Spyro and Cynder, ch 25

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#25 of Spyro and Cynder: A New Life

NOTE: this chapter takes place three years after the last one


"Hmmmm...where are they?" Spyro asked himself, slowly walking past the bushes and mushrooms and trying not to smile. Off to his left he heard a small giggle followed by a repressed "Shhhh!", and he chuckled to himself and slowly edged towards the sound, pretending to be looking elsewhere. "I know they're around here somewhere..." He jumped behind a mushroom with a loud "BOO!", and there was screaming laughter as he chased three small dragons from behind the mushroom. Laughing, he deliberately fell back and watched the little ones run off and hide again. Sidling up by the bush they were behind he stopped and looked around. "Where'd they go now?"

"YAAAHHH!!" came a small voice and Spyro fell to the side as he was tackled. "We gotcha daddy!"

"So you did," Spyro laughed, "and now... I GOT YOU!!!" The three little dragons shrieked and laughed as he tickled them.

"SPYRO!! KIDS!!" came Cynder's voice, and they immediately stopped.

"Mommy's coming! Quick, hide!" Spyro said, and they all hid behind the bush nearby. Not too long afterwards a black-and-red form gracefully glided down to the ground, her black scales glittering and her belly softly rounded with another generation. The four tried to not laugh as she looked around for them.

"Spyro, where are you?" she called out. Looking to the side, over the bush, she noticed his tail and wings and rolled her eyes. "I know you're here somewhere..."

"Go get her," Spyro whispered, and the next thing Cynder knew she had three little dragons hugging her forelegs with little shouts of "Mommy!"

"Hey you little cuties," she said, smiling at them. "Where's daddy?"

"Daddy's pwaying wif us!"

"Is he now?" she asked, looking sidelong at the bush. "You three know it's past your bedtime. Uncle Solar and Aunt Flare are coming in two weeks, you'd better get some sleep so you can play with your cousins and not be tired when they come."

"Awwww...mommy, can't we pway some mo wight now?"

"I'm sorry, but you need your sleep," she said, rubbing their heads. "You're still growing. You wanna be big and strong like daddy, don't you? Now come on, help me find daddy." She watched as they "stealthily" crept up to the bush, wiggled like cats about to pounce, and jumped at Spyro. He fell back with pretend surprise and when the giggling died down they came out from behind the bush, Spyro following. "You know it's past their bedtime," Cynder whispered with a half-smile as she walked next to him.

"I know, but we were having fun. They're getting better, I think they might start breathing elements soon."

"Daddy, can we go to da wiver wif Unca Sowar? Can we go tomowow?"

"We'll see," Spyro said. "It might rain tomorrow." Lowering his voice he leaned closer to Cynder. "I've been trying to get them to say 'l', they came close."

Cynder giggled. "Aww, but they're so cute when they talk."

They all headed inside and found Ignitus in the Pool of Visions room, lying on his chest and looking into the pool. The three small dragons ran up to him shouting "Grandpa!! We got daddy!!"

Ignitus chuckled with a warm smile and sat up. "You did, did you?"

"We got daddy and he got us!"

"And I gotcha again!" Spyro said, coming up behind them and tossing them up in the air. Cynder gasped but the little ones just laughed hysterically as he caught them and held them against his chest as he spun around. "Time for you three to go to bed," he said, carrying them as he walked on his hind legs towards their beds. The dojo had several small moss-padded rock beds between Spyro and Cynder's doorway and the entrace to the Pool of Visions room, and Spyro set the baby dragons on their beds and pulled their blankets over them, pausing to look at the younger ones already fast asleep. He stood back and walked into his room, listening to Cynder hum them to sleep. She rarely sang, and Spyro found it odd...she had such a beautiful singing voice, and it never ceased to send the kids to sleep at night. He stood by the doorway, listening and waiting for Cynder, and finally she ended her song and Spyro walked beside her towards the bed. Pulling the covers over them both Spyro put his wing over Cynder and she sighed happily, nestling against his solid chest.

"They are so adorably cute," she whispered. "I almost want them to stay this way..."

"They get it from you," Spyro said with a warm smile and Cynder nuzzled against him, pressing herself even closer. "Though I do kinda miss the quiet..."

"They're fast asleep," Cynder whispered suggestively in his ear, and he grinned...just as he thought, she wanted some action. "Should we do it here?"

Spyro shook his head. "Nah, if they wake up...I don't think they should see us together in that way."

"You're right...river then?" Spyro stood up and pulled her off the bed, and she wrapped herself around him as he carried her to the window. "I keep forgetting you can use your hind legs," she said in admiration.

"Solar was right, it's really useful even though we're not built for it." With a sly grin he tossed her up a bit and she restrained her shriek as he carefully but quickly put her on his back.

"Dammit, Spyro, I told you not to do that!" she said, but he could tell she was smiling as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck. He jumped through the window, spread his wings, and gave Cynder an adrenaline rush as he spun rapidly and pulled up just a foot above the ground, rising quickly over the mushrooms towards their favorite spot. Now it was her turn to put him on edge, and she stretched out her paws and lightly dug her claws into his chest. He groaned and she laughed as she felt his hind legs tense up under her. She wrapped her tail under him and lightly ran the blade at the end across his underbelly, and he twitched as it tickled him.

"Cynder, how many times do I hafta tell you you're making flying so much harder?"

"Well I'm trying to make you harder," she whispered in his ear, deliberately blowing on him. He smirked and suddenly flipped over, and she screamed in surprise as she fell off his back only to have him tightly loop around backwards and catch her.

"Can't get me now," he said with a grin, and she turned her head and pouted pathetically at him. Getting an idea she curled her long tail up and looked over her shoulder, and smirked as she poked his bulging sheath with the blade ending her tail. Spyro jumped and she laughed.

"What was that again?" she asked.

"Damn it, I just can't win against you can I?!" he asked in exasperation.

She giggled and licked his arm. "Nope." He angled downwards and set her down at the bank of the river, turning sharply through the air over her and braking with his wings. Cynder nuzzled against him as he sat down, wrapping her whole length around him and brushing him with her wings. Her body was long enough now that as Spyro sat on his haunches, encircled tightly by her, she could touch her hips with her muzzle. She smirked at him with seductive half-closed eyes and flicked him with her tail, and he just smiled at her lustfully. She looked down and growled as she saw that he was restraining himself.

"Gotta work even harder for it," he whispered. She frowned at him but he saw an idea behind those emerald pools of her eyes.

"Oh, I think I will..." In a strange, fluid move she twisted her entire body against him so that she was no longer standing, but lying on her back, still wrapped around him. He looked down and saw her face looking up at him, as well as her begging sex beginning to drip with her desire. She grinned slyly at him and transfixed him as she began licking herself, pleasuring herself right in front of him. He'd caught her doing this quite a few times in the past few years (and on the more recent occasions had "helped" her), but it was so arousing as she openly pleasured herself right against him he couldn't withhold himself for long. She moaned and slid her tongue deeper into herself, and didn't stop even when his stiff member poked her and pushed along her scales as it lengthened. The smell of her fluids coupled with this open act turned Spyro on so much that as Cynder moaned and began sucking on her lips, he felt himself shoot a decent amount of pre-cum onto her. That snapped her out of it and she looked up at him with half-closed eyes, her vagina still open from her tongue's actions inside her. "You ready yet?" she whispered, panting. In reply he lowered his head and stuck his tongue into her, and she gasped and moaned. His tongue was thicker and a bit longer than hers, and he knew just where to lick her to get her going. Not too long afterwards, though, he stopped despite her pleading moans.

"I know you're wanting more than just my tongue," he whispered, and she nodded but was still frustrated at the break in the pleasure. She unwound herself from around him and stood up, turning around and bending down as she lifted her tail. Spyro's eyes widened with desire at the sight of her dripping slit being offered to him, and she looked over her shoulder with an expression of need and lust.

"You haven't done me like this in a while," she said, and shook her hips invitingly.

"Hmmmm...I dunno, should I now?" he asked teasingly, but stood up. She grinned as she saw his dragonhood bobbing underneath him, and craned her neck around to watch as he stood up behind her, his member just inches away from her pleading hole as he braced his forepaws on her hips. She moved her tail to the side and put it over his shoulder, rubbing his back and arousing him even more. She couldn't resist watching with a delighted grin as he stepped forward and entered her... As she spread around his girth she moaned happily, still watching but barely keeping her eyes open.

"C'mon Spyro, stop teasing me," she said, knowing he was going to enter her slowly. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm kinda needing your length inside me!"

He laughed and hilted himself quickly inside her and she jumped with a pleasured groan as ecstasy shot through her. He leaned forward and licked her neck, and she growled and tightened herself around him. "Oh...close," he said, feeling her squeeze his dragonhood. She clenched her legs together and Spyro moaned and decided he was done teasing her. He pulled out almost all they way, but before he could push in Cynder clenched her muscles around the head of his shaft. "What's on your mind?" he asked, sensing she had an idea.

She looked over her shoulder with a naughty grin. "Oh, I dunno...just thinking how sexy it'd be if you released all over me instead of inside me..."

"That can be gladly arranged if you wanna get messy..."

"You have no idea...now c'mon, just mate me already," she whispered, and as he thrust into her he hunched forward and she kissed him. They started breathing fire back and forth in their kiss as Spyro made love to her, and eventually Cynder broke away with a moan as the pleasure increased.

"You want it harder?" he asked with a grin, sensing her desire. He really wanted to pound himself into her but wanted her approval first.

"Do you really need to ask?" she asked, and pushed back against him. "Do it already!"

She threw her head back with an excited groan as he pushed hard into her and started rapidly humping her. Spyro moaned loudly, his head hanging just above her back as he focused on hitting her just the way she liked it. Cynder quivered under him in a shaky moan as her insides spasmed around him in apprehension of an orgasm. He felt her muscles squeeze along his shaft, massaging him and begging him for his release, but their many times over the years had given them both quite a bit of stamina and made their interactions all that more enjoyable. Cynder steadied herself and Spyro felt her heat up as she entered a long, slow orgasm, moaning happily as his dragonhood touched her in her favorite places, her warm walls milking him as he released more pre into her. Her juices flowed down his cock to his sheath every time he pulled out, and Spyro felt it dripping off of him and the feeling only aroused him even more.

Fifteen minutes later they were still going, their lips bonded tightly together as Spyro continued making love to his mate. Cynder finally opened her eyes partially and broke the kiss, her tongue still entwined with Spyro's as she panted with each thrust he made. Spyro uncurled his tongue from hers and brought it up along her muzzle.

"Oh Cynder..." he whispered as she slowly orgasmed again and massaged his dragonhood. She let out a long, low pleasured moan as the pleasure made her vision brighten briefly. Every time Spyro pulled out, her juices almost violently escaped her, bursting onto Spyro's legs and her underside; that's how full she was. "Cynder, I'm almost there...."

"Spyro...stop," Cynder panted, and Spyro, though confused, stopped and pulled out of her. Her juices ran out of her and before she could move Spyro licked her, loving the sweet, fiery taste of her fluids. Cynder moaned and pressed herself against his muzzle, and as he pushed his tongue into her she climaxed again and Spyro hungrily lapped up her nectar as it flowed from her. Cynder finally calmed down enough to lie on her back, and she pouted at Spyro seductively. He winced as his cock seemed to be stretching its own skin in his anticipation, he was so aroused, and he quickly stepped over and kissed her passionately as he re-entered her. Cynder locked her legs around his waist so she was hanging from him, and she sighed into the kiss as she let him dominate. They sucked on each others' tongues as Spyro pumped his hips, until he finally felt the pleasure begin to swiftly rise.

"Cynder..." he moaned, and she pulled herself off him and he pulled out of her, looking like he was ready to explode. Cynder quickly reached between them and grabbed his slick member, rubbing it up and down. She grinned as she saw Spyro's face contort, and he gave a long, low groan and arched his back, throwing his head back a bit as he finally orgasmed. Cynder gasped and came as well as his warm, sticky cum plastered itself all over her, and she furiously rubbed his throbbing maleness, feeling it pulse between her paws. She looked down herself and watched with satisfaction as his cum kept gushing out onto her, and seeing the velocity of it she lifted his dragonhood and got a faceful of his seed as he gave his last bit to her. Through his haze Spyro looked down and grinned when he saw her...she was pretty much a white dragoness now, at least her upper half. He flopped to the side and lay next to her. "If you don't mind, I'd like that back now," he whispered as she kept his cock between her paws.

"Awwwww..." she whined pathetically, but kissed him as she let him go. He laughed.

"I take it you're satisfied?"

She nodded. "You have no idea...that felt so good..."

He ran his paw along her belly and smirked. "Three's just not enough for ya, huh?"

She grinned and shook her head. "They're just sooo cute...besides, Flare and Solar are also planning on extending their family, I don't wanna fall behind."

He laughed and kissed her. "Neither do I, Cynder."

"Two more months..." she sighed, and then shivered. "Your seed's all nice and warm and all that, but now I'm chilly!"

He laughed again and opened his mouth. A ball of energy formed in front of his jaw and Cynder giggled as a warm stream of water tickled her, washing her off. He then breathed a small flame over her and she closed her eyes with a content grin as the flame passed over her scales and dried her off. He gently picked her up and carried her back to their room, tucking her into bed and then cuddling with her under the covers for the night.

The next morning found Spyro and Cynder on the balcony, listening to the faint sound of Ignitus in the garden telling stories to the kids. Spyro reached over Cynder's back and she purred with a content grin as he massaged her.

"Whatcha feel like doing today?" he asked as he kneaded her shoulders.

"Hmmm... I dunno..."

"We could go to the river and have a little more fun, or we could-"


"Agh..ow..." He suddenly tensed and hunched up, bristling with pain.


Spyro groaned and shook rapidly in pain. "Crap, not again..." he grunted, but it was over quickly. "Huh...that was weird...I think someone just came to our world."

Cynder nuzzled him. "Was it...something dangerous?"

"Oh we can get dangerous, just not here," came a familiar voice. They whipped around and saw, to their surprise, two familiar green and ice-blue bipedal dragons.

"You guys came back!" Cynder said excitedly, dashing over to them. Spyro followed with a grin and he and Alex punched each other in the shoulder.

"How's it goin' Alex?"

"Pretty well. I'm surprised we're still turning into dragons here, but meh, good thing we were prepared."

"Christine, what's this?" Cynder said teasingly, running her paw over Christine's belly. Christine laughed and ran her hands around the faint bulge.

"Careful Cynder, don't wanna wake up Alex Jr. now." They laughed and Christine eyed Cynder with a smirk. "Well you've grown, but what is this, you're pregnant again?"


"Where's the little ones?" Alex asked, looking around.

"Grandpa Ignitus took them to the garden for story-time," Spyro said with a humorous eye-roll and they snickered. Alex looked over Spyro with a grin.

"How long has it been, you two are bigger still than when we left!"

"It's only been about three years or so, but we're still growing abnormally fast."

"Three years? It's only been about a year for us!"

Cynder looked up at the sky with a smile. "It's been really nice here since the Shadow was driven out. Warfang's been repaired, most of the war damage is fixed up..."

"Nothing bad happening?"

"Nope! It's just like after the last time before Alex showed up."

"Mind if we see Aleron and the others?"

"Well we can, but we can't go inside, the babies are asleep in the dojo."

They looked at Spyro in confusion. "...How many are there?"

Cynder and Spyro laughed. "Six... and counting," Spyro said, poking Cynder's belly and getting a swat from her tail. "Last year Cynder had a miscarriage and only had one baby...Ignitus held a small funeral for the other one."

"How're Aleron and the twins then?"

Cynder grinned. "Doing very well; Aleron's very active and eager to learn. Flash and Kira...let's just say, sibling rivalry to the max."

"And the others?" Christine asked as they took flight to glide to the gardens.

The two dragon-humans stayed there for two weeks, relaxing and catching up with Spyro and Cynder on what was going on between the worlds. The Shadow had gone off to another realm, but was still lying low and nursing his wounds from the attack on the Dragon World. Christine had a great time with Cynder's children, immensely surprised that she had six and was still going. Cynder stayed inside most of the time, feeding and playing with the youngest while the others took care of the other kids.

"How does she do it? Taking care of one brood after another?" Christine asked in awe as Kira batted at her tail.

"Daddy daddy!" Aleron suddenly squeaked.


"When Anya come home?"

Spyro chuckled and rubbed Aleron's head. "Soon, kiddo. A few more days."

"Where's Anya?" Alex asked.

"She's off visitng some of her relatives. Ignitus and some of the other dragon elders finally worked out who was related to who in all the confusion after the kids were sent here, so Anya has some cousins she can go visit every now and then."

"Hope they get back safely..." Christine said with a sigh. "When they left two days ago they didnt seem so good."

Spyro looked up at the huge statue in the middle of the room. "Yeah...this may actually be their last flight, good thing Cynder told them to make it a vacation."

"What if they...'left' before they can get back?"

"Well I'm practically a guardian now, and when Caligin and Craga decide the time is right he's gonna join me here. Flare wants Solar to be a guardian too but he was pretty adamant about not doing it; there's still a chance of it because he didn't give a straight no, but he's not keen on taking a 'military' role again. But I don't think anything bad will happen to the guardians, they've still got a lot of time."

"Ouch!" Christine yelped. Spyro clicked his tongue and shot Kira a stern look.

"Sowwy..." she said guiltily, releasing her mouth from Christine's tail.

"Just don't do it again, okay?"

"'K daddy..."

In the room, Cynder giggled as she heard what was going on, then sighed and gazed at the little baby cuddled in her forelegs sound asleep. She nuzzled him softly and jst stared at him, eyeing his fiery patterns. A warm breeze blew in through the windows and she smiled. "Grow big and strong so you can protect the world just like daddy... You get to see Uncle Solar and Aunt Flare for the first time tomorrow, and maybe even Uncle Caligin and Aunt Craga!" He just yawned and stretched, his tiny paws flexing in the air. "Awww..."

That night Spyro came into the room to find Cynder reading another book. Alex and Christine had put the kids to bed, giving them some free time. He jumped up onto the bed and lay down on her back, rubbing her shoulders and twisting his tail around hers. She purred and smiled happily. "Good book?"

"Yeah, though a bit confusing. I dont really like mysteries all that much."

"I know a little something that isn't a mystery..." Spyro whispered in her ear. She giggled and then burst out laughing when Spyro rolled to the side, dragging her with him into a playful grappling hug. "Rawr nomnomnom!" he grunt around her neck as he lightly bit her.

"Spyro ahahaaa stop it ACK HAHA!!!" she laughed as he tickled her. He finally did stop, licking her neck affectionately while she recovered. "You...are...a goof, y'know that?" she panted, swatting him lightly with her wing.

He laghed and wrapped his legs around her, making her murr softly. He ran his paws along the bulge in her belly. "You got two again this time," he remarked, pressing a bit deeper into her flesh. She held his paws and purred.

"Yeah, I was hoping for three but whatever, at least we got lucky again."

His paw slipped a bit lower and she twitched when his claw lightly nudged her vaginal slit. "Can I get lucky once more?" he asked hintingly.

"Hmmm....I dunno...how much do you love me?" she asked teasingly, turning around and touching her nose to his with a grin. He kissed her, running his paw along her cheek and the other paw along her slit.

"More...than...anything...else..." he said, pecking her between each word. She giggled and nibbled his neck enticingly, rubbing her tail against his to get him aroused and curling her free wing over him to tickle his wingarm with the tip of the blade. Spyro let his member erect between them and Cynder reached down and rubbed it, making him moan.

"Show me then..." she whispered, guiding his dragonhood to her pussy. He hugged her tight and kissed her, his tongue playing with hers as he slowly pressed into her velvet depths. They made slow, passionate love for almost a full hour before Spyro felt his orgasm coming on. He pulled out of her and flipped around, and she purred and quickly engulfed his erection in her mouth, sucking him off the way she knew he loved while he serviced her dripping vagina. They both moaned at the same time, flooding each others' mouths with their love-juices until they were utterly spent. Spyro licked her juices off his muzzle, murring slightly at the fiery sweet taste, then turned back around and kissed her softly as they both fell asleep, entwined in each others' limbs. As their minds wandered off in bliss, they smiled inwardly at what tomrrow would bring. Solar and Flare were coming for a visit, as were Cal and Craga...with the peace hanging in the air, it was truly the start of a new life.