Say My Name

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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This is just something I cooked up for fun over the span of two weekends. I'm taking two five week classes; difeq and stat 380. Both have been sucking away my time on weekdays. I managed to crank this one. Really really liked working with it, and I hope you guys enjoy it too!


I love the faves, votes, and watches, but nothing tells me whether or not my writing is spot on more than a comment! SO PLEASE COMMENT!

Also, as always, enjoy!

Music I listened too:

Chvrches-Clearest Blue:

Young Franco- Close 2 U:

Florence and the Machine- Spectrum (Soku Remix):

Florence and the Machine- Cosmic Love:

"God damn could it get any hotter?" Jim hissed as he wiped his brow. The sun beamed down on the clydesdale as he made his way across the field. The horse held an iron hoe over his shoulder. The metal was rusted, worn, and caked in dirt, but the clydesdale gripped the wooden handle with pride. The dirty metal was evidence of his work.

As he walked, he made sure to avoid the bean sprouts that were beginning to make their way up and out of the ground. The green stems looked upright and healthy overall, but there were a few that were a dark brown, and shriveled.

"We need a good rain," Jim commented as he walked over to one of the dying stalks, and kneeled before it before feeling up the stalk. It was dry as a bone, and cracked in his hand. Giving a sigh before wiping off his hand on his brown leather chaps, Jim stood and continued his walk.

The sun was high in the sky, and beamed down on the horse's head. The dark brown cowboy hat on his head shielded him from most of the rays. The sticky air combined with the intense early afternoon heat was starting to get to him. Bringing the red handkerchief around his neck up to his face, the horse wiped his face.

He was shirtless, and his light brown fur glistened with sweat. The red and white plaid shirt that he wore earlier was tied around his waist. His muscles bulged menacingly as they flexed. His biceps were tense, and Jim huffed as he rolled his shoulders back. He winced a bit as he felt the warm burn of his tired body. He thought he could feel all the muscles in his broad and well-toned back lock up at once as he stretched his aching body.

The white fur that trailed down his wrists, hands, and most of his muzzle and upper part of his neck reflected brightly in the sunlight. Jim always joked that if he took a bath, and walked out into the sun, he would be like a beacon.

In the distance, a small red barn along with an equally as small house sat quietly. A long string of fences ran around the property, the wood looking as worn as the hoe over the clydesdale's right shoulder. When the horse made it to the fence, he towered over the wooden structure. It barely came up to his waist.

Placing a hoof on the lowest wooden board, the horse straddled the fence before jumping over onto the other side. Brushing himself off, Jim made his way down towards the property. The flat and dry dirt of the field turned into prairie grass the more Jim walked towards the property.

Other fenced off areas started to appear along with the animals housed in the area. One held a bunch of sheep who idly moved from one patch of grass to another. The sheep looked healthy, and their bright white wool coats were getting thick. "I'll have to get Wyatt to sheer them later," Jim mumbled to himself.

Another fenced off area held horses who galloped along the edges of the fence line, their hooves impacted the ground. Beautiful black, brown, and tan coats reflected in the afternoon sun, and Jim smiled as he inspected the coats from a distance. He could feel the shockwave of their running from where he stood outside the fence. Leaning against the fence, Jim watched one specific horse, a massive black stallion trot towards the east entrance of the barn before leaning down, and nudging a figure he could not see.

Raising an eyebrow, the clydesdale moved out of his pose, and towards the barn. He followed the fence line all way down until he was standing at the end of the fence which was connected to the side of the barn. When he got to the appropriate angle to see the figure, he smirked at what he saw.

The black furred horse was nudging at a donkey who was fast asleep. His own light tan cowboy hat was over his eyes, and his body was slumped down in a wooden chair. The awkward position made the position Jim found the donkey in even more humorous. Climbing over the fence, Jim walked over to the sleeping male.

The horse huffed as it nudged against the donkey's face, and the male responded by smacking his lips, and giving an annoyed soft groan before moving his face away. He was still asleep, and his body resumed moving back down into a slumped state.

Chuckling, Jim crouched down before the donkey, and looked him over. The donkey's jeans were dirty. The material was spotted with light brown patches along with grass stains that made it seem like the man just got done rolling down a hill. He wore a plaid buttoned up shirt that had the same specs of dirt streaked across the front.

Reaching his right hand upwards to the donkey's cowboy hat, the horse tipped the hat back to look at the blissful expression across his face.

"Wakey wakey, Wyatt," Jim said with a grin as he lifted his hand to stroke across the donkey's cheek, and felt the soft grey fur on the tips of his fingers. Giving a happy rumble, Wyatt adjusted his posture in the chair, and crossed his arms as the hand worked his way across his cheek.

Giving another chuckle, Jim lifted his hand away from Wyatt's face, and snapped his fingers curtly near the donkey's ears. The ears flicked reflexively at the sound, and Wyatt gave a startled jump before opening his eyes. The chocolate brown eyes starred back groggily at the clydesdale who stood back up with a grin across his face.

"Someone is sleepy. Did I tucker you out last night?" Jim teased in his deep, rich voice that sent shivers down the donkey's spine. Jim adjusted Wyatt's hat for him, and adjusted the lip of the hat so that it was symmetrical. Wyatt made a groaning sound as he stretched. His muscles ached from being hunched over.

"Nah. I have more energy than you think, old man," Wyatt joked back in his young, cocksure voice. The stallion gave a smile at the comment as he towered over the young man, his blue eyes looking over his form. Placing the hoe he was holding against the barn, the horse made sure the tool was set in such a way it would not fall back over.

"Sure, sure. That's why you were catching up on your sleep, right?" Jim replied as he shook his head. "And I'm only thirty five so you can cut it out with that 'old man' crap, or I'll drop you as my farmhand, and send you hollering to your parents."

Wyatt rubbed his eyes before looking up at the horse. The donkey never grew tired of seeing Jim without his shirt on, and in his leather chaps. The handkerchief brought out his blue eyes which twinkled with mischievousness at his teasing.

Blinking coyly, Wyatt gave Jim as innocent of an expression as he could muster, and said, "You wouldn't do that to poor little ole' me would you, sir?"

Feeling something inside of him stir at the mention of the title "sir," Jim gave a deep laugh before leaning forward, and kissing Wyatt passionately on the lips. The kiss was sloppy, and impromptu. Jim could feel the donkey's gentle touch work up his naked torso. They moved over the broad muscles of his stomach, and over his pectorals.

Although he had a bit of fat on his stomach, he was still in relatively good shape for being in his thirties. The tough work on the farm did wonders for his form. Their lips smacked together audibly as they kissed, and Jim gave an approving rumble when Wyatt reached up to begin to lightly pinch and tug on his left nipple.

When the two broke the kiss, they were both panting heavily, a strand of saliva connecting their lips. Jim reached forward, and stuck his thumb on Wyatt's lips before wiping the strand away with a smile. He could feel his member beginning to throb to life in his jeans. It pushed against the crotch as if trying to break free of its prison.

"Did you drive into down and grab the things you needed?" Jim said between breaths. He continued to stroke up and down Wyatt's muzzle and neck. Jim trailed down the white fur along Wyatt's muzzle, and followed the fur down his neck. The donkey's small shivers told Jim he was hitting the right buttons.

Nodding, the donkey began to stand, and Jim had to move back to give Wyatt some room. The feral horse that was standing nearby snorted before nudging the donkey's shoulder. Rolling his eyes, Wyatt simply petted the horse on his muzzle, grabbed the apple from his pocket, and held it out to the horse. The black horse snorted happily before grabbing the apple and trotting off.

"The stuff is still in the truck. I was going to tell you, but..." Shrugging, Wyatt gave a chuckle before beckoning for Jim to follow him. "Well, you know the rest."

With the donkey's back to him, Jim smirked as he watched Wyatt's tail flick, and the dry dirt fling up in response. The horse always thought the black tail tuff on the end was adorable. He stood proudly at about six feet, but the horse was nearly seven feet tall. He completely drafted over Wyatt in size and stature.

Jim liked the size difference in their relationship.

The clydesdale shook his head once again. "Well, then we can grab the stuff, and I can find some work for you so you don't end up falling asleep...again."

Although Wyatt was disappointed with not continuing the kiss, the wink that Jim gave suggested that the clydesdale had something in mind which put a kick in his step as they walked towards the fence, hopped it, and continued on their way towards the house.

The house itself had an old colonial style about it, but had a modern flare. The brick on the outside looked worn, but sturdy, and the porch outside of house had a glider that rocked lightly in the gentle breeze that blew across the plains. Several flower pots were set up around the porch, and each one had some sort of appealing carnation growing in them.

The truck was parked on the side of the dirt road that led down towards the house. The vehicle was large, and the white paint on the outside gleamed in the sun. The tires and paint were streaked with dirt. The truck was a Dodge, and it was one of the older models. Jim still moaned about the stick shift.

It came as no surprise that the truck was dirty again. The dirt paths that led up to his property were less than maintained. The weeds and grass that grew along the edge of the road threatened to overtake the pathway, and drag it back into nature's grasp.

Beyond the dirt roadway that led up to his home, a massive field stretched across the flat land. The field was filled with wheat, and the amber grain flowed along with the wind. With the clear blue sky stretching on for what felt like forever, and the wheat dancing in the background, the area was very picturesque.

When the duo made it to the truck, Wyatt turned around, reached into his pocket, and unlocked the doors of the truck. The front lights flickered twice, and there was the mechanical sound of a lock clicking out of place. Throwing the keys to Jim, Wyatt gave a small smile as he watched the horse react quickly, and catch the chain.

"Your baby is still in perfect condition. I promise I did not park by any cars in town," Wyatt assured before walking towards the passenger side. There was the sound of a door being open and some rummaging before it was closed abruptly, and Wyatt walked back to the other side holding a bag.

"So, that's your bag of school supplies, college boy?" Jim said with a grin as he walked towards Wyatt, and peeked in the bag. Most of the stuff were miscellaneous school related stuff; notebooks, pencils, and a calculator to name a few, but towards the bottom, a two bottles peaked the horse's interest.

Reaching inside, Wyatt didn't stop the clydesdale when he pulled out the bottles to read the title. Over the front, the bottle had the words "KYSS Lubricant" in a light blue print.

"I'm guessing this is for college too?"

Giving a sly smirk, Wyatt looked at Jim with the same innocent gaze as before. "It was buy two get one free, and I figured that since this is my last week working under you for a while that we can have some...more fun than usual. And who says that I can't use a bottle during college?"

Wyatt walked forward, and caressed Jim's package, looking into the horse's eyes with the most sincere bedroom eyes he could ever muster. The rough fabric of the jeans felt nice underneath his touch, and Wyatt found himself nuzzling into Jim's neck and inhaling his scent.

The clydesdale smelled like sweat, musk, and a hint of hay. He had an earthy smell that was an intoxicating mixture for the donkey. It reminded him of the stereotype of what a true man should smell like. Giving a knicker in response at Wyatt's enthusiasm, Jim looked down at the donkey that had his arms now wrapped around him.

The sound of a bag hitting the ground, and bottles being dropped rung out across the open area before Jim used his body to push Wyatt towards the truck. The donkey stumbled backwards until he felt his back against the cool metal of the truck's body. His tail gave a flick, and Wyatt could feel the rubber of the front left tire rub against his tail.

Bringing a hand near Wyatt's hand, and the other gripping his right shoulder, Jim said, "You sure you want to tempt me with such an enticing offer?" Bringing his right hand upwards, the horse stroked the donkey's cheek which sent a tremble down Wyatt's spine. Although he just felt the hand only a few minutes ago, every touch that Jim made on his body made him feel a warmth shoot through him.

Grasping the hand that was placed on his cheek, Wyatt's eyes twinkled with devious intentions as he squeezed harder around Jim's bulge in his jeans. Giving a low chuckle, the horse brought his lips back to Wyatt's, and he felt the hand slowly start to work out the belt in the chaps. The two shared a passionate kiss as Wyatt fiddled with the belt until he felt the hook move through the hole, and he gave the chaps a satisfying tug downward.

The chaps stuck around the clydesdale's broad hips, and Wyatt chuckled into the kiss as he groped Jim's muscled rump. The horse managed to kick himself out of the chaps still locked against the donkey's lips. Giving a pleased rumble, Jim pulled Wyatt towards him hungrily before guiding his body over towards the hood of the truck.

Feeling a hand start to grope his package, and cup his balls, Wyatt's knees almost gave out as he gasped in pleasure before he was forced against the hood of the truck. He could feel his back against the cool metal of the hood.

When the kiss broke, Jim had a devious twinkle in his eye, and with a growl he began to unbutton the donkey's flannel shirt one button at a time. The process was painfully slow, and Wyatt had to suppress a laugh when fiddled with the second button.

Wyatt's cream colored chest tuff popped over the top of the shirt as the clydesdale worked down each button, and by the time he got a fourth of the way down, the white fur of Wyatt's chest and abs clashed against the grey that covered the majority of his body. Rolling his eyes when Jim struggled with getting the fourth button undone, Wyatt gave an impish smile before saying, "Allow me."

Grasping the center of the shirt and pulling outwards with a grunt, the buttons of the flannel shirt popped off one by one, and flung in every direction. Some rained down onto the ground while others rolled off Wyatt's toned abs, chest, and pectorals. The ripped shirt fell to the side, and Wyatt's arms stayed spread outwards to show off his flexing biceps. With youth as well as manual labor, Wyatt's body was a fine specimen of masculinity. The wrestling team also helped keep him in shape over the spring semester.

Sweat glistened in the sunlight on Wyatt's chest, and sparkled on his beautiful chest and abs. Jim was speechless, but his body responded. His member throbbed painfully in his jeans when Wyatt looked at him with a deep lust. Climbing up on the hood of the truck, and spreading his legs, Wyatt's tail flicked side to side excitedly.

"Well, that was a bit unnecessary wasn't it, boy?" Jim growled playfully after staying silent for a few moments as he reached up, and caressed Wyatt's left pectoral lovingly, and trailing over the nub of the donkey's nipple. Wyatt sighed content in response as he felt the hand that was once cupping his orbs start to move tantalizing up to the button on his own jeans.

"Maybe, but I was tired of you not getting to the good bits. Fucking tease," Wyatt said with a cocky grin as he brought his arms behind his head. His ears flicked when he heard a click, and felt his jeans slowly being worked down his hips.

"Yeah, but the tease is the best..." Jim said before pausing in an almost comical manner as Wyatt's manhood flopped out of his jeans. The clydesdale's mouth watered as he watched the member throb after slapping the donkey's chest. A clear dribble of pre leaked down the head, and trailed down the shaft and over the zipper. The white treasure trail that led down into the crotch area was matted due to sweat, and a wave of musk hit Jim right in the face as he stared down Wyatt's throbbing eight inches of meat.

The smell wreaked of need, and was a strong mixture of youth, sweat, and earth. It was a heavenly smell to the clydesdale, and he reached his hand around to grasp the member firmly in his hand before giving it a few friendly strokes. Wyatt was grinning like an idiot the entire time as he looked at his lover's almost shocked expression.

"...The best part," Jim finished as he took a deep breath of the donkey's musk. "God damn it, Wyatt. I don't know how you work without underwear. My balls bounce around too much."

Giving a smirk before bringing his hand down to his jeans, he started to pull them down until he felt his nuts flop down. The white furred orbs were filled to the brim with seed, and Wyatt hissed in pleasure as he felt Jim's left hand work down from his pectoral to cup his orbs lovingly.

"Easy access for dirty men like you," Wyatt said simply as he pulled the jeans down to his ankles before kicking them off. His tongue stuck out at Jim jokingly. The older clydesdale gave a huff before letting go of Wyatt's member with his right hand, and trailing down the rest of the donkey's body.

Although Wyatt's strength was mostly in his upper body, his lower body still had a bit of lean muscle. His legs had a nice tone to them, and Jim could tell that they were made for leverage in the ring. Giving the quads a nice squeeze, Jim gave a growl when he found that the muscle did not yield to his touch.

"God, I love your body," Jim cooed as he leaned forward, and hungrily kissed Wyatt once again. The kiss was rougher this time, and Wyatt felt his cheeks flush as he felt a finger pinch his left nipple.

His digit throbbed in response, and his moan was stifled by Jim's muzzle. There was the sound of another snap, and Wyatt looked past his spread legs to see Jim's arms moving.

The sound of another pair of jeans hitting the ground followed by the sound of fabric rubbing against fur made Wyatt peek to his left in curiosity only to have his shoulders pushed back down onto the hood of the truck with a deep growl. The kiss was broken, and next thing Wyatt knew he was staring into the eyes of a lover who desired something more than just some teasing.

Blushing, Wyatt gulped as he felt hands against his bare bottom. The hood of the car was warm against his backside, and Jim's touch felt almost cool in comparison. Grinning as he grasped Wyatt's firm cheeks with both hands approvingly, Jim began to knead the muscle beneath the mounds. Wyatt tilted his head back, and felt his cowboy hat slide off the top of his head, and roll onto the ground.

"Fuuuuck, boy. You need to let me into your workout program," Jim commented as the muscle in Wyatt's gluts flexed. "Your ass keeps getting better and better."

Giving a pleased rumble at the compliment, Wyatt reached down to hold up his legs, and spread them wider to give Jim easier access to what he wanted. "You can rub me all day if you want," Wyatt said as he felt a right hand move back up to his sack to tug, and cup his balls. The pucker in between the cheeks looked savory to the clydesdale, and the horse brought his index finger to tease the opening.

Wyatt gasped as he felt the finger so close to such a vulnerable area, and his manhood throbbed with anticipation. Jim simply chuckled as he moved his right hand away from Wyatt's orbs and gave his rump a firm slap. The sound was loud enough to ring across the farm, and Wyatt gave a yip before his ears fell down in submission.

Leaning forward until his muzzle was up against Wyatt's, a grin spread across Jim's face. The horse could feel the donkey's member pulsing against his gut, and the warm pre stick to his skin. "I'm going to grab the lube. You stay put now, you hear?" Jim growled before pecking Wyatt on the cheek and leaning back to tower over Wyatt. When the horse took a step backwards, Wyatt's mouth hung open.

Although he had seen Jim naked before, the clydesdale's body never ceased to leave him breathless. The only thing on Jim's body was the red handkerchief around his neck. The stallion was as hard as a rock. His nine inches of pure maleness pulsed between his legs, and the round balls that hung below were filled to the brim with his essence.

Wyatt could not help but stare as Jim walked by him, and gave him a cocky wink before leaning down, and grabbing one of the two bottles of lube that was on the ground. The grab showed off his near perfect rump, and the horse's tail flagged purposely to show off the tight hole that laid between the muscled cheeks.

Wyatt's shaft jumped, and leaked down onto his chest at the thought of burrowing himself in between those two cheeks, and ravaging them. He could still hear his hips slapping against the horse's rump from the last time he topped Jim.

When Jim grabbed the lubricant, and made his way back to the hood of the truck, Jim moved his muzzle down until he was face to face with Wyatt's winking entrance. Inhaling, the horse smelled the youthful musk, and sweat. Wyatt squirmed as he felt the clydesdale's warm breath on one of the most sensitive parts of his body.

Grabbing the donkey's cheeks, and spreading them, Jim smiled approvingly as he watched Wyatt adjust his posture to push his rump closer to Jim's muzzle. Experimentally, Jim stuck out his tongue and licked up and over the pucker before trailing up Wyatt's taint and sucking on the donkey's right orb. The farmhand gave a long and needful moan as the warm and wet tongue moved across his vulnerable flush.

The taste that lingered on Jim's tongue was not unpleasant. It had an earthy mix of salty sweat, and Jim felt himself wanting to take another pass as he stopped his sucking on the donkey's right orb. Jim let the donkey's right orb out of his mouth with a lewd pop before moving back down to Wyatt's hole, and giving it a longer lick.

Wyatt's knees shook as he felt the appendage move eagerly across his hole, lapping against the opening.

"Ahh, Jim...fuck..." Wyatt moaned as he felt globs of warm spit cooling on his taint, hole, and balls. It was a tingly sensation that made him crave for more. When Jim had his fill, he spat on Wyatt's hole dominantly before popping open the bottle of lube, and lathering his fingers in the slick substance.

Wyatt could feel the spit slide down his entrance, and over his tail before it dripped onto the ground, and he found himself panting in desire as he heard the sloppy sounds of lubricant being applied to the horse's middle and index finger. When the donkey felt the horse's index finger pushing against his entrance, he forced himself to relax, and the finger penetrated him instantly.

"Mmm, love how tight you are," Jim commented dirtily as he pushed the finger in deeper into the tight tunnel. "Even after yesterday, you are insatiable."

Jim could feel the donkey's body squeezing down on his finger, and chuckled when Wyatt gave off a long moan, and pushed back against the horse's hand. Sensing Wyatt's eagerness, the horse pulled his finger out achingly slow before pushing back in. Wyatt's member twitched with each pull back, and the donkey had a hard time keeping his tongue in his mouth.

The lube was starting to work its magic, and soon a vulgar squelching sound started to mix with Wyatt's groaning. When Jim added his middle finger, and fourth finger to the bunch, Wyatt was a squirming mess.

When Jim removed his fingers, Wyatt felt empty as he laid on the hood of the truck.

"Just fuck me already," Wyatt whimpered before he looked up into Jim's eyes. The clydesdale's gaze was washed over in lust as he brought his hand up, and gave the Wyatt's ass a firm slap. The hit was hard enough to make the donkey's rump jiggle.

Clicking open the lube bottle again, Jim began to apply the lubricant to his member. When he began to massage it into his maleness, the same slick sound from before made Wyatt's ears flick. Jim nudged the tip against Wyatt's hole teasingly which made the donkey bite his lower lip to stifle another moan.

"That eager to get mounted, boy?" Jim said with a grin as he rolled his hips. "Tell me how much you want it."

Leaning forward, Jim began to lick up Wyatt's neck until he passed over the donkey's lips, and kissed him passionately. Feeling a tongue snake into his mouth, Wyatt groaned as their tongues began to wrestle for domination. Saliva coated their lips as they continued the kiss, and Wyatt found the sloppiness of it the hottest part.

When the kiss broke, Wyatt was pushing back against Jim's member to feel the tip pushing against his entrance. A strand of saliva still connected their lips, and Jim hungrily devoured it.

"Tell me how much you want me," Jim whispered hotly into Wyatt's left ear.

"I want to feel you inside of me, Jim. I want you to breed me. Please..."

Smirking, Jim pecked the donkey on the neck, and began to push more firmly against the hole. Standing upright, Jim grabbed his lover's ankles, and spread the donkey's legs. Wyatt opened his mouth into a soundless groan as he felt the tip slide inside of him. Jim watched the donkey's face the whole time. He made sure that Wyatt was comfortable before continuing. When the donkey gave him a nod, he began to sink deeper into his lover.

Wyatt's nerves erupted as the pain as he was spread by Jim's thick maleness. He felt his walls squeeze down on the invader, and try to push out the foreign object. Fists clenching as he attempted to ignore the initial pain of being penetrated, Wyatt gritted his teeth as he felt more of Jim's member sink into him.

Meanwhile, Jim was in heaven as he felt Wyatt's walls clamp down on his manhood, and he sighed pleasantly as he rolled his hips. His member throbbed inside of his mate as he slid further inward, and pre leaked out of the tip to coat Wyatt's insides. After a minute passed, Wyatt gave a groan when he felt Jim's hips kissing his rump, and the horse's orbs rubbing against the underside of his bum and tail.

"God, you are loud today," Jim teased as his tail flagged, and his member throbbed in Wyatt's tight confines. Wiggling his hips before pulling out of Wyatt a few inches in a controlled manner and pushing back in, Jim hissed as he felt Wyatt continue to clamp down on his cock.

Giving a soft whine, and leaning back on the hood of the car, Wyatt looked up at the blue sky. The puffy cumulus clouds in the distance looked like giant cotton balls, and the sound of an airplane flying overhead made Wyatt realize just what risk they were taking screwing out in the open. Although the risk was minimal since they were on the outskirts of the city, Wyatt still had a feeling that they were being watched which made the sex feel even dirtier.

There was a slurping sound as the horse began to pull further out of Wyatt before taking the plunge back in, and the donkey winced slightly, but shook in pleasure when he felt a familiar electric shock shoot up his spine.

His manhood throbbed in response, and a bead of clear liquid dribbled down the shaft. Pushing his hips back against Jim's, Wyatt's ears flicked with each sloppy sound that his now lubed entrance made.

"F-fuck, Jim," Wyatt said with his tongue lolling out of his muzzle as Jim made sure to angle himself into Wyatt that got the best physical response from the donkey. When Wyatt's expression started to turn from grimacing to pure bliss, Jim knew that he was hitting the donkey's prostate. Gripping Wyatt's ankles tighter, the clydesdale gave a snort as he started to work his hips a bit faster.

Jim's rump tensed and relaxed with each push back inside, and retreat. Sweat started to drip down his muscular body, and roll onto Wyatt's form. His chest heaved as he began to move a fraction faster, continuing to watch Wyatt's expression. The donkey was too busy trying to hide his embarrassment as he moaned, and groaned like a naturally submissive male to pay attention to the horse speeding up his thrusts.

At first, the thrusts were deep, and long which made Wyatt get used to the size before they started to turn faster and rougher. Wyatt felt his face grow red as he lost himself in the intimate moment.

Jim loved the donkey's submissiveness, and the clydesdale smirked down at Wyatt whose eyes were starting to flutter, and drool beginning to coat the left side of the face, and roll off onto the hood. With every thrust Jim made into Wyatt, he could feel the donkey's cheeks jiggle. The donkey's bum was the perfect balance between cushion, and firm muscle. It was asking for a good pounding.

Soon, the sound of the clydesdale's heavy orbs hitting Wyatt's rump echoed throughout the area, and every time Jim hilted back into Wyatt, his hips slapped audibly against Wyatt's with a sloppy plopping sound. The lube was working wonders, and the only thing Wyatt could feel was hot ecstasy coursing through his veins. Reaching around, Wyatt gripped Jim's ass to feel the cheeks flex whenever the horse pushed into him.

Jim was getting close. His panting, and breathing started to grow erratic like his thrusts, and Wyatt could feel the horse's manhood throbbing inside of him. Wyatt felt his body tensing and every thrust that Jim made into him made him gasp and hiss softly as the horse hit parts of him he did not know existed.

Giving a loud grunt, Jim felt his orbs beginning to pull up, and he looked down at his lover with a dominate spark in his eyes. "You ready for my load, boy?" Wyatt gave a desperate moan in response as he covered his eyes with his arm. Jim felt his mouth twist into a devilish smile. "Not so cocky with a man in you, are you? Say my name..."

Jim punctuated the statement by giving a rough thrust into Wyatt that made the donkey's cock jump up in response and slap his chest, and a yelp leave his lips. "Ahh, Jim! Don't stop!" Wyatt yelled as he gripped the horse's cheeks hard.

The action just seemed to spur the horse on further, and he continued his dirty talk, "Yeah, who's my fucking jenny?" Bringing his hand off of Wyatt's left ankle, Jim slapped Wyatt's right cheek which let another loud slap echo throughout the property. The suspension on the truck started to take the blunt of the force, and the truck began hop, and jump with each powerful thrust from the horse.

"I'm your jenny, sir," Wyatt said blushing a hot red, and that seemed to send Jim over the edge. Thrusting as deep as he could, Jim felt his orbs pull up close to his body, and he let out a long groan as he started to climax. The clydesdale's body shuddered as his orgasm rocked his body, and Jim basked in the high that swarmed his brain.

Wyatt's eyes widened as he watched Jim's head rise upwards, and his tail flag with each jet of seed. The first few thick spurts filled Wyatt to the brim, and some began to leak out of Wyatt's hole. Wyatt could feel every pulse of Jim's member, and his walls began to squeeze around his lover's member tightly as he felt his own orbs begin to pull up to his body.

He had no warning for his own climax. Trembling as his cock gave three jumps that hit his abs each time, Wyatt let out a long groan as he deposited his load all over his chest, pectorals, abs, and even on his own chin. The shots were powerful, and the milky white substance sparkled in the light as they covered the donkey's grey fur in white streaks. Some even coated up Jim's own chest, and pectorals. The horse's brown fur gave an interesting contrast to the white stripes across his upper body.

When the two came down from their high, and started to get into their afterglow, Wyatt leaned forward, and kissed the donkey softly. Giving a deep chuckle as he moved his hands away from the horse's rump, Wyatt gave Jim's bum a couple of gentle pats before working up Jim's torso to feel the sticky patches of seed that were left behind. Wyatt began to massage the seed around the horse's fur.

While Jim was kissing Wyatt, the clydesdale pulled out of the donkey. There was a pop, and the sound of liquid splattering onto the ground as he continued to make out with Wyatt, their tongues wrestling for control as they enjoyed their post-sex glow. The donkey could feel his member sandwiched in between his abs and the horse's chest.

When Jim moved away from Wyatt, the farmhand was a hot and panting mess. His fur was matted in places, and the climax that was on his chest was spread all over his upper body. He reeked of sex, and endorphins.

While they basked in their afterglow, the environment around them was alive and well. Horses still happily galloped along the edge of the fence, and birds chirped in the trees. The sun felt even warmer as it beamed down on the two.

"You feeling okay?" Jim asked with concern in his voice. "I went a bit rough on you towards the end."

Wyatt gave a long, satisfied sigh as he looked up at the sky. "Yeah. God damn, Jim. I think you milked three orgasms out of me in one go."

Jim chuckled as he nuzzled into Wyatt's neck affectionately. "You can get back at me later after we rest, stud. We still have the rest of the day."

His member coming back to life almost instantly, Wyatt gave a groan as he thought about hot-dogging Jim's sizeable rump before impaling Jim on his pride.

"Oh, I feel that, boy," Jim snickered as adjusted his posture to look down at Wyatt's cock which was poking up against his pecs. "Are you ready no-"

Jim got his answer when Wyatt wiggled out of Jim's embrace, and slid off the side of the hood before standing to the left of the horse who was now bent over the hood of the truck. Leaning down to grab the lube, Jim got an excellent view of the mess he made of Wyatt's backside. Jim's previous climax leaked down the donkey's taint, and over his amply sized balls, the droplets of milky white climax dripping onto the ground to dot it in white.

Lubing up, Wyatt stroked his member until he heard the familiar sound of a well-lubed cock, and lined up with Jim's hole. He teased the entrance a bit, rolling his hips exactly like Jim did with him.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Wyatt said as he poked at the entrance, and feeling it open for him. Raising an eyebrow as he felt the entrance give easily, Wyatt chuckled.

"Have you been using that horse dildo underneath your bed again? The one molded to another horse's junk?" Wyatt asked with a grin as he started to push himself in. Jim gritted his teeth as he felt the donkey penetrate him, his member jumping to slap against his chest.

"Oh fuck. Yes!" Jim admitted as he pushed against Wyatt's hips, hungry for more. Holding the clydesdale's shoulders so he could not spear himself on his thick shaft and hurt himself, Wyatt smirked at his boss's eagerness.

"It sure feels like it. Naughty horses that use dicks that aren't mine need to be punished. Grab on to something."

Jim shivered as he did what he was told, and his hands found the wheel wells on each side of the car, his hands gripping the metal until his knuckles turned white. "Please, give it to me," Jim begged.

Wyatt chuckled at Jim's eagerness. "My, the tables have turned haven't they?" Wyatt then rolled his hips to push the rest of his thick meat into Jim's eager hole. The clydesdale whinnied, and stomped his hooves as he adjusted to Wyatt's girth. The donkey leaned over Jim's form, rolling his hips and feeling the clydesdale clamp down on his member.

"Now that I'm saddled up, it's time to ride."

Sitting on the bed in his dorm room, Wyatt was reading from his biology book. His eyes were narrowed in an intense focus. Most of his classes had been easy the past few weeks which gave him time to adjust to dorm life.

Community bathrooms were interesting to the donkey during the first week. Although he was used to showering around other males, he was not used to showering around other males that weren't involved in sports. For some reason, it was a strange feeling not lathering up near teammates, but other students.

Giving a huff as he tried to wrap his mind around the complexities of the cells in plants, Wyatt heard a knock on his door. Jumping out of his trance, the donkey looked over to his roommate's bed out of reflex. The bed was messy with the sheets not tucked underneath the mattress, and a pillow on the floor. He forgot the doberman went out to party with friends.

When the knocking on the door became even louder, Wyatt groaned as he got up off of his bed, and made a wide turn to dodge the nightstand. He already knocked over the lamp twice getting up out of bed in the evening to walk to the bathroom, and his alarm clock once when he overslept.

Wyatt's annoyance at opening the door melted instantly when he realized who was standing there. Jim leaned against the frame with a grin on his face. Although it was chaps and vests with Jim at most times, he looked less roughish with a tee-shirt, and jeans over his well-muscled body. It was odd to Wyatt that he didn't have one speck of dirt on his clothes. The red handkerchief was still tied around his neck.

The first words that came out of Wyatt's mouth were, "How the hell did you get past the front desk?"

Jim laughed deeply, and replied, "No, 'hello' or 'how are you?'"

Wyatt smiled brightly, and stepped out of the way to allow Jim inside before closing the door, and pressing the button on the handle to lock it. Wincing at the click, Wyatt realized this was the first time he ever locked his door. Most of the time, he liked to keep it open for people to pop in, and say hello. Although he looked gruff and intimating, many found Wyatt to be sweet to the donkey's surprise.

College was such a different place then high school.

"Fine then. Hello, and how are you?" Wyatt asked before getting ever closer to Jim.

"I'm good. How about yourself?"

"I'm well, thanks."

Wrapping his arms instantly around the donkey, Jim pulled him close. "I've missed you, you know. Skype chats, and instant messaging isn't like hearing the real thing."

Shivering at the familiar embrace, Wyatt felt himself start to relax. He sighed happily as Jim began stroking his mane, his fingers rolling down his spine. He still smelled like hay, dirt, and sweat, but this time with a little bit of body wash mixed in.

The two shared the intimate embrace for several minutes with no words being exchanged between them. The only thing that moved was their chests as they inhaled and exhaled, and Wyatt could feel Jim's warm breath along his muzzle.

Finally, Wyatt said, "So, how DID you get past the front desk?"

Jim chuckled as he leaned down to look in Wyatt's beautiful brown eyes.

"I told them I was your dad and you needed some allergy pills. They let me through when I said I didn't have any ID on me. I guess I just looked trustable," Jim said with low laugh.

"I'm not calling you 'daddy' so don't get any ideas," Wyatt laughed.

"Oh come responded to being called jenny," Jim said with a sly wink before leaning down, and kissing Wyatt softly on the lips. The donkey responded by kissing back much more passionately.

Soon, the two were wrestling for control, and Wyatt was pulled out of shorts and tee shirt in a flash before being led over towards the bed. When Jim lifted him up as if he weighed nothing, and gently laid him out on the bed, Wyatt didn't complain.

He also didn't complain when the horse's finger managed to hook itself in his briefs, and slide them down his hips.

The moonlight that filtered onto the couple as they passionately made out on the bed, and shared their desires for one another gave the scene an intimate feel. Jim's blue eyes sparkled down at Wyatt's own, and the donkey trembled as a finger worked down his chest.

Wyatt realized how much he missed the horse's touch. He missed the way his mane felt against his fingers, and his confidence when things got heated. He missed the way his rump flexed in his grip, and the pecks on his neck to soothe him; how much he missed that tongue across his lips, and his musk.

"I've missed you too, Jim," Wyatt whispered in the clydesdale's ear as Jim kissed up his neck.