Testing the Water

Story by drakoman on SoFurry

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#1 of Oceans of Pleasure

-Disclaimer: Seriously? If you don't know a disclaimer by now, I guess I'll give one...

-Disclaimer: Seriously? If you don't know a disclaimer by now, I guess I'll give one to you.

This story and its characteres belong to Brotiger (Ixbran elsewhere) and myself. At least ASK before using any of this.

Any flames will be used to keep me warm in the winter; if you're gonna criticize, you can at least give me some suggestions.

And if you're under 18 years old... well, you know what you're getting into, right?

Trouble. That's what. :P


Marching along the beach, clad in nothing but a pair of tight swimming trunks, Rayzor the orca smiled. He was a very well muscled orca, his white stomach lined by lightning lines of black, unlike the normally rounded patterns of normal orca. His muscle was well defined, but not obscenely so; you could trace the outline of every muscle. Standing at 7 feet tall, he was one of the taller furs on the beach, and he was on a mission.

Rayzor was looking for an addition to his harem; it was beginning to be an embarrassment how small it was. All of the other males in his pod had at least two or three in their harems, even the young bulls of 16 and 17. Rayzor was 25 and he didn't have a single person in his harem. As he scanned the beach crowds, he noticed one he liked. ~About 21 years old... good body, just how I like it. Let me see what I can do...~ He sauntered his way over to the one he had seen.

Brian blushed as he walked down the stairs from the docks next to the parking lot down to the candy beach. He and his family were on vacation and while they went about in the town to shop for souvenirs and such, he wanted to spend time at the beach.

Despite him being 21 years of age, Brian was rather small, only being 5 feet and 4 inches tall. He had a thin body, slender, giving him somewhat of a curvy body type. He had a deep, natural tan and dark brown hair, which had red highlights due to the sun shining upon his hair, which was waist length and wavy. He wore a man's bikini bottom, which was purple with blue thread linings. He wore a bright purple sash around his waist, made of silk, along with a small jacket made of the same material. All in all, he almost looked like a girl. The only way you could tell he was a male was due to his flat chest.

He had a towel in one arm and a duffle bag strapped on the opposite shoulder. He was looking for a spot to put his stuff to set up his place on the beach when he saw an orca morph heading his way. He blushed somewhat and took a few steps away, he wasn't good at talking to new people, anthro or human.

Rayzor smirked as he walked over to the boy; yes, definitely him. He stopped beside him and leaned over, his massive body casting a shadow over Brian. He smiled disarmingly, closing his ocean blue eyes and leaning over even further so he was almost nose to nose with Brian. "Hello. How are you?" He looked Brian up and down, pretending to look at all of the equipment the boy was carrying. "Ready for a fun day on the beach, are we? Need a hand?"

Without waiting for an answer, Rayzor reached out and snatched the bag and the towel from Brian, turning and walking down the beach. "I know the perfect spot for you; follow me." He smirked as he walked, making sure to seductively wave his tail just enough to attract attention.

Rayzor walked a ways down the beach, dumping Brian's bag and towel in a hidden cove that, from the inside, didn't actually look hidden. He called over his shoulder, "Here; it's nice and quiet here. Plus, the water's always warm." He turned to the boy coming up behind him and stuck out a large hand. "M'name's Rayzor. Yours?"

Brian almost had a heart attack as the large orca male approached him. He felt very small as the orca loomed over him. When the orca had taken his things, he jumped a few feet away, unsure what to do. It was nice the orca was offering to help, but the fact he didn't bother to wait for Brian to answer made him somewhat nervous. He quietly followed the orca, his arms wrapped around himself. Soon they were on a spot on the beach that seemed to be a bit far away. After he watched the orca set everything up for him, he smiled a bit, taking the orcas hand in his when offered a hand shake.

"Uh ... my names Brian .... Rayzor, right? It's a very interesting name ..."

He looked the orca over, noticing the strange patterns on his body; zigzag shaped, unlike the orcans' normal smooth lines.

"Is it because of your color patterns?" he tilted his head slightly as he asked.

Rayzor smiled, shaking Brian's hand heartily. "Very nice to meet you, Brian." His heart warmed to his choice immediately. ~I made the right choice. ~

He laughed at Brian's question and stroked over his chest almost lovingly. "Yes. As you said, I was named for my... peculiar patterning." He smirked again, already enjoying the first addition to his harem. ~Now how to get him into the water... ~

He looked over his shoulder at the water, then back at Brian, smiling once again. "Have you been swimming yet? The water here is AMAZING, I can tell you."

Brian's face turned a bit scarlet as the orca smiled at him; why he was blushing, he didn't know. He always had a thing for anthros but he was always too shy to approach one. And this one was being so nice to him despite having just met. He looked out towards the water when the orca had mentioned swimming and smiled.

"No, I haven't yet, but I suppose it would be fine to go swimming now before my family shows up and begins bothering me."

He removed the silk sash and the matching silk mini jacket setting them in his bag next to his towel, and began heading to the water with the orca.

"You know this is my first time to an actual beach. My family lives in Utah; it's basically a desert there. Always hot, and the air's always dry. This place is a lot nicer, and despite being always warm it's a moist heat which I find very relaxing."

He was now wading into the water and he smiled when he felt how warm it was, like the orca had said.

"Ohhh, this feels so relaxing; thank you so much for bringing me to this spot."

Soon the water got too deep for Brian to stand and he began swimming around. For one who lived in a desert, he was a very good swimmer. He was currently floating on his back, enjoying the warmth of the sea water, his eyes closed.

Rayzor smiled; he was genuinely glad Brian was enjoying the water. Not many humans could understand the peace the ocean could bring. Rayzor ran into the water and jumped, performing a perfect dive, entering the water with very little splash. He swam around in the warm waters off the West Coast for a while before focusing back in on his goal; getting Brian back home. ~Hmm... ~ Rayzor swam over to him, treading water with his head close to Brian's. "Hey, you want to see something cool?"

Brian repositioned himself to the upright position, watching the orca swim about under the water. He couldn't help but be a little jealous; he had always wished he could breathe underwater, but being a human made it impossible. He blinked a bit when Rayzor suddenly appeared in front of him. He blinked when Rayzor asked him if he wanted to see something interesting, and then he nodded.

"Sure, I'm always up for a little adventuring. I bet there are all kinds of interesting things here in the ocean, even on the shallow beaches. What is it you wanna show me?"

He was exited, wondering what it was the orca wanted to show him.

~And so you become mine, little fish. ~ thought Rayzor. "Do you have goggles? Cause I want to show you what's out here." Again, without waiting for permission, he swam quickly back to shore, grabbed goggles from Brian's bag, and swam back. "Here; put these on and take as deep a breath as you can. We're going scuba diving!" And with that, Rayzor dove underwater.

Brian was about to respond to Rayzor's question about having goggles, but was unable to answer as the orca had swam back to shore and began searching his things. Rayzor soon returned with Brian's set of swimming goggles and he smiled a bit, taking the goggles and putting them on. When told he needed to take as deep a breath as he could, Brian just nodded.

"Don't worry about me; I happen to be in choir. Been singing most my life, and all that singing has helped me develop pretty strong lungs. I can hold my breath for maybe over a minute, though maybe a bit longer."

He was really excited to see what it was the orca wanted to show him, glad he decided to come to the beach rather than go into town with his family.

Rayzor grabbed Brian's hand, squeezing reassuringly, and pulled him underwater.

He began to swim around, showing Brian some of the wonders of the sea; the brain coral, the schools of fish that parted when they swam by, and all of the various sea life. Rayzor continually swam deeper and deeper and farther out to sea and away from the cove. ~Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly...~ he thought to himself.

If Brian hadn't been holding his breath the entire time, the sights he had been seeing would have taken his breath away. Everything was beautiful, even more so than the books he had read about the ocean. After a few minutes of holding his breath he began to feel light headed and dizzy due to lack of air. His grip on Rayzor's hand began to loosen and he was slowly losing consciousness. All of a sudden his brain went into over drive and his grip on Rayzor's hand tightened; he began pulling on his arm with the hand that held onto him, and using his other arm to point upwards. If he held his breath for much longer, he was going to pass out and drown.

Rayzor quickly realized what was going on with Brian, but was reluctant to let the boy go up. ~He might realize how far out we are... ~

Instead, Rayzor brought Brian down to him, hugging him close and pressing his lips to Brian's, breathing out some of the oxygen he had stored in his massive lungs. When he felt the boy could stand no more oxygen, he pulled away from Brian and smiled at him, pulling him along slowly, holding onto both of the boy's hands and trailing Brian underneath him, his front to Brian's back.

Brian almost went into shock due to what the orca had done. He thought of fighting back out of fear, but then he could feel Rayzor breathing fresh oxygen into his mouth, he started taking deep breaths as they 'kissed'. It was such an odd sensation; he could feel the pressure of the water around him, yet he was still breathing air. His brain almost shut down due to shock, but he soon understood how it was being done and he was grateful. He soon took a deep breath just as the orca pulled away from him, holding his breath again. He shivered slightly, thinking at how close to dying he had come, and his legs went slightly limp. Soon the orca was holding onto him, his and Rayzor's arms fully extended his back against the orcas chest. He squeezed his hands in the orcas as they held him, so he could let the orca know when he might begin to lose breath again.

Rayzor smiled, wrapping his arms and Brian's arms around Brian as they continued to move through the water. After a short time, including a few more ‘kisses', they came to an opening in the side of an underwater cliff. Rayzor swam straight for it and swam up a lengthy tunnel until the water cut off and both heads broke the surface. After clearing his air hole, Rayzor smiled at Brian, setting him on the beach, which was elevated a short distance from the water's surface by rock. He placed his arms and head on the rock next to Brian, turning his head to he could look up at him. "So. How'd you like the view?"

Once Brian was able to breathe again, he fell to his back, panting heavily with his eyes closed for a short while before answering Rayzor's question.

"Oh god ... it's so ... beautiful down there ... god, you're so lucky you get to see those kinds of things every day ..."

Images of the things he saw were currently running through his mind, the colors, the sights, everything. He opened his eyes a bit, looking up, soon realising he may be on sand but it wasn't the beach. He was looking directly up at a rocky ceiling, as if they were inside some sort of cave.

"Rayzor ... wha - where are ... w-we ...?"

He was still somewhat out of breath so it was somewhat hard for him to speak.

Rayzor looked around the cavern, then back at the only hole in the wall and the connecting tunnel leading uphill. "Well, we're in one of the lower reaches of my house." He dived underwater again, only to jet from it and land on the ledge-beach. He shook himself, most of the water falling off. "I wanted to show you around; come on!" He grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him up the tunnel into an acceptance room; it was fitted with chairs and what looked like pipes. "Chairs for other swimmers who decide to use that entrance; they come up here and wait while those tubes provide sufficient oxygen. Some tubes, like this one," he tapped a peculiar brass pipe. ", are for communication with every part of the house."

Brian looked at Rayzor slightly confused at the prospect of being brought to the orcas home. He stumbled slightly as the orca took his hand, leading him up the hill and into a strange area filled with odd pipes.

"So this is like ... for scuba divers to stop by when diving and refill on fresh air ... that's pretty cool actually. That's nice of you to provide free air to those who need it ... is that why I'm here ... to get some fresh air before going out to swim about some more?"

He smiled slightly; this orca was turning out to be very nice and kind despite the fact they had just met.

Rayzor shook his head and chuckled. "Well, yeah, I guess so," He answered, pushing open a door set into the green, moss growing walls. He stepped inside and let Brian through as well before closing it. ", but I meant more like sea otter morphs, whale morphs, and other aquatic animal morphs that drop by to visit."

He ignored the second half of Brian's question until they were in one of the guest bedrooms, towards the center of Rayzor's home. He let Brian in, then softly closed and locked the door behind himself. His pants began to tent very slightly at the thought of what he was going to do.

Brian nodded as the orca explained what the pipe room was really for. He smiled a bit; it was still kind of him to offer air to those who needed, though he couldn't help but wonder why the rest of his question was ignored. He followed Rayzor through more of his house. It looked like a normal human home, which was somewhat odd to him. He walked into a room Rayzor had stepped into. He looked around and noticed it was a bedroom, a very large one, possibly suited for someone Rayzor's size. He was going to ask Rayzor what they were doing here, but then he heard the click of the door lock being put into place.

"Rayzor ... whats going on ..?"

He had somewhat of a frightened tone of voice; he was beginning to get somewhat nervous since nothing was being explained.

Rayzor unsnapped the swimming trunks above his tail and let them fall to the ground, his shaft already stiffening. Again, showing his difference from most orca, his testicles were encased in a large sack hanging between his legs instead of inside his body, and is cock, instead of tapering from base to tip, was mostly the same size and surprisingly human, except for the size.

Rayzor's cock was at 7 inches long and 2 inches thick, and still hardening! He moaned and stroked himself, a tiny bead of precum forming on his cockhead as it stopped at 12 inches long and 3 inches wide. "Brian, you asked earlier why you were here; well, now I'll tell you." Before Brian could move, Rayzor had jumped on him, forcing him back onto the bed with Rayzor's cock rubbing against his own, his eyes staring into Rayzor's own as Rayzor's hands held down Brian's arms and his tail pressing into Brian's legs. "You're the first addition to my harem."

After saying this, Rayzor began to hump slowly against Brian, his dick spreading his precum over Brian's waist.

Brian jumped, his face having had turned bright red when he saw Rayzor undo his swim shorts, even more so when he saw the orca was gaining an erection. His fears were beginning to grow as the orcas erection was soon completely stiff; he almost couldn't think straight. When Rayzor began talking he looked at his face with a scared and confused look.

When Rayzor jumped at him he panicked and tried to move out of the way, but to no avail as he was soon pinned onto the large bed that was behind him. He lay there, trying to kick and swing his arms, but his arms were pinned by the orcas hands, his legs by the orcas massive tail. His prescription goggles had slipped off when he was tackled onto the bed, which now rested on the floor as his eyes swelled with a few tears when the orca finally told him why he had been brought here. He attempted to fight back; push the orca away, trying to scratch at the orcas hands as they held his wrists, trying to move his legs out from under the orcas tail. Anything to get free from the orca as he was being dry humped, precum smearing all over his lower stomach and groin areas.

Rayzor smiled and looked down at the wiggling form of Brian, acting surprised that Brian's trunks were covered in his precum. "Oh, did I do that? Here, let me help you get those off..." And, in a few rapid movements, he moved Brian's hands up above his head and held them both with one hand while he used his other to pull Brian's trunks off. He placed Brian's and his hands back where they were and continued to hump against Brian's now-exposed dick. He leaned over and kissed the boy on the lips.

Brian continued to struggle as Rayzor grabbed both of his hands in one of his huge orca hands, griping them with one as the other removed his swim suit, completely exposing his body. He shivered all over at the feeling of the orcas erection rubbing against his fully naked body, closing his eyes as the orcas kissed him. As they kissed, Brian attempted to pull away from him, but there was nowhere for him to go; he was trapped.

Rayzor stopped kissing Brian and smirked down at the human. "You'll learn quickly that disobedience is unacceptable here." He flipped Brian over, his dick resting on the cleft of Brian's asscheeks.

Rayzor humped a few times to spread his precum around and pave the way for his large cock. "I hope you're ready, because here I come." He pulled back and pressed his cockhead against Brian's pucker. He slowly began to apply more and more pressure until he managed to get his head inside. He paused to let Brian get used to it, and then pressed in some more. He continued this slowly and stopped himself 6 inches into Brian. "Ooo-ooo-oooh yeah...." Rayzor said, shivering.

Brian gasped slightly for air after the kiss ended, crying out as he was turned onto his stomach. He lay there, shivering as he felt the orca place his cock against his ass. He shivered, tears sliding down his cheeks, as the orca dry humped a few times before feeling the cock head begin to press against his anus. Brian closed his eyes tightly trying to hold back a scream as the orca managed to penetrate him. The feeling of being fucked for the first time, by someone so large; it had barely begun and he was hurting already. He bit into the pillow under his head and began whining as he felt the orca slowly move further into him. Rayzor managed to get about half way when the tip pressed against something inside him that caused massive amounts of pain, causing him to scream loudly in pain sobbing a bit.

Rayzor's forehead furrowed when Brian screamed. He moved things around so he had one hand free and stroked Brian's hair. "Shhhh, shhh... it'll all be over soon. And then they'll be nothing but pleasure." He knuckled Brian's back slowly, hoping to calm the boy.

Brian's teeth remained clamped onto the pillow under his head as the orca stopped going any deeper. He panted heavily as the orca began to massage his back using the second knuckle on each finger. He panted between sobs as his body slowly, very slowly, got used to the feeling of the orca inside him. He kept his eyes closed as the orca spoke, not wanting to look at him, not after this.

Rayzor realized he was fighting a losing battle and so hardened his heart. ~I'll make it up to him later. ~ He went back to holding Brian down, although he let Brian's forearms move freely. He slowly pulled his hips back, working his erection out of Brian's rear until only the head was left inside. He then pushed back in again and slowly began a gentle thrusting motion; back and forth, back and forth, like the ocean waves. His warm body pressed down on Brian softly as he placed his chin on Brian's head.

Brian laid there in the bed, shivering all over as the orca began thrusting in and out of him. The pain was beginning to subside, though it still hurt. The feeling of his anus being stretched open, over and over again, with every single thrust. It was almost unbearable to believe this was how he was losing his virginity; to a being almost twice is his size in every aspect.

Brian winced as he felt the orca rest his chin on his head, wondering how long this was going to last till he would finish.

Rayzor, despite his overwhelming urge to speed up immediately, took his time, working Brian's ass until he felt it stop clenching so hard every time he pushed in. He then began to speed up, still watching and listening so as to not hurt Brian.

After a good half hour, Rayzor was close. His cockhead had flared in the last minute and his breathing became staccato. "Here... it comes...!" he said, just before he pushed himself in at halfway and squee'd, his cock throbbing as it shot his hot orcaseed into Brian. He gasped, his airhole whistling as he came down from the afterglow.

As time passed, Brian soon got used to the orcas large length; one might say he was beginning to enjoy it, but only as a physical reaction. Mentally, he hated every second of it.

About half an hour passed and Brian was getting very tired. He didn't know why but what the orca was doing to him was tiring him out. But then something felt odd; he could feel the orcas cockhead get slightly bigger, which sent a small jolt of pain up his spine. The orca's thrusting speed also increased slightly and he knew what was about to happen, and braced himself for it.

He griped tightly at the pillow underneath him as he felt the orca thrust in one more time before ejaculating into him. He whined as he felt the orcas seed pour into his anal walls he was surprised at how warm it was. He winced as the orca practically fell on top of him, laying there and pinning him to the bed under them. He lay there, panting as the orca's cock was still inside him, hoping he would soon pull out of him.

When he managed to catch his breath, Rayzor began to slowly pull out of Brian, his cum making the move easy. He moved back to the door, making sure Brian didn't try to get away as he pulled on his swimming trunks over his rapidly softening dick. "Stay here. I will be back." He unlocked the door and left the room, locking the door behind him.

Brian lay there in the bed as the orca got up and left. He didn't bother to pay attention to what he had said; he no longer cared. His body was sore from what had just happened, and orca seed continuously leaked from his used and abused ass. He reached for the blanket that was folded at the end of the bed and pulled it over him, soon crying himself to sleep, wishing he had gone with his family into town, instead of going to the beach alone.

A few minutes later, a click was heard at the door. Rayzor came in, still dripping salt water and carrying Brian's duffle bag in a waterproof case. ~He fell asleep... ~ he noticed, placing the bag at the foot of the bed. ~I'll just let him sleep... ~

Rayzor turned and left the room, moving towards the aboveground exit parlor. "If I'm going to have a reluctant houseguest, I guess I better install a locking system..." he thought to himself. He went into what could effectively be called his lab and got some tools. He walked back to the front door and quietly set to work creating thumbprint locking system. "Gosh, I'm really glad I took those electronics courses..." He chuckled to himself and continued working.

Brian slept for many an hour, really tired from what the orca Rayzor had done to him. Somewhere around 6pm, he woke up. He winced as he sat up, his anus feeling very sore from what had happened. He noticed his bag that he had left at the beach at the foot of his bed and went over to it. It was inside a waterproof case so nothing was ruined, which he was glad for.

He got up from the bed and set the bag on a nearby dresser. He began taking his things from the bag; a few sets of clothing he had brought with him to the beach in case he wanted to stop swimming and go for a walk on the boardwalk, his glasses, and hair brush he had brought with him in case his hair got tangled from swimming.

He also pulled out his PSP; he had brought it with him in case he wanted to play games and listen to music. He also had the PSP plug in cord, in case his PSP were to die he'd have been able to go to a nearby building and let it charge. He sighed, plugging it into the wall of his new room, as well as pulling out more things: a sandwich his mom had made for him in case he got hungry, as well as a small portable cooler for ice cream and soda which he set on the counter top. Last thing he pulled from the bag was a picture of his family. It was a photo that had been taken only a few days before, when they first arrived in the airport of California. He set the photo on a small desk that was right next to his bed. He sighed a bit more, missing his family already, but knowing he may never see them again. He got dressed, putting on some underwear and a pair of semi-tight jeans. He didn't want to be uncovered in case Rayzor came back for more.

After sitting there thinking about his family, his stomach growled slightly, telling him that he was hungry. He went over and grabbed the small sandwich his mom had made for him and began eating, sitting on the beds edge. When he finished, he was still hungry, so he got up and checked the door to see if it were locked; it wasn't. He slowly opened the door and began walking around, wondering if Rayzor was there, as well as looking for a kitchen so he can get something more to eat.

When he heard the door close, Rayzor had already finished the lock and was in the kitchen. He had been feeling hungry and had known that Brian might as well. He was making a particular favorite of his for dinner; fried rice, shrimp, and broccoli. He had piled some on two plates and was getting ready to take one to Brian's room when the click of the door closing reached him. He grimaced, remembering how upset Brian had seemed. ~Don't think he'll want to have dinner with me. Maybe I'd better go somewhere else... ~ He left out the settings for one place, carefully placing a card next to the plate.

After this, he took his plate into another room, leaving Brian to his own devices.

As Brian walked around, he could soon smell food being cooked. He followed the smell and peeked through the kitchen doorway to see that Rayzor was cooking something. He could see that he had made two plates. He was about to step into the kitchen when he saw the orca leave in another direction, somewhat hurriedly. He felt relieved; he didn't want to face the orca just yet.

He stepped into the kitchen and took his plate. It had a fork set in it and everything, so he didn't have to look. He then sat down at a small table that was in the kitchen, eating slowly and thinking to himself.

~Why I ... why does everything always have to happen to me...? ~

Despite coming from a family that was somewhat well off, Brian didn't have many friends. Due to his body type, being extremely feminine and such, he grew up being teased by kids from his schools. As he got older, the teasing got worse. It wasn't apparent right now, but he had had to be taken to the hospital many times from being beaten up by school gangs solely for his appearance. If one were to look at his arms and legs in certain lighting, small scars can be seen, caused by stitches he had had to get from surgeries due to broken bones. He had seen this vacation as a way to get away from all his problems, to start fresh and maybe make new friends.

As he thought of his past, Brian had finished half his plate of food, and in the process of eating tears slid down his cheeks while thinking. He wiped his tears away slightly and noticed, for the first time, a small letter that was placed next to his plate of food. He picked the note up and read it to himself:

"Im sorry about what happened, but I had to do it. I'll explain everything later."

Brian tossed the letter to the floor then stood up, dumping the rest of his food into a nearby garbage can. He suddenly wasn't very hungry anymore.

He got up and re-traced his steps, heading back to his room.

Rayzor heard the food hit the garbage can. ~Huh. Must not have been very hungry... ~ He got up and went to the kitchen to see how things had gone.

He walked over to the sink and, upon seeing the plate there, began to move towards his room. But when he stepped on the card he left, he knew Brian wasn't just full. "Aw, shit..."

He made his way through the house to Brian's room and knocked on the door. "Brian? Hey, Brian, you in there?" He turned the doorknob and pushed, but he found the door blocked. "Brian, what are you doing? Move this stuff from in front of the door..."

Brian had barricaded his door with all the furniture he could find in the room. The bed, a cabinet, a drawer set, a lamp; everything that wasn't nailed to the floor. He himself was curled into a ball in a corner of the room, as far as he could get from the door. When he heard the orca trying to get him he said nothing, but when it said to move the things out of the way he stood up and went over to the pile.

"Why should I? So you can have your way with me again?!" He was in an odd mood; a combination of sad and angry. A fusion of emotions that tend to work negatively when put together. "Why did you do this to me?! I trusted you and you... you kidnap me... then you rape me, saying I'm part of your harem?! You sick twisted bastard!"

He walked away from the pile to his corner and felt like he might cry. His entire life, he had always had conflicted views on the anthro race. His father always said they were wonderful beings that should be treated with the same respect as humans. His mother, on the other hand, only viewed them as monsters. Both parents tried to force their point of view on him. He would normally side with his father, wishing that anthros were kind beings. But now...

"My mother was right... You.... you anthro freaks are nothing but sex crazed monsters!"

At first, the only answer on the other side of the door was silence that stretched on for a minute... two...


A black and white fist came punching through the door, beginning to shove objects out of the way. "You... fucking... humans!" Rayzor's voice had gained a low, guttural tone, and with every word, he pushed more furniture out of the way. "You... always ASSUME... you know more... than the rest of us! We're just as sentient as you; we've been here just as long as you have! I tried to be nice to you, but not now! You want mean? You want a monster? Well here I am!"

With that, he shoved the bed aside in a display of incredible strength and crashed through the door. He grabbed Brian, lifting him up by the shoulders and slamming him onto the bed.

Holding him down with one leg pressed over Brian's stomach, Rayzor proceeded to tear one of the blankets into strips. He then used these strips to tie Brian's arms and legs to the headboard and footboard respectively.

"Let's see how high and mighty you are when you can't feed yourself!" And with that, Rayzor left the room, slamming the broken door behind him, breaking off the handle in the process.

As Brian heard the orca smashing through his barricade, he curled up in a small ball in the corner of the room, covering his head with his arms. Soon, he felt the orca grab him by the shoulders forcing him out of his position and slamming him down onto the bed. At first he thought the monster was going to rape him. But that thought changed as the orca held him down with one of his feet. Brian watched as the orca began tearing one of the blankets from the bed apart, soon tying his arms and legs to the posts of the bed. He dared not say a word during the entire ordeal, not wanting to anger the orca further. When he was all tied up, he waited for the orca to do something, but all he did was leave. The human lay there in silence, scared to move, wondering what was going to happen now.

Rayzor stomped off to his workshop, punching random objects as he went. He was so angry that he couldn't even get a full sentence out. "That... stupid... What would prompt him to...? Why did he..?!"

He walked into his lab, attempting to continue working on his most recent project, but every time he tried, he found himself shaking too much. ~Goddamnit, I have to calm down! ~ He took a big, slow breath. ~I need some sleep. Maybe I'll feel better... ~ And with that, he went to his room and lay down on the bed, falling asleep.

Rayzor had some very odd dreams that night. He was chasing after a feminine figure, one who kept running away as if it was afraid of him. He felt his heart beating and knew that he cared for the figure, in some way. "Wait! Come back! I won't hurt you, I promise!" But that only made the figure run faster.

Rayzor woke up the next morning, rubbing his head and wondering why he felt so bad about himself. "Huh. Must have been that... that... oh, I can't even say it!" He threw the covers off himself, rapidly becoming angry again.

He made breakfast for himself and ate, making a plate from the scraps. He entered Brian's room and stood over him. "Hey. Wake up."

He cuffed Brian lightly; he may have been angry, but he didn't want him dead. "I've got your breakfast. Don't know why I'm being nice to you, however."

Brian had nightmares throughout the night as he slept tied to the posts of his bed. The nightmares were always the same; a large black and white figure chasing him along the beach. It was dark; no moon or stars. No matter how fast he tried to run the large creature was always getting closer. When it got close enough, he could see that it had a very large fanged mouth that took up most of the beings upper body, and glowing red eyes. He soon tripped on something on the sand, falling forward. He tried to get up, but the monster placed a foot on his back pinning him down. He screamed, trying to pull himself out from under it, but the sand made it impossible to get a grip on anything. He could soon hear his name being spoken... and he began to wake up, freeing himself from his nightmare.

As he left one nightmare, he entered another. As he slowly opened his eyes, he could see Rayzor sitting in the middle of his bed. He had a plate of food, though Brian wasn't sure he wanted any of it. He moved his head to look away from the orca, not wanting to see his face.

"What do you want ..." he asked, his voice somewhat dry, he tried to sound emotionless, but you could tell he was scared.

Rayzor rolled his eyes. "Open your mouth." He said gruffly.

Without waiting for an answer, he opened Brian's mouth, poured some of the food in, and waited until Brian had swallowed. He continued the process until the food was gone. "If you must know, what I want is you alive." He left the room, speaking over his shoulder.

"We're not all as sex-crazed as you humans believe us to be."

Brian had gagged slightly each time the orca had force fed him. The food was good, but since he didn't know what it was he was somewhat nervous. When the orca got up to leave, he was panting trying to catch his breath. When the orca said that there was more to furs than just sex, he rolled his eyes.

"Yea, maybe not for most. But what about you? When you raped me, you said I was the first addition to your 'harem'. It's obvious it's all you want from me and any other person unlucky enough to be tricked into coming here by you." he said as the orca left. "Others may not be sex crazy, but it's obvious you are..."

Rayzor heard Brian's cutting words as he left and his hand gripped the plate so tightly it shattered.

He whirled around and slammed open the door, which shattered upon impact. "WHAT?! You want sex crazed?! I'll give you sex crazed!" He jumped over to the bed, landing with his knees on either side of Brian's stomach.

Rayzor leaned over and glared into Brian's eyes for a full minute before turning around and literally ripping the pants off of Brian's body. His underwear soon followed, and Rayzor took up a position between Brian's outstretched legs. He licked one of his large fingers, teasing Brian's tight pucker with it before sticking the thick digit inside of Brian.

He began working the finger in and out while stroking his own growing member, already dribbling pre over his stroking hand. Once hard, he switched his stroking hand with the hand that had been fingering Brian, again teasing his anal hole before sticking in two fingers this time. The whole time, he didn't bother much with being gentle.

When he felt Brian was slick and loose, he wasted no time in returning his cock to its previous position inside the poor boy and beginning to hump against the boy's exposed rump. He leaned over, pressing his chest against Brian's, his above Brian's and beginning to pant.

Brian had instantly regretted saying what he had when he heard the plate shatter in the orcas hands, his body shaking all over. He let out a small whine and closed his eyes after watching the orca shatter the door to his bedroom. He had cried out as the orca jumped onto the bed, both the orcas large muscular legs on either side of him.

He laid there, his arms and legs tied, shaking with a look of pure panic upon his face, as the orca practically sat on him, looking him in the face. The look in Rayzor's eyes sending shivers up and down his entire body; he had never been so frightened in his entire life.

He panicked as he felt the orca beginning to tear away at his clothing and undergarments, tugging on the cloth that kept his legs and arms tied. He closed his eyes and screamed slightly when he felt the orca beginning to loosen him with a finger. It hurt so much he couldn't stand it; it was worse than the night before. He laid there screaming in pain as the orca tugged at his anal ring, trying to stretch it open, the pain escalating when a second finger was inserted.

When the orca had finished fingering him, he knew what was to happen next, and it was far more painful than the night before.

The night before the orca had been gentle with him, Brian could see that now. Now the orca was using him as a toy. Last night when Brian screamed in pain, the orca had stopped going in further going in only about half way. This night the orca had quickly rammed his entire length into the human. Only the entrance and a few inches inside him had been prepped. When he felt the orcas groin rub against his anal ring he screamed at such a high pitch it could not be herd. Tears slid down his cheeks as the orca began to ram mercilessly into him, it may have pleasured the orca, but to him it felt like his internal organs were being torn apart.

Rayzor continued using Brian, having his way with the smaller human for a short while.

But while his brain was mostly running on instinct, the small conscious part of him remembered the dreams. Whats more, they understood what he had seen. ~It was him! Brian! ~ He realized.

Immediately, his thrusts slowed down as he realized what he was doing. He came to a stop, his hips touching Brian's as he looked down, mind going over what he had been doing. ~Oh, Brian. I'm so sorry...~ he thought as tears began to push out of his eyes. They landed on Brian's forehead and Rayzor tenderly reached a hand up and brushed them and any offending hair away from Brian's head.

"Brian, I'm... I'm so sorry. You were right; I was a sex crazed beast, nothing more than an animal. But, in the short time I've known you, I realize that... I'm... quite fond of you. Few humans appreciate the natural wonders of the ocean as well as you. God, I am so sorry."

Rayzor reached up and broke the strips tying Brian's arms to the headboard, laying his head on Brian's chest and beginning to cry, holding Brian close to himself.

While the orca had used him, the pain Brian felt had been like nothing he had experienced before. He even found himself wishing for death, just to make the pain stop. But soon the pain did seem to go away as the orca slowed down. He panted heavily as Rayzor had stopped thrusting into him. Soon his rear was resting against the orcas groin.

He laid there panting, his eyes closed, scared for what was going to happen next. Though he could soon feel the orca brush his hair away from his face. He then herd Rayzor speak, he listened quietly as the orca spoke. When the orca was done talking, he began to feel guilty. Yes, what Rayzor had done to him was wrong, bringing him here against his will. But it was only because the orca had liked him, which caused him to blush slightly.

He jumped a bit as he felt the cloth that kept his hands tied to the posts of the bed ripped by the orca, allowing his arms to move again. He wasn't able to move them for long as Rayzor began holding him close, his head resting on the orcas large muscular chest, while the orcas erection was still buried deep within his body. He could hear the orca crying. He felt so guilty for the things he had said now. He gently placed a hand on one of the orcas pecs and rubbed it softly with his hand, trying to calm him down.

Rayzor felt a shiver run through his body when Brian touched him. Perhaps there was still hope for his situation.

Tears were still coming from his eyes as he slowly lifted himself away from Brian, looking into the human's eyes for forgiveness and, more so, shared feelings of love. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered, leaning in to place his head next to Brian's, kissing him lightly, hesitantly, on the cheek.

Brian blushed from the kiss he received from the orca. Smiling slightly, he rested his head on the orcas shoulder, wrapping his arms around the orca's neck gently in a soft hug. ~Maybe ... he really does care for me ... if that's the case ... maybe ...~

The human pulled from the hug, then did something that would surprise him, and possibly the orca as well. He leaned forward placing a kiss on the orcas lips for a few seconds before pulling away blushing.

"I'm sorry too ... for the things I said ... I shouldn't have ... I will forgive you .... If you can find it in your heart to forgive me ..." he rested his head on the orcas shoulder, wondering what his answer would be.

Rayzor's heart beat faster when Brian hugged him and almost burst when Brian kissed him. His heart melted, his face going from sad and worried to happy in less than a millisecond. He hugged Brian to himself tightly. "Of course... of course I forgive you, Brian." He sat up and back, snapping the cords on Brian's feet with a flick of his tail, lying back on the bed, nuzzling into Brian's side. ~Someone out there loves me, and I thank them for it. ~ "Thank you..." his whispered.

Brian's legs relaxed when he felt the orca snap the cords that bound them, pulling them towards his body. He smiled softly, closing his eyes, happy that Rayzor forgave him. Which also meant he forgave Rayzor for tricking him to come here, though in all honesty he had always wanted a beach side home, now he lives in a home under the water, but still able to breathe air. Which he thought was better than a normal beach house.

He blushed brightly when the orca laid them down on the bed in a position that caused Rayzor to hover over him, his back against the bed sheets. He smiled, reaching up and rubbing the orcas chest gently, then looks up at him blushing.

"If you want .... w-we can finish ... if you promise to be gentle ..." he smiled up at the orca, hoping Rayzor understood what he meant.

Rayzor blinked a few times in surprise, then smiled, murring as Brian stroked his chest. "Absolutely, Brian."

He leaned in and kissed Brian deeply, moving his tongue into Brian's mouth and wrapping it around Brian's tongue. Rayzor's slightly flagging erection returned in full force and throbbed lightly inside Brian. Rayzor slowly pulled out, then pushed himself back in, building a slow, steady motion.

As Rayzor began to pick up the pace, he felt something pressing into his abs. He quickly realized that it was Brian's own erection and pushed into it, sliding it in the ridges.

He was fast approaching his orgasm; he just needed a little more...

Brian blushed brightly when he felt the orca lean in and kiss him, though jumped slightly in surprise as he felt Rayzor's tongue slip into his mouth and move around in it like an arm or a leg; it was so prehensile, it was able to wrap around his own tongue, locking their mouths together in a practically permanent kiss.

As the orca began thrusting again, though gently and slowly this time, he found himself becoming aroused by the feeling. He soon could feel the orca rubbing his stomach against Brian's own erection, the bumpy abs of the orca's stomach causing him to be pleasured greatly. He began panting heavily as the orca continued this treatment for quite a while.

Though soon the pleasure was far more then he could take, as he began cumming onto Rayzor's stomach, panting and gasping as he did.

As Brian came onto his stomach, Rayzor felt Brian's ass clench down on his member. He pushed himself inside fully, spraying his warm orca seed inside of Brian. His cock jumped as it sprayed, sending huge jets into the human, his balls unloading themselves of all the unspent seed.

He held himself up on his elbows over Brian, panting in the afterglow of their shared orgasms. "That... that was... just wow..." Rayzor gasped. He held Brian close and lay down on top of him, distributing his weight so he didn't crush Brian. "I... think I need a nap... Goodnight, Brian..."

With that, he laid his head alongside Brian's, his arms wrapped around the human, and fell asleep, breathing slowly and peacefully.

Brian griped at the orcas body as Rayzor climaxed into him, shivering slightly despite the warm feeling of the seed pouring into him. He panted heavily as the orca finished inside him, smiling as the orca lay over him, though not feeling crushed or uncomfortable. He felt very warm, and very safe despite what had happened earlier.

Upon hearing the Rayzor saying he was tired, Brian nodded. He rested his head back against the bed sheet rubbing the orcas chest slowly as he too eventually fell asleep.

*later that night, somewhere around midnight*

Both lovers laid there holding each other gently, but tightly as they continued to dream. But Rayzor stirred slightly in his sleep. Something was bothering him, a strange pinching feeling in his nether regions.

He slowly opened his eyes blinking a bit, before pushing himself up, being careful not to wake up his dainty human lover. He looked down at his lap, it seems he had not pulled out when he had finished. He slowly pulled out, wincing in slight pain as the strange pinching feelings got more painful.

When he was fully out, he looked down to see his normally white cock was covered in something dark. He went over to a part of the room, wincing as he walked, to turn on a lamp to see what was going on.

When he turned the lamp on he noticed the strange matter on his cock was some sort of red liquid, and it was slowly drying on his flaccid penis, which was causing the pinching sensations. At first he couldn't figure out what it was. But then he quickly looked back at Brian...

On the mattress underneath ware he slept, a small pool of blood was beginning to form. Brian was still asleep, but his body betrayed the pain he must have been feeling.

"Dear god... What have I done..?"


Edit: There was a second part, but people complained too much, so I took it down.

Sorry guys. *shrugs*