Well, that happened.

Story by Doods on SoFurry

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It had been almost two weeks since the night Ben, Val, and Andy were together. Since that night they never had the chance for them to be "together" again. It didn't mean that Ben and Val didn't get together. Just not the three of them. And that was the case as Andy sat in his room watching television when his mom walked into the room. She was wearing a slinky lingerie. Smiling as she walked over to his bed and sitting down next to him. He was naked under his blanket and as she pulled it off of him a large smile spread across her face.

"Naughty," she said, rubbing her hand over his sheath and balls.

"I'm not the one coming into her son's room." A month ago that would make her cringe, now it just made her wet. Andy's cock sprung to life quickly and her hand was squeezing it making the head bulge. Bending down she gave it a long lick, Andy's eyes went cross as pleasure exploded in him. She stroked his cock as she moved her mouth down to his balls, licking the sack and tacking one of his balls into her mouth. Andy let out a moan and Val stopped, Andy bit his lip. They both stared at each other. Andy's sister was across the hall in her room. Looking from the door then back to each other. "Sorry," Andy whispered.

"That's okay, we just can't let her find out."

"Why?" Andy asked. Val furrowed her brow. "I mean, we do this, so..." He let the statement hang in the air.

"You want her in this?"

"I mean, maybe, I'd like ZZ involved too, but that too much, we could get in deep trouble if any problems arise."

"Are you kidding me, if Ben ever tells anyone we could be in problem and you want to bring another person in?"

"No, I know ZZ can't, that's why I never brought it up." By now Andy had gone soft in his mom's hand.

Val had let go of him and looked her son in the eyes. "Do you really want to ask her?"

"We shouldn't, but I have thought of it," he admitted.

The wheels in Val's mind started to turn. "How would you do it?"

"Do what, convince her to join?" Val nodded. "Well, I thought I'd have Ben try and get her to go on a date. And if he can get her to give it up, or maybe just she comes to find him and sees us all together."

Val looked out the side of her eye toward Andy's door. "Yeah, that may or may not work."

"It's all just a thought," he said. "Nothing that would happen."

"Hmm," Val said.

"Mom, come on, we shouldn't."

Val looked over at the clock, it was ten minutes pass ten. "No, we shouldn't, but we should do this." And with that she bent down and took his soft dick into her mouth.

The next day at school Andy ran into Ben. They had been hanging out a lot as of late at school, enough for people to ask questions, about why. They would always tell the people asking that they became friends at the party. Andy placed his arm around Ben and brought him close so he could whisper into his ear. "Dude, what're you up to tonight?"

"Don't think I got anything, why?"

"My mom's got a date, so I think we should be there, in case it doesn't go great," he says wiggling his eye brows.

"What if it goes well," Ben said with a smile.

Andy smiled back. "Then we can be there for each other."

The two had their next class together so they walked in with each other. It was their history class and the teacher, a heavy set buffalo named Mr. Williams. He started class by saying that they were going to start a new project today. "And this one needs to be worked in pairs. So pick your partners, and please don't just pick your friends," Mr. Williams said. Ben turned to his friend, Mitch who was also in the class, but before he actually said something, he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. Turning he saw Mr. Williams. "Ben, what did I just say?" Ben smiled at him. "Please, someone else." He looked around and saw Andy laying down on his desk, half asleep. "There you go, you and Andy can work together. Andy, wake up," he called.

Andy stirred and popped up, "I was up."

"Sure, come here, you're going to work with Ben, on this project."

"Yeah, sure," Ben could tell Andy was trying not to smile. Andy walked toward the leopard and said, "Alright."

"Okay, class, grab your stuff and we're going to head to the libary. So let's go."

Ben and Andy walked together they were in the back of the group and Andy reached out and touched Ben's hand. Ben smiled but pulled his hand away. Andy did it again. But this time he wrapped his fingers through Ben's so that the back of their hands touched each other. "What are you doing?" Ben asked, still with a big smile.

"Meh," he said, "Something I wanted to try."

"Alright." Ben saw that no one in front of them was looking back, and with a quick look behind saw no one there either. Ben switched his hand around so they held hands palm to palm.

"You're getting brave," Andy said.

"Well, I see it as we are kind of like," his heart started beating fast, "boyfriends, and this is what they do, right?"

Andy hadn't ever seen it that way, but they often did things a couple would do, and he did like Ben like that, so. "Yeah. I guess so."

They held hands until they saw some one come around the corner and they let go and made it to the library without anyone noticing. At least they hoped. As they walked in they went to a corner. Unfortunately for the class Mr. Williams wanted them to use books, not the internet. So the two grabbed the books they needed and piled them on their table. Flipping through they started to write out notes they could use. Being in the corner and mostly blocked from other prying eyes, the two began holding hands again. And neither could help but smiling. Neither knew that someone was looking at them. And it happened to be ZZ. She tilted her head and walked up toward the two.

"Hey, guys," she said slow. Andy twisted so quick that he pulled Ben over in his chair. "What's the, uh, hand holding about?"

The two stared at each other than at her. "I lost a bet," Andy said.

"Oh, well then," she said. "I'm just going to sit here and watch my boyfriend and his friend hold hands, and be cute." Before hand the boys were giddy holding hands in secret, but now they were blushing and didn't want to even think about their hands touching. They didn't even get any thing written down anymore. At the end of class they let go of each others hand and started to walk toward their next classes, they were walking in the same direction. All Andy wanted to do was grab Ben's hand, all Ben wanted to do was the same, but ZZ held onto Andy. And the boys walked in silence, looking at each other out of the corner of their eyes.

After class Ben got a text from Andy. Hey, ZZ wants to hang out for a bit, but she should be gone before my mom will get home. So, come over around eight or so.

Ben couldn't help but smile. Sure. See you then.

When it was seven thirty Andy sent another text. She just left. Come on over.

Ben didn't respond he grabbed his shoes and keys and ran out the door. The leopard was at Andy's house within minutes. He knocked on the door and Andy opened it up. "Hey, bud, you didn't text me so I didn't know if you got my text."

Ben smiled and giggled. "I was excited."

"Come on, you dork." The two sat in the living room, right next to each other. Their hands immediately laced together both smiling. "So, I had something a I wanted to ask you," Andy said. Ben's heart started to pound in his chest. He couldn't say anything so he just nodded. "Well, you know, umm," Andy started to scratch the side of his head. "I don't know how to say this." Ben shrugged, he was trying to keep himself calm. He didn't know what Andy was going to say but it was making his stomach hurt and his heart thump against his rib cage. "If my mom doesn't come home, so the date goes well. Do you want to, with just me and you?"

Ben licked his lips before he spoke. "We've done it before, why do you need to ask?"

"Well, when you said we were kind of like boyfriends it kind of threw a wrench into what we were doing. Which was kind of like friends with benefits."

"I'm sorry." Ben felt his stomach drop. "I didn't mean anything." Ben looked down at his lap. He opened his hand to take it away from Andy's but the lion held onto the leopard tighter. When Ben looked back up, he saw Andy smiling at him.

"It's fine," Andy said. "It's just odd, because, neither of us have done it together, without someone else being there, you know."

"Yeah," Ben looked down. "But, it could be fun, you know. It was fun, when we did before."

"It really was," Andy said, smiling widely. Their hands were still intertwined and Andy pulled Ben close to him. Pulling him until they kissed. Ben's heart skipped a beat. When the whole thing started between him and Val, he never thought he'd be kissing her son. Never thought he'd be inside her son. Ben wrapped his arms around Andy's waist. While the lion passed his tongue through Ben's lips and into his mouth. He started to wrestle with the other tongue. Andy's rubbed his hands through Ben's fur through along his neck and the back of his head. They pulled away from each other looking into each others eyes.

Ben giggled. "That was something."

"That was great."

"Can we do it again?"

"Try and stop me." They kissed again.

ZZ was walking home when she started to feel her pockets. "Shit," she said to no one, her phone wasn't in any of her pockets. Turning back she walked toward Andy's house. She must've lost it while they were fooling around in his room. And even if he knew it was in there, finding anything in his room was a task. She walked up onto Andy's front porch she saw into the living room. The television was lighting Andy and Ben, and Andy had his hand wrapped around Ben's pink member. The two were kissing while her boyfriend gave another guy a handjob. But she wasn't looking away. The two broke away from each other and she saw Andy smiling. She went to the side of the window and peeked, trying to make sure, Andy wouldn't see her.

Andy bent down and took Ben's cock into his mouth. His teeth scratched along the leopard's thick member. Ben winced. "Careful," he said.

Andy pulled his mouth off. "Sorry, I don't do this often."

"It's okay," Ben said smiling.

The lion smiled before trying to get Ben's dick into his mouth again. His dick tasted salty, but it was so sweet. Andy kept his lips over his teeth as the cock passed into his mouth. He didn't know what he was doing but he kept going until he started to gag as the head touched his tonsils. His eyes started to water but he wanted to keep going. He started to bob his head on the cock. Letting his tongue rub across the head and piss slit, then he went back down. Ben laid his head back and turned and that's when he saw a spotted dog looking at them. "Andy, Andy," he said as the lion didn't stop, but kept going. "Andy stop."

"What?" He followed Ben's eyes and saw ZZ looking at them. They all stared in silence. A thought went through Ben's mind, I have been seen by other people while having sex more than anyone else. Andy stood up and walked to the front door. He walked out onto the porch. "Hi," he said.

"So, you're gay?"

"No, I'm bi, and me and Ben were exploring that part."

"So, is he gay?"

"No, he's bi as well."

"Are you wanting to be with him?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. I like him, but I don't know if he wants a boyfriend and I have you."

"You seemed to be okay sucking his cock."

"It was harder than it looked, I have more sympathy for you now." He smiled, she didn't, so his smile fell from his face.

"You think I'm just going to let you suck and fuck or be fucked by someone else, and just be okay with that?"

"I didn't think..."

"I bet not."

"I'm sorry."

ZZ had her hands crossed across her chest. "You know what?" She didn't finish as she walked pass him and into the house getting into Ben's face. "Who the hell," but she didn't finish, "What is wrong with you?" She slapped him across the face. Ben's eyes went wide as the sting spread across his cheek. When he turned back some tears had formed, he wasn't crying, his eyes just began to water. However she thought he was and instantly the anger melted away. "I'm sorry, Ben," she said. "I just, was so angry."

"I'm fine," he said.

"No, no, I'm sorry. It was..." She fell to her knees. "There isn't anything wrong with you. Andy shouldn't have been doing this but, you aren't him. And, and, I don't know where I'm going."

"It's fine." Ben stood up. "I should go. You guys are going to have some things to talk about."

"Ben," Andy said, "ZZ, wait. I'm to blame, I shouldn't have done this to either to you. I'm to blame."

"Yup," both said.

"But, I don't want either of you to leave, or be hurt because of me. So, how do we make this better?"

ZZ looked toward Ben, she was taller than him so he had to look up to her. "How far have you guys gotten?" Ben opened his mouth. "Don't lie." She clenched her hand.

"I've fucked him," he mumbled.


"I've fucked him," then he added, "in his butt."

Andy looked away as ZZ shot daggers at him. "He did what?" Andy nodded. "Did you like it?" He nodded again. "Let me see it."

"What?" Both guys said.

"Yeah, I want to watch him fuck you," she said to Andy.

"But, I don't know."

"He's done that before, so why not again?"

"Well, my mom, might be home at any second."

"Then let's go down stairs. Now." ZZ started to walk away. Ben looked at Andy yet neither knew what to say. They started a whisper argument, but ZZ turned around. "Now, let's go."

In the basement Ben suddenly had a rush of memories as this was the first place he and Val had met. "Don't smile," Andy said.


"I know why you're smiling down here. So just stop." Ben shrugged a shoulder, but kept smiling.

ZZ stopped by the love seat and fell back onto it. "So, boys," she said letting it hang. "Who likes to start?"

They looked at each other and then back at ZZ. "We've only done this once," Andy said. "So, I don't know."

"Well," ZZ said, "you were blowing him when I caught you, so why don't keep going."

"Come on, ZZ. This isn't cool."

"No, it isn't," ZZ said, looking away from her boyfriend. "But neither was doing what I caught you doing. You shouldn't have done that." Ben stayed quiet as he wasn't part of it. Well, he was, but not really.

"ZZ, I'm sorry." Andy sat down by ZZ. "I know I shouldn't have done this. But I've been really confused recently."

She looked at him. "Okay, I get that, but, what. I don't know. This is really confusing. I love you, Andy. You know that. But I want you to be happy, so if you're happy with Ben then," her voice got caught in her throat. Andy wrapped his arms around her. Ben felt very out of place. He started to walk back toward the stairs. "No, Ben, stay. I should go. If you guys want to be together, then I should go."

"No, ZZ, don't go," Andy said. He kissed her on her lips, she leaned into it. Now Ben felt very out of place. When Andy broke away he smiled. "I love you, ZZ, but I don't know who I am. But I want you to stay with me."

"With Ben?" ZZ asked.

"Well, I mean, not in a sexual way, he's my buddy."

"No, I mean, the three of us together." Ben's eyes went wide. He looked toward Andy whose eyes were just as wide. "I mean, I'm not super excited about it. But if I get to keep you this way." She kissed Andy again. Rubbing his stomach and side, it took but a moment when she pulled his shirt over his head. She climbed up onto his lap still crushing her lips against his. Pulling her own shirt over her head, leaning down and kissing again she reached back and unhook her bra. Andy's hands went right to her tits and he started to massage them. She broke the kiss and let out a moan. Turning her head she looked back and Ben. She smiled before saying, "Come on, Benny."

Ben walked to the couch, ZZ grabbed his shirt and threw him onto the couch. She grabbed Ben's face and crashed her lips against his. He had soft lips, was the first thing she thought, her hands were running through his fur, it was soft as well. She could tell why Andy might like him. While kissing him, she grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her chest.

Andy looked toward the other cat, it was oddly hot to him, to see his friend, and the guy who took his gay cherry, playing with his girlfriends boobs. Andy bent forward and took one of ZZ's nipples into his mouth. Suckling on it, while Ben played with the opposite one. ZZ shoved her tongue into Ben's mouth while she felt her boyfriend sucking on her. This situation, she thought, is completely fucked up, but she it was getting her all hot and bothered. Pulling away from Ben's mouth, and pulled his face to her opposite nipple. Both boys began to suck and nibble on her. She looked at the ceiling and let out a moan. Her body was on fire, she was shaking, and then her body spasamed and she began to cum. She flooded her panties and jeans with her fluid. When she finished she noticed that the boys were still sucking on her. Neither had noticed, they were completely focused on her. Ben was the first to notice that his lap was wet. When he looked down and saw the giant wet mark he looked up at her.

"You came?" He asked.

"Yeah," she panted. She stood off of the cats. Both of them had giant tents in their pants. Getting on to her knees she started to rub them both. The boys let out a groan. She started on Ben's pants, opening his fly and pulling his throbbing cock out. She was surprised by the thickness of him. She figured it would be smaller because of his height. She then did the same to Andy. Grabbing both of them she started to jerk them off. ZZ's body started to react again the spasaming and burning in her neither regions. Andy reached over and started to rub the head of Ben's cock. A little spurt of pre splattered on Andy's palm. "Andy, can you suck him again?"

Andy didn't answer, he just bent over and started to lick at the pink dick. ZZ stood and took her pants and panties off as she watched her boyfriend go down on another guy. She rubbed her clit as she watched them. She hadn't ever watched gay porn before, a friend of hers did, and if she saw this now she'd probably crap her pants, but ZZ hadn't. Andy had taken half of Ben's dick into his mouth, his lips were tight around it, he was struggling so ZZ helped. Licking at the rod that was still exposed. Andy pulled off and started to suck on his head, ZZ moved up and started to kiss the head as well. The couple made out with each other with Ben's head in between their mouths. ZZ played with Ben's balls, while Andy reached down and started to play with Ben's hole. Prodding and pushing at the tight ring. Ben hadn't felt this good for a while. This was great.

The two played with the leopard for close to five minutes before he started to cum. Both ZZ and Andy got a squirt of semen into their mouths, and then several across their faces, until it dribbled out and down his cock. Ben lay his head back and started to pant. "That felt awesome," Ben said. The couple on the floor started to make out with each other, licking the cum from each other's face.

When Andy's face was clean ZZ lay him on the couch, moving Ben out the way. Climbing on top of him and impaling herself on his dick. She began to ride him, and hard, her body wanted and needed his dick deeper into her. It wasn't enough she thought as she rode him. That's when she saw Ben, he was hard again.

And a thought went through her mind. She never wanted to try before, but today, was a different sort of day. She lay her self down on Andy's chest. "Ben, put it in me with Andy."

Ben straddled Andy and slid his cook along Andy's until he entered into ZZ's body. The stretch of her body as he sunk himself in, made ZZ spasam and cum again, soaking both of the cats crotches. When neither moved, ZZ got agitated. "Come on, guys, fuck me."

Andy couldn't move the best. But Ben could and he started, the feeling of Ben moving back and forth, and Andy just a little bit, made her feel awesome. That burning and stretching and moving, made her cum again, and again. But each time she told them to keep going. The moans and groans filled the basement, the trio forgot where they were, as they became locked in paradise. They moved positions so Ben was under ZZ, she was riding reverse cowgirl, as she leaned back and Andy climbed on top of her and started to fuck her again. Every crotch was soaked with ZZ's juices as she had came up into the double digits, their wasn't much more liquid coming out anymore. Andy was the first of the guys to cum. The warmth spreading across Ben's cock felt great and he started to thrust harder as he felt his own climax coming on. Andy stayed inside his girlfriend as Ben thrust in and out of her, causing pleasure within his dick as the other cock moved against his. Then Ben started to squirt as well. Filling ZZ to the brim as the two douses of semen started to leak out of her and down Ben's balls.

Andy pulled out and fell onto the floor. ZZ fell off of Ben, luckily he was soft otherwise it could've hurt. Cum dribbled from her body as she lay on the couch. Ben didn't move just let his cock slink back into his sheath.

"Holy crap," a voice said from the stairs. The three looked over. On the steps stood Andy's sister, Leena. "So, you guys didn't hear me calling for you?"

None answered.

"Well," she walked down the stairs and walked over her brother and sat down by Ben. "This is what you guys do now?"

A lot wrong

Andy was caught. His cock had sprung back to life as he saw his mom naked with Ben who was on the bed with his bright red dick, still wrapped in a condom. Andy had shot his cum against his mom's door and it was dripping onto the carpet now. His mom...

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Just a little wrong

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The House Party

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