Ch. 1 - Tony

Story by Kisa on SoFurry

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#1 of All Hallow's Boarding School

"Hey, mom, do you know where my socks are?" Tony Allen shouted through his bedroom door. Today was the day of a brand new day of school at this prestigious all boys boarding school on the other side of Oregon, and he wanted to make sure he had everything he needs is with him. "Oh, never mind mom, I've found them," Tone's strong jaguar paws griped the argyle printed knee highs and stuffed them in his leather suit case, and sighed happily, glad that everything is packed and ready to go.

Tony stuck a rolled up porno mag filled with pictures of hot, muscular furry men in very provocative possesses in the back pocket of his fitted jeans, and picked up his two suit cases, ready to go to his new school. As he walked down the stairs he heard his two parents arguing, Tony's dad was the one who came up with the idea of sending him to a boarding school as a way to combat Tony's half gay side, and his mom was pleading with his dad to change his mind about sending Tony to boarding school. The dark furred jaguar scoffed to himself, Tony couldn't wait to go to school, there wouldn't be any girls to play with, but there was bound to be a lot of hot teenage boys ripe for the picking. And that sent his blood boiling. Tony immediately sauntered into the dinning room, where his parents were bickering

"You son of a bitch, cunt b.... Oh, hello Tony." Tony's mother was right in the middle of cussing his father, but as soon as she noticed Tony had entered the room, she turned into her usual sweet self and elbowed her husband, hoping that he would take that as a hint to at least be civil. The teenaged Jaguar's golden eyes meet his two parent Jaguar's identical eyes, with a smile. "Oh, no need to stop what you were doing on my account mom... What was it that you were calling my dad?" Tony looked at his 40 something father with sarcastic eyes, "that he was a ‘son of a bitch, cunt bag?' That's a bit harsh mother."

Mr. Allen's (that's Tony's dad) face turned a furious shade of deep red, and he clinched his face like he was about to sock him one good. "No, dear, that's enough," Mrs. Allen pleaded in terrified voice as she griped a hold of her hubby's arm, pulling him back, it seemed to work and Tony's dad calmed down. Tony still continued to shoot awkward looks at his dad and wondered what ever caused his loving and beautiful mother to marry such a bore of a man, but alas now was no time to worry about such things, he has a reputation to maintain. "Well, I think we've stood around for far too long. What do ya say? Ready to drive me to my new home, now?" Tony asked in a chipper sort of way, and traced a finger around his favorite spot that took up most of the space on the back of his left hand. Tony's dad looked him over with disgusted eyes, "you better believe it, Tone. Let's go." And with that, all three of them set off for their red and black, 1961 VW microbus that sat in the Allen's driveway.

Tony climbed into the back rows of seats in the microbus, and nodded off into sleep while his dad drove and his mom bickered. He couldn't wait to get to school, the thought of all those new, hot young men sent him on edge, Tony was next to giddy, but still somehow managed to fall asleep, he'd rather sleep than listen to his dad's voice grumble on and on during this six hour car ride.


"Hey, wake up, puss bag!" Tony's radiantly golden eyes awoke to see Mr. Allen's ugly impaired face, glowering down on him.

"'Ello, pops. We there yet?" The younger and more attractive jaguar, shot back sarcastically to his dad as he unlatched his seat belt and sat up. Tony ignored his dad and glanced out of the VW's window, apparently showing extreme fascination to the school's parking lot. "So, this is the famous ‘All Hallows School' I've heard so much about..." Tony scooted to the other side of the car, away from the constipated looking Senior Allen, "I haven't seen much of it yet, but if the school's anything like this parking lot, here, I'm sure All Hallows will be just tip-top and all that cheerio." Little Allen Jr. smiled happily to himself, feeling elated that he will actually have some time away from his dad, and opened the car's door and stepped out into the fresh mid-summer's day, the feeling slowly began to come back to his handsome legs.

"Alright, Tony Allen! I've had just about enough of this!" Mr. Allen slammed the car door and bounded over the other side of the car and grabbed Tony by the scruff of the neck. "I paid a lot of money and time for you to be able to go to this school. And I'm not going to have you waste one second of it. You hear me?! Not one second! The Head Master is having the all new students meet in the cafeteria, and that's where you're off to now." Dearest daddy Allen pushed Tony towards the direction of the school's entrance. "You're mother will see you off, I'll wait in the car for her to get back. Goodbye, Tony and don't do anything stupid."

"Ok, pops, whatever you say." Tony chimed up and waited for his mom to get out of the car. He heard a light slam of the passenger's door and knew it was his mother, the adolescent turned to the side and glance at his mother, who holding his two suitcases. "Come on mom, you can help me find my way." Tony and his mother, Dahlia Allen walked side by side down the massive parking lot filled with nice looking cars, and he could here the soft sniffle of his mother's tears. That sound nearly torn him up, but he didn't let that show, he knew if he got emotional also, they both would become two geysers of sadness.

Tony placed a sincere hand on his mother's shoulder and looked sad, angelic eyes. "It's ok mom. We all know how dad is, I can handle him. I just wished that you didn't have to." The son must have struck a cord, because tears were now rolling down the side of her elegant, jaguar face. They still continued their slow march to the entrance of the school, and in what seemed like forever the mother and son finally found themselves being greeted my what looked like the student body president.

The greeter looked at them both and said: "I'm sorry, but family isn't allowed past this area. You can stay here for as long as you like, but the Headmaster will be starting the orientation soon. He's just inside this door." The Abercrombie attired, squirrel blankly nodded at the ornate entry way door and walked away to greet some other new-comer.

Dahlia grumbled at the man that just left, "cold-hearted bastard."

"I know mom." Tony answered and gave his mom a tight hug. "You take care, ok?" He slowly pulled away from his mom; a slight misting of tears glimmered in his golden eyes. Tony always cared deeply for his mother, and anyone who had something stupid to say about that will get their face beaten in, complimentary of Tony's spotted fist.

"I will son. I just hope you enjoy your time here." Dahlia answered back, trying to choke back her tears. "I should go, your orientation will be starting soon. I'll see you on Spring break, don't forget to write." And with that Tony's mom handed him is luggage and quickly walked back to her car, apparently too sad to stay another second.

Tony took the luggage and pushed through the small crown into the school's doorway. He was glad that it was air conditioned and well lit, while his eyes adjusted to the light he saw a sign that reads: "Orientation for New Students: Here," outside of what he guessed was the cafeteria.

The young jaguar walked in, his long tail swishing to the rhythm of his step and set in an empty table by himself. He wanted to take the time here to people watch, trying to decide which prey of love to go after. Tony's golden eyes darted this way and that like a child in a candy store, so many hot treats of goodness and so little time. He was beside himself in pleasure. But, he didn't have much time to do his scoping, for just a few minutes after Tony sat down the Head Master walked on "stage."

"Hello and welcome new students of All Hallow's School." The Head Master welcomed in a warm and friendly voice and Tony immediately cocked his head to one side and gave the Head Master his full attention. The Head Master looked weird, he was some sort of deer, but he couldn't make out exactly WHAT kind of deer he was. He had all the normal features of a deer, yes. But his fur was way darker than normal, and he had VAMPIRE FANGS sticking out of the front of his mouth. Granted he was hot, you could even make out a six pack underneath this mid twenty's pant suit, but what was he?

The master continued, apparently used to the odd looks he sometimes gets. "As I'm sure some of you are wondering what kind of deer I am. I am a some-what rare kind of breed called a musk deer, "vampire" fangs is apart of the breed, nothing sinister I assure you." He smile and flashed a charming smile. "My name is Head Master Moth; students here address me as Master Moth, Moth or Head Master, whichever is fine. We have the dorm list printed and ready to go, it is posted on the bulletin board just behind me; you will find your room number and room mate posted in alphabetical order on the list. A prefect is posted just outside of this room to show you to the dorm wing." Moth stopped and took a breath, while scanning the new faces of the arrivals.

"Oh, and just so you know. In this school we wear uniforms." A low groan of disappointment echoed in the spacious cafeteria, but Moth continued, unflustered. "I know most of you are against uniforms, but I went out of my way to find to most stylish uniform my students and I believe that I have. You already gave us your sizes when you've filled out the form, and we took the liberty to make up your new wardrobe and they will be delivered to your dorms tomorrow morning." Master Moth stopped and checked his watch; it read 11:30 a.m.

"I believe I have taken up enough of you time, again the dorm list is posted behind me and curfew is at 8 p.m." He turned to go, and then stopped in mid-stride. "Oh, and all new students will report to General Studies class at noon in room 115b, no matter your age or rank all new students will have General Studies with Mr. Brown first thing in the school morning. After your class with him today, lunch will be served and you are free to do whatever you like until 8, were you have to be in your dorm. Everyone's dismissed."

Moth and a few random teachers left the room, and the hundreds of boys that sat at the lunch tables got up and rushed to list posted on the bulletin board. Tony sat at his booth and waited for the crowd to die down; once it looked manageable he got up and pushed himself through the fifteen people that still waited to read the dorm list.

Tony ran his furry index finger down the list and came to his name, which was twentieth on the list. "Let's see... ‘Allen, Tony & Whites, Bones â€" Room 13,' Well, I get my favorite number at least," he mused and walked out of the cafeteria with his luggage in tow and looked for this said "prefect" to show him to his room.

As the doors to the cafeteria swung closed he noticed a well-to-do dragon walking down the staircase on the right side of the romantically red painted halls.

"Excuse me, are you a prefect?" Tony asked.

"Yes am I. You new? I'll show you to the dorms." The bored looking dragon answered back, "Follow me."

Tony followed right behind him, and in a few minutes walk they were outside a rich, mahogany door with the sign "Dorms" hanging over it. "This is it." The older boy said, and walked off. "Well, how rude," Tony thought and opened the double doors in front of him, revealing a hall of doors with a handsome shade of brunt-yellow shading the walls.

"Hmmm, which one of you is room 13?" Tony spoke a loud. "Hmm... 1...2...5. Ah, here's 13." The fit young jaguar bounced in his step and opened the door. To his surprise the dorm wasn't as small as he thought it would be, it was small yes, but it wasn't the size of his closet, which is what he pictured it being like. There were two single beds on either side of the room, one for him and one for his roommate. On the foot of the two beds was a drawer that also doubled as a writing desk, accompanied with a stool and one small window over looking the school's park just outside.

As he laid his things on his bed, just about to unpack he heard the opening and the closing of the door behind him. "Ah, you must be Tony, my roommate," a lushly handsome behind called out and Tony turned around to see a wolf in just an open leather jacket and black leather bell-bottoms. Normally that is a weird combo, but for this wolf it looked dazzling.

"Yeah, I'm Tony. You Bones?" Tony walked from his bed and stuck out his hand in an attempt to shake this wolf's hand.

"Yeah, you got that right. Don't know why on earth my parents named me that, but yeah, I'm Bones." Bones shook Tony's hand and lugged his one suit case on the other unoccupied bed and turned to look back at Tony with a devious grin on his face.

"Something funny, Bones?" Tony scoffed at his friend's sudden change of demeanor.

"Well, it is only 11:35 and class doesn't start in another good 25 minutes, during my walk up here I was racking my brain on what I could possibly do to kill the time. But know seeing as my roommate is a well muscled and all around good looking guy, I think I've found my solution." Bone's smiling, flashing his pearly whites and looking Tony down with hot, lustful eyes.

The jaguar laughed, "Wow, I didn't expect that I would be getting hit on so soon. But, ok. I'll bite, what do you have in mind?" Tony asked seductively, taking a few slow steps towards the wolf, and running a finger down the side of Bones's shoulder, letting him know that he never passes up a chance to have no strings attached sex with a physically attractive person.

Bones took a few steps closer as well, now both of their clothes lightly brushed each other as Bones continued to look Tony over with intent eyes.

"Well, we don't have much time to do anything too exciting, just a little fooling around, I should say." The wolf giggled and lightly nipped at Tony's golden ear.

Ear biting was always a major weakness of Tony's and as soon as he felt the light caress of the other man's teeth and breathe, the jaguar's face immediately lit up with a bright red and he wrapped his arms around the wolf warmly, inviting him to do his worst on him. The wolf giggled in his ear, and ran his fingers through Tony's light colored maw, massaging him gently.

"I see you like that, a lot." Bones commented devilishly and trailed soft, slow kisses down Tony's neck to his pelvic bone and lingered there.

"You're such a tease, Bones." Tony half laughed, half panted in baited breathe, feeling the front of his pants tighten with the pressure of his now erect cock.

Bones stopped kissing Tony's hip bone long enough to tilt his head upwards... "I try to be a tease; it's more fun that way." The wolf began to nibble lightly on Tony's flesh right above the pants low hem line and rubbed the jaguar's inner thigh with his hands. Tony closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip, hoping to hell that Bones would stop his teasing and release him from this torment.

Goosebumps began to rise underneath Tony's elegant fur as he felt the light pulling on the front of his pants. The jaguar looked down and saw the dark head of the wolf nipping at the button of Tony's blue jeans with his teeth, slowly undoing the front of his pants. One trembling hand rested on the top of the wolf's head and lightly raked his short talons in the mess of dark gray hair. "Oh, god." Tony whispered to himself, Bones had no pulled the button from it's confines as was now tedious pulling down the zipper as slow as he could, enjoying every second. The jaguar was now thanking god that he had neglected to put on underwear this morning, if he had done that Bones would take his time removing that as well.

Before Bones pulled the zipper half way down, Tony's big erect shaft had popped out his pants and nearly hit the wolf in the face.

"Easy, tiger." Bones cooed while his hands begin to lightly wrap around and rub Tony's member, still being intent on teasing him for just a few seconds more.

Tony groaned loudly to the wolf's touch, the sheer lust for this Bones built up so strong that he thought he would lose control of himself and any time. But he took a few deep breathes to get a hold of himself, and it's a good thing Tony did, for right after the jaguar felt the hot, moist mouth of the wolf encircle the tip of his penis, Bones's tongue running luxuriously under the "bell end."

The jaguar's grip tightened every so slightly, while he began to buck slightly into the other man's head, loving every second of this wolf's attention. Another low groan escaped Tony's lips when Bones took the jaguar's hint and drove his head down on the shaft, taking in most of the ten inches before him, pumping his head slowing back and forth all the while he lightly ran his teeth along the sensitive skin along the shaft.

"Oh my god, Bones this is amazing." Tony hadn't felt this good since he visited Loretta, the three balled tranny last Tuesday. Bones quickened his pace; suckling hard and pumping his head back and forth on Tony's member, the friction of it all sent hot shivers down Tony's spine. And when the jaguar was about the cum, Bones's wrist watch went off.

The wolf pulled his head back in a gasp and stood up on his feet, looking at his watch. "Oh snap, we're going to be late for class." Bones piped up in an amused, yet concerned voice.

"Who the hell cares if we're late for class?! The first day of class is never important. And you expect me to show up there with this giant boner?!" Tony whined and pointed to his penis that still stuck out of his pants.

Bones giggled, "Well I'm going to class. You don't have to. You can stay here for all I care. But I'm going, see ya." And with that Bones was out the door, leaving Tony standing there all by his lonesome.

"That son of a bitch! I'll get him for that!!" Tony grumbled as he stuffed his member down in his pants and zipped up the front. "I'll show him!" He threw on a trench coat, in an attempt to hide his slowly retreating boner and stomped out of his dorm room.


Characters and Store (c) Kisa