How I Met Your Mother

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of Mobians I'd Like to Fuck

This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised.

Lien-Da skulked through the woods, moving through the bushes as quietly as she could. After her inglorious humiliation at the hands of the new Enerjak, who was really Knuckles the Echidna, she and her clan had allied with Dr. Eggman in an attempt to regain the technology that had been taken from them; unfortunately, she was soon usurped by Dimitri and discovered their new mechanical parts were rigged to explode on command. Dr. Eggman assigned her to a secret mission; to find a friend of the Freedom Fighters and hold them hostage for his next ingenious scheme. The angry echidna hid in the shadows of the trees cast by the full moon's light. Line-Da went through a mental list in her head, trying to find the easiest target to capture; most of the names that came up were key members of the Freedom Fighters like Sonic the Hedgehog, Princess Sally Acorn, Tails, and Amy Rose, all of whom were safe in their shielded city and impossible for her to get at. However, one target seemed to be so easily within her grasp, and would grant her leverage over Team Chaotix; the echidna's target was Cream the Rabbit, a friend of Eggman's enemies and was known to be an easy quarry to catch. Lien-Da made her way through the woods, nearing the small house stealthily, unaware she was being watched from the trees.

Lien-Da discovered the house and a cold smile appeared on her face as she noticed only one light on in the whole building; as the echidna made her way up to the house and slowly opened the door, a lone figure flew to a nearby tree, watching intently. Rouge the Bat, the spy and treasure hunter, had been following Lien-Da since her departure from Eggman's base; at first, the thief assumed Lien-Da was going to try and attack Knuckles after what he had done to her and her clan, which would have been the opportune time to steal the Master Emerald from him as he fought, but after discovering this was not the echidna's intention, she somewhat begrudgingly followed her regardless. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Lien-Da silently slipped into the house, stepping into the dark room and quietly closing the door behind her. Using careful foot placement, the echidna crept through the house, making her way to the room where the light emanated. Pressing herself to the wall, she looked around the corner and into the room; the light came from a small fire in the fireplace, the light bright enough for anyone near it to see, but not enough to light the whole room, creating excellent shadow cover. In a rocking chair by the fire sat a rabbit, but not the young child Lien-Da sought; Vanilla, Cream's mother, wore a pink and purple dress that complimented her cream and orange colored fur nicely, her eyes halfway closed as she rocked in the chair peacefully. Even though this was not her original target, Lien-Da settled for Cream's mother, who would undoubtedly make an excellent hostage; slipping into the shadows, Lien-Da slowly crept up behind the rabbit mother, taking out her whip as she did and raising it up high. With a quick movement, Lien-Da's whip sped forward and wrapped around one leg of the chair, the echidna giving the taught weapon a quick and powerful tug to yank it out from under the rabbit, sending her to the floor, screaming in surprise. Moving quickly, Lien-Da rushed over to her and grabbed one of the rabbit's arm and leg, raising them up behind her back and using her whip to tie them together; after securing the two limbs, she grabbed the other two and managed to tie them up as well before the mother could do anything to stop her. The echidna backed away from the captive rabbit, who was now feebly struggling to get up, a very confused and frightened look on her face.

"Wha-what in the world," the rabbit exclaimed, "What's going on?"

"Shh," Lien-Da shushed teasingly, "No need to make a fuss, because no one is going to come, Vanilla; that is your name, right?"

"Who are you, why are you doing this? Please let me go," Vanilla begged.

"Uh uh uh," Lien-Da chided, waging a finger, "I have my orders. Now, if you be a good girl you won't get hurt." Lien-Da firmly grasped Vanilla's collar, attempting t lift her off the floor; however, Vanilla's dress was not meant to be handled so roughly, and the weak fabric ripped open, sending Vanilla back down to the floor on her back, her bra-less breasts exposed, bouncing slightly.

Lien-Da laughed at the sight. "Well that was unfortunate for you," the echidna teased. As she knelt to pick Vanilla back up, she noticed how big the rabbit's breasts were, feeling a bizarre sense of admiration. "My, you're a pretty stacked," Lien-Da whispered softly, "I bet all the male Freedom Fighters think of you has a hot M.I.L.F." Unsure why she was compelled to do so, Lien-Da reached forward with both hands and grasped a firm hold of Vanilla's breasts, making her gasp sharply.

"Wow, you are quite a handful," Lien-Da said impressed, rolling the breasts around in circles. Vanilla could do nothing but lie on the floor and watch as the echidna played with her breasts, pushing them together and making them bounce; as Vanilla wondered what would happen to her next, she felt a ripple of pleasure course slowly through her as Lien-Da touched her nipples, making them semi hard. Lien-Da saw the erect nipples and immediately felt a sexual urge over take her; how often was it that she had a very attractive partner bound and helpless to her whims.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Lien-Da asked slyly.

"Please," Vanilla begged, "Just let me go."

"Now, now," Lien-Da murmured, bringing her face close to Vanilla's and planting a small kiss on her cheek, "Where's the fun in that?" The echidna slowly moved her head down to the rabbit's chest and slowly licked over her right nipple, feeling a delightfully naughty sensation. Vanilla inhaled a bit, still startled by the situation, but her fear seemed to slightly ebb away as it was met with a new feeling; pleasure. Vanilla had not been with someone for some time, not since she helped out Tails a few months ago; now, tied and half naked before an unknown assailant, the rabbit could feel her lust starting to betray her. Lien-Da moved her lips over the nipple and started to lightly suck on it, using her right hand to tease and pinch Vanilla's other nipple, smiling and enjoying herself as the rabbit tried to hide her pleasure. Vanilla started breathing deeply, trying her hardest to control herself, but was failing miserably as she could feel herself become wet.

In the window, Rouge was staring into the room, completely surprised by what she was seeing; that shock however soon changed to interest and became sexually aroused, her fingers pressing between her thighs, feeling her womanhood through her tight outfit. Lien-Da pulled away from Vanilla's nipple, wiping away a sliver of saliva from her lips as she contemplated what she wanted to do with her partner now, fiddling with the whip handle as she did so. The echidna then looked down at the handle she was toying with, a cold smile slowly forming on her lips; taking the handle, she moved it down the rabbit's stomach, letting it slide down to her thighs. Vanilla looked on, wondering what could possibly be going through the echidna's mind, only to have her question answered as the handle touched her lower lips, sliding over them so slowly it made the rabbit squirm. Rouge continued to watch, finally snapping out of her erotic trance and added up the situation in her head; a light went on in her mind, and the bat crept through the shadows to the nearby well, eyeing the thick long rope tied to the bucket.

"You like that?" Lien-Da cooed evilly, "Good, because it gets better." Taking the handle firmly in hand, she pushed it inside Vanilla, almost half the length entered the orifice. Vanilla gasped as the stiff handle invaded her, shaking as the echidna continued to insert more of it within her; even though she was being taken advantage of, Vanilla couldn't help but enjoy her treatment, her wetness clear evidence of it. Lien-Da grinned and started to move the handle in and out slowly, rotating it so teasingly Vanilla bucked her hips eagerly into the whip handle.

"This is too easy," Lien-Da thought to herself as she plunged the handle deeper and faster, smiling as Vanilla gasped and moaned, "This may be my easiest mission." From out of nowhere, someone grabbed the echidna from behind and pushed her to the floor; shocked, Lien-Da tried to sit upright but felt a boot press against her stomach, keeping her pinned to the floor. The echidna struck out with her fist, but hitting nothing but air, seeing nothing in the darkness except the boot on her stomach. As she tried to remove the boot, the figure quickly wrapped a thick rope around her hands, tying them up tight; Vanilla snapped out of her trance a few seconds later and peered into the darkness, trying to find out what had happened to her attacker. A moment later, Lien-Da rolled out of the shadows, bound and gagged just like the rabbit mother, Rouge emerging after her, her large breasts out for all to see.

"Looks like the hunter just became the hunted," Rouge said smugly, patting Lien-Da's head despite the echidna's furious attempts to break her bonds. "Now don't strain yourself, honey; you're not going anywhere," Rouge stated slyly, kneeling down to Lien-Da's legs, taking all precautions to protect herself from the echidna's bound legs, hands on her knees; with some effort, the bat successfully parted the echidna's legs, allowing her to get in close and start unzipping her pants. Lie-Da was furious and was not going to allow Rouge to turn the tables on her; the echidna struggled and flailed about, but not matter what she did, she could not keep Rouge away from her. Despite the difficulty, Rouge managed to simultaneously pull down both the echidna's pants and panties, revealing her red furred vagina, slightly wet from her toying with Vanilla. Smiling, Rouge moved away from Lien-Da and grasped Vanilla's wrists, gently dragging the rabbit closer to the echidna.

"The three of us are going to have a little fun, so try to relax and enjoy it," Rouge whispered seductively, pulling down her suit and standing naked before them, sitting down between the two captives. Rouge pulled Vanilla's legs close to hers and spread them, doing the same with her own and interlocking themselves together; before Vanilla could protest, she felt the bat's smooth lips against hers, shivering as her arousal immediately came back to full force. As Rouge started to rub her pussy to Vanilla's, the bat leaned forward and dipped her head between Lien-Da's legs, planting a teasing kiss on her lower lips; Lien-Da shuddered at the kiss, trying to hide the pleasure she felt, but Rouge knew all too well she enjoyed it. Using two fingers, Rouge spread the echidna's lips and pressed her mouth to her puss, giving it a good loud slurp; Lien-Da's eyes shut and she moaned through her gag, her hips pushing into Rouge's face as the bat licked and teased her slit. As Rouge licked the echidna, she ground her own sex into Vanilla's, scissoring with the rabbit mother, sighing and moaning quietly as she tormented Lien-Da; Vanilla gasped and worked her hips into Rouge's giving in to her lust and humping her wet needy pussy into the bat's.

Lien-Da moaned and bucked, pushing herself to Rouge, wanting the bat to make her cum hard, going as far as to hold the bat's head in place with her legs. Seeing the echidna enjoy herself, Rouge removed her mouth and replaced her tongue with two fingers, starting to slowly thrust into her but steadily gaining speed, moving her mouth to Line-Da's clit and sucking on it hard. Vanilla rubbed her lips to Rouge's hard, thrusting her clit to hers, moaning as she felt herself on the verge of cumming, aroused by the entire situation; Rouge was enjoying herself immensely, savoring the taste of echidna pussy and having a hot rabbit MILF thrust her sex to hers, rubbing the slick lips together, making Rouge moan and slurp Lien-Da's clit harder. Lien-Da squealed through her gag, hips bucking as she finally came, pressing hard into Rogue's face as she squirted her fluids onto her hand and neck; feeling her cum, Rouge moved down and licked up the echidna's juices, getting her face wet and sticky with the projectile cum. Vanilla kept sliding her pussy against, Rogue's, so close to cumming and rubbing them together faster and faster, their lips heating up from the friction. The bat pulled herself away from Lien-Da's soaked pussy and moaned loudly, shaking and weakly thrusting as she came second, her juices flowing out and over Vanilla's lips, coating them with her cum. Vanilla's face was flushed, her body heat rising as she tried to get herself off, which was now made difficult by with Rouge reaching her own orgasm. Rouge, however, wasn't too exhausted from her climax, and reached down to the bound rabbit's pussy, her fingers rubbing her clit in a circular motion; Vanilla moaned and gasped, sweat beading on her face as she now thrust her hips against the bat's hand, shutting her eyes tight as she came in a matter of seconds. It was one of the best orgasms she had, her whole body filled with a glorious sense of much needed release, her entire body quaking as she climaxed, covering Rouge's fingers with an ample amount of her love liquids. As her orgasm subsided, Vanilla became very tired and weak, falling back to the floor and breathing heavily, eyes closed and drifting off for a few minutes in her afterglow.

Vanilla opened her eyes a few moments later, leaning up and tiredly looking around; both Rouge and Lien-Da were gone, leaving still bound in the echidna's whip. Outside a short distance away, Rouge the bat, now fully dressed, was carrying the tired but still agitated Lien-Da on her back, looking back at the house with a small smile before heading towards Eggman's base; perhaps she could use Lien-Da as leverage for a chance to nab a Chaos Emerald, or at least some useful information. Inside the house, Vanilla was on her stomach, crawling like an inch worm to her room to try and find something she could use to free herself; if anyone was to see her like this, she would be deeply mortified.

"Miss Vanilla, I came by to warn you that Scourge and," a familiar voice called out. Vanilla looked back and saw Tails, standing in front of the door, mouth open and staring at the bound naked rabbit mother on the ground.

"T-tails," Vanilla said, recovering from her shock, "I'm in a bit of a predicament; will you please help me?" Tails moved close to Vanilla, stopping just a foot from her. "I need you to find some scissors, or if you could untie-oh!" Vanilla gasped as Tail's tongue lapped over her pussy, flicking her clit.

"Oh...Tails, please just untie me sweetie so I-."

Vanilla never finished her sentence; the rabbit was to0 ensnared by the pleasant sensation of Tails inserting his twin cocks into her cunt and ass. Giving in, Vanilla simply lied on the floor and allowed the two tailed fox to have his way; after all, he did such a good job the last time they met.

Just a short Sonic story, a continuation of the previous ones I did, though this one was specially done for Leopold Visette, a truly remarkable and generous artist. I would like to thank the readers who enjoyed the previous two stories, and a special thanks to Darse for filling me in on some of the details concerning Lien-Da. I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it.

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