Sif Character

Story by TheOriginalDaddyD on SoFurry

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#3 of Characters

This gives a little more information on Sif, the Fantasy Palaces's resident dominatrix.

After Ruby was shot Sif nearly lost herself but immediately came back as soon as they learned Ruby was going to survive. She dominates anyone she can due to a burning need for control. The only one who can subdue this desire is Ruby who Sif feel still owns her in some way but loves it. Her dominant nature does not mean she is cruel however, for she treats her "Treasure" the unicorn Uni with the utmost patience and love. When she dominates you she does so with utmost care due to knowing what can go wrong is she passes your limits. Her ability is to make anyone beg for more of her dominance. Except maybe Ruby who is the only one she openly allows to dominate her.


· Wolf woman with thick fur

· 185 cm tall with a 70cm tail

· Solid white minus the last 12cm of her tail which is jet black

· Strong body but most of her muscle definition hidden by her fur

· Bright blue eyes

· Strong snout

· Does NOT have longer hair growing from the top of her head


· Creating new techniques

· Making outfits for Uni

· Cleaning

· Exercising, especially chasing Uni

· Swimming

· Preying on unsuspecting people

· Playing with Uni

Likes / loves

· Uni, her treasure

· Her other friends / Family

· Being dominant

· Strong but obedient men

· The idea of finding her family

· Helping newly freed slaves

· Keeping active

· Eating

Dislikes / Hates

· Slavery / slavers

· Especially the slaver family that tore her family apart

· Hurting a submissive on accident

· Cleaning up after Uni's many accidents

· People judging her kinks

· Being hungry

· Overly lazy people

· Men's unwarranted fear of her

Quick history

Sif was born to a family of six other children which were split up by the slave trade causing her to be bought by the elves. She was bought by Ruby's family in order to accompany and befriend Ruby who was their most valued child. At a young age her and Ruby began to experiment in many ways eventually causing them to entangle two of Ruby's other siblings on occasions. A few years before she reached adulthood she was banished from the elven city with Ruby causing them to travel the orient. Sif fell into a deep sadness, blaming herself for getting Ruby banished when it was the other way around. When they both eventually made it to the farm they called home her anger for being separated from her family started to bubble up. Now she holds back her anger while hoping to find any information on her relatives whereabouts.

Arius Character

A slightly shy and timid horse man despite his massively strong build to match his immense height. He is obedient and loving but does not have the massive sex drive to keep his mate Ruby satisfied. So instead of straining his own body he accepts a...

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Ruby Character

Ruby is the main star of the beast shows at the Fantasy Palace. Appearance · Half woodland elf, half high elf · Light colored, usually quite pale skin · Height is 213 cm · Body type: Always fit and petite with soft curves to match her gentle...

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Jewel of the Fantasy Palace Ch. 1-5

Ch. 1: The Farm The sun crept over the tall mountain range, slowly warming the farm nestled into the high valley. A group of young women all showered together on a long stone platform which ran along the outside of a communal house. They all helped...

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