Wild Cubs

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A tale of two feline BFFs who decide to go out in the rain and reenact a movie they've watched.

WARNING!!! WARNING!!! This story contains Cub, Half-Nudity, and Watersports. If you do not like to read about these topics then DO NOT READ THIS STORY.

Jessie Stamp, Red Stamp, Abigail Dixon, and Marion Dixon are copyrighted to SPARTASTICUS.

Ah... a quiet Saturday afternoon on a suburban street on the outskirts of Firewall City by the name of Durham. At house number five, a young lioness was quickly cleaning her room. With the speed and energy common for a cub ten years of age, she put her dolls back on the shelves, straightened out the comforter on her bed, and put her clothes into their proper holders in her closet. She had just finished when there was a knock at her door.

"All good in there, Jessie?" a deep male voice asked.

"All done, Daddy!" Jessie replied. The door opened and Jessie's father looked inside.

"Well, I have to say you've done a wonderful job getting your room shipshape, Sweetie;" he said, "If only you cleaned this fast when you weren't having a sleepover."

"I can try to work on that;" said Jessie, "Maybe if I didn't make a mess in the first place."

"That would be a good place to start;" said her father, "So... are you looking forward to having Abigail over to play?"

"I sure am!" said Jessie, "Even more so since we got the pool opened last week."

"True that!" said her father. At that moment, there was the faint sound of a powerful engine.

"She's here!" Jessie cried. She dashed past her father, slid down the banister, and was soon at the front door. She then opened it and there stood her best friend, a ten-year-old cheetah named Abigail.

"Hi, Jessie!" said Abigail as she hugged her friend.

"Hi Abby!" said Jessie, "Are you ready for our sleepover?"

"For sure!" said Abby, "I've been waiting two weeks for this!"

"That's no longer than I have!" Jessie retorted. In another moment, Jessie's father arrived at the door as well.

"Hello, Abigail." he said. Then he looked up and saw Abby's mother carrying her sleeping bag up the walk. "Hello again, Marion;" he greeted her, "How goes things?"

"Fine, thanks, Red." said Marion as she set the sleeping bag down, "I can't thank you enough for looking after Abby for a few days. Chuck and I are taking Donnie to the Top Fuel Dragster finals in Oregon."

"I'm guessing Abby didn't want to come along?" asked Red.

"Nope!" said Abby, "I don't know why my brother gets all excited about cars driving in a straight line."

"Neither do I." said Jessie, "So, Abby, did you bring your bathing suit?"

"Actually no..." said Abby, looking disappointed, "Mom said I shouldn't."

"It's a matter of safety, Sweetheart;" said Marion, "The boys at the weather stations say our area is due for two straight days of rain."

"Ah..." said Red, "Those windbags never know what they're talking about." But his expression changed when he looked up at the eastern horizon; gray clouds were gathering all the way from north to south. "On the other hand..." he said, "I guess it would be unwise to take chances. Sorry, Jessie; looks like the pool's off limits if there's thunder on the way."

"Awww..." Jessie moaned, "I can't believe this."

"Don't worry, Girls;" said Red, "There's plenty of other fun stuff to do around here, right?"

"I guess." said Abby. She then turned to Marion and gave her a bit hug. "Thanks for dropping me off, Mom;" she said, "I'll see you, Dad, and Donnie on Monday!"

"I love you, Sweetheart;" said Marion, "You be good for Mr. Stamp, okay?"

"I will." Abby promised.

"That's my girl!" said Marion as she gave Abby a quick kiss, "I'll see you Monday night!" With that being said, Marion got back in her car and drove off. Red carried Abby's sleeping bag up to Jessie's room and left so the girls could have some time together.

"How cool is it that we get a whole weekend together?" asked Jessie.

"It's great;" said Abby, "I brought my favorite movie for us to watch too." She reached into her backpack and pulled it out for Jessie to see.

"Jungle Land?" asked Jessie, "I don't remember seeing this before."

"Dad got it for me not too long after our last playdate;" Abby explained, "It's about a boy and girl who get lost in a jungle and have to work together in order to survive."

"Is it scary?" Jessie asked.

"Only a little;" said Abby, "But I think I should tell you that it does have a happy ending."

"That's a relief." said Jessie. "It's too bad it's gonna rain later; I was hoping we could go in the pool."

"Well there's always next time;" said Abby, "Maybe next time we can go down to the beach at my place."

"That would be fun." Jessie agreed. Just then, the girls heard a quiet patter outside the window. Tiny drops of rain began to appear on the glass, and when they looked out, they could see the light gray clouds rolling in. "Well..." said Jessie, "Why don't we play some checkers?"

"Sure!" said Abby, "I'm game." So Jessie fished the checkerboard out of her closet and the two best friends started their game.

Not even an hour later, and things really started to come down. Mind you, there was no thunder and lightning, but it the rain was coming down at a decent and constant pace. Jessie and Abby were on their second game of checkers when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Jessie said. The door opened and Red poked his face inside.

"Girls..." he said, "I am really, really sorry about this but something's come up at work. Do you feel comfortable with being left alone for a few hours?"

"I'm good." said Jessie.

"Eh... I don't mind." said Abby.

"Okay then;" said Red, "Thank you so much for understanding. With any luck I should be home by seven; and I'll bring pizza and ice cream. Do you have any preferences?"

"Can I please have meatballs on my half?" asked Abby.

"And I'll have my usual with peperoni." said Jessie.

"Half meatball and half peperoni;" said Red, "No problem; any thoughts on ice cream?"

"Strawberry if that's alright with you." said Jessie.

"Sure;" said Abby, "I like strawberry."

"Sounds good to me;" said Red, "You girls be good now; I'll see you at seven." He shut the door and walked away.

"So..." said Abby, "Wanna watch Jungle Land with me?"

"Sure;" said Jessie, "I'd like to give it a try." So the two girls headed downstairs. Jessie popped the tape into the VCR and started rewinding it. Then she went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of pretzels and a glass of cola. Abby got herself a bowl of crackers and also had a glass of cola. With their snacks ready, the girls started the movie. Jungle Land was unlike any movie Jessie had ever seen; the story opened on two families traveling through the Indian jungle with their young children. After an incident, the kids were separated from their parents and presumed dead; left to fight for themselves. Jessie was particularly shocked when the boy and girl decided to undress to their underwear to cope with the heat and humidity. "Abby..." she said, "Where exactly did you find this...?"

"I found it at a warehouse sale down the coast;" said Abby, "My dad had promised me I could pick out whatever I wanted, so I chose it. I think it was made in England or something."

"That explains why I've never seen anything like this before." said Jessie. As the movie progressed, the boy and girl slowly grew up and fell in love with each other. Finally they stopped a gang of illegal poachers together, and the boy asked the girl to be his mate. The girl agreed, and they were shown years later raising children of their own as the movie ended.

"So..." said Abby, "What do you think of it?"

"It was pretty different;" said Jessie, "Of course living alone in the jungle at that age wouldn't really be possible. It still makes for a great story though." Just then, she saw in the credits,

"This motion picture is based on true events. Some elements have been altered for dramatic purposes."

"No way!" said Jessie, "Something like that really happened?"

"If that's what it says," said Abby, "I guess it must be true." She leaned back on the sofa and said, "I wonder if we'd be okay surviving in the jungle the way they did."

"Probably not;" said Jessie, "But it still looks like a lot of fun, doesn't it? No school, no rules, and you don't have to take a bath unless you feel like it."

"That does kinda sound like fun." said Abby. Just then she sat up and looked outside. The rain was still coming down, but at a steady pace. "You know..." she said with a mischievous grin, "Why don't we see for ourselves?"

"But how are we gonna get to the jungle and back before my dad gets home?" asked Jessie.

"We don't have to go to the jungle;" said Abby, "My dad always tells me that there's a whole world to discover right in our own backyards; and your backyard is full of cool stuff."

"Really?" asked Jessie, "All we've got is a big tree, the climbing fort, and the pool."

"Well." said Abby, "I see a whole jungle land waiting to be explored; and I'm gonna go out and explore it!" She then ripped off her shirt and undershirt, revealing her chest.

"Uh... Abby...?" said Jessie, "Why are you getting naked?"

"I'm not really getting naked;" said Abby as she unbuttoned her jeans, "I'm gonna leave my panties on; like the kids did in the movie." Soon, she had stepped out of her jeans and taken her socks off; leaving her in just her fur and her white panties with a pink trim. "Wanna join me, Jessie?" she asked.

"Well..." said Jessie, "I don't know... What if someone out there sees us?"

"It's a pretty safe bet everyone's inside with this kind of weather;" said Abby, "But we don't worry about that; we can be wild cubs!"

"That's a good point;" said Jessie, "But... there's something else; about me..."

"What is it?" asked Abby.

"I don't know if I should tell you..." said Jessie.

"Jessie..." said Abby as she came over and put her arms around the young lioness's shoulders, "I promise I won't think any less of you if you tell me; I'm your BFF. And you can bet your life I won't tell another soul as long as I live."

"Well... Okay." said Jessie; and she began to undress. First she took off her shirt; then she took off her socks, and then began to fumble with her skirt.

"Go on;" said Abby, "I promise It'll be fine." Jessie complied and pulled her skirt down, revealing her panties. "Awww..." Abby cooed; Jessie's panties were pink with little cartoon puppies with various happy faces all over them. "Those are so cute...!" Abby squealed.

"You mean... you don't find them silly?" asked Jessie, "I liked them, but I was always worried that the girls at school would tease me if they ever found out."

"I don't think they're silly at all;" Abby assured her friend, "Besides, it doesn't matter if you're wearing cute panties or a cool loincloth. What really matters is what's inside; the heart of a brave wild cub!"

"Yeah..." said Jessie, "Just like in the movie! C'mon, Abby; let's make wild cubs of ourselves!"

"Alright!" cheered Abby. So leaving their clothes on the floor, the girls ran to the back door.

Jessie took a moment to grab some bath towels and leave them by the back door. Then Abby opened the door and the two cubs ran out into the rain.

"Wow!" said Abby, "The rain feels so good! It's like a natural shower!"

"It does;" said Jessie as she opened her mouth to take a quick drink. After swallowing the raindrops, she added, "I don't understand why grown-ups don't want us playing around in the rain; there's nothing wrong with it. So... now what do we do?"

"We act wild!" said Abby; and she turned two cartwheels on the lawn. Jessie giggled and somersaulted into the grass. "Race you to the tree!" said Abby.

"No fair!" cried Jessie as she ran after the speedy cheetah. Abby won the race to the tree, but Jessie jumped up and grabbed a low-hanging branch.

"You're really getting the hang of being wild, Jessie;" said Abby, "Get it? Hang?" and she burst out laughing.

"Yeah, that was a good one;" said Jessie. "Bet you I can climb higher than you can!"

"Oh it is on!" said Abby. She grabbed another branch and climbed higher up it. Jessie followed suit and made her way up the damp branches of the large tree. It didn't take long for them to reach the last strong point of the tree where they both had the good sense to stop.

"You were right, Abby;" said Jessie, "I feel just like a wild cub."

"Totally;" said Abby, "It makes me wanna... yell like one!" She reared her head back and yelled. "I AM THE QUEEN OF JUNGLE SPEED!!!"


"E-E-E-E-E-E-E-EEEEEE!!!" Abby responded.

"LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY QUEENS!!!" roared Jessie, "Oh gosh, Abby; I haven't felt this alive since I went on the Rollicking Rollercoaster at Boardwalk Park."

"Oh..." said Abby, "Please don't mention that right now; my stomach is still squirmy from when I made the foolish decision to ride the Whirling Dervish."

"Sorry about that;" said Jessie, "I remember how sick you got."

"That's how a lot of the kids in school know me." said Abby.

"Don't sweat it;" said Jessie, "I'm sure you'll live it down one day."

"At least I've got good friends like you who don't associate me with motion sickness." said Abby, with a smile. Jessie smiled back. Then she felt a familiar sensation between her legs; she realized she had a tiny urge to pee, but it was so small she dismissed it for the time being.

"So... what do you think we should do next?" she asked.

"Um... I dunno;" said Abby, "Why don't you decide?" Jessie had to think for a moment.

"Maybe we should get out of the rain in our treehouse!" she said.

"Treehouse?" asked Abby, "I don't see a treehouse up here."

"I mean the climbing fort;" said Jessie, "It's a got a tarp over it, so it should keep us a little bit dry."

"Oh..." said Abby, "Sounds good to me!" The two cubs descended from the tree and dashed across the yard to the climbing fort. There, they quickly scaled the ladder and entered the shelter offered by the large green tarp. "Wow..." said Abby, "This is a lot like the shelter in Jungle Land."

"So, Abby," said Jessie, "Did you hunt anything good today?"

"Actually I was the one who was hunted!" said Abby, "A ferocious tiger tried to have me for lunch! But I lost him by swinging through the trees."

"Sounds scary;" said Jessie, "But you're in luck because I managed to collect some fresh berries and bananas for lunch."

"Way to go, Jessie;" said Abby, "Maybe you should do the hunting." Both she and Jessie laughed.

The girls continued their pretend game for several minutes until they ran out of things to talk about. Then they just sat there in the fort, thinking about how lovely it was outside despite the rain still coming down.

"Okay..." said Abby, "I'm out of ideas. Now what do we do?" Jessie was about to answer when she felt her bladder twinge; this time with more force.

"I really need to pee." she said.

"Oh..." said Abby, "Me too; that cola's catching up on me. Well, I guess we better go inside."

"Wait a minute, Abby;" said Jessie, "Wild cubs don't need to go inside to use the bathroom."

"I guess not;" said Abby, "I'm not too hot about the idea of peeing on the lawn; your Dad might notice at some point or other."

"True..." said Jessie. Then an idea hit her. "Wait!" she said, "We don't have to go inside; we can just pee in the pool."

"Are you sure?" asked Abby.

"Sure I'm sure;" said Jessie, "Daddy says it's no big deal if you do it once in a while since the chlorine neutralizes it; and we're already pretty wet, so why not go for a swim in the rain?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun!" said Abby, "Okay, let's go. Hey check it out; a waterslide!" Indeed, the rain was rolling down the slide so hard that it created a small waterslide. Abby went first and slid down to the grass. Jessie carefully stepped into position and sat down on the slide; the shallow layer of water tickled her rump and she giggled slightly before sliding down as well. Then the girls ran over to the deep end of the pool where the diving board was situated.

"You can go first if you want." said Jessie.

"Thanks;" said Abby, "I really, really need to pee." She climbed up onto the diving board and walked to the end of it. Jessie also got onto the board at the opposite end. "A word of advice;" said Abby, "Make sure you pull your panties up so they don't slip off when you dive." She did so, then she bounced once, twice, then dove into the rippling water with great form and a small splash. Jessie followed suit and yanked her panties up from her waist to her belly-button.

"Oh!" she yelped as she felt a tickle between her legs. "Here I come!" she yelled. She ran to the end of the diving board, bounced, and pulled her legs close to her chest as she closed her eyes. SPLASH!! The cold water surrounded her in a millisecond and she felt herself sinking to the bottom. As she uncurled her legs to swim to the surface, Jessie felt a stronger twinge in her bladder, but she kept it under control as she breached the surface and gasped for air. Abby was bobbing not a few feet away from her.

"How much fun was that?" Abby asked.

"That was great!" said Jessie, who couldn't stop herself smiling, "I don't think I've ever been swimming in the rain before."

"I've done it a few times at the beach;" said Abby, "I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier. Okay... just a moment... Ahhh..." She breathed a gentle sigh, and Jessie saw a yellow cloud form in the water beneath Abby's panties. The cloud grew larger and larger until Abby sighed again and said, "Oh... you've gotta try this to know how good it feels."

"It's been a long time since I've actually done this," said Jessie, "But I'll be reminded in a second." After taking a moment to psych herself up, she treaded water with her arms and relaxed her legs and her bladder. "Oh... oooooohh..." she moaned as the first spurt of pee got caught in her panties, warming her crotch and vulva. It soon seeped out of her panties and into the pool, creating a yellow cloud and making her legs feel pleasantly warm. She couldn't help sighing blissfully as the strain on her bladder was lifted and the warmth around her legs kept building. Finally her stream died off and she took a fresh breath.

"So...?" asked Abby, "How was it?

"It felt so good;" said Jessie as she wiggled around in a warm pocket of her own pee, "So warm and easy to do..."

"Yep!" said Abby, "And since we're already in the pool, I say we swim!" And she dove underwater. Jessie followed her under, going through her own warm pocket in the process. The two girls took hold of each other and let their bodies just drift in the water before coming back up for air. They played in the pool for half an hour, diving under, splashing each other, and pretending to catch fish. Finally, they swam to the shallow end and climbed out; their once damp panties now completely soaked.

"Well..." said Jessie, "I think I've had enough of that for one day, and I think daddy might be home soon."

"We probably should go inside;" said Abby, "It's getting a bit cooler out now." The girls walked to the back door; and just as Abby opened it, there was a small clap of thunder. "Well would you look at that?" she asked, "I guess the storm was content to wait until we were done playing."

"I think it was more luck on our part than patience on its part." said Jessie. Wasting no more time, the girls darted inside.

Jessie and Abby made quick work of cleaning up. They each took a five minute shower (while wearing their panties to wash the smell of pee out), dried themselves off with the bath towels, threw their wet panties into the laundry, and put their clothes (including dry underwear) back on. They finished by six thirty, leaving them a solid half-hour before Red arrived home. Come seven o-clock there was a knock at the door.

"Pizza's here!" Red's familiar voice called.

"Hi, Daddy!" said Jessie as she let her father in, "How did work go?"

"It went very smoothly, Sweetie;" said Red, "I managed to get all that they needed done and I'm home in time for dinner."

"Thank you so much for bringing the pizza, Mr. Stamp;" said Abby, "And the ice cream."

"You're welcome, Abby;" said Red, "So, what did you girls do while I was out?"

"Nothing much;" said Jessie, "We watched a movie and played some games." She hoped her father wouldn't see through her little white lie.

"Sounds like a good time to me;" said Red, "Ah, to be that young again. Well, anyways, let's eat before our food gets cold."

"Okay!" Abby and Jessie chorused.

"Say, Mr. Stamp;" said Abby, "Is it okay if we eat while watching a movie?"

"I don't see why not;" said Red, "And I may just have the perfect movie for us to watch." A few minutes later, Red, Jessie, and Abby were all on the couch watching The Swordfish Squadron. As they ate their pizza and ice cream, Jessie and Abby shared a glance; they knew that they would probably never get a chance to play like they had done again, but they agreed that it had been fun while it lasted. Besides; they knew in their hearts that they would always be wild cub BFFs!

The End

Chapter 3: The Car-nival

Chapter 3: The Car-nival The next morning, Marion told Carrie and Sarah that she had a treat for them. She informed them that Firewall City was hosting it's first ever carnival for cars in the dry riverbed and asked them if they wanted to attend....

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