Fun with Bolt and Penny 5: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Story by tempo321 on SoFurry

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#5 of Fun with Bolt and Penny

Well, it took a few late nights of close reading on Vendetta's part, but we are back in business. Ladies and gentlefurs, I present Bolt & Penny 5! Have fun. ;)

Fun with Bolt & Penny 5 - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

By Tempo

~ ~ ~

Penny moaned. Under her skirt, hot precum leaked down her legs, squishing around an unsheathing canine penis. Soft, slippery squirts mixed with her own fluids; Bolt humped eagerly. Gazing past him, she could see the grain fields rolling in waves out her bedroom window. Her body rocked as he thrust into her.

"Yeah... That's it, Bolty." Penny grabbed handfuls of the thick fur on his hindquarters. She pulled him toward her, deeper into her. The dog had to hop to bury his shaft in her gripping, slippery vagina. Poor boy. Why'd I have to get such a high bed?

Desperate for depth, she glanced around the room, formulating a plan. Penny spied a box of CDs just a few inches from the bed. That will do just fine. She *reached* out her leg, just barely getting far enough to pull the box closer. The guileful girl slid it next to him with her foot, the box bumping into his straining hind legs. "Up boy!" After looking at her with confusion for an instant, Bolt caught on and clambered onto it, his claws clacking against the smooth plastic boxes. From this angle he could finally sink his penis in to the hilt, mating her more deeply against the bed.

And those dog trainers thought he was talented before... Her hands ran down his back. "Oh, Bolt!" He was fully unsheathed now and she could feel the first swell of his knot against her slit. The growing bulge slipped in and out at a controlled pace. It brushed against her clitoris, already quite sensitive and more than a little stiff. Every thrust brought his knot grazing against that wondrous nub. Penny could feel the heat spreading outward from his member, tingling its way up through her body. "Oooohh..."

The white canine grunted, teeth bared, eyes squeezing shut. Penny giggled. He was liking this too. Slippery lubricant oozed from his tip, easing the thrusts that pumped pleasure through her body.

She rubbed at his chin, knowing where he liked it best. He whimpered tenderly in response. "That's good. That's my good boy. Huuuh! Okay, now..." She whispered into the soft fur of his ear. "Zoom-zoom."

Bolt's eyes sprung open, ears perking at the words. His thrusts sped up, faster and faster until they felt to Penny like a blur of white furred lust. The developing knot popped in and out with increasing force, sending shivers though her entire body.

Penny's moan caught in her throat at the peak of each thrust. "Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooh!" His knot was outside her, bouncing against her entrance. She could feel herself clenching against him. Tighter. Faster. Wanting him to fill her.

Orgasm hit like the yank of a stunt harness.

Her body arched under his. Waves of pleasure surged up his length and beyond, crashing over worlds deep and delicate. Her clitoris throbbed, his knot plowing against it.

The eager girl hauled him against her, eyes widening as his knot suddenly stretched her lips and popped inside. She cried out, feeling a rush of wetness squelch around it and dribble down the cheeks of her butt. He pulsed inside her, coating her every surface with slick doggy pre. Always so hot, so naughty, so filling. Her dog whined over her, his knot now lodged deep within her. She flexed her muscles down onto him, like she'd been practicing; her hard work paid off. With a yelp, Bolt's legs shot straight out, his jaws clenched shut. Penny squeaked in glee for what was to come and buried her face in his fur. His outstretched paws at her back, his knotted penis buried inside her, his keen scent all around her: every last bit of him felt so... right.

Cum fired in hot spurts against her walls. His scrotum twitched up with each shot, soft hair tickling the tender flesh below her opening. Tremors traveled from his hips to hers, knotted so firmly together. The pup wiggled his hips, riding the waves of pleasure. Blast after blast of canine sperm sprayed into her, the hard knot giving it nowhere to travel but up. The moment hung like a held breath, but eventually his quivering penis could find no more cum. His head flopped down heavily against her neck. Panting doggy breath swept the fabric swathed landscape of her shoulder, and he relaxed.

Penny laid back for a moment, in no hurry to catch her breath. No scenes to shoot. No shallow interviews to suffer through. No place to be but under her boy. She loved the feel of him panting over her, loved the feel of him deep inside her, but she loved him most of all. Penny clutched at his back, eyes squeezing shut.

Something cool pressed against her cheek. Her eyes opened. Bolt's nose bumped against her own, so very softly, followed by a gentle lick on her chin.

Her gaze met his. Smiling, she brushed the sweat-damp hair from her face. Words found her again: "Ya like that, buddy?"

Her good boy yapped quietly, so happy his ears drooped. If ever she wondered if he loved her, if he would stay with her, she just had to look up into that silly wonderful doggy grin. Penny noticed he'd drooled a little on her shirt. Poor pup really lost control there. She giggled. Bolt's ears went up. He twitched, then shifted, as if trying to get off her, out of her. Cum squished and surged inside her, around his hot doggy cock. "Hey, careful!" She sat up and rubbed between his ears. "Relax, Bolt. It went in. It'll come out." The dog just looked past her shoulder, to the door, ears still up.

Silly boy, you know we're both stuck for the next half an hour. "Shhhh, boy. It's okay." She ran a hand across his cheek, bringing his face to hers. She had almost recovered, except for the delightful dog cock in her vagina. "See? I'm fine."

Bolt licked her once in the face, then looked again over her shoulder. His ears perked up like radar dishes.

"What's wrong--?"

Outside her room, a squeak on the staircase. Oh my gosh! Someone's coming!

On the other side of the bed, behind her, she could hear footsteps outside her door. The doorknob rattled, then turned. Two quick knocks and the door creaked open. "Honey, some things came in the mail for you today..."

"Mom!" Penny's hand slipped covertly down to smooth her skirt over Bolt's penis. That they had been... playing wasn't totally obvious, but... Her heart sank coldly. A thousand ends to this scenario raced through her mind, none of them good. She rubbed Bolt's back, trying to look casual. I am *so* dead. "You can't just come charging into my room! It's *my* personal space."

"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to barge in like that." The red-haired woman set down a small package on the dresser. Her eyes gave the room a once over, no doubt deciding whether or not to give a tidiness lecture. "But what was all that noise?"

Penny mussed up his ears, trying to appear carefree. "Bolt and I were just wrestling around." Mom was an adult, they just needed to make her turn on her Everything Is Fine blinders. Make eye contact. Grown-ups don't look around if you make eye contact!

"Sweetie, don't teach him to put his feet on the bed. It'll ruin the sheets." She reached down to straighten the bedding and gave the sheets a sharp pull.

Penny felt the saturated sheets drag across the bottom of her vagina, still swollen around a knotted dog cock. She gasped.

Her mother looked up at her, concerned. "Honey, what--?"

Bolt yipped, licking his person wildly in the face.

"Agh!" Penny giggled, feeling his knot pull against her. She made a show of wiping the slobber from her face. "Jeez, Mom, look what you started!"

"He *is* a good dog." Her mother smiled, patted Bolt once on the head, and walked away.

That was too close.


Penny tightened around Bolt's cock. The stalwart canine whined.

"Oh! There's Mr. Carrot." The middle-aged woman belt down and picked up the rubber toy, setting it on the dresser as she left.

* * * * *

Dry leaves danced together, their movements stirring Fall's breath through the shelter belt. Not the soft babbling of Spring's tender growth, but a crisper, sharper sound; almost that of fire. Green faded from the world, leaving in its stead a myriad of autumnal hues to set the countryside ablaze with color.

A young girl sat under these trees, the leaves crackling around her. No snow, no frost yet, but the dog at her side whiter than both, as if some great painter had edged in color from all sides to form him from unblemished canvas.

Penny buried her fingers in Bolt's luxuriant coat; so warm it could chase away the chill of autumn. The canine rested his chin in her lap with a soft exhalation of breath.

At first, the thought of no one around for miles had uneased her, but, after a few months living under open skies, she wondered how it could have ever seemed anything but soothing. The air smelled pure, almost sweet. No crowds. No lines to memorize, except when her teachers assigned passages of Walt Whitman.

Autumn wind stirred her fiery hair, sweeping through the first falling leaves as they spun earthward. The trees stood in a haphazard scattering around her. Back in LA, every tree, every blade of grass had been planted, groomed to fit someone else's vision. Here, the grass grew varied and patchy and the trees never lined up in rows. Her hand brushed down the side of her jeans, finding Bolt's paw on her leg. Penny traced the soft fur, the smooth claws. She sat peacefully on a carpet of leaves, resting against a wide elm. The house sat not even a mile away, but hidden behind the woods it nearly dropped from reality. Penny wondered if that had been the case with Bolt. Was he just out of sight? And was he really looking for me? Or did he just...?

The thought of him leaving gripped her chest, that deep wound of hurt and loss and sorrow suddenly threatening to open again. She couldn't, she couldn't do it again, she just...

A cold nose pressed against the skin of her arm. Penny sat up, looking down at her dog. Bolt stared back at her with gentle concern, nose still touching her arm. Set aflame by soft sunlight dappled through the trees, the forest leaves glowed a kaleidoscope of brown, every shade reflected in her dog's eyes. He gave her a simple puppy-dog smile.

Penny breathed. Soft tears pricked her eyes; she wiped them away. Bolt pressed in just a little closer to her side. Her hand found its way to the top of his head and she rested it on his soft fur. Time drew out and the world was just her and Bolt, Bolt and her, together forever.

Over the summer, no single thing had eased her worry that he would disappear, just a steady healing of their connection. Every day he was by her side, exploring, every night she spent with him curled up in bed beside her, it grew stronger.

The girl patted her lap and he wiggled up close to her. She sighed, finding safety in his weight and warmth. Under the rustling shade of the grove, they curled up as dreams drifted in on the falling leaves and amber sunlight.

* * * * *

Penny tapped away at the keyboard of her iMac. She took care to avoid the TV series' fan sites; she'd had enough of stardom to last forever. Though the DVD commentaries were pretty funny.

Under the desk, Bolt lay curled up, asleep. She rested her bare feet on his warm body. "Aww... Sleepy boy." Not for the first time, she wondered if other girls had this sort of fun with their dogs.

Even before they had started playing, she'd seen the occasional grown-ups' movies on cable television and peeked into her mother's many romance novels. Still, some of the details were a little fuzzy to her. The young girl smiled and wiggled her toes against Bolt's furred scrotum. He shifted and sniffed.

That anxious boredom arose, as it always did in the final weeks of summer. Too late to forget about school starting, too early to get ready for it. She'd watched every movie she owned and had nearly worn out her music. The few friends she'd kept in touch with from LA were no help. They just kept chattering on about Hannah Montana's newest album.

Even the "random article" link on Wikipedia had lost its charm today; she'd learned all she cared to know about the water gardens of Pakistan and Swedish stamp illustrators.

No one online to chat with. And Bolt certainly went offline. She smiled down at his sleeping form, watched his chest rising and falling.

Idly, she typed in "dog."

"The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated form of the Gray Wolf." She reached down and spread Bolt's lips apart. "Huh."

The canine wigged his lips back over his gleaming teeth with a murmur.

She continued reading, skimming down the page until something caught her eye. "Hey. In domestic dogs, sexual maturity begins to happen around age six to twelve months." She smiled. "Making up for lost time, huh boy?"

She clicked on "canine reproduction." It had a picture of two dogs humping on a beach. She felt her cheeks get warm. It doesn't look like that when he does it. It's much cuter.

Without really thinking about it, she lifted his leg with her foot, sliding under to touch his soft sheath. The fur ran short, almost stubbly along it.

"Swelling is called a knot, yep, learned that from the books at the vet's office. Oh, there's a little rounded bone on the inside. I wondered what that was." She stroked along the harder structure inside his penis.

Bolt whimpered a little as he slept, rolling onto his back and spreading his legs.

Smirking, she took advantage of the easier access to his boy bits, rubbing a little harder with the ball of her foot. "Are ya just that used to me touching you? Or is your dream getting naughtier?"

The red tip of his penis peeked out from his sheath. Both girl and dog shivered as she brushed against it. Penny considered waking him up, but then a plan began to coalesce in her brain. Maybe there's a more interesting way to wake him up...

She shifted, getting comfortable, getting ready to reach down and take hold of him, but then stopped. The soft fabric of her panties slid in a very interesting way. Glancing back to make sure her door was closed and *locked*, she slipped her hand down the front of her jeans. The outside of her vagina felt hot and tender. Wetter than she expected on her fingers. The feelings made her breathe a little harder.

The young redhead undid the snap of her jeans to give herself more room to maneuver. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Bolt's penis, just under the desk, so inviting, so warm.

My other foot does feel a little cold. She brought it closer, running through his fur until it reached him. She rubbed the arch of her foot against his exposed tip, wiggling it back and forth in its white furred hideout. Her dog twitched as the cool skin of her toes touched his sensitive flesh.

Her fingers slid between her labia; she gasped, tracing around the supple wetness. Feeling inside herself felt... interesting. She'd explored there plenty in the bath over the years, but this was the first time she'd gone at it while everything was so... wet. It felt very slippery, more so than water, more so even than Bolt's cum.

Bolt slipped further from his sheath, exposing more of his warm, glistening penis. She rubbed at it with one foot, while the other massaged the firm spot between his sheath and sac. Her fingers curled deeper into her body, exploring further and further inside the tight passage, noting every little change in texture. An odd memory struck her: learning to pat her head and rub her tummy at the same time.

She spread her legs to see if she could get a little deeper. The canine whined in pleasure as she pressed his stiffening length against his fur. It felt hot and slick and hard against the sole of her foot, pulsing just a little as she pressed.

Hmm. I know something else he might like. She shifted a little more, forming a sort of passage between the soles of her feet, working it up and down on his erect penis. His balls began to rock, swaying with each stroke, and then, impossible not to notice: his knot begun swelling. Her dog started thrusting, just a tiny bit.

She read on: "When the male achieves penetration, he will often hold tighter and thrust faster, and it is at this point during mating that the male's penis expands."

Bolt started to pant harder, eyes still closed in sleep. A thrill rushed through her; she was the one having this effect on him, on her sweet boy. She tucked her toes behind his knot, squeezing at the retracted sheath. His hips tightened in response and started their staccato movements, the thrusts that would normally shove that knot deeper inside her.

"The penis locks inside the vagina while ejaculation occurs, decreasing leakage of semen from the vagina. After some time, typically 5 - 20 minutes, the bulbus glandis disengorges, allowing separation."

She unzipped her fly, her other hand taking up position on her clitoris. Her thin fingers rubbed against it, twitching back slightly with every little gasp. Heat filled her cheeks as pleasure tingled under her touch. Blood pulsed through that fun little bump, her fingers fumbling to keep pace. Not the same as having Bolt inside me... A flash of pleasure. Mmmm! But not bad!

Getting excited, the girl's feet stroked so hard his tags jingled. Under the desk, she could feel Bolt breathing hard. He's getting close! She chewed her lip, seeing how his legs stuck almost straight out. She squeezed hard on his knot between the soles of her feet. The warmth was incredible.

As she watched with wide eyes, Bolt yapped and began to spurt. His canine hips spasmed in ecstasy and pushed his squirting tip just under the cuff of her jeans. The first shot of dog semen jetted hotly up her leg, then another and another.



Sliding in slick rivulets down the skin of her calf.

Penny gasped, pulling her hand back a little, her curled fingers slipping a little ways out of her slick vagina. Her other hand rubbed frantically at her clitoris, pleasure building up to a gale force storm system between them. Her fingers dove deep into her, unleashing a whirlwind of pleasure. It rushed through her body in a roaring surge, causing her to clench down on her own hand. "AauuuUGHhhh!"

Caught in the grip of orgasm, she clenched her toes against the surface of Bolt's cock, eliciting another yelp of surprise as his own ejaculations ebbed. Her knees rubbed together at this delicious new sensation, so naughty, so different. That deliciousness rumbled through the girl's body like a thunderstorm, all flashes and trembles. Finally, the revelry drifted off, any grip on it no more substantive than on a cloud. She was left with only the soaked, heavy glory of its aftermath.

Penny slumped. Sprawled in the chair, weak. Her fly hung open, she had no strength to close it. Thoughts jumbled in her mind. She looked down, absently. Still asleep. That or he passed out. Either way, I'd say mission accomplished.

The young teen shook her head, focusing, catching her breath. The tail of a plan hung in her hazy brain, if she could only grasp it. After a moment, her unsteady hand slid across the desk toward a grey plastic device. The button took a few tries to press. Not designed for such slippery fingers.

A soft click, then a whir.

"That's a keeper."

* * * * *

Bolt awoke in bed, moonlight falling gently on his person's skin. The sight, the smell of her... He smelled something else too. The canine sniffed down between their bodies, then blinked in surprise at a damp paw. Why do I get the feeling that I missed out on one of our little games?

~ ~ ~

Editing by: Vendetta & Mittens

There you have it: Bolt & Penny 5. Hope it was worth the wait. Between the comic and an original story project for a certain prestigious furry publication, I've had a busy few months. :)

Next chapter should be quicker. As always, a Penny for your thoughts.
