Lunch Break

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#4 of Requests

Request by Wolfboy1995, Ron and Jayce enjoy each others company during Jayce's short lunchbreak. Mostly smut, hope it's okay <3

Have a request? PM me :DDD

Lunch Break

It was almost time for Ron's favorite part of the day. The german shepherd paced in his kitchen wearing only a white bathrobe. There was no point in getting dressed on days like this because his clothes would just get torn off anyway. He lost a perfectly good Armani shirt the other day, such a shame. The dog hopped up on his countertop and watched the doorway, anxiously awaiting his companion's arrival. He couldn't help but touch himself in anticipation, his paw gently caressing his sheath as the time dragged on. The canine chuckled to himself thinking about how it got like this.

It started when he was in high school, Ron always had a craving for dick so he could often be found in the bathroom giving head under the stall. He would hang out there during the breaks and enough guys knew where to find him so he always had a full stomach. One day he got caught and by the campus officer no less. Thank god he knew him or that would have ended up being a pretty bad day. It wasn't really a blessing at first however, the shepherd had to earn his silence from the officer. Before during and after school he would blow him and some days more than that. They called him The Wall, his actual name was Jayce Walton but seeing as nothing got passed him the students called him that. If you wanted to skip school you had to get around him; Ron just usually ended up underneath him.

There was something else too, the cop also happened to be good friends with Ron's father which only complicated things more. Ron's dad hated fags, even more so when he was in his drunken stupors. If he found out his son was one of em' he'd probably lose his shit and more. Ron had gotten out of there as soon as he turned 18 and now lived on his own. His secret lover thankfully never told his father, probably because he would have been scared for Ron's life. Even before Jayce started having fun with the younger shepherd he had to pick him up from his fathers to keep him out of harm's way.

In a way Jayce was more of a father than his actual father was. He even used to buy clothes for Ron when his father had spent all his money on 12 packs. The least he figured he could do was try and pay the older shepherd back. Jayce kept to himself but Ron always knew he wanted a little more out of life. The big canine needed more than his wife could give him which is why he came over so often. When his wife left town Jayce would come over daily to get his fix and today was no different. It was week two of his wife's month long overseas trip and the older canine could not get enough of him.

A knock on the door drew the shepherd from his trip down memory lane, he had been stroking himself as he waited and his paw was slick with his clear pre-cum. The front door swung open and his knight in blue armor stepped in, his nose immediately catching Ron's scent. A grin quickly spread across his muzzle as he walked forward with a purpose, slamming the door behind him with his eyes fixed on the Ron's glistening shaft.

"You just couldn't wait for me could you?" Jayce didn't even bother taking off any of his gear before pressing himself into naked dog sitting on the counter top. Their tongue's meshed in a familiar fashion that Ron had come to love. They pressed against each other and Ron's legs wrapped around the older dogs hips just above his swiftly wagging tail. Jayce growled as his paws slid the robe off Ron's shoulders and he drug his nails down the smaller furs back. As they pressed together Ron's cock was trapped between them, leaking more onto the bigger shepherd's uniform. Once it started to seep through his shirt Jayce looked between them with a disgruntled expression.

"Really? You little slut." he pushed Ron back on the counter and spread his legs so he could kneel before the smaller canine. He licked his hole up his taint and suckled on his orbs gently, something Ron had taught him to do quite well. Jayce's paw squeezed under the younger canine's knot, milking a moan from him as he buried his muzzled in Ron's hole to get him ready. Ron laid back on the counter, squirming a little from the attention. He used a paw to pinch and twist his right nipple gently as Jayce cleaned him until he was ready. Jayce stood and plunged two digits into him, spreading him and rubbing his prostate as the older dog squeezed around his knot. Ron whined and arched his back on the counter.

"You like that pup? You want more?" Jayce leaned down to his toy's leaking tip and wrapped his lips around it as his fingers worked a little faster. Ron let out a girly moan and Jayce felt his hole tighten around his fingers; he knew what was coming next and he could practically feel the sperm coursing up the smaller canines cock before it shot between his lips. He slurped it down and kept his seal tight to avoid wasting any. They hadn't always done it this way but if Jayce didn't get Ron off before they started he would finish too soon. Jayce liked it when they came together so he had to relieve some of his younger partner's hormones. His cumming slowed to a trickle and Jayce lifted his muzzle to wink at Ron. He pulled his digits from Ron's tight hole and wiped up the last bit of cum from his cock.

"Tell me what you want pup." Jayce growled, holding the cum on his paw up to Ron's muzzle for him to clean. The younger dog lapped it up like it was peanut butter and bit his lip for Jayce, giving him a needy look.

"You daddy." he said as he sat up to pull the older shepherd into a quick kiss. His paws quickly undid Jayce's belt and pants fly; he had become an expert at it by this point and he fished around inside the open fly until his paw emerged with a thick dog cock.

"Fuck me Jayce, I need your pups inside me." he groaned into his ear. Dirty talk always seemed to make the cop harder, he pushed Ron back to the counter and pulled his legs up to his shoulders, sliding his cock effortlessly into his bitch. The cold metal badge against his calf gave Ron shivers as the older dog went to town on him. He usually only had 20 minutes for his lunch break so he often came and fucked Ron as quickly as he could.

Jayce used one arm to wrap around Ron's legs and hold them while his other rubbed the younger shepherd's chest, caressing him as he bred him deep. His swollen knot pressed against Ron's hole harder and harder as his breathing got heavier. Ron held the shepherd's paw on his chest and squeezed it each time the canine hilted in him. Jayce knew he wouldn't have time to let his knot deflate so he held back his primal urges to tie the tight little hole he was buried in.

"You're such a tight bitch... Fuck..." the older canine huffed and Ron just moaned in response. Jayce took his paw from Ron's chest and used both his paws to take the legs from his shoulders and spread them wide in front of him. He held Ron's hips and drove into him, breeding his hole like it deserved to be. His balls slowly pulled up to his body as he felt himself getting close. Ron had started pawing as soon as his legs were spread, his paw a blur over his length which was slick with pre and saliva from before. Jayce held back as long as he could, remaining painfully untied from his partner. His paw left the smaller fur's hips and pried his paw away from his cock. Ron looked frustrated for a moment until Jayce pulled his cock from his hole and leaned over him. The Older canine pressed his firm, throbbing cock against Ron's just as it started to ooze seed from the tip. Jayce was gritting his teeth as he held their cocks together until it really hit him. The smaller fur's tummy was soon coated in cum as their cocks were pressed firmly against each other. Thin white ropes decorated Ron's tummy and dribbled down to cover his smaller cock.

Ron leaned up to kiss his hunk of a shepherd as he reached between them to wrap his paw partially around both their cocks. He stroked them as best he could with one paw, the slick cum making it easy for them to glide together. Soon Ron was whimpering into the kiss and Jayce was holding his head up as Ron came again, mixing their seed on his stomach as his cock pulsed against its bigger counterpart. They both licked and nuzzled each other briefly as they enjoyed the moment before Jayce heard his watch alarm go off. He broke the kiss to look at his wrist with a melancholy look on his face

"That time already..." he sighed, letting Ron's head down gently and pulling his paw back to tuck away his softening member. It was a little tough to stuff it back down his pants but he managed and fixed the rest of his belt back on. Just as he was ready to go and Ron was about to clean up Jayce did something new, he leaned between Ron's legs and began lapping up their cum. He buried his muzzle in Ron's stomach fur as he lapped up as much of the mess as he could. When he lifted his head he had a small trace of cum on his nose. Ron giggled and waved his paw to bring Jayce closer, he licked it free of his stud and then smiled at him.

"Seven?" Jayce asked. Ron nodded his head and couldn't stop smiling as the older shepherd opened the door and left, his tail still wagging behind him. He let out a deep breath and laid back on the counter again, placing his paws on his chest and rubbing gently to caress himself to sleep after another fantastic lunch break.

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