Amaterasu's Heat

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised.

"Come on Ammy, let's get going so we can make it to the Imperial City," Issun said as he bounced up and down on the white wolf's head. After defeating the dreaded Orochi, a massive demon serpent with eight heads, for the second time in a hundred years, the great god Amaterasu had left the peaceful city of Kamiki in search of the ominous dark cloud that had sprung from the dying Orochi's body. After having fun at Kamiki's festival, Amaterasu and her Poncle companion Issun left Shinshu Fields and were now passing through Taka Pass.

"You're gonna flip when you see the Imperial City," Issun said, "It's much different from anywhere else you've been." Amaterasu stopped for a moment, sniffing the air. "Why did you stop?" Issun asked. "You smell a demon?" Amaterasu started to run off the path, stopping every once in a while to sniff the air once more. "Seriously, what are you looking for?" Issun questioned again.

Amaterasu stopped by a tree and barked; out from behind, a small stray dog walked out, wagging its tail and panting heavily. "We stopped for a stray?" Issun said irritably, "You don't have to feed every animal we see you know." Ammy wasn't listening, as usual, and started sniffing the dog's face as it did likewise. Issun sat irately on Ammy's head, grumbling to himself about all the time they were wasting that could be used to find more of the Thirteen Celestial Brush Techniques when the dog moved around behind the wolf and started to sniff her rear.

"Hey, hey," Issun yelled, "Stop that! This is a god here, and she will not be...Ammy!" The divine wolf was sniffing the stray dog rear, something Issun had not witnessed before. "Knock it off furball! We don't have time for this butt sniffing festival." Ammy ignored the Poncle, watching as the dog moved behind Ammy and continued to sniff her rear. Issun's temper flared as he hopped furiously to Ammy's backside.

"Oh you better not be doing what I think you think you're going to do!" Issun yelled. Both canines ignored him and the stray started to mount the wolf. "That's it!" Issun shouted, unsheathing his sword. The Poncle made a might leap and stabbed his sword deep into the stray's nose; due to his tiny size, Issun's attack wouldn't be enough to do much of anything, but he did manage to make the dog yelp and run off, yipping in pain and rubbing its nose. "That'll teach you a lesson," Issun called out, sheathing his sword.

Amaterasu glared back at Issun, her fangs slightly bared as she growled. "What your problem, furball," Issun shouted, "We are on an important mission and you just let some stray mount you? You're a god for heaven's sake!" Suddenly, Ammy lunged and snapped her jaws around Issun, trapping him inside her mouth.

"Gross!" Issun shouted inside Ammy's mouth, slipping on her broad tongue and trying to get a grip on one of her canines, "I'm getting soaked in wolf spit and your breath is absolutely disgusting! Let me out!" The divine wolf did not respond, only growling and shifting her tongue a bit, making Issun slip and fall. "Seriously furball," Issun yelled, awkwardly bouncing in her mouth, "You let me out right this second or else!" As Issun hopped, he slipped on Ammy's slippery tongue and slid deeper into her mouth, heading straight toward her throat. Seeing where he was going, Issun panicked and grasped all around him, trying to get a hold of Ammy's teeth; just as he reached the back of her throat, Issun grasped a hold of the wolf's uvula with both hands and held on tight as his feet touched her gullet. As the Poncle gripped the uvula, the wolf's throat began to convulse irregularly, making sick gagging sounds; Issun soon realized what was happening, but he knew he couldn't do anything to stop it. Ammy gagged and coughed, shaking Issun within her mouth until she finally shook him loose and spat him out onto the grass. Covered in wolf spit, Issun slowly picked himself up, trembling with rage and disgust.

"Argh! Nasty!" Issun shouted, bouncing angrily, "Why do you always have to do this to me?! Stop treating me like your Holy Bones!" Amaterasu simply huffed and walked a short distance from Issun and lay down on the grass like normally did when something uninterested her. Issun cleaned himself off as best he could with grass and fallen cherry blossom leaves; after a somewhat successful cleaning, Issun hoped over to where the wolf was lying.

"Now why are you so upset," Issun barked, "You're the one sniffing around for strays when you should be out earning the praise and admiration to the people of Nippon who have lost faith in you, not to mention finding more of the Celestial Brush Techniques!" Ammy simply yawned and laid her head down on the grass.

"Fine, don't listen to me as usual," Issun yelled, hoping away from Amaterasu, "But don't come crying to me when-" Issun suddenly smelled something in the air, a very odd smell that he did not come across often, but he knew it all the same. "Ammy," Issun asked, "Are heat?"

Amaterasu simply sighed as she continued to lounge on the ground. "Oh, so that's why you were looking for that mutt," Issun said as realization dawned on him, "I didn't think gods could go into heat. But you can't sully your divinity by getting down and dirty with any animal that comes your way." Ammy barked once, looking back at him.

"Well what do you want me to do furball?" Issun asked, "You're more than ten times my size and even though you're a very cute wolf, I don't think I want to sheathe my other sword in you, and it won't do you any good either since you're so big." Ammy rose up onto her paws, walking over to Issun and standing directly above him; the Poncle watched and wondered what the wolf god was plotting, and found out as she quickly sat down on him. Issun squirmed under Ammy's rump, trying to get out from under her only to become entangled in her fur.

"Hey!" Issun shouted, "Get you big fluffy butt off me furball!" Ammy did not move and Issun became more irate; the tiny Poncle started to crawl underneath Ammy, not noticing where he was crawling to. It all became apparent to Issun, however, when he felt hot exposed flesh with his hand and heard a little huff from the wolf. A little disgusted he touched the wolf's cunt, Issun frantically tried to crawl away, bumping and rubbing over the sensitive lips; Ammy enjoyed the sensation of her bug like companion squirming beneath so much she forced her rear firmly to the ground, nearly squashing little Issun beneath her.

Issun tried to yell and shout, but the weight of Ammy's rear and all her fur prevented him from doing so; the Poncle was caught between the ground and a very wet place. Cringing, Issun could feel Ammy's initial wetness dampen his clothes, yelling to himself in his head in protest. The Poncle's small thrashing hands managed to find Ammy's clit, making the wolf yip and buck her hips down on him, enjoying the sensation. With great effort, Issun managed to crawl a short ways, but was still pressed against Ammy's outer lips; the wolf's thick fur made it hard to breath, and the Poncle was beginning to ache underneath the wolf. Issun's hand reached up and pressed hard against the large vagina, making Ammy whine with pleasure; as he pressed, Issun's whole arm suddenly sunk inside the hot wet tunnel which clamped down on the outstretched limb. Startled, Issun tried to pull his arm free, but his efforts only crazed the wolf more; Issun used his other arm to try and free his trapped one, only to have it get stuck in Ammy's clenching cunt.

Amaterasu panted and whined, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she ground her rear into the ground, slowly pushing Issun inside her. The Poncle's head was inside her instantly, filling his nose with an oppressive smell he was not used to; as his chest started to follow him inside, Issun realized he wasn't going to be able to get out until the wolf had an orgasm, and the hell he was in would only take longer if he continued to resist. Begrudgingly, Issun helped Ammy insert his body fully into her sex, completely enveloped in her soft wet fleshy walls; the Poncle tried to get a grip inside the wolf cunt, but his hands and feet would only slip and slide across the walls, causing the sun god to shiver with delight.

Amaterasu's vagina seemed to draw Issun deeper inside, allowing the tiny "artist" to save his energy for rubbing every inch of the wolf's inner walls; to a small degree, Issun liked the concept of a small Poncle like himself overpowering a god like Amaterasu so easily just by slipping inside her pussy, motivating him to put a little extra effort into his rubbing. The Poncle started to tease Ammy, using his fingertips to only light stroke across the flesh walls while outside Ammy would shake and rub her cunt into the grass in an attempt to get more pleasure. Slightly smiling, Issun reached into her depths and felt around the more sensitive areas, giving them good long rubs in a circular motion; Ammy whined and drooled, lying down flat, humping into the ground desperately.

Issun's roaming hands came into contact with a very special region, causing Amaterasu to jerk and shiver intensely from the touch. Issun could feel the wolf's reaction and felt the walls contract and the little amount of fluid become greater as he continued to gently stroke this one spot; after his initial tests, Issun grinned wickedly and moved his entire body over that spot and ground himself roughly into it. Outside Ammy was yelping and panting, thrusting her hips into the ground as the Poncle tormented her within her own pussy; the interior of the wolf's cunt clenched around Issun, making it more and more difficult for him to move inside, but the determined artist continued, bent on giving the sun goddess satisfaction so he could leave his wet fleshy prison.

The constant attention to the goddess's most sensitive spot proved too much for Amaterasu after a few more moments; with a long mighty howl, the wolf let go and came, her walls clenching around the sprite and flooding him out of her pussy in her fluids, quivering and lying her head on the grassy ground, panting heavily. Issun slowly rose up, covered in Ammy's juices, his anger slowly building inside him until he finally blew his top.

"You furball!" Issun shouted, "That was absolutely disgusting! Don't you ever do that to me again or I'll...I'll...I'll do something!"

Amaterasu rose to her paws and started walking down the path and away from the bouncing Poncle. "Hey, don't you walk away from me!" Issun yelled, hopping after Ammy and leaping onto her back. "Some god you are," Issun grumbled, rubbing himself into Ammy's white fur in order to try and get her cum off of himself, "Just for that I'm not going to speak to you again!" Amaterasu paused for a minute, tilting her head for a moment, then wagged her tail happily and continued on through Taka Pass. Issun noticed her tail wagging and immediately realized the wolf was delighted in his declaration of never speaking again.

"Hey! Are you enjoying this?" Issun shouted, hopping on Ammy's head, "This is a punishment to not hear the voice of the great wandering artist, Issun! Don't give me that smug look; you know what I'm talking about!" The Poncle continued to hop and rant, on and on through the day as the two wandering heroes continued their journey to rid Nippon of the demons that plagued it and recover the Celestial Brush techniques, much to Amaterasu's unnoticeable irritation.

All characters belong to either the Japanese folk lore, or Capcom's game "Okami." Take your pick.

This was a story I wanted to do for the longest time, but only recently thought of doing it after playing Okami for the fourth time and talking about it with a friend. Hope you enjoy this little short story.

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