
Story by Exilo on SoFurry

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An Exi and Nath collaboration

There was something different about this macro, though the wolf didn't notice right away. Of course, when a fifty foot tall anthro comes marching into his city, he didn't always concern himself with details. But things were different; as time passed he noticed those little things. She was clothed for one thing, that was something odd. When macros rampaged, they most often left their clothes neatly folded on the city limits. Their nude bodies swayed rudely in the open, knocking down buildings with swaying organs or hip-checks. The wolf had seen macros stomp slowly through the town, corralling cowering micros into the city squares and dead ends. Then bare flanks slowly dropped and sat down on the poor souls, while huge hands groped for more bodies to masturbate with. This giant bat didn't act like that. Oh, at first she moved with cruelty, stomping each micro under foot slowly and carefully and snarling with each death. She crushed buildings with more vigor than any the wolf had seen, screaming like a banshee all the while. But with the waning hours of the rampage, she seemed to calm down. Now he could understand her booming voice at least. She screamed about "him", whoever he was, and demanded "you" all pay. "You" was micros, the wolf had deduced that much.

He was a soldier. It was his duty to protect the city. If he still had his whole squad, he would have been hoping to kill the macro, but he didn't have his squad, so it was up to him. And what few weapons were still at his disposal. His armory was looking a bit lean. All he had was his side arm, a .45 pistol with a full clip, his olive drab pants, black tank top, and an anti-macro rocket launcher. He was slim, and tall, with brown fur and black paws, muzzle, and ears. His fur was dirty and grimy, his clothes were sticky with drool and macro seed. He could still smell the macro emissions from when the white cream flooded down the street.

Micros did what they could to hide. They usually stayed apart and lived in small villages to pass under the macro's noses. But sometimes, the urge to group and build got the better of them. Perhaps macros were aware of this, when two villages merged to make one bigger one, and then slowly absorbed more into their society. Perhaps they let the micros build and gather and build a metropolis. An appealing alternative to scrounging for the towns of fifty or sixty. This was the fifth attack in a week. A week!

The first three attacks were a tiger, a bulky, even for a macro. He came the first day and...had his fun, and then packed up and left, and the wolf had managed convince himself that maybe that was it. He was wrong of course. The next day, the tiger came back. And the next. For those three days, the town was his playground.

The micros had defense of course: missiles that made the tiger roar and scream in pain and turn tail and rethink his strategy. Oh to see the tiger pushed back, it made the wolf's heart sing. But the defenses were theoretical. They had never actually tried them on a macro. In the end, the muscle and fur was too thick. So a new plan was decided in the lull of the second day's night. They would kill the tiger from the inside. On the third day, after he had his fun and his stomach rumbled and it was the time to scrounge his prey together and feast, some of the soldiers strapped themselves with civilian's clothes and explosives under their shirt. They squirmed and cursed and fled and fought, and the tiger causally gobbled them up whole and alive. For how impenetrable a build he may have had, he was just as soft on the inside as anything else.

And for a day or two, there was peace.

The tiger hadn't died without barricading the city; he had done that the first day to keep the population in. The micros hadn't even begun breaking out of the devastated city before a giant horse came hoofing along, a mare who would have dwarfed the tiger if they stood side by side. By that time, there was maybe two-thirds of the population left. Many, many people were stuffed...places. The lucky ones went into her mouth to be chewed by dull teeth and sent oozing down to her belly. Maybe she had figured what had happened to the tiger by inspecting his corpse; bloodied at the stomach and hips and rear. She knew enough to strip the men and women down before she put them where she wanted them. For her, the most anyone could do was hide and wait for her to grow bored and leave, which she did after a day of fun. She just swept a leg over the makeshift walls the tiger had, and the hoofsteps gradually grew lighter.

This was one of the bigger macro cities, but by the time the bat came stomping along, there were only a fraction left, a hundred people maybe. When they heard the stomping of footsteps they all retreated back to their safe houses and shelters. The bat took her time with stomping and crushing everything that may have been shelter, then stomping the little ones as they streamed out of their crumbling homes.

On the roof of one of the relatively undamaged buildings, he set his RPG down. The bat turned onto the street, ten or so of her steps away. She screamed her banshee scream about "him" again and swung an arm into a building. It crumbling it to dust at her feet. But again, something strange. She didn't bother with squatting down to pick the squirming morsels out and gobble them up. She stopped, staring, chest heaving for breath. She didn't toy with the micros, hovering her foot over one group, waiting for the density to dissipate then swinging over where it was thicker and bringing her foot down. She didn't fall to her hands and knees and toy with the micros. In short: she didn't have fun. Not that the wolf was having second thoughts. He lifted his weapon to his shoulder, prepping for the shot.

If she weren't a fifty foot tall, homicidal monster, he would have called her beautiful. She was wearing tight black shirt and tight black pants that hugged her rather nice shape gently. Her fur was black; save the messy brown hair on her crown the curved around her very large ears. Her eyes were pink and bloodshot, wide as his whole body. Those were his target. Take the eyes, and you take the monster. He followed her movements, learning them, waiting for them. Zen cool. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Aim careful. When she stopped and braced herself against a building to brush some dead and broken bodied from her feet, he squeezed the trigger and fired. The bat's massive ears lifted at the noise of the rocket whizzing through the air. Seeing the tiny projectile and the trail of smoke, she ducked, and instead it just spun wildly into the air. As if the huge trail of smoke weren't enough of a tell tale trail, the wolf loosened a howling "FUCK!" that made the bat's ears twitch.

The bat's pink eyes narrowed, and she stomped along. Reaching the building, which was only as tall as her groin, she pushed her hind quarters back, knocking the building behind her down. She lowered her looming head, licking her lips, perhaps she would finally try tasting a micro.

The inhale of her breath was enough to blow him forward, but he clawed at the ground for balance. He groaned, whining and looking up, only to see the giantess staring at him, soft, pink read eyes locked. "No, no, no."

She stared; her eyes locked on him with a glint of...something. He tried to crawl away. She followed him playfully. She could easily grab him, or smash him, maybe both... But instead, she simply watched. At least until he pulled his pistol, twisted onto his back and fired. It must have felt like a flea biting her nose. She did pull away but smashed her hand down. The wolf rolled to avoid the impact, but the roof caved under the force. The ground opened and he found himself clawing, desperate to somehow survive the fall.

He felt a bit of pressure on his nape, and looking back realized that the bat had pinched the loose skin between two claws. She brought him up to her lips and breathed over him. He cringed, thinking of shooting up her nose, but thought better of it. For now, he holstered his pistol behind his back, and hoped she wouldn't notice. She brought him a bit higher, and those eyes locked. Her other hand came up and she set him on her palm. Still, she looked. He stood and looked down like a child does when facing his mother, just waiting for the final blow. He was caught in the gust of her inhale again, but managed to brace himself.

When she resumed walking, he fell forward into the warm leather of her hand. It took him a minute to realize he wasn't dead. He rolled over to look into the eye. She just stared at him, her huge pink focused. There was a flicker of something, but what? Hate, lust, hunger? It wasn't as if expressions changed on a larger subject. But what was she thinking?

She brought him up again, to her mouth. It was gigantic. It could compensate a bus. "Please don't. Please, just leave us alone. What did we ever do to you? Just let me go. Please."

He knew what he saw in her eyes next.

"Shut up!" she snapped loudly, the scream pushing him onto his rump. "You don't get to be the victim here! None of you!" She closed her hand, so tight the wolf gave a pleading wheeze and pushed against the cushion of her pad, but she didn't yield, and swung her arms, smashing any building that had managed to survive.

She tossed her new pet into her mouth; she wanted both hands to pick apart every building left. The wolf let out a wailing despair scream as the tongue swallowed him up, and he was brought in to a dark, moist cavern. "NO!" he screamed. He reached forward and grabbed one of her long fangs. He clung to that fang as her lips closed and the darkness overtook him, hearing only echoes of her breathing and her pulse. If there was still a resistance, if there was still a city at all, he hadn't a clue. It was hard to breathe; the only air was humid, thick, and foul. Saliva soaked him and drenched him, making his clothes stick and fur matt. He gagged, sobbing lowly. He managed to squirm out of her teeth and press against her lips. "Please," he begged. "Not like this. Anything but this."

She rolled her eyes and opened her muzzle, just enough for him to walk out, holding a paw up for him to hop on to. Instead he simply fell out, dropping onto her leather pad and in a wide pool of her drool.

"Don't be such a pup. I wasn't going to eat you."

The wolf pulled his legs up, whimpering loudly. "W-what do you want from me?" he whimpered. Why didn't she just kill him? Pop him under her thumb or chew him and swallow.

"Want?" she asked. "Not sure." She resumed walking.

The wolf sat down in her hand, coated in her drool. His breathing started to slow and calm down. He shivered in the cool air, and his "altitude". It was so cold. His fur would keep him warm normally, but now it was like being wrapped in a wet blanket. And he was ever aware of looming gaze. What did she want with him? See in him? What?

"What's your name?" she asked.

He swallowed, standing at attention. "Corporal E-exilo."

"You seem cold, E-exilo."

"I'm not cold!" he lied. He couldn't show her weakness. Not like this.

"Alright, Exilo. If you are not cold, why are you shivering?"

"I'm being held by a giant homicidal monster! Should I be calm?"

She grinned, showing off her long fangs. "You've got balls. You think I won't kill you? Was that it? You thought I was weak? You thought he was weak? I could tear you apart... Or maybe crush you into a little spurt of blood. Or even better, swallow you whole and make you go through digestion. And yet, you still stand up to me."

"You'll do that if I cater to your whims or scream and shout. I would rather scream and shout myself."

"So you know little bug?"

He growled. "I know your kind. Arrogant pricks. I know what you will do. Fuck it." He drew his pistol and pushed it under his chin, before squeezing the trigger. There was a wet, soggy click, and nothing. "Fuck, its wet."

That earned a chuckle from his captor.

They were now in the country. The bat made immeasurable strides with no effort, taking him farther and farther from his home and to colder and colder lands. "What did we ever do to you?" he asked. "Why are you doing this?"

She closed her hand suddenly, so fast Exilo felt such a tighter he nearly popped. There was a sharp pressure on his ribs. It felt like his organs were going to come out of his mouth. He gasped and wheezed, and felt her warm, foul breath blow into her closed hand. "You earned it," she said.

She felt the tiny panting, the clawing in her palm. She loosened to let him breath. "We're here," she said. She held her hand out and opened it, letting the screaming wolf fall through the air. Not crushed, or eaten, or used as a sex toy. Just dropped. Impact with the ground would break his every bone. Maybe he would black out...

...Then he hit something soft and furry. He groaned, whining at the fall but somewhat thankful he didn't have such intimacy with the Earth. Instead the ground was fairly kind to him. He looked around, seeing a forest of brown in every direction. Then he was pinched by the nape and brought back up, and dropped in the bat's palm. She growled, blowing the hot breath over him. "Look what you did."

A body, a macro, a wolf. Exilo had landed on the male macro's stomach, a nice soft surface that had spared him death. Most of the face was completely destroyed. The face was just a mess of meat and dried blood, baked in the morning sun, and maybe picked apart by a few scavengers. Large steel ropes tied the macro down, though Exilo didn't see the sense in binding a corpse. Exilo growled in the grip, looking up to the looming face. "What is this?"

"This is what you did. Your kind tied him down in his sleep, and shoved bombs down his throat. He'd never hurt anyone before, and this is what he got for it. You want to know why I crushed your little city? Because you earned it. Every fucking one of you."

Exilo growled, clenching his fists. "So you crush us and go home and feel better about your life!" He stared at her. "How many people did you stomp and grind and eat? How many friends and brothers? killed them all. You just...slaughtered, how many men and women? Children? Husbands and wives? And for what? You throw a hissy fit? Can his soul now rest in peace? We had better stuff to do that tie down some random macro and kill him. We were a business city. We killed the macros who came to kill us. But that didn't stop you. You just killed us anyway. You arrogant piece of shit!"

She growled, but recoiled slightly. "You try losing the only person in the world who doesn't see you as a monster, and then you can preach to me."

Exilo stared. "What? Should I say? Sorry?" He growled, looking at the massive, broken muzzle of the macro. "You killed a lot of innocent people. And you took me. I go back and I'll be tarred and feathered. They'll think I'm your spy and pet. But hey, you're happy, right? You got to indulge your dark fantasies and glide along on an act of vengeance. Feel better now? You're mate has been avenged? So kill me and go home and be happy. Go ahead, end it."

The bat had no idea how to respond. She just stared, fuming and angry, furious in fact, and wanting so bad to crush the little whelp. She settled for dropping him, and again he hit the soft fluffiness of the dead macro's stomach. The bat sat down with a loud thump that made the wolf fall over. Her huge rump sank into the soft earth. Exilo turned to the corpse's edge and started to climb down. He wanted to get away. He wanted to go away and go somewhere. But it was so damn cold he fell forward, shaking painfully. To get back to the city (by grace of god maybe he could convince them he had escaped somehow) he had to pass the bat. He kept his head down, fully waiting for a hand to just crush him like a bug.

Indeed, a hand came down. But not to crush him, to block his way. He looked up to her angrily. Her face was blocked by her other hand. She sniffled loudly.

"Kill me or leave me to die. I don't care which."

"It's not that..." she said. She sucked a deep breath. "How would it sound if I said I was sorry?"

"You don't get to be sorry! You don't get to murder countless people. You don't get to stomp and crush and then feel bad. You haven't earned that right." He fell over again at the cold air. Wet fur in the winter air. Was some higher power playing with him? This just seemed overly cruel.

"I'm sorry... I mean it, I'm sorry... I... I wasn't thinking straight, and..." It just hit her like that. A sudden flood. That little voice that had yelled the whole time made her ears bleed now. "What have I done?" Tears started to moisten her eyes. Her voice dropped low, and with a sort of deadness she asked, "What have I done?"

"YOU KILLED PEOPLE!" he screamed.

Nathlyn smashed her fist into the ground, just an inch from him, so close the sudden gust knocked him down. "And you killed Jeff." She switched around and onto all fours, and bent her head down. "Do you know what it's like? Do you? To lose the only person in the world who's ever cared about you? My parents hate me. My friends hate me. My own kind. But Jeff. Jeff was different." She rose to her knees and swung her hands down, wide of Exilo, but still a hostile gesture. Whatever thoughts of one final stand melted to nothing. He stared at the massive bat, shivering and whimpering pathetically.

She leaned back down to sit on her rump and held her head. "He's dead, and that doesn't justify anything."

Exilo swallowed. He thought to himself, and reached forward. "I am sorry about your mate ma'am."

She looked at him. He was so small, and still wet. She had a few shivers, but her dry fur and size kept the wind at bay. She extended her wing to block the gusts. "Th-thank you. I'm Nathlyn. Y-you can't go back...or they'll kill you?"

Exilo growled under his breath. "Yes. They'll say you brainwashed me, or you threatened me. They'll say I'll destroy the defenses, and they'll kill me. That's the rule. Just kill me. Just pop me under your thumb or something. Please, just kill me."

She stared at him, mouth agape. Her hand shook. Her eyes were wet. She had just killed how many people? And now she didn't have the balls to do it one more time? No, that's what was saddest, she didn't.

"I... I've got a home, not too far. If you don't have any place else to go, I-" she choked on her words. "I have the room."

"Shut up. Don't you dare you fucking monster. Don't you fucking dare."

"You're going to freeze though. And even if you get dry, we're...really...far from one of your settlements. I'm sorry, this is my fault. I swear, I'm so sorry. I just...I'm so sorry. Please...let me help you."

Exilo cringed at the next wind which cut straight through his fur. Just like the tiger. Kill her from the inside. Get in close. He shrugged. "I'll die otherwise. Can you...carry me?" God, why couldn't she just eat him?

She wiped her face off, regaining composure. She retracted her wing, and laid her paw down flat for him to get on. Exilo slowly scooted up to the top of her paw, squatting and grabbing some fur to keep himself stable as she moved. She stood up, him in her palm, and began to walk. "I am a monster," she muttered.

Exilo whimpered, feeling sick by the odd rocking, as well as the hand he was in. He swore he could smell the blood on her. This very hand. How many people had been dashed to pulp by this hand? How many buildings crumbled? This was so wrong. He just wanted it over. His stomach felt like a rock. He lay down, holding himself.

Maybe...maybe he could kill her later. Wait for her to fall asleep and...Do something...anything. Take out her eyes. Cut open her throat. Squirm down her stomach and gut her from the inside.

"Here it is," she said. The house was normal, for a macro at least. Two stories, and a basement. Upstairs; the bedroom. On the ground floor, the living room and a kitchen. The kitchen was her destination. She went in and set her paw down on the counter, giving the wolf a chance to hop down. He didn't hop though, he stumbled a bit. By now, the globs of drool had crystallized into painful shard that weighed him down. Nathlyn pulled a bowl out of the cabinet. She filled the bowl with warm water, and then set it down next to Exilo, who starred a moment, confused. He stifled an annoyed growl and climbed in, then sunk into the water, shivering slightly. The water was warm, and came up to his neck if he sat on the curve of the bowl.

Nathlyn found herself staring.

Exilo growled, and when the ice was out of his fur, he climbed out. His clothes, and his fur, were back to being wet, but that awful stench from inside her mouth was at least not as strong, and the house was warmer than outside. He hadn't bathed that whole week. Actually, it was rather pleasant. She got a paper towel, and tore it until it was more his size. He took it and started drying himself, then rung his clothes free of the wetness.

"She killed them all" he muttered under his breath. "She killed them all, don't be nice. Don't let your guard down." He stuck his head out of the towel. "What now?"

"I...I can get you a bed. And some new clothes. I kinda...have micro clothes. I always wanted to open the house up to some of you."

"Where's your bed?" he asked. Get close, then you can kill her.


"Well, I'm sure it would be big enough for me."

She shook her head. "I don't know, I mean, I could roll on top of you."

He bit back a sarcastic remark. "I'll be fine," he said, trying to sound brave. He was scared shitless, but he needed an opening.

She sighed. "Look... I'm gonna go lay down on the couch... I need to think. Okay?

"Sure. But I can't exactly move around. Would you mind taking me with you?"

She offered her paw once again, and Exilo slowly climbed up. When she closed her other hand over him, he yapped, fearful, but realized she was just keeping him stable as she walked to the couch. She sat down on the right cushion, and put him on the left, again very slow and careful. "Do as you like. I can turn on the tele or something."

"No, it's alright." He sprung up and down on the cushion. Soft and warm, like the house, and her hand. "D -do you want to talk about...that....death?"

"I don't think I'm in a good position to talk about death," she said coldly.

He doubted, if he spent years and years with her, that he would ever get over the size. Just so massive. So large and powerful, and that if she rolled over, indeed she would crush him. "Go ahead, talk. It'll do you good." Get close, then you can kill her.

She looked at him for a second, then buried her face in her paws. "I. I can't believe myself, Exilo. I really can't. I...what have I done? Everything I ever thought, I ever believed in, I betrayed. I know... I have no right to mourn. I shouldn't even be able to cry. I don't deserve it."

Exilo stared. "Fuck," he muttered. He was staring to care. "Look. murdered and you killed..." He swallowed his bile. "And that...that can't ever be changed."

She shook her head. "No, I can't. I can never unhurt those people, or undo that massacre. I've always supported micro rights; I've always been the one to tell the others that they deserve better than to be treated like food and fucking toys. And now, look at me! I'm a fucking monster!"

Exilo swallowed. "Y-you were hurt. You were confused."

"No, that's bullshit. I fucking killed people who did nothing to me! I fucking ended lives, Exilo! Nothing can make up for that, I can never even pretend to have an excuse." She screamed, and stood. The sweep of her massive body took the wolf's breath away. She cupped her hands and smashed the coffee table in front of her down the middle. The shout of her voice made him cringe and stumble back. He groaned loudly. Nathlyn put her mouth over her muzzle. No matter what she did, she hurt him. She just felt awful.

Exilo groaned, sitting up. "Nathlyn?" he asked.


"You can't ever forgive yourself for what you did." He cringed. "And you never should. But...I don't fucking know!"

She sat back down and pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them.

"Are you going to do it again?"

"No, I swear to the gods, I'll never do that again! I will cut open my heart before that."

Exilo shrugged tiny shoulders. "That's an up. Most other macros...well...not like you were the first one to attack a city. Not like you were the first to do it this week."

"I know.. I've.. I've always told the others that they shouldn't. I mean, you're just like me, but I'm big, and your small, is all."

Exilo nodded, swallowing. "Really, really big," he muttered.

"I know you're afraid of me.. And I can't say I blame you. But I promise, I won't hurt you."

"S-sure. T-tell me...about yourself...maybe?"

"I'm sorry, Exilo. I really am. I'm sorry I did all that, and I'm sorry I stole you from your life. I don't want you to be my pet, but I think I've forced you to be it."

Exilo nodded. "It's...It's not alright...I'm not going to lie. It's not alright. But what can I do now? I have nothing."

"I can never make it up to you. I already know that. The most I could ever do is give you some place to stay. You can stay here as long as you want. Or leave right now. And I'll take you wherever you want. Unless you don't want me to come. And you can just leave. Whatever you want to do."

"Where could I go!" he screamed. He bit his tongue and turned away from her massive thigh. Her stomach grumbled. "Oh. Excuse me. I'm so sorry. I'm going to go eat something. Do you want something or should I just leave you alone?"

Exilo didn't move, shaking furiously, stiff bodied.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The walk to the kitchen took far too long, because she kept turning and apologizing to him. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. Off the table she took an apple and crunched the crispiness. She enjoyed the taste, the sourness of the green apple. She was just so happy she hadn't eaten any micros. She doubted she could ever eat again, knowing that her stomach had held the tiny captives. She took another bite, and for a moment recalled the sweet, tastiness of having the wolf on her tongue. How easy it would be to just put him in her mouth and gobble him up. Roll him around. Keep him and every few days suckle him like a piece of candy. She caught herself, and sighed, slumping. "I am a monster."

She walked back into the living room, head held low. Her eyes swept over the cushion and found nothing. "Exilo?" She sighed. "He's gone," she noted. She sat down on the couch. "For the best. I can't blame him. I-I can't." She swallowed, taking another bite of the apple's bitterness.

Beneath the couch, hiding, Exilo gave a groan. He knew how to fall, that was part of training, and he had thought that the rug would be kind enough. He had been wrong, and instead cracked his knee at a painful angle. Nothing broken, but he had to stifle panicked wail and groan, and barely had the strength to crawl to cover.

"I take him away from his home, kill his friends, and I just think he'll want to live with me? Not even because you care about him, is it Nath? No, it's because you want to repent something?" She threw the apple against the wall and smacked her head in a kind of self inflicted punishment. "How could you? How Nath?"

"You have to stand," Exilo said to himself. "It's just a few million steps of blinding pain to reach her door. Slip under the crack and head north. Find something. Find anything. And forget her and everything else."

He stood and took a step towards the back of the couch, biting nearly through his tongue. He took another step. And another. Then he fell and smashed his knee against the floor and gave a howl that nearly tore apart his lungs.

Nathlyn jumped off the couch in a moment. She squatted and tipped the couch, throwing it aside. "Exilo! Oh gods. Please." Very, very carefully she dropped to her knees and gently cupped him in her hands. "Oh gods. Exilo, please. Please be careful."

Tears were in his eyes from the pain, and how weak he could be, screaming out like that.

"Oh gods what happened to your leg? I know you hate me, alright," she said. "And you have every right. And I will never ask you to forgive me for this. For the atrocities that I have done. But please, whatever love you have for yourself, let me help you."

Exilo growled, and nodded slowly.

She gave a happy, tearful nod and hurried to the kitchen. She set him down softly on a towel, and lowered her looming head to look at his leg. "What'd you do? Is that broken?"

"I...tried to jump off...the couch... To escape."

She cringed, ears folding. "Exilo, please, please, understand. I swear, I swear I won't hurt you, and if you want to leave I will let you. I'll give you clothes and food and take you where you like. Please stop, don't use the word escape . I'm...I swear, I'm not keeping you. I swear!"

"It's not broken, I think just a fracture."

"Wait here. I'm going to get some ice. Just wait here please." She turned and went to the freezer, grabbing a single ice cube. She crunched it between her teeth, making it a size more servable to her tiny companion. She placed the small piece near his foot, not wanting to directly touch him for fear of ripping his leg clean off, or crushing him, or just scaring him again. Exilo gathered the soothing coolness and placed it on the burning, swelling skin. "Ah...T-thank you. Thank you so much." His tail stumped the ground.

"Why did you take me, ma'am?"

"I was upset. I wasn't thinking. I was just so alone, and so...I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I just saw you, and...something inside clicked. You were a soldier. You were one of them. One of the ones who murdered Jeff. I wanted to torture you. I wanted to crush you and..." She looked away. "That's a lie. You remind me of Jeff. You're fur and his fur, and your species, and something clicked. And I...I wanted you as a pet."

"Well, you got me. I'm yours."

"No, I don't have a pet, I have a housemate."

"If you can call me that."

"You're not my pet, I know that much. Just a housemate. An equal. I...I'll convert my house. Make tiny stairs and get some furniture and stuff. I got the clothes, like I said. And it'll be alright for you."

Exilo nodded. "So where's the bed room? I wouldn't mind getting some sleep."

"It's upstairs. Let me take you please? But be careful.. I don't want to hurt your leg even worse." She laid her palm out again. Exilo looked over the wound. Still swelling under the fur, but the cold ice helped with the flaming joint. He carried his ice cube to her and climbed up, then sat down in the center. Nathlyn carefully rose. Again, she covered her hand with her other hand and went up the creaking stairs to the bedroom. The ride was rather calm and level, due to Nathlyn gentle efforts. He panted a bit, but leaned back and used her thumb as a head rest.

Reaching the room, she opened her hand. " it is. We've got plenty of room."

"My god. It's huge!"

"When you have wings like mine you need room to stretch. Sometimes I feel like sleeping on that," she said, pointing a paw at the bar on the ceiling.

Exilo chuckled a bit. "So, you're going to change out of those clothes?"

"Well, I usually sleep naked, but since I have a guess here, I figured I could just sleep in them."

"No, it's alright." He eyed over her body. "It's alright. I wouldn't mind." He swallowed. "I really wouldn't."

Under her facial fur, Nathlyn blushed like fire. "You sure?"

"S-see...I'll...take mine off." He slowly took off his shirt, pulling it over his head, then unbuckled his pants. He paused a bit, realizing what he was doing. He could rationalize a lot of what he did up to now. Everything he did could just be a ruse to get in close so he could kill her. But what reason would he have for seeing the bat nude? Well, there were reasons, but they didn't involve executing her.

She smiled. "You know, it takes some level of trust to strip down nude like that. Thank you, Exilo." As she put her paws on the bottom of her shirt, and slowly started to roll it up, he found himself staring again. Her nice, trim stomach, then her chest. Her breasts were perfect. Not huge, but nice and perfect little spheres of fat and warm, silky fur. He noted she wasn't wearing a bra, and blushed rather hard at the cute pink nipples. Nathlyn actually felt a built giddy at the peeping macro. Her hand's drifted to the buckle of her pants and she paused a moment. He had trusted her, so much; she could trust him this tiny amount. She unbuckled and unzipped her pants, and dropped them down to her ankles, showing her crotch, but quickly put her hands in front.

"I....Uh...Well...this is why I stay away from other macros." She lifted her hand, and showed the swinging penis hanging down. It was huge, bigger than his whole body, with two furry orbs hanging just behind it. "Do you see now? Do you get it? I am a monster."

"You're a monster for killing all those people," Exilo said. "But that...that just makes you something special."

She drew blood when she bit her lip. Turning and stepping back, she sat down on the bed. Exilo stared at her a bit. She wasn't crying, but there were little crystals in the corner of her eye, and her ears were bent in a sad stance. Exilo hobbled along the bouncy springs and approached her thigh. His leg still hurt, but the blinding pain had settled with the ice, though the ice was now melted to water that stained the mattress. He reached her leg and stretched his paw and sifted through the thick fur.

Nathlyn gave a light giggle. "You like my thigh?"

Exilo just sifted through the warmth. Now he could smell it, with her pants off, the scent of man. His tail wagged in wide arcs.

"You should rest. You've been through a lot today," Nathlyn said.

"O-of course," he said, recoiling. "Maybe you should take a shower." He shivered. "There's probably still people on your feet."

Nathlyn's ears drooped. "No, they... There isn't. But that would be good. I'll leave you alone. No problem at all. Are you alright?"

Exilo felt sick but tried to give a weak nod. He lay down, and curled into a tight ball, holding his stomach.


He closed his eyes, back to her. He didn't notice her footsteps as she left, but he heard the water run in the bathroom. "Why can't she just be a monster?" he asked. He could deal with monsters, he could kill a monster. But she wasn't a monster.

In the bathroom Nathlyn shivered at the touch of the warm water in her fur. She controlled her breathing and her quivering, and washed herself. Bracing herself on the shower's wall, she lifted her foot and held the sole under the water. Sticky crimson crust oozed off the tingling pad and mixed with the water on the shower floor. Then down the drain and to oblivion. She scrubbed her fur, getting the bits of shrapnel and bullets and soot from that city's defenses, and her knuckles the bits of building that still clung between her fingers. She rinsed her mouth with water and tried to forget how good the wolf tasted on her tongue. She used soaps and creams to get the stench of the city off, and washed every inch of her until she was sure even a wolf's keen nose wouldn't smell it. She used the hair dryer to blow away the saturation, and tied a towel around her middle before going back into the bedroom.

Exilo hadn't moved, but her sharp ears heard his breathing, and she knew he was awake. "Did my shower keep you up?"

"No, just been thinking."

"I have too."

Exilo rolled over and looked up to her. He was still nude, and she could see the pink of his erection poking half way out of his sheath. "What makes you different? Why do you feel bad for killing bugs?"

"Because those bugs have lives. You're not a bug. That's so obvious."

"It's just...I've never known a macro to care. But you do. And that' could just crush a city if you passed by it. But you feel bad about it."

"Of course I care, but that doesn't excuse me from what I've done."

"It's just...there are so many who don't care. Who don't feel anything. And it means something that you do. It means something very important."

"I mean it when I say I will never hurt you, you know."

"If only I could promise that to myself," he said with a chuckle. He stroked his leg.

"Is that feeling any better?"


She smiled as he called her by that name. "I'm glad to hear that. I was thinking too. I was thinking about what I did today."

Exilo pulled his knees up to his chest. "What's done is done...God that sounds like I'm spitting on every life taken...but...we're micros. It happens with us. We accept it and move on."

She shifted around to a better position, laying on the bed and resting her head on the pillow so she was looking at the wolf. "I know your micro, but... I just think you guys need more respect from the world, or something."

He slowly moved closer."From really means...a lot to me." He reached her lip and stretched a hand, and traced over the curve of moist skin. Nathlyn allowed the touch, or at least didn't recoil at it. Her lips were smooth and soft and a bit wet, even after drying. "Whenever I hear about a city that got smashed, I wish I was there. I wish I could have been there and fought off whoever did it. I wish there had been someone to fight off me."

When Nathlyn talked, the warm breath of her words came flooding over Exilo's body. When the lips had closed again, he slowly pushed his muzzle to the top curve and gave it a little lick. This time she recoiled and held her hands over her mouth in shock. Exilo's ears turned hot in embarrassment.

"You.. You're not afraid of me..?"

"I'm terrified of you," he said sadly. "But you won't hurt me."

"No, I won't." She smiled. "I would kiss you back, but I'm not sure how that would end." She lowered back down, resting her head on her folded arms in front of her, her nose just level with his face. She exhaled a warm, playful breath, and he returned the gesture with a nice lick. "I've never been this close to a macro, at least when the view wasn't under their foot. And I've never known you. It must be interesting."

She smiled. "Jeff...always said it was. He said how amazing I was."

"Nathlyn, would you please roll onto your back?"

She was confused by the request, but did slowly, head turned to the side to look at him, but he had disappeared. He walked along her chest and ribs and when he reached her stomach, he used the fur to grip and climb along to her top. "Exilo? What are you doing?"

The brown wolf swallowed. He sat down a little before her navel and stared at the breath taking horizon of her body. Then forward, hobbling towards her plump breast. He pushed his muzzle to the warm fur and gave it a little sniff, nearly falling over from the intoxicating scent Thoughts and fears melted at the warming aroma. Sense soon followed. Wanted to feel her, to smell her, to kiss and lick every inch of her body. She murmured a bit. He moved between the two furry mountains, to the cleft, and started with her left one from there. Spreading his arms, he gave it a little hug and a long lick, running his tongue through the tasty ebony fur. Her nipples started to harden at the tenderness of his touch. "Exilo...You...go ahead..." Her words of encouragement all he needed. He climbed up to the top of the fleshy orb and moved to the nipple. He gave it a little kiss, a tender nibble, then went further to close his muzzle around the very tip. Her moans vibrated under his feet. He pulled off, dragging his teeth, and then only kissed the very tip. She heaved suddenly, her breasts flying about. He lost his balance as she shook and giggled, and fell back into the cleft. He stood wobbly, the pain in his leg making itself known, but not hindering, and turned to the other breast.

The climb was harder this time. He was weaker, and the scents toyed with him. "Could you help me up?" he asked, stretching his arms to indicate the very top.

"Oh, sure." She used her finger to nudge him up her breast. Large, sharp ears heard the groan of pleasure as the glorious fur, heat, and tenderness brushed every inch of his. She moved slower along the upper curve, and then let him sink back down. Up and down, up and down. The tingles his body sent through her was...amazing.

Nathlyn looked down at her crotch, now covered by the blanket, but there was a visible poking in the tight sheets. Her member had started to stretch out of her sheath, but wasn't even halfway yet. Why was she so turned on by this? Why was she enjoying this so much.. Why was she so happy that Exilo was here with her?

One of the times he was at the tip of her breast, he wrapped his arms around her tit and hugged it gently. She stopped dragging him, and just let him hug.

"That feels really good, Exilo.."

There was nothing wrong in her appearance. She, even humongous, was still beautiful. And the crimes she committed, God forgive him but he understood. Death was a part of a micro's life. Her sympathy didn't absolve her crime, but she was genuinely sorry. He hugged her breast, and dragged his tongue in a long circle around the nipple. God forgive him but he wanted this.

"Do you like that?" she asked.

He looked to her, blushing crimson under his facial fur. "Yes..."

She smiled warmly. "Me too. Please don't stop."

Tail wagging at the encouragement, he chewed a bit, letting her feel the tingle of his teeth on her nerves.

"I've...never been with a micro like this. I don't know what else we could do...anything I can think of could be dangerous." There was a hunger on her tongue, but did she dare ask? "Exilo, I know that you're scared of me. And you have every right. But...I would like to taste you again. Is that alright?"

He was taken back a bit, and yet some part of him was eager to return to that warmth.

"Promise not to swallow me? Or if you do, to bring me right back up?"

She smiled, realizing it was a joke. "Yes. Unless the squirming in my belly is too wonderful. Can you move up here a little, please?"

Slowly, he hobbled over, down her breast, and over to her collar bone. He reached her lips, the same ones that had closed around him and trapped him inside, and the same he had kissed so gently. Her lips puckered and pushed towards him, giving him a soft kiss on the face. Then they opened. Her tongue rolled out as a fleshy ramp up into the warm, dark, slimy cavern. On all fours he hoisted himself up, then half fell, half jumped inside. Her tongue moved like a hungry snake. It reacted to his pressure and the tickle of his fur by retracting past her teeth. He slid along the slickness, moaning as his underside was rubbed. His feet kicked a bit outside her lips, and he felt her pinch them, before dragging her tongue slowly back and forth over him. His moans echoed against her teeth and cheeks, and the raspy air that surged up her throat hit him in the face. Still, he enjoyed it. There was something so warm and sensual about this. He spread his arms and hugged her tongue, and licked it back.

Nathlyn tilted her head back at the weight in her eyes. Tears. She had done such crimes and this micro was still so kind. Her free hand drifted under the covers and to her bare groin, and stroked her growing heat carefully. She pulled him out, letting her lips drag over his whole body until he was afforded a breath of fresh air. Upside down, he stared at her, and smiled. "My fur is wet again," he laughed. She puckered her lips wetly, kissing him again, before dropping him.

"Wouldn't want to scare you, but I think you taste good." She ran her tongue over his face, chest and groin, taking special care of the last part. She didn't know what else to say. She didn't even know what to think. She'd taken this poor little thing away from his family, his friends, his life, and now she was aroused by trapping him in her mouth? She wanted to feel him squirm down her throat and fill her belly, and that horrified her.

Perhaps sensing her worry, he said, "It's alright, I...I trust you."

"I-I'll never do that." Under her fur, she was burning up. She kicked the sheets off her lower body. Her body spasmed, and Exilo fell forward, bracing himself on her chin.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Sorry. Yeah, I'm fine. Just don't know what to think about myself. Look at me."

Exilo frowned, ears bent. "Yeah, not sure either." He sat down and curled up under her neck at a safe spot in the fur.

"I'm not hating it at all. In fact it's amazing. But I just feel like I'm somehow forcing you into this. Coercing you with fear I don't even want to cause."

"I'm scared. I won't lie and say I'm not. I'm terrified. But...I-I..."

She stroked him with a finger. "I want it too."

"Then would you mind putting me a bit lower?"

She panted suddenly. "I...I would love to." Softly, her two fingers pinched his nape and carried him a bit above her navel. The smell, this close, hit him like a freight train. Exilo howled with delight and started running towards her crotch as fast as his hurt leg would take him. He hit her sheath and wrapped his arms around it, hugging it, licking it, kissing it, taking in the scent of male. She gasped at the contact. His nuzzles and licks sent lightning up and down her body. Her member continued to rise and grow; each new inch sent a stronger wave over the small wolf's senses.

Exilo rubbed his whole body against the warmth, and though he was fully erect and burning for release, she seemed to be only a bit more than half way. She needed help, and he wanted to help her. He moved down her crotch, sifting through her thick pubic fur and towards the base of her groin. He lowered himself slowly, mindful of the fall, and landed just at her flanks. Then, he moved forward.

"Exilo?" Nathlyn whined, missing the cuddling. Her hand just wasn't the same.

On all fours, he crawled and squirmed under her, and between the tight, squeezing flanks. It was tight, and he tried pushing against the fat and fur to get deeper. Suddenly her legs spread out in a graceful split to give the brown wolf more access to her tailhole. The shower had done well to remove the foul odors, but the musk of male was still strong as ever. He felt weak. He couldn't stand, but rose on his knees and stretched a hand forward to touch the quivering pucker that was now just above him. Muscles squirmed hungrily. Exilo brought his hand up and started rubbing the tender skin, smiling at the kind shivers it sent through her.

"Oh Exilo," she said, teary eyed. "Do you want to...come inside me?"

His eyes widened. Above him, the pucker opened and closed hungrily. He stared, shocked, unsure, even scared. But...

"'s alright if no. I understand." Nathlyn sat up to retrieve him. But when she felt his tiny hands sink into her, she gasped, her fur standing on end and she fell back. Her mind raced, and her lips opened. Oh gods, she thought. That wonderful micro is going to do it.

She sucked in, tightening her abs and her anus opened wide. Exilo took this chance to push up, on his toes, and the rump closed on his elbows. His rear paws scrabbled for purchase on the mattress, but her anus sucked again, and his muzzle brushed the tender skin of her hole. The overwhelming scent of male hit him right in the face, paralyzing him. He turned his head to the side to avoid direct contact with her musk and took a deep breath. Looking back, her tight cavern suddenly swallowed him more, and his head sunk into her, then his chest up to his stomach. The gripping walls squeezed and smashed and ground him, muffling his howls and moans.

It was wonderful.

He had never felt such amazing stimulation. Another mate would just tickle and tenderize him, but this was on another level. He could hear everything; her blood flow, her heartbeat. All he could smell was the musky smell of her insides, and though he could barely breath, his struggles weren't to escape. He wanted to go deeper, but his toes caught on the black rim of her rump.

"Push me deeper!" he shouted. He squirmed and kicked. "Deeper!"

Her sensitive ears actually managed to hear the tiny squeak. How could something, no someone, that small feel this good? She pressed a finger to his feet and slowly inserted him into her rear. She sucked deeper, holding her breath, and then exhaling with a low whine.

Muscles clenched at his heels and swallowed him up. His hands moved to his aching penis and started stroking, trying to relieve himself. Oh to do it in here. His other hand and feet and tongue worked the walls that gripped and squeezed him. Nathlyn squirmed and moved around. Both her hands stroked her heat furiously. Her anus clenched like mad, squeezing her little helper deeper. Exilo hit his head on something soft and slimy.

"Oh gods," she moaned. He found her sweet spot. "Gods Exilo. Thank you. Thank you so much. Gods it's amazing."

Blind and barely able to breathe, he pushed his tongue and licked with enthusiasm. By her shakes, she must have loved it. And that made him smile, that somehow he could pleasure a giantess like this. It felt like lightning struck. In one squeeze of her anus, one tightness he had never felt before, his tail stiffened and his muscles locked and he spurted globs of white cream into the tight cavern. His howl was muffled and the squeezing pushed his last breath out.

It wouldn't seem possible, but she felt it. She felt the tiny dribble of his seed tickling her insides. Rubbing her hands to her tip, a torrent of her own seed spilled out and splashed up to her belly. She locked, every muscle in her body going rigid, her anus clench so hard she feared her little helper would just pop. Falling back to the bed and resting her head on the pillow, she lay there, panting, as she felt herself loosen up.


She felt a weak clawing, so he wasn't dead. "Exilo! Hang on. Oh gods. Oh gods." She felt him push and squirm in a way that could have been playful, but she knew. Somehow she knew he was in danger and she had to get him out. She squeezed and held her breath. She focused and tried to squeeze him towards her exit. She pushed and spread her legs wide to make the tight opening easier to reach. What was wrong with her? How could she let him do this? How could she be so stupid? She could feel him claw and scratch inside her, and it sent little pains through her hips. But it was so relieving, because as long as she felt him clawing, she knew he was alive. She stuck a finger inside her, hoping beyond hope that he would grab on. "Please Exilo. Please, please, please."

The furry bulk of her finger managed to crack enough light that Exilo knew he was squirming in the right direction. He brushed the finger with his rear paw, but his feet couldn't get a grip on the nail. He pushed against it. Now it was blocking his escape. Perhaps Nathlyn understood, because she slowly pulled her finger out, as if guiding him to her exit. Then, finally, she felt his tiny feet kick and squirm out of her puckered hole. She pinched them and pulled. The last thing she wanted was his neck to snap on her rim, but the thought of smothering him. It was agonizing work, tears were fresh in her eyes, and more than once she panicked when his squirming stopped. Finally, it seemed like after an eternity, he was dangling, face level with her pucker. The warm cavern sealed behind him as his muzzle was lifted away and fresh air filled his lungs. He wheezed, hanging there, nearly dead.

"Ex-- Oh my gods, EXILO!" She leaned forward and placed him in her paw. "Please gods, give me a sign. Show me you're alive. Please." Through the tear filled eyes, she saw his bushy tail flick and thump her palm. "Exilo!" His tiny lungs filled in and out with air. He opened his eyes slowly, head rolling to look at her. His eyes ached, along with every other part of him, and his leg felt like it was on fire.

"Nathlyn," he wheezed, sitting up.

"Oh gods Exilo. Thank you. Thank you, I'm so happy you're alive."

He cringed, whining loudly. "Can you bite off my leg? It really hurts?"

Nathlyn gave a low chuckle, praying that that was a joke. "Other than that, are you alright?"

He tried to laugh. "I could use a bath."

"Of course, of course. You can soak and clean up. Of course." She ran for the bathroom, her voice constantly telling him everything was alright and he would be fine and she would take care of him. Upon reaching the bathroom, she looked from the sink to the tub. "Uh, Exilo, would you like a lake or an ocean?"

He smiled again, this time a bit easier. "The ocean would be fine. You'll be in it with me, right? I might drown otherwise."

"Of course." Nathlyn walked to the bath and placed him on the inside rim, before swinging a leg over and stepping inside, giving Exilo an...amazing view, if only for a moment.

"I, uh, aside from the ending, I really did enjoy that. Thank you Exilo. Thank you so much."

Exilo nodded, sitting down. "Next time you want to do it, I think feet first."

She turned the water off, frowning, wondering how his time had been? How good could it be? Shoved up a macro's ass? And he had nearly died!

The ‘ocean' was ready, and she sat down. Her mass displaced the water, and a sudden flood overtook the inside rim. Exilo yapped in fear, only to feel a tender finger on his belly. He hugged her nail. Very gently she brought him up to her lips and gave him a little kiss, before putting him in the water at her feet. Putting her feet vertical, he could just sit between her big and middle toe, but still soak in the soothing heat. His aching body suddenly felt like jelly. He slipped a bit more into the water with a plop and floated nicely.

She smiled. "Cute little wolf." She leaned forward and put a hand into the water, giving him a tiny wave to ride. He floated, gradually approaching her groin, which made her eyes wide and bite her lip a little afraid. When he dunked under the water and swam down to her sheath, she gasped. When he gave it one final kiss, she yapped and tears filled her eyes again. Then there were tiny footsteps. They didn't stop until Exilo was safe between her two marvelous breasts. He lay down on in the warm, wet, sweet smelling fur.

"Nathlyn," he said, looking up to her face.

"Yes Exilo?" she asked,

He put his head back and closed his eyes. "I enjoyed that too."