Coach Counseling

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#3 of Requests

A request from Wolfboy1995. A son shows his father some new tricks after practice.

Coach Counseling

The college team's locker room was filled with furs after a practice. Lockers banged open and closed, towels snapped and the lights flicked off and on as someone tried to grab the room's attention.

"Enough horseplay, gather round." a large german shepherd spoke as he walked towards the center of the musky locker room. The players gathered around, some still wearing their equipment and some already changed and ready to go.

"I want all of you to watch the replay of Saturday's game and I want at least a few paragraphs from each of you on how we can improve." the instructions were met with some mixed responses. The standing shepherd was only their assistant coach; he had taken charge after the head coach had been injured in the off-season. He was capable but lacked the many years of experience of the head coach.

"Come on, paws in the middle, let me hear some motivation." he held is paw out in front of him while the players stood and gathered around him. After three shakes the paws in the center flew skyward and the team yelled their school's moto. The coach looked around the room as the team members dispersed in a flurry of tail and fur. He spotted his target, his son, an average sized german shepherd.

"What's up pops?" he said as he approached wearing only his uniform pants and a towel over his shoulder.

"Coach. I'm not your father here I'm your coach." he said sternly, tired of explaining it to his son.

"What's up coach?" his son smirked to annoy him.

"Mind if I talk with you about something?"

"Nope, what do you need?" his son stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Err... can we talk in my office?" his son nodded, and they headed to the coaches office. The older shepherd closed the door after they entered and sat in the comfy chair behind the desk. It squeaked as he sat, his muscles weighed him down more than his looks gave on. He cleared his throat before he spoke and his son took the towel from over his shoulder and held it in his lap.

"How are the dorms?" his soon looked at him awkwardly.

"Can't complain when I have a roof over my head."

"Good, good. How was your 20thbirthday?"

"It was alright, could have been better."

"Why's that?"

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" the younger shepherd's face was twisted with annoyance. His father was a bit taken back.

"I know we haven't always gotten along but I'm gonna need your help."

"With what?"

"Moving, your mom left me Will." the younger shepherd was silent, he had to decide whether to keep being a dick after hearing that news.

"I... sorry... Why did she leave?" Will tried to change his tone to be more caring. The coach opened a mini-fridge hidden under the desk and pulled out pair of beers, sliding one across the desk.

"I didn't know he kept beers under his desk." Will laughed and popped it open. He was always happy to get a free beer.

"Yeah... there's some whisky down here for when the team has really bad games." they shared a laugh for the first time in what must have been ages. The coach popped his beer and they both sipped as they kept talking.

"She was only with me because of you."

"What do I have to do with your marriage?"

"She only stayed with me so you'd have a steady home, now that you're grown she's moved on to someone else it seems." he took a long swig from his bottle and was ashamed to look up at his son.

"That explains why you two were always arguing I guess. I didn't think you actually loved her."

"Love is a funny thing Will, I never really liked her way back in school. She was always a bit of a bitch but once she was pregnant there was no going back."

"Why'd you sleep with her anyway then?" the coach laughed.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was a bet?"

"Get out." Will smirked, never thinking his father had a wild side.

"What a mistake that ended up being."

"I don't think it was that big of a mistake, I mean I'm doing pretty well for myself." Will smiled and got his father to smile back.

"I guess you're the one good thing that came out of it."

"Even though I'm a faggot right?" Will's tone was condescending as he leaned back against his chair.

"I was only teasing you whenever I said that, in a way I'm almost jealous of you."

"Jealous of me?" his head cocked and his ears stood up, waiting for whatever great explanation came next.

"You didn't make the mistakes I did, you're living your life, experimenting and doing things I never got to." some things began to make sense to the younger shepherd, he had noticed his father got more irritated whenever he brought a boyfriend over. Maybe it had been because his dad was jealous... but would that mean his dad was gay or bi? Will was even more confused now, either way he felt a little sorry for his dad.

"Dad you can't be so negative. You want to know what I do after a break up?" the coach laughed, finding it amusing that his son was comparing the end of a lengthy marriage to a college break up.

"Tell me." he said, finishing off his beer. Will took it as a challenge and finished his as well.

"You go to a bar and you pick up some company." his father scoffed at the idea.

"I don't belong in a bar, I've never even been in one. That and I haven't picked up anyone in ages." the coach used air quotations around "picked up" when he spoke.

"That is just not right. We'll go tonight, I'll take you." Will's grin grew and grew.

"How do you even get into bars?"

"They have under 21 bars dad, and it's where I find most of the guys I pick up." his father shook his head.

"I never knew you were..."

"What? A slut?" Will interrupted, "Sorry to break it to you dad, you sorta raised a slut." he laughed and stretched his arms above his head and behind his back, showing off his naked torso as it stretched out. He had never been skinny or even big like his buff father, the football training kept his body a mix between lean and average. The coach eyed him but looked away after getting his fill, not wanting to think of his son that way.

"I'll teach you everything you need to know to find someone tonight... if you're still interested in experimenting that is." he had his father's attention now, it brought him a rush considering he'd been after his affection since his youth.

"I need to shower, but after that I guess we can go."

"We can shower here, the coach has his own shower doesn't he?"

"We?" his father was now the confused one.

"I can't teach you in this cramped office, and it's not like we haven't before."

"Yeah when you were too small to tell your tail from your legs," he laughed and then sighed, "I guess, what have I got to lose." he stood, and walked past his son, patting his shoulder briefly on his way. Will stood and followed towards a private bathroom in the back of the office with his towel once again over his shoulder.

The small bathroom had a toilet and a stand up shower just big enough for the two of them. The room wasn't the best kept, the head coach was a bit of a slob. Will's father reached into the shower and turned the knobs to get the temperature right, when he turned back around his son was finished kicking off his clothes.

"Do you ever clean this place? No wonder mom left..." Will grinned as he squeezed past his father and into the shower. His words stung a little but his father brushed them off. He stared in the mirror as he undressed, looking over his own body. His whole life he worked hard to keep himself at his peak, the shepherd had broad shoulders and a wide torso with muscles that were easily seen under his fur. His thick tail was waggling ever so slightly at the tip from his hidden excitement. He pulled open the curtain and paused for a moment before stepping in, watching his son wash his face, his muzzle buried in the stream of water. It formed trails down his body and the coach couldn't look away, almost forgetting the younger fur was his son.

"Like what you see?" Will had turned his head to look over his shoulder and wink, noticing his father's swelling sheath.

"Enough of that, are you done?" his father had barely gotten wet with his son blocking the flow of water. Will nodded and turned around but there wasn't enough room to step past his father. The coach smiled and grabbed his hips to lift him, carefully turning with him to change places. Will used to love it when his father carried him when he was younger, it was one of the few times he got attention.

The larger shepherd stepped into the stream of water and brought his paws to his muzzle. His son stepped behind him while he was distracted, placing his paws on his father's wide hips. The coach shook his head of water and looked back at Will.

"What are you doing?"

"You haven't flirted with anyone in 20 years, I'm going to show you how." his father scoffed at the idea but didn't object when Will's paws teased his sides. They slowly rubbed his hips and caressed every muscular dimple. His father shivered lightly at the tender touch, slowly becoming more and more aroused. He looked down and the water followed the curves of his face and stayed out of his eyes. His son was close behind him now, his body pressed against his back and the younger shepherd's paws rubbed cautiously around his father's pelvis. His sheath was only holding back his knot now, the coach hadn't had an intimate relationship with his wife for years and even the simplest touch aroused him. His son's paws found their way around his cock and he could only grin, it was what he was after the whole time. The large dog had a cock to match, nearly eight inches when his knot was still hidden and unaccounted for.

Will nipped at his father's back tenderly while feeling up the thick red shaft that put him into the world. His paws gently pulled the older shepherds sheath back and around his knot, causing the larger dog to growl under his breath. The coach straightened his back and flexed, his length bobbing slightly from its own weight as he pried his son's paws from it and turned around.

"Sorry, that's just how I flirt, You'll want to start at the hips," Will said as his paws followed his own instructions, "Then you'll want to rub their sides gently, maybe their back... then down to their ass and give it a squeeze." their eyes stayed locked as Will squeezed his father's toned ass.

"Then you'll want to look them in the eyes... and then kiss them." Will paused, nervously awaiting his father's choice. Either he would kiss him now or it might all fall apart. He looked deep into the older shepherd's eyes and saw a spark of lust, that's when his father kissed him. The coach's strong paws rested on Will's hips and followed the instructions up to his sides, back and then down to cup his bubble but. Will broke the kiss and smiled up at the bigger dog.

"You learn quickly," Will said to the coach's delight.

"This old dog still knows a few tricks." the coach kissed his son again, throwing his conscience to the wind as the smaller dog seduced him. He spread Will's ass with his large paws and played around his tail hole with a digit, teasing him before slowly pushing in. The younger dog let out a lusty gasp as he braced himself against his father's muscular chest. The singular digit explored him until it was joined by a second; the younger dog was soon squirming and moaning into his father's chest, begging for more.

"I've got a few more tricks for you," the coach whispered to his son as he licked his tongue over his ear. He pulled his digits from Will and spun him around to face the wall, pushing him forward so his father could squat behind him and bury his muzzle between his cheeks. Will placed his paws on the wall in front of him and his body shivering as his father's large tongue lapped at him; teasing and getting him ready for what he had wanted for a long time. He sighed as the licking stopped and only his father's paws were left holding his ass open and ready.

Will looked back and saw the lust again in his father's eyes as he stepped closer, his fur was dark and wet.

"Show me you still know how to bury that bone." Will said with a cocky grin, turning back around as he felt his father's length slide up his lower back. He braced himself against the wall and spread his legs as far as he could, his father accepted the invitation and a large tapered tip found its way to his hole. His father entered him slowly, spreading him like none of the other studs he took home. Will gritted his teeth as he felt every inch of his father push into him and the larger shepherd pressed his hips forward until he was buried to his knot. Will's body shook, unused to a real man inside him.

The coach slowly pulled out and watched his son's back arch as he drove back into him. He rocked Will against the wall as the younger fur's knees shook from the slow pounding. The longer his father watched his son take his cock the more he realized how much he wanted him. Ever since he had caught him riding one of the other players after practice it had been one of his forbidden desires. A loud whimper caught his attention and he looked up to see Will looking back at him, his tongue hanging from his muzzle like he was having the time of his life. He held his son's sides tightly and rammed into him, meeting the backwards motion of the younger shepherd. Will arched his back again as his father's thrusts pushed him forward against the wall, one of his strong arms wrapped around the smaller shepherd's abdomen. Loud, pleasure filled groans crowded the small room as the coach popped his knot past his son's tightness and finally fulfilled his desires. For the first time in years the coach's knees shook as he leaned forward against his son, howling and pumping him full of the seed that made him. Will's head was held back as his father mated him like his whore of a mother. The knot pressing against his prostate made him whimper as a strong paw gripped his member. Will was never as big as his father but he came just as much. The wall in front of them was quickly coated with cum while Will whimpered away.

As they calmed down the coach was nibbling at his son's neck and his paws held the younger shepherd gently. When Will stopped leaning on the wall in front of them his father lifted him and spun them both around and back under the water. They returned to showering, still locked together and the coach nipped his son's ear. He was grateful for the lesson.

"You won't tell your mother will you?"

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