Chapter 13 - The Dawn

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#13 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 2 - The Hand of Gods

Chapter 15 â€" The Dawn

Location: The Valkyrie â€" Travelling Between Alexandria and Terra

The fleet was on its way. About forty different configurations of ships shot through the portal in Bifrost. Bifrost was an eerier dimension where particles travelled faster then the speed of light, this allowed ships to travelling unusually long distances in a short amount of time. The realm itself was like a vast tunnel, constantly changing colour and shape as the ships shot through it. Most of the old Terran and Alexandrian ships had Pegasus technology which allowed them to travel so quickly between stars and planets. It was an amazing realm.

On the bridge, the command centre of the Valkyrie, there was a few officers moving from console to console getting the ship ready for battle against the Asgard. The ship may have been never but the bridge was dark, the walls had not been plated and were littered with various pipes and conduits which made up the complex circuitry of the ship. There was a large window at the front of the bridge which allowed the helm, sat directly in front of it to move the immense vessel.

"How are the weapons systems coming along" asked the Captain as he looked over at a small reptilian male who was working at a console on the side of the ship. The reptilian looked back at the captain, he was a bit larger built then the other anthropomorphic creatures on the bridge but was a highly unusual species in that he was brilliant shade of green with a white underbelly and a soft tuft of blonde hair on his head.

"Engineering did their usual "fuck off and leave us alone" response" he said, watching one of the messages coming up on the console. "However they estimate that we should be a full combat readiness by the time we reach Terra."

"Thank you Djynn... or should it be Lieutenant Flyssa?" said the Captain. He was a slim , but still well built husky that gave of a very stern aura to the rest of the crew. His previous experience in the Terran Marine Corps, one of the hardest training regiments in the known world made him the perfect choice to take command of a crew of volunteers and resistance members.

Djynn sighed, he hated military personalities. They had a way of sapping the joy out of everything however this was hardly the time to be feeling full of joy.

"So..." asked Miles who was stood behind the chair in the centre of the bridge that the captain was sat in. He leaned over the chair, resting his hands on the captain's head. "Colin... what is the plan?"

Colin sighed, he had always had to put up with Miles impulsive attitude towards everything. However the two had become really good friends despite the constant arguments they had endured about ridiculous things.

"If you took anything seriously for a moment..." started Colin as he got up from the chair staring at Miles with a blank expression. Djynn put his head back in his chair and mumbled to himself.

"Somebody get me a gun... the Captain and the Security guy are at it again..."

"Yeah, cos you have no fucking sense of humour!" shouted Miles that made a couple members of the bridge crew turn and gasped at Miles's language. But then everyone had heard Miles swear several times before so it was a mystery why it still shocked them.

Anna who had walked onto the bridge behind Miles, just remain silent as the two stared each other down.

Djynn broke in finally after a few moments of silence and the bridge crew wondering if the husky and the tiger-fox were going to come to blows. "Excuse me gentlemen but we have a war to fight here... and its out there, not in here."

"Shut up!" barked Miles as he continued to stare at Colin before speaking again. "What is it Colin, why you acting so up your own ass?"

"Because this is a military operation and we cannot afford one fuck up" jeered Colin before returning to his chair and then noticing Anna who was standing behind Miles wondering what pit she had fallen into.

"You are?" snapped Colin

"Annuka... Commander Ironheart told us that we could join the assault..."

"The crew from the Terra Nova correct?" asked Colin looking over at Anna for a split second before turning back to the main window. "Nice job you did on the Tigris... one less battleship to worry about."

Anna smiled a hollow smile, underneath she did not want to remember how the crew began to fall apart after the death of Eclypse.

"Well... We come of PD right in front of the planet... we go in first and use the pulse weapon before we launch our defence fighters. The rest of the fleet jumps in and kicks so Asgard ass off of Terra..."

"Sounds simple..." smiled Anna clenching her paws together behind her back.

"Yeah, you ain't seen what this ship can do" smiled Miles. "Pity its Captain has all the strength of a wet fart"

Djynn sniggered and Colin shot a dirty look right at him. He quickly wiped it off his face and got back to work.

"Your a pilot right?" said Colin, looking at Anna again who just smiled weakly. "Wanna take the helm, we could use an experienced pilot"

Anna felt like she had to as the crew member who was already sat at the helm vacated the console immediately for her. She went as sat down, it felt to her like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her skills would determine the outcome of the war and one wrong move could get all one thousand resistance members killed, not to mention the millions of people living under Asgard oppression.

Anna immediately became familiar with the controls which in turn impressed both Colin and Miles who stared at her masterfully working the console as if she had been doing it for years.

"Well... we might just win this war after all" chirped Miles as he headed off the bridge and down into the bowels of the Valkyrie.

Location: Unknown

"The mortals are creating a useful diversion for us. The Asgard will not be expecting them and they will be quickly locked in battle."

"However the is still the problem of the time-flow."

"Ada, we have waited this long, we must continue on. Now once we have located to the shipyard, we will need to locate her. We know that the Asgard have her locked somewhere in the lower cargo bays and Aesir will be protecting her."

"It is of no worry sister... we shall be victorious after ten thousand years"

Location: Valkyrie â€" Engineering

The engine room of the Valkyrie was a very complex room that was hot, steamy and full of grime in the air. The room covered about three decks of the bow of the ship and was a massive room with a maze of catwalks and platforms all with various displays.

However the most impressive object in the room was a large cylinder at the bottom of the room with swirling vortex of green and white gas, almost swirling like it was being flushed down a toilet. This was the heart of the Pegasus drive, The engine core that allowed for faster then light propulsion however it was massive, dirty and hard to maintain. There were tanks by the vortex collecting all the toxic waste being produced by this colossal engine.

Oriyn was sat by a console on a platform just overlooking the vortex. He rubbed his hands through his sweaty and murky fur. He had been stupid for asking for an assignment on this ship, all he had to do was monitor the core flow. Hy had got the more exciting job of perfecting the efficiency of the weapon systems and there was nobody even in Engineering now.

He was so bored...

He got up from the uncomfortable work chair and leant over the platform to the look down into the swirl green and white glow of the abyss. A conduit near him ruptured, making a hiss of steam which made him jump however that was not uncommon for the engineering room. The rest of the ship was clean compared to this.

He picked up a tool from the table and just dangled it over the side of the platform. He wondered what would happen if it just feel in there, would it cause a little more excitement then he was getting.

"I wouldn't do that if I was ya" said Miles in his deep and gruff voice as he came down the catwalk. He looked at the small and young rabbit and something inside him growled.

"Well..." said Oriyn, look at Miles like a young child who knew that they had down something wrong would look. "I was just wondering..."

"Yeah.. well I don't know much about engines and shit but I don't think that would make that healthy"

"Yeah... I know" sighed Oriyn looking back over at the core, leaning on the railings. Miles could not help but stare at his body. It was absolute perfect, slim and sleek with a beautiful backside and a cute white fluffy tail on the end of it. "I am just so bored..."

"So what you do down here?" asked Miles, moving onto the platform to stand next to Oriyn.

"Well.. I wanted a better job. I just came in with the Terra Nova crew and I'm not an engineer but I do enjoy learning about technology. What's your name?"

"Me?" asked Miles, taking out a cigarette from his jacket and placing it in his mouth.

"YOU CAN'T LIGHT THAT IN HERE!" shouted Oriyn suddenly. Miles stared at him as if he was an idiot. "There are plasma energy tanks all over..."

"Sheeze... shut up will ya!?" interrupted Miles. "If I wanted a lecture, I would ask for it. I came down here to get some peace."

Oriyn turned back to look down at the core. He stayed silent for a moment after being told off. He coughed a little on the smoke and then turned to face Miles once more. "So what do you do here?"

"Well the name is Miles. I'm the security officer here, so I'll be in charge of the ground forces on Terra"

"Awwwh.. right" said Oriyn. "Nice to meet you Miles"

Miles just nodded and took another drag of a cigarette, finishing it before flicking the butt into the vortex where it just fizzled and disintegrated. Oriyn stared at him confused as he turned to walk down that catwalk, he had told him not to throw anything into the core!

"Hey..." said Miles turning to face Oriyn. "I'm sure I could find something for you to?"

Oriyn jumped at the idea, suddenly some excitement. Miles rushed forwards and grappled Oriyn into a passionate kiss. Oriyn was squirming at first and was unable to break Miles's powerful grip but he quickly started to enjoy the long kiss as Miles's hands moved down to his soft, pert bum groping it gently.

"You know... I like bunnies" he said, smiling as he slowly slid his hand down Oriyn's tight shorts to grasp hold of his short furry ass.

Oriyn felt his passion mount as Miles began to touch him, he had never had contact with another person like this before... male or female. What was he supposed to do, how would he proceed.

Miles eventually let go of him after a good few minutes of kissing. "Get your kit off" he said making Oriyn get slightly shy and embarrassed.

"But... here...?"

"Why not?" asked Miles as he tugged at the bunnies trousers, making him bend over the railings looking straight down at the swirling core.

Miles quickly pulled Oriyn's trousers to his knees and admired his gorgeous rabbit backside which was revealed to him in all its glory as Oriyn lifted up his tail. He found it harder and harder to keep his lust under control.

Oriyn, knowing that he could get in serious trouble for this moaned out and sighed in pleasure as Miles began to snuffle at his tight little tailhole and lick the back of his large rabbit balls which had never been pleasured before.

Miles began to lick slowly around the bunnies tight rear end, dashing over his hole and making the bunny writhe in pleasure. A steam vent beside them sent out a jet of hot steam right beside them covering their fur with thick dew, making them all hot and sweaty.

"Oooooowh... Miles... I bearly know you..." moaned Oriyn looking back in pleasure.

"You don't need to know me.. just enjoy it" smiled Miles as he tapped Oriyn lovingly on the ass and continued to get his tongue deep into his tailhole.

Oriyn by this point had already melted and surrendered himself to Miles's sweet manipulations. He climbed down on the floor of the platform and unbuttoned Miles's shorts, letting them fall to the floor and his huge eleven-inch cock to emerge from his sheath.

Oriyn had never seen such a large penis before as he instinctively began to stroke it. His mouth and lips wondering over the erecting cock as he opened his maw and put Miles's large penis inside his mouth, sucking on it gently to make it harder.

Miles felt like he had died and gone to heaven. Everything that this bunny were doing was spot on. Oriyn carefully licked from the base of his penis up to the top, making Miles feel like he was going to explode straight into the bunnies mouth.

But then... that would be a waist.

Fully erect, he nudged Oriyn to get up and then turned him over the railings again. Watching that cute bunny hole stretch with Oriyn's movements was almost too much for Miles to bear. He had to have him.


"What are you... doing?" asked Oriyn, looking back with his piercing blue eyes. He was covered in the grime from the steam jets that were being pumped into the room. Somehow all that hot and sweatiness was making Miles lust for him more.

Miles pushed his penis up against Oriyn's incredibly tight little hole. He wanted it so bad that could practically taste Oriyn's sexual pheromones in the air. They were driving him wild.

"P..please.. no" whispered Oriyn gently before...

A sharp pain shot through Oriyn's body as the head of Miles's eleven inch dick slid inside this virgin bunny. Oriyn felt like he was going to cry, every inch of his brain was telling him to stop, to get up, to slap Miles. But somewhere underneath that was a primal feeling of pleasure that continued to grow as more of Miles's huge cock slid inside him.

Miles instantly got a wave of pleasure. This bunny was unbelievably tight! The sensation on his cock was great as he pushed more into Oriyn making him almost scream out a little before he started to pump gently.

Oriyn's pleas for help suddenly became pleas of pleasure as he began to feel his ass loosen to Miles's huge cock. He felt the huge tiger that was behind, his arms moving onto his chest, feeling his rippling muscles.

"Owh... yes" screamed out Oriyn. A new world had been opened to him for the first time. He wanted more of it.

Getting up, he pushed Miles back and pushed him into the chair. Miles was surprised and feel back onto the chair as he watched a dirty bunny, with a nicely opened hole walk towards him, hover his hole over his cock and slide down on it slowly.

"Agh..." grunted Miles in pleasure as Oriyn began to take control of the situation, grabbing hold of Miles's rippling chest and fucking himself off on Miles's huge erect cock.

For half an hour, they continued to bang each other, each position more daring then the next until Oriyn was laying back on the console as if it was a table and having Miles screw him deep and hard. He felt an entire eleven-inch penis enter him and the rush of his prostate.

But something happened...

Miles began to get faster and faster, with Oriyn experiencing a build up of pleasure that he had never had before. The excitement was climbing as the two of them began to moan out so loudly that it echoed through the engine room.

"Yes... YES YES!" shouted Oriyn, not sure what was happening but feeling the pleasure rise to a point where he could not control it. With one final push, he shot a huge pump of white cum into the air which splattered the console behind him.

Miles watching this bunny cum in such a spectacular could not help himself either, he pulled out from the bunny and delivered nine individually powerful pumps of cum onto the bunnies chest and all over the console.

Oriyn could only watch helplessly as Miles lit up a cigarette but then an expression on his face turned from one of satisfaction to one of horror.

"What?" asked Miles turning around to see two security men standing behind him with Raccoon glaring down at him... chief engineerer Patch.

"Shall we see what the Captain makes of this little display" he asked.

Miles just said one word.... "Shit"