Invention of the Week #4: Transformifier

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Based on a concept developed by myself and ratchetfox84 on DA.

I actually wrote this a little while ago and completely forgot about it. Whoops. I forgot why I didn't release it after I finished. Oh well. Lots o' transformations featured in it.

Hello world! It's your favorite lab rat Amelia again! Easter came and went pretty fast huh? Honestly I forgot it was Easter as soon as I introduced the Bunny Beam because I was hard at work inventing things. That and as always body exploration. I attempted to put lipstick on the other day...but as it turns out it's REALLY hard to do that. And red does not look good on brown I'll tell you that! I'm thinking I might try eyeshadow next time. See how that turns out.

Also update on Gavin, who was the one I tested the Dragon Pearls on! She goes by Carly now. She joined in on the makeup shenanigans, looks just as bad as her as it does me. Seriously, I don't know how muzzle and lipsticks work together. I've seen the pictures online, I know it's possible! Anyways, she's been really enjoying the new body. Doesn't pressure me to find a reversal either anymore. I think she's grown accustomed to it. She won't admit it but I know she loves it! We've bonded quite a bit since then and are becoming quite closer friends. Plus the looks we get on the street are always fun. Granted I don't know if they're looking at us because of our proportions, or became we have fur and scales. Or both...probably both.

Anyways, been taking some personal time but I need an invention. So I turned to the internet for ideas. Not too many things caught my eye, but I opted for a more simple invention compared to previous once. A transformation ray! Yeah, pretty simple but any scientist in my line of work needs to do it. It's like a right of passage. Like getting called something offensive online by a young child. Always amusing and everyone gets a taste. Never got that kind of thing. Most people who call people names are generally ages where they have basically no life experience. Why am I talking about this?

I decided to take a more unique and stupid name for the device, which I call the "Transformifier." It rolls off the tongue better than just "Transformation Ray" don't you think? I do and it's my invention (technically) so I get to name it. That's democracy. Actually no, pretty sure that's the complete opposite of democracy...then again does anyone REALLY know what democracy is anymore? Maybe I should of paid more attention in my government class...Then again, as Pink Floyd once said "We Don't Need No Education" and look and them their rich and famous. They also once said they knew "A Mouse who hasn't got a house and call him Gerald." I don't know where I was going with that I just wanted to make it known.

Besides the point this device is pretty cut and paste. If nothing is selected than everything is random: age, species, gender, all that jazz. There's a panel on it that will allow you to select species as well as a switch that'll make the transformation male and female. On top of that there's a somewhat hidden panel that'll allow the user to select the age. There's also an "on-off" button that will make the transformation anthro, if turning into an animal. It's set to "On" by default. There's a bit of a learning curve to get everything down. Once you do though it's as easy as...huh. You know what I can't think of something to compare it to. It's easier than thinking of something to compare how easy it is to use! What? Even I confused myself with that one.

Transformation lasts until shot again with the settings on their original forms, so human male if they started out like that. Each form is unique to the person and is saved within their DNA. So if one became a wolf, human, and wolf again. They would look just like they did the first time they became a wolf. This is a failsafe to ensure when the transformee is able to return to the way they looked like as a human, or animal I guess if you want your dog to be a cat for a while. I dunno why you would.

Anyways we have a few subjects today. Lisa, Dan, Tony, Elise, and Billy. They don't know what they'll be turning into and quite frankly neither do I. I'm just going to kind of hit stuff and then blast them with it. Fun stuff. Whenever their ready to return to their normal forms they'll let me know and I'll do just that. Between you and me only one did, and that's because he couldn't say he did or didn't want to return to normal. You'll see. Enough exposition, let's get to the fun part.

Lisa got in the position and the Transformifier was randomly set and blasted at her. Her body became coated in a thin brown layer of fur all over. Lisa's face pushed outward into a snout while her nose became small and brown at the tip of it. Her hair retracted back into her fur while her ears became circular and moved to the top of her head. Lisa's eyes seemed to lose it's color, looking more like large black dots than eyes. Her body shrank vastly, shrinking all the way into one of her shoes. Her hands and feet became much smaller along with her arms and legs, nails turning into small claws. From behind her, a large and bushy tail emerged. The transformed Lisa crawled out from the shoe, revealing she ended up as a fox squirrel.

Dan was the next subject. He was zapped and soon enough his body was growing grey and white fur all over. His hands grew black fur while his nails became sharper and took on a pink color. His ears became larger and more floppy as they moved to the top of his head while his hair grew longer, taking on a silver tone as it reached his shoulders. His eyebrows thinned out as his face pushed out, his nose becoming pink at the tip of his new muzzle. Dan's shoulder's lost their broadness while his hips gained some mass, making them more pronounced. His rear followed in suite as a thin pink tail emerged from behind him as his manhood caved in on itself, causing a gender shift within Dan. Two breasts formed on Dan's chest to confirm his, or rather, her new sex as she was now an anthro opossum woman.

Tony was up to bat as he was zapped with the device. His body shrank down greatly as he was forced to stand on all fours. His hands and feet became a pink color while a blackish brown fur coat grew all over. His arms and legs became much smaller while his body itself became larger. A thin tail came out from behind him as well, of which could be estimated to about half his body size. His nose became small and pink while his face pushed out into a small muzzle. Whiskers formed on both sides of the new little snout while his eyes became beady and black. Tony's hair vanished while his ears became circular on the top of his head, now a rat. Unlike Lisa, Tony was unable to get out of his shoe, and I had to help him out. He's on my desk right now. Little scamp. I'm writing this right after all this went down so there hasn't been a big jump or anything.

Elise would have a...unique change. Her body grew white feathers all over, save for her feet which became harder and black as well as webbed. Tailfeathers formed behind her as well as wings on her arms. Her hips lost their childbearing size and her rear became much less pronounced. Elise's breasts went flat with her chest as manhood formed between her, now his legs. His nose and mouth fused together, turning into an orange beak. His head became smaller and thinner while his neck became longer, currently a swan man. It didn't end there. Elise's body became smaller, now no taller than my own knees as his body lost traces of maturity, his face full of youthful energy. Elise was a swan boy no older than 5.

The last subject would be Billy as he got in position and was zapped. His body became smooth and soft as his arms and legs became slender and shapely respectively. His shoulders lost their broadness while his hands and feet became small and dainty. Billy's waist caved in while his hips and rear pushed outward. His hair grew longer, reaching his back while his nose became small and petite. His lips became fuller as two breasts formed on Billy's chest. With a certain something missing between his legs, Billy was undeniably a woman now. The changes didn't stop there. Her body started to gain wrinkles as her hair became to grey, growing into the elderly ages. On top of that, her body grew orange and white fur while her hands and feet grew black fur. A bushy orange tail with a white tip formed behind her while her ears became triangular at the top of her head, now an elderly vixen.

That's all the subjects! Lots of variety this time around. Now there's more than 1 person who got turned into a rat at this lab! Isn't that right little guy? Oh yeah...normal rats can't talk. Sorry Tony. I don't know where Lisa ran off to. This can revert people back to normal and I'm sure she doesn't want to stay a full animal forever. Or maybe she does and she ran away so I wouldn't turn her back. I dunno. But I should at least try to find her. Better idea, I'll invent something to find her! That'll save some time! Till next time laddies and lassies!

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