Chapter 1: The Meeting

Story by wolfman159 on SoFurry

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#1 of Kody's Life

It's 4:58, Monday morning. I lay sprawled out on my queen sized bed. It has been another sleepless night. My name is Kody. I'm a 20 year old brown and black Wolf. I stand at 6 foot 1 inch tall. I currently live in an apartment right off of my college campus. I have my associates degree in accounting and am working on my bachelors. I work as a secretary at an insurance company.

*Beep beep beep*

Why does work have to be so early? I smacked the alarm clock and fondled around to find the off button. Since I sleep naked, I had no trouble itching my butt. I threw the blanket aside and crawled out of bed. Once I stood up, I had to hold on to the night stand to keep my balance. When I got my balance, I rubbed my eyes to try and wake up since I'm tired but am not able to get any sleep. I need to see a doctor about that, but today is going to be a busy day, so I'll have no time to. The heater broke, again, so it is freezing in my room. I needed to get a shower, so I grabbed my towel and headed towards the bathroom. I'm already naked, so I turned on the water in the tub and waited for it to warm up. When it became warm, I turned on the shower head and got in. The warm water felt good on my cold body. I washed my body, and scrubbed my way down my chest. When I reached my crotch, I stayed there for a couple of minutes. I washed my balls and remembered when my fiance left me. Caroline was the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. She's a German Shepard, with perfect curves accompanied by a perfect face. It has been almost 2 years. I remembered the day when she found out my secret. I was in the bedroom watching my favorite porn called "Reversing the Food Chain" which depicted a Zebra chasing down a Lion in Africa. When the Zebra caught his prey, he said, "I know what you guys do to my kind. Now it's my turn to get revenge!" Then the Zebra showed the male Lion his 14 inch cock, fully erect, and mounted his face. He pushed his cock into the Lions mouth, then started to hump his way into the Lions throat. The Lion let his member slip out of his sheath and get hard. The Zebra moaned, as the Lion gagged on half of the cock pushing into his throat. You could tell the Lion was enjoying it, since his 7 inch cock was hard and dripped pre. The Zebra, after a couple of minutes, humped harder and harder until the Lion could take all 14 inches of the behemoth penis. Then, after another minute, the Zebra cummed into the Lions throat, and some of the fluids dripped out of the Lion's mouth. The Zebra yelled, "Eat all of it!" The Lion swallowed, then the Zebra pulled out of his mouth. Then the Zebra said, "I'm not finished with you yet!" The Zebra got off of the Lion just to position himself behind him. The Lion just laid gasping on the ground, sperm still dripped from his maw, and managed to say, "No. Please, no more!" even though you can tell he still wanted it, since he was still rock hard and he moved his tail out of the way. The Zebra said, "You're gonna get it anyway! There is no way out of it!" Then the Zebra mounted the Lion's back and positioned his glistening black cock in front of the Lion's ass hole. The massive penis then slowly started to push into the Lion's ass. The Lion gasped as his anus (which was a little loose from previous adult movies) started to fill up with the Zebra's 2 and a half inch girth. The Zebra pushed about 8 inches in to lubricate the Lion, and then he slowly pulled out until just the tip is the only part that's inside. The Zebra said, "Prepare for horror!" and shoved his penis as far in as he could at the moment, which was about 10 inches. The Lion yelled, and the Zebra chuckled. As the Zebra started to hump, the Lion, with his cock still fully erect and dripping, moaned as his tail hole became used to the invasion. The Lion started to push back on the Zebra, which increased both of their pleasure. Both of them were smiling, and the Lion bit his lower lip. The Zebra picked up his pace. The Zebra was close to cumming again, and since his penis rubbed against the Lions prostate, it was getting him close too. Then, with one final shove, the Zebra hilted the Lion with all of his 14 inches, and they both cummed simultaneously.

That's when Caroline walked in on me. I was naked on the bed, my 8 inch cock fully erect and cumming, and with a black 10 inch dildo in my ass. When I heard her, I turned my head around and covered my crotch (although I have no clue why since she has seen it many times before). Of course she had to walk in on the best part. I managed to say, "Honey, I thought you would be home later!"

She looks at me, jaw dropped, and said, "The book club was canceled today. What are you doing?" She knows exactly what I'm doing because she has a perfect view of the tv, which is still playing, and my back is to her so she had to have seen the end of the dildo.

"It's not what it looks like", I replied, even though it was exactly what it looked like. I sighed and said, "Ok I can't keep hiding this any more. I knew you would find out one day." I stood up, moved my hands from my still erect penis to pull the dildo out of my ass, and pulled out the box of toys and movies I've been hiding from her. Her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. We had a discussion, she gave the engagement ring back, and I packed up some clothes, put a pair on, and left. Since we still liked each other, we decided to stay friends. To this day, we still talk, and I'm still confused on why I proposed to her.

My mind returned to the present. I was still rubbing my balls, and I was hard. I sighed. I haven't been with anyone since then. I finished up washing myself, turned off the shower, and dried myself off. I didn't want to put on clothes yet since my cock was still hard and dripping pre, so I finished up my morning bathroom routine. When I was done, my cock had gone limp and back into the sheath. I had to piss, really bad, so I went to the toilet to relieve myself. Afterwards, I got out of the bathroom and put some business casual clothes on. I then went into the kitchen and made some pancakes. After eating, I needed to leave for work. It was now 6:08. I had to be at work by 7:00 and it takes 45 minutes to get there. I grabbed my keys and dip and headed out the door. When I locked the door and put my keys in my pocket, I realized I forgot my wallet. I let out a deep sigh, slumped my shoulders, and fished my keys back out. When I got back into my bedroom, it was dark since the lights were out and the curtains were drawn. I went to find the switch and slammed my knee into the dresser. "SHIT!" I yelled out, rubbing my knee. Then I felt the wall beside me and found the switch. It figures it would be right there. I opened the top drawer on the dresser and grabbed my wallet. I clipped the chain of the wallet to my belt and put the wallet in my back pocket. I then proceeded to head out the door again, trying to remember anything I had forgotten. After realizing I had everything, I headed out the door and locked it. Then I heard a piercing noise through the hallway.

"Hey Kody! How's it going?" It was Laurie. She lives across the hall. She has a really annoying high pitched voice. She is a Hyena, not a couple months younger than me. We got to know each other through school. She knows that I'm gay, and I told her what happened between me and Caroline, so she understands where I come from.

"Oh hi Laurie! I had another sleepless night. I really need to get my life back together. How are you?" I replied, scratching the back of my head.

"Well that's never a good thing to hear. I'm doing good. Just on my way to my first class." She replied. She had her backpack in her hand.

"Are you still up for studying before class tonight?" I asked. We took Calculus 301 together.

"Of course!" She replied, then slung her backpack on to her back. "I gotta get going to class now. Have a good day!"

"I'll try," I giggled a little, "Have a good one." I walked downstairs to my late model Toyota Camry and got in. I started driving to work and saw that the new Starbucks just opened. I figured it wouldn't hurt to go check it out. At this time of day, it was a little busy, but I still decided to go. I pulled into the parking lot and found an open space. Walking to the door, I noticed the line is small. It looked like every table was full though. When I headed inside, I noticed there were 3 people working. I got in line, which only had 2 people in it. The cashier looked strangely familiar. He is a tall Flying Fox, standing at about 6 foot 8 inches, with brown fur. His face looks just like a Fox, but he has the body of a toned Bat. He looks really good. His Starbucks apron was tied up in a cute way too. I just can't put my finger on where I've seen him.

"You like what you see?" He smiled.

I blinked myself back to reality and said, "Oh sorry, I didn't know I was staring." I was next in line, and there was no one behind me, "Could I get a medium vanilla latte?"

"No problem," He replied, and punched something in the computer.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I had to ask.

He chuckled, and said, "What high school did you go to?"

I replied, "John Overton, class of '06"

"Well that's why! Overton, class of '07! I knew I saw you somewhere too. Remember, Phys Ed, your senior year. My name is Chance."

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed, "You weren't as tall as you are today."

"Yeah I had a major growth spurt my senior year. I grew 10 inches in 4 months. The football coach even wanted me to play. I refused, since I wasn't that physically inclined," He smiled, then said, "Yeah I also remember you staring at the other boys in the locker room too! I thought that was so cute. I was too nervous to say anything though."

"Oh", I said, and cover my mouth.

"Its ok. I've always wanted to see if you did swing that way," he said, still smiling.

"Hehe. Well I'm available if you want to get together and catch up. Here, I'll give you my cell number," I said, as I pulled out a business card and wrote my number on the back.

"Ooh, big business man, eh?" he said, then giggled a bit.

"Nah, I'm just a secretary for a cheating insurance company. I hate working for AIG," I said, and giggled a bit with him. I then handed him the card and said, "Give me a call anytime!" then started walking away.

"Don't you want your coffee?" He asked.

I stopped in my tracks, closed my eyes, and let out a big sigh. I turned around and walked back, "And I bet you want me to pay for it too, huh?" I pulled out my wallet and handed him a ten dollar bill.

"That would be nice. Its $3.59," He said and started to make change.

"Keep the change cutie," I said. I grabbed my coffee and headed toward the door.

"Thanks! Have a great day!" He said.

I turned around and say, "Trust me, I will. Remember, you can call me any time you want," and then walked out of the door. I got into my car and drove right to work. The drive there was wonderful, since I had Chance on my mind. When I got to work, I clocked in at 7:02, just a couple minutes late. No big deal. Right after I clocked in, I put my head in my hands, and let my mind wander to Chance. I thought of what could happen with us.

"Morning Kody. I see you're 'hard at work'," It was Mr. Gordon, my boss, who snapped me back into this world.

"Oh sorry, I had another sleepless night. I'll get right to work," I said, then took a sip of coffee.

"That's ok. You should really see a doctor about that though. I don't need to see you slipping here and at school too."

I wondered why he was concerned about my school work, but then said, "I know. I plan on going tomorrow after work since I have no classes on Tuesdays."

He smiled, "Alright. Did something good happen this morning? I usually don't see you in a good mood on Mondays"

It became apparent to me that I was smiling the whole time, "Well I met this wonderful person at Starbucks. It turned out we went to high school together. We are going to get together and catch up sometime."

"I love running into old classmates. Class of '71. It is difficult to stay in touch these days. Here's some advice. Hold on to everyone you know for as long as you can. I let plenty of old friends slip away. That was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made"

"Thanks. Well I need to get to work now," I said, trying to end the conversation.

"Yeah me too. Catch you on the flip side!" He was always trying to stay with the times. Sometimes it was funny, but mostly just sad.

I grinned a false grin at him, then, after he went to his office, I sighed. Throughout the day, I was thinking about Chance while I was working. Before I knew it, it was 11:30. Lunch time for me. I reached the cafeteria and got some groady cafeteria meatloaf with corn and mashed potatoes. I grabbed a bottled water and put the 5 dollar meal on my check card. Since I had an early lunch, there is little people in the cafeteria, so I sat alone. I got a couple bites in my meal, and my mind returned Chance again. Not long afterwards, my phone rang. I fumbled in my pocket to retrieve it. It was an unknown number. I answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey there! Guess who?" The voice on the other end said

"Hehe, I'm gonna say it's Chance!" I replied, trying not to sound too excited.

"Ding ding ding! You're right!" I love his voice. He has a deep voice, but it's not too deep. It has a barely noticeable lisp too.

"Hooray!" I said, "What do I win?"

"A night out with me! How does tonight sound?"

*Damn* I thought, then I said, "Well I get off of work at 4, and have class at 6, so tonight is no good. How about tomorrow night?"

"Well geez. I guess you really don't want to see me then..." He replied.

"No I REALLY want to see you, I'm just really busy too!"

"I know. I'm just giving you a hard time. We'll meet tomorrow at 6 at the southern entrance of the park then. Is that ok?"

"That's perfect! Are you working tomorrow?" I asked. My tail was wagging. I haven't been this happy in a long while.

"Yeah. I work every weekday morning. You gonna come see me?"

"Of course!" I replied.

"Ok. Well I guess I'll see you then cutie. I gotta get back to work now"

"Me too. See ya tomorrow!"

We each said bye to each other and hang up. I saved his number on my phone, then continued eating, thinking about tomorrow. After I finished eating, I headed back to my desk with a cheery little strut. I finished my work day, then headed home with Chance on my mind the whole time. When I got home, I plopped down on my couch and relaxed for a bit before I had to go to the library to study with Laurie. It was 4:55, and I got to be there by 5:15. I started to think of Chance again. I thought of what we could do tomorrow, like walk through the park, get dinner, catch a movie. Before I knew it, it was 5:18. "Shit," I said, and quickly grabbed my backpack, keys, and wallet. I ran out the door, lock it, and ran to the library. Since I live right off of campus, it only took me a minute to get there. I was trying to catch my breath when I got to the door. I walked inside and instantly heard the piercing voice.

"Hey Kody! Over here!" Laurie said, followed by shhh's from others in the library. She really didn't need to say that since she was sitting at a table up front with one of her other friends.

I walked over and sat down, "Hey Laurie!" I was still trying to catch my breath. "How was class this morning?"

"It went ok. Ms. Yount wasn't too happy for some reason. How was your day?"

"It was great. I met this guy at Starbucks when I was on my way to work. I've been thinking about him all day."

Laurie perked up and said, "Oh my god! You gotta tell me all about it!"

"Maybe later. I got to finish my homework. Who's your friend?"

"Oh sorry. I didn't introduce you two. Kody, this is Stacy. Stacy, meet Kody" We shook hands. "Me and Stacy are in Forensics 201" Stacy is a Gazelle, about my age, with a good figure, with exceptionally nice hips

"Nice to meet you," I said, bowing my head.

"Right back at you," She said. "I'm in Mr. Grady's Calculus class right after you. He gives everyone the same homework."

"Aha," I said. I pulled out my book and we got to work. I took out my dip and a bottle and popped a little in.

"Eew. You know I hate that!" Laurie stated, and Stacy had disgust written all over her face.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I hate it too," I said, even though I really don't hate it. "Its just a habit. You smoke, so you can't say much about it either."

"True, but its still disgusting." Laurie replied. I just shook my head at her, then spat in the bottle. I finished up my homework right before class started. Laurie and I said good bye to Stacy, and we headed to class. When we got there, I could barely pay attention. I was thinking about Chance the whole time. Time flew by, and class ended earlier than expected. After Calculus, I had Accounting 305, then English 301. Those classes went by in no time. I walked back to my apartment, and went straight to my bed. I really couldn't wait for tomorrow. After a couple hours of day dreaming about Chance, I went to sleep.