as fast as his legs would carry him.

He closed the door behind him and tossed all of his crap on the bed closest to him. He then proceeded to check all the areas of the room to truly make sure he was the first to arrive.

The stress and anxiety of the day, plus having to meet his roommate soon, was starting to eat away at John, but he knew one way to surely cure it. Playing his saxophone.

"I am alone and I'll play softly so as not to disturb anyone" he thought to himself.

So he got out his sax and started playing. But the soft tune he had begun playing quickly changed to a wailing blues song as John forced out all of his bad feelings through his sax.

When he stopped playing he opened his eyes to the sight of a powerful black wolf, standing 6 feet and 11 inches tall, in front of the doorway. To make matters worse, there was a large crowd of furs standing on the other side of the doorway with awed expressions on their muzzles. But John was quickly shot out of his trance at the sound of the wolf closing the door on the crowd.

"Oh My God, Oh My God, I am so sorry, I'm such an idiot, I can't believe everyone heard my terrible playing, I should just jump out the window right now." John said to no one in particular.

"Ha ha, funny and really cute, looks like I hit the jackpot" the wolf said as he walked over to John, "but you shouldn't say that about your playing, your one of the best I've ever heard and that song was absolutely beautiful, and my name's Indred by the way" The wolf was now in front of John and he begun rubbing John's head with his enormous paw like one would do to a puppy.

John began blushing profusely at the sexy wolf's compliments and treatments.

Indred gently lifted up on John's chin to bring the human's face up to his own.

"Man you are so cute I don't think I'll be able to ever let you go, I'll have to remember to thank my parents for randomly placing me in this room", said Indred.

"Parents" John thought, and a tar rolled down his cheek. He began walking to the door and Indred immediately knew something was wrong.

"Whats wrong John".

"Nothing, nothing at all" John said, barley able to speak through the tears as he kept walking. He didn't get far though because before he could even finish unlocking the door he felt giant, powerful arms and paws lock his arms to his sides and lift him into the air as Indred held him tightly to his chest.

"Something is obviously wrong" the wolf said as he walked back and sat down on the bed, all the while the human locked tightly in his embrace.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk" John began, "a couple weeks ago I decided that since I was moving out of my parents house, and moving across the country, I would finally tell them that I was bisexual. Well, no more than a minute after I told them they completely disowned me, like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. And at that moment when I knew in my head that life couldn't get any worse, my father decided to beat the shit out of me while my mother just sat there and watched". John began to cry a little more as he spoke, all the while trying his best to hold it in. "So I have had to spend the last 2 weeks living in my car, and when you mentioned your parents I remembered all the good times from when I was a kid and I just lost it. I'm really sorry about this".

To the boy's surprise Indred did not release him, but instead held the human tighter to him as he spoke. "I think your parents are the absolute scum of the Earth and its absolutely inconceivable that someone as beautiful and amazing as you came from them".

"I wish I really was beautiful and special, hell, even just one of them would be nice" said John.

"John" the powerful wolf began as he turned the boy around on his lap so they could face each other, "you are the most beautiful amazing person I've ever met, and it's true even if you won't believe it. I need to ask you a VERY serious question alright"?

"Okay". John replied confusedly.

"I now know that you are bisexual, and I am falling in love with you in a big way, so the question is, will you be MINE"?

"Yours?" asked John.

"Yes. You see, some people are submissive, and some people are dominators. I am a dominator, so when I ask if you will be mine, I mean that I would own you and completely take care of you. You would have no responsibilities but would have to do what I say or risk punishment. It's not like a pet though because we would be lovers and obviously love each other forever, and in love comes respect so I would never treat you poorly. Do you understand"?

"Yes I do", replied John, a smile beaming from his face, "and I would love nothing else than to be yours forever"!!!!!

Indred jumped up and turned John back around in his arms so that the humans back was against the soft fur of the wolf's chest and yelled "I love you John", and of course John returned the sentiment.

Indred tightly held the boy in his strong arms just basking in the moment until John finally said, "uum, love",

"yes my pup",

"are you gonna put me down soon, I gotta unpack",

"not anytime soon, you're my pup now" replied Indred with a sly grin as he nibbled and licked the neck and ears of the human he loved and owned.

"I'm definitely going to love this".

End of Chapter One.