A Simple Room (snuff)
Woops, may have fiddled with text size by accident >.>
A simple gaspy idea been floating around forever, of naughty hanging booths to hang yourself in. Anonymous limp paws are cameos, you two know who you are. Dragoness is anonymous because it's kinda sexy to have a stranger watch you die.
This was originally a series idea exploring some themes and thoughts on snuff, may go back to that...
A bored dragoness waited in a simple room with a simple purpose: attending the hanging booths that awaited the curious sort of customers who would come to this morbid room. Each booth in the expansive room had a broad curtain set a few feet off the floor, just enough to show off the paws, hooves, or talons of whoever decided to fill one. Already there was one set of white and black folf paws, limp and relaxed a few inches from the floor, while the rest of the booths sat empty.
She always wondered why one might go through this, although in this strange future death is for the most part just a part time thing. Perhaps it was the thrill, or the curiosity, but for her it was just her part time job. She was just here to direct those who wished to fill a booth how to follow through with it, and then to help take them down an hour later, long after they stopped moving.
The folf still had a while to go before he was taken down, as his dance had just ended. It was still early in the evening too and most came by around midnight for her graveyard shift. Maybe it was the romanticism of such a dark time, or just some lewd sneaking away for gasping fun. But she got all the strange customers, which suited her just fine.
A quiet beep awoke her from her thoughts, signalling another customer was coming down the hall. A curious looking gryphon with tawny orange feathers and fur who wore little at all but shorts on his lean body as he peeked in. "Oh, um, is this where I... um..."
"Ah yes, of course, I see you want to take a load off your paws," the dragoness purred, helping the blustery gryphon into the hall itself. His brown eyes quickly spotted the limp paws, going wide as those shorts started to bulge. "Enjoying what you see, and wishing to add to the decorations? This room is so boring right now, being so empty and plain," the dragoness whispered into the gryphon's alert ear.
The gryphon blushed his nares but nodded, ears folding down as he licked his yellow beak. "So, how do I...." he trailed off, still staring at the limp paws that hung beneath a curtain.
The dragon swayed her hips as she walked him to the first open booth besides the limp folf paws. The gryphon reluctantly followed, still staring at the paws that went first before him. She opened the curtain to reveal a plain room with just a mirror on one side and an odd strapping device on the other half. Of course there was also the rope from above, hooked into an obvious winch hidden in the ceiling.
"First of course, you fit yourself with the rope. We've switched to an eyelet loop style rather then the usual hangman knot most think of. The rope just slides wider as you need, and you can pull down more if you need," she explained with a casual boredom of customer service, "and it tightens smoother to ensure a dance won't take too long."
"Then you walk to this device, and push both hands into it behind your back. It will basically give them a nice zip tying, and don't worry, the strap is padded. Since you have wings, you'll need to fold them up and press them to the upper half for those to be strapped down too. Can't have you fluttering around too far now, can we?" The gryphon's blush was deepening as his arousal pushed and strained shorts as he listened, watching the dragoness casually explain how he will kill himself.
"Then you walk to the center and press the button besides the drain. And just relax, you'll be here a good hour after you get lifted up by your throat. There's a diagram for where to best set the metal loop as well. I'm here in case something doesn't tie right or there's another issue, but I have yet to need to assist anyone. And yes, you may strip if you want, or you can keep the shorts on." With that the dragoness swayed her hips with a sultry little walk out to close the curtain, leaving the gryphon alone with his thoughts and an awaiting rope.
"Enjoy your stay, perhaps I'll see you again," she winked to the flustered, blushing male. "If not, I hope you have a lovely service." The casualness of his impending death making the gryphon fidget his paws as he looked over the rope that hung limply from the ceiling.
Of course, everyone who came here had to get through reception, and ensure they weren't coerced or just in need of some support. Most would of course come back, if not always back here again. But a few... and it was more fun to leave that part a secret, in her opinion, than ask. She closed the curtain and stepped back to the bench on the other side of the booth to watch what little she could see. Cute orange lion feet and calves, and just up to shaking knees for now.
Those big feline paws stepped over, and the quiet zip sound of rope being pulled down was obvious. Then there was a shimmying of legs, shorts soon sliding into view. A grin from the attendant as she suspected he was a nude hanger. "Um, miss, where should I put my shorts...?" came from the booth as shorts were neatly picked up by the gryphon.
"Oh, just kick them to the corner, we'll make sure they get cleaned for you too, as part of our service to you," the dragoness casually replied. She saw the shorts tossed aside, then those steps back to the binding device. Amused at a tail's quick lashes of excitement beside his feet.
The next step took a little longer, feet walking over to one side. Then a fidgeting and shifting, before 'zzzsnap~!' of straps binding down and sealing in place. She could see wingtips flex and fold inward. His wings must be getting bound first. Then another quiet mechanical sound could be heard along with a whiny moan. Those big toes clenched and claws scraped concrete. Seems a naughty gryphon liked the tightness around his talons.
"So um, I just, push the button..." the gryphon quietly asked, as those paws walked so slowly up to the drain. One toe lifted just above the now glowing button, the other flexing and shifting atop the drain. Wingtips trembling and tail lashing madly now.
"Indeed, the rope will then lift up, and well, you know the rest. You can watch yourself in the mirror of course too." She calmly added this to enjoy the reaction this always brought her customers.
The tense flexing of paws was always worth it. Despite being a full body mirror, most attention was always down to the button that would trigger one's death. Seeing oneself noosed, bound, and doomed always brought out the cutest moans. The squawk the gryphon made was music to her ears.
"Well then... goodbye... er, good night, um... erk!" A shy paw pushed down, and the whirr of the winch was matched with a whined moan. A deep gasping as two paws clenched tight and claws extended. Both paws lifted with an accompanying grunt. Toes lifted free from the floor a few inches as they pushed down as far as they could... flutter! They suddenly thrashed a moment, the gryphon's paws so desperate to reach ground just a few inches beneath extended claws. The motor shutting down with a clamping sound, leaving both frantic feet and lashing tail inches from the cool tiled floor.
The dragoness let a hand settle on her lap and fondle through her panties under her skirt. A pleased little moan, ah~, no customers means she can enjoy herself more directly this time. Watching the way the tawny paws flexed and kicked, showing their dark pads off as they twirled about. All she could see of the struggling gryphon. Though she could hear the quiet creak of rope and faint gurgled purrrs of his struggling form, the rustle of feathers and fur as the gryphon struggled against his bonds unseen behind his privacy curtain.
Those paws relaxed their kicks to start flexing and feeling for the ground, lifting curiously one by one and gently kicking back and forth. A nice relaxed dance, hinting that this may not be the first time the birdycat has been without air. She purred and ran a finger upon her plush, wet mound against silk panties. Just teasing herself and watching the show the anonymous gryphon put on.
A couple calm minutes of relaxed struggles moved on to the frantic thrashing of airless desperation. Paws flexed and jerked instinctively, losing the smooth rhythm of controlled motions. She could hear the gurgled purr grow quiet while the rustling of feathers and fur as well as scaly talons strained against padded straps. A glob or two of pre dribbling to sight all over the drain as well. She wanted to just grind herself out with the sight of that lewd arousal, inhaling that stink of lust, sweat, and drool. But she had a long shift ahead of herself too, and didn't need to cream her panties quite yet.
Both orange paws suddenly flexed out, curling up and pushing down tense, suddenly 'splurt~!' came a big ribbon of cum that nearly splashed out past the curtain. Again and again ribbons of cum spilled to the floor. A very impressive amount as toes curled taut and lifted slowly from sight. She could hear the creak of rope from the gryphon humping the air in his final airless lusts, emptying himself of pleasure as much as his lungs were emptied of air.
That long climax faded to a messy oozing and dripping, and paws slumped back into sight suddenly. A little snap of rope as his weight settled down again suddenly, swaying back and forth from the quick motion. This time the paws kicked weak and subtle, a soft flutter as they curled together. His sleep walking dance after the noose has lulled him to his final sleep, at least for this night. The subtle, desperate struggles of life straining to hold on unconsciously made the dragoness slide paws up to just rub her mons and inner thighs. She'd definitely cum herself if she kept rubbing off to this dance.
Those gentle motions subtly flexed, twitched. It would take a while to stop too. The powerful gryphon's life was ending, heart stuttering towards final beats. Brain succumbing to the lack of air, and shutting down, just seen in the shaky spasms of his toes watched by a lazy attendant stroking herself faintly. She was breathing deep of the musky stench of cum from the dying male who was mostly hidden by a plain white curtain. He had planted an impressive amount of cum all over the floor too. She had quite a clean up once his hour was up.
Finally those motions grew too soft to notice. Toes relaxed, claws faintly extended. A little sigh from the dragoness, looks like the show was finally over. He was quite a fighter too, even after humping himself unconscious in his noose. But she'll see get to see his blue cheeks and fat tongue soon enough. He will be left up the rest of his hour to ensure he's quite as still as the folf's paws when he arrived. She was alone in her work once more it seemed.
She peeked over at the timer for the folf and sighed. Looks like it was about time to actually do some work too. At least she didn't have a line up of limp guys and gals to clean up at once this time. She could enjoy looking over their final expressions as she helped them down to be packed away for whatever fate awaited their body as per their wishes.
She wondered what other toes she might get to watch in struggle in their intimate last moments, grinning wide. She gave her panties a final wet pat and got up for work once more. Such a strange part time job she had, but the perks were quite worth it.