The second year

Story by Evadrin on SoFurry

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#2 of The floating dream

*( Sorry about ti not being as long as the other. hope you still enjoy! ^^)

It has been a year since that wonderful night both boys remember so clearly. School had gone well. Out of the subcategories Ethan had chosen to become a very skilled Alchemist while Phil Worked greatly with the elements and nature. Both boys had had a wonderful year laced with nights like their first time. They had however had trouble keeping people from finding out about them... They were the best students in their classes so people would often come them for help. The second year was beginning and they were preparing to move up a floor when suddenly there was a loud POP!

"I wonder what that was..." said Ethan.

Ethan walked to the door and looked out into the hallway. He looked around and nothing seemed to be different. That's when Phil had arrived behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned his head onto Ethan's shoulder. He then licked Ethan's ear playfully as Ethan looked around some more.

"Nothing seems any different.... I wonder what happened?" wondered Ethan.

"Nothing besides our room number going up by a hundred." noticed Phil.

Ethan looked and saw that they now had a second floor number.

"Odd....." Ethan wondered.

Letting go of Ethan, Phil wandered into the hallway and headed for the stairwell. He then turned and disappeared down it. A few minutes later he came back up and walked over to Ethan.

"Looks like we're done moving!" he said smiling. "We should unpack and go greet the first year students."

"What do you mean we're done moving?" asked Ethan.

He then walked down to the stairs and turned into them and then came back upstairs looking excited.

"O thank god they move magically!" Ethan exclaimed. "It would have been a pain to move all my potions up stairs."

Chuckling Phil pulled Ethan inside and kissed him lightly on the lips before grabbing his suit case and heading back to his nightstand and unloading the things he'd just got done packing, his tail playfully swishing through the air as he went.

"As soon as we're done here we should go to the mess hall and say hello to the new students." decided Phil.

"Okay then I'll get to work." replied Ethan.

As they unpacked they decided to move things around a bit for new decoration. Ethan moved his potions table and cabinet to a side wall. Ethan put his spell books in a nice shelf of ice he created right by the bathroom. Then using whatever knowledge he had of plants Phil had some plants grow from the walls, ceiling, and floor. Soon it was a tiny garden in which both boys had free roam. Once they were finished they headed out and went to the main mess hall in the center castle to greet the incoming students.

"Sigh.... You remember coming in on your first day?" Ethan sighed.

"Yea that was such a wonderful yet scary moment. It was the beginning of the rest of my life." answered Phil.

Soon the opening displays were finished and everyone went off to their castles. Phil and Ethan went ahead of the students so they could watch their reactions to walking through the flames from the castle courtyard.

"Wow there are a lot of new magic students" Phil noted as they started coming through the flames, awestruck at the scenery of the castle and its gardens.

"You'd think that with all the people this school gets every year there would be a higher chance

of getting in..." said Ethan, watching as the students were led to the castle and then shown their rooms.

"sigh... I still remember the day you two came in. you guys were so shy, but now you're as close as can be huh?" asked a voice behind them.

Ethan and Phil turned around and found Ethan's brother standing there watching them. That's when the boys realized they were holding hands and quickly let go.

"O h-hey T-Trevor." Ethan said nervously. "How are you?"

"Okay I guess. But you two seem much better off." He said with a twinkle in his eye. "I'm just glad my little bro has finally found someone to be with him."

Blushing both boys looked at the older husky and tried to figure out what to do. Finally they just managed to say.

"Um.... Well we were just..... it's not like....." both boys stammered together.

"It's okay. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I'm just happy to see my little bro is happy. I think that you two are a good couple." Trevor said. "But I am a little shocked to find him with another guy. But I won't worry you two, love is something outsiders should let pass by and not try to mess with."

Relieved both boys went and hugged the older one as they thanked him. They still weren't sure whether or not to let people know about them being together so Trevor saying he won't tell was a huge relief. Plus Trevor knowing made Ethan feel much better about keeping it a secret, because now he knew that his brother was okay with it.

"Hahaha jeez you two are happy." Trevor said blushing a little.

Both the boys pulled away and thanked him again for keeping it a secret. They then went to head back to their room hand in hand.

"Man I hope they are more careful then a little bit ago. Otherwise they'll have hell trying to keep their love a secret..." Trevor muttered to himself.

Trevor walked away happy to know that his brother was having the time of his life here, and that everything would be okay for them.

That night.

As Phil lay in the bed they shared, (They had turned their two beds into one giant one) he watched as Ethan got undressed and noticed it looked like he was beginning to gain a little weight. Not enough to show when he was wearing cloths, but definitely enough to make him look softer. Phil liked it. He thought it looked good on him and when Ethan lay down next to him he reached over and rubbed his belly. It was definitely softer. Ethan raised a questioning eyebrow at Phil but didn't complain as he was visibly enjoying it.

"Have you gained a little weight?" asked Phil.

"Well um it's just that..... I kind of ..... Well, I like it. I hope you don't mind...." Ethan said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Not at all! In fact I think the pudge is a nice addition to your wonderful body!" Phil said flirtingly.

Ethan visibly relaxed as he said this.

"I'm glad you think so! This means it can stay!" Ethan said enthusiastically. "I was just worried you wouldn't like it... I was worried you'd be upset that I was gaining weight..."

Still rubbing his belly Phil leaned over and kissed him. As he pulled away he whispered in Ethan's ear.

"I'll always love you no matter what." He then licked his ear and lay his head on Ethan's chest.

Then Ethan Wrapped his arms around his lover and gave a contented sigh as he closed his eyes. Then with that they fell asleep together.

The next morning.

"Well good morning sunshine!" Phil woke Ethan up.

Smiling Ethan sat up and stretched and yawned.

"Man I was liking not having class. O well I guess it's back to potions." Ethan yawned.

"Yea back to class. But first I have to get my growing boy some breakfast!" Phil said playfully.

At the mess hall Phil looked and did notice a slight increase in the amount of food Ethan was putting on his tray. They sat and had their breakfast then wished each other a good time until lunch as they went to their classes. Ethan went off to Alchemy where today they were supposedly learning a very useful potion. Phil went to elements and had a normal day practicing with the elements. Both saw Trevor throughout the day and smiled at him knowing he was on their side.

That Evening.

"Hey Phil?" Ethan asked as they were getting ready for bed.

"Hmm?" Phil replied.

"Wanna play tonight? I have something new we could try." He said teasingly.

"Something new huh? Well I wonder what that could be..." Phil said smiling at Ethan.

Ethan then grabbed Phil and took him over to the bed and taking off his clothes. Phil hopped up onto the bed and rolled onto his stomach, giving Ethan a nice view of his butt. Already both boys' penises were poking out of their sheaths. Phil then created some dancing flames to go around the bed that cast wonderful shadows on everything. The boys had started using these almost since Phil learned how to do it. Ethan then turned to his potion cupboard and pulled something out. He pulled a dropper out of a bottle and put three drops on his tongue which he quickly pulled in as he swallowed the liquid.

"What's that?" asked Phil.

"You'll see..." answered Ethan.

Ethan then leaned over and started licking Phil's Butt until it was nice and lubed and in the meantime getting a few moans from Phil. By this time both boys had their thick cocks out and in the open. That's when Ethan leaned in and started to push his cock into Phil's ass. Phil gasped. Ethan's cock seemed much larger than normal. He turned around and stared in shock. Ethan's cock was now huge! And he had heavy balls to go with it.

"I learned this today and changed it a little to make it only affect my cock." He explained.

Then he plunged into Phil's ass and they both gasped at the sensations they were feeling.

"O My god!" Phil exclaimed between moans.

"Do you like it?" asked Ethan. "I just hope I don't hurt you too bad..."

"It hurts a lot, but feels SOO good too!" said Phil. "We may have to do this again sometime."

That won't be a problem thought Ethan. Ethan then started pounding Phil's ass and they both moaned and growled in the ecstasy. After a little bit Phil turned around onto his back while Ethan fucked him senseless. Phil then started jacking his cock hard. It was almost time for him to climax but he was trying to hold it off a little until Ethan came. With one last shove Ethan exploded inside Phil, filling him to the brim with sweet husky cum.

"AUGHHHHHH!" Phil yelled as he finally hit his climax and spewed cum all over Ethan and himself.

Ethan fell into Phil's arms as they lay in their afterglow. Lightly licking each other's muzzles and kissing.

"Man I wish that never ended." Said Ethan, pulling his spent cock out of his boyfriend.

"I don't know that I would have lasted much longer."Phil admitted. "That bigger cock is going to

take some getting used to."

"Yea I imagine... I'm sorry for having you do that without warning.... I just wanted to try it... I'm really glad you enjoyed." Phil said shyly.

They then went and washed up and got back to bed. They lay down and embraced each other. Phil was rubbing Ethan's stomach again and Ethan reached down to rub Phil's.

"heh it looks like that cum has made you kinda soft." stated Ethan poking Phil's engorged tummy.

"Yea and you know what?" Phil asked.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"I think it's here to stay." Phil answered nuzzling Ethan.

"Okay but in order for that to happen your gonna have to start eating more you cute foxy." Ethan said smiling.

Chuckling a little they fell into a passionate kiss that went on for what seemed an eternity. When it was over Phil killed the flames and they went to sleep in each other's arms and had wonderful dreams all night.