After Party 15 - First Day

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#17 of After Party

After Party 15 â€" First Day

Warning â€" Phallusis the Pornographic hippo-fairy would like to remind all those under the age

of 18 to stop reading now, or they will receive many lumps of pointy coal in their ass for

Phallusisis day! Also, Vulvin the cunnilingus elf would like to add that anyone who steals

Miqmah's characters will be cursed with some nasty STD's that have yet to be identified!

Yay combustive-genital pickle pox!

Not to readers â€" Sorry for the very, very long delay. I've been distracted and what not, BUT,

here it is; the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. :3

The last few days of summer slowly moved past at its unnoticed speed, and the school year

crept up on the cheetah and wolf. The carless times drew to a close and they soon found

themselves going to bed early and waking up for classes.


"You boys excited? It's your last year!" Lucy said as she picked up her purse and

rummaged for her keys.

"I think we'd be more excited if it was already over!" John said grinning as he wrapped his

arms around a yawning Allen.

"Well, it'll be over before you know it, and you'll wish you'd have more time. Trust me."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"It's just so early..." Allen sleepily chimed in.

"You'll get used to it soon," Lucy said, finding her keys and holding them up with

pride. "Well, I'm off! You boys make sure you don't miss the bus, you won't have a ride,

and you aren't missing the first day."

"We will," John said wrapping his arms a little tighter around the cheetah.

Lucy waved goodbye as she walked out the door and John and Allen sat down on the couch,

still in their pajamas.

"I want to go back to bed," Allen said leaning against John's shoulder.

"Want some coffee?"

"Only if I can drink it in bed."

John giggled and rubbed Allen's side.

"Well, let's go get ready and maybe that'll wake you up a bit," he said trying to persuade the

cheetah back onto his feet.

With a few whines and moans, John pulled him up by his paw and led him into their

bedroom. Allen fell back onto the bed and wrapped himself up in their large comforter when

John wasn't looking.

"Hey now, come on," John said walking over to the enveloped cheetah.

John kneeled over the bed and tried to unravel the blanket, but Allen was holding it tight.

"Allen, sweetie, please come out," John said in a soft tone.

He could see Allen shake his head through the blanket. John sighed and looked down as

the twisted lump. He saw the edge of the pile lift up and a paw emerge as it dropped a pair

of red briefs on the ground and quickly disappear.

John felt his sheath pulse a little as he pictured his naked lover beneath the sheet.

"Ahh, so that's how you're going to play this game..." John said as his paws began to

explore around the fabric.

His paws slid down the cheetah's sides and down into his lap. His fingers moved over the

slowly hardening mound as he heard a muffled moan. One of his paws snaked its way under

the blanket as his other felt the cock grow to life.

His paw found the cheetah's soft belly as he moved down and gently caressed his member.

With another loud moan from the cheetah, John pulled the blanket off, crumpled it up and

threw it off the bed.

"Ok, come on, get up. We need to get going." John stepped off the bed, trying to hide his

large bulge as the aroused and angry cheetah sat up.

"No fair," Allen said pouting.

John just smiled back at him and threw him a shirt.

"We don't have much time, and mom will kill us if we miss the bus, so get ready."

Allen put his shirt on with protest as he stood up from the bed.

John felt paws move over his chest as Allen pressed his body against his.

"You know, they won't let you bring this gun to school," he said she his paw moved down

and into his pants. "You'd better let me take care of it for you."

Allen grabbed the thick cock and pulled it out. His paw moved up and down its hardening

length as John tried not to moan. A bead of pre dripped from his tip as John reluctantly

pulled away.

"No, we have to get ready," he said stuffing his aroused self into his shorts again.

Allen crossed his arms as John handed him some pants.

With another session of moans and whines, they were both dressed and headed on their

way. John locked the door and they walked down the street towards the bus stop.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Allen asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, are we going to just act like we normally do as a couple, or are you going to try and

hide it?"

"Well... I...uh..."

"We're going to have to hide it, aren't we?" Allen said disappointedly.

"Allen, you have to understand, my friends are just..."

"Stupid, ignorant, judging assholes?"

"No. Just, they won't understand. You saw what happened at the game night."

"Yeah, I saw. I saw you stand up and tell them who you really were."

John was silent.

They arrived at the bus stop and waited. The wind blew through the leaves of the trees and

the morning sun was just reaching into the sky.

"They are going to ask questions," Allen said.

"I know."

They saw the bus rattling up the street and they hoisted their backpacks up on their

shoulders. The creaking yellow mass screeched to a halt and the doors swung open. John

and Allen stepped on. The bus began moving as they looked for a seat. They both sat down

in an empty spot and Allen looked out the window.

He watched the bushes and trees zoom by until they reached the next stop. As he watched

a timid looking white mouse step on the bus, he felt John rustle around next to him. A

jacket plopped down between the two of them, and Allen felt a paw move into his.

The wolf weaved his fingers with the cheetah and gave a little bump with his shoulder. Allen

smiled as the bus started moving again.

When they got to school, Allen and John got off the bus and walked into the large building.

John looked at the clock on the wall and sighed.

"Well, we have 5 minutes. What do you want to do?" he said looking around the busy


"Not sure... My first class is way on the other side, so I think I'm going to go there now so

I'm not late," Allen said, almost giving John a hug before stopping himself.

"I'll see you seventh period...sweetie," John said looking around to make sure no one was


They exchanged smiles and went on their ways.

Allen wondered the hallways glancing at the people walking past, and trying not to start any

drama. He caught a glimpse of a large hyena in a letterman jacket, and ducked his head

down, walking faster, and trying not to be noticed as best he could.

He heard a loud cackle and he sped up even faster, but someone grabbed his backpack loop

and pulled him back.

"Well, how you doin' this year, Allen?" the hyena said as he continued pulling Allen back to

his little spot by the wall.

"Let me go, Jee!" Allen said trying to pull his backpack free.

"Why, don't ya wanna talk to your old friend? I missed ya over the summer, and I was hopin'

to catch up."

Allen slipped from his backpack straps and faced the chuckling hyena.

"Whoops, slipped out, they don't make these like they used to," he said, dropping the bag on

the floor and taking a step closer.

Allen stepped back as he looked at the large fist of the hyena tighten.

"So Allen, did ya miss me? Maybe I can make up for the months we've lost," the hulking

hyena cackled, lunging for Allen and grabbing his shoulders.

Allen yelped as the paws tightened and lifted him up above the ground. His legs feebly

kicked the air knowing not much could stop the bully from his plans. Jee swung Allen over

and pushed him violently against the wall, his feet dangling a good foot from the floor.

Allen looked at the hyena's ugly mug as a crooked smile formed and one of his cackles

blasted in his face. The defenseless cheetah just winced and closed his eyes tight.

Then Allen heard a loud dull thud and the cackling stopped. The paws around his shoulder

loosened and he slid down the wall and hit the floor.

Allen reluctantly looked up to see the behemoth turned the other way glaring at someone.

He peered around the torn jeans standing in front of him to see John in a fierce stance glaring


Allen's stomach churned with a mixture of happiness and fear.

"Who do ya think you are?" Jee said loudly in John's face.

"Leave the cheetah alone," John said still holding his stance strong.

"Pfft, make me."

"Leave the cheetah alone."

Jee looked down at Allen who was giving small ‘don't-do-this' signs to John. The little

crooked smile formed on Jee's muzzle again.

"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" He looked back at John. "Is that it? This your butt-fuck,

Allen, ya little faggot? Well, I think ya could do better than this; he's kinda ugly, ‘specialy

with that messed up FACE!" he yelled as he took a swing at John.

John ducked out of the way just in time. Buy now a crowd had formed in a semi-circle

around the three of them. They all muttered, and Allen could have sworn he saw someone

talking money for a bet.

"Leave Allen alone," John said, returning to his stance.

"Just for that, I'm going to turn you and your little boy toy into bloody pulp!" he said taking a

leap at John.

John slid out of the way, and reached for Allen's back pack. The hyena's paw caught the

side of his shirt, and ripped it. But john just kept on moving and quickly grabbed Allen's paw

as they darted off into the crowd with the sounds of the hyena thudding onto the floor behind


They could hear Jee yelling something at them, but the crowd had already started to

disperse and he couldn't spot the two of them in the sea of students.

"Was that normal?" John said panting as they reached an empty hallway and stopped.

"Yeah..." Allen said looking down.

"Aww, sweetie," John said wrapping his arms around the cheetah. "We'll I'm here to protect


"Jee will be after you too now. And half the school probably thinks we're dating."

"Well, I wasn't going to just let you get hit."

"Why were you following me anyways?"

"Well..." he chuckled, "As you walked away, I caught a glimpse of your ass, and... well, I

couldn't resist." John licked Allen's nose.

Allen smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you are such a horn ball, thank you."

"Any time."

John tightened their hug until the bell rang loudly in the empty hall.

"Crap, we're late," Allen said.

"Yep. We'd better run. I'll see you again at lunch, then seventh period!" He started walking

off to his class.

Allen watched the wolf disappear around the corner, the ripped part of his shirt waving in the

breeze, and began walking to his own class.

The next four periods dragged on for the both of them as the teachers lectured and handed

out their syllabus and did embarrassing get-to-know-you assignments. As the lunch bell

rang, Allen speedily walked to the lunch room hoping to see John again.

He saw his wolf crossing the room with four or five other furs. He jogged up to him and

greeted John with a smile.

"Oh... hi, Allen," John said, looking nervously at the people he was with.

"Hey!" Allen noticed that John's friends were giving him a funny look. He turned his gaze

back at John.

His eyes clearly gave away that he didn't want Allen around.

"Where are you guys eating?" Allen said anyways.

"Our table's full," a female mongoose wearing too much eye shadow quickly said.

"Can't you make room for one mo..."

"No. Go away," the mongoose interrupted, shooing him away with her paw.

Allen gave her a dirty look, and then looked back towards John, who just gave a little shrug.

Allen's mouth opened to say something, but he stopped as someone grabbed his arm and

pulled him away.

"Come, Allen, eat with me." Tania dragged Allen back across the room and plopped him

down at a table with a rather sickly looking warthog at the other end. "You need to work

things out with John a little more."

"I know, he's being kind of a jerk," Allen said glaring as John sat down at a table.

"He's just trying to keep his image up. He still loves you no matter what, and he'll figure out

how to show it in time."

Allen just kind of pouted. Tania shoved a plate of pizza over to him.

"Eat, I don't like it."

Allen picked up a slice and took a bite out of it. After a few laborious chews, he swallowed.

"I didn't miss the food," he said placing the pizza back on the plate.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Why does he care so much what others think?"

"Because he's just like that. You should know that more than me."

"He saved me from getting beaten up earlier today in front of people, why can't he just eat

lunch with me?"

"He probably didn't have any friends in the crowd. And you almost got beaten up today?"

"But still... and yeah, by Jee. Luckily John was there."

"Jee's such an ass. But anyway, John would do anything for you, but he's not ready to

come out to the rest of his friends like that. I have geography with him second period, and

he said that five of his friends stopped talking to him from what happened over the summer.

He's just trying to keep the ones he still has."

"Still... jerk," Allen said taking a fork and poking at the stiff pizza.


Allen just gave her a pouting face.

"Just give it some time." Tania said placing a paw on his shoulder. "I'm sure he'll come out

by the end of the semester, if not the quarter."

Allen just rolled his eyes.

They talked a little more and filled each other in on the last few days of summer they had

before the bell rang again. They moved off to class, where the boring lectures presumed and

the countdown towards the end of the day began.

When seventh period finally arrived, Allen walked to the library to find John already sitting at

a table. He signed into the study hall, dumped his quickly filling backpack down and pulled

up a seat.

"Hey there, how have your classes been?" John asked rubbing his foot against Allen's leg

under the table.

"I took too many AP classes," Allen said morosely.

"Aww, well, I'm sure you'll make it work. If you need any help, I'm always here," John said


"Aren't you taking remedial math?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe... but I'm still here for you."

"Thanks swee..."

"SHHHH!" the library said as she passed with a large cart filled with books.

"Thanks sweetie," Allen said in a whisper. "You know, I really don't like being treated like

some nobody around your friends."

John looked away. "I'm sorry."

"Then let me eat lunch with you."

"It's not as easy as that. They are really selective, and they would assume something's up."

"So? I didn't say you had to make out with me. I'd just like to be around you a little during

the day."

"Well, that's why we have this class together!" John said raising his voice a little.

"This is not the same!"

"Why not? I'm with you aren't I?!"

The librarian gave them both a nasty look while holding a finger to her muzzle.

"We'll continue this at home," Allen said. They both sat in silence, calming themselves

down a bit.

Allen pulled out a large textbook and a pad of paper and started working on one of his

assignments. John leaned back in his chair and looked out the window enjoying the fact that

he hadn't been giving homework yet.

After a few irritated sighs from Allen and half and eraser already gone, he dropped his pencil

in his book, closed it angrily, and looked at John.

"This text book would be more interesting if it was used as toilet paper. Speaking of which, I

think I'm going to go. I'll be back in a minute," Allen said standing up and walking over to the

sign in desk for a pass.

He walked to the bathroom, found a stall and did his business. He zipped up his pants,

flushed and turned around. As he opened the stall door and stepped out, he jumped back in

surprise. John was standing there staring at him with a smile.

"Umm... hi..."

John shoved his muzzle against Allen's, and pushed him back in. He locked the door

without breaking the kiss as his free paw explored Allen's lower back.

Allen managed to pull back from the wolf and took a breath.

"Glad you got a kiss in?" Allen said chucking. "I wish the scenery was a little ni..."

Allen paused as one of John's paws undid his zipper. The room echoed with the zipping

sound as the wolf continued with his own pants.

"John, not here. Don't you remember what happened the last time?"

"Yeah, but I'm feeling lucky today," he said kissing Allen's neck softly.

"No, John, this is a lot more public, and I don't really want to get kicked out of school. Plus,

it's a bathroom."

"Aww come on, live a little."

John's paw reached down into Allen's pants and gently rubbed his sheath. He felt a warm

little tip poke out, which he gently rubbed with one of his fingers, making Allen moan softly in

his ear.

"Just be quiet about it..." Allen whispered, having all the persuasion he needed.

John smiled seductively as he slowly got down on his knees, letting his paw glide down

Allen's lean chest. His nose gently poked into the unzipped pants as he slowly slid them

down. Allen's hardening member lay across John's muzzle slowly pulsing to life. John

stuck his tongue out and slowly let it run across the bottom.

Allen moaned quietly as the warm wet sensation moved closer to his tip. John continued

and let the cock rub across and bounce off, leaving a string of pre connecting to the two. He

moved back and ran his tongue over his shaft again, this time spending more time at his

head. His tongue moved over the tip messaging the sensitive spots and making Allen leak

precum all over John's lips.

Allen looked down at the wolf. His large red cock was now sticking out from his pants and

slowly dripping onto the floor. John opened his mouth and took in Allen's tip with s sharp

gasp from the cheetah. He slowly worked his way down the shaft until his head pressed

against the back of his throat. Then he slowly pulled back off; Allen's slick cock emerging

from his muzzle. He sucked back down, working up a little more speed and making Allen

sigh in pleasure.

Allen's paw moved to the back of John's head as he gently glided him harder onto his cock.

John gladly obliged as he began tenderly playing with Allen's balls.

Allen could start to feel his orgasm coming on and he pushed down on John's head. John

swallowed and let the tip of the cock slide down into his throat. Allen felt his cock pulse as

the wave of pleasure overtook him. He began to moan and quickly covered his muzzle to

stay quiet. John swallowed Allen's hot load and it slid down to his stomach. The wolf

moaned to himself as he sucked him dry and pulled off licking his lips.

Allen smiled as his orgasm passed and he saw John still kneeling with his throbbing cock

between his legs and his tail wagging wildly.

Allen petted John on his head and put a finger under his chin to guide him up. He turned him

around and sat him on the toilet; his pulsing rod swinging in front of his chest. He shot John

a seductive look and gave him the hold-on-one-minute sign with his finger, zipped up his

pants and poked his head out of the stall. The place was still empty. He locked the door

again, and turned around with a smirk.

Allen's paws slowly moved down his sides and grasped the bottom of his shirt. He moved

his arms up showing off his soft, white belly. He slid the shirt up over his shoulders and

hung it on the coat hook. Then he winked at John and turned around, grasping the top of the

stall door, swinging his hips slowly back and forth.

John grabbed the waving ass and slowly leaned him closer. Allen felt the large warm cock

press up against his pants and gently rub against him and murred with pleasure. John's

cock pressed between Allen's clothed ass as a bead of pre rolled down its side.

Allen pulled away and winked again out of the corner of his eye as he unzipped his pants.

He slowly pulled them down around his rump, showing his bright red briefs. He slid them

down a little further until they were around his ankles and stepped out of them. Still facing

the stall door, he placed his paws on the back of his head and did a little sexy dance, as his

paws slid down his sides again.

His thumbs caught the edge of his briefs and let them slide on down. His hard cock popped

out as he slipped them down to his ankles, bent over and lifted his tail.

He could hear John's moans of approval and he leaned back up and turned around. He took

a step closer and leaned forward for a kiss. John's paw held him close as Allen sat down in

his lap. Allen slowly lifted up John's shirt and the broke the kiss as he slipped it over his


Allen traced a finger down John's toned chest. He gently grabbed his cock and pressed his

own against it. He gave a few slow pumps for the both of them. John had a steady stream

of pre pouring down the side of his wanting piece of meat, and Allen's paw spread it all

around as it moved. He let go of his slippery rod and stood up over the wolf.

John quickly shimmied down his pants and boxers to his ankles. Allen placed John's cock

underneath him and let is thickness rub between his cheeks. John moaned softly as the fur

glided over his sensitive member. Allen reached down again and guided the tip to his

pucker. With a heave and a groan, Allen sat down and stuck the tip inside of him.

John had to fight back his moans as the tight ring slid down over him. He placed his paws

on Allen's waist as he brought his muzzle to his. John's tongue playfully messaged the

cheetah's as Allen slowly pushed down further.

Inch by inch, John disappeared into Allen. Allen moaned into their kiss as he filled with the

wolf. He continued to slide down until he could feel John's knot begin to form.

"Mmm... I feel so dirty..." Allen said softly. "I want you to tie me"

"But, we still have study hall."

"This is better than homework."

John nodded and they continued kissing. Allen lifted up his hips a few inches and brought

himself back down. John's knot was almost half formed, and Allen pulled up with small pop,

and continued to pull up until almost all of John was out of him, than he slowly moved down

again, squeezing his muscles.

John couldn't help but moan loudly as he felt the even tighter ring move down as his cock

entered the soft, wet warmth of his lover.

Allen reached the now fully formed knot and pressed down hard. With a slip and a pop, John

was inside of him completely, ready to cum at any second.

With another tight clench from Allen, John could feel his orgasm shoot through him. Allen

panted as he felt the enormous cock inside of him pulse and shoot load after load deep into

his bowels. He reached down and started feverishly pumping at his own cock.

John could feel hot cum drip down his balls as it leaked from the two of them. He closed his

eyes and let the last of his orgasm take him over as he felt Allen's load shoot onto his chest

in hot wads.

Allen tensed up and then relaxed into John's arms. They broke their kiss and heard a digital

camera noise behind them.

Their ears perked up, and John looked down just in time to see an arm holding a camera

phone disappear under the stall door.

They both gave each other nervous stares as they heard the bathroom door slam. Allen

pushed up and popped violently off of John and they quickly wiped themselves off and threw

on their clothes.

"Maybe they will just use it for their personal voyeur porn?" John said.

Allen just gave him a sad frown as they quickly moved out into the hallway. There was no

one around. They silently returned to the study hall, smoothing out their fur and clothes.

Allen tried to continue working on his homework, but his mind was no longer with him. John

didn't even balance on his chair. He just stared at the table without moving. They watched

the clock hands slowly turn.

Allen jumped in his chair suddenly and slapped his hip. He looked around and pulled out his

buzzing cell phone and flipped it open. His shoulders sank down as he handed the phone to


On it read a text message from Tania saying, ‘i just got a pic of u... and john. this is not

good allen.'

John closed the phone and handed it back to Allen who had placed his paws on his face in


John sat there not knowing what to do when the bell rang loudly. He stood up, but Allen

didn't move.

He walked over to him and was going to pat him on the shoulder, but was swatted away.

Allen stood up quickly and rushed off saying, "way to fuck everything up, John. I'm going

home with Tania."

John watched Allen hurry away and he sat down in the chair and sighed. He looked up at

the clock and slowly stood back up and meandered off to class.

As he walked down the hall, he could see people snickering and pointing. They were all

holding their phones. Someone yelled something at him but he ignored it and started

walking faster.

"Like ‘em tight? Fag!" someone yelled at him from across the hall. He quickened his pace

and found his classroom door. He flew in and looked around the room.

There were a group of girls in the back giggling. One winked at him and they all laughed.

John grunted and threw his backpack next to a desk and sat down.

The rest of his classmates filling in seemed not to have gotten the picture yet, and he got

through the period mostly left alone; except for the resident gay horse sending him a note in

sparkly pink gel pen asking if he does threesomes.

When the final bell rang, he quickly gathered up his things and ran outside to the busses.

He stood outside the door for a while hoping that Allen had changed his mind, but he didn't

show. John quietly climbed onto the bus with his ears down and waited for it to start

moving. He noticed the person opposite him flip over his phone and the picture popped up on

his screen. The hamster looked over at John, their eyes caught each other, and he looked

quickly away and turned.

John sighed as the hamster speedily typed something and sent it.

When his stop finally came, he grabbed his backpack and quickly hopped off. He walked

slowly away as the bus rattled onward and he felt a paper wad hit him in the head from

someone throwing it out the window.

When he got home, he walked in, dropped his backpack by the couch and moved to his


"How was your first day?" Lucy asked walking by.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh? That bad?" She looked around. "Where is Allen?"

"At one of his friend's houses."

"Why didn't he come home?"

John just shrugged not looking at his mom and closed the door to his room.

He stood in the dark room and sat down on the bed. With a sigh, he fell back and closed his

eyes. The events of the day replayed in his head over and over again. He found himself

drifting off to sleep and into a more carefree dream world, desperately reaching out,

searching for his loving, absent cheetah.

To be continued...