Sophia's Heat - Chapter 1

Story by souldivide on SoFurry

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#1 of Sophia's Heat

Wil's heart began to pound as Marilyn, his secret crush, a girl that he used to travel with, slowly pulled her shirt up, revealing her small, pink nipples. With a seductive smile she tossed the shirt aside and slowly walked over to him. He could only sit in his bed, watching as she took a seat next to him, never breaking her gaze. 'How did this hap...woah...'he thought before she laid him down and straddled him, feeling his erection slowly forming under her. As she leaned to him, his breathing got heavier, and she began....licking his face? Wil tried to push her away a little, but she pushed back and continued to coat his face with saliva...

Wil slowly opened his eyes, still feeling a tongue washing over his face. The licking stopped as he gave a tired moan and sat up wiping his eyes. After a few seconds, he looked up and saw Sophia, his ninetales, sitting in front of him smiling cutely with an innocent look, waving her nine tails around in the air.

"Sophia...why couldn't you wake me up a little later...I was having a great dream..."

She jumped off the bed toward the window and yanked down the curtains, allowing a flood of light into the room.

"uurrrrg.....ok ok, I'm getting up, no need to blind me..." Wil said as he got up and covered his eyes. Sophia yipped happily and hopped back onto the bed, patiently waiting for Wil to get ready for the day. After a good bout of stretching, he rubbed her head and scratched her behind her ear just like she likes. Sophia let out a happy whine as she leaned into his hands, thoroughly enjoying this treatment. "You ready to take on Jasmine and get a Mineral Badge today?" Sophia let out an excited yip, followed by a firm nod.

"Great! We got this one in the bag!" Wil said with a fist in the air. Then he suddenly dropped to the floor and began to do pushups, counting out loud in an excited voice. 'He sure is unusually energetic today. Then again, he always gets like this before a gym battle...' Sophia thought with a soft smile while watching Wil burn off his morning energy. "Well, I'm gonna get in the shower, see ya in a few minutes!" He said as he jolted up and ran into the bathroom.

Sophia watched as he shut the door, then laid down on the bed. 'This one should be an easy victory, theres no way I'll lose to Jasmi...urg...' Her thoughts were interrupted by an uncomfortable feeling growing inside her. She shifted in an effort to get rid of the feeling, but instead it intensified. 'Oh no...not now...' she thought as she cringed. The uncomfortable feeling slowly shifted towards her nether region. 'Damn it! My heat must be starting...if this keeps up I may not be able to battle...I have to do something...'

Rolling onto her side to get a better view of herself, she brought a paw to her sensitive slit. She was already sopping wet, and she knew it wouldn't stop if left alone. She slowly moved her paw up and down, letting out a soft whine as she began to twitch at the sensation. 'Mmmm...feels nice...' she thought as she began rubbing faster and more vigorously. Her fluids were now flowing out of her, and the uncomfortable feeling was getting sharper. '*sigh*, this isn't enough to satisfy my body...I need to find something that can help me...' she thought as she slowly removed her paw from herself. She began scanning the room for anything that she could use to 'help' herself with. 'The pen? Way too small...maybe that water bottle? No, I wouldn't be able to maneuver it right...GRAH!' She was getting frustrated. Her heat was beginning to become painful, but she could find nothing around to use.

She felt as if she was going to lose her mind. Then, she suddenly had an idea. 'I hope this can work...' She thought as she used Iron Tail with one of her tails. It slowly hardened and gained the sheen of metal, yet was still mobile and flexible. She once again rolled over, exposing her dripping cunt to the air. It took all of her willpower to stop herself from just shoving it inside of her, at the risk of injury. 'Easy...eeeaassyy....' She thought as she slowly moved her tail into position. She inched it forward, and moved her head to look away. Once the tip of her tail made contact with her folds, she wasted no time sliding it in. '*gasp*...aaaaahhhh......' It was cold, but her insides quickly warmed it up upon contact, and her juices enabled it to slide in without any resistance at all. 'More...I need more...' she thought as she slid more and more of her tail inside. Once she reached her limit, she slowly reversed the tails direction, letting a soft whine escape from her quivering muzzle.

'I can't stand it, I need this to stop...!' she thought as the pain stayed, even with the tail. She quickly rolled and stood with her hind end sticking up, keeping the tail inside. Then, she suddenly began vigorously fucking herself with her tail, unable to have any more self control. Every time she sunk her tail into her sensitive lips, the sensations forced her to take in a gasp of air. Her nectar started pooling underneath her, and her tongue was forced to hang out while she panted in rhythm with her thrusts. As she continued this treatment, she slowly picked up speed, desperately seeking release. ' there....' She thought as she felt herself tighten on the tail, making it slightly more difficult to move in and out quickly. 'please...I need it....nowoohhh!' She arced her head back and sunk the tail in as far as it could go as she reached her climax, unleashing a loud howl, along with a torrent of fluids gushing out onto the bed. She writhed and clenched onto the tail as the orgasm took hold of her body. She buried her face in her eight other tails as another howl escaped her muzzle, followed by another wave of juices flowing from between her lips and tail.

As she calmed down from her orgasm, she slowly removed her tail from within herself and collapsed, resting her head on a few of her fluffy appendages. Her iron tail slowly returned to normal, loosing its sheen and leaving the fur on it matted and wet. Sophia was relieved that the pain from her heat was gone, for now. After a few minutes of basking in the afterglow, she moved her head to lick herself clean, then proceeded to her tail. Just as she finished, she heard the shower turn off. Sophia turned to see the mess she made all over the beds sheets. She quickly grabbed the pillow in her maw and covertly placed it over the puddle of her fluids, effectively hiding it. 'I sure hope I beat Jasmine today so we don't stay another night at this pokemon center...' she thought with an embarrassed smile and slight giggle.

Just then, Wil threw the door open and walked in with his boxers on and a towel around his neck. "Aahhh, that felt great!" He threw the towel into the corner and proceeded to get dressed. "So, I miss anything?" Sophia couldn't help but let out a small chuckle before getting up to sit next to her master. "Didn't think so..." he said with a chuckle of his own. "So..." he said while getting his jacket on, "...ready for some fresh air? It's kinda musky in here." Slightly blushing, Sophia yipped her approval and slowly followed Wil out the door.

After making their way downstairs, they were greeted by Nurse Joy. "Hello Wil, off to the gym?" she said with a smile.

"Yeah, Sophia and I are gonna grab a bite to eat then head on over there for our sixth badge!" Wil answered, giving a thumbs up.

"Well then, good luck to the both of you. You can beat her Sophia!" she said while leaning down to give Sophia a pet. Sophia responded with a happy yip and a lick to her cheek. "Okay, well we must be going. Thanks for the room Nurse Joy!" Wil said as he handed her the keys. "No problem at all. Come back again if you need another room, or if something happens to Sophia." She said with her signature curtsy. "Will do, seeya!" He said as he made his way out of the center.

As Wil and Sophia walked around OlivineCity, their stomachs began to growl. "Jeez, I know I saw it around here somewhere....there it is!" Wil shouted as Olivine Café came into view. The two dashed towards it, unable to wait for breakfast. Of course, upon arriving at the entrance they slowed down, instead of barging in and making a scene.

They made their way to a booth and took their seats, Wil sitting on one side and Sophia laying down on the other. A waiter noticed them and walked over. "Hello sir, and ninetales" he said with a nod to Sophia so she was acknowledged. "What would you like today?" After a while of looking at a menu, Wil finally decided on what he wanted. "Yes, um, I'll have the bacon and eggs, scrambled please...Oh and she will have the best pokemon food you carry." Sophia smiled at that. 'He sure does care about me...if only he had at least a little bit of psychic in him, then I could thank him telepathically...' "Very good sir, I'll be right back with your order." He said with a bow, then took the order to the kitchen.

" pumped for your big battle today? It should be no problem for you, you can take down any steel type in 5 seconds, tops" Wil said cheerfully. Sophia yipped happily, smiling and cheerfully waving her tails around in the air. 'You bet I can!'

"Wil...?" came a familiar voice from nearby. He turned to see if it was who he thought it was, and standing before him was Marilyn, his old companion and crush! "Heeey Marilyn! How long has it been!?" Wil said as he got up to greet his friend. "Last time we saw each other was when we parted ways back in Hoenn, after you lost the elite four challenge." She said with a small laugh. "Hey, I coulda won if it weren't for Phoebe and her ghosts' tricks!" He replied as he looked away and rubbed his head. "Anywho, what are you doing here? I thought you went to go work with your family back in LittlerootTown."

"I'm here on an errand. I'm on my way to Cainwood city to pick up some pokemon medicine. Some of the pokemon back home got sick, so I volunteered to go get some medicine." She explained. "Oh I see, I hope they will be okay." Wil said in a downcast voice. "Don't worry, its nothing life threatening. They just don't have the energy to work. Well, I'm on my way to the local park to relax a bit while I wait for the ferry to arrive. Care to join me once you finish up?"

"Sure, we'll be there after breakfast! Sophia and I could use a little relaxation before our gym match." He said brightly. "I figured that was why you were here. See ya soon!" She said with a wave before heading out the door.

Wil made his way back to his table, where Sophia was already digging into her food. "Hey, why didn't you tell me our food got here...?" He said to Sophia in a jokingly angry tone. She only smiled at him and stuck her tongue out before continuing her meal. "I'll get you back for that..." he said with a grin, then started eating his own breakfast.

Due to her head start, she finished way before he did. Now all she could do was watch Wil and patiently wait for him to finish. He looked up and noticed her tails waving around in a mock-annoyed fashion. "Hehe, that's whatcha get!" He said as he stuck his tongue out at her this time. She let out a fake growl and blew a small flame in his direction. "Heeey that's not funny!" Wil said as he laughed at her little display of false anger. "Tell ya what, I'll give you this strip of bacon, and we call it even." He knew he had her now, she couldn't resist an offer like that. Sophia happily yipped, and made a little halo above her head with one of her tails. Wil couldn't help but laugh at that, and tossed the bacon to her, which she hastily snatched from the air. She knew she didn't have to do this to get bacon, but they love to tease each other whenever they can.


"Aaahh, that was great. I'm so full." Wil said as he and Sophia walked down the street towards the park. "Mommy, look! It's so pretty!" Wil and Sophia turned to see a little girl around the age of 7 running towards them, and a woman running behind her trying to keep up. "Teresa, get back here!" she said while chasing the little girl. They both stopped in front of Wil and Sophia. The woman picked up the little girl. I'm so sorry, she gets excited when she sees pokemon." She said with a smile. "Mommy, it's pretty! Can I touch it?" she said while looking up to her mom. "I don't know, you have to ask that man right there." Wil looked at Sophia, and she sat down and nodded. "Sure, she can pet Sophia. She loves children." He said, smiling. Teresa reached forward as she was put down and rubbed Sophia's head, then pet her chest and back. Sophia closed her eyes and smiled, obviously loving the attention.

"Okay, it's time to go Teresa, say bye to the nice man and Sophia." said the mom after a few minutes. "Thanks alot mister! Bye bye Sophia!" She said as she waved goodbye to them. Once they were out of sight, Wil turned to Sophia. "You just love attention don't you?" he said while playfully rubbing her head. She responded by leaning into his hand and giving it a lick. "Aw, don't worry, I'll give ya all the attention you need." he said as kneeled down and gave her a hug while scratching her back. She gave a happy whine as she nuzzled into him in an effort return the hug. "I love ya girl." 'I love you too master...more than you know...'

Just then, Sophia felt an all too familiar feeling within her. 'Damn it! Not again...not now...!' It was faint, but still very noticeable. Wil released her and looked into her eyes. "What's wrong girl...? You look like something's troubling you..." 'I'm not gonna ruin today for you, I'll just have to fight through this!' She licked his cheek and smiled to reassure him, ignoring her heat as best she could. "You sure you're ok...?" He asked with a look of concern. She gave a firm nod and another lick to his cheek. "Ok, if you say so. Well then, lets go!" he said while pointing in a random direction with a serious look on his face. Sophia laughed at how carefree he could be. It's one of the things she liked best about him.

They finally arrived at the park, and Sophia has been successful in ignoring her heat, but it was slowly getting worse. "Hey Marilyn!" Wil said as he and Sophia approached the bench she was sitting on. "Oh hey Wil. I was just watching the pokemon playing in the field." A little ways away there was a flareon, an absol, a houndour, and some mightyena on the field ahead, some having battles and others just lounging around. "Hey girl, wanna go play with them?" Wil asked Sophia as he took a seat on the bench with Marilyn. She yipped happily and pranced over to the field. 'It will be good to get a little exercise in before I take on Jasmine.' She thought as she approached the other pokemon.

"Heh, she sure is playful isn't she?" Marilyn asked as she watched Sophia join the others. "Yeah, she is. But if I know her, she wants to battle with them more than play." He said with a laugh as he saw her talking with the absol and getting into a fighting stance. "Aren't you guys about to go do a gym battle...?" she asked as she turned to Wil. "Yeah, but don't worry. She's more than a match for them. And I carry a variety of potions just in case." He said as he continued to watch Sophia getting ready for a fight. "I hope you're right..." She said as she looked to Sophia again, noticing that the battle started. "She will be fine, I've seen her fight...These guys should be no problem." He said as he saw her unleash a flamethrower.


As Sophia approached the group of pokemon, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at her. The flareon and houndour laid their heads back down once she arrived, content to go back to relaxing. The absol took a step forward to greet the happy ninetales. "Hello, I'm Tiff. I haven't seen you around here before." said the absol with a smile. "I'm not from here, me and my master are just passing through to get a gym badge. Care for a little practice match...?" Sophia said as she got into a battle stance. "Wow, you sure do get right to the point." she said with a small laugh. "Sure, I'll go a round or two with ya. Been awhile since I've had a good challenge anyway."

Sophia smiled at this as they stared each other down for a few seconds. Suddenly, Tiff took off toward Sophia with blinding speed. Sophia saw the Quick Attack coming, and jumped just in time to avoid being broadsided. As soon as she landed she let out a Flamethrower, which Tiff easily sidestepped. Before Sophia could react, Tiff dashed towards her, with her claws radiating a shadowy black. As soon as she was upon her, she swiped at Sophia with her Night Slash. Sophia reacted just in time to avoid the brunt of the attack, but the claws still grazed her, leaving dark arcs across her chest. "Grah...nice one, you're really fast..." Sophia said as the pain from the attack set in. "Thanks, not many pokemon can keep up with my attacks." Tiff replied with a toothy grin. "Well I can!" Sophia yelled as she dashed towards her to close the distance.

The 3 mightyena were all watching the battle curiously, until one of them stepped forward, smelling the air. "What's up Fang?" The two mightyena behind him said in unison. "I smell something...intriguing..." The other two took a few steps forward and sniffed the air as well. "You're smells familiar..." one of them said. Fang got a glint in his eye as he grinned. "Well appears that one of those two over there is in heat..." he said as he looked to Sophia and Tiff. "It must be the new girl. We didn't smell anything until she got here." Fang turned to face his two friends. "Shadow, Ryu, you guys up for a little fun with our nine tailed friend?" They both grinned at each other and nodded. "Okay, here's what we do. You two go into the forest over there, and I'll get her to follow me in. Once she's in, we can ambush her. She should be pretty tired from her battle over there so we shouldn't have much trouble." The two listened intently. "You guys ready?" They nodded and ran off towards the trees near the park. 'This is gonna be the easiest tail I've ever gotten...' Fang thought as he sat and continued watching the battle.

Tiff lunged at Sophia with a Slash attack in a desperate attempt to end the battle. Sophia ducked, feeling the wind from the attack right above her. Before Tiff even knew she missed, an Iron Tail smashed into her face, knocking her into the air. However, while in the air her head gem began to glow a faint yellow. Sophia wondered what kind of attack that could be, but before she could try to think of one, a massive Thunderbolt flew towards her faster than her eye could follow. She howled in pain as the bolt connected, but was far from giving in. "My master likes to teach his pokemon a wide variety of attacks so we can deal with any situation." Tiff said with a smirk as she landed. "Is that so...How about this!" Sophia retorted and used Fire Spin. Tiff was trapped in fire, but leapt high into the air as Sophia dashed into the flames. "It's gonna take a little more than that to win against meeeEAAAAAHHH!" She was cut off as a massive Fire Blast engulfed her from underneath. She landed on her feet a few yards away, but quickly collapsed as smoke was let off by her singed fur.

" are definitely well trained..." Tiff said as Sophia approached her.

"Thanks...are you okay?" Sophia said with a worried look. "Yeah, I'll be fine, I've been through worse." she replied while she slowly got onto her feet. Her trainer walked up to them with a frown. "Are you okay Tiff? Let's get you to the pokemon center..." he said as he pulled out a pokeball and returned her to it. Without another word, the trainer ran off.

"Hey Marilyn, I'll be right back, I gotta take a leak." Wil said as he got up and looked around. " you know where I can find a restroom...?" Marilyn got up as well and pointed down a path. "There's a small building over in that direction with restrooms, water fountains, and snack machines. I'll take you there." She said with a smile. "Okay, thanks, but let's please hurry." He said as he started to shift uncomfortably. Without another word, they took off.

Sophia looked to where Wil was sitting, only to see that the bench was empty. Fang noticed this and sat up. "Perfect..." he said as he dashed towards her. "HELP! There's a human in the forest, and he's being attacked by wild ursaring!" he yelled as he approached Sophia. Her ears perked and she leapt in front of him. "Did he have long brown hair? And was he wearing a jacket?" Sophia asked in a slightly panicked voice. "Um...yeah I think so!" Fang replied. "Show me where! NOW!" Sophia yelled as tears started building in her eyes. The two dashed towards the nearby forest, using Quick Attack for speed.

'I'm on my way Wil...please be ok...' Sophia thought as she and Fang made their way into the trees. After a few moments of weaving through branches, Sophia heard Fang yell "NOW!" and was tackled to the ground.

"Wha...what's going on?" Sophia asked as she saw a mightyena above her, then looked over to see Fang laughing, accompanied by yet another mightyena. "Listen up," Fang said in a calm voice. "I have no idea where your trainer is, but what I DO know is that you, my dear, are in heat." Her eyes grew wide at that, and she was pushed back down as soon as she tried to get up. "Look, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way." He continued. "My boys and I have volunteered to relieve you of your heat. It IS bothering you, is it not?" Sophia had to stop and think about it.

'It HAS been bothering me to no end...and I may not be able to get a badge for Wil like this...but if I let these guys have their way with me, I'll get pregnant...with the pups of a male I don't even love...Wil...' She lowed her gaze, and her eyes began to water. 'What would Wil think...he would never want me to do this just so I could battle for him.' She lifted her head once more, this time with a determined look. 'No. I'll only let someone that I love help me through my heat. So what if the only one I love is a human...I won't let anyone else touch me!'

"So...have you made a decision...?" Fang said as he slowly made his way in front of her. She looked at him, then the one next to him. She felt the one above her put more pressure on her as he said "He asked you a question!" Sophia looked back to Fang and slowly nodded her head. "Well, what's it gonna be...? He said, a bit of impatience showing through his tone. Sophia opened her muzzle. "I...I'll do it..." Fang got a wide toothy grin. "Good girl...Shadow, you can get off of her now." He backed off while Fang took his place behind Sophia. She got up, and slowly leaned her front half down. "Ryu, you can have her mouth while I'm busy. Shadow, you went before him last time, so you're last." Fang said as he mounted her. Ryu walked over, and smiled at Sophia's depressed face. He stepped over her, positioning his already hard cock in front of her face. She just stared at it as she felt something graze against her pussy. "Any day now princess!" She heard Ryu say above her as he arced his neck to look at her. She slowly opened her mouth. 'It's now or never...' She thought as she closed her eyes.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and unleashed a powerful Flamethrower right onto Ryu's exposed penis. He yelped as he was pushed back by the attack, and rolled into a ball, crying at the pain he felt on his singed flesh. Before Fang could process what happened, an Iron Tail hit him across the face, followed by another one hitting him up and off of her. She started to run back to the park, but she was still tired from her previous battle. She barely had the strength to pull off what she did back there. 'I have to keep running, I'll be safe at the park...I just have to make it to Wil in time to AAHH!' She said as a Dark Pulse smashed into her side, knocking her down. Almost immediately after she fell, Shadow gave her a Bite attack on her neck, both to hurt her and hold her down.

Soon after, Fang caught up as well. At least Ryu was nowhere in sight. Fang put his face right front of hers. "That was quite a stunt you pulled back there...but I'll let you in on a secret..." He said as he leaned into her ear. "I DON'T LIKE SURPRISES!!!" Sophia yelped and tried to move away as he screamed in her ear, but Shadow held fast with his teeth on her neck. "Now we are gonna make this as PAINFUL as possible for you...we may even kill you once we finish, I haven't decided yet..." Fang stared at her for a few seconds, then gave her a Slash attack across her face. 'GRAAAAAH!' She yelled mentally. 'Wil...someone...please help me...*sniff*...' "Quit that sniveling...won't do you any good after what you did." Fang said as he growled. "Know what...? If your trainer happens to come by, we might just slaughter him as well..." Sophia jerked her head up, tears forming in her eyes. "Please, don't hurt Wil!" "Shut up!" Fang said as Shadow tightening his bites grip. 'I'm's all my fault Wi-IIIIIIIIILLL!' She thought as Fang gave her another Slash across her face. "Ok, lets get started again shall we?" Fang muttered. Sophia just buried her face to the ground, silently weeping.


As Wil and Marilyn got back to the bench, they noticed that Sophia and some other pokemon were gone. The only ones left were a flareon and houndour, who were both sound asleep. "Hm, I wonder where Sophia ran off to. Maybe she got carried away in her battling and ended up at the other side of the park." Wil said as they both gave a small laugh. "She knows where we are, we can just wait here till she has had enough fun." Marilyn said while sitting back on the bench. "Nah, I think I'm gonna go look for her. She tends to push herself in battles, so she might need some help. I'll be right back."

'GRAAAAAH!' Just as he turned around, Wil heard something off in the distance. "Did you hear that...?" He asked after turning back to her. "Hear what...?" She said as she gave him a confused look. "It sounded like a scream or something...from the forest over there..." Her confused look only deepened. "I didn't hear a thing..." "Hmmm..." Wil said as he looked off to the forest. "Well, anyway, I'll be right back." He said as he once again turned to go look for Sophia.

As he walked away, a woman was jogging toward him. "Excuse me." he said, and she stopped and turned to him. "Hello, whacha need?" She asked. "Have you seen a ninetales anywhere around here?" He asked with high hopes. "Um, I actually did see one, but it was running into the forest with a mightyena. This area has quite a few wild mightyena that like to hang around this park." "Thanks a lot for your hel-"'WIIIIILLLLL!' Wil turned to the forest. This time he KNEW he heard a voice. 'Sophia...? No, couldn't be...' "Gotta go, thanks again ma'am." He said as he dashed towards the forest. 'Whoever it is, they need help!'


Fang circled around Sophia, enjoying her state of depression. "You can go ahead and let her go now Shadow. I doubt that she would dare to try running again, even if she had the strength to." He said as he continued to walk around her. Shadow released her, a small amount of blood trickling out of his mouth, and sat down a little ways away. Fang stopped in front of her and sat down. "You gonna try anything funny this time?" Sophia remained as she was, face to the ground, lying down wearily. "Answer me bitch!" he said as he growled and snapped at her. She slowly lifted her head to look at him, with tears still streaming from her eyes, and shook her head. "Good girl..." Fang said as he got up and walked around to her backside once more. "Get your ass in the air, now!" She didn't move. She turned her head and said "I don't have the energy to move anything..." "You better find the energy or Shadows gonna have to hold you up with his teeth!" Fang yelled while Shadow gave her a toothy smile, her blood still around his muzzle.

She slowly raised her backside, revealing her sex to him. He took a long whiff of her scent, the intoxicating smell making him both lightheaded and hard. He mounted her, rubbing the tip of his cock against her. "I hope you like it rough..." he whispered into her ear. Her heartbeat slowed down, and she closed her eyes, reserved to her fate.

Just as he was about to enter her, Sophia felt his weight fly off of her. She looked to the left, and saw Fang slamming into the trunk of a tree, along with a leg sticking out above her. She turned her head to look to her right, and saw none other than Wil, standing over her, looking at her with a worried expression.

"Are you ok girl...?" Wil asked as he brought his leg down from the kick and knelt down next to her. Before she could react, he fell to the ground, with Shadow on top of him baring his teeth. Sophia's eyes widened, feeling a rage build up inside of her. 'GET OFF OF MY MASTER!!!!' she yelled mentally as she charged a Fire Blast in her mouth while using Iron Tail to hit shadow off of him. Before he could recover from the blow, she released the Fire Blast at him, engulfing him completely with flames.

Before she could turn to Wil, Fang hastily charged her with a Quick Attack, knocking her down and sliding across the ground. After slowly turning to Wil, they both stared each other down, waiting for someone to make a move. Sophia maneuvered to face Wil and saw Fang hunch down, preparing for an attack. 'WIL!' she called out to him. Wil heard a voice, and this time he knew it was her. Fang decided to take advantage of this distraction, using Quick Attack to close the distance between them. He then jumped at Wil, aiming to bite his neck. Right before he clamped down on him, Wil dodged to the left, barely avoiding Fangs grasp. In a lightning fast reflex, Wil stuck out his hand to grab Fang around his neck. Lifting him up above him, Wil saw the fear in Fang's eyes.

"Don't you EVER touch Sophia again, GOT IT?!?" Wil yelled as he tightened his grip around the defenseless mightyena. Fang whimpered and gave a nod as best he could. Wil slowly brought him down, just to throw him back into the same tree as before. There was a sickening *snap*. However, it was the tree that broke, as Fang slowly got up and limped away, leaving the burnt mass that used to be Shadow behind.

Once Fang was out of sight, Wil turned to face Sophia, who was staring at him intently. She looked like she was in bad shape...she could barely keep her head up to look at him. As Wil walked over, he dug through his pack, looking for a full restore. Upon finding one, he slowly leaned over Sophia, inspecting her wounds. He began spraying the medicine all over her body, focusing on the worst injuries. "Sophia...I'm so sorry that I let this happen...If only I was here earlier..." She just laid there while the full restore worked its magic, wincing at the stinging that came in the process.

Once he was finished, she looked good as new, but no medicine can fix her emotions. 'Thank you Wil...for both healing me and saving me...' she thought as she got up to nuzzle his face and lick his cheek. He hugged her back tightly, glad that she was ok. Then it hit him. He heard her talking to him! Again! He backed off a little from his hug to look at her.

"Wait...did you just talk to me...?" Wil said with wide eyes. 'You can hear me?' She said mentally as she perked her ears up. "I...I think so..." he said as he stared into her eyes. 'Well...I have the ability to communicate with people telepathically, but only if they have a small amount of psychic talent...I've tried with you before, but I guess yours must have been dormant...' "Oh I see..." he said as he tried to process the information. Her voice was beautiful, not too high pitched but clearly feminine.

"Anyway, I'm so glad that you're ok..." he said as he embraced her once again. 'Thank you so much for saving me... I was afraid that you wouldn't find me until it was too late...' she said as she nuzzled him back with tears of happiness in her eyes, relieved that he was there to comfort her. He rubbed her back in an effort to soothe her further. They just stayed like that for awhile, both finding comfort in holding each other close.

"Why did they attack you anyway...?" he asked after a few minutes. She backed away slightly to face him while she explained. 'During my battle with the absol...they must have smelled...' she looked away with a small blush on her face. ' heat...' Wil listened intently, and with an embarrassed face he looked away as well upon hearing that she was in heat. 'After the battle...I looked to where you were sitting and you were gone.' She said as she looked back at Wil. 'That mightyena told me that you were being attacked by ursaring in this I came here to rescue you, only to be ambushed by his friends...I fought back, and managed to stop one and get away for a few seconds, but I was tired from my battle at the park, so they easily caught up and stopped me...' She looked away again, looking ashamed. "Hey, it's not your fault...they took advantage of the situation..." Wil said as he rubbed her cheek and stared into her eyes. 'I know...but still. When they caught up, they were so close to getting what they wanted...and I was powerless to stop them...' she said sadly, but then perked up. 'But then you came and saved me...thank you so much...' she said as she once again got tears in her eyes. Wil leaned forward to hold her close to him. He rubbed her back gently, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I'm just glad I got here when I did...when I realized that you were gone, I think I heard you're voice calling my name from here, so I ran here as fast as I could..."

After another moment of embracing each other, Sophia felt the all too familiar feeling of her heat. It decided to back off throughout her ordeal, but now it was hitting hard. She backed off from Wil, wincing as she sat down, looking away from him. "Whats wrong Sophia...?" 'It's heat...It's becoming unbearable!' she said in a wavering voice. "Let's go back then. Maybe Marilyn or Nurse Joy has a pokemon that can help you out." he said, but as he got up, she shook her head. 'No...I don't want to mate with someone just because my body demands it...' she said as she stood up. '...I only want to mate with someone out of love...and the only one I love is... is you...' she said with a blush, staring into his eyes.

Wil stared right back at her, his mind slowly interpreting what she just said. "You...really love me...?" 'Yes...I have for as long as I can remember...' she admitted while still holding her gaze. 'I love everything about're nice, and care for everyone around put yourself before others...and...if it weren't for you, I would have died...back during that storm when I was a vulpix.' She said, forming a sad smile. 'I was cold and alone, curled up in a box...' she said as she looked up, feeling nostalgia creep up on her. "Yeah, I remember... you were all alone, and looked like you were in bad shape..." Wil said, joining her in the memory. 'You took off your own jacket to wrap me up and shield me from the storm, leaving yourself exposed...' "And I ended up getting pneumonia...but it was worth it." He said, continuing for her.

The two just stood there, lost in each others' eyes while reliving the memory. However, Sophia's heat decided to kick it up another notch, causing her to wince and let out a whine. "Sophia! Are you ok?" Wil said as he once again kneeled in front of her, hands rubbing her neck. ' heat is getting worse...I can't stand it...' she said, her eyes starting to water. 'I need to ask you something...' she said, looking to the ground. "What is it...?" He said in a caring, but questioning voice. 'How much do you love me...?' Wil stared at her, and before answering he put his hand under her chin so she was looking back at him. "I care for you more than I care for anything in the world...and I would do anything to make you happy. If that's not love, I don't know what is." He said in a serious tone, making her blush under his gaze.

Sophia paused, and took a moment to ponder her next question while getting lost in his eyes. She decided the best thing to do was to be blunt and just come out with it. 'Will my mate...?' she finally said, gauging his reaction and awaiting a response. Wil stared back at her ruby red eyes, keeping a straight face. "Sophia..." he said, then smiled at her. "I would be honored to be your mate...I love you Sophia." She smiled greatly, overjoyed that her love felt the same way as she did. She nuzzled against him, and closed her eyes as he slowly moved his face closer to hers, locking her in a kiss. It was a little awkward, considering her lack of lips, but a kisses meaning is clear no matter how it goes. After a few seconds, she snaked her tongue out of her muzzle, licking his lips. After a couple of licks, he parted his lips, allowing her intruding tongue to mingle with his. Sophia always wanted to express her love with Wil, and now she was finally able to. They continued swirling their tongues together, each finding that they enjoyed each others' taste, along with the feeling that came with it. Sophia quickly started to become more passionate in her kissing, pushing him back while wrapping her longer canine tongue around his.

Wil soon found himself leaning back against a tree, his sexy vixen standing over him. She finally broke the kiss, a trail of saliva clinging to their mouths as she slightly opened her eyes, giving Wil a lustful stare. As she slowly moved back, she felt something underneath her. Glancing downward, she noticed the tent in Wil's pants. He blushed as she looked back to him, giving him an alluring smile. She moved back further, using her tails and teeth to remove the barrier separating her from her goal. After a few seconds of failing in her attempts to unbutton his pants, she began getting impatient and simply used her teeth to rip them off, ripping through his boxers in the process.

"Hey, those were a good pair of....oooohh......" he said, but was cut off by Sophia giving his hard member a long lick. After a few more painfully slow licks, she decided to try to take it into her mouth. She stared up at him as her muzzle slowly encompassed his cock, which aroused him to no end. It tasted weird to her, and a bit salty, but ultimately she decided she liked the strange taste, and continued to slide it into her maw. Once she got most into her muzzle, she wrapped her tongue around it as she began to lightly suckle on him. To her amusement, he twitched a little with every movement she made. However, a stinging sensation in her cunt brought her attention back to her heat. As if on cue, Wil grabbed her backside and slowly maneuvered her to the side, while she continued her work on his member.

Once she was in a comfortable position, she moved all of her tails up and out of the way, giving him a good look at her dripping slit. He had never seen it this close before. In fact, he never really paid much attention to it at all. He slowly brought a finger to it, and made a teasing stroke from top to bottom, forcing Sophia to arc her back and let out a whine, begging him to continue. He took the hint, and slowly sank a finger into her hole, which slid in easily due to her abundance of fluids. It was like a furnace! It felt as though his finger was burning, but after he slid it out, the outside air felt rigidly cold, encouraging him to move it back in. He repeated this process a few times, causing Sophia to murr at the feeling. She put her duties with his member on hold as she writhed at the sensations Wil was giving her. Soon he allowed another finger to slip in to join the other, doubling her pleasure. Suddenly, he removed his fingers from within her, which earned a disapproving whine from Sophia. She looked back and saw him licking his fingers, tasting the juices that collected on them. He liked it! It tasted sweet, almost citrusy, and he wanted more. He edged his face closer to her lips, and stuck his tongue out to gently lick them from bottom to top, lingering there for a moment before proceeding to stick his tongue in, lapping at her vaginal walls.

Sophia threw her head back in pleasure, loving the feeling of his tongue inside of her. She closed her eyes, gasping every time he brushed against her clit. Noticing this, he focused his attention to the little bump, lightly sucking on it and running his tongue over it. This was enough to send her over the edge, and she let out a shivering howl as a wave of her juices cascaded out of her and onto Wil's face, which he eagerly attempted to drink down. Although he caught most of it, a large amount still splattered his face, and drenched his upper body.

After a few moments of pure ecstasy, she finally calmed down from her orgasm, feeling lightheaded. However, the pain of her heat was still there. A tongue wouldn't be enough to sate her body. As she turned to face Wil, she couldn't help but blush and let out a small laugh. "What's so funny?" He said, chuckling at what he knew was the reason. 'You look like you just fell in a lake!' Before he could reply, she moved in to once again swirl her tongue with his. She liked the taste of her own juices mixed with his saliva, and proceeded to lick his face clean after breaking the kiss.

However, during his tongue bath he noticed Sophia occasionally wince and shift her weight. He knew what was bothering her, and how to fix it. While she was still licking his face, he covertly positioned his member (which was still hard from her unfinished tongue job) underneath her dripping sex. When he was sure that he was positioned correctly, he put his hands on Sophia's back and softly rubbed her fur. Then, without warning, he quickly pulled her down onto him, burying his cock into her quivering lips.

Sophia yipped in surprise and threw her head back. His member felt so good against her sensitive walls. This is what her body has been wanting. What she's been NEEDing. Before Wil could get used to the feeling, she quickly lifted herself until he was almost completely out of her, then slammed back down on him, eager to continue. 'OOOOooohh. I've wanted this for so long....' Sophia said as she continued to rapidly impale herself on Wil's cock. He could only sit there, overwhelmed by the heat and feeling of her rapidly moving insides. Due to her heat, she was already almost at her peak. After a few more hard thrusts, she hilted him and curved her back up, screaming to the sky as her sex clamped onto his, unleashing wave after wave of cum all over him.

After a full minute of pleasure, she finally came down from her orgasm, lowering her head to look at Wil. However, before she could get a word out, he rolled her over so that he was on top of her. 'What are you...*gasp*...' she began to ask, but was answered by him roughly thrusting into her once more. Strangely, she enjoyed this position, with Wil having complete control over her. It felt more....natural. Soon, they were both being overtaken by the pleasure that they were giving each other. Wil began to moan while Sophia was panting for air, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. As he continued to plow her, he felt her lips begin to quiver around his member once more, and he sped up, determined to finish with her this time. "Uh...I'm gonna..." he said as he began to get more forceful. He felt it rising within him, and with one final thrust, he screamed and shot out his seed into her awaiting womb, while feeling her juices rush against his. They both held each other as they rode out their orgasms together, their fluids mixing and gushing out of their union.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally settled down from their climax. Still joined together, they stared into one another's eyes, and brought their faces together for a kiss. Not a messy, tongue twining kiss, but a simple, loving one. After a few moments, they broke the kiss and looked back to each other. 'I love you, Wil.' She said with a lick to his cheek. He smiled at her and replied, "I love you too Sophia..."

He slowly pulled his member free, which was followed by a steady stream of their conjoined liquids. She slowly got up, and soon found herself blushing and giggling as she noticed how much of her fluids covered the ground, as well as the both of them. "Wow...we sure did make quite a mess..." He said as he caught on to why she was laughing. 'You mean I made quite a mess.' She said with a small laugh, and sat next to Wil. He walked over to where his pack ended up and bent down, unzipping it. "You are SO lucky that I have an extra pair of pants with me...I might have had to walk back to the pokemon center naked!" He said as he pulled his spare jeans out, laughing as he tossed the ripped ones aside. She looked down and blushed, just now realizing how "excited" she got. Once he slipped the jeans on, he walked back over and rubbed her head and behind her ears. "You know I'm just teasin ya." He said and leaned down to embrace her, rubbing her back as she nuzzled back against him.

The two of them slowly made their way back to the park, smiling and content to be with each other. Sophia was overjoyed to finally be able to show Wil just how much she loved him, and he was just as happy to discover his own feelings towards her. 'Sorry Marilyn, looks like I have someone else to dream about now...' He thought to himself and chuckled as he continued his way the park.

"So, you wanna head back to the pokemon center to clean up and relax the rest of the day?" he asked as they finally made it back to the park. 'Aw, I was supposed to kick Jasmine's butt today!' She said in a jokingly disappointed voice as she smiled back at him. "Well then, let's go show her what you are made of!" he replied as he once again threw his fist into the air. She laughed at him then yelled out, 'Race ya there!' before dashing off. "H-Hey! You don't even know where her gym is!" he shouted back as he bolted after her, but she kept on running and laughing.

In the distance, Marilyn watched as she saw Wil and Sophia emerge from the forest and dash off, heading in the opposite direction of Jasmine's gym. 'I wonder what's got them in such a hurry...' she thought as she tilted her head in wonder. 'I guess I'll have to tell him some other time...' she put her hand over her heart and continued to watch him run after his ninetales until he was out of sight, then turned to slowly walk back home.