A Dog In Blue: Control

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dog in Blue

June 9th, 1969

Saint Anthony Hospital

Martin Trayer died at 9 AM surrounded by his family. If he were 80 instead of 8, this would be a kindness, a sweet way to remember a kind soul. This was simply a tragedy, one that Travis had taken the day off work to witness. He had only known Nathan for a short while, but the younger Cattle Dog had left such an impression on him that there was no place he'd rather be. A kind-hearted nurse took Nathan's siblings out to the cafeteria for ice cream, leaving Travis and Nathan alone in the strangely still room.

"I can't believe how peaceful he looks," Nathan sighed and wiped his eyes, "Do you think he's in a better place."

Travis may not have been the best in situations like these but he knew when it was best to lie. After seeing all that he had seen and doing all that he had done, he knew that there was no God. Even if there were, what kind of God would create a form of life that equal to the other sentient beings out there and make them second class citizens?

"I think so," Travis nodded, "Would you like to get out of here now?"

Nathan rubbed his arm.

"I would," Nathan began, "But I think there's something I have to do to take care of the... you know, the body."

Travis shook his head.

"You've got a couple of days," Travis replied, "I've dealt with this sort of thing before. Just make sure you get the certificate of death from the doctor. Then you can come back and deal with this after you have a day to clear your head."

"No Travis," Nathan sighed, "I want to take care of this now."

The German Shepherd nodded. He double checked to make sure no one was watching them and gave the younger Dog a slight lick on the chin. Over the past couple of days, Travis had become more comfortable sharing little displays of affection like this with Nathan.

"I guess I'll go see your siblings then," Travis replied, "Just come find us when you're done."

"Sure," Nathan sat down beside Martin's dead body, "You took the day off today right?"

"You know I did," Travis began, "A friend of mine needed support after his brother passed. The chief wasn't going to tell me no."

"Friend huh?" Nathan's tail wagged, "Thank you Travis."

"Don't mention it," The German Shepherd smiled, "Don't worry. We'll do something fun once you finish up in here. Victor is waiting at the house."

Nathan nodded and rubbed Martin's paw. The German Shepherd took his leave and walked to the hotel's cafeteria. The nurse, a young black woman, stood up and walked up to Travis as he walked in.

"Is the older brother doing okay?" She asked, "He's so young."

"Yes and yes," Travis sighed, "Don't worry. I can watch the little rascals now."

The nurse smiled and walked out of the cafeteria. The kids looked at Travis and then went back to their ice cream. The oldest, a 15 year old girl named Amanda, had been the only one who cried. The others, three 5 year old triplets, must not have understood what happened. Travis sat down beside Amanda and rapped his fingers on the plastic table.

"So what happens now Travis?" Amanda asked, "Are we really going back to that apartment?"

Travis sighed.

"I don't know Amanda," The German Shepherd replied, "Is there anywhere else for you to go?"

"Mom's place," The younger Dog rubbed her arm, "But I couldn't take the little ones there."

Travis blinked. He hadn't asked Nathan this, but he had assumed his mother had died shortly after having the triplets. Amanda looked away and put her head in her paws. This must have been a secret.

"Why can't you?" Travis asked, "Do you mind telling me?"

Amanda sighed.

"She does a lot of drugs," Amada rubbed her arm, "Her and her boyfriend. I don't want the little ones around that, and I don't want to be around him."

Travis growled.

"Why not Amanda?" Travis asked, "You can tell me."

"It's why we don't live there," Amanda replied, "Once Nathan got too old for him he started coming after me. Nathan wasn't having it and moved us out."

Travis growled a little louder, distracting the younger pups from their ice cream for only a few moments.

"Please don't arrest them," The Cattle Dog hung her head, "At this point the only people they're hurting is themselves."

"I'm off duty kid," Travis chuckled, "Besides, it's not like chasing druggies is my job. Not anymore."

Travis sighed as Nathan walked in. The German Shepherd got up and approached him. The little ones finished their ice cream and watched as their guardian walked in.

"How'd it go?" Travis asked, "What do you have to do now?"

"Can we go?" Nathan asked, "I don't want to talk about that here."

Nathan leaned in.

"Not with the kids around," He whispered, "Let me wait till I get back to your place."

"What are you going to do with them?" Travis asked, "You can't just run back to my apartment."

"I've got a place for them," Nathan sighed, "Amanda won't like it because he gets on her nerves, but he's the sweetest guy I know."

The older Cattle Dog walked over to his table of siblings and smiled. The German Shepherd stood back and watched, a smile growing on his face as the younger siblings hugged their older brother. Nathan was really good with them, probably ten times better than their own mother was. It didn't take the Cattle Dog long to round up his family and lead them up to the German Shepherd.

"Any chance you can chauffer?" Nathan asked, "It's only a short drive from here."

"I don't see why not," Travis smiled, "Where am I going?"

Nathan shrugged.

"Up to the nicer part of town," The Cattle Dog replied, "There's a friend of mine I met through work who loves these little guys."

"I think I can make that work," Travis nodded, "Come on then. Let's get out of here."


1 hour later

Travis's Apartment

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief as he entered the German Shepherd's apartment. Travis locked the door behind him and hung his coat up. It was strangely quiet, which means that Victor must have found something else to do. That was fine, it looked like Nathan needed a breather.

"Okay," Travis stretched and grunted as he popped his back, "Today is your show. What do you need me to do?"

The Australian Cattle Dog whined and flopped onto the couch. He kicked his shoes off, letting them fall onto the German Shepherd's carpet. Travis smirked and sat down in the armchair across the living room.

"I think I just want to lay in your apartment all day," Nathan rolled onto his belly, "Maybe try and forget about things."

"Good luck with that," Travis looked over the younger Dog, "Once Victor walks in you're going to be out and about."

"Can't I hide?" Nathan asked, "Maybe in your bed."

"Bad idea," Travis chuckled, "Victor would be eager to hide with you, if you catch my drift."

Nathan rolled his eyes and started to laugh.

"How do you put up with him?" The Cattle Dog asked as his laughs trailed to a chuckle, "Judging from what you've told me about him I'm amazed you can even walk by the time you satisfy him."

Travis smirked. Any time that Nathan spent away from the hospital was spent here, either cleaning or talking with the German Shepherd. They had gotten to know each other well and were equally enthralled with each other.

"You've seen him," Travis replied, "That's how. He makes me feel young."

Nathan scoffed.

"Oh shut up," Nathan grinned, "28 isn't that old."

"You're right," Travis leaned back in his chair, "I think I'm just being a whiner. Once you get to my age people stop listening."

The Cattle Dog got up off the couch and slowly walked up to the German Shepherd. His shoulders were slumped and his ears and tail were down. He paused, only for a moment, before sitting in Travis's lap. The cop froze before gently rubbing the younger Dog's shoulder. This was the closest they had gotten to one another. Nathan's head rested against the German Shepherd's chest, his soft breaths teasing the tuft of fur that stuck out from the collar of Travis's tee shirt.

"I'd listen," Nathan replied softly, "You're such a good guy."

Travis smiled softly and blushed as the Cattle Dog lifted his head. Their eyes, Nathan's light blue and Travis's hazel, met. The German Shepherd always knew that Nathan had gorgeous eyes, but now that they were this close he couldn't help the longing with which he gazed into them. His paw moved to Nathan's chin and gently stroked along it, ending at the mostly white-furred Dog's chin. Nathan's lips parted and moved the rest of the distance to the German Shepherd's. Their eyes closed as Travis locked lips with the Cattle Dog's.

Nathan gasped and moaned quietly as the German Shepherd's lips rubbed and suckled against his. An even louder moan escaped his lips as Travis deepened the kiss and slid his tongue into the younger male's mouth. The pair made out for what seemed like forever, their paws groping and caressing over each other's bodies. Nathan pulled back to take a breath and moaned.

"Travis," Nathan's lips kissed over the German Shepherd's collarbone, "Take me to bed."

Travis panted and pressed his head against the Cattle Dog's.

"Are you sure?" Travis asked, "I don't want to take advantage of you."

"Shut up Travis," Nathan whined into the German Shepherd's ear, "Just make me feel alive again."

Travis pressed his forehead against the Cattle Dog's.

"Are you sure you want this?" Travis panted, "I'll do it if you want, but I have to be sure."

"I'm sure," Nathan replied, "Let's just go into the bedroom. I'll show you how much I want you."

Nathan moaned as he locked lips with the German Shepherd again. Travis relaxed, a quiet moan escaping his lips as the Cattle Dog's paws moved down to his crotch.

"Okay," Travis replied, "Lead the way."

The younger male blushed as he walked into the German Shepherd's bedroom. Travis followed him like a stud male following a bitch in heat.

"What do you need from me?" Travis asked, "I can be the sweetest lover you've ever had."

"That's exactly what I need," Nathan sat down on the bed, "Be gentle, be kind, and show that you love me."

Travis froze. Love was not something he was accustomed. He supposed he loved Nathan in the neighborly fashion. Romantic love was something that eluded the German Shepherd. It had gotten to the point where he wasn't sure how to love. Nathan held his paw and pulled Travis close.

"What's the matter?" Nathan asked, "Just come here and make love to me."

Travis got on top of the younger male and locked lips with him again. Nathan blushed and gasped as the older Dog got between his legs and ground against his package. Travis closed his eyes and moved his paws down to unbuckle the younger male's pants.

"Can't I suck you first?" Nathan whined as the bigger male pulled his pants down, "I bet you're just huge."

Travis pulled up Nathan's shirt and kissed over the Australian Cattle Dog's soft belly fur. The younger male gasped and let out a moan as Travis started to use his teeth. Shakily, the Cattle Dog removed his shirt, and now laid naked on the German Shepherd's bed. Travis stood up to survey the beautiful Dog in front of him before stripping naked as well. He wasted no time in getting back on top of the younger male, his hips in between Nathan's legs.

The pair shared a moan as Travis ground his swollen sheath into the flesh below Nathan's balls. The German Shepherd held Nathan to him, his large and muscular arms holding the Cattle Dog's smaller ones. His fingers traced gentle patterns through the other male's fur as he brought his lips to Nathan's for the third time that morning. The young male moaned and panted into the Dog's mouth and ground his hips up. Travis pulled back with a gasp, his tongue sliding against Nathan's, as his tip ground against the younger male's.

"You can do that later," Travis panted and murred, "Get on your hands and knees for me. Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

Nathan whimpered and did as he was told. He was trembling, his tail lifting slowly either from anticipation or dread. Travis leaned in and kissed around the Cattle Dog's hole before teasing it with his tongue. The younger male gasped and moan, any hesitation gone as he pressed back into the older Dog's tongue. Travis pulled away with a chuckle and teased Nathan's undertail with a thumb.

"Why'd you stop?" Nathan blushed and panted, "I didn't know that was even a thing."

Travis licked from the base of the Cattle Dog's tail to his full salt and pepper furred ballsack. Nathan blushed and pushed back harder.

"Haven't you ever been rimmed before?" Travis chuckled and murred as he lubed up a finger with some of Nathan's pre, "Next time we'll have to do it longer."

The Cattle Dog's breath hitched as Travis's finger wormed its into his tightness. The German Shepherd gave the Dog a couple of kisses on his lower back.

"You gotta relax," Travis began, "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know that," Nathan sighed, "Do you think I could be in control? This position is making me a little uneasy."

Travis got down and laid on the bed, his 8 inches of German Shepherd meat standing straight up. Nathan blushed and got in between the Dog's legs, moving up on the older Dog's body until the underside of his tail brushed against Travis's tip. The tip of the German Shepherd's cock was drooling heavily now, the length of his red rocket slicked with pre. Nathan reached down with a blush and angled the other Dog's member down. He started to back into it, a quiet moan escaping his lips as he enveloped Travis's tip.

"Do you want me to keep getting you ready?" Travis bit his lip, "I don't want to hurt you."

Nathan let out another moan as he backed up further. The German Shepherd's throbbing cock was now halfway in. Travis moaned and panted. He loved being ridden like this. The Cattle Dog kept moving back until the hot cock he was taking was all the way in His fingers clasped onto the German Shepherd's chest fur once he was filled.

"This is already shaping up to be the best sex I've ever had," Nathan panted, "And I just got you all the way in."

Slowly, Nathan rolled his hips back, shivering as he fucked himself with Travis's full length. The German Shepherd moaned and wrapped his arms around the Dog's lower back. He held him close, quiet moans escaping both of their lips as Nathan got a good pace going. The Cattle Dog dripped pre onto Travis's stomach, his moans intensifying.

"Mmm Travis," Nathan moaned and closed his eyes, "I didn't know this could feel so good."

"Yeah," Travis opened an eye, a smirk forming as he watched the Cattle Dog work his tight rump over his cock, "I've been thinking about that tight little ass of yours for a while."

Nathan whined in pleasure as both of Travis's paws moved down to grope his ass. Gently, he started to thrust up in time with Nathan's motions, getting his cock even deeper into the younger male. The Cattle Dog started to tremble and his cock started to throb. His knot had fully formed and his balls shrank up against his body.

"Cum cutie," Travis panted and thrusted a little faster, "I want to see how good this makes you feel."

Travis watched the other male as his orgasm hit. His toes curled, his fingers grasped even harder on the Dog's fur, and a loud, high pitched moan left his lips as he came. He shuddered and gasped, shooting hot ropes of Cattle Dog cum over the Dog's neck and chest. With a blush, he leaned forward to lick it up, giving Travis less resistance. The German Shepherd growled and thrust harder, shaking Nathan's body with each thrust of his hips.

Nathan closed his eyes, holding on tight as Travis took charge. The Cattle Dog moaned with each thrust in and gave a needy whine each time the German Shepherd pulled his hips back. Travis's thick knot slapped into the rim of Nathan's hole with each thrust, and after a few more moments of thrusting, audibly popped in. Travis froze and growled, his eyes fluttering at the impossible tightness that enveloped his cock. Nathan leaned back, grinding his velvety soft walls against Travis's knotted cock.

Travis's eyes shot open and he howled as he flooded the Cattle Dog's rump with cum. Since Officer McNeil's demise and his promotion, he hadn't had a lot of time to release. Nathan leaned forward onto Travis's chest and panted hard. With a quiet, but needy whine, Nathan lifted his head and kissed Travis deeply. One of the German Shepherd's paws moved to tenderly caress the side of Nathan's face, and lingered there until the kiss was broken.

"Wow," Nathan panted against the German Shepherd's lips, "That was incredible."

"Yeah kid," Travis brought his other paw up to rub over the small of Nathan's back, "I hope you feel a little better."

Suddenly, the opening piano chords and drum beats of Lola Skahan's breakthrough soul hit, "Knock my Darling" blasted through the German Shepherd's apartment. Travis groaned and slumped his head against the pillow.

"Victor?" Travis asked, "How long were you standing there?"

"What was that?" Victor chuckled and turned the music down, "I couldn't hear you."

"How long were you standing there?" Travis asked, "How much did you see?"

"Almost all of it," The Labrador smirked, "Don't worry. I'll give you lovebirds time to relax and shower. We're going to the zoo. They just opened a new tapir exhibit."

"The zoo?" Travis groaned, "You should have told us that before we dropped the kids off. They would have loved it."

"Well hell," Victor replied, "We can swing by and get them after the two of you separate and clean up. I can smell the sex from out here."

Nathan whined and looked up at Travis.

"It's not that bad is it?" Nathan asked, "Amanda will know for sure."

Travis chuckled and smirked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Travis asked, "I figured she knew about you already."

Nathan looked down and rubbed his arm.

"Yes and no," Nathan replied, "She doesn't know that I like it sometimes. I don't want her to think you're just like all those other guys."

Travis smiled and gave the Cattle Dog a reassuring kiss. Nathan perked up and returned the kiss, his tail wagging. For the first time in his life, Travis felt qualified to reassure another person.

"It'll be fine," The German Shepherd began, "Just relax and shower once you get unstuck. She won't even notice."

"Are you coming too?" Nathan asked with a blush, "I would enjoy the company."

The German Shepherd looked around Nathan and sighed. Victor stood in the doorway, his head hung and arms wrapped loosely around his chest. No matter how badly the German Shepherd wanted another round with the younger Dog, he had to talk to Victor. It was never a good sign when he got this quiet.

"We should do it separately," Travis replied, "I don't want to get tempted again. Now come on, relax so we can get unstuck. We've got kids to save from your annoying friend."

Nathan chuckled and relaxed, closing his eyes and cuddling up against the larger male. Victor took a deep breath and left the doorway. After a few more minutes, Nathan took a deep breath and pulled himself off of the German Shepherd's dick with a moan. Travis reciprocated it and leaned up to give the Cattle Dog another kiss. Kissing Nathan felt amazing, and made Travis feel sensations that no other man, including Victor, could produce. The Cattle Dog winked and walked to the shower naked.

"Victor?" Travis asked once the bathroom door closed, "Are you still here?"

There was silence for a few moments followed by a sniffle.

"Yeah," Victor replied, "Can I come in now?"

"Of course you can," Travis whined, "Tell me what's wrong."

Victor walked into the room sheepishly and wiped the tears from his eyes. He looked over the German Shepherd and took a deep breath. This was going to be a doozy.

"So what happens now?" Victor asked, "Between us I mean."

"What do you mean?" Travis replied, "We just had sex. It's not like we're married now."

"Come on Travis," The Labrador scoffed, "I saw how you were looking at him. You're going to ask him to be your boyfriend, and he's probably going to say yes."

Victor whimpered and fell onto the bed, ass first.

"I wanted you to look at me like that," He continued, "I wanted to be with you."

Travis smirked.

"Since when?" He asked, "I've asked you out three times since I've met you and you said "not now, not ever" every time"

"I was scared," Victor whined, "I didn't know how to be a boyfriend. I didn't want people on the street to know about me more than they already do."

Travis sighed. This was going to be very hard to do. Victor picked up on this and sighed.

"Just say it," Victor began, "You don't want to fool around anymore."

Travis nodded. He was glad Victor was good at confrontations like this. If he had to take the lead who knew where the conversation would end up

"I think we both deserve more than that," Travis replied, "We can still be friends right?"

Victor scoffed.

"Of course we can," Victor began, "I'd slap you if you suggested anything otherwise."

The Labrador's ears perked up at the sound of Nathan whistling in the shower. In spite of the emotional weight of the conversation, a smile formed on Victor's lips.

"I hope it works out for you," The Labrador's smile turned into a chuckle, "My god what are all the boys at the bar going to say. You've finally got it bad."

Travis sat up and stretched.

"I guess we'll see," He replied, "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to get my turn in the shower."

Victor raised an eyebrow as Travis walked into the bathroom with a smirk and a chubbie. He rolled his eyes and went back into the living room just as Nathan let out a surprised moan and a giggle. It was going to be another hour before they left.


A hour and a half later

The nicer part of town

"Come on," Travis chuckled from the driver's seat, "No one's around and we've still got a little bit of time."

They were stopped in front of a charming white house on an empty street. Victor, protesting the entire time, was sent to go and collect Nathan's brothers and sisters. Travis needed even more alone time with the gorgeous Cattle Dog.

"I don't know Travis," Nathan blushed, "What if someone looks out their window and sees, well, us. There's a lot of humans here."

Travis leaned in and gave the Cattle Dog a quick smooch on the lips. Nathan blushed and pulled back, looking like he had been slapped. The German Shepherd could understand the Cattle Dog's apprehension to this, after all he had reacted the same the first time a Bobcat his age groped his ass out in front of a gay bar. Being publicly affectionate was something he wanted to do more than anything, and as long as he was careful, he could.

"Wow," Nathan whined, "Are you sure no one saw?"

"Yes," Travis chuckled and waved as Victor led the four kids down the stone front steps and into the backseat, "You kids ready?"

The three younger ones, Harry, Marian, and Bess, chattered excitedly. Amanda rolled her eyes and smiled at the males in the front seat. Victor grumbled and stood in front of the open door to the backseat.

"They are," Amanda began and then smiled warmly at Victor, "You can sit next to me cutie."

Nathan and Travis could barely hold back the laughter as Victor sighed and sat down beside Nathan's sister. The ride to the zoo was loud and obnoxious, the triplets chattered incessantly in the backseat about anything thing remotely interesting that passed by. By the time they had come to a stop, they fell quiet, and looked around awestruck. They walked in after Travis paid the admission fee for everyone, and stood in front of the first exhibit, a tiger in a concrete pit.

"The Tapirs are this way," Victor pointed down a path, "Just past the big cats, can we go there first?"

"Sure," Travis chuckled, "Lead the way."

The kids, Nathan included, let out ooh's and aah's as they walked past the big cat exhibits. Travis smirked. He had been to the zoo a lot with Victor. It was the Labrador's favorite non-sexual thing to do. After thoroughly admiring the Jaguar exhibit, Victor stopped in front of a large fenced in area with three tapirs standing on it.

"Aren't they just bizarre?" Victor leaned on the railing, "Have you ever seen a stranger looking creature?"

Travis was about to nod, but froze as he saw a family of Tapirs looking sadly at their group. The mother put a reassuring hand on her son's shoulder and led the boy away, followed by her angrily glaring husband. The German Shepherd sighed and rested on the railing. He was getting a thought about Furs, about humans, about society. This rarely happened, and it was even rarer for him to actually share it.

"I think I know why humans treat us like they do," Travis looked over the feral tapirs in the pit, "They can't see the difference between us and them."

Victor froze and looked back at Travis.

"You know they do," Travis continued, "Look at our feral cousins. Humans know them as pets.. Dumb animals that can't live without their persons giving them food and water every day. They honestly can't see the difference, or if they do, they don't care."

As if to prove the German Shepherd's point, a group of college aged humans stopped behind them. The leader, a big, dumb looking blonde wearing a leather jacket, got down on his knees in front of Nathan's brothers and chuckled.

"Aww," He began, "I didn't know the zoo let you walk the wolf pups around. I want a turn next."

Nathan growled and stood in front of his siblings.

"Oh wow kids," Nathan replied, "They let the gorillas out of their cages too. Maybe if we ask nicely we can get a picture."

Travis bit his lip and moved his paw to his jacket pocket. Out of habit, he had grabbed his badge before leaving the house. It looked like it was going to come in handy. The big, dumb human frowned and stood up.

"What was that you said to me pup?" The Human squared up, "Where I'm from Dogs show their superiors respect."

"Same here," Nathan returned the gesture, "I don't see any of my superiors standing here."

Victor chuckled nervously and walked up to Nathan's side. He may have been educated, but he knew better than to fight the system, especially in places like this.

"Just drop it Nathan," Victor began, "Come on, we haven't gone to the monkey house yet. Don't you think your brothers and sisters would like it?'

The human scoffed.

"Yeah Nathan," The human interjected, "Be a good bitch boy and do what he says."

Nathan snarled and shoved Victor aside.

"What's your fucking problem man?" Nathan asked, "Don't you have anything better to do than harass us?"

The human clenched his fists. This situation was going to escalate unless Travis defused it right now.. Travis calmly walked over and gently moved Nathan to the side. The human sized the German Shepherd up and then spat on the ground.

"You gonna say anything?" He asked, "Or do you get locked outside when you bark."

Travis sighed and reached his paw into his pocket. He didn't like doing this, but at the moment he had no choice.

"Thank you for making this an easy decision," Travis began as he pulled out his badge, "I'm a detective with the NYPD. Stand back or your day is going to take a turn for the worst."

The human's friends gasped and talked amongst themselves in hushed tones. One of them, a short black-haired man in a nice striped shirt put his hand on the lead human's shoulder.

"Come on Joey," He began, "He's not worth it."

Joey frowned and spat, hitting the German Shepherd in the face.

"Fuck you man," Joey glared at the Dog, "No mutt, cop or otherwise, tells me what to do."

The Dog pulled out a blue and white handkerchief and wiped the spit from the side of his muzzle. It was a shame he wasn't in uniform, but at least now he could "defend" himself.

"You know it's a crime to spit on people right?" Travis chuckled, "Even more of a crime to spit on a cop."

"People," Joey shoved the German Shepherd to accentuate the point, "Mutts aren't people."

Travis cracked a smile and then lunged forward, catching the blonde in the throat with a savage right hook. Joey stumbled and fell to his knees, his friends taking a step back. They were smart enough to know not to interfere, especially with a Cop. The German Shepherd growled and lifted the human up by his shoulders before slamming him into the railing. He cried out in pain.

"Looks like you're all bark and no bite," Travis shook his head, "If you don't want to go to jail, here's what you're going to do."

Joey nodded. He knew when he was beat.

"Apologize, to everyone here, for being such an asshole," Joey began, "Then take your friends and enjoy the zoo."

He let Joey up and stood back. The human looked down, rubbed his arm, and then looked Nathan in the eyes. Travis was very familiar with Joey's type. They could talk a big game, but when it came down to putting their money where their mouth was, they fell flat.

"I'm sorry," Joey began, "Truly. I hope I didn't totally ruin your day."

Nathan looked at Travis with a smirk.

"I think it got salvaged," Nathan interjected, "Thanks."

Joey scuffed his feet across the ground and turned back to his friends. They looked warily at Travis as Joey walked through them. They knew better than to try anything now. Victor let out a quiet whine and put his head in his paws.

"Don't worry about it Victor," Travis put a paw on the Labrador's back, "Take the kids to go see the monkeys. I'll be right behind you."

Victor nodded and led the equally shocked kids into the monkey house. As he got further and further from the tapir exhibit his tail started to wag. The Black Lab was a good kid, but did not want to cause waves. Nathan looked up at Travis and sighed.

"You okay?" Nathan leaned up against the railing and looked out over the tapirs in the pit below, "That was a little more than usual."

"Yeah," Travis stood beside the Cattle Dog and looked over the tapirs as well, "When I told Victor to take the kids, I meant you too."

"I told you I wasn't a kid," Nathan chuckled, "Besides, I need to thank you. No one's ever stood up for me like that. I shouldn't be surprised. You've done more for me than almost anyone has."

"We've gotta take care of each other," Travis replied, "Any Fur worth a damn would have stood up for you. You've just met the wrong kind."

"Looks like I finally got lucky," Nathan smiled, "We gonna follow after them?"

Travis put his paw up and continued watching the tapirs. One of them had started to eat an apple. Travis wasn't much for "prey" species, but watching that little trunk curl around that apple was one of the cutest things he'd seen in awhile. Nathan smirked and nudged him.

"You know they feed the monkeys too right," Nathan began, "Let's go. I've never seen an orangutan before."

Travis smirked and let Nathan lead the way. For once, he felt like a kid again. Nobody at this zoo was going to mess with him today.

A Late Night at the Firm

It was 12:45, a full hour and a half after lawyer John Stevens usually took his lunch. It had been a rough day, with clients coming in back to back starting at 8 A.M. John was very likeable and very talented, which meant he was almost always very busy....

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A Creative Session

Hey everybody! This story was done as a trade for [HolidayPup](https://holidaypup.sofurry.com/) after doing this awesome art of my [fursona](https://www.sofurry.com/view/934319). This has been done for awhile, but I've finally got around to posting it....

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Floor Nine: First Night

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