Dragon Hunter, Chapter 3

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#7 of Discontinued

The third chapter of Dragon Hunter, woo! The other stories will be put up soon, Immortals and Ancients are taking quite a bit of time though Scent of a male and Moonlight are nearly done.

Vote and Comment as always.

The Dragon Hunter had found himself a quiet corner in the village, sitting himself down to meditate on what had just happened. He had entered a strange forest that seems to have been skipped over by dragons and thrived, with a strange race of furs where his teacher Ja'sha had been trained.

Looking up, having been sitting with his legs crossed and his ax resting in front of him, he thought about how Ja'sha trained him, and upon the village that he came from, the place that he was taught, where he was right now.

"What are the fucking odds of that?" came his voice. Talking to himself helped ease the burden of being alone in the world, save for the dragon that followed him.

Thinking upon the dragon he looked up, seeing there was no sky visible. The trees had sealed off any light that would come from the sun, if the grey clouds ever cleared up, though there was plenty of light in the village as if he was still out in the wastes. Looking forward seeing that the light was fading. Just like in the wastes, that meant that night would soon be here.

Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the three figures coming up behind him till there were about three yards from him. Looking over his shoulder, having caught the movement from the corner of his eye, he turned half way and looked at the three male otter like creatures who were glaring at him. They all looked like young males though he couldn't really tell, an educated guess from the lack of scars, defined muscles and weapons.

Looking over the three males he saw that the one in the middle was obviously the leader, being the largest of the three, which wasn't saying all that much since he stood around five nine or so, with long messy brown headfur with light blue eyes. The two behind the blue eyed male were obviously twins, both having short black headfur and brown eyes, but after getting the few glances at the three males the leader stepped forward giving a bit of a snarl, trying to be intimidating but failing miserbly at it.

Dragonhunter blinked as the male snarled at him before speaking. "Give me the bonding staff that Si'la gave you" he demanded, though Dragonhunter smiled before shaking his head and turning around, making the small male snarl again only to freeze as Dragonhunter reached down and pulled his axe up onto his shoulder.

"Ya know, normally I wouldn't care and just give you the damn stick but..." Dragon Hunter says turning back to the three males with a smirk "I never did take orders well, especially from three runts that can't even win a girl themselves."

That statement alone would have been enough to send any male into a rage but these three young males seemed ready to run as they looked over the large axe resting on Dragonhunters shoulder, and soon the three males slowly moved away and slipped back into the village, leaving the human standing there with a disappointed expression.

Turning himself around, he stopped as he saw a small female fur standing there, the same one that had given him the stick that marked him as her husband or mate, or however she looked at it. She moved toward him, looking up at him intently as he gazed back at her, half intrested before she gently took his hand and began leading him through the village. He was a bit confused, but flipped his axe around, catching it just below it's head so he didn't hurt anyone.

The girl, or Si'la as her name was, led him through the village, it was larger than he orginally thought and there were her kind walking all around. Some even stopping to look him over as she led him to the other side of the village, past the other huts which were around ten feet high and made of wood and grass looking very secure. He took this small moment of passing to look over Si'la, her fur was a nice brown with a tan spot running from the underside of her muzzle, down her stomach and under her sash that hung from her hip along with her two blades. Her fur was short and looked soft to the touch. It was a dense enough coat that he couldn't see her skin color underneat. Her tail was thick at it's base, and tapered down into a thin rounded tip. Her ears were round and her muzzle was short with a black nose at it's tip, her eyes were a light blue color that gazed forward firmly as she lead him to the other side of the village.

Slipping behind two buildings he saw that she was leading him to a hut put off in the corner of the village. It was small compared to the others, but was made from the same material and looked very strong,

Moving into the bland little hut he found the insides to be quite different. Looking around there a dark, almost black, animal pelt dressing the walls. He couldn't tell what kind but it had to be huge, since the walls were covered with only one pelt that looked to be cut even smaller than it orginally was. The floor was decorated with another pelt that was completely black. There was a large hole in the middle of the hut's roof and an obvious pit for a fire on the ground just below the hole. There were several ornaments and necklaces, as well as other objects hanging from the walls, suspended from the pelt. Si'la let his hand go and immediatly moved over and began making a fire. Dragonhunter lifted his axe and set it by the open door, looking over his shoulder seeing a cloth rolled up above the door which was similar to what he had seen on the other huts in the village.

Looking back toward the small anthro as a fire sparked up, she immediatly stood and moved over, pulling the cloth down to keep the heat inside of the hut, but she wasn't done yet. She spun around and moved to a small hatch that Dragonhunter couldn't see from his position, but he saw her pull the wooden hatch up. Tilting his head as she grabbed a small stick with a point, lifting it like a spear and thrusting it into the water she pulled out a flapping fish. This got his attention and he moved over, looking into the hatch and seeing that it hid a small round hole in the ground, filled wih water that fish were swimming circles in. Si'la looked up at him giving a proud smile before moving over and stabbing the other end of the stick into the dirt, making sure the fish was over the fire. Turning around and looking around, he saw that the pelt on the ground was cut away just enough so that the fire wouldn't burn it..

Si'la took his hand and brought him over, letting him sit down as she set up four more fish over the fire, before sitting across from him watching the fish, making sure they don't burn.

Looking around some more, he realized that this hut was something that Ja'sha used to speak about, and for once the old lizard was right, this place was very comfortable. Dragonhunter was interrupted in his thoughts as he felt a paw slip up his right arm, looking down he noticed Si'la looking at her ash covered paw after touching his arm.

"Yeah, you don't get the luxury of having a bath everyday in the wastes." Si'la looked up at him before standing and quickly disappearing outside.

He sat there, reaching for a fish and pulling it from the fire as he stared at the door that the little anthro had disappeared through, taking a small bite from the fish. He felt it nearly melt in his mouth, the flavor being something he hadn't tasted in some years and his stomach immediatly growled for more. Quickly, he finished the first and second fish before Si'la came back into the hut, holding a small bucket and cloth. She sat next to him, letting him see the lighty steaming water in the bucket.

"So I'm that dirty huh?" he said nonchalantly, before reaching for the cloth, only to have his hand pushed away.

Looking at the anthro as she stood, moving around and starting to unbutton his vest, he tilted his head back slightly as he figured out what she was going to do. He was a bit hesitant about letting her wash him, though she opened his vest completely, showing off his toned muscles as well as the several scars he'd suffered at the claws of dragons.

Si'la ran a finger over a large slash that slid from the right side of his chest down to his left side at an downward angle, looking over it intently before leaning her head forward and lightly beginning to lick over his scar. He stared down at the anthro as she lapped gently over his scar, her paws gently resting on his sides as she licked him for whatever reason, though after a few moments he reached down and placed a paw on her head, making her look up at him with a curious expression with her tongue in mid lick.

Leaning back from her attention, he reached over and pulled the other two fish off the fire so they didn't get any crisper than they were. Feeling paws on his shoulders made him look over his right to see her pulling his vest down. He stopped her, unsure of how she would react once his vest was down, but her persistant tugs finally made him let her take his vest off.

Si'la set the vest aside before looking back toward her mate, blinking once as she looked at his back. She saw a strange tattoo marking his entire back, the lines were smooth and it was completely black. Looking over the mark for a moment, she blinked and realized that on his back was a marking of a dragon. From his shoulders were the tips of it's wings, and they moved down to the dragons lean body, though there were no real details to the dragon other than it's wings and it was all completely black. Si'la looked over the marking intently before Dragonhunter slowly turned himself around, looking at her intently, trying to figure out how she was going to react to the mark since he has had some less than friendly remarks and fights regarding it.

He sat there waiting for her to do something, but after some tense moments she simply reached over took the cloth, and dipping it into the bucket of water began to wash him down, getting all the ash and dirt from his body. She was very careful around his scars, roughly seven in total. Three on his back, two on his chest and two on his left side. He wasn't really sure why she was so careful around his scars since they had long healed and didn't hurt him.

Soon enough his upper body was clean, and Si'la was now removing his boots and socks, averting her nose at the stink of his socks. There was no cleaning your clothes either in the wastes.

Si'la set his boots and socks with his vest before she moved toward his pants. He was a bit more hesitant about that than his vest, but Si'la was persistant in getting him clean, and soon he had given up his pants and boxers, sitting there naked as the anthro girl began washing his legs. She didn't spend more time on any spot than she needed to which let him relax a bit more. When she was done cleaning between his legs, moving away Si'la looked over his now clean body with a triumphant smile before she took the bucket and cloth outside and dumped the water before returning.

Dragonhunter thought it best to leave his clothing off for now, though he wasn't planning on staying clean longer than he needed to. Since he had to continue his journey to kill all the remaining dragons in the world, he couldn't afford to stay here longer than he needed to.

Laying himself back as Si'la came back into the hut, reaching over and nibbling on her fish since her mate was now clean, she looked over the naked human as he laid on the pelt across from her. She found herself blushing softly as she nibbled on the fish, since this was the first time she had a male in her home, the first one as her mate, the one she is to give herself to.

At that thought, she flipped her ears back as she set the half eaten fish down next to her before slowly moving toward the naked male in her home on all fours. Dragonhunter had been staring at the ceiling, but jumped as he felt a cold nose touch his right side just below his rib cage. Leaning up onto his elbows and looking down at Si'la as she sniffed him tentatively before realising that he was looking at her. She shyed away a little, looking as if she had done something wrong, blinking as he watched her before he moved to sit up and look at her directly.

He looked the shy female in the eyes before speaking. "Alright, Si'la I want to smooth some things out." This got her attention as her ears perked forward, almost like a dogs would when they heard something they liked,

"I want you to know that you wanting me to be your mate is flattering and all and I thank you for the food, bath and warm place to stay for the night but I cannot stay here to be your mate." With that Si'la blinked and lowered her ears, shying her eyes away as if heartbroken. Reaching out and turning her head back to him he continued.

"I'm going to leave to hunt the dragons once again ,but I will keep the stick that you gave me always and will return to see you as much as I can." That seemed to please the female as she smiled at him.

"Are you able to speak Si'la?" came his question that had been nagging his mind for a few moments now. Si'la shook her head and leaned back, lifting her muzzle and moving some of the fur on her throat up showing a clean slash over her neck. Leaning forward he looked over the scar and he remembered what Ja'sha once told him.

"In the village where I was raised they are locked into old ways, females fight one another for the right to mate and the fights are brutal and many times fatal. Should a female have fought for one of the males, they would have felt honored if the female was adorned with fresh wounds. It was a strange but noble way."

Ja'sha talked much about the village. Leaning back and looking at Si'la as she smoothed the fur on her throat down he asked "So did you get that from fighting another female for a mate?" The sudden question made her blink and look away shyly giving a small nod, at least she was honest about it.

Nodding and setting his elbows on his knees as he looked at her, while she sat there still looking off to the side. After a few moments of silence Si'la looked back at him to find he was gazing up at the ceiling. Staring at him, she leaned forward and gave a few light sniffs to his neck. Looking over from the corner of his eye, feeling a few gentle nips to his neck, sharp fangs pulling on his skin lightly before it was replaced with a soft warm tongue licking over the nipped spot, he just sat there letting Si'la do what she wanted.

Thinking over his life, the last time he had laid with a female was nearly two years ago, a greatful fox that he happened to save along with her little encampment of people and furs. Looking down as Si'la slipped her head over to rub the side of it along his chest, her cold nose touching his stomach.

Si'la panted softly as she felt over her mates body, blushing under her fur as she advanced on him, waiting to feel him try and stop her though his hand never came and neither did his voice. He just sat there as she rubbed her muzzle down his stomach toward his groin and the small mass of hair and his limp member. Looking over it she felt her heart begin to quicken, she was so nervous suddenly and she didn't really know why, she had seen others mate as well as played with herself a few times but now that it was time for her to mate she felt hesitant but stopping might make her mate unhappy with her.

Looking up at him, seeing that he was watching her made her shy her eyes away again, she couldn't understand why she was so shy and nervous and a gentle hand on the side of her face made her jump before relaxing as Dragonhunter began to caress her cheek, scratching down her jawline making her coo in pleasure, she didn't know that it felt good to be scratched there.

Dragonhunter watched as Si'la lifted her head up like a cat when the underside of their muzzle was scratched, he looked over her form, able to make out the strong muscles in her arms and legs as the light from the fire shone upon her, making the shadows dance over her. Finding his body begining to react as he looked over her legs and stomach he slowly moved, pushing Si'la onto her back, her giving a surprised gasp as she stared up at him. He felt her legs instinctivly close and her arms move in front of her chest to protect herself, which let him know that she had never laid with a male before.

Leaning his head down and repeating what she had down to his neck, nipping at the side of her neck caused her to crane her head up, exposing her neck to him and immediatly opening her legs and arms, wrapping both around him as she gave small gasps of pleasure from his slightly harder bites. He soon began licking up her neck before leaning back, his hands moving to her loin cloth slowly pulling it apart and tossing it aside. Her paws were immediatly between her legs, covering herself as her ears fanned out to the sides and her muzzle was lowered with that faint color change showing that she was blushing.

Leaning back down and opening his mouth, giving a nice smooth bite onto her left shoulder, making her gasp and bite her bottom lip, her paws slowly pulling away and lightly settling themselves on his sides, staring at the ceiling of her hut as her knees moved to his hips, her paws lighlty gripped below his rib cage while he nibbled and bit her neck.

Moving his head back and looking into Si'la's eyes, he saw her embarrassment all over her face. Giving a small smirk he leaned forward, pressing his lips to her furred ones, she pulled back at first before realising what he was doing and returning the affection as well, her body relaxing. Slowly she opened her muzzle as she felt his tongue lick over her lips, darting into her mouth, lapping up against hers but she quickly gasped and looked away, taking a shy peek down between herself and him seeing his rigid member lightly poking at her left inner thigh.

Giving a loud gasp as she felt the tip of his member poke up against her virgin passage, she immediatly pulled back and quickly moved away as if too frightened to continue, this causing Dragonhunter to lean back and watch Si'la as she quickly moved away from him. He was ready to ask her what was wrong only to see her turn herself over and move onto her paws and knees, lifting her tail up and to the side, she moved into her natural mating position and looked over her shoulder blushing as she waited to be mounted. Taking the hint and moving up over Si'la, his chest brushing over her back fur, her tail slipping around his waist as best she could, her hips shivering slightly as Si'la panted under him, his length slipping between her legs and pressed firmly against her sex.

Si'la looked at the ground, arching her neck a bit so he could bite onto it when he was ready. He pulled his hips back, and slipping his right hand back rubbing the tip over her sex causing her to shiver slightly before she tensed as he pushed forward, his tip spreading her slowly. The humans tip slowly spread the furs sex open making her shiver and grip the pelt under her firmly as her fangs were bared, before gasping loudly staring forward as the tip of Dragonhunters length popped in.

He stopped as soon as he entered her, feeling her shivering and giving small jumps as her insides gripped him firmly, sending small bolts of pleasure running down his shaft and making him want to thrust in, but he restrained himself, letting Si'la get used to his size. Si'la stared at the pelt that her paws were gripping tightly as her insides squeezed her mates length, though she was a bit confused, either he was really small or he hadn't thrusted into her yet, this caused her to look over her shoulder at him with a questioning look on her face.

He looked back down at her before leaning his head down and licking her cheek, which changed her questioning look to one of surprise before she blushed and looked back down at the pelt benith her. Slowly Dragon Hunter began to push himself forward once again, leaning his head down to nip at the sides and back of her neck, making her gasp in pleasure as he sank himself deeper. Little by little he pushed himself deeper before she suddenly gave a struggled yip of pain that sounded very strained from a voice that hadn't and couldn't been used. Dragonhunter froze immediatly as the strange cry of pain rang out, and he remained still as Si'la shivered and tears fell from her eyes.

It wasn't hard to tell what had happened, Dragonhunter had just tore through the small furs virginity and the thought was confirmed as warm liquid flowed over his invading shaft. After a moment he leaned his head down and rubbed his cheek against hers, which she quickly returned rubbing her muzzle against his throat. Shivering Si'la tried to calm herself as her walls continued gripping his length, even through the pain. Looking up at him with tears in her eyes, he slowly began licking them away which seemed to make her feel a lot better, he wasn't just thrusting through her pain like she had heard some males do.

Dragonhunter didn't begin to move till several minutes later, after Si'la's shivering had faded, pushing himself deeper and making her gasp and tense as she expected the pain to return and consume her once again, though as he continued she found that it did not come but rather a pleasurable feeling which made her sigh happily. Lowering her muzzle to the pelt, burying her nose in the black fur as she felt her mates hips press firmly against her ass made her sigh once again, feeling so full and her walls gripping firmly, trying to milk the shaft though the grips were random and at different strengths which kept Dragonhunter off guard.

Panting softly he began to slowly start thrusting with small gentle pushes, each making Si'la gasp in pleasure and her walls clench and soon a gentle rythm was built, strong enough to rock Si'la a bit and gentle enough to give both pleasure while Si'la was taken for the first time.

Dragonhunter continued his slow pace, thrusting his hips gently into the fur benith him, minutes dragged on and Dragonhunter pulled Si'la into a different position much to her surprise, she was now straddling his lap with her back to his chest and was slowly riding his shaft, giving her a whole new angle of stimulation that made her try to cry out. Time continued to pass and Si'la's gentle ride was becomming more and more frantic as she felt her stomach tighten and she knew she was going to cum soon. Dragonhunter was nearing his peak as well, as Si'la's walls began gripping him in a steady rhythm everytime she pulled up only to fall back down.

Wrapping both of his hands around her furred breasts and squeezing them firmly, her paws covering his hands as she blushes, still shy even though he was buried deep inside of her, panting heavily as she continued to ride her mate fast and hard before suddenly freezing as her whole body shakes from her orgasm. Dragonhunter grits his teeth, groaning through them into the side of Si'la's neck as he feels her clenching walls drawing his orgasm out almost forcibly, panting heavily as he feels his seed pour out into the fur as she laid against him limply, too tired to move.

Sitting there with Si'la wrapped in his arms, both panting and covered in a thin layer of sweat as well as mixed juices between their thighs, slowly laying himself back and shifting onto his right side into a spooning position while still buried deep inside of Si'la. It only took a few moments on the lush pelt before Si'la had fallen asleep and Dragonhunter having not laid with a woman in so long was just as tired and sleep crept over him as well, both drifting off into a calm sleep after a long first mating.

Si'la slowly woke from her slumber finding herself feeling sore but content, pushing herself up she saw her mate sitting by the fire, even though light was pouring in from the hole in the top of the hut. He was dressed and had his weapons with him. She remembered that he was going to leave today and her ears quickly fanned back. Crawling over and gaining his attention by licking his cheek gently, Si'la's affection was returned with a nice scratch behind her right ear, another spot she was surprised felt so good to have attention to it.

"I'll be leaving here in a few moments but wanted to say goodbye before I left." Si'la's ears once again fanned back before she shook her head and stood, moving to a trunk and quickly getting herself dressed. Si'la slipped on a cloth skirt that went to mid thigh and a cloth around her chest just under her arms.

Dragonhunter sat there watching Si'la as she pulled her blades from the trunk and set them around her waist, then grabbed her bow off the wall with a quiver full of arrows, turned back to her mate with a determined look that immediatly said 'I'm going too and you can't stop me.' After seeing Si'la's expression he slowly stood, picking his axe up setting it on his shoulder.

Looking over the fur and standing up, "Your going to need more clothing, the waste isn't like the forest." Moving toward her, he pulls some more clothes and some pelts from the trunk. Si'la was undressed and re-dressed in a few minutes, now donning some tight shorts made from cloth that went just past her knees. Leather boots that stretched up just below her knees so her legs were completely covered, a pelt vest made from the same black fur as the fur on the floor of her hut, some fingerless gloves, a cloth scarf like Dragonhunter and another cloth for her head to keep her ears covered.

With that they both stepped from the hut and moved through the village, with several heads turning to watch him and Si'la as they moved toward the main gate that he was brought through the day before.

In front of the gate were the witch and chief from the other day as well. Stopping in front of the large fur and elder female fur, both seeming to have predicted that this was going to happen.

"We knew you weren't going to stay long and so we wished to see you and Si'la off," the chief said with a smile, holding out something. At first glance it looked like a stick, but taking a second glance it turned out to be an arrow.

The arrow tip was made from some kind of crystal that was perfectly clear, looking almost like glass with raven black feathers on the back to help it glide through the air. Taking the arrorw and slipping it into his own quiver, the chief and witch stepped aside and the main gate was opened, letting Dragonhunter and Si'la pass without words.

Flying over the forest once again, looking around growling loudly in frustration as well as a secondary growl from it's lower region, the dragon that follows the dragon hunter continued circling the opposite side of the forest that the little human had disappeared into. Slow was one thing, but a whole day? Even he wasn't that slow, but the forest was too thick to see him from the sky, and walking it could lead to something unwanted like being ambushed. If it couldn't land in the forest because of the trees, once it walked in it couldn't fly out.

Finally seeing a dot slip from the forest, the dragon immediately flies down toward it. Seeing that there were two dots, unsure of the second dot but knowing the first was the human it followed, the dragon quickly made it's way toward them.

Stepping from the forest looking to the sky, he immediatly saw the dragon soaring toward them. He didn't know how Si'la would take seeing a dragon land in front of them but knew that she would stop if he told her to. As the dragon neared the human and fur, Si'la indeed jumped forward and pulled her bow from her shoulder, but was immediatly stopped by Dragonhunter. Pushing the bow down as the dragon landed in front of them, Dragonhunter moves toward the dragon and turns back to Si'la.

"This dragon follows me and helps me kill other dragons, food is hard to find out here so once a dragon is killed this dragon devours it. That is the deal me and this dragon have struck together" he explained to the shocked fur.

Looking to the dragon, "This is Si'la, in a round about way she became my mate." The dragon blinked immediately before pulling its head back with a tilt, looking at the human as if to say 'Round about what and she's your what?'

"She's my mate and you'll have to accept it, she'll be following me like you, let's go." With no other explanation Dragon Hunter moved past the dragon and into the wastes, pulling his scarf over his face and pushing his sunglasses over his eyes.

Si'la stood there watching her mate leave before looking at the dragon, who had just looked back at her after gazing at the human. After a moment of just staring at one another the dragon turned and took to the sky, but not before giving a snort at the female fur. Si'la felt like the dragon had just insulted her, but wasn't sure. Dragonhunter yelling out for her to hurry up or get left behind snapped her back to what she was doing, and she quickly ran after her mate into a new and dangerous world.