Wild Things
#1 of Venus' Vocabulary
A bit of smut for the evening. Tyler dream to trump all fantasies comes true: her provocative, moody lioness pays her more than just a little bit of attention.
A potential full story, but for now a short excerpt of one of the many things going on in this world.
The lioness stared across the table, rolling a small Roma tomato between two of her fingers. The tip of her ivory coloured claws did not pierce the flesh. Tyler watched her move, her owns lender tail flicking beneath her chair. Just outside the window, beyond the glaze of warm hazy yellow light, the sea hummed. Waves broke against the shore, hissing as they retreated. The lioness Anje's ears twitched that way, attentive, but not all that focused.
Tyler reached forwards and plucked a plum of the table. She began to nibble on it. The silence stretched between them, endless, long, and hard. Their conversation came to an abrupt finish after the idle chit chatter ran out of outlets. Now Anje watched Tyler, a smile playing across her lips. Her low grey eyes hid any emotion that wasn't playful and a tad bit seductive.
"I think it's interesting," she said, at last. Cracking the silence. Letting words spill out.
Tyler nodded, the plum juice trickling down her cheek. She wiped at it with the back of her paw.
"Yeah, I think so too. This organisation really ought to help fix up this world as it is."
"And you're running the show? Pulling the strings, making the puppets dance?" She practically growled the last words. She leaned forwards. Tyler looked anywhere but at the stretched, faded t-shirt Anje wore.
She shrugged. "I guess. I mean, I'm more or less in the shadows. My brother's the real head of it. It's kind of fun watching him yell out at crowds and rally them up."
"Good, we need people like that. Motivators."
Tyler nodded. "Yeah... But that's a bit boring to talk about don't you think? We aren't in the office. We're on a..."
"Well, I mean..."
"Date." Anje had the fruit in her paws, glistening. She waved it gently.
"Oh. No, thank you." The weasel felt her tail tuck inadvertently. She fiddled with the straps of her blue tank top, making sure they didn't fall from her bony shoulders. Her gaze fell again on the table, into her mostly eaten salad. Cheese crumbs crowded at the bottom of the bowl.
Human-Animal acceptance wasn't the topic she had wanted to talk about over a lunch date. Anje picked up on her discomfort.
"So, you come here often?"
Tyler laughed. Her slick brown braid slipped off her shoulder, rolling lazily at her back. She looked at Anje, letting the smile split across her face like daybreak. They had met, once, long ago. And had rejoined. This time Tyler found her unfaltering gaze was not simple childish admiration. It was something more for the lion five years her senior, something carnal and deep in her. It was like harbouring a pool of warm water in her stomach.
That had been in a rally, supporting Human alliances with the Animals, supporting intermarriage, supporting everything that society seemed to actively oppress. Her brother had dragged her to it. Rather than cheer and holler, however, her eyes had pinned on Anje and stuck there. The proud lioness, her curves, her long curled black hair to match her grey colouring, her waving arms and her booming voice. Tyler turned to mush at the sight.
"Since I first saw you, as a kid. You and Anthony." Anje said, almost mirroring Tyler's thoughts.
Tyler looked up in a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
"When I first met you. The Spring Rally. You know. Your brother, in his nameless dark clothes and his austere gaze. Ah, what a character. He still like that?"
"I guess, more open though."
Anje nodded solemnly.
"And such a beautiful sister."
"I'm sorry?"
"What? Too forward? Should I give you some roses?"
"I--No. I mean, flirting?"
Anje quirked a slim eyebrow. "Sweetie, I didn't invite you to lunch to talk about Anthony. If I wanted to, I would have invited him. No, my interest lies in you. For the time being."
"For the time being." Tyler repeated numbly.
What the hell did that mean?
She almost asked, but Anje's paw crept across the table and landed on hers, giving it a light squeeze. The pads of her paws were rough, but welcoming. They scratched at her knuckles, brushing across them. Tyler's breath trembled.
"Forwards aren't you?"
"It's in my blood to hunt." She flashed a grin, a tooth glittering in the corner of her mouth, beneath dark lips.
"And in mine to be hunted." Though that wasn't true. It felt like the right thing to say.
Anje rested her chin on her free paw, her other one firmly on Tyler's paw, turning it around, fingers lacing, palms brushing gently against one another.
Thrashing. Weird word, Tyler thought. To throw around, legs jerking, the sound of rustling bedsheets, grunts in the darkness. Tyler wanted that, it and all its consequences. Not that she knew them.
Anje must have read her gaze. She stood, letting go of Tyler, and making her way across the small circular table. She brushed past the pink table cloth, rustling it with her hip. Her tail was swaying, in hunt.
She stood behind Tyler, placing a paw on her shoulder, rubbing the softly furred flesh. Tyler leaned back. Her heart felt ready to burst.
"I'm being forwards because I'm terribly impatient."
The past office meetings they had had been everything but calm. The glances, the soft murmurs. Tyler longed to touch Anje, and Anje wanted to devour Tyler. Her eyes said enough. The invitation the previous day, for a simple lunch made casual enough in front of coworkers, had spoken volumes. Tyler chose to wear her best undergarments, which were steadily growing damper the more Anje played with her hair.
Soft paws went through her bread, through each bump, pulling it apart. The tie came loose. The tension at Tyler's scalp released as her braid was unraveled. Anje's paws went through it, her muzzle close to Tyler's perked ear.
Anje walked towards the living room. The carpet was too large for it, its ends curling up the walls. Anje had wanted rustic furniture, low couches and pillows on the ground. It spoke to her old culture, back in a life long, long ago. The curtains were velvet and drawn. The AC was highest in this room. It overrode the sound of the ocean.
Anje sat down on a pillow, beckoning Tyler closer. Tyler sat next to her. She felt Anje's tough, curved legs settle down on either side of her.
"Lean back."
Tyler did.
Anje had her hands on Tyler's tank top straps, fiddling with them. Tyler felt her chest rise and fall, her supple breasts lolling to the sides in gentle curves. Anje had her paws on her shoulder, then her collar bone, tracing the patterns of her fur until she reached the bra. The white lacy kind.
"Picked it out specially."
"For me?"
"For you."
Anje chuckled. Deep. Tyler felt the vibration of it against her neck. Anje played with the soft laces of the bra, touching the edge of the cup.
"You a virgin baby?"
Tyler nodded. "Almost did it once."
"How'd that go."
Anje's fingers went under her bra. "It was with some guy who got too close. I didn't like him but I was so curious. In the end I turned him do--aaaaahh..." She bit her lip, feeling Anje's soft paws pressing against her nipple - which stood erect and hard like a coin. Anje twisted it, ever so slightly, prodding it. Tyler turned her head, burying it in Anje's thigh.
"No, sweetie, just me."
Tyler turned, sitting up and twisting in Anje's lap. Her bra was half off, revealing one of her breasts in its full glory. She placed her paws on either side of Anje's muzzle and leaned forwards to kiss. Anje made a small grunt of pleasure, placing her heavy paws on Tyler's hips, moving her closer. Her broad tongue went over Tyler's mouth, then across her teeth, then into her mouth. Tyler breathed long and deep, rustling Anje's fur at her mouth and nose. Their mouths were warm and hot. Tyler felt like she was exploring a very wet cave, a sharp one too. Anje's teeth bit at her. Never breaking skin but just enough to get her excited. Anje, not breaking the kiss, lifted Tyler up slightly, so that Tyler sat atop, straddling.
The sound of their kissing filled the air, even overpowering the whirring AC. Anje smiled into the kiss, pulling away and gazing at Tyler's lusty, luminescent green eyes. Tyler was in heat, that much was obvious. Anje could use that very well to her advantage.
She lowered her head towards the exposed half of Tyler's chest, placing her tongue against it and rasping upwards. Tyler gasped, her legs spreading further and her neck arching ever so slightly back. Her loose hair swayed behind her. Her scent drifted up, exciting Anje further.
She was quick to undo the rest of Tyler's bra and pry her out of her shirt, kissing her soft belly and ribs and the special place where her rid met in a soft curve. Tyler had a small piercing on her belly button, white diamond. Anje touched it.
Tyler pulled of Anje's shirt and bra, watching the large, grey-furred breaths roll out, falling gently. Large areolae. She attacked them first, kissing, licking, nibbling, moaning softly. Anje began to sigh as well. Any noise would have ruined it.
Before long their shorts and underwear was set aside. Both pairs of underwear spotted and sticky. Tyler sprawled atop Anje, the slope where her legs met caught on Anje's knee. She was kissing across Anje's body.
"Ugh..." Anje murmured. "You really..." She couldn't finish. Tyler's tongue had pressed inside of her folds, up and down, around, into, to the clit, back down. Tyler's tongue danced expertly. It was odd to do it so naturally, but Anje directed her with soft mutterings. Tyler blushed each time she saw a new patch of Anje's skin. She giggled with glee a couple of times, unable to control herself. But now, with her nose full of Anje's scent and her tongue inside, exploring the raspy indoors, not much unlike Anje's mouth.
Soon she felt fingers prodding her own opening, rubbing in soft circles. Then a finger entering her, going in and out, a claw well retracted. Tyler spread her legs further, sitting up and kissing Anje again. Anje's body was warm post orgasm, her gaze hazy.
"My forte."
"You weasel."
"Yes, and?"
Anje moved Tyler, so Tyler was on her hands and knees, her back exposed. Anje went to the slit and licked, her tongue much larger than Tyler's. Her tongue focused on the clit, her fingers inside Tyler. Tyler's tail curled up and over her head, exposing herself as much as possible. Her body trembled with an orgasm as soon as Anje sped up.
Tyler huffed and lowered herself, turning around. A long spot of wetness went down her thighs on either side. Anje lay down next to her, sliding a hand over her stomach, pulling her closer and kissing her ear.
"Damn. For a vanilla act that wasn't too bad."
"It wasn't..." Tyler twisted her lips. "I mean, I guess. But I'm new to this."
"You need some instruction is all."
"Care to provide?"
"Of course. But I demand payment."
"Which would be?" Tyler wanted to argue that giving back was all the payment Anje needed, but she was too tired and warm to do that.
Tyler flushed even more. "I'll see what I can do about that."
Anje nipped at her ear. "Try your best. Our mating rituals are, how do you say... wild."