Sex Ed for Siblings

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#1 of Sex Ed for Siblings

When a young panther is still learning about puberty, he gets caught by his brother looking at some magazines, so the big brother decides it's time to give his little sibling a 'hands on' course.

The sun was shining as a black cat woke to the sunlight hitting his face. He was a young black panther cub, age twelve, who let out a groan while trying to cover the sunlight by going under his blanket.

He closed his eyes once again and tried to sleep. But he could feel the summer warmth seeping in and through the sheets, starting to make him feel warm already. "So hot under here." he groaned as he tried to endure, but soon enough, he burst through the blankets panting, his fur starting to sweat. He looked at the sunlight and stuck his tongue out at it before getting up and stretching out his limbs.

"Alright Alright I'm up." he yells out to the sun. He rubbed the top of his head as he walked over to the dresser to get dressed for the day.

He picked himself a black shirt and grey shorts. Afterwards, putting on some sneakers to finish up. Satisfied he walked out of his room and went down the hall to grab breakfast.

As he walked on, he saw another black panther walking out of a room. This one was taller than him with a loose white t-shirt and short blue jean shorts to show he was more physically fit then the first. He seemed to be around sixteen.

"Good morning Morris." the younger cub greeted out.

"Yo Axel." yawned Morris. "You're up earlier than usual. What happened, nightmare?" he teased.

He pouted about the question. "No I didn't have a nightmare. The sun and heat woke me up."

"You sure? Cause you did have a real bad one and left a pretty big wet spot on your sheets." snickered Morris while patting his brother's head.

"T-that was just a bad moment. I forgot to use the bathroom before going to sleep." he groans at the memories, moving away from the bigger one's paw. "You gonna embarrass me before breakfast again?"

"Well, maybe a little. Can't make any promises." he grinned, grabbing his brother's head and giving him a noogie.

"Ah come on Morris!" he cried out trying to squirm out of the hold.

He suddenly let go and caused Axel to fall flat on his butt, causing Morris to laugh. "Whoa, careful there clumsy." he smirked as he headed downstairs.

Axel huffed and crossed his arms before getting up and eyed his brother's bedroom door which was slightly ajar. 'Huh? He forgot to close the door. I should close it and join in.' he moved to shut the door, but looked down the halls and didn't see him and got a devious grin before quietly slipping into the room. 'After I take a quick little peek at his things.' he snickered with a toothy grin.

He looked around and saw it held a few weights to use in his brother's free time with a few pin ups of busty and beautiful woman of varying species which made him stare before he started looking around in curiosity.

"So what deep dark secrets are you hiding big brother?" he asked himself as he looked in drawers and the closet. All he got was dirty laundry or old snacks which made him gag. "Oh man, did something crawl in there in died?" he complained as he moved away from it.

He sighed and frowned at not finding anything major, but eyed the bed since it was the last place he didn't touch.

He looked under the bed, but didn't find anything. He was about to give up until he noticed a strange lump between the mattresses. "Hmm?" he lifted one up and grinned seeing a stack of adult magazines and grabbed the top one before putting the mattress back on top before opening the pages open.

"Ohoho, what sort of chicks is he interested in~?" he growls in joy. He looked inside and saw several pages of older feline woman posing in all manner with the species ranging from siberian to spotted cheetahs to even plain old lioness'.

As he looks and flips through the pages, a blush and a goofy grin appeared on his face. 'Maybe I should borrow this for about a week, two, three tops.'

He takes one and stuffed it in his shirt, making sure to flatten it to his back and turns around to exit the room. But he saw the doorknob slowly turn and panicked before looking around for a place to hide.

He saw the bed and moved down and crawled under it quickly. His tail just got under as he heard the door open and heard footsteps walking in.

A familiar black furred paw entered and closed the door. "New I was forgetting something."

Morris voice sounded through as he started moving.

Axel kept his mouth closed and breathed through his nose as quietly as possible. He watched as the paws moved over to the desk with the sounds of some rustling being heard.

He then heard the drawer close. 'Leave... Please leave...' he thought in his mind.

Morris' paws walked over to the bed and stopped while he heard the sound of the mattress being lifted up.

'He's going for a magazine. Oh, please let him not noticed he's missing one.' he prayed in his mind.

"Hey, where's this month's issue?" he spoke. "I swear if Axel snuck in and took it, oh he's getting the prank of a lifetime."

Axel broke into a cold sweat as he saw him starting to move again. His brother's paws walked back to the door as he heard the door open and close.

Axel let out a soft sigh of relief. 'Okay he's gone.' he thought as he started to crawl out. 'I better get rid of this as well.' he thought as he changed his mind about the magazine. He started taking it out, but found himself more curious to open it here and now then try and wait.

'If he catches me here, I'll be in serious trouble.' he thought worried. He looked down at the magazine and gulped before sitting on the bed and opened it. 'Just a couple more pages...' he said in his mind. He looked down and blushed beet red under his fur to see a tall and attractive cougar with her legs spread wide open and giving him a clear look at some pink folds right in between her legs.

He chuckled at the sight, feeling a familiar tightness in his shorts. He looked down and saw a bulge forming and blushed since this had been happening a lot lately.

"Ehehe, well I'm reading a exotic magazine." he grinned as he turned the next page. His eyes widened seeing a naked black panther on the beach and instantly groaned feeling his cock strain against his shorts harder than before.

"Wow, she's got a nice rack." he said noticing the large breast she had. He reached down to his shorts and started unzipping them to let his dick free. He started to rub it a bit, purring as he looks all around the panther's body. He grunted while his cock got rock hard and he was starting to heat up.

'Wait a minute! This is my brother's room! I can't do this in here!' his mind snapped out of it as he places his hand away from his cock. He stood up and went to put the magazine away just as the door slammed open and Morris jumped in. "Yahh! Morris, what are you doing here?" he gasped out loud.

"It's my bedroom, and I just caught you jerking it in here." he smirked walking over and taking the magazine. "Yeah, this month's issue is pretty good, so good you got a stiffy right here."

He opened his mouth, but all he got was a garbled groan.

"Oh, and for how I knew you were in here, I caught your scent near the pile and figured you wouldn't have time to run to your room, so I figured you were hiding and just waited outside the door."

Axel slumped down and looked away embarrassed. "I-I...I'm sorry."

"Well I gotta say, you got some guts sneaking in here, but that doesn't mean I'm going easy on you."

He closes his eyes, expecting the worst noggie of his life. But what he got instead was finding himself gently pushed on his back. "Uhhh... what's going on?"

"Payback for breaking into my room." grinned Morris before reaching down and pulling his brother's shorts all the way off and tossed them aside. "Now you gotta listen closely. Hold your legs open for me."

Axel was a bit nervous at the scene and reluctantly opened his legs. "Why?"

"Simple, so you can look like her." he opened the page to the cougar with her legs spread open.

"What... Wait, What?!" he asked, blushing at the scene.

"You snuck in here to look at porn, so I'm gonna make you pose like them. Or I could always take photos instead." he gave a cheshire grin.

"N-No! I don't want pictures." he shakes his head.

"Then just calmly keep the pose and don't break it, and no one has to see you without any shorts on."

He groaned as he kept his pose and dealt with this. He glanced away while Morris nodded with a grin and leaned in closer while moving his paw up Axel's leg. He shuddered from the touch as he looks at his brother. "Wh-What are you doing?"

"Just feeling how soft the fur is. It's clean and smooth like the model." he grinned while moving his pawn closer to Axel's center.

He smiled a bit at the words, but felt odd. 'Is he implying I'm like those models?' then he let out a gasp feeling his brother's paw move up against his ball sack.

"H-hey! This isn't part of the deal!" he got out.

"Ah ah ah, don't break the pose." smirked Morris wrapping his paw around his brother's stiff cock and started to slowly move his paw up and down it.

"St-stop it. This is embarrassing." he groaned in pleasure.

"Then why are you feeling stiff as a rock?" he countered while rubbing the tip with his thumb.

"Because you're rubbing me." he complained with a moan getting out before he covered his mouth with a blush. "Oh no."

"Ah, sounds like someone likes this." grinned Morris as he set the magazine down on the side before rubbing his brother's ass with his other hand while moving his other hand up and down faster.

"N-no... it's not like that." he stuttered out, trying to control himself while gripping the bed sheets due to the soft paws his brother had.

Axel closes his eyes, baring his teeth while having a problem breathing without turning into a pant. But he let out another moan and started panting as his brother had leaned down and was rubbing his nose against his cock.

"H-hey. W-what now?" he stutters blushing.

"You're really liking this." grinned Morris before sticking his tongue out and took a lick on his brother's tip.

"Nggh, N-No." he moans out, his tail twitching. "I'm sorry for peeking. I won't do it again, so please stop!" he begs.

"If you tell me how this feels, I might." Morris pulled his hand off Axel's ass and licked his middle digit before moving it down and started to push it into his brother's anus.

"What the- Aaie, knock that off." he gasped out. "I-It's not meant to get stuff shoved up in there!" He was about to grab his brother's arm to push it off. But he let out one more moan as his cock twitched and both brothers saw his semen shoot out and land on Axel's ass and body. "N-now look what you did!" he called out blushing madly at the situation.

"Hmm, seems like your ass is your weak point." remarked Morris like he was taking notes like a professor. "Let's see what happens if I do this." he curved his finger in Axel's anus before he started pulling it back and forth.

"Axel cut it out. This isn't fun." he said, purring low. 'I hope he doesn't notice the purring.'

"Then why are you purring?" he asked with a grin while seeing his brother's cock slowly stand back up.

'Darn it.' he flinches at that. "I... I don't know why honestly."

"Well you're entering puberty, so maybe it's just your body getting hard over anything." he idly remarked without stopping his finger. "Hmm, maybe something else could work instead of a finger."

"Hmm?" he asked. His brother pulled the finger out of his anus before he let out a surprised moan feeling something wet slick over the hole.

"M-morris... what are you doing?" he asked moaning a bit. 'Is he licking my anus?' He was blushing as he started purring louder. 'It's... not that bad.' he thought.

"Mmm, a little salty, but not bad." growled Morris before he spread his brother's hole open wider with his paws and started pushing his tongue inside it.

"M-Morris.." he moaned out as his tail started swishing side to side slowly. "W-We can't...." he got out while his cock stood rigid and his mind was feeling dizzy from the sensations coming from his ass.

"What's wrong, you seem to like it." Morris commented. He made sure to push his whole tongue in and got a moan from his brother before he started swirling it around inside him.

"N-not that much." he said stuttering. "Can we please stop?" he asked starting to sit up.

"Weeeeell, alright." he relented pulling his tongue out while licking his lips. "Not bad, but now you'll learn not to sneak into my room."

"I already learned that lesson. I'm sorry." he said as he started to move his legs off the bed. "Can you hand me my shorts back?" Noting that it was still behind Morris's back, taking his boxers.

Morris walked over and grabbed the shorts before tossing them to Axel.

"Thanks." he said as he started to at least put his boxers on and move to the door, looking out carefully.

"Relax, mom and dad left work early, so it's just the two of us." spoke Morris walking over and left the room with a grin. "So you could have moaned all you wanted back there."

He blushed at the sultry tone. "B-bro I'd rather not." he said stepping out and closing the door. "I didn't even know you liked boys."

"Both have interesting perspectives." he grinned as he saw his brother walked away. "I could show you the best ways to make a guy orgasm if you want."

Axel's body twitches as his fur bristled at the suggestion. 'Is he interested in me or something?' he thought to himself. "N-No thanks."

He started walking off faster before hearing more 'suggestions.'

"You sure? Cause me teasing you was just a little bit compared to all the stuff I learned. For instance, even a guy's nipples can be as sensitive as a girl's."

"I-I'm fine." he said. He rushed to the kitchen and started getting a bowl of cereal ready while his brother just got himself a breakfast burrito ready in the microwave.

Axel sat down and started eating, keeping his eye on his cereal. "We better be quick so we don't be late." he said.

"Late for school? It's saturday." Morris pointed out.

"Wait what?"

"It's saturday. No school today." he said to him. He snickered while biting into his food. "So you not only woke up early when you could have slept in, but you had your first orgasm before breakfast. I think that's a new record." he joked.

"Dammit! You're doing this on purpose right?" he accused him.

"Nope, just seems like a sucky morning for you." he shrugged.

Axel groaned as he started eating faster, taking big bites. 'After breakfast, I'm going back to bed.'

He saw his bowl getting lesser and lesser. 'Almost done.' he took a quick look at his brother to see how he's doing. Morris was just leaning back in his chair and was already halfway done with his burrito.

'C-come on Axel. Calm down.' he thought as he starts to finish the milk. "I'm going back to bed, night Morris!" he spoke before getting up and put the bowl in the sink before racing back up to his room.

"It's only 9 am. No tv? No video games?" he asked curious. He finished his burrito before chuckling. "Wait, I know. You want some time to play with yourself. Alright, I got it, go right on ahead."

He opened his mouth to counter, but sighs as he headed upstairs. 'Just ignore him and try to get some sleep.'

He headed in bed, closing the shades and not bothered to undress. He started to relax and close his eyes. His muscles relaxed and his breathing slowed while he let his mind start to wander.

After a few hours of rest, he plans on playing video games for a while. Maybe watch a little tv if he's in the mood.

But as his thoughts went around those, he started remembering what he and his brother just did.

It was embarrassing of course, but he also felt something else...he started feeling his groin get warm and hot while he groaned in his sleep.

'It was weird... but rather nice too.' he thought blushing a bit. He reached down and just lightly touched his cock while letting out a low moan.

'I don't have a problem with him being interested in males, but...' he paused as he recalled the furthest they went and his words about learning more. 'Does he really know a lot of stuff?'

'And another thing. I'm not just some male. I'm his little brother as well.' he thought while grabbing his cock and moaned. 'I shouldn't even be thinking about asking him for more details!'

Then he noticed where his paw was. 'I shouldn't be rubbing myself either.' he took his paw away before getting up in his bed and decided to take his mind off things by playing some games.

After a little while he started to feel a bit thirsty. 'I could go to the kitchen to get a drink.' he paused and started to exit his room. He headed downstairs, but stopped at what he saw in the living room.

He saw his brother sitting on the couch in the living room... with hardly any clothes on save his underwear. Which of course was clear enough to where he could see a bulge that looked bigger than his own cock inside it.

"Um.. hey Morris." he said, looking at his face.

"Hey bro." waved Morris who was laying out his whole body on the couch to relax. "Done with your nap already?"

"Yeah... I was playing video games and I was heading to the kitchen to grab a snack and drink." he tells him as he started walking slowly. "What were you doing?"

"Just relaxing and figured laying around in my underwear would feel better, and it is. You should try it."

He had a faint blush on his face at the words. "I'll think about it thank you." he said thanking him as he headed off. "Want anything?"

"Water." Morris called back.

He nods as he grabs a soda and water bottle out the fridge, plus a small bag of cookies. He went back in the living room to hand the bottle to him. "Here ya go."

Morris smiled as he reached forward and took the bottle. "Thanks lil bro." but as he took it, he reached out and pulled Axel onto his lap.

He gasped and dropped his stuff on the ground, luckily not making a mess. "Wh-whoa. What gives?"

"What? Don't like it? You use to always sit on dad's lap." grinned Morris.

"I mean... It's okay I suppose, but I was very young back then." he said trying to relax. He didn't realize just how close he was before feeling his brother's bulge against his ass. He started to move forward a bit so he doesn't feel it anymore. But Morris just reached around and pulled him back, but closer this time.

He felt a little uncomfortable as he felt his back pressed against his brother's chest.

"Comfy?" asked Morris breathing in his brother's ear.

He shuddered a little from the feeling of air on his air. "Um... a little.. Though I feel a little warm." 'It feels twice as big as my own penis."

He smiles as he rubs the smaller panther's fabric. "Maybe you oughta take off your clothes too." he suggested.

"W-What!" blushed Axel more.

What, I said it helps out when it gets too hot." he said as he moves his hands to the bottom of the shirt. He grabbed it and started pulling it over Axel's head.

He was a little embarrassed, but he doesn't really resist as he takes off the shirt. But he did jump and let out a gasp feeling Morris' paws start moving across his bare stomach.

"H-hey, easy there." he said shuddering.

"But why?" asked Morris as he started moving them up to Axel's chest.

He was silent as he can now feel his brother's chest fur on his back. 'So soft...' he thought.

"Ooh, I found your nipples." grinned Morris brushing his paws across the nubs.

Axel's fur bristles as he felt the touch. "Ahh..." he gasped softly.

"See what I mean? Boys can feel sensitive here too." Morris said as he started to rub both of them at the same time. His brother jumped against and he grinned while he started to 'accidentally' rub his bulge against his brother's ass.

"Hey, don't you think that's a little much?" blushed Axel feeling the rubbing and tried scooting away from it.

But considering Morris is holding him close, he couldn't move so far. Plus it didn't help that his brother started rubbing his bulge up higher and near the base of his tailbone.

He shudders and squirms a bit from the odd feeling, his body oddly warmer now. "K-Knock it off Morris. This is feeling very strange."

"Oh? What does this feel like?" he asked before he started to lightly twist his brother's nipples.

"My body's feeling very hot. I have a odd feeling in my gut." he moans out in surprise at the twisting.

"See? You love being treated like this."

"T-treated? Treated like what?" he said still squirming as he started to purr without him realizing it. 'No! Stop purring!' He clenches his teeth in an effort for anything to stop or lessen it, but he kept purring.

"Treated like a cute little virgin who's getting hard." growled Morris moving a paw down and against the bulge forming in Axel's shorts.

"Nghh..." he let out a moan as he saw his brother's paw rubbing the bulge under the fabric.

"Want me to keep going? Or do you want me to stop?" asked Morris who moved his other paw from Axel's chest and started rubbing up and down his brother's tail.

Axel's face was bright red as he actually liked the rubbing on his chest and tail. "Um... K-keep going?"

"Wow, so he wants his own brother teasing him huh?" grinned Morris in a teasing tone.

He blushes, too embarrassed to speak, so he nods his head in response. That's when he found his shorts and underwear yanked off without warning and saw his stiff cock stand up straight.

He cried out in shock as he stares at his erect penis. Then let out a moan from feeling his brother's bulge rub under his cock slowly and made him grip his paws from the shock of pleasure.

"Ahh..." he murred in pleasure from the rubbing. 'This feels very nice.'

"Want me to lose my underwear?"

"If you need to." Axel blushed. He saw his brother take his underwear down his legs and his eyes widened seeing Morris' cock stand up right under his own which was definitely twice his own size. He blushes as he sees it throbbing and pulsating. "Whoaaa..." he got out.

"See something you like?" teased Morris reaching out and started rubbing Axel's hardened nipples again.

"Uh..Uhh.." he moans and tries to speak, but moans got out instead, also his purring.

"Then you'll like this." Morris reached down and wrapped his paw around Axel and his own cock and started pumping both at the same time.

He started panting and he rubs his brother's chest with his back.

"How's that feel?"

"Feels good Morris." he admitted,. "Is this..ahh.. good..ohh..right?"

"You tell me?" he grinned before he moved his paw up and down their cocks faster with a purr. "Mmm, your cock's nice and hard right now."

He groaned as he move to hold Morris's arm and squeezes it. Shuddering in pleasure. "M...More..."

Morris giggled at his brother's budding arousal. Hr started to rub a bit faster and harder.

"Ah!" gasped Axel who shivered. 'I never thought something like this would feel good.' He hugged around his waist and purr as he nuzzled his older brother in his neck.

"Want me to go further?" asked Morris with lust as he growled in his brother's ear.

Axel shudders at the lustful growl. "What do you mean go further?" he asked curious.

"Get off my lap and get on all fours."

He looks confused at the suggestion, though he does get off his lap and got onto his hands and knees. "What for?"

"This." Morris quickly reached up and pulled his brother's shorts and underwear down his legs and with his exposed ass revealed.

He gasped at the sudden action and in surprised at feeling a breeze on his rear. "Hey!" he called out looking at him. "What are-" he let out a gasp feeling Morris start pushing his finger back up his ass.

"Just thought I'd give you a little reminder from earlier." he teases as he pushes in slowly, feeling the muscles squeeze around his finger. "Hmm, maybe you didn't get any sleep because you were thinking about how sensitive your ass is."

"N-no, that's not it." he said shuddering from the feeling. 'I can feel his whole finger.'

"Then why couldn't you sleep?" he asked starting to twist it.

"I..I..." he stuttered as Morris started moving his finger in and out of the tight hole.

He slides his finger out. "Maybe..." he moved forward and took a slow lick. "It was because of this?"

"AH!" moaned out Axel with wide eyes while Morris grinned and started trailing his tongue up and over the hole. He couldn't keep himself from purring as he moves his tail and rubbed Morris's neck with it.

"Wow, if I knew it was this easy to get you horny, I would have turned you into a bigger pervert than I imagined." growled Morris as he licked the hole while moving his paw down and up Axel's cock.

"I'm not a pervert. It just feels nice." he said to him. His tail swished and he let out another moan feeling his brother's tongue start to push into the hole. 'Whoa, he's doing that again.' he felt his legs tremble.

Morris swirled his tongue around inside while focusing his paw on rubbing Axel's tip.

He purred until he felt something building inside. "Uh... something's happening. My groin feels weird."

"That means you're gonna cum." he spoke breaking his swirling.

"What should I do? Should we stop?" he asked.

"Nope." grinned Morris before using his paw and tightening his grip and rubbed much fast than expected as Axel let out a startled moan.

A few more strokes later and he let out a moaned meow, cumming onto Morris's hand. He felt his mind going dizzy again as he panted while Morris held the cum filled paw up to his own mouth and grinned.

Axel blushes as he looks at him and wonders what he's doing. Then was surprised as Morris started drinking up the cum straight from his paw.

"Wh-why are you drinking it?" he asked looking shocked.

"Because it's good." he replied like it was obvious as he licked his lips. "Big time."

"Um... well, I'm... glad you enjoyed it." he blushes as he gets up. But found himself on his stomach while Morris loomed over him and felt his bare hot cock rubbing against his ass. "Nghh... What now?" he asked, looking back and shuddered from feeling it.

"Now comes the part where I fuck you senseless." spoke Morris while spreading Axel's ass cheeks open.

"Wh-what?" he asked a little surprised, but his tail rubbed his brother's sides.

"Look at how hard I am?" he held his cock up. "It's time I plug up this slutty asshole of yours." He leaned on top of Axel a bit. "Just relax and enjoy it." he whispered as he started to push slowly.

Axel let out a gasp and gritted his teeth while gripping the couch at feeling the tip push in past his and with the rest of the shaft slowly making its way inside.

He grunted as it started to hurt a bit from the unfamiliar feeling. "I-It's too big!"

"Just endure it a bit. It'll get better real quick." Morris assures him as he slides out a bit, then pushed back in.

"Ah!" moaned Axel feeling it push in deeper and his tail swished more from the feeling. He tried to keep quiet from the feeling, hoping not to look even more perverted in front of his brother.

"Mmm, so snug." growled Morris feeling his brother's ass cling to his dick as he started to move back and push back in.

He noticed that the pain was soon subsiding as his brother said it would. And each push inside made his body tingle and his dick get harder.

He started smiling a bit as it started to feel pleasure, but strives to keep his purr down so he doesn't keep teasing him.

"Time to really go nuts." growled Morris grabbing Axel's hips and pulled back with just the tip in before slamming in the rest of his cock in one go.

"Haaa!!" he cried out as the last thrust took his breath out. "It's so big!"

"Really now?" he asked teasingly. "Well don't hold anything back, moan as loud as you want."

Axel blushed and clamped his mouth shut, to keep himself from doing that. But Morris saw this and reached down to grab his little brother's cock and started rubbing it as he resumed pushing in and out of the tight hole.

"H-hey. S-stop that." he said, his voice shaking a bit from pleasure.

"Nope, not unless you relax and moan." grinned Morris who kept moving his hips and paw in unison.

"I-I c-can't." he said shuddering and gripping the couch. 'Don't moan....don't moan.'

Morris moved his paw to rub and caress his younger brother's rear. "So soft I could sleep on this like a pillow."

Axel started to purr softly from the rubbing and such, feeling his resistance softening. He let up on the couch and let out a moan as Morris' cock was making him more and more warm.

"So... good." he moans out and relaxed on the couch, purring loudly in pleasure. "Go faster."

"With pleasure." Morris grinned as he started to thrust faster.

Axel look back at his brother smiling. 'Could you... tease me more?" he asked shyly.

"Oh? So my little brother likes me teasing huh?" grinned Morris.

"Y-yes, so please tease me." he said blushing.

"Well considering you're getting tighter and purring like that, sounds like you're a secret little slut." he grunted going faster.

"Hahh..." he let out a moan and purr louder as he pushes back to his thrust. "More!"

"Such a sweet moan you have. You purr like a she-cat in heat." he whispered in his ear. He licked the ear while reaching down and used both paws to pinch and squeeze Axle's nipples.

"Morris... Oh wow." he moaned as he felt his limit again. "I'm getting close."

"Then go ahead and cum like my bitch." he growled lustfully.

He winces and yowls lustfully loud as he came on the couch, panting in bliss.

"AHH!" growled out Morris before his dick twitched and his cum exploded inside his brother's anus.

Axel moans and purrs as he feels warm sperm spilling and flowing through his rectum. "It's so hot." He panted and felt Morris hold him in his arms.

"Don't think this is the end, cause I'm gonna fuck you senseless before mom and dad get home."

Axel blushes, but feels himself being turned around till they're face to face. "What's this now?" he asked noticing their position.

"I'm gonna really go wild while facing you." he growled before he started to move back and slammed back inside the wet insides.

Axel moaned and panted in front of him. "Yes... b-breed me like a pantheress.." he moaned out holding him close.

"Gladly!" Morris' hips moved faster with his cock getting stuffed up Axel's asshole with each thrust with the tip brushing against something right beneath Axel's groin.

Which caused the young panther to moan suddenly in response. Axel blushed and closed his mouth. But it didn't help that Morris grinned with a devious glint and started to purposefully hammer his cock against his brother's prostate.

"H-hey, why do you keep thrusting against that?" he asked blushing. Even though his cock flopped with each thrust and it made his body tingle without restraint.

"Seems I found my brother's sweet spot. Am I right?" he asked him teasingly. His answer came from his brother moaning louder as his sperm shot up and landed over himself and on Morris' belly. "Looks like it."

Axel blushed as he moved and licked his brother's neck affectionately.

"Aww, does my little slutty brother want me to keep going?" asked Morris while reaching down and rubbing his brother's sensitive dick.

"Yes, please do so. Treat me like a female." he begged. "I want to feel like a cat in heat."

"Good." growled Morris in a more primal tone before pulling his brother onto his lap and made him turn around and face the door before he started bouncing him on his cock.

He panted and moaned as he tried to bounced on the cock as well. He felt the dominant aura from his brother and he felt weak in response to it.

"Just imagine if our parents came home and saw you taking it up the ass from your brother. What do you think they might think?" growled Morris reaching and pinching and twisting Axel's nipples.

"Something around surprised and shocked at the scene." Axel estimated, shuddering in pleasure..

"They'd be shocked we're fucking, but I wouldn't stop. I'd just make it clear who's making you moan!" he growled as he slammed Axel down on his dick with more force.

He cried out loud from the feeling. "Did you want this to happen? For me to sneak into your room and all that?"

"Mmmm, not really." he shrugged. "Honestly I planned on really teasing you if you got a girlfriend, but since you're new to this stuff, I can make you my own personal little slut."

"So you plan on keeping me all for yourself, not letting anyone get me?" he grins."You sound like a kid who's scared to share his toy."

"Maybe I'm just a little possessive." he grinned, "But do you think you can find anyone who can satisfy you just like me?" he moved and nipped his neck repeatedly.

"Ah...n-no..." moaned Axel shivering as his brother's cock hit his prostate again, causing his dick to twitch and spew out more of his seed. He panted and moaned as he felt Morris's mouth move upward to his face. He found his lips covered with Morris' and moaned louder while feeling his strength leave him while Morris just moved faster.

"M-morris." he muffled since his mouth was covered. He started feeling his brother's dick expand more than before and braced himself.

He heard Morris moan in his mouth as he relaxed and let himself be filled by his brother. The hot seed filled him with twice the amount than before with his stomach bulging slightly.

He looked at his brother and shuddered, feeling weakness flowed through him and he hugged Morris tightly. "I think....I'm gonna....take a nap."

Morris smiled and wrapped his arms around him in a comforting embrace. "Go ahead and sleep."

Axel laid his head against his brother's chest before closing his eyes and started snoring.

'It's strange... when he's holding me, I feel... safe, protected.' he thought as slept take over.


The front door to the house opened and in walked a grown panther and pantheress.

They headed inside the home. "Kids, we're home."

"In here mom!" called out Morris who was still on the couch with Axel sleeping against him with a blanket over them.

"You two must've had a lot of fun if you two are that tired." chuckled his dad.

"Hoped you two enjoyed it." the mom said as the two headed off.

"Oh trust me, I think we've gotten closer." chuckled Morris under his breath as under the blanket showed him still buried in Axel's ass.

When they left, Morris looked at the sleeping cub under him. He patted his head while closing his own eyes to go to sleep. He unconsciously moved and lick Axel's neck with his tongue, getting a purr from the smaller panther.

A Shocking Interrogation

The night sky was quiet and seemingly peaceful as a few cars were out in the late night. Near the police station is where a white wolf in a blue officer's uniform was calmly relaxing in his car while drinking some coffee. Just then, the police radio...

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One Mouses Little Secret

The sound of church bells sounded through the hall as the seats were filled to the brim on this day. What was this day, you may ask? It was a wedding-the joining of two loves in the most sacred and official of ways. The church was decorated out for...

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Even A Gang Leader Needs to Have A Life

"Gah!" groaned a white furred Timberwolf in blue jeans and matching jacket as he was slammed into the wall and glared at the gang of smirking animals. "What's the big idea?!" he growled out to the group. "Don't you know? This is the boss' turf, and...

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