Caught in the Middle

Story by Draylen Coyote on SoFurry

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Caught in the Middle

Written by Draylen Coyote

I sat on the hard bench, staring out at the metal bars in front of me, just pondering how I tended to get into these messes. I sighed and lay down on the bench, staring at the metal ceiling above. I had no idea who I was being held by, or why I was even being kept locked up, and my captors didn't seem like the type who answered questions.

I shifted on the bench and sighed, thinking back to the beginning. I'd finished a somewhat un-routine transport to the Kallax sector on the outer rim, an area I tended to avoid due to the almost constant pirate wars. I'd left Kallax Prime with my payment, making a beeline for the inner rim. On the way, making a nav reading near an unnamed gas giant, a sleek black destroyer had appeared from nowhere, locking in the Diamond Dragon in a strong tractor beam. I didn't know who it was, and pirates usually weren't interested in a freighter with an empty hold. Nonetheless, the Obsidian Claw, as I read off the nameplate, had me firmly in its clutches, and my first contacts were three thugs with blast rifles drawn. They smacked me around a bit, hustled me through the halls of the destroyer, pitched me into the cell, and apparently forgot about me.

I stirred as I heard voices down the hall; one was a standard thug lowbrow communication, but the other...

The other was definitely female, but it had a similarity to two icicles rubbing together. I leaned forward against the bars and was able to pick up some of the conversation.

"...I don't know, he may try to escape..." said the thug.

"Idiot. He's locked up, and I have no intention of letting him out. I'll talk to him through the bars. Besides, if he does manage to get out, he won't get far."

"Well, I guess..."

"Just get out of the way, I'll stay away from his claws. Don't forget whose boss around here."

"Yes ma'am."

I leaned as far as I could to see who she was, but she came to me. She was nothing like I'd been expecting, not the type who typically rode with pirates. She was a dragoness, her scales jet-black with a slight silver tinge down her chest, her eyes a startling emerald green. She was wearing a tight black tunic with a simple bandoleer across it and equally tight black leggings that cut off just above the knee, above a pair of sleek boots. With the tight clothing, her full figure was very, very visible. What stopped me from looking her over were the sleek laser pistols she was wearing at each hip, which were also very, very visible.

She stopped just on the other side of the bars from me, favoring me with a thin smile. "So what have we caught?" She asked smoothly.

I rolled my eyes. "Someone who would really like to know what's going on."

"Come come now, you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to work with the Red Raiders. The Raiders have rivals, who are usually quite unhappy when they gain allies."

I thought back. "I don't know the Red Raiders."

She looked back at me. "Well, then who were you delivering your cargo for?"

"A company called Celton Exports."

"And what were you moving?"

"Unprocessed Niobium."

She half smirked at me. "Please don't insult my intelligence. You can either tell me now, or I can get the records, which would be an inconvenience, and I tend to react badly to being inconvenienced." She stroked the top of one of her laser pistols with a claw.

"Fine. Plasma warheads."

"I thought so. Arming the Raiders with a little extra firepower, hmm?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't. Tell me, who contracted you? I bet it was old Virrick himself."

"I hate to disappoint you, but I got this job just like I get all my jobs. My contact, Tash, makes contact with the contractor, then gives me the job."

A pensive look came over her face. "Who are you?"

"I'm Draylen Tarx, independent mercenary. How about you?"

She paced the corridor. "I am Ceria. I lead the Black Star Gang."

"Charmed, I'm sure." I said dryly. "I've never even heard of you, or the Raiders, and I try to avoid the Kallax Sector to keep from getting in the middle of these things."

"Of course. If you've never heard of the Raiders, then why were two of their assault craft flying alongside yours when you left Kallax Prime?"

I thought back. On my departure, two sleek fighter craft had ridden along with me for a bit, but there were no communications or signaling between us. "To be frank, I don't know. I think they may have been scanning my hold for possible looting, but it was empty. You might not have noticed, but I kept the main guns on them the whole time."

She seemed to consider that. "Possible. We know Celton Exports is one of the Raiders' front companies, but dealing through contacts is unusual for them. It may be the start of something new... or you may be lying to us."

"I'm telling you what I know."

She paced the hallway for a moment, her tail swinging gracefully behind her. "We'll see. Once we are able to access your ship's computer we'll be able to find out what we want to know."

I glared at her. "Don't even think about trying to hack my ship."

She smiled at me. "It's a bit late. I've had technicians working on your main computer for some time now. Your safeguards are advanced, but I have codebreakers who eat firewalls for breakfast. Yours will be no different."

I snarled at her. "If you even look at one file I swear I'll-"

She shut her eyes and held up a paw. "Save it, please. You're on the wrong side of the bars to be making threats."

I kept my gaze at her. "You'll pay for this."

"If we find that what you're saying is true, your computer will be put back the way it was. If it turns out you're lying, well we sell both you and your ship for spare parts." She paused. "We'll know in a few hours, but if you'd give us your access codes, we can have this cleared up in a few minutes."

I growled at her.

"Fine, we'll do it the hard way. Enjoy your accommodations."

She turned and left, her tail flicking one behind her as she walked off, leaving me alone again. I continued to glare at where she'd been for a few moments, finally settling back onto the metal bench. It was then that I noticed my pants felt a bit tight, the source being a very full erection. Apparently, while my brain had been focused on the conversation with the dragoness, other parts of me had been focusing in on parts of her.

I sighed and fell back on the bench, trying to sleep, but a throbbing member was making it difficult. There was a small toilet in the cell, and I considered blowing off some steam, but abstained, realizing the pirates may have the cell rigged with cameras. Somehow, I managed to fall into a restless sleep...

I awoke to a tapping on the cell bars. Turning over, I saw a brutish pirate carrying a large blast rifle tapping the barrel on the bars. "Up." He said. "Boss wants to see you. Now."

I stood and he opened the door, jabbing me in the back with the gun. "Move. And no funny stuff, otherwise the cleaning crew works overtime." I walked through the corridors of the ship, seeing other pirates at work, being occasionally jabbed in the back. I was led into what was a small observation deck at the fore of the ship. Ceria was there, staring out a large viewport, her back turned.

"We've analyzed the data from your ship's computer." She said, not turning around.

"Well, good for you. I hope you had fun." I growled. The other pirate jabbed me in the back.

She sighed. "Knock it off Gerris, he's no longer a prisoner." She said. "There were no records in your ship of transactions with the Raiders. Apparently I was mistaken about your involvement, and for that I apologize." She turned around. "The Black Stars aren't trying to make enemies and having independent shippers arrayed against us is something we'd like to avoid. That and we're certainly not averse to having allies. Our enemies are the other gangs and the larger shipping companies."

I blinked. "No thanks. Like I said, I'm staying out of the middle of these feuds." I continued in a harder tone. "I'm still not happy about you hacking my computer."

"I apologize for that as well. I've ordered my technicians to return all systems to normal state, and all records pulled have been erased." She paused. "It occurs to me that if news of this incident gets out, more spacers will become distrustful of us, perhaps to go as far as to support our enemies. I'm willing to compensate you to keep this matter quiet."

I shook my head. "I don't want your money. I'll keep my mouth shut, just let me out of here."

"Goods then. Our supply network is quite extensive, if there's a certain piece of equipment or commodity you've been looking for I'm certain we could obtain it."

"Look, I appreciate the offer, but you have my word I'll keep quiet. Really, I don't want anything."

She smiled a bit and sauntered forward. "Really now?" In a flash, a paw shot out and grabbed my crotch. I realized now that my erection had returned to full force before she'd grabbed onto my sac.

I inhaled sharply and she smiled. "We dragons have an excellent sense of smell," she tapped her nose with a claw. "And right now, this room is saturated with the scent of overly aroused male." She gave my sac another gentle twist through my pants. "Well, you may say you want nothing, but obviously your own body is disagreeing with itself." She smiled tightly. "I may be able to remedy your situation."

I stopped dead and my brain seemed to be stuck in some sort of freeze-up. "Wellll...."

She smiled. "I'm still deciding if I want to extend the offer." She took hold of my face and rotated it side to side. "Well, you're not unattractive, and particularly so for most of your type of fringe scum." She took hold of my tail and looked it over. "Though I must admit I have a weakness for canine tails." She smiled. "And I've never been with a coyote before. Ok, are you willing to accept my little proposition?"

My mouth hung open for a moment before I could find words. "I, um," A tremor rippled through my loins. "Yes."

She smiled widely. "Excellent. Gerris, leave us."

The guard nodded and backed out the door. Ceria took hold of my paw and led me towards a nondescript piece of bulkhead. It opened, revealing a small lift car. She pulled me inside and closed the door, starting the car moving. "Private elevators are such useful things." She said as she pulled me close. Before I could blink, she kissed me, her serpentine tongue worming it's way into my mouth, wrapping itself around mine. I was a bit startled, but recomposed and found myself returning the kiss. She was quite skilled with her tongue; in my mouth it seemed to be everywhere. I felt her clawed fingers on my back as she was holding me close, and an odd sensation as her tail wrapped around my leg. The lift car stopped and opened into a moderately appointed cabin. She broke the kiss and walked forward, beckoning me with one claw. I smiled and followed her into the cabin, sitting down on a large chair. She pushed me back, leaning forward onto my lap, tracing a claw down my leg, a sensual smile on her face. She pushed herself closer, the tips of her breasts just touching my chest, her nose just a few inches from mine. Her tongue darted out and swept across my cheek, her green eyes locked onto mine. I smiled back at her and nuzzled at her cheek, moving down to lick at her neck. She made a low purring sound and placed both paws on my chest, undoing my shirt and opening it up. "I'll need you too finish it." She said slyly.

Nodding, I pulled off my shirt and vest, tossing them both back over the chair. She dragged both paws down my sides, pressing her claws just enough to leave little tingles in their wake. I made a low growling noise, but she pressed on, lowering her head to my chest and bathing it thoroughly with her tongue, flicking gently over my nipples. I rubbed both paws over her back, making slow circles, watching her tail swishing behind her. She pressed forward further, her abdomen now between my legs, her stomach resting firmly on my crotch, where the warmth was having a rather stimulating effect. If she noticed, she didn't mention it, and she kept up her assault on my chest.

After a few more moments she moved a bit lower, just above my belt buckle, stopping and taking in a deep breath, a wide smile spreading across her face. She carefully undid my belt buckle, and opened my fly. She inserted one claw into my boxers and pulled down, releasing my member, now fully hard pleading for attention. She smiled at it for a moment. "Well, someone is certainly glad he accepted my offer." She said, tracing a claw up my shaft, eliciting a shudder from me. She slowly wrapped one paw around my shaft, the other cupping my balls. She blew lightly across the head, sending a tingle through my loins. Taking pleasure in my anxiety, she dragged a claw around the head in a slow circle. Her other paw rolled my balls around in the sac. "I can tell somebody likes that." She said softly. "Would the little coyote like some more?" I nodded and she flicked her tongue. "I guess we'll have to see what you can take." Her tongue snaked out, circling around the shaft, contracting rhythmically. I inhaled sharply, leaning back in the chair, my paws clutching the armrests tightly. She grinned, and exposed her fangs in a somewhat disconcerting way, but lowered her head, her mouth enveloping my member. There was no feeling of her teeth, only the wet, wonderfully warm sensation of the inside of her mouth surrounding me. I let out a low growl of pleasure. I felt her tongue uncoil and start flicking over the surface of my member while her mouth contracted sharply. She began to bob her head up and down over the shaft, sending spasms through my body and prompting a longer, lower growl. This spurred her on faster and my head swam in pleasure. My eyes closed as she sucked harder, pausing occasionally to drag a long lick up the length of the shaft. She was speeding up and I felt a little precum trickle out. She licked her lips and smiled, but instead of going on, she released my shaft.

"That's enough for now." She said slyly. "We don't want this little coyote to go off to soon." She backed off and sat on the edge of the bed. "Besides, I'm still waiting for my turn." She leaned back. "But first..." she reached over her back and unfastened her tunic, allowing it to drop off in front of her. My mouth fell open a few centimeters, and for a second I forgot about my member, inches from orgasm, as I saw her scaled breasts, her nipples pert and erect. She unbuckled her belt and tossed it, pistols and all, onto a dresser, before removing her pants and tossing them to her side. I caught a glance of her slit, dripping a bit, and I could sense her arousal in the air.

I grinned and finished undressing myself, laying my jeans on the chair, my rod now hanging free and my sac dangling between my legs. I sauntered over to her, laying her back on the bed, before starting to nose and nibble hungrily at her neck, her essence now spurring me forward. She growled happily as I pleasured her, moving my muzzle down to the tip of her cleavage. I placed a paw on her left breast, rubbing her nipple with my thumb. I placed my other paw on her thigh and moved my muzzle lower, licking and suckling at her unattended breast, teasing and skirting around the nipple. She sighed in pleasure. "That's a good boy..." she hissed. I skirted a little closer and finally wrapped my lips around it, suckling at it like a young pup. Her eyes closed in pleasure, and I took advantage of her temporary inattention and slid the paw on her thigh down a bit, my fingers brushing against her opening. She shuddered once as one finger caressed her clit, probing just a few millimeters into her. She grabbed my wrist and pushed, trying to push my finger farther in, but I held her off, determined to get my revenge for the teasing she'd given me. I dipped two fingers now, pumping them slowly, going a bit deeper each time, her muscles squeezing slightly around them. Through it all I kept going at her breasts licking and nosing, dragging a couple low moans from her. I slowly withdrew both fingers, now coated in her essence and casually licked them off, before dropping my muzzle in front of her slit. I took a deep breath, savoring her scent for a moment, before lapping my tongue slowly over her slit, tasting her juices in my mouth. She gasped a bit, both paws landing on the back of my head as I nosed a bit deeper, my tongue probing her now. I inserted my tongue, feeling her squeeze at it a little as I flicked it around inside of her, feeling her twitch each time I flicked it over her clit. I then aggressively probed deeper, thrusting my tongue in long strokes, a small constant trickle of juices flowing over my nose. I placed my paws on her rump and squeezed, her muscular tail flapping behind her.

She was starting to constrict a bit more each time, signaling her own orgasm was getting close. I had no intention of letting her have it, just to push her to the very edge and then screech to a stop. She was moaning constantly now, her legs pressing against the sides of my head, and her slit was now hot around my tongue. I took one final lick, then pulled out, leaving her there panting, her chest heaving. She managed a smile. "I guess I deserved that." She managed to get out, patting the bed beside her. I climbed up and over her, lying on my back next to her.

Without warning she grabbed my wrists and pinned them down as she climber up and straddled me, her dripping sex only a few inches from my member. She took hold of it and rubbed it over the scales surrounding her sex, her juices now wet on the head. I moaned a bit in frustration as she kept doing this for a full minute, before finally, with a tight grin, pointing it directly at her slit. She lowered herself slowly onto me, her extremely stimulated sex contracting around my rod. She managed to lower herself as far a she could, finally resting on my loins, her sex like a tight vice. She rested there for a moment, before raising herself again. I found myself without the leverage to thrust back, so I settled to let her do the work.

She started picking up speed, riding me hard with both paws planted firmly on my chest, my own back on her buttocks pulling her down with each thrust. She had her eyes clamped closed now as she rode, each pump wetter than the last as she squeezed down on me.

She slowed to rest for a moment, but clearly didn't let me off the hook, her vaginal muscles now squeezing rhythmically down my shaft, pleasuring as no paws could. I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth, feeling an orgasm just begging to be let out. With no warning at all, she slammed down on me as hard as she could, before coming back up, only to slam down again. Apparently, she now wanted it as bad as I did, and we were both crying out in ecstasy. She was now riding my rod as fast as she could, her once expert tongue now hanging a bit limply from her mouth. I felt a welling up of hot pressure behind my groin, and each of her thrusts was drawing it out. I blinked once, my vision blurring. Almost, almost...

I felt the rush of sexual energy surge through me like lava and let out a loud shout as my orgasm took me, my rod spasming, my seed shooting into her. Waves of bliss washed over me. She came just after I did, letting out a loud roar as she clenched down, emptying a wash of juices onto my groin. Her claws dug at my chest, almost to the point of puncturing my skin. I felt more of my cum squirting out, wondering just how much seed I could hold. She dropped down forward onto me, her breasts rubbing against my chest as she made a couple more thrusts, her sex milking me for everything I had.

I finally felt my orgasm subside, my member putting out a few more weak drops as I fell back, panting, onto the bed, completely drained. She managed to prop herself up on my chest and smile at me, still impaled on my spent rod.

"That was incredible." She said, lifting one leg and managing it get off of me, leaving a softening organ soaked in both our juices.

"Yeah..." was all I was able to get out as I panted heavily. She settled back beside me, rubbing my chest with a paw.

"Seeing as what you gave me was just as good as what I gave you, I'll transport you to the edge of the Kallax Sector as a bonus, it won't take long." She said. I nodded back weakly. "You can sleep here for the time being, that is unless you preferred your cell."

I chuckled. "This will be fine."

"I thought so." She snuggled up to me, wrapping an arm over me as we lay there together.

The Diamond Dragon dropped from the belly of the Obsidian Claw a few hours later and I oriented the craft towards Oros Taga, watching the black pirate vessel veer off to one side. I knew they couldn't see it, but I waved, and watched the destroyer make the run to light speed, disappearing off into the stars.

The rest of my flight was uneventful and I ended up back on my regular work schedule, but Ceria was always on the edge of my mind for the next few months, and ever since that incident, I made a point to not try to avoid the Kallax Sector so much.

Comments? Ideas? E-mail me at [email protected]