A great day

Story by Twilightlink92 on SoFurry

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Warning!! this story has some inappropriate language, some sex scenes, and some use of drugs.

I advise you to exit this page unless your 18 or if it is illegal for you to view such terms.

This story was written by Twilightlink92, none the less, please do not steal.


It started out as a normal day, just like any other day... I get out of bed

get some clothes ready, take a shower, brush my teeth

and i waited at the bus stop waiting. But today was different,

i was going into my junior year in high school.


i thought to myself,

"i wonder what its gonna be like this year"

last year was one of my best years I've had in high school. I loved all

my teachers, except one... Mrs. Rights, Oh my god she was a bitch,

even if i was in the doorway when the bell rang, she made me get a pass.

So i had to walk all the way to the west end of school to get the

pass, at the west office. I snapped back to reality,

"hmm...the bus is taking along time to get here"

IT was about 7:59 A.M when i checked my phone.

"usually the bus comes around 7:50..."

i looked by ways, searching for the bus

"well maybe it is picking up some new people"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pink i pod with white ear buds,

just when the bus pulled up,

"number 69...haha that's funny"

I got on the bus and tried to find a seat, the bus was pretty full with new faces.

I was just a Husky, about 6'1 black fur, with some blue stripes

i was a little big about 200 pounds, i had bright yellow eyes,

and i was 17. I wore some green contacts. i had on some

Khaki pants, with a black shirt that read *rainbows are gay

with a smiley, i got on the bus...

"holy shit too many people"

i searched around trying to find a seat i spotted one, it was

one of my friends from freshman year. I walked down the isle

and sat next to him. He was a Horse, Some what built, he was

also a little big, but weighed maybe 150. He turned to me and


"hey this seat is tak-... Jamie!! Oh my god i havent seen you

for a long time! how have you been?"

"Good good, how about you Kilo"?

"im good, this whole summer i've been working out at

Fitness Center, ive ben trying to get some abs, and work on the calves"

There was a pause,

"what about you jamie?"

"eh i never got a chance to work out, my summer

has ben mixed up, i'll talk to you about it later"

The bus was a smooth ride, and before we knew

it we got to school. We waited to get off the bus,

"Derth Woods High" it was about 8:15 am, when we

got off. Then i just remembered "Fuck!" i left my

lunch money at home on my nightstand next to

my bed...

"Dammit! Awe man..."

Kilo: Whats wrong?

"i forgot my money for lunch"

I use to do that a lot last year, i probably owe many

people like a hundred dollars...

Kilo: "well i think our lunch is the same as last year, same prices..."

last year it was about $1.60 for a full lunch, they didn't have much, Cheese burgers, Fries, milk, fruit, and a little dessert. He handed me $2.50...im not sure why but he smiled when he gave it to me,

"do you have enough money for yourself?"

Kilo: "nope i gave it all to you, i'm fine i don't need food..."

his stance was weird, he was standing as though he was trying to hide something "your sure"?

Kilo: "i'm sure, i'll be fine i had too much to eat this morning

i stuck the 2.50 in my pocket.

Kilo: "so what happened over the summer? I want to know, sorry

if I'm being nosy"

"...well just some compilations, between relationships, all mine have been failing, i think I've had about 3 boyfriends over the whole summer, its been somewhat depressing"

Kilo: "oh my gosh, i'm sorry jamie i hope you find someone, i too have been looking but haven't found anyone"

Kilo was something else, he had one thing that was different

about him, he was gay and he too was 17. he wore tight jeans

every day and could somehow fit into a medium size shirt, not

sure how though. but he had no problem

with me being bisexual, i am mostly attracted to guys more

than girls, so i guess that would make me a little gay.

I've known him for 3 years and he told me that he was

gay last year, during sophomore year. It was about 8:45 Am.

When we finally got inside the commons and tried to

find our schedules. The schedules were on the far side

of the commons, and i could see a huge crowd

forming around them. Then i heard a voice "JAMIE!!" thats a familiar

voice i have heard before. i cuffed my hands around

my mouth and shouted "KARL!!" He was standing

inside the crowd waving to me.

Kilo: "please don't come over, please god"

Kilo didn't like Karl very much, i guess he didn't like his non stop talking, but he was a very funny person he told a lot of jokes that made me laugh hard, really hard, to

the point were i couldn't breathe. I think he is a sophomore this year, he got held back in freshman year for failing U.S History, he missed about 3 weeks worth of school.

I kept telling him to go to school and stop smoking so much weed. I mean he would go

overboard with that shit, probably smoking about a hundred bucks worth every day.

He needs help, i tried getting him some help but he refused, i told him "Karl buddy, you really need to stop, your hurting your grades" but he did not listen.

Kilo faced me and asked,

"what classes would you want to take?"

..."well i would like to take Graphic arts, or some Auto body collision repair"

Kilo: really?? im thinking about that too!! i hope we get the same classes!"

A little grin crept across his face, it looked like a naughty/happy look.

We exchanged looks,

"when do we go to our classes?"

Kilo: "i think class starts around 9:30 A.M so about another half hour..."

He got up and walked to the schedules and took 2 sheets down, then brought them back to me. We sat down at a deserted table in the far corner away from the crowd of people. Kilo mumbled

"mmm lets see... first hour... U.s History, second hour...Collision repair, third hour..

Physical Ed, AKA PE...Forth hour... Lunch, fith hour...resources and sixth hour study hall... what about you jamie?

" "well i hope i got the same classes.."

Kilo: Let me see!!

He was very excited to see,

Kilo: "well..... hmm.... that, that...that...... you have everything the same except for first hour" Well what is first hour? I asked him. Kilo: "uhm

Science... with Ms. Locks, i thought "she is still here? wow i almost forgot she is about 22 years old, very young for a teacher, she looks like she could be a teenager at this

school" she had red and black fur, with blue eyes, very slim and was probably the hottest teacher in the school, I've heard rumors about her giving blow jobs to some students and

having sex with underage teens.

The bell rang and everyone started heading for the double doors that lead us up to the class rooms. We were in the basement of the school. thats were the cafeteria was located,

plus the commons. we walked next to each other, going up two flights of stairs. Kilo: "Hmm room 247, u.s history this is it" we both walked in and saw about 4 people in here already

we sat down in these chairs that had a desk bolted on to it. "ugh i can barely fit into this desk" Kilo: "well i can fit into it hehe im small compared to you hehe no hard feelings

right?" he made me laugh "yeah heh its fine, i reached over and poked him in the stomach, i said "i had a lot of people rip on me last year remember?" Kilo: "i do a little bit but not

so much"

The bell finally rang and we sat there and waited for the teacher to come in and sit down. I looked around there was about 15 people in the room, it had filled up while kilo and i were

having idle conversations. A couple of rows up there were a few people exchanging looks with me. He gave me the finger and i mouthed "Fuck you too" he turned around and whispered to some

of his friends. It looked like he was planning something after school. probably to beat me up, i make enemies quick. At least that's what it seems like.

The teacher finally came in and sat down, he said "alright class settle down and i'll take attendance, my name is Mr. Stone and this is U.S History" He took out a clip board and a red pen,

and started calling out names "Jeremy Perch?" a little tiger in the back sat up and spoke "here"..."alright, said Stone" Kilo Dershin? Kilo: here sir!" he waved... a names later he called

me. i hated my last name, although it stuck like glue. "Jamie Cummings?" i looked back at Kilo and he was blushing. i spoke, "here!" he said "well alright welcome back Jamie" i mumbled

"thanks Mr. Stone"...i looked back and Whispered to Kilo "heh did you think my last name was funny? it kinda reminds me of something...oh yeah...cum" Kilo: "yeah its cute heh" he looked down

"man these desks sure do come in handy when you have a stiff hard on, but they also hurt... UGH" i laughed softly and looked.

We always would joke about that kind of stuff, talking about what we would do to famous people, and stuff. sometimes the thought of sex, or giving him head would cross my mind. I know we

have talked about how big our cocks are, and how much we could cum. hmm just thinking about it gives me a hard on. i look over to him and whisper "oops i gots a hard on haha" he whispered

back and said "i could probably take care of that" what he said kind of shocked me, we have never really done anything like that. i mean not physically of course, but he had this expression

on his face that made it look like he wanted to do it so bad. Kilo pulled out a notebook and a pen and wrote something down then he passed it towards me it said "Jamie i want to talk to

you during pe, or when ever we have time" he handed me the pen and i knew what to do. i wrote "okay, maybe we could talk between classes" i handed it back to him. Kilo read it and smiled,

saw him write something else, he handed the notebook back to me, it Said "i look forward to it there has ben something on my mind i want to talk to you about" just then the fire alarm rang

and the teacher told us to hurry up and go to the right and head down the flight of stairs and go outside. Kilo and i hurried up and got out of the class and went downstairs and exited the


We walked to the football field and stood next to the tool shed. Kilo looked back at the school, and pointed to the far north windows. "look!" Kilo said "there is a fire coming out of the

windows! that got me thinking, i think that's the chemistry lab. probably a big combustion, then we heard a big rumble that blew out all the windows in that room, Kilo: looked at me and he

grabbed my wrist and took me over to the bleachers to get away from the smells. Even if there is a fire all the fumes from the chemicals can leak out into the air and can make you dizzy

and sick. He pointed to the bleachers and told me to "sit" I sat down, and he sat next to me, really close to me. We sat there while the fire trucks came, there were probably about 3 of them

plus a ambulance. He put his hand on my thigh and i yipped. Kilo: "im sorry did i scare you?" i spoke "just a little bit kilo heh" He smiled and said "we might be out here for a while might

as well talk" I looked over and saw about 400 kids. and thought "there is more kids this year, than last year."

...Kilo told me all about how he has had a crush on me ever since sophomore year, i was a little shocked at first but i started thinking about how i liked him too. Kilo was

telling me how he has been waiting for school to start up just so he could tell me everything, he just needed to wait for the right time, and now seemed like the best time to tell. He finally

got done with telling me and the question was asked... J-Jamie would you go out with me? I thought "well i have like him for awhile but its so sudden" i said "yes kilo i will!" Kilo smiled

and said "great!" He then leaned up and kissed me. I blushed and looked at him, i kissed back but slowly slid my tongue in his mouth and explored everywhere, he moaned and i massaged his

tongue with mine. kilo started rubbing my inner thigh, i broke the kiss and told him "wait kilo, we can't do this here, not on school grounds we need a secluded place" kilo looked around

and said "well would you want to go back to my house? i don't think they will let us back inside the school" I looked at the fire and saw it was still raging. i spoke "sure lets walk home"

kilo said "wait i have my car we will drive" i thought "wait he has a car now? how much stuff have i missed? kilo pulled out a black key with a chain that had a saying. "F*ck Off" expression

key chains... you got to love them.

i know used to have a car, but the engine blew up when i got stuck in a ditch when it was snowing, i tried to rev it and get out but i was stuck big time, plus manuals don't get good traction in snow.

i had a 1990 green Honda civic the paint was a little faded, i had some chrome rims on it, nothing like those tuner cars you see on tv. My car will probably not be fixed for a while because a

whole new engine is probably 3 grand. more than twice what i paid for the whole damn car. i bought it for $1200.00 and it ran great for a couple of months till winter came around.

We walked back to his car and he unlocked the doors, he told me to get in and buckle up. This was a nice car, it was a Pinkish Yellow Acura Integra, he must of worked on it for awhile

because it had black rims, a spoiler, body kit, and the interior was a blood red inside, with dark black tinted windows. The dashboard read 10 Mph - 200 Mph...he must of upgraded the performance

because it sounded like a race car when he started it. his car was a stick shift also. he had a Eight ball for the Stick. I was a bit nervous when he got in and started down the road. i was thrown

back in my seat when he started off from a red light, as soon as it switched to green he slammed the gas pedal to the ground and shifted about four times, then slowed down because he thought

he saw a cop. kilo: "whew that was close, i thought there was a cop back there" i smirked "yeah that would of sucked, getting pulled over. Especially with a hard on. kilo looked down and saw a

big bulge in his jeans. Kilo: "wow i thought i felt something" i smiled and rubbed it softly Kilo let out a soft moan and shifted the gears. i asked "how did you get the money together to build

this car? Kilo explained "my uncle's friends son was selling it for a grand, the only thing wrong with it was a the transmission was gone. so i had to get some parts to rebuild that. it did

take a long time.

We hit a another stop light past river street and i asked. "kilo isn't your house on 1459 River street?" Kilo: "nope we moved last month, me and my mom are the only ones there at the moment,

dad passed about 3 months ago, just after summer break. Mom has still been very sad, but i got a job at a video store, and have been helping my mom" I looked down and said "I'm sorry kilo i

had no idea, i've missed so much over the summer i don't even know whats going on." The light turned green and we sped off. We turned down a street that read "axle drive" i looked around while

kilo pulled into a small driveway. Kilo turned off the car while we were still rolling, kilo pressed the brake down and pulled the E-brake. He got out and i also got out, Kilo said Welcome to my

new house!!

It was a new house, well sorta new to me. it was a small house probably 2 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen/living room. Kilo led me in and said "let me give you a tour heh". Kilo led me inside and shut

the door behind me. "This is the living room" ...It was a little small, there was a couch, a tv sitting in a entertainment center, a stray lamp sat in the far side of the room. Kilo then led me down

the hall to the next room on the right. The door read "keep out" and "parental advisory" i spoke "I'm guessing this is your room?" Kilo fiddling with the door knob "yeah but the door wont budge!"

Kilo pushed and pushed before finally getting it open after 5 minutes. kilo: "damn door knob i hate that thing it happens everyday, to were i can't get it open." Kilo then led me inside. It was very

dark in there and i could only see the digital clock it read "12:05 P.M... there were black curtains in the window blocking out the sunlight. I said "ugh i can't see a thing turn on the lights!

Kilo "im working on it hang on." Suddenly a bright flash blinded my eyes and there we were. a small room, with twin bed in the corner, a tv on the far wall, with a custom painted X box 360 right next

to it, it was rainbow colored, with a big fat smiley on the side. on the other side of his room, was his computer and a dresser.

There were some posters on the wall with some local bands. He walked to the bed and sat down, kilo patted the spot next to him, signaling

me to come over and sit down. kilo: "sit down hun, i wont bite...very hard heh" that made me blush deeply, i started walking over when i noticed something move under the covers. "whats that?" I point

over to the lump, kilo: "i don't know" I picked up the covers and saw a tiny kitten, maybe about a year old. "AWE A KITTEN!!!" i said, Kilo: yeah that's patches, he loves to sleep in here because its

so dark. then i just remembered the $2.50 he gave me, and kilo told me to keep it, and brae myself for whats coming up next. "whats coming up next?" Kilo: "hang on Hun" he got up and shut the door and

secretly locked it. Kilo: "i see you have a little hard on Jamie" I looked down and i did indeed, i had no clue i was looking at his big bulge in his jeans. i could tell his cock was wanting to come out

it looked like it was about 8 to 9 inches, and about 2 inches thick.

Kilo: "you like it? I'll show you the full thing" he reached down to unbutton his pants, he unzipped them and pulled them down. i could see a huge wet spot from precum on his boxers, it looks like its

been there for some time. kilo pulled his boxers down and exposed his cock. Kilo: "mmm i feel better" i looked at his cock and i could feel myself getting extremely hard, seeing him standing here before

me. i got down on my knees and started to rub his cock. kilo: "oh Jamie suck on my cock please i need to cum" I blushed and said "yes i will Hun, i will suck you dry" i started rubbing his cock and he let

out a few moans and groans, i licked it a few times to get it wet before i tried to deep throat it. It was a little big for my mouth but i could manage. I slowly ran it into my mouth and licked the head.

i tried to deep throat it the first time, but i couldn't fit it in. the second time i stretched my mouth open, and shoved it in there. i started to shove it down my throat, slowly. kilo started to push

his cock further down my throat as i tried to get a breath.

i sucked on it and started playing with his balls. kilo tilted his head back and moaned softly saying "mmm j-Jamie faster, what ever you do don't stop" i started to speed up massaging his balls with my

hand. his balls were about the size of base balls. really big, just boiling with cum, begging to be released. i sucked hard and rubbed his cock hard. kilo put his hands on my head and pushed it further

down my throat gagging me. kilo kept doing it until he got tired. i took control and wrapped my tongue around it. kilo started to mumble "Jamie I'm so close don't stop I'm gonna cum so hard" i sucked as hard

as i could, and that did it he started to cum hard, kilo shot 5 big cum loads into my mouth and down my throat. i choked on his cum, it was very thick. it seems like he hasn't cummed for awhile probably

about a month. Kilo: "oh m-my god that was great Jamie" Kilo fell back onto his bed from the exhaustion. i guess cumming that hard takes a lot out of you. "i agree that was fun, very tasty. I licked my lips

and laid next to kilo. He was laying there staring up at the ceiling and then looks back at me. "i'm tired, lets take a nap" i smiled and said "I'm all for that Hun, i am i little tired also" i looked at

the clock ..."1:54 P.m." kilo closed his eyes and got close to me he wrapped his arms around my chest. "i whispered good night Hun" i kissed him softly on the forehead then i thought to myself "this was a great day" then i slowly drifted off to sleep...