Minimum Wage Wrestling #10

Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#10 of Minimum Wage Wrestling

*This Is Entry #15 in Silverback's Summer Reading Challenge

It's the next Qualifier for the big World Championship Ladder Match as Aaron Silverwolf takes on America Dragon

Minimum Wage Wrestling #10

" Championship Chase Pt. 2"

By: Silverback Christianpaw

Tonight is the second qualifying match as it's Aaron Silverwolf vs. American Dragon (no relation) for the next slot in the Fatal 4 Way Ladder match to crown the first-ever Minimum Wage Wrestling World Champion. With Zach Bluewolf and Bunbuns already qualified, the competition was already heating up. Also, after the tough loss against Winaga and losing the Hardcore title last time, he could use the big win.


Aaron Silverwolf and his opponent circle around as they get ready to tie up in the center of the ring. American Dragon, much like Aaron, was pretty well-built (at least for this promotion) physically with massive thighs and arms as he wore a red and black singlet and matching wrestling boots. Aaron however never shies away from his traditional neon-green trunks and boots to match his hair. The thirty-two fans at this high school gym in Pinebluff Arkansas for tonight's show.

They tie up and Dragon gets the early advantage with a side-headlock take down on his opponent. Aaron hits the mat but pushes out of the grip. They both come back up and Aaron gets the turnaround with a side headlock takedown of his own. Dragon gets out of it and both get back to their feet before they both get the same idea of a dropkick on the other, they both miss, but pounce back up to keep their position.

The fans all stand and applaud them at this incredible sequence, we have two wrestlers that quite frankly are equally matched. Aaron smiles and wipes his muzzle before they both circle around the ring once again.

Aaron goes for the tie up again but it's met with a big stinging knife-edge chop to his chest,


"Woooooooo!" the fans around the gym cheer.

Dragon connects with another chop which causes Aaron to reel back a few steps. He just growls and just winds up for a chop of his own, but Dragon ducks underneath it and comes back with a third chop!

"Wooooooo!" the fans cheer again.

Aaron, with a very red chest, once again is forced to reel back from the impact. Dragon tries to follow up with another barrage of chops but walks into the trap as the instantly wolf scoops him up and in one quick motion, flips the dragon over all the way over to the other side of the ring in a big release suplex. But he continues his offense by clotheslining the dragon over the top rope the moment he's back to his feet. However, Dragon counters by keeping hold of the rope and landing on his feet on the ring apron and coming back with a hard roundhouse kick to the side of the wolf's head.

"Ah! Damn!" Aaron steps back holding his head while the black dragon perches himself of the top turnbuckle. Aaron looks up as Dragon leaps off the top rope, going for a big crossbody but the wolf swiftly leaps up and hits a dropkick to his chest in mid-air.


Dragon hits the canvas hard and feels on his chest as it lights up in tremendous pain from the impact and he quickly rolls himself out of the ring to keep from getting pinned. He hunches over as he tries to regain his breath but the silver wolf won't let him recollect himself for long as he quickly steps in-between the ropes and stands on the ring apron. He stands with his back to his opponent before hitting a backflip off the ring apron and onto the floor. He lands right on his feet while he hooks the dragon's head with his muscular arm before dropping him down with a reverse DDT as the back of the Dragon's head smacks the gym floor.

"Gah!" American Dragon yelps holding his head.

The fans continue to clap and show their appreciation as Aaron makes his way back to his feet. American Dragon struggles to get up after that big move but gets pulled back up by Aaron as he grabs him by his spandex singlet and tosses him back into the ring.

Aaron slides back in as well and grabs hold of both of his opponent's arms, trapping one in between his legs and the other around his own arm in an abdominal stretch submission hold. The short bull referee got in the face of American Dragon as he asks him,

"Do you want to give it up, Dragon?"

"No! Grah!" he struggles as he is stretched and his body is forced to turn to it's side as he clenches his fists, trying to pull himself out of this hold. Aaron growls and keeps the hold on strong and bounces himself up and down slightly to try and torque the pressure even more.

"Gah! Hyah!" Dragon gets his arm out of the grip of Aaron's big, thick legs and since their arms are still locked up he flips the wolf over in a hip-toss and quickly goes down to one knee so the wolf lands hard on his knee in an extremely painful backbreaker maneuver on the way down.

"Ah shit!" Aaron groveled in pain as he crashed down on the ring canvas holding his back.

"Come here wolf!" American Dragon scowls as he gets down to the Aaron's level and clenches his hands together and pulls back on the wolf's head while pushing down on his his freshly pain-filled lower-back and also clenches one of the wolf's arm in between his legs for good measure in a well applied LaBell Lock submission maneuver. It leaves only one arm left for Aaron to use, and that's to tap out.

"Mmmmf! Grrrr!" his muffling groans fill the gym as he grabs the Dragon's scaly hands to try and pull them away from him but to no avail. He reaches out to the bottom rope in which Dragon would have to break the hold per the rules of the match, but the ropes were too far away from his grasp. He pressures to turn himself around to the closest side of the ring but Dragon drives his knee into his back even more, applying more pressure to it.

Aaron quickly shifts his body and rolls over on his back on top of Dragon, which makes his opponent's back and shoulders down on the canvas for the count. The referee makes the count,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." Dragon quickly turns the hold back over to it's original position and sinks the LaBell Lock back in. Aaron's back is screaming in pain and his arm starts to go numb and his neck grows in more pain with every moment this hold is on.

Aaron holds his paw up in the air, he could tap but he doesn't want to. He gets ready to slam his paw down on the mat for the tapout but in an instant turns his body around as fast as he can, rolling both competitors over all the way around. Aaron lands back on his stomach but now with his arm hooked in the bottom rope!

"He's in the ropes! You gotta break the hold!" the referee admonishes Dragon. He acquiesces and breaks the hold immediately to keep from getting disqualified.

They both gingerly make their way back to their feet. Aaron growls and runs and gets hit foot up as he tries for his Silver Streak finishing move, but Dragon is able to duck underneath it and turns back around and grabs Aaron by the waistband of his trunks as he pulls him back into a quick roll up! His shoulders are down and the referee goes for another count,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." But Aaron grabs the Dragon's ankle and yanks him out of standing position. Dragon slips up and loses his footing. Aaron hooks him up and pulls him back onto the canvas with a rollup of his own! The Dragon's shoulders down on the mat,

"1 . . . 2 . . . 3!" The referee makes the count.


The fans around the gym all stand, clapping in appreciation for this actual classic wrestling match. Aaron rolls out of the ring and the referee follows him out as he grabs his paw and raises it in the air, signifying his big victory.

"Yes!" Aaron yells as the cameraman gets a close-up on him, "I'm coming back dammit! I'll be the champion once again! Yes! Yes! Yes! (Might as well say it lol)

An epic back and forth contest with a well-placed basic rollup for the pinfall victory. Aaron Silverwolf has now advanced into the Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match. He could become the first-ever World Champion in a couple weeks.

But there is still one more qualifying match to determine the fourth opponent of the ladder match . . .

(Author's Note: Wait, did I just write a _good_technical wrestling match for this series???)

Minimum Wage Wrestling #9

**Minimum Wage Wrestling #9** " **Collecting Rewards"** **By: Silverback Christianpaw** "I'm here Love!" Bunbuns says as he closes the door of the lavish the hotel suite. "Okay hun, give us just a few minutes," Swyft, his mate, says. "Ow! Mmmf,...

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Unreleased Files: Ring King - Deleted Scene

**Unreleased Files:** " **Deleted** **Scene**** from ****' ****Ring** **King****'"** **By: Silverback Christianpaw** The match was brutal on Jake's body but in his mind nothing felt better on his aching muscles then a nice and hot, relaxing shower....

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #8

**Minimum Wage Wrestling #8** " **Championship Chase Pt.1"** **By: Silverback Christianpaw** The time has finally come. People have been buying lots of the Minimum Wage Wrestling DVDs . . . okay maybe not lots, but enough of them, that now it's...

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