In The Doghouse

Story by ComradeSch on SoFurry

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"But the only stories i read are slave romance bitchy shit[...] i like beating whips cuffs force type shit XD"


This short story was requested for LoneWolfSpirit16, between her OC's Maximum and Zero. This contains bondage, dominance, and blood. If you don't like it, then please do not read past this disclaimer. I am not responsible for what you read if you choose to read, ignore this disclaimer, then bitch about it (pun not intended).

Now, here's "In The Doghouse".


The glazed windows were covered in their shades, but moonlight shone through them, being the only source of light in the room. The room was a bit of a mess, and seemed to be a decent size, but even so, with a dazed female and a rather large male wolf in the room, it seemed to be exponentially smaller. The female had a bar seperating her ankles, and a set of cuffs holding her arms to the top of the four-poster's crossbeams.

She had cuts on her muzzle and arms, but didn't seem to notice the slight beads of blood that had pooled there- Until she groaned and raised her head to see the male, sitting cross-legged, and wearing an unimppressed expression, his tail flicking agitatedly. She knew immediately where she was. "Shit..." She noticed the cuts and looked at the male, who unfolded his legs to sit on his rump. "Max. About time you noticed you're in the doghouse."

"The doghouse" was where her mate Zero took her when she was being "bad", in his words. It was a room where no-one outside could hear anything, or see in- Which suited him just fine. Maximum tried to shift so her feet were behind her, but the bar tripped her and she fell forward, her fall suddenly stopped by the chains, landing her in a forward-leaning position with her arms stretched behind her, and her muzzle had ended up inches from Zero's naked, furry chest. He lowered his zipper and made his arousal readily apparent to her, grabbing the back of her head with one paw and shoving her head down on it. She didn't resist- Immediately, she let it go into her mouth and started gently sucking. Even though, to some outsiders, this was rough and appalling, she actually kinda liked it.

Zero murred and held her muzzle, shifting so that he was sitting on his shins, and he immediately thrusted, Maximum not expecting the sudden movement, and accidentally scratching his arousal with her teeth. He grunted and squeezed hard with his paws, digging deep into her skin, as he sped up his thrusting, getting to the back of Maximum's throat and partly blocking the air for a minute, causing her to choke, having nothing to process but cock and pre. Then, suddenly, he stopped, pulling out, and making Maximum gasp for air and cough. She panted, hard, as he ran a paw down, feeling her femininity to see how wet and hot it was. Of course, he was not disappointed with the amount of need she'd built up- So he kneeled and grabbed her ankles by the bar, putting her in a semi-sitting position against the headboard, and spread her knees, with a devious grin on his face.

Maximum's face didn't say much, but her ears were tightly back. She knew what was coming next- The bad bitch was about to really get it, and hard. She knew he was far from done with her, and he was nigh insatiable. She barely registered those large, strong paws grab her shoulders as her view was blocked by his massive torso and his head. The bar keeping her ankles apart was rested on his back, keeping her legs tight to his sides- And that wasn't the only way he kept her from moving, as he roughly tried to open her jaws to get a gag in there.

A slight twinge of pain, and she felt a new slowly-bleeding cut on her muzzle as he grabbed it, shaking her head. "Be a good girl and don't fight... Or I'll have to teach you a real lesson." She played around with him and resisted a bit more, just to add to the anticipation and extend the foreplay. Finally, he seemed to have had enough, and grabbed her jaws, holding them open as he put the gag in, making it extra tight. She'd disobeyed, and now, he was going to make her his bitch.

He adjusted himself as he grabbed her ear with his teeth, growling semi-playfully, then started thrusting. Immediately, Maximum let out a groan, which was completely garbled by the gag holding her tongue down. It had been too long since they'd done this before- She went limp, rejoicing in the feeling of a warm cock inside her, going deep, but somewhat slow. However, when it came to roughness, Zero had no equal. He thrusted a bit harder, making her tighter, and wetter as he went along, her juices making it easy for him to thrust.

He started huffing as she brought her head back, trying hard to breathe through her nose as he started pumping harder, his cock feeling more like a hand in size than what it actually was. She panted hard and moaned into the gag, feeling the sliding invader make it all the way to her womb and poke inside by a few inches- And his knot wasn't even inflated or even risking getting in there yet. It twitched needily, pulsing hard and fast as he continued to slam into her, making her whine, knowing that the hard slam wasn't even close to the end yet.

She panted hard as she felt a coming orgasm, but instead of speeding up, he actually slowed down- And he wore a face that clearly spelled trouble. He was still thrusting, and hard enough to keep her aroused, but he knew what he was doing. He sped back up, to build her nearly to an orgasm, only to slow down and make her reach the edge, but not letting her climax, and in ten minutes, he'd done that eight times.

"Don't stop!! Harder, damn it!!" She cried out, but her gag completely garbled it. Zero undid it, causing Maximum to cough and growl at him. "What did you say behind the gag, Maxxie?" "I said, don't stop! Harder, damn it!" Zero chuckled, and tossed the gag away. "Moan for me, bitch!" He started speeding up, leaving Maximum to moan and squirm slightly, panting hard and reaching that now all-too-familiar edge that she'd been pushed to so often tonight- But this time, she felt the oncoming slam she'd been anticipating all this time. Zero's wolfhood was now going as deep as possible, nearly thruusting faster than her juices could help it, and she felt him make one huge thrust, deforming her spade and slamming his knot home. She howled out as she finally climaxed, her spade convulsing and squeezing Zero's knot, causing him to go over the edge, and let loose a warm load into her, causing him to collapse on top of her. She nuzzled him gratefully- For all the roughness, there was still some tenderness, and she felt it coming out of her mate as he slowly licked her cuts.

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