Woofy: The Next Day

Story by interloper on SoFurry

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#2 of Woofy and Me

In which Woofy and I talk somewhat about his past, go shopping, and have a bit more fun...

(Note: This is the second story in this series. I am still trying to figure out how to properly make these a series on the site, so just be aware that this story will make more sense if you've read the first one.)

As it turned out, I ended up drifting off to sleep on the couch as well - after all, we were both pleasantly exhausted after what we had just done, and it had truly been a day like no other. In fact, we both somehow managed to sleep all the way through the rest of the evening and well into the next morning. I awoke first, squinting at the bright sunlight streaming in through the apartment's only window, feeling constricted from sleeping upright, and trying to shake off the mental fog that oversleeping usually imposed. Then I looked over at the blue, fuzzy humanoid husky dog curled up peacefully next to me, and the pleasure and intensity of the previous day jumped back to the forefront of my awakening mind.

And what a day it had been. Just yesterday, until a bit after lunchtime, my life had been decent, if unremarkable: an apartment, a short walking commute, a job shuffling numbers for a reasonable amount of pay, money in the bank, and an overall tranquil, if perhaps a bit lonely, life in a beautiful city. And then, in the span of a few hours, everything had changed. I went from being alone to having a fuzzy new roommate with the odd name of Woofy, from being blissfully unaware of current events to becoming at least peripherally involved in insane government investigations and even crazier science, and, perhaps most importantly, I had gone from being largely clueless about most things sexual, to partaking in a whirlwind primer of some of the most amazing things that two people could do together.

Considering that last part, I felt a twinge of... not humiliation or embarrassment or anything, just... confusion, I suppose. This was primarily due to what had recently transpired on the couch, and that I was still hanging out, shirtless and nonchalant, next to a man who was, at that point, still completely unclothed. Simply put, it was a turn of events that was completely unprecedented in the history of my life.

And it wasn't even really about the fact that he was a man. I mean, growing up, it wasn't as though I had been indoctrinated against homosexuality - it was out there in mainstream society by then, and living in a more progressive state, no one really seemed to mention it one way or another, although most families I saw took after the traditionally heterosexual "nuclear family" model. Throughout junior high and high school, during a fleeting period of sexual awakening, I found most girls in my classes to be compellingly attractive, but I had never perfected the social charms necessary to attract much more than the occasional smile. Then, as high school was winding down and I prepared to set off to college, some logical part of my mind took over; and as my life became more and more about numbers, the sexual attractiveness of anyone, male or female, had seemed to naturally fade away. By the time I left college and entered the working world, sex and relationships had largely become an afterthought - I hung out with my coworkers and played video games, but always found a way to shrug off their attempts to set me up with potentially interesting girls, and after a while, guys as well. Something about the whole process just never really appealed to me, and I was happy to stay single, and take care of what few desires I had on my own, never really comprehending what other sorts of experiences might be possible. In the future, there had been some vague notion of finding a nice girl and settling down, but it had never gotten beyond that. And so it had been up until yesterday, when the world went sideways and I got caught up in it.

In a sense, the rational part of my mind was still in shock, trying to pretend that my life was how it had been before, and almost refusing to acknowledge what had just happened. The rest of me, though, was more than pleased with how things were going so far. To this day, I still wonder how things would have gone had I stayed at my desk for lunch, or taken a different path through town: would I still be alone? Still working like mad? Still asexual, and not minding it a bit? It's impossible to know for sure, but what I do know is that I never once wanted to go back and find out.

One thing I knew for sure, though - a part of my life that hadn't seemed to matter at all for years was once again very much at the forefront of my consciousness. From the moment that Woofy had reached for me just a few hours before, it was like some hidden switch had flipped in my mind, and close to a decade of dormant desires had sprung into being in the course of a few incredible moments. Looking down at Woofy's peaceful form curled up on the couch, a surge of new and inexplicable emotions surged through me. Liking, love, sexual desire... none of those concepts seemed to describe how I was feeling. Logically, my mind was of little help, dredging up textbook definitions of love and infatuation from some half-remembered high school "health" class from years ago. I mean, there was certainly no small level of lust involved, although just looking at him wasn't in itself all that arousing - it had been many years, since high school really, that simply looking at someone was enough to turn me on. But it was something completely beyond that - somehow, I had managed to go from being annoyed by a random, loud, aggravating stranger, to actually kind of caring about him. In that light, his earlier frenetic energy seemed like enthusiasm, and his eager exclamations simply a part of his personality rather than an aggravation. Whatever you wanted to call it, no one else in my life had ever convinced me to completely flip my initial perception of them, and the feelings I felt for him at that moment were warmer than those I had felt towards anyone else in recent memory.

Luckily, before I became too lost in my own musings, Woofy snuffled a couple of times and awakened with a loud yawn, his jaws opening surprisingly wide. I hadn't really taken the time to notice before, but while his teeth were perhaps a bit pointier than normal, they didn't look all that different from average human dentition. In fact, despite his unusual appearance, he probably still most overall resembled a human, or at least humanoid, than he did anything else. As he uncurled on the couch, though, stretching his body out while sighing happily, I realized that his spine was much more flexible than that of most humans, a fact confirmed when he curled back down and gave his crotch a few tentative licks, directly reminding me that he was, in fact, still completely naked. And while that might have seemed sensual in the midst of what we were doing last night, first thing in the morning, it seemed a bit unsettling.

Looking back up, Woofy finally noticed that I was standing over him, but didn't seem ashamed at all by either his nakedness, or the fact that he had just been licking himself intimately. Instead, a smile jumped onto his face as he shook off the last vestiges of sleepiness.

"Hey! You're awake! Oh boy, Dave's awake! I'm so happy!" Which was, of course, the most strangely enthusiastic morning greeting I had ever heard, and I couldn't quite pass up responding.

"Wow... you're sure cheerful this morning... although, you know, you've kind of been that way since I met you, honestly."

He responded, still grinning from ear to ear. "Well, AD always said that if you feel happy about something, no matter if it's big or small, you should let everyone know! He said that if people know you're happy, then they're happy too, and then the whole world is happy!" With the last part, he reached up and flung his arms out wide.

I grinned at his grandiose gesture. "You know, honestly, that's not all that bad of a philosophy." And he did have a point - just being around him for a day had already improved my usually emotionless demeanor immensely. Of course, the gesture brought his hand forward out of his lap, reminding me once again that he was still quite naked. "Now that you're up, though, it's time to get dressed and get some breakfast, and then we'll figure out what we're going to do today."

I grabbed my pants and pulled them back on, while Woofy looked slightly disappointed by the notion of having to wear clothes again. However, as the clothes that he had discarded the night before looked more than a little rumpled (and, in one case, slightly stained in the front), I went over to my bedroom to find something for him to wear. Looking through my dresser, I pulled out some underwear, a decent pair of slacks, and a loose-fitting T-shirt, taking a moment to pull on a shirt as well. At least it was the weekend, so I could just wear a normal logo-print T-shirt instead of an uncomfortable work shirt. Walking back, I tossed the clothes over to Woofy, and then went over to dig around in the refrigerator and pantry for something to eat. I settled on some generic-O's cereal and milk, bringing them back over to the TV table, which was really the only table in the apartment.

Meanwhile, Woofy was struggling with the clothes a bit. The underwear was fine, as low-rise boxer briefs sat well below his tail, but the slacks were proving to be a different situation. Admittedly, they were designed to be worn on the waist, but when he tried to pull them up, they ended up trapping the base of his tail, pushing it straight up against his back and causing him to emit a little yelp with each attempt. Finally, I suggested that he just let them ride on his hips instead, but then they were too tight to be buttoned.

"Are you sure I need to wear them?" he asked, as I tried to come up with a solution.

"Maybe not while we're in the apartment, but if you're going to go outside, you have to wear something more than underwear. Think about it - when we were outside yesterday, wasn't everyone wearing pants?"

He nodded. "Okay, but these ones hurt my tail! Isn't there anything else I can do?"

"Well, what we really need to do is take you shopping for some clothes of your own - while mine kinda fit you, they're obviously not working all that well. Tell you what - after we eat, we'll go to the mall and see if we can find some stuff that works better, but we need to make this work for now." I thought about it a bit more, and finally dug up a belt, holding the pants more or less securely around his hips even without being buttoned. They still hung fairly low, and his underwear was sticking up a good inch or two above the top, but honestly that look wasn't all that unusual these days, so I let it slide. The shirt, though, was another matter entirely.

"It's too hot!" Woofy protested a minute after putting it on.

"Really? But the A/C is on, and..."

"Too hot!" he yelped, and pulled it off. I decided not to press the matter further, for now, but we'd have to deal with it sooner or later - fur or not, people would stare even more than they were already certain to do if he went everywhere without a shirt on.

Setting the remaining clothing aside, I poured us both a bowl of cereal, and we sat on the couch for a very late breakfast. As we ate, though, my mind flashed back to what we had been talking about last night.

"You know, Woofy, when we were talking about doing stuff last night..."

"Yes?" he said, his voice muffled around a mouthful of cereal.

"Well, one of the things I meant was... what kind of, you know, regular stuff do you know how to do? I mean, for example, even though you were in a lab or something until yesterday, you know how to speak pretty good English, right? So, what I mean is... what other kinda stuff like that do you know?"

Woofy paused for a moment to think, swirling the spoon around in his bowl. "I know lots of things! AD said that knowing all kinds of stuff was important, so... I can write! And read! And, and, do that stuff where you add numbers and get even better numbers! OH! And I can draw! Oh wow, I love drawing people! Here, let me draw you!" He grabbed one of the napkins I had set out on the table, but couldn't find anything to draw on it with. Remembering that I usually carried a pen around with me, I fished it out of my pocket, and he snatched it from my grasp before I could even hand it to him. He crouched down, leaning over the napkin, glancing up and down and scribbling madly, his tail twitching quickly back and forth as though it was trying to keep time with his frenetic work. I sat back, half bemused, half amazed - suddenly, he seemed to be gripped by a focus and intensity that I hadn't thought he possessed. He kept working on it, his half-eaten bowl of cereal long since forgotten, and I hesitated to even move. Finally, though, he screamed "TAA-DAAH!" and finished the final line with a flourish of the pen, grabbing the finished work and shoving it close to my face. "Whaddaya think? Whaddaya think?"

The drawing was, in fact, a pretty good likeness of my face, albeit somewhat stylized, and almost seemed like it was something that could have been lifted from the panel of a 1930s detective comic. All in all, it was far better than I could have done, especially in a span of mere minutes. I grinned, and started to talk about how cool I thought it looked, but before I could get more than a couple of words out, Woofy saw the look on my face, grinned even wider, and uncoiled from his crouch to pounce on top of me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad you like it!" he said, snuggling his face up against mine, and the desire that had ebbed last night suddenly returned with a vengeance. For a moment, I was tempted to see if I could turn the situation into something more, but my logical side reminded me that if I let that happen, we weren't going to get much else done that day, and that I didn't have enough clean clothes to last two people all that much longer. So, reluctantly, I settled for cuddling for a few minutes, petting the fur on his head and neck, and he murred happily in response. That's the word I still use for it, and I guess it's the closest to describe that peculiar sound - not quite a purr, not quite a growl, but a sound of pleasure and relaxation that emanates from deep in his chest, a response that seems to come almost automatically in that kind of situation.

In any case, we disengaged after a a few minutes, and I let him tape the drawing to the side of the TV as I went to put on my socks and shoes. I didn't have a pair for Woofy, as his feet were decidedly not human in proportion - but he hadn't seemed to mind being barefoot during the long walk back to the apartment, so I assumed his feet alone were comfortable enough for hiking around outside. I fired up my cellphone to see if anyone had called, but there were no messages: from the detective, or my boss, or anyone else. Then, after dumping the dishes off in to the sink - again, Woofy had only managed to eat about half the food I had given him - I locked up the apartment, and we began walking towards the shopping mall that was relatively close to where I worked. Downtown was nice, but didn't have all that much to offer in terms of clothing stores.

It was a fairly leisurely walk, and Woofy became quickly absorbed in taking in all of the various sights and sounds of the neighborhoods we walked through, babbling happily. I looked around as well, but more at the people we were passing - there were a few strange looks here and there, but not as much reaction as I had thought. I chalked it up to one more advantage of living in a progressive town: you could walk around with all sorts of weird looks, including being a bright blue husky anthropomorph, and most people wouldn't really care much about it at all.

As I walked along, through, a troubling thought popped into my head unbidden. I had certainly enjoyed my time spent with Woofy so far - especially the intimate moments - but the truth was, at least as far as I knew about relationships, the fact that he had just jumped into bed with me without a second thought seemed highly unusual. Not to mention there was also the fact of how it had started - how I had asked him about just doing stuff, without being more specific, and the fact that he had responded immediately in a sexual manner. It seemed, somehow, like he had been conditioned to expect some sort of sexual contact, even in situations that didn't seem to call for it, and that in turn made me wonder just exactly what "AD" - Anatoliy Dubrovnikov - had been doing with his creations behind the closed doors of his lab. If Woofy had been abused, and I was somehow taking advantage of it... It seemed like a difficult question to ask, but I had to know.

"Hey, Woofy, can I talk to you a sec?"

"Sure!" he replied, looking away from a detailed mailbox carved to look like a birdhouse, and walked back to me until we were again walking side by side. "Whatcha need?"

"Well, I was just wondering about some of the stuff that happened... you know, before, ah, 'AD' took off, and you found me."

"Oh! We were in this building, I think it was called a 'Laboratory,' and we all played around, and AD had a big glowing screen on a wall where he showed us stuff, and we learned, learned all kinds of things! An' he said that he was sorry we didn't get to be kids really, but we had to be inside of this machine for a long time or something, but I don't remember that at all! And then we played these things that were called sports where we ran around a lot, and..." He rambled on for a minute, becoming less coherent from there, and I finally cut him off.

"Okay, I get the idea. I guess what I was wondering was... Doesn't it seem unusual to you, to just, you know, do the stuff we did last night with someone you barely know?"

"No?" he responded, looking puzzled. "Besides, I know you! You're Dave!"

"That's not what I mean, really... I mean..." I struggled to think how to explain it. "With people, usually, it takes time to get to know them, and you don't usually do such things so causally. I mean, I didn't mind, of course, but... some people, they think it's inappropriate if you just do that kind of stuff without prompting. And a lot of times, they think that you're doing something inappropriate because you learned about, you know, sex stuff in some unusual way, like if someone hurt you, or did things that felt good, but also kinda wrong, and told you to keep it a secret... What I mean is, when you were in the lab, did anyone do things to you that felt wrong? Did AD hurt you, or anything?"

"Oh, no, of course not!" Woofy replied. "AD was always so nice and kind to all of us!"

"But the sex stuff..."

"Oh, that! Well, one day, AD sat us all down in the teaching room and said that 'cuz we were of age or something like that, and we were gonna get all horny or something soon, he was gonna teach us about what to do about it! So he showed us a bunch of pictures and talked about sex and stuff, but a bunch of it was weird, because he showed us these crazy pictures of people that were called women, and they looked way different, and I'd never seen any before. AD said that it was strange because we were all guys, and that's 'cuz he thought women were all scary and weird, and I think he's right, they do look weird! But because we were all guys, we would have to learn things to do that they don't teach in the textbooks, so he showed us a whole bunch of stuff! And then, later, we did start feeling sexy, so all of the people like me that were there, we'd jump on each other and have fun, because it made people happy and it felt so good! And AD wasn't as horny as we were most of the time, but we'd jump on him anyway, and he didn't seem to mind, he was as happy as anyone! Before he left, AD said I was one of the best of anyone at it, but I'm usually good at all the stuff he teaches, and everyone else liked me as well!"

"Well, I guess that mostly answers that, but I have to wonder... even if AD left, you still had all of your kind together at the lab, and, even if I guess it's kinda borderline incestuous, you still all had each other... so why'd you all leave, split up, and go around grabbing random people? I just don't quite get it. And, I mean, why me?"

"Huh," woofy replied, looking a bit unsettled. "Well, when AD was there, it was like... there was this feeling we had, when he was around! Yeah, it was like, this kinda, well, this almost thing that you could feel every time he was around! It was like this sorta thing where you could just feel his mind there with you all the time, and when he left, it was just gone! We were there, but it was suddenly so lonely, and we all felt so scared and alone, like we weren't connected to anything anymore! And it seemed so dead in there, so empty, so sad..." he shivered involuntarily. "It was horrible! We tried to find that thing with each other, but it was gone! It just wasn't there! And we needed to get away, it was so lonely..." By now, he was shivering nonstop, and he suddenly grabbed my arm again and held me close, with the same feeling of desperation from the day before. "And I walked around, and everything was so alien, and people were staring at me, and these big zooming things were moving around everywhere! It was so scary, and all those feelings were gone! There were all these strange people everywhere, and I felt so alone! And then I saw you, and I felt that thing, that connection again, and I was so scared that I was going to lose it again! Please, I don't want to feel alone again!"

He started sobbing, shaking uncontrollably, and I felt terrible that my seemingly innocuous question had brought back such terrible feelings. I stopped walking and moved his hands off of my arm and brought them around to encircle my waist. Then I hugged him close, softly stroking the fur on the back of his head. "Hey, don't worry! I'm still not sure I quite understand it, but that doesn't matter, right? What matters is, I'm here now, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to leave you all alone, okay?"

"Okay," he replied, snuffling, his head tucked tight against my shoulder. He still clung tightly to me, as though I was his only lifeline, but at least he had stopped shivering. Thankfully, the neighborhood we were in seemed more or less deserted, so we hadn't had an audience for what had just happened. I kept holding him tight, feeling his chest rise and fall against mine as I stroked the fur on his back, feeling his muscles relax and the tempo of his panicky breathing slowly but surely returning to normal. Luckily, as I quickly found out, Woofy's rare moments of sadness were intense but mercurial. After a few minutes his remarkable ebullient happiness had returned, and he started getting into the contact, rubbing my back as he started to grind my crotch up against mine. The neighborhood seemed empty, but it wasn't that deserted... nervous, I managed to disengage, and while Woofy looked a little disappointed that we weren't going to do anything more, he was soon back to eagerly exploring the neighborhood. As a result, we made it to the mall without any further incident, other than the fact that my dick felt like it was trying to claw its way out of my pants for the rest of the walk there.

Unlike the downtown area, which had an independent, small-town charm, the mall was unremarkable and undeniably corporate. Dubbed "Parkway Center," even the well-tended islands of landscaping dotting the perimeter of the large, pinkish concrete structure did little to disguise the surrounding sea of asphalt. Even though the day was cooler than yesterday had been, heat still radiated up visibly from the dark pavement. Woofy started panting heavily from the added warmth as we crossed the parking lot, looking none too relieved once we went through the automated glass doors and into the mall's air-conditioned atrium.

Honestly, I didn't know all that much about the mall, even though it was near where I worked - as a rule, I generally hated shopping, and clothes shopping was the worst. As a result, most of my shopping forays involved walking into the generic department store near the mall's entrance, grabbing a few things off the rack, and getting out as quickly as I could. This worked for nearly everything except underwear, which I got from one of the trendier shops, simply because they had something more than a few anemic racks of rough woven boxers and uncomfortable white briefs.

Remembering Woofy's earlier wardrobe mishaps, though, I figured it made more sense just to skip the department store entirely - while the low-rise, more popular styles of clothing didn't exactly fit in at an office environment, they were probably just the thing to deal with the tail problem, at least in a way that didn't involve me making an awkward attempt at clothing alterations.

So we walked on into the mall, past artfully arranged fountains and potted plants. Being a more crowded environment, however, a lot more people were staring at us, some gasping, others pointing and whispering to each other about "those news reports on TV the other night." I quickened my pace, hoping we wouldn't get mobbed by curiosity-seekers. Luckily, we made it to the shop without anyone accosting us, and the shop itself was mercifully empty, devoid of anyone but a few other shoppers.

This was probably because trendy equalled costly, and the economy wasn't as stellar as it once had been. I didn't mind, though - years of spartan living, in an apartment at a quarter of the rent I could have actually afforded, meant that my bank balance was more than healthy. And, I have to admit, there was something suddenly intriguing about seeing how Woofy would look in tight jeans.

The salesperson by the door, a teenage boy with a spray-on tan and gel-spiked blonde hair, noticed us looking around and came over, looking at Woofy with his mouth hanging open. After a moment, though, he gathered his thoughts enough to speak.

"I saw the stuff on the news, but I just went, no way! But I mean, it's really... real..." He reached out and touched Woofy's arm, gazing at him in wonderment. "No... freaking... way."

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy, but it's true," I said.

"So it's really true, all of the stuff they said on the news?" Not having watched the news yesterday, I hadn't the slightest idea what he was talking about. "It's true that they, like, latch onto you, and then you're like, stuck with them forever and stuff?"

"Um... kinda?"

"Whoa. That is, like, so crazy. And you're not, like, flipping out over it and stuff?"

"Why?" I paused for a second, thinking about it. "I mean, he's pretty much just a guy, only with fur, and a tail, and things like that. Honestly, I've seen people who looked a lot weirder than that at some raves back in college."

"I hear that. Some dudes are, like, so freaky! Still, kinda crazy, but whatever..."

"I guess," I replied, "but at the moment, I'm liking crazy better than boring."

"True that."

"In any case," I continued, "one thing that folks like Woofy here didn't come with is much of a wardrobe, so I'm here to remedy that."

"Sure, no problem! C'mon, furry dude, let's get you looking fine!"

The salesperson led us through the store, grabbing items that he thought would look good, and left us near the changing rooms with a pile of clothes for Woofy to try on. He took them into one of the stalls, and I sat in one of the chairs outside, waiting for him to emerge wearing one of the newfound outfits. Instead, a moment later, I heard him struggling with something, and then he cried out. "Dave! Help!"

I rushed into the booth, and then realized my mistake - while tight jeans might work well against bare skin, they worked remarkably less well when you were covered with rather thick fur, and while boxer briefs were stretchy enough to conform comfortably, the thick fabric of jeans wasn't working at all. Woofy had managed to get them mostly onto his hips before they really got stuck, the legs puffing out crazily. They were too tight to pull up any further, and the fur binding to them was making them hard to get back off. Working together, though, with Woofy pulling on the waist and me alternating between tugging on the ankles and thighs of the fabric, we finally managed to get the jeans back off.

Tossing the jeans to the side, I looked back at Woofy, who was now clad only in his underwear. The contact when we were getting the jeans off must have stimulated him, as his member was poking visibly outward against the pouch. I was still somewhat aroused from before, and something about him just standing there... while normally I would have been mortified to attempt anything at all unusual in public, I was suddenly gripped by an overwhelming desire to touch him.

I walked over to him, hooking my right arm under his, rubbing the fur on his back as I pushed his chest closer to mine. He gasped ever so slightly in surprise, then relaxed against me, the tip of his member bumping gently against the crotch of my pants. With my other hand, I reached down, pushing him up towards the top of the pouch, so that the soft fabric was rubbing against one side of him, while the other was flush against his downy pelvic fur. I rubbed up and down his shaft, massaging him through the fabric, and as he moaned softly from the stimulation, I wondered just how far I was going to take this, here in the dressing room cubicle.

It was about then that a blinking red light caught my attention, flashing in the periphery of my vision. I looked up to see a smoke-colored plastic enclosure, and something inside I couldn't quite make out. Maybe it was just a smoke alarm, or some kind of sensor... or maybe, it was a somewhat concealed security camera. In any case, the salesperson wouldn't stay away forever, and certainly would not if we ended up making any more noise. So, I reluctantly pulled away again, whispering into his ear, "That's enough for now - once we get back home, we can do more." He looked a little disappointed, but he seemed to understand the situation; even so, he still humped against my crotch a few more times before he disengaged. We were both horny, and visibly aroused - even my fairly loose slacks couldn't completely hide the growing bulge - but we managed to calm back down, and Woofy agreed to try on some clothes in a different style. After trying on a few more pairs, none of which had similar issues, he found some jeans that were loose enough in the leg not to conflict with his fur, but were comfortably snug on his hips and crotch.

The shirts, though, were again a problem. All of the T-shirts were still too hot for him to wear, even the fairly lightweight ones - for some reason, wearing much of anything at all of his chest seemed to cause him to overheat. After trying at least a dozen different shirts, I finally relented, and we ended up just buying a few pairs of the low-rise jeans, including a pair for him to wear out of the store, and an assortment of trunks and boxer briefs in various styles and patterns. By the time we wrapped up our shopping, it was later in the afternoon, and the crowds had thinned considerably. As a result, we were able to walk back through the mall relatively unhindered.

As we were walking out, though, Woofy suddenly jumped over to the display window of one of the other stores. "Hey! Look! What about this one?"

I went over to see what he was looking at, and realized that it was the display window for one of the more gothic-themed shops. In the window, though, was a mannequin wearing a dark, sleeveless mesh shirt.

"See? See? Isn't that a shirt?"

"Well, I guess it just barely qualifies as one, but it's probably better than nothing..." We wandered into the shop, talked to a salesperson who seemed completely nonplussed with Woofy's appearance, and got Woofy to try a few of them on, both with sleeves and without. They were a little tight against his fur, but he didn't seem to mind the feel, and also wasn't feeling overheated by them at all. Plus, enough of the shirts had thick enough mesh to at least count as some sort of covering, and while it did cause the fur to puff out slightly in a pattern of little diamonds, I thought it was still an improvement over him going shirtless. After buying a few identical-looking shirts - for some reason, the shop only seemed to have them in black or grey - we headed back for home, Woofy looking thoroughly happy with his new outfit, every so often rubbing up against me plaintively. "Don't worry," I said after one particularly enthusiastic rub, "we'll have some more fun tonight, okay?"

When we got back to the apartment, though, the growing warmth of the day had again soaked my clothes through with sweat, and I also quickly came to the realization that I had forgotten to take a shower the day before. So, once we got back inside, I fired up the television and left Woofy to watch a nature channel program while I cleaned myself up.

Relaxing in the stream of hot water, I let my mind wander again. Unsurprisingly, my thoughts turned back to Woofy, and my sudden attraction to him. While I could remember being attracted to people before, I could never remember feeling such incredible arousal that I was willing to grope someone, and in a nearly public place to boot! Whatever was going on, it was more than just some simple attraction, and more than just that one moment the night before. In fact, just thinking about the situation was causing me to become aroused, and by the time the shower was over, I had to struggle to pull my boxer briefs on over my burgeoning erection.

As I walked out of the bathroom, though, Woofy looked up from the TV and asked if he could shower as well, and quickly retreated into the bathroom with his newly acquired clothes. I guess I hadn't really thought about it, but it wasn't as though he was going to lick himself clean - and after all, wasn't that a cat thing? Leaving him to it, I pulled out a frozen pizza and popped it into the apartment's small oven, listening to him happily humming an unfamiliar tune over the running water.

He emerged as I was taking the pizza out of the oven, wearing the jeans and one of the mesh shirts, his exposed fur puffed outward from being towel-dried, and his whole body smelling of my shampoo - which only made sense, I supposed. We sat down on the couch, watching a forgettable comedy show as we ate our pizza.

As I was cleaning up and putting away the leftover pizza, he sidled up to me, rubbing against me while growling softly, and I realized that even after calming down a bit on the walk back, he was still raring to go after what we had done earlier. "So," he said, his voice heavy with arousal, "what kinda stuff do you want to do tonight?"

I turned back, following him back into the living room. "Well," I said, "we could finish up what we started earlier..." I grabbed him and pulled him close to me, and he relaxed, not resisting at all as I pushed him back up against the wall.

I held him tight, rubbing and massaging his back, the combination of the fur and the mesh of the shirt feeling sleek and soft to my touch, the warm muscles underneath flexing comfortably, his back arching in response. Pausing for a moment, I tore my shirt off and tossed it to the side before hugging him close once again, pushing my entire body against his, and feeling his soft chest tight against mine. I tried to kiss him, but due to our anatomy, it didn't intersect very well. Instead, he unrolled his long, flexible tongue and licked wetly at my face. I gasped at the contact, and he took the opportunity to dart his tongue into my open mouth, wrapping it around mine and sensuously twitching it back and forth. I managed a rather muffled moan in response, feeling shivers run down my neck from the contact. He removed his tongue a moment later, nuzzling at my neck instead, and I realized that I was once again fully, almost unbearably aroused.

He must have been feeling about the same, because a moment later, he slid his hands down my back and across the waist of my slacks, and was soon trying to undo the top button by feel, as the rest of him was still more or less pressed against me. My own hands quickly followed suit, unbuttoning his jeans to feel the tip of his rock-hard member, outlined by the fabric it was straining against. He had put on one of the pairs of boxer briefs I had gotten for him, with form-fitting midnight blue fabric that was almost as soft as the fur of his underbelly. I briefly tweaked the tip, then reached down to the zipper, pressing the metal catch up against him and slowly pulled it down, the unusual feel of the metal stroking downwards causing his hips to buck in response. As the pants loosened, I slid my hand inside and across the fabric of his underwear, running my hands along his hips and across his butt, shrugging the jeans away from his body as I did so. I continued rubbing him as his jeans fell to the floor, touching the inside of his thighs as his own hands, distracted by the sudden attention I was giving him, finally managed to get the button undone. He tried the same thing with the zipper on me, and the touch felt divine as it ran down my shaft, the tiny metal teeth of the zipper clicking away around it. My own pants fell from around my hips, and he started rubbing me through my underwear as well as I kicked them away. We pressed up against each other again, and our hands ended up gripping each others buttocks as we bucked up against each other, our members thrashing at each other through our underwear - we were close, but not close enough.

Suddenly, though, I had an idea. As he breathed hotly into my ear, I reached back and rolled the waistband of my boxer briefs back onto itself, causing them to ride lower and for the tip of my cock to peek out of the top. I pulled back for a second, and Woofy looked down curiously as I folded the fabric over a few more times. The underwear was still tight against my thighs, but the whole head of my cock and a couple of inches beyond that were exposed, with the waistband still pushing against the base, holding my member tightly in place against my stomach. I reached over and did the same for Woofy, his thick member fairly vibrating in place.

Then, hugging him again, I pushed us back up against the wall, grinding my pelvis against his and pushing our members tightly together. With the underwear holding things more or less in place, there wasn't any problem with staying together like there had been the night before. I pushed hard against him, hammering my hips like a jackhammer, each stroke bringing the soft flesh of our cocks together, and each touch sending waves of ecstasy coursing through both of us. As we pressed close together, my entire body growing almost impossibly sensitive and gasping at each touch, I could feel Woofy's chest heaving against mind, and his buttocks began to twitch against my hands as he let out a low, almost agonized moan. His whole body shivered as orgasm overtook him, and I paused for a moment to let him come, grinding to a stop with my cock just a bit above his, the top of his member pressing right at the most sensitive point on mine, right at the spot where the head of my cock flared out from the shaft.

A moment later, he came in earnest, and pulse after pulse of cum splashed white-hot against my most sensitive spot. The sensation was unimaginable, and sparks literally danced across my vision as my whole body spasmed with that incredible feeling. I practically fell against him, my breath catching in my throat, as a few more pulses sent me over the edge. My crotch slammed into him, pressing him into the wall, as everything from my stomach to my upper thighs seemed to melt away in a sea of pleasure. The feeling spread as my hot cum splashed against his fur, and he held me upright as my knees went weak. I made some unintelligible sound, completely lost in the incredible feel of it all, and he hugged me close as the feeling completely overtook me. For a moment, it felt like our bodies had melted into each other, becoming one intertwined being of pure pleasure, and as any conscious thoughts I had disappeared, the entire world seemed to condense into an impossible simplicity of warmth, soft fur, and incandescent heat.

When my thoughts returned, after what seemed like an eternity but which must have been only minutes, I found myself in an exhausted, nude heap on the floor, with Woofy kneeling beside me and cleaning up the last remnants of the mess we had made.

"How in the world did that happen?" I asked, still half-breathless, a happily depleted smile spreading languidly across my face.

"Dunno," he said, collapsing back down next to me, laying his head heavily in my lap. We sat there for a while, completely spent, until I managed to get the strength to haul us both back onto our feet and into the bedroom, both of us falling happily onto the bed. I didn't say anything more - after that, mere words seemed to hold little meaning in comparison. He snuggled close, and I drifted off to sleep, completely naked in his arms, and as happy as I had ever been in my entire life.