Service to the King

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#2 of Requests

Request from Wolfboy1995. A king tries out his new servant.

Service to the King

Chains rattled in a stone room filled with the scattered light from a few holes in the wall. A group of small and average sized wolves scurried to stand in their proper place for their master. Two snaps was all it took to get them to attention as a larger wolf waited near the door, a whip in paw. The smaller wolves stood in a line, their paws open and facing up in front of them. Dark leather collars bound each of them to the wall by chains. Their master cracked his whip to keep them nervous as he walked past each one of them, inspecting them from head to toe. He got to the fourth in line and snickered, looking into his bright blue eyes which were uncommon for a slave.

"You," he said, grabbing the light brown wolf's paws to examine them, "name?"

"Tsai, master."

"Who owned you before the crown?"

"House Roselin, master."

"And what duties did you perform there?"

"House servant, cupbearer, and pleasure boy master." the bigger wolf sneered.

"You're a bit old for that aren't you?"

"With age comes talent master." the slaver chuckled.

"They're gonna love you alright." the slaver unhooked his chain from the wall and guided him out, leaving the others to go back to waiting. Tsai was paraded down the corridor naked and out of place amongst the finely dressed nobles. They stopped by a guarded door where a bull wearing shiny and intricately designed armor took Tsai by his collar.

"This the new one?" he huffed.

"Yes knight, payment as usual?"

"Five coins if he's still here tomorrow." The slaver nodded and walked away, placing his whip on his belt.

"I'll never understand why the king likes them uncastrated." the bull and the other guards snickered, as Tsai was dragged around by his collar. The knight pushed open the doors behind them and pulled the slave in.

"My lord, the servant you requested." the bull knocked Tsai's legs from behind, forcing him forward to his knees. Tsai winced and kept his head lowered before the king.

"You may leave us and gather the counsel, we have matters to discuss." the bull bowed and stepped back before turning and leaving the room. There was an awkward silence except for the sound of the king's large boots on the floor as he stepped closer.

"Rise now, let's see what they've brought me this time." Tsai stood slowly, his legs a little shaky from the hit. His eyes stayed down, only seeing the wolf's legs which were covered in steel armor and quite large. The king grabbed his muzzle and tilted it up to look at him, the royal wolf lumbered over him at seven feet and with eyes greener than emeralds.

"Blue eyes... I haven't seen one of your kind in ages." his voice grew gentle, strange for such a large creature. Tsai could feel the king's power through the paw on his chin, he could be crushed if the large canine sneezed and jerked the wrong way.

"Who are you little wolf?" the king asked curiously, his paw releasing Tsai's muzzle to grab his shoulder and then arm, feeling his small muscles and lightly probing him to check his healthiness.

"Tsai, master,"

"And who am I?" the king stopped his probing and waited for his inferior to answer.

"The king, master," Tsai could see a wide grin shaping across the king's muzzle.

"At least they've been feeding you." the large wolf chuckled, patting Tsai's flat stomach. The small wolf stood as straight as he could, showing off his form as he did for every master.

"Enough of that I can tell you're healthy, it shows in your eyes." the king's paw patted his chest and then a claw found its way between Tsai's collar and his neck. The dark leather pulled against his fur as the claw used up all the slack.

"I've had slaves turn on me before, remember this moment," he said sternly, "when I could have killed you just like that..." the claw tugged, easily tearing the leather and causing the collar to fall off. Tsai swallowed and nodded his head obediently, feeling strange without the tightness around his neck. His fur was dirty there, having never been cleaned since the collar was placed on him.

"You are not fit for me like this, you will be washed and brought to me later." he barked and two servants rushed over from the darkness, grabbing Tsai and walking him away. The king watched, a little saddened by the dip in his new slave's tail and from the look he saw in his eyes. He walked back to the council table, the same table that he had planned his assault on the blue eyed wolves of the north. It was something he always felt guilty about, the bright blue in the young wolf's eyes were that of royalty and the king had no doubt killed his new slaves family many years ago.

The servants rushed Tsai into a bath chamber and quickly helped him into a tub filled with lukewarm water. He hadn't had a bath since his previous masters gave him one before selling him; his tail was wagging gently beneath the surface. The servants each grabbed a paw and scrubbed his fur back to its true light brown, free of dirt. It took quite a bit of scrubbing to clean his neck but one of the servants took Tsai's paw when he was finished.

"Come when he taps, and the master likes it when you use both." he said, gently squeezing his paw. Tsai looked at him blankly as he interpreted the message.

"Yes, he likes to be bitten too." the other said, they both smiled softly at Tsai.

"Have you both served the master?" Tsai asked, his gaze swapping between them to see them both nod.

"He did not choose us to be his." one said.

"How are you still in his service if he did not accept you?"

"We do not serve the king, we serve his pet." the other chimed in. Back and forth they spoke, trading off talking as if they were both one mind.

"If he chooses to keep you, you will be his pet."

"And we will serve you." The wolf pair helped him from the tub and proceeded to dry him. Tsai had never been so pampered in all his life and rarely ever been this clean. One of the servants opened a glass box and lifted a silver collar from it.

"Should you earn it tonight it will never come off." the collar was placed around Tsai's neck and it fit nicely, it wasn't course like the rough leather and was cool against his fur. The servants bowed to Tsai and they opened the doors for him. He stepped out, unsure how to react to others bowing. He entered the chamber from before with the large council table in the middle, five were gathered around it now.

"Some water in our cups slave." the king said out of his conversation before returning to it. Tsai grabbed a jug and began walking around the table, pouring it as he silently listened to their conversation.

"The Thane's won't tolerate it, they've refused to pay their taxes."

"Send a party north to speak with them." The king replied.

"They don't want to talk they want revenge, you beheaded their queen."

"She was my queen and she was a whore!" the king pounded the solid table, almost shaking it.

"No matter what she was the tribes in the south are upset as well."

"Something must be done to show solidarity."

"I agree, find me a new wife and be done with it, dismissed." the king had heard enough about the dissenters, he needed to relax. The council stood and bowed, repeating a phrase along the lines of long live the king. Tsai stood holding the water jug as the last of the council left, looking to his king for an order. A heavy tapping on the table was the only response he got. The tapping only got louder as the king grew more impatient, Tsai put down the water jug as he remembered what the servant had said. He approached the large wolf, sitting menacingly at the table and raising his eyebrows when the smaller fur drew close. Tsai saw the wolf's legs subtly spread and he swallowed before getting down on all fours to disappear under the table.

He soon saw it, the wolf's thick sheath and balls were free from his armor under the table. He approached carefully between the king's legs, a strong musk quickly overpowered his nose in the tight space. The large canine huffed above the table, the red tip of his member just poking out of its sheath. His paws were small in comparison to most parts of his master, even his balls. He reached his paws to cup the heavy sac, bringing his muzzle up soon after to lick where his paws had been. There was a bitter saltiness to their taste but it wasn't the worst Tsai had dealt with. The longer he licked and suckled on the large wolf's orbs the more his red shaft expanded. It grew until it rested against Tsai's cheek on its own. The warm flesh throbbed gently and the slave's smaller paws wrapped around its middle, pulling at it towards the tip.

The king was quiet at first but after enough stroking with both paws in unison the big wolf let out a growl. The deep throaty noise would have scared most but Tsai was well trained, he just pulled at the wolf's cock trying to bring it closer to his muzzle. A steady stream of pre already leaked from the engorged member when Tsai's lips slipped around it. He suckled on it almost like a bottle, only able to take so much of it within the confined space. Both his paws worked along the shaft in unison, spreading saliva and pre along it until it was slick.

A grunt this time came from above the table and the chair slid back loudly and the king stood; his length stood proud in front of him as he tapped the table so his slave would come out from under it. As he emerged the king picked Tsai up and placed him on the table on his back. The king's large arms were on both sides of the small wolf, keeping him in one place as that large rod prodded his rump. It found its mark and the king held Tsai's muzzle to his so he could look into his bright blue eyes as he took him.

The king howled with delight, his new slave's ancestors must be turning in their graves. Tsai wasn't tight but the size of the king still hurt him, he had to grit his teeth and growl at his master as he was bred like the bitch he was. The slickness of the king's pre was the only thing between pain and pleasure; it kept Tsai's hole almost free of friction as he adjusted to the length inside him. The king grabbed the smaller wolf by his lower back and lifted him up to his chest. He bounced Tsai on him briefly before he grew tired of that and sat in his large chair with his slave on his lap. The huge wolf was panting and Tsai knew it was time to finish the job, he held himself close to his masters chest as he thrust his hips down. He bit into the large wolf's neck where his armor was exposed, ignoring the possible consequences and the king let out his first groan. The bite on the king's neck scruff grew stronger as his large knot slipped into the small wolf, filling him completely. He felt a mix of pain that was washed away by the warm seed that began coating his insides. Tsai held his large master as he felt every inch of the cock inside him pulse and fill him like a good bitch.

A few minutes passed before there was anything other than heavy breathing. The king separated their chests and held Tsai in his lap away enough to look between them. The small wolf had cum between them, making a mess on his armor.

"I see they taught you some tricks, you still need to learn not to cum on me." Tsai nodded shyly, wiggling his hips subtly to remind his master why he came.

"But this looks good on you, I think I'll keep you..." he trailed off after rubbing the smaller wolf's shoulder and gently rotating the silver collar on his neck. His eyes trailed up the brown fur to Tsai's blue eyes and a wicked grin swept across his lips.

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