Nymphette Dragon

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This is my first story so i....really don't know whats what :( if you are underage or take offense to gratuitous sex, do NOT read. i take no responsibility blah blah :)

I wrote this on a whim in the course of a couple of hours in the middle of the night. Based on an old porno i saw and i'm hoping to add a few more chapters over time. If i can find some good animators, I'm hoping to make it a decent movie ;p

anyway I kinda messed up the beginning so i tried to improvise a summary into the start. Please let me know what i screwed up on so i can improve it. tanks and enjoy!

Drisa wandered along outside, the cool night air approaching as the sun started going down. She stopped a moment to admire the sunset, whimpering softly at her predicament. she would have gladly apologized and meant it, but Mali apparently didnt want to hear it. It turns out that the one she messed with was a practiced spell caster, and had afflicted her with a powerful spell that would kill her within days if she didn't follow his directions.

The young Ivory dragoness thought about what the male had told her. That she would have to mate with five different dragons for her "debt" to be paid. though once she started, the spell wouldn't kill her, but she would have to finish to avoid bearing children. what choice did she have? Mali didn't tell her much except to come out here to a littered alley and that she wasn's allowed to use a condom or any protection

Her thoughts were short lived though as just a few moments later she heard a sudden rustling behind her. The sound took her by surprise and she wheeled around quickly with a soft gasp to look over at the dumpsters where she heard the noise, seeing a small brownish dragon climbing up out of the metal container and land on the ground just a few feet away.

Drisa stepped forward, snuffling at the air and trying to see the creature more clearly, wrinkling her nose a bit at the scent of male mixed with garbage. "Oh jeese....You?!" she exclaimed, a bit disgusted at the thought of mating with this particular dragon and hoping it wasn't the one.

Trelis stepped forward, tilting his head a bit in question at her words, seeming a bit leery of the stranger, but also a bit at ease because it was a dragon. female none the less. He was about the same size as Drisa, brownish scales with cracked talons and a broken horn. He smelled just as bad as the dumpster he came out of and snuffled around the ground curiously before stepping closer, chittering something that she could barely make out.

Suddenly she felt a strong presence in her mind. not a voice of any kind, but a strong pressure that made her seem to "know" that this was indeed her first one. Drisa shook her head, looking over him once more before whimpering and nearly sobbing. "I don't WANT to!" she hissed at herself. "He's a filthy mongrel. can't i get someone better?! What if he has a disease or something!"

Trelis watched her with an odd curiosity, tilting his head slightly and chittering something softly at her. It wasn't too odd for him to see the odd dragon talking to themselves, this being a rather seedy alley, having seen its share of drunk or drugged up females.

Drisa let out a heavy sigh, looking up at him and closing her eyes. with a small whimper, she turned around, swaying her tail softly before giving the young male access to her female slit. she couldn't believe she was doing this. Mali certainly knew how to punish those he deemed fit for it. "g...go on..." she stuttered softly.

Trelis rumbled softly, stepping forward slowly as he looked over the pretty young female, letting a small smile come across his muzzle as he watched her give herself to him. he chittered something softly to her, the only indication of his approach being the soft clicking of his talons on the pavement. once close enough, Trelis reached out a forepaw to touch her tenderly, letting his fingers trail along her soft slit. Trelis let out a soft murr as he touched her, the feeling of her tender sex arousing him greatly as his sheath swelled with a growing erection.

Drisa swallowed hard, muttering to herself as she heard him coming for her. "Just get it over with" she whimpered, bracing herself mentally and physically as she tried to block out what was going to happen.

Without another sound, Trelis murfed as he thrust his upper body up onto hers, slipping his belly over her back and hugging his forepaws around her belly as he mounted her, moving his hips forward and letting the head of his stiff penis press against her soft opening before pushing into her with a few soft humps. Trelis' actions were mainly driven by instinct and he certainly wasted no time in getting started, not about to pass up free pussy.

Drisa whimpered and then winced and cried out in pain as she felt the small males cock push into her, taking her virginity. It hurt only for a moment though, and it was really only a stinging tension before it started to feel good. lowering her head in both anger and shame, holding her breath and closing her eyes as Trelis went to town. Despite her disgust and the smell of garbage coming off of him, once her virginity was taken, having a warm cock inside her felt rather interesting and new. Though she still didn't like it.

Trelis rumbled softly, shifting more of his weight onto her as he began pumping more rapidly, letting out a long murr as he pumped his hips back and forth, feeling his own stiff penis rubbing back and forth against Drisa's soft and velvety inner walls.

This was definately the lowest point in Drisa's Life. the young and rather classy dragoness having lost her virginity to some filthy street dragon in a back alley. It would have been bad even if she had used a condom. But unprotected sex was even worse. What if her parents found out? What if she failed and had to go home with a clutch of dragonlets? how would she explain that one?

Trelis, meanwhie, was oblivious to the females thoughts and was content to just mate, squeezing himself closer to her and pumping his hips with a soft growl following each push forward. The pleasure was already growing quite intense for him, making the head of his cock throb once as he felt a bit of his precum dribble from the tips slit.

Fortunately for Drisa, the alley was pretty much empty, so the huffs, moans, and other sounds of them making love went unheard by any passerby who may have been walking along just around the corner. Drisa had to cover her muzzle with a paw to keep from getting more of Trelis' scent, a mixture of garbage and male musk. Despite that though, it started to feel better and better, as hard as it was to enjoy it. She was rocked forward slightly each time she felt Trelis' hot cock push deep inside her, feeling every throb and flare of the head and feeling her heart jump a bit when she thought he came. She herself groaned a bit, shutting her eyes and biting down as the male took her, making herself feel even more shame upon wondering what he must be thinking of her.

Trelis hadn't thought much of anything of his new fuckbuddy, his actions being largely instinctive. He was enjoying the moment though, huffing more deeply as he rocked back and forth against the small females body, her tight, wet pussy milking his head and firm shaft with such perfection that he felt he could blow his load any moment. He sped up his movements gradually as the pleasure grew, pumping faster and harder as he groaned out, coiling his tail around hers in passion as he mates his new lover with no worries.

Drisa whimpers in a mix of pleasure and disgust, sobbing softly once as she tries to block out the thoughts of the males dirty cock inside her. Instead she was trying to count the seconds until it was over, wishing it was over as it would be one down and four to go. She groaned softly as the pleasure started to rise faster and faster, unable to help but smile slightly through diluted senses as her body was rocked back and forth faster by Trelis's lustful humps. Evidently, even a huge amount of disgust couldn't block out the pleasure of sex, especially since this was her first time. "Unnnhhh...ohh wow" she whispered, moaning out once more as something welled up inside her, a sharp tension that only grew and grew.

Trelis had found his pace, closing his own eyes and smiling in delight as he pumped his hips incessantly, his leathery sac tapping against Drisa's warm and sore clit gently as he groaned more deeply, huffing more roughly and whimpering in sharp delight as more precum dribbled out, slickening Drisa's already wet pussy even more as he leaned over her further, raising a hind leg to try to get the pressure to cum faster. The desire was almost too great for him, squeezing his forepaws along Drisa's lower belly as he grunted and groaned.

Drisa was already on the verge of her own climax, the intense pleasure displacing her former thoughts of disgust for the moment as she moaned out, lowering her head more and rocking back against Trelis' thrusts to heighten the sensation. "Ohhh yeaaaah....ohhhh ke....keeep going! don't stop....don't stop!" she murmured through huffed whimpers, feeling every detail of Trelis's warm rod inside her as it rubbed against all the right spots so perfectly, finally making her own pleasure reach its peak.

Drisa murred deeply and then cried out, trying to muffle the sound with a paw as her legs buckled weakly. at that moment her orgasm broke free, the intense bliss washing over her entire body as she cooed and whined. For those few moments, all her senses went blank, leaving her to experience only incredible pleasure while Trelis' cock continued to piston in and out of her, the male closing in on his own ejaculation.

Trelis groaned deeply, finally chittering something in a quivering moan as he felt his sperm well up for imminent release. His senses were drowned out as the hot pleasure turned into a sharp tingle, making him shut his eyes and part his jaws in a broad smile of bliss. It was not in his instinct to pull out, and was so lost in pleasure that even if Drisa was begging him to, he most likely wouldn't be able to.

Not a moment later, Drisa, who had been dreading this moment most of all, could feel the faint sensation of the males cock flaring inside her, followed something warm squirting into her pussy as Trelis came, bucking his hips firmly against hers and moaning out with each spurt of his thick fertile semen. And indeed he came hard, sending ropes of pearly seed deep inside her, his busy sperms wasting no time in racing to the ripe eggs in her womb

Despite Drisa's regrets of this, she couldn't help but coo softly at the sensations of Trelis's warm mongrel seed flooding her inner walls, groaning softly as she hung in the heavy afterglow of orgasm, huffing softly to cath her breath. In the following moments, as she began to come down from those heights for the first time, she realized what had happened and, despite the pleasure Trelis gave her, sighed sadly and looked over her shoulder at the male.

Trelis groaned softly, feeling the last of his love juice drain from his sac before slowly coming down from orgasms bliss, keeping himself inside her for a few more moments as he got in a couple of final gentle pumps. He leaned over to lick at Drisa's face in both appreciation and sexual satisfaction when she looked back at him, drawing a slightly disgusted look from the her as he softly pulled out and slid off her back, his still erect penis bobbing slightly between his hind legs as it slowly softened back into his sheath.

Drisa lurched forward as Trelis pulled away, looking down at his organ with a depressed sigh and trying to push his semen back out with her sore vaginal muscles. But it was no use. He had came so deep in her and held her there for several moments, gauranteeing that none of it escapes no matter how desperately she tries. As Trelis walked towards her for another kiss, she shook her head and quickly ran off, leaving the confused male standing there in bafflement as she takes off around the corner, across the street and behind a different building to cry to herself in hopelessness.

"So I hope you enjoyed your first time.." A mysterious voice said, seemingly out of nowhere. But Drisa knew that voice by now and turned around quickly to glare at him. "You got a kick out of that, i guess?!" she screamed, feeling her mixture of rage and utter disgust renewed. "You could have at least made me use protection. You realize i'm going to get pregnant with him!?"

Mali laughed softly and nodded. "well thats the whole idea. Now you haven't much of a choice, unless you want to bear that filthy males children. Thats why he was the first. SO i could scratch off any doubts you'd have of doing this"

Drisa growled, looking up at the larger male and mustering up enough courage to lunge at him, claws bared. Though everything was against her. He was bigger, she was worn out from the mating she'd done and he was ready for her. Even as she lunged, Mali swung his tail up and brought it down against her back with a sharp smack, bringing her down quickly as he gripped his clawed paw around her throat. "Now i could easily make your next child mine if you'd rather have that!" he snarled, tightening his grip and grinning in malice.

Drisa was overpowered so quickly that she hardly knew what hit her, whimpering softly and shaking her head. "No!! i'll finish" she whimpered, nearly sobbing again. "I'll finish okay? just no more street dragons. I almost threw up from the smell of garbage on him" she quivered, choking her words from the pressure on her throat.

"Good girl" Mali said, quickly releasing his grip and watching the young female drop to the ground in a pathetic heap. "How the high and mighty have fallen, no" Mali said with a smirk, looking over his claws daintily and flexing them.

"Why are you doing this to me...? I...I'm sorry okay...? I'm sorry! i learned my lesson" Drisa whimpered, hardly being able to finish her sentence before being cut off by Mali, whom seemed none to affected by her sad pleas.

"I'm doing this because it's the best way to teach you to watch how you act!" he snapped, glaring at her with an almost twisted pleasure. "Snotty little arrogant piece of trash. You know that alley dragon that just fucked you is more of a dragon that you!" Mali growled, his anger towards Drisa clearly growing. "You don't see him insulting others, playing nasty and cruel tricks. You're a disgrace....and your kind always fall the hardest when you get whats coming to you."

Drisa hardly knew what to say, whimpering softly and keeping her mouth shut as she looked down at the ground, scratching at a stray stone with a talon before slowly getting up. There would be no middle ground or amnesty for her. Mali had her right in the palm of his paw and she had to obey, if only to avoid going back home with little ones. "S...so...w...where do i go..." she said in defeat, her tone letting Mali know she had submitted and was simply waiting for her next destination.

"You will go north...first through the forests where you will find male number two. After that you'll go further until you reach a small city called sh'ateth. You'll find number three there. a ways past that, you'll come across a small ruins it should still be there, it's rather old. it's near the base of a mountain range where'll you'll find the last." Mali chuckled softly. "See, i even made it easy for you. from here to the mountains is only a few weeks travel. But considering all possible distractions and occasions, I imagine you'll be cutting it rather close before giving birth"

Drisa swallowed hard as she listened to Mali's directions, sighing softly before looking up at him with a hint of fear in her eyes. "A...and then...?" she asked.

"And then it's too late. you come home, consider your debt paid, and make damn good and sure you raise your little ones better than your parents raised you." he smirked. "And remember. By all "possible distractions", i mean the fact that maybe the male will decide it's best not to impregnate you. Maybe you will have to win his confidence. The rest of them aren't going to be as instinctive as that alley dragon. they might just wonder WHY a total stranger as young as you wants to mate with them so badly" Mali grinned before continuing. "And you're obligated not to let them know"

"Thats not fair at all! how am i supposed to do that! what if they refuse!?"

"well then i guess you'll have to improvise and use your imagination. And as you speak, That alley dragons seed has already enetered your womb. so time is ticking." Mali reminded, getting rather impatient with arguing.

Drisa growled, her mind racing as she ran off without even thinking. She would have to at least leave a note or something to her parents telling them she had to go somewhere so they wouldn't worry. That would be too much on her mind..

to be continued...