Loved...Lost...then Loved Again

Story by Tornado Wolf on SoFurry

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The mid afternoon sun shined through out the playground and underneath the jungle gym behind a grade school. Underneath the jungle gym it was empty, except for the bark covering the grass and for two child friends, a young fox, Coreen, and a young wolf, Kyto. These two friends hiding from there parents under the playground set. Coreen holding her legs to her chest, "Kyto, do you really have to go away?"

Kyto sat cross legged across from her, "Yes, my dad wants us to go with him where ever he goes. But I want to stay here, I like it here. Stupid military." Kyto lowers his head trying to hide his tears thinking about how much he'll miss Coreen because they've been friends since they were born. Coreen moved closer and hugs Kyto, tears rolling from her eyes as well. Coreen said through her tears, "I don't want you to go!"

Kyto hugged back, crying with her now. They both let go, Coreen know on her knees in front of him. Their parents could be heard calling for them. "I suppose it's time for us to go." Coreen said brushing the tears from her cheeks, "Promise me you'll keep in contact, and that you'll come back." Kyto nodded, "I promise."

Coreen then surprised him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him long and deeply, letting go only to say, "I'll miss you." Coreen then got up and ran back to her mom. Kyto slowly got up and followed her, in a bit of shock that she kissed him. He slowly went to his mom blushing as he looked over at Coreen getting into her car. Kyto got into his car. Both looked at each other threw the car windows until both of them were out of sight, continuing to look back even after they had lost sight of each other.


Years have pasted for the young Wolf and Fox. Slowly, but surely communication between them came to a close. Kyto's father's military service ends as well, and his family returned to there home in the same town that they left so many years go. Kyto's Mother had gone ahead on them to sign Kyto up for high school and to make sure the house was good for all of them to start moving into. When they all pulled into the drive way Kyto got out of the car and looked around thinking, "So little has changed, hopefully Coreen hasn't changed much with it."

A few weeks later, Coreen was sitting in the auditorium next her friends. Coreen, now a fully grown young fox her shiny reddish brown fur, puffy red tail with white tip. Her round butt not very well hidden in her jeans. Nor her well rounded B cup breasts. Though she may not be as built like some of the other foxes, wolves, dragons, and other creatures around her. She had a certain glow to her, how her body was built, her intelligence, and her personality all perfectly balanced each other out.

She was looking around over the sea of students coming in, some new faces mixed in with a bunch of old. Though one face that kind of stood out was that of one wolf. Bit taller then the others around him, athletic body showing slightly threw his loose shirt. The same type of body that someone from a military background could have. His gray fur had marks of scars hidden underneath. The short dark brown hair slid back between his ears except for a few strands in the front.

The Principal of the school came forward to welcome all the new and returning senior students. After they all went over the rules, regulations, and what the school expects from their students, etc. The principal called up the new students joining them this year for the senior class. The wolf walked up with the rest of the students and stood in line behind the principal. Coreen could see him more clearly and couldn't help but see the resemblance between him and Kyto as a child. She knew then what she had to do, and knew exactly when as well.

Later that day during the second lunch period Coreen was standing in line for lunch. When she had gotten her food she turned around and saw that Kyto was sitting at a table alone. She was hoping that this was the time and she was right. So she walked over to him and sat next to him keeping a chair between them incase she was wrong. She greeted him, "Hello, you're new this year right?"

"Yes." Kyto replied his attention mostly on his food. Coreen smiled continuing,

"How do you think of the school so far?" Kyto glanced over at her for the first time, now seeing the resemblance to the Coreen he knew he replied, "Aside from one dragon asshole, so far it's alright." Coreen gently giggled at what he said. Then one of the other students walked over, standing over the chair between the two, saying in a harsh tone, "Hey!"

Both Coreen and Kyto looked up at the student. Kyto replied with a smile, "Hello dragon asshole." The dragon snapped in reply, "What are you doing with my girlfriend?!" Kyto blinked and looked at Coreen who just smiled and shrugged before Kyto returned his gaze onto the dragon saying, "I didn't know she was your girlfriend, and besides that she sat with me." Kyto returned to his lunch. The dragon growled before taking Coreen by her arm saying, "Come on Coreen." Kyto stopped chewing on his food, just now realizing that it was the same Coreen that he knew so long ago, the one he had fallen out of contact with...the one he loved. Coreen not noticing that Kyto had stopped eating grabbed her tray and left with him saying, "I'll catch ya later."

The rest of the lunch period and the school day past with relative ease. Until after school when Kyto was walking threw the parking lot to the bike rack where his bike was. After unlatching it he heard a commotion coming from a pick up not to far, so he road over to see what was up. He found that Coreen and her dragon boyfriend where having an argument. Staying hidden on the other side of the truck he couldn't hear much because of all the other students who were leaving in there cars.

"Hey, I don't care if he is your friend, I don't want to see you with him again!" the dragon asshole was almost roaring at Coreen now. "He's my friend and I will sit with my friends when I want." Coreen howled back at him. Kyto thought, "After all this time, she still finds me her friend." Students blasting there speakers drove by and Kyto didn't hear the rest of the conversation, only seeing Coreen walk away. Kyto decided it's best for him to move as well. After a few minutes, seeing that the, possibly now, ex boyfriend leave in his truck, Kyto mounted his bike and road to Coreen, who was sitting in her car. Kyto pulled up along the passenger side and leaned down saying, "You ok Coreen?"

Coreen looked over towards Kyto saying, "I'll be fine, thanks thought." Both of them looked over in the direction of the dragon asshole, Kyto saying, "I couldn't help but over hear your argument earlier. Things going to be alright with your boyfriend?" Coreen giggled a bit saying, "He's not my boyfriend. He likes to think it though." Kyto smiled both in humor and in relief. "Well you defiantly deserve someone better then him." Kyto said returning his gaze back to Coreen. She laughed a bit saying, "Someone like you Kyto?" Kyto laid his head on the handle bar saying, "I didn't think you'd be able to recognize me so easily." Raising his head he said, "Hey I'm sorry about falling out of contact with you." Coreen smiled and leaned over saying, "It's ok, hey why don't you meet me at the park later tonight. You know that place." Coreen winked at Kyto. He replied, "You got it, I'll be there at sun set." Coreen blew a kiss to Kyto before she too started her car and drove off. Kyto stood there for a moment watching her drive away before leaving the other way.

Later that night, Kyto road to the park. The same park where they had departed from so many years ago. Kyto locked up his bike on the rack and waited for Coreen. The sun was slowly setting when she finally pulled into the parking lot. She got out of the car and stared at Kyto leaning against the bike rack staring back at her. Coreen slammed the door of her car and rushed to Kyto throwing her arms around his neck, Kyto in return latching his arms around her waist. Coreen was crying, her tears rolling down her cheek, she said through her tears, "Kyto...I missed you so much. I can't believe your back." Kyto hugged her tighter gently lifting her up saying, "I've missed you to, every day after we lost contact I thought about you." Kyto let her down and they just stood in each others arms.

"Hey I have something for you." Kyto said smiling. Coreen smiled back saying, "What is that?" Kyto then pulled Coreen tightly against him and kissed her, the same way she kissed him all those years ago. After the two parted lips Kyto said, "I love you Coreen." Coreen returned with a gentler kiss saying, "I love you too, I love you so much. There's something I want to give you as well." She took Kyto by the hand and led him underneath the playground jungle gym, the same place they hid as kids. The bark that originally covered the ground was now just grass. She moved Kyto onto his back and she stood posed on top of him. "I kept it just for you." She smiled as she began to remove Kyto's shirt. He let her remove his shirt saying, "Coreen..." He stopped as she sat down on his crotch, taking his hands to remove her shirt. She said, "Please Kyto, for the longest time I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I kept my virginity just for you." She leaned down and kissed him again. Kyto placed his hands on her waist, breaking the kiss to say, "I've kept my virginity for you as well." Kyto sat up so Coreen was resting on his lap.

Coreen wrapped her arms around his neck again as Kyto was unclasping her bra, tossing it with their shirts. Coreen pushed Kyto back down onto his back and started to undo his pants and remove them, along with his shoes and socks. After tossing them with the rest of their clothing she glided her fingers down along his chest, over his abs, and over the rather large lump in his underwear. She squatted down so she could remove her pants, socks, and shoes. Stopping her hands Kyto took over in removing her of her bottom clothing, except for her panties. She sat back down on his crotch the lump from his underwear pressing against her. She couldn't help but let out a moan feeling her mate's large manhood against her womanhood. She slowly rocked back and forth over his lump, feeling it get bigger and harder against her. Making her so wet and horny she couldn't hold it anymore.

She removed her panties show Kyto her wet pussy. Kyto in turn removed his underwear letting her see his large cock. Kyto sat back up so Coreen was sitting on his lap her wet pussy pressing against his cock. They gently humped each other, feeling each other get hotter as they made out. Kyto laid back down and Coreen leaned over him, the tip of his cock pressing against the entrance of her pussy. They looked into each other's eyes both of them seeing how much the other wanted it. Kyto rolled Coreen over so she laid on her back, slowly pressing his cock against her pussy until the tip of his virgin cock was inside her virgin pussy. Coreen moaned pushing against him making him slide ever inch of his cock inside her. Kyto slowly began to fuck his mate, sliding his cock from tip to end in her pussy. He sighed feeling her tight pussy clamp on his cock. Leaning over her, Kyto kissed her deeply as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. They both moaned with each other as they made love. Only letting there lips part so they both could get air. Coreen rolled them both back over, not letting his cock leave her pussy she moved against his cock so each thrust felt as if it went deeper and harder in her. Kyto grabbed her ass, feeling himself build up he started fucking her faster.

Coreen gasped threw the fucking and kissing saying, "Oh my god Kyto, I'm gunna cum...your gunna make me cum." Kyto too replied, "I'm gunna cum to Coreen, ooo baby." Coreen gasped, "Cum inside my baby, ooooh I love you!" She kissed him deeply feeling her self cumming hard over his cock. Kyto feeling her cum on him thrusted one last time before cumming deep inside her. Both of them laid there, breathing heavily, they looked at each other and said, "I love you." Far into the night both laid there kissing and talking about what each did while the other ways away.

The next morning both of them could be seen together walking the halls arm in arm. Walking by the asshole dragon, he walked over to both of them saying, "Hey! What the hell is...going....on?" His voice faded away when he got closer to then, noticing that Kyto was actually quiet taller them him. Kyto clamped his hand around the dragons' mouth saying, "Now if you please, can you try to be nicer? I know I'm the new guy around, but you're not as big and strong as you think. At least not anymore." He smiled letting go of his mouth. One of the dragon's feline lady friends came over wrapping her arms around him and Coreen then slapped him saying, "That is why I never said I'd be your girl friend, you'd throw me aside like one of your floozies." Coreen and Kyto both walked away and off to their class together leaving the dragon and his feline friend alone in shock.