This Is How It Feels
#2 of Old/Outdated Work
This is the second part of the first erotic story I wrote.
She sat there atop him, gently stroking his face and neck as if to sooth his pain, then she finally began to dismount him. Tylim could feel her ovipositor embedded within his bladder, sliding around and rubbing against his internal sphincter with every movement she made. She pressed her groin down against his, and began to retract her ovipositor. With her orgasm now over, her ovipositor had started to soften, but the glans and knot of it were still pretty engorged, making it difficult to pull free. He felt the still swollen knot tug up against his internal sphincter and, with his bladder so full, started to push as hard as he could. His efforts did not make this ordeal any easier or less painful.
She pulled with her ovipositor and tugged with her hips, her knot slowly, painfully stretching his bladder's sphincter wide as it passed through and into his prostatic urethra. The sharp pain of his inflamed sphincter being stretched cause him to gasp and clench his external sphincter down around her girth. She paused, easing forward in preparation to pull her glans through. "Relax." she cooed when she felt his sudden clenching. After drawing a breath, he resumed pushing as hard he could.
Taking this as her cue to continue, she pulled back again, bringing her knot up against his external sphincter and her glans up against his bladder's internal sphincter. Now he felt both of his sore, inflamed sphincters begin to reluctantly spread open, but he persisted in keeping his passages open. Painfully, her glans was pulled through into his prostatic urethra, and her knot out into his urethra. Again, the sharp pain cause him to clench up, harder this time, since it was his sensitive and abused external sphincter that was spread wide by her still engorged knot.
Feeling his muscles pull back against her, she eased down into him again, letting him rest for the moment. Even though she had discharged her eggs and fluids in a wonderful orgasm, the sensation of her organ being locked in and squeezed by his clenching urethra muscles brought back pleasurable feelings, setting her in a state of mild arousal. She didn't feel an overpowering sense of need as she had when she took him, her glands having been spent and ovi-chamber empty, but she did feel a desire for sexual play. She smiled down at him, even though his eyes were shut tight in a grimace of pain.
Carefully, she placed her arms around him, and lifted him from the ground. He became suddenly aware of this and looked into her gaze, still clenching his sphincters along with his teeth and fists. She held him up, lateral to herself, and gripped him by his hips and back. Then she moved her hips in that grinding motion again, pulling him against her groin as she ground against him, pushing her ovipositor around within his urethra. The tightness she felt around her ovipositor as it began to swell once again to its' full girth, was amazing. She uttered a low, pleasured moan as she played with his inflamed sphincters, tugging and prodding her glans and knot against them.
He drew a pained breath, and started whimpering again. His bladder was so full it was in constant pain, probably beyond its' capacity, his urethra and penis sore from her ovipositor stretching it so, and now he was to endure it all again. But oddly she didn't penetrate into his bladder again, and instead just rocked his external sphincter between her glans and knot. They had swollen up to full size again, despite the constriction his urethra put around them. Then she suddenly pulled back, tugging her glans up against his sphincter, hard. The fat, swollen glans slowly spread the opening up, as wide as her eggs did when they passed through. His whimpering escalated to a sharp squeal of pain.
The shape of her glans forced his sphincter open to its' widest girth quickly, then gradually tapered down to her puckered slit, where it suddenly gave way to her thin, tapered length at the tip. She pulled back a bit then pushed forward again, the tapered tip slipping back through his sphincter followed by her fat glans. Normally, her knot was the thicker of the two bundles of erectile tissue, but only during an orgasm and by just a millimeter or two in diameter. But in this particular state of arousal, without the need to deliver eggs, her glans dominated her girth. She pushed it on through, despite his resistance, eliciting another sharp cry of pain from him.
She pistoned him a few times, stretching him out painfully, then pulled all the way back, even lifting him from her groin a bit, only to plunge back in, all the way to and then past his sphincter. Her glans and knot worked on his urethra, stretching it out. "Mmmm... So tight, it just feels so good." she said between breaths. Tylim whimpered "P-please, stop... please." he was out of breath, and his voice was cracked in pain. "This is good for you," she said over his crying "it'll stretch you out a bit, so that you can pass my eggs." Then she reflected on those last few minutes of blissful pleasure, while continuing to drive her glans and knot back and forth all the way along his urethral length.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you..." she said, slowing down a bit and eventually resting her glans up against his sphincter. "I was just looking for male, any male, but I just happened to find you when my eggs were ready to be delivered." Her voice was soft and cool, as it was when Tylim first happened upon her. She laid him back down, gently, and then placed her hand on his abdomen, just above his pelvis. To his horror he saw it actually distended a little, pushing out in a very smooth mound, which seemed consistent with how much it hurt. She rubbed her hand across his belly some and then bent over, putting her snout next to his. He felt her tongue dash out to dab his snout and cheek in a sort of kiss then she leaned back a little so she could look into his eyes.
"I didn't find a mate, my eggs are barren, but I'll stay with you and help you pass them." she told him. All he could do was nod approval which he wasn't really aware of as he stared into those blue, mesmerizing eyes of her's. Something about her calmed him when he met her eyes like that, and now he was thankful for it, since it distracted him from the pain in his urethra and bladder. He was about to shakily, and redundantly ask her to help him get the eggs out, but she spoke again, "But first, I've denied you an orgasm. I've taken you in a way that wasn't yours to enjoy. I've... raped you, poor male."
She lifted him again, this time laying down on her back and propping him atop her. She squirmed around until she was comfortable. "I found your tight passage too stimulating and now I'm in want again. You too, I feel, are in want again." She was right, her pistoning within his urethra had gotten him fully erect again, despite how much his bladder hurt, and the feeling of all those eggs being pressed down onto his bladder exit, stirring with every twist or turn of his body.
Even though he was atop her now, he still felt being forced into the submissive role since she had a firm hold on his sides. Even if he wanted to get away now, her ovipositor was still lodged deep in his urethra, and now that he was erect, there was no way the knot or glans was going to come out. "I-" he winced, "- don't know. It h-hurts so much..." She reached up to stroke his face and neck, pausing before asking him "Have you ever mated before?" He paused at the question before finally answering "N-no, not until..." He found himself surprised and confused that he somehow considered this particular instance to be his first sexual experience with another. But he had stayed put and let her have her way with him when he could have escaped, hadn't he? "Then we can both experience this wonderful sensation together." she replied.
Reluctantly, he decided to get on with it, but he honestly didn't know what to do. Her sexual organ was penetrating him, had penetrated him, very painfully at that. What was he supposed to do? True, her thick girth stretching his urethra provided ample stimulation, but if he started flexing his penis inside her, how would her ovipositor react? How would she react? Did she insinuate that it was her first time too? How could he even move his penis about within her when her length was buried within his own?
His thoughts were disrupted when she started pistoning again, except this time, she was arching her groin up with her motions. She pulled him down against her as she did this, driving her length through his. "Take me in your way, as I take you in mine." she suggested, or was it a command? Tylim tried, planting his feet firmly on either side of her and grinding his groin into her's as she arched up into him. With every motion though, he could feel the contents in his bladder jostling about, and when his abdomen came down onto her's he felt his bloated bladder pressed in. This caused the volume within to shift down to his trigone, but the mound of eggs that had pooled and gathered there prevented any of the fluids from leaking through his stretched sphincter.
He whined and whimpered in pain, despite the tightening grip his libedo was getting on him. She was driving her glans through his external sphincter and all the way back to his penis, pulling her thick knot up against his glans opening. The pressure in his erection would ensure that the knot couldn't be pulled out, and constricted her length, squeezing and tightening around her glans. Then her thrusts started to become shorter, deeper, and in around his sphincter.
His penis, though locked mostly in place by her thick penetration, flexed and spasmed within her vaginal walls. Every now and then, when she would be pulling, he would thrust past some sort of sphincter of her own, perhaps into her ovi-chamber? That didn't make much sense though, as she laid through the organ coming out of it. His mind was becoming too flooded with sexual hormones to think about it much, he was just happy that it would clamp down around his glans as he wedged it open. Then she spoke to him, huffing "I'm- I'm about to- again." He was nearing orgasm himself, but he wasn't holding anything back in the least and her words put a sense of urgency into him. He didn't think he could handle any more fluids being pumped into him. "J-just hold on- a little- longer."
But he started to find that he didn't mind the thought of being filled even more, not now at least. In fact, he started to want her to ejaculate in him again. She started pistoning her glans through his sphincter while arching it upwards within his prostatic urethra, prodding and stretching the flexible walls which caused him extreme stimulation. It was too much, and with a sharp cry, this time of orgasmic pleasure, he pressed his groin tightly to her's and drove the glans of his penis through that sphincter within her.
She felt him thrust into her, breaching her inner sphincter to her now lax and deflated ovi-chamvber. Now that she had laid, the sphincter had loosened to allow a male phallus entry. His sphincter tightened around her glans, pulsing against it, the rest of his urethra contracting around her knot and ovipositor length. Then she felt his fluids squirting against her glans, buried within his prostatic urethra, held firm against his contracting sphincter by his constrictive tightness and her pulsing girth. His glands pumped regardless, quickly filling his slightly stretchy prostatic urethra.
The jets against her swollen, sensitive glans sent her over the edge. Crying out as she did during her laying orgasm, she grabbed him by his haunches and tugged him down, holding him against her as she pulled back against his external sphincter and thrust her ovipositor hard against his bladder sphincter. Despite it being clamped tightly shut during his orgasm to seal off his bladder, the narrow length at the tip of her glans pushed right through, followed by her glans itself. She didn't stop once her glans was through either. As he gasped at the feeling of something very thick prying its' way through his internal sphincter he then felt her thick, bulbous knot press up against it immediately after. It stopped just short of its' widest point, for only a moment, before her exerted pressure forced it on through.
It felt so amazing for her, as the head and knot of her ovipositor sunk through his sphincter back into his bladder. She could feel her eggs, being cast aside from where they gathered by her sudden intrusion, bobbing around and lightly impacting on her sensitive flesh. She continued to thrust her long organ into him, pulling back until her knot was flush with his poor sphincter only to push forward until friction slowed her.
As she felt this sensation, she felt another within his urethra. As her ovipositor forced its' way into his bladder, it relieved the pressure her glans and knot was putting on his external sphincter and prostatic urethra, allowing them to pump his ejaculate out. Despite the fact that her thick knot and glans carried almost all of the pooled ejaculatory fluids with them into his bladder, his glands continued to pump, producing enough semen to get off at least a single weak jet from around the thick girth occupying his penis slit. She felt the thick seminal fluid slip around her length as it was forced out through his urethra. The feeling of the semen coating and lubricating her length, allowing her to twist her ovipositor around inside him with ease, only multiplied her orgasm.
It drove her wild, and she slid her organ deeper and deeper into him with each thrust, her stored length unfolding from the now tight confines of her genital cavity to slide slickly into his dribbling penis slit. Pushing as much of her into him as she could get away with, she didn't stop even when she felt her thin tip bend against his bladder wall. She arched her organ against it, and started to loop it inside of him, curling it around against the boundaries of his stretched membrane. Then her ovipositor tensed up, pulsed a few times, and glands within her pelvis contracted, forcing her viscous female fluids into her oviduct.
He could feel her within him, her glans ungainly flailing around inside, bumping against his walls with each thrust, her knot rubbing against his bladder wall, and despite the pain and discomfort this brought, his sex drugged mind considered it just another form of pleasure. He felt her ovipositor thicken then, just as it had during her previous orgasm, and for a brief moment he cringed at the pain he was about to feel. Then she exploded inside his bladder, releasing her torrent in thick, heavy jets. The pressure of their blood pressed the tissues of their respective organs tightly together, his tightness around her length let him feel every pump of her muscular bands as they piped the fluids into him, expanding and contracting swiftly. The contractions of his urethra and her ovipositor were off sync and working in opposite directions, providing stiff resistance against each others' orgasms that made the sensation all the more acute between them.
She pumped and he felt each long jet as a persistent sting on every point, every nerve of his bladder wall. The first jet lasted a full two seconds, then the second one came for about a second and a half, then the third. Her ovipositor had arched back on itself inside him and was now pointing straight down at his trigone, each jet of fluid sending the eggs clustered there swirling around in the current and made his already worn sphincter react by spasming in a fit to evacuate his bladder. She continued pumping, four, five, and finally it stopped at the sixth.
He whined again, carrying both pleasure and pain on his breath. It hurt so much, even more now with his bladder so full and stretched, even though it was nowhere near as much as she put into him during her laying. Still, under the influence of his own orgasm, it hurt so wonderfully, and he felt oddly satisfied. Now it was his turn to collapse on top of her, panting and moaning in pain at the sharp stinging he felt in his lower abdomen.
She arched her neck back and sighed, feeling the pressure in his bladder against her glans and the eggs that bumped up against it as they swirled around in the currents made by the jets of fluid she filled him with. His penis was still leaking stray semen from its' tip, lodged in her tight, now sore, passage. Her sphincter was clamped around his penis just beneath his glans, her ovipositor buried all the way into him, stretched completely out, as far in as it could go. She fit nearly the whole fifteen inches of her length into him, leaving out only the three inches of length that connected to her ovi-chamber. That short length curved back around through her sphincter, and lead to a separate, now sealed, entrance to her ovi-chamber.
She lifted her head to look at him, resting on her belly, exhausted from the most intense orgasm he had ever felt. Poor thing. She thought, If only I had found him sooner. Then she stroked him on the head, running her hand over his feathered crest. He opened his eyes and looked into her's, then whimpering in pain and discomfort, slowly began to prop himself upright, if only to take pressure off his abdomen. "Now," she spoke to him, "you should pass my eggs, they must be causing you much pain." Her voice softened then, "I'm... sorry it hurt you so much." Sitting up now, he drew a short, pained breath and placed his hands on her chest. "It does h-hurt a lot... but..." Then he moved his hands from her chest to his belly and gently rubbed and massaged his lower abdomen. "You felt really great... in me... Did you ever... before?" he asked her hesitantly, mostly due to shortness of breath.
She didn't smile, her look remained plain, but her eyes focused on his and she leaned her long neck up to him. "No," she cooed in his ear, "you're the first male I've mated with." She moved her hand from his haunches and placed it atop his, rubbing his abdomen with him. She eyed the slight bulge from his distended bladder and said "You felt wonderful for me too, so tight and warm..." She started stroking his flank with her other hand, moving it to his tail-base. "And you feel so soft against me." Then she looked up at him again and, grabbing him by the flank and back, held him to her and lifted herself from the ground. "We must retract our genitals from each other so that you can lay." He nodded and only uttered "O-okay..."