A Desolate World: Matthew's Introduction

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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Same disclaimer as before. Too young means you need to leave. There, my responsibility is finished. This time the scenes are between two male (one is a fur, the other a creepy monster) characters, nonconsensual. Bondage is used. If you are not a fan of such things, then be gone with you, otherwise enjoy.


Matthew's Introduction

        The city was buzzing with life. Even his home city, Anchorage, only got this busy during the celebration of its birthday and even then it was concentrated in one spot. It was this busy and filled all over the city. No wonder it was the capital of Alaska, their state building was about the size of a palace; at least it looked like it could have been if the mayor had wanted it to be. Matthew, a young coyote from Anchorage, was sure as hell not prepared for life at this pace. Back where he has from, there was some activity here and there, but overall it lived like your average suburban neighborhood.

         There was a friend he to meet up with who would take him over to the house he was going to be staying at for the duration of his stay in Juneau. Joseph was waiting for him at the fountain next to the main art museum. It was nigh impossible for the coyote to spot his jackal friend, especially when the black and tawny furred canine kept his head down, wearing a trench coat that pretty much hid his entire form from Matthew. He saw him when he was about ten feet away, calling out his name, excited to see someone that could help put a little order and organization to the insane chaos swirling around him. The jackal lifted his head, flashing a bright grin at his life long friend, waving him over.

         "Been a couple of years, hasn't it? Glad to see you again, although it looks like you grew another couple of inches. You're almost as tall as me; I'd had a bit of breathing room before, but it looks as though it is all gone now."

         Matthew laughed, his voice rumbling out into the air.

         "Well, I do think I am done growing now. Those two inches were all last year, so far nothing in the last twelve months."

         Joseph made a show of wiping pretend sweat from his forehead and letting out a obnoxious "phew." Matt just slugged him in the arm, requesting that they head over to the jackal's home. Minutes later, they were in his truck, the twenty three year old black and gold fur driving like a crazed bitch in heat heading over to the club, as he always did. Some things never change, he had already gotten ticketed four times in only the first year of him having a driving liscense before he left and his mom claimed he was lucky to only have such a small amount considering the fact that he drove that way everytime he stuck the keys into the ignition and turned them ninety degrees.

         About an hour later, they were pulling up the driveway of a pale blue painted house, decently sized, but nothing extravagant. Parking the car, the two pals climbed out and made their way up the stairs and into their living space for the rest of winter and the first half of spring, three months of what would probably be the most fun of his life. Inside the house was a spectacularly furnished game room that held a television much bigger than what Matt would have ever thought necessary, but he didn't find much of a problem with it as that was not even the coolest thing that Joseph seemed to be hoarding within his living quarters. Another room served as his living room and had some of the most comfortable couches and chair that could be found at any appliance store.

         The coyote never would have been able to afford all of this unless he had landed an amazing occupation, and neither would have Joseph. The difference was that the jackal had landed a fantastic job; he was an executive of a branch of NYSE located just outside of mainstreet Juneau. Raking in $60 an hour was a feat that Matt would have written off as impossible, except that it had been proven true when he was mailed Joe's first paycheck statement. Eight hours a day, twenty four days a month, twelve months a year equalled out to a salary of $138,240 a year. Living single, this was a fortune that as Joseph stated, could prove almost impossible to spend reasonably, so now that he had furnished his house the way he wanted completely, eighty percent of that salary was simply building an account in his bank. And the even crazier thing was that the jackal said twenty five percent of whatever was in there was Matt's when he got a job and stayed steady and reliable with it for six months. He was also here as a possible resident if he got the job within his first two weeks and maintained it all the way through time he was here. It didn't matter what job, but he needed to work full time and prove that he was capable of splitting the bills with the jackal.

         Although he wouldn't be chipping in a dime to help cover it for the three months he was here, if he followed the guidelines, he could stay for another three months. At that point, if he still had the same job and was in good standing, Joseph would add his name to the lease statement for the house, and the coyote would become a permanent resident of what he thought was the coolest home ever built. Also hanging out with who had been his closest friend since kindergarden for an indefinite amount of time sealed the deal as the best it could get. Tomorrow he would relax and then the applications would be top priority.

         The two friends started up on dinner, spending that time to catch back upon what they had missed out in the other's lives while they were separated. Joseph had quite the story. He had visited two different countries at this point. That conversation lasted close to three hours and by the time it was done, they were damn ready to go to bed. Right now, the other room was being used as a storage room, Joseph apologizing for the fact he hadn't been able to clean it out because his job had kept his schedule mighty filled that there simply was no time to pull a four day event off. Matthew passed it off as nothing too trivial, adding that he didn't feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as his friend. Both were positive of the other's orientation as they had fucked girls up and down all throughout high school.

         The night went by smoothly, no commotion outside, no problems, and in the morning, Matt woke up very refreshed and feeling rather ready to face a new day. Joseph was still snoring, as always that dog always milked Saturdays for everything he could get out of them. The coyote headed towards the kitchen, looking for something to fill his stomach with. Very quickly he found some milk and cereal and went to town, Three bowls later and finally he could feel as though his belly had hit the full sign and was not going to allow any more food entry into his system. About that time, the sound of pawsteps were heard making their way down the hallway.

         "So, it looks like the American scavenger did find some food lying around to eat."

         Matt just looked at him with a sour face, not being able to think of much to comeback with other than mention the fact that his own species was also known for their scavenging and even more so than a coyote. He didn't feel as though the insult fest needed to start this soon, so he just left it alone and moved onto a new subject.

         "Any plans on what you want to do over the weekend. Maybe introduce me to the wonders of Juneau; show me why this city is the capital of th great state we all live in. Or could you be planning to bore the hell out of me with a trip to a history museum?" Matt knew of the jackal's hatred for museums as he never found anything there that interested him in the least. Joseph was much more of the mathematician and predictor and found that the studies of the past life without technology helped little to none in his career field.

         Joseph scoffed at the comment, not failing to return the favor with a stab of his own.

         "Oh, but are you sure. I found a nice art museum dedicated the portraits and paintings of those artists who lived in the Renaissance period." Matt burst into hysterical laughter, hardly able to keep the last of the milk he had slurped down his maw as he shook. When he failed and spewed white spit from his mouth, it became impossible for the jackal not to join in on the fest of cheer. When they both settled down, Joseph tossed a napkin to his friend. After a quick wipe over the floor and his face, Matt grinned and then threw the wet towel back at the other canine who had caused the mess in the first place. His reaction time was not up to par and he was quickly splattered back with the milk.

         "Okay, okay, now we're even, so enough with the face drenching. Truce?"

         "Truce accepted. Now back to the true problem at hand- what are we going to do other than lie around inside your house like a bunch of lazy tards." Joseph pondered the question for a couple seconds, then his face lit up.

         "While the only obvious place for one to start out at when he first moves into Juneau. The strip mall. It has some of the coolest items I have ever seen, such as sickass clothes that would make a coyote like you look like a badass. Other items are things that only can be found here; items made from scratch, from those who live in the snowier areas around here. Trinkets and cool toys to play around with that are completely foreign to what most of the population outside of here has ever even heard of."

         Matthew thought that the possibility of seeing some new areas and objects that could grab his attention was plenty enough of a reason to get out, so he quickly agreed and the two decided to stay around the area until about four in the afternoon and then head back to the home. Joseph said he had something up his sleeve as to what they should do after dinner, but did a great job keeping it hidden and not giving any clues away as to what it might be. For now the coyote would have to deal with the fact that it was a mystery well hidden that he would know no information about until later on tonight.

         He put the thoughts to the side as they got into the jackal's truck, his mind instantly refocusing on surviving the ride back into the city. After another hour of what turned out to be another exhilarating and insane ride, Joseph pulled to the side of the road, parking his vehicle. The weather outside was a bit chilly, but wasn't anything the coyote couldn't handle. Even though Joseph had lived in Alaska his whole life, he was still built like an animal that lived in Africa, so it was no surprise when he pulled out a large trenchcoat, tossing it on. A quick lock of the truck later and the two canines were on their way into the city. Juneau was alive with life, with furs and humans bustling through the shops and little stores that stretched on for about as far as his own eyesight did. With one look, the two split up, heading out to whatever shop they wanted to hit up first.

         Joseph strolled out towards the electronics store, not much of a creative place, but the place was probably filled with items that Joseph would need considering all that he had racked up within his home. Matthew took a slightly different route and hit up a small store that was selling hats of almost any kind. Inside every shelf was filled with headware, some of which he had never seen before. Many of them were traditional hats and covers for certain cultures and others for some kind of religion, but many of them were for any kind of public use. A black fedora in the back caught the coyote's eyes. He made his way through the crowd to his choice, taking almost two minutes just to travel fifty feet. The coyote spent some time trying it on as well at the other hats sitting on the shelf nearby. In the end it was no surprise that Matt chose the fedora. Another fifteen minutes later and the coyote was paying for the item and making his way back outside to see what else there was to look at.

         Clothes were always a necessity, so Matt popped into the first clothing shop he could find. Plenty of shirts, pants and other wear filled his basket rather quickly, and sooner than he expected he was exiting the store with six outfits worth of new ware. It was closing in on time to meet back together for lunch, but there was still time to check out the jewelery shop down the street aways. The shop had exactly what the coyote was looking for, his eyes immediately floating towards the bracelets and necklaces. The coyote picked two bracelets, both pure silver, as well as a gold chain necklace. When he got out, he made his way towards Gramp's Pizza Shop. Considered to have the best pizza in all of the state, this was a big hit and the two canines had decided that pepperoni, sausage, and green peppers was about as good of a pizza as it could get.

         Joseph had already reserved a table for the two of them with the pizza on its way. He gave a quick grin when Matt came in, giving him a quick once over.

         "So, a new necklace and you went all out on the clothes. Looks like you had a good time shopping. I've got all I needed from here, so do you still want to look around, or are you ready to go home yourself?" The coyote let out a sigh and nodded.

         "It's busier than I have ever seen a place this size before. I am most definitely ready to go back home, as I also have gotten all I needed from here. I will admit, for waiting forever to buy items, they sure make it worth the wait. I bought some awesome items, including a black fedora that will most definitely pick up some girls around here. Which reminds me, somehow, are you going to let me in on the special surprise you have for me tonight or am I just going to have to wait for that as well. If so, it had better be worth the wait you are sticking me through.

         "Now, don't you worry about that. I guarantee that it will be something you will get excited about, and it will most definitely be worth the strain and pain you have lived with for not knowing since this morning."

         Before any conversation could be continued, the waiter arrived with the food, placing it down with two extra plates.

         "Could I get you men anything else or are you alright for now?"

         "No problem sir, we are doing just fine and you made my day by putting down such a great looking dish. For now, we will be fine, thank you." The waiter nodded and then made his way to another table to see if there was anything the next set of patrons would like to have. By the time Joseph turned back around towards the food, Matt already had half of his first slice down. "You punk. I'll be damned if you even think of eating any one of my slices."

         Matt just smiled and then slowed down his unwarranted ravenous pace.

         "Now you don't worry. I'll eat my six slices, you can have your two. Okay." Matt got a quick glare in return, before the jackal returned to the food, much more ready to eat than to argue at the time. Half an hour later the two friends were climbing back into the car, heading back to the house for the day. Killswitch Engage rocked through the speakers, with coyote howling and jackal yips joined in as well. They hit up a gas station on the way back, grabbing food and snacks for the football game later that night between the Redwolves and the Chainsaws. Matthew was super excited to watch the game on such a large screen, but Joseph threw it off, laughing and mentioning that the size pf the screen meant a lot less than how much one was involved with watching shows and events on a digital screen. The way the jackal put it made the whole idea sound rather ridiculous, but after a quick chuckle, Joseph made sure to let him know how amazing digital screens were.

         "They are God's gift to creation, meant completely to keep us from getting into trouble by doing anything risky or adventurous." Matt laughed, but took the seriousness of the comment to heart. Both had grown up in religious homes, their parents raising them in a Christian led home. Joseph had followed their road and was at college at the University of Alaska-Juneau majoring in finance managing as well as education, in case God ever called him into ministry then at least he would have some background as to the best way to share the gospel to others. His coyote colleague had never turned down the morals he had grown up with, knowing them to be very successful socially as mentally, but he had never taken to the religion side, feeling like their were too many laws and rules that he would have to follow, that his freedom would disappear when he gave his life up. Also, the thought of releasing control to someone or some being that he had never seen or talked to before was not even close to what he saw as a reasonable or safe decision.

         The other part, the one about the avoidance of risky and adventurous behavior, was what caused the laughter because the absolute hypocrisy behind it. Joseph sure as hell was hot not one to follow rules that he saw as restraining and unnnecessary. Speed limits were for those who needed help driving. Those of us who knew how to work a car and judge its limits didn't need any such things, so he ignored them.

         Both dogs snuggled themselves into blankets as the chilly winds of the cold

winter blew outside with a ferocity that made it seem less cozy not to wear covers at a time like this. At the end of the first half, the Redwolves had a commanding lead of twenty four points, a sure bet for the win. Both canines were in cheery moods, hot cocoa in an unlimited supply as they switched the responsibility of making another pot between themselves.

         Just as the second half kickoff was beginning, the power shut off. No real reason could have caused it, but maybe the constant strains of the hard winds had blown over a transmitter.

         "Oh, shit, shit! What's the point of a house when the heater isn't going to work?" Joseph pulled out his cell phone, ready to call the electric department to see if they knew what the problem was and to get an estimate of how long it would be before the power was back on. "What the hell! My phone won't even turn on. I had the thing fully charged just before the game started and I haven't used it once since then, so why won't it turn on." He then turned towards his coyote pal. "Yo, Matt. Do you have any power remaining in your phone?" Before Joseph had even asked the question, the coyote sighed, shaking his head.

         "Doesn't look like it, though I thought it had been fully charged before I showed up and I forgot to take it with me to the market, so there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to turn the bastard on." The jackal gave a slight shudder.

         "This doesn't sound right at all. Neither of us have phone power and the weather is far too nasty to go driving in, though we could use the fuel to run the heater in the car to keep us warm. My fur isn't made to survive the temperature change we are going to experience in a couple hours. It just feels like we are in the beginning of a stephen King horror film." Both of them let out a quiet chuckle, unconciously keeping the volume low in case there was some validity to Joseph's statement.

         "Well, if we are going to get through the night, it's going to be from doing it together. Round up as many blankets as you can, I'll do the same and then we'll huddle up together underneath them." Joseph nodded, and headed upstairs, then stalled. "Why don't we just grab the blankets and huddle in my bed? There are already plenty of sheets on them and heat rises, so it might be hotter in there than in any other room." The coyote eyed his friend suspiciously, but shrugged his shoulders. Joseph had a point and beds were a lot more comfortable than recliners when there was more than one body occupying them.

         Two minutes later, both dogs were climbing into the bed after with a total of eight blankets. Their body heat warmed up their makeshift den. Within five minutes they both felt like they were laying in saunas, but the thought of how cold it was outside of the tent was more than enough for them to gladly stay in the heated sweathouse. After about an hour, both of them started feeling a little lightheaded, probably getting slightly dehydrated. Joseph volunteered to go get some water, knowing that if they didn't leave, the cold would not be the problem, but the lack of fluids in their cells would be what caused their death. The jackal reluctantly climbed out of his bed, taking one breath before practically running out of the room. Seconds later, Matt heard the fridge open and the sound of water being filled into two large containers. It was a slower climb back up the stairs, but just before the last step up was taken, the coyote heard the jackal scream and the containers drop.

         Matt jumped out of bed, completely ignoring the cold and ran towards the stairs. The sight that he saw was enough to make him puke up all the hot chocolate he had drunk earlier in the evening. Joseph stared at him with blank, cold, unblinking eyes. His maw was open in a scream of both fear and extreme pain, but what was the most sickening sight was that all of his bodily organs were strewn out over the stairs, blood coating the walls. The jugs were set down side to side against the wall, almost as if someone was inviting him to make a move towards them, begging the coyote to join the same fate of what had once been his best friend. The coyote lurched up to run when he felt a thud in the back of his head. Everything went dark.

         What felt like hours later, light began to stream back into the tiny slit-like openings his eyes were yielding him. His forehead pounded with pain every single time his heart pumped. Matt felt for his head, trying to feel for any bleeding, but there was no movement that could be made with his arms...or legs. A collar was wrapped around his neck, his tail attatched to it, raised high. His legs were spread out as far as they could go, and a muzzle that kept his jaws open and vulnerable was attatched and framed around his face. Fear speared through his body, as the coyote had no way of escaping. Then suddenly, the events of the previous night, or how ever many nights ago, flew through his mind again. Matt saw the lifeless face of his friend, picturing what had been his final moments. Had he been killed that easily, was his killer the same person who held him captive now?

         The questioning came to an utter and abrupt halt when he heard an inhuman moan directly behind him.

         "Ssssuuuchhh ahhhh tight asssshooollle you havvve. Will beeee ffuuunnnn toooo fillll." The voice was literally drooling with want, as he felt a stream of slime begin to cover his rump. The coyote yelled and then roared as a slimy taillike object circled around his suddenly hard, slick and dripping dick. "As alllwayzzz, you gooooo firrrssst." The slimy appendage began to ooze over Matthew's member, grotesque pleasure emanating through his body. Within seconds, he felt like he was going to explode. A rope of burning hot cum, thick as glue slowly streamed from his coyotehood, followed instantly by long shots of regualr viscosity. He yelled as he was overcome with pleasure as his entire crotch burned with the sensation of emptying everything within him. Just as the last drop fell, the coyote collapsed into the bondages, completely unable to move. That is until he felt the pressure of a huge member press against his pucker.

         "No!" Matt yelled, desperately hoping someone would hear him...and then he woke up.

         He found himself in his bed, the air no longer chilly and cold, the heater working quite well. Matt let out a huge sigh. It had all been a dream and even now the power was back on. Matt turned towards Joseph, wanting to share his horrible nightmare with someone, but the jackal wasn't in the bed. The coyote instantly found himself breathing hard, but he threw reason back into his mind. Joseph was probably just downstairs, warming back up, not wanting to awake the peacefully sleeping coyote. Matt climbed out of bed, glad to feel the fresh cool air around him and opened the door. He took two steps and froze.

         It was as if the next morning had arrived, but with no change in scenery. Bugs were now covering Joseph's body, what once had been his friend was now a half decomposed rotting piece of flesh. And on the television played what looked exactly like a thrid person view of what his dream had been like last night. Or had it been a dream. A coyote with a striking resemblance to himself screamed as a fucking evil and ugly looking monster rutted him, the mutant growling louder before letting out a delightful scream. He thrusted one more time, knotting into the coyote the most ghastly looking cock Matt had ever seen. The "other" coyote bucked hard, screaming and arching his body as shots of a slimish green substance gushed into his ass. A long, taillike object from the hideous creature wrapped around his cock and then his neck and then entered the canine's forcefully parted jaws. The screams turned into juicy gargles and very quickly slime began coating his face.

         Instantly, his real life self felt goop in his ass and a thick gluey substance all over his throat. Matt gagged, spewing more cocoa all over the floor before running back to Joseph's room and ripping open the drawer where the male kept his keys. Upon finding them, he ran back down the stairs, carefully avoiding the body on the floor, and sprinting to the garage. The coyote practically ripped off the door in his efforts to get in. Taking no time to get back out and open the garage door, Matt started the truck, slammed it into reverse and smashed the gas pedal. He had no idea where to go, but anything or anywhere was better than where he was right now. Hours later, he found himself stranded in the middle of a blizzard with no gas, no heater and no idea where in the world he was.

         Matt didn't care about his future, just so long as that he stayed far away from whatever creature had done this. Hopping out of the car, the coyote trudged on, not stopping for anything, ready to walk until his limbs gave out and he peacefully died of hypothermia. But, against his own wishes, he did not grow weary, nor did he ever reach the point where he could go no further. Maybe what he had seen out on the road was what kept him going, determined not to join their fate. Every single car he came across had crashed into something and each and every one of the furs or people inside stared at him as he drove by with dead eyes. Matt had no doubt the whole city had died, save him. Maybe it was because he was from Anchorage and not Juneau, but all his gut instincts told him there would be no life at the capital city.

         Minutes marched on into hours and still, his determination never faltered. Then, just as he was at the cusp of a full out crash of exhaustion, the coyote heard a scream. Unlike the scream he had heard Joseph utter just before he was gutted, this one continued on and on, the only pause was for the natural break of a lack of air. Now a new motivation pushed him forward. He had to find this inkling of life before its flame was extinguished. Foot by foot, he followed the desperate yell, the faint noise growing ever so louder with each passing minute. The coyote knew he was onto something, but he also knew that time was growing short.

         Walking turned to running and soon an all out pace fueled by only adrenaline and the determination of his mind. Amazingly, even the weather worked with him. After six straight hours of an ungodly storm, the storm left and the clouds unraveled, leaving the sunrise to open view. The screams were breathier now, almost as if the sandglass was running through the last few grains before there would be no hope for whomever the victim was. Roaring with feral abandon, the coyote lengthened his strides out, running harder and harder, his breaths becoming more and more ragged until he crested a hill and spotted a pile of wood sitting by itself against the snowy plains in front of him.

         "Hello! Is anybody out there?" Matt managed to get out before his legs crumbled and he tripped. He tumbled for a few seconds before regaining his footing. No more than ten yards away lied a female bobcat, completely naked. Normally he would have been turned on by the sight of such a beautiful female, but right now, the thought of sex made him want to gag. He cautiously approached the den on unsteady feet, worried that the crazed feline might jump up and attack him, but as he got closer, the coyote noticed absolutely no change in her actions. Clearly there was something else out there that had her full attention and for her it was not something she wanted. Throwing caution to the wind, Matt walked to the woodpile and started yelling.

         "Are you alright? You were shaking and screaming for hours last night. It took me awhile to find you, especially through this ghastly storm that ended a blessed thirty minutes ago." The bobcat looked disorientated for a couple seconds, and then she locked eyes with him. Not a sound came from her lips, but almost instantly her limbs and then body began shaking in an uncontrolled shiver. Matt didn't know what the best plan of action might be, but he knew nothing would be worse than leaving her in this state. He stuck out his paws, lightly grasping hers and just softly pulled her to him.

         Suddenly, the wildcat hissed and pounced into him. Matt yelled, falling over backwards because of the weight of the female and the weakness of his own body. He tried to defend himself, throwing up his paws over his head to protect his vital organs, but no attack was ever made, unless the bobcat was trying to suffocate him with a bearhug. But soon, the shaking continued, this time with verbal noises that sounded exactly like crying. The coyote looked down and saw tears streaming off the feline's face, her whole body huddling as close as possible to the male. Instantly, Matt felt a connection, as though she knew and had experienced what he had. The emotional dams the coyote had built fell apart at that very instant. He wrapped his arms tightly around his new companion and began to let loose and cry to the heavens.