Relieving Her Brother's Stress (Commissioned)

Story by Serinthia Kelberry on SoFurry

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#1 of Serinthia & Friends Adult Stories

In this short piece we find fraternal twins Timothy and Samantha Draftwood wrapping up their perspective weeks at their jobs, although Timothy may be stressing out over his a little too much for his sister's liking, so she comes up with a good way of helping him relax and get his mind off work for awhile by reminding him there's much more fun things to do than write code all day.

This was the first story I ever commissioned from someone and it worked out so well I just decided i had to have more.

Characters belong to me, but the work itself was written by Joshiah and originally posted here.

He takes commissions most every month and does good work so when you're done here, feel free to see what else he can do.

A simple, white sun dress probably wasn't the best thing for an employee in a flower shop to wear, but it was perhaps the most comfortable piece of clothing Samantha Draftwood could find, and when it came to putting in long hours at the store, comfort was always more important than fashion sense.

Her dress might argue, of course, as pigment streaks of red, pink and yellow stained the once pristine dress, but Samantha didn't much care; she considered the stains to be a badge of honor, and proof of the passion and effort that she pumped into the store. In a way, it was as if life itself was painting her dress with proof of the work that she'd done, and the delightful aroma of every flower that she touched stayed within the fabric of the dress, leaving her with the most pleasant scents to enjoy on the short walk home.

It was, after all, only a couple of flights of stairs from the flower shop to the apartment that Samantha shared with her brother, Timothy.

"I don't care how comfortable this dress is...I can't wait to get out of it and wash this day right off of me," Samantha murmured to herself as she entered the apartment. She closed and locked the door behind her as she'd always been taught to do, and wiped her paws on the floor mat, saving herself the trouble of having to clean up the carpet later on. She took in a deep, heavy breath and left the stresses of her work day at the door, not wanting to carry them into the apartment and dump them onto her brother...she knew that he was a very busy and serious type, and that kind of outside stress could completely derail his progress.

Though she didn't know the nature of it, Samantha was aware that Timothy had been working rather diligently on a tech project for the past couple days, and though Timothy was skillful enough to be able to work from home and contract his services out to companies, that didn't make his work any less stressful or difficult. Ever the loving sibling, Samantha always did her best to give her brother the breathing room that he needed to focus, but she took it upon herself, as well, to make sure to step in when Timothy was clearly overworking himself.

Frazzled hair, tense shoulders and an overall appearance of maddening dedication were a sure sign to Samantha that her brother needed to take a break, whether or not he realized it.

The female, and slightly younger raccoon was as quiet as she could be on her paws as she walked from the doorway of Timothy's office to stand right behind his chair. She silently rested her paws upon his shoulders, knowing that he likely never even heard the door opening when she came home. "You've been working on this code for three days, brother...don't you think it's about time you took even a little break?"

Timothy nearly jumped out of his chair at first, becoming so enveloped in his coding work that he was nearly living in his computer, rather than the outside world. "Yeesh, Samantha! You almost scared the pants off of me!"

Well, that would have made my plan a whole lot easier... Samantha thought, trying to hide a quiet giggle as her pawtips began to work into the painfully tense flesh of her brother's shoulders. "I didn't mean to startle you, Timothy. I'm just trying to get your mind off of that machine for more than five seconds at a time. Your shoulders feel like rocks."

Dedication was both a strength and a fault for Timothy, who would work himself to death if there wasn't someone present to stop him. His lungs tried to pull in a deep, relaxing breath, but it clearly wasn't enough to bring him away from his work, and slowly, he turned back to look at his fraternal twin. Their hair was a perfect match, at least, in the wild shade of blue that it shared, though his was cut cleanly, nice and neat to his head, while Samantha's easily cascaded down to her shoulders in soft, gorgeous tresses. Eyes of brilliant green were reflected in each sibling, and for a moment, Timothy took comfort in the calm and caring curve of Samantha's smile.

"You're awfully dirty, sis. You sure you aren't the one who needs to take a break?"

Samantha felt a faint warmth creeping up under her cheeks. Timothy had intelligent, caring eyes, but they carried a certain weight with them; she could feel them roaming down from her smile to the slim lines of her neck, and down further into the valley of her subtle, modest cleavage. "It was a full day at work, to say the least...but my day is over and done with, and I've got a long weekend off to look forward to. You don't have that same I wanted to cut you off before you worked yourself to death."

The voice of the female raccoon was friendly enough, but at the same time, it took a very stern tone near the end, and Samantha refused to release Timothy's shoulders. He was losing the will to fight her off and get back to his work the moment that she first touched him, but as sharp, teasing claws began to scratch delicately at his upper back, Timothy melted into his chair. He had just enough wherewithal to reach over and save his progress before he gave in completely, slumping back into the skillful grasp of his affectionate sister.

"Mrnnn... all right, all right. You've won me over, Samantha. I'll take a break for a little bit."

Determined paws refused to slow their assault, and Timothy could feel the last of his work ethic being literally kneaded out of existence. "A little bit?" Samantha asked, unable to keep from grinning, knowing that she was going to win this battle.

Timothy could barely find the words to reply. Samantha knew all of the right spots to touch; his body was like the back of her paw, and she knew it every bit as well as she knew her own. Just moving her thumbs in slow, delicate circles above his shoulder blades was enough to leave him a drooling mess in his swivel chair, but she wasn't going to stop there, even if Timothy finally conceded...and he did.

"For the n-n-night..." the male raccoon tripped over his words, drawing a happy giggle from his twin sister. At their age, just growing into their 20's, such a close relationship between siblings might be considered a little taboo, but if you'd known these particular raccoon twins for a long time, it was likely you knew their dirty little was something much less innocent than floral stains on a white dress.

Sharp, short fangs came into contact with the smooth, velvety flesh of Timothy's right ear as Samantha nibbled upon it, leaning in close so that she could whisper to her brother in a low, seductive rumble. "Good...because I have something in mind that's a lot more relaxing than a little massage..."

Sparkling green eyes went wide as Timothy bit down on his own lips, trying to muffle a delicate gasp. His sister had the perfect touch upon his sensitive ear, but she was just as much a tease as she was a caring lover; the nibble was followed by a quick, momentary suckle, and then went away completely, leaving Timothy wanting more, now that his mind was starting to catch on to what his sister had planned. He was instantly dizzied as his swivel chair was rapidly spun around, and Samantha stopped it just in time for him to be staring up at her...and the playful, sinister grin that danced across her lips. "And just what were you planning to do...?"

"Don't play dumb," Samantha replied, every bit as quick in her reply as she was blunt. "I could feel those gorgeous, handsome eyes dancing their way down my body," she claimed, as she reached up and gripped the low cut of her sundress. She pulled down and away from her body, allowing more of her cleavage to come into view, and the smooth, soft fur upon the top of her breasts, as well. She stopped just short of showing off the skimpy fabric of a white bra, but while Timothy focused on the higher end of the show, he didn't even notice Samantha's other paw reaching down and lifting the bottom of the dress, flashing a cute, slim pair of white cotton panties at him...until, of course, the slim, toned fur of her underbelly appeared above it. The contrast of smooth, milk-chocolate fur and innocent, white cotton was impossible to miss.

Even if Timothy's mind was still trying to grasp at the final straws of his work ethic, his body was already far and away from anything work related. There was a tent forming at the crotch of his jeans, one that Samantha took a shameless look at, licking her lips all the while and making Timothy feel like he was more of a meal than a mate. "Can you really blame me, sis? Wearing an outfit like that and putting your body so close to mine, I really couldn't help it..."

Samantha shook her head just a little bit, but she followed the gesture with a quick wink at her brother. "You don't have to help it, brother mine...and you know that."

The slightly oversize sundress came further and further up Samantha's body, until her whole abdomen was exposed, right up to the underside of her breasts. Her bra just barely managed to contain her bosom, and thanks to a little practice in the art of undressing, pawtips snuck under the cups of the bra, and along with the sundress, Samantha tossed her bra back and over her head, all in one fell swoop. Only a pair of panties preserved what modesty she had left, but she'd be the first to say that modesty was overrated, at least, when her brother was involved...and he was quite literally starting to drool at the sight.

"Well...what do I have to do to get those panties to come off?" Timothy asked, as his mind finally started catching up to his body. Though Samantha seemed to be taking the reins on this sexual endeavor, that wasn't the norm for the incestuous pair, and Samantha knew it was only a matter of time before her brother took control of the moment again.

While she had control, however, she was going to do whatever she wanted with him, and nothing sounded more enticing to her at the moment than a mouthful of her twin's thick, throbbing cock; the same one she could see bouncing against the front of his jeans, begging to be released from a prison of denim. "Not a damn thing," Samantha dryly replied, as she hooked her thumbs into the waistline of her panties and tugged them right down, letting them roll up into a thin, coiled ball of fabric as she did. She kicked them aside and wasted no time in proceeding, slowly going down to her knees, right in front of her own brother, completely in the buff. "But I wouldn't mind if you spread your legs just a little bit to make this easier on me..."

Without a thought, Timothy's legs opened up to his sister. She was every bit as efficient as she was eager, and her paws were shameless in their pursuit of his body: nothing was off limits, and though she took a quick, casual stroke of the inside of his thighs, it was only to make her way into the crotch of his jeans. His belt didn't stand a chance, coming apart rather easily, and the button to his jeans was undone even faster. It wasn't until Samantha reached the zipper that she finally slowed down, deciding to catch the end of the zipper in her she could look up at Timothy and pull it down, painfully slowly, with only her teeth.

Timothy's ears flickered as he had to wait and listen to each set of teeth in the zipper coming apart one by one, in a series of quiet, yet surprisingly audible k-tik, k-tik, k-tiks, until Samantha was finally at the end of the line. She never once took his eyes off of his, and never stopped grinning, even as she released the zipper and leaned over the smooth, comfortable fabric of his loose, casual boxers.

That fabric did nothing to hide his cock, and it popped straight up as soon as it had the room to move, but Samantha wasn't quite satisfied...she knew her brother could get just a little bit harder, still, and being the tease that she was, she opened her maw over the very tip of his member, watching as it drooled precum through the fabric, and let out a warm, gasping breath upon it. The heated air from her muzzle was like a bath of warm wax upon his manhood, enveloping the head in a quick, fleeting, and most of all thrilling heat...but it never lasted long enough to satisfy the male raccoon.

"G-good girl..." Timothy groaned, tilting his head back in his chair as Samantha hovered over his waiting tip. She slid her tongue forth, never actually touching his flesh, but she let her saliva begin to bud on the end of her wet, moist muscle, until it dripped down in a slow, steady stream to Timothy's boxers, soaking right through the fabric and teasing his length that much further. "Such a naughty little sister..."

Samantha could feel a fresh flush rushing into her cheeks, until her tail started to curl with delight. She simply loved that title, and as she watched her brother's flesh throbbing helplessly in a cage of fabric, she decided he was finally hard enough for the main event. Licking her muzzle in anticipation, she reached forth and gripped his boxers, yanking them down hard, and pulling the waist of his jeans with them to slide the whole ensemble down his thighs _just_enough that it would stay out of her way. Bouncing up like a spring, Timothy's cock was finally exposed for Samantha to visually appreciate, and she couldn't help staring at it for such a long time that even Timothy began to wonder when she'd actually go in for a taste.

But that taste...

Oh, gods...that taste...that sweet, delicious fucking cock... Samantha praised her brother mentally as she leaned forth and kissed the end of his member, leaving her lips a bit too busy to speak. She was well done with teasing now, and was quick to take the whole head of the impressive length into her maw, swirling the flat of her tongue around every inch that she held as she felt a light trickle of juices starting to run down her thighs. It took every modicum of restraint that she had not to reach down and start fingering herself in front of him, but there would be time for her fun later...for now, pleasuring her brother was her only objective, and judging by the wince of his eyes and the way his jaw hung agape with a silent, passionate moan, she was doing one hell of a job.

Finally, Samantha felt a familiar grip in the mess of her bright, blue locks of hair.

"You can take m-more than that, Samantha...I know you can..."

She knew it was only a matter of time before the dominant side of her brother made an appearance, and putting herself on her knees, in a submissive position was the perfect method to help bring it out of him. The blowjob could almost be considered an extra gift, but one that Timothy had earned full well, given how hard he'd worked that day.

He put almost as much effort into his code as Samantha put into her oral exercises. She responded to every single touch, and as tired, weary pawtips tangled into her hair, she leaned further forward, gulping down on the head of Timothy's manhood and swallowing it further into her maw. She allowed herself to drool playfully upon it, watching closely as the thin, clear trails of liquid began to course down to the base of her brother's sack, leaving the sensitive, peach-fuzz fur upon it soaked through, and that much easier to tease.

Samantha had her technique down to a science, and a quiet, pleasured rumble from the back of her throat was the only sound she made as she took a grip of the thinly covered orbs between Timothy's legs. She squeezed as gently as she could to start, getting a feel for where each ball was sitting that day, before moving her pawtips upon each one individually, her touch little more than a tickle or a playful stroke. "T-that's the way, sis...g'damn," Timothy groaned, tilting his head back just slightly and gritting his fangs as Samantha lazily bobbed her head back and forth on her mouthful. Each quiet, happy rumble from her throat vibrated through the smooth, delicate flesh of her brother's cock, sending chills up into his groin to settle in the pits of his tummy, leaving him that much closer to a climax, and leaving Samantha that much more eager for a creamy finish to the evening.

If it were up to her, she might even actually tease him and leave him this way, forcing him to wait through dinner to actually finish. She knew all too well that having to wait on the verge of a climax would throw him into a sexual frenzy...but a quick, harsh tug on the back of her head made it clear that she was no longer in control of the moment.

Thin, slick, tasty juices spilling from the folds of her sex made it clear that this was just what she was hoping for.

"I said deeper,'re barely halfway down!" Timothy grunted forcefully at his sister, his gritted fangs finally turning upward into a borderline devious grin as Samantha's eyes glanced up at him and softened. She could do her best to look cute and innocent for him, but Timothy saw right through it, and he knew that she wanted this every bit as much as he did, just from that one, chance meeting of their eyes. "If you really wanna h-help me're gonna have to take the whole thing!"

Whether she was ready or not, Samantha widened her eyes in shock when she felt a forceful push on the back of her head. Timothy winced his eyes shut and his grin grew wide with delight as the tight, swallowing throat of his sister enveloped his entire cock from the tip to the base, coating all of it in a thin, glistening layer of her dripping saliva. Excess trails of the clear fluid started to pool in the seat of Timothy's chair as Samantha opened her throat up as wide as she could, just managing not to gag on the length; her brother was plenty well endowed, but she had plenty of practice at taking the same, and after deep-throating him enough times, she was perfectly adjusted to the subtle curves of his manhood, the thickness of his flesh, and the way that the tip of his member drooled against the back of her throat, every time she swallowed her muscles around it. There was even a comforting warmth that came along with taking the length, as Samantha felt the familiar heat of precum spilling into her gullet, proving that her brother was just steps away from the orgasm he so rightly deserved.

There was another low, needy rumble as Timothy pulled back just slightly, allowing that same, clear, salty fluid to spill on Samantha's tongue. As the male raccoon pulled back, tiny, looping strands of spittle hung from the underside of the shaft and dripped to the floor in slow, arcing webs, a testament to the dedication that Samantha felt for her own flesh and blood. "N-not bad, sis...not bad at all..." he just managed to speak, having to catch his breath mid sentence. Truth be told, he could have stayed right where he was and finished, but he wanted to see that look in his sister's eyes one more time: the look that echoed just how badly she needed this, and how deeply she desired every drop of cum that he'd been saving for her.

Those bright, brilliant green orbs were narrowed just slightly at him. Being of a more submissive nature, Samantha would never voice her frustration at her brother for pulling out, but she didn't need to; her gorgeous features couldn't hide their emotional content, and from that satisfaction alone, Timothy could have given his cock a quick stroke and painted his sister white with his seed.

For her efforts, however, he wasn't going to leave her wanting.

"Open those pouting lips," Timothy murmured, unable to keep from snickering as Samantha's face widened into a bright, smiling visage. She closed her eyes and opened her maw just enough for the very tip of Timothy's cock to sneak back inside, and she kept her muzzle tightly gripping around it the whole way, letting the flat of her tongue tease every inch of his underside, and the roof of her muzzle tease every inch of the top. She could feel tiny spurts of precum tickling against her taste buds with every moment of the slow, teasing advance, but right when Samantha thought she had her brother all figured out...he slammed his hips forth, pressing Samantha's muzzle right into the smooth, toned flesh of his groin. In an instant, his cock was as deep as it could reach into her throat, and Samantha swallowed tightly around it, purely out of reaction. Her eyes flew wide open, and her pupils shrunk down to tiny dots as she felt the first burst of fresh, sticky cum spilling into her throat, drawing a sweet, low rumble of satisfaction from her.

That one last thrust was literally all it took, and Timothy couldn't help shaking in his chair as his claws dug deep into the locks of his sister's blue hair. His paw was rattling the back of her head as the thick, deep veins in his cock pulsed and his sack contracted in the grip of her paw, forcing even more incestuous seed to coat the walls of her throat. She could feel that warm, forbidden seed pouring right down into her tummy, and her tail curled with a delighted taboo as her body echoed her desire for her brother, the trails of her arousal nearly reaching to her knees and threatening to soak into the carpet. "S-Samantha...yes...y-yes! Fuckin' swallow it, sis...swallow all of your big brother's cum...nnngh!"

The praising groans of her brother were more than enough motivation for Samantha to stay and do her job. Despite the plentiful load that continued to spill into her maw, she never let even a single drop hit the floor, and the moment she felt the intensity of his bursts starting to fade, she pulled back a little bit, wanting to feel that creamy, tasty mess upon her tongue; she needed a proper taste of it, and her brother was too deep in the throes of an orgasm to try and stop her. The chair continued to rattle under Timothy as he shuddered with delight, and Samantha, calm as she could be, took a gentle grip around the base of his shaft and looked up at her brother with lustful eyes, opening her maw so he could watch and see the slow, oozing flow of his cum simply soaking her tongue and the rest of her maw. The display left Timothy to let out a low, delighted growl, unable to find the words to properly praise his sister for such a lewd, wonderful show.

When the last drops finally came free and Timothy had nothing left to offer, Samantha closed her maw with a quiet click of her fangs, and smiled at her brother before making sure he heard the deep, audible gulp of the last of his seed being swallowed. Samantha was a professional, if nothing else, and not even a trace of seed made it anywhere past her lips, making their forbidden encounter that much easier to clean up after.

"I swear, somehow, you keep getting even better at this, sis," Timothy muttered to Samantha, still doing his best to catch his breath in the aftermath of the impressive oral display. "You usually spill at least a little bit."

"Practice makes perfect, big brother," Samantha replied with a quick wink. "And that's why you're so good at your job, which...I believe you've left unfinished."

After such an act, most men would prefer to take a nap, relax, or get something to eat, but Timothy beamed with excitement when his sister brought up the coding work. "You mean you're gonna let me finish?"

"Well, of course!" Samantha suggested, as she slowly stood up. She leaned over to her brother and pressed a small kiss upon his cheek, before spinning on heel away from him, keeping her tail lifted just slightly so he could see how aroused she really was, just from sucking him off. "I've got to go take care of dinner, of course. An appetizer like that really works up an appetite."

Timothy felt his own eyes widen this time, as he could see just how matted down Samantha's fur was with trails of feminine arousal. Her labia were pouting and just slightly swollen, enticing him into taking a taste...but Samantha, perhaps guessing that he would, was quick to take another step away from him. "I imagine it does," he agreed, before cocking an eyebrow at her. "Aren't you gonna put your dress back on?"

Samantha shook her head as she finally walked out of the room. "It's already a mess enough as it is. No need to make things worse when you come down for dinner."

By now, Timothy wasn't sure if his sister was talking about food or sex, but he didn't much care...either one sounded amazing at the moment, but he had a code to work on, and he knew that his reward for finishing his work was going to be even better than the appetizer.