Zanga - Chapter 1: Captured

Story by Daniel Kalte on SoFurry

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#1 of Zanga

   Zanga wasn't tall for a panther or particularly muscular. She was a soldier of last resort; the war had worn the Teirgut army down to nothing, forcing them to conscript anyone left with an able body. She had barely received a week's worth of training--she could shoot, duck, and run, but that was about it--before being sent into battle against the Volfehader.

After three months of hiding down in the trenches, her skill as a marksmen had improved significantly, but she couldn't seem to get used to the feeling of being shot at. The fear never went away. Zanga swallowed and pressed herself flat against the mud wall of the trench, running her hand along the wet muzzle of her rifle. The Volfehader were still firing overhead, which was bad. They should have stopped by now. How much ammunition had they been hoarding over there?

   Captain George Taut, a large jaguar with professional training as a soldier, checked his watch, anger taking the place of impatience as he did so. "It's ten after, sir. Why haven't they stopped?"

   "Stand down, Taut," Brigadier General Collin Rorf eyed the captain with scarcely concealed hatred.

   Taut straightened up, his gaze drilling into Rorf, "You said they didn't have enough ammo to last the night. That was twenty hours ago. They've kept us pinned here for six days now. What the hell is going on?!"

   "I said stand down!" barked Rorf in frustration, "Now get back against the goddamn wall and shut your fucking mouth!"

   Taut threw his rifle down in the mud and came at Rorf, pinning the little ocelot up against the wall, "What happened this time, you little shit?!" he spat, "Huh? Let me guess, they didn't take out that Volfe supply train, did they? Did they?!"

   Rorf choked in fear, "They--they tried... it was too heavily armed."

   "And you didn't bother telling us?" Major Tomkin cried angrily, "You were just going to send us out there to get slaughtered?" Anetta Tomkin was a big, bulky lioness with more experience in the field than Zanga. Zanga was almost surprised Tomkin hadn't grabbed Rorf first.

   Taut glanced at Major Tomkin, then narrowed his eyes at Rorf, "No you weren't, you dirty son of a bitch. You wouldn't do that to us, would you?"

   Rorf shook his head desperately, "No! Or course I wouldn't, no!" The others were starting to crowd around, pressing in on Rorf and talking amongst each other in quiet tones of fury.

   "No, you wouldn't," Taut laughed, taking the others by surprise, "but you haven't ordered us to fire a shot all day, have you, and the Volfe are getting closer. Why is that, General?"

   Rorf laughed nervously, "I--I don't know, George, you tell me."

   "Okay, Collin, how does this sound," Taut hissed contemptuously, pressing Rorf against the wall of the trench until the general was struggling to breath, "you shoved us all up the warm cunt of your little war and now you're going to surrender. You heard the Hader need men with tactical training like yours, so you'll switch sides and get a nice little desk job somewhere in the Ventrehaus. And all it'll cost you is our lives. They'll kill us all right here--maybe they'll flood our trench or they'll just mow us down as we try to run." Rorf was shaking with fear as Taut continued, "But it won't work, Collin, you know why? Because those stories you heard were lies. They don't need a little pussy bastard like you; they can't trust you. So you're going to die like the rest of us. Just go ahead and try it: after they've finished with us, they'll shove a grenade down your throat and watch as your head gets blown off."

   "No!" General Rorf shook his head, "Absolutely not! I...! I...! Please, don't hurt me; I wouldn't have done it if I had known they would kill you all, I swear. I wouldn't have done it, I just thought it was a way for us all to get out of here!" It was clear there was about to be a fight. Tomkin and Taut were both snarling loudly, making the ocelot squirm, "Please, I just thought that... I just thought..." But Zanga had heard enough, she raised her rifle before anyone could stop her and put a bullet through Rorf's brain.

   Taut stared at what was left of Rorf's head in horrified fascination before dropping the ocelot's lifeless body. Zanga stood petrified for a long moment, shock slowly dripping though her body. She had been killing for the last twelve weeks, but she had never murdered anyone simply because she was angry at them. Now the contents of Collin Rorf's skull were plastered across the wall of the trench and her bullet had put them there.

   "Zanga!" Tomkin, recovered from the shock that temporarily numbed the crowded trench and tried to reach for Zanga, but Zanga was still too dazed to understand what was happening. She swung the muzzle of her rifle toward Tomkin and fired again. Tomkin ducked, the bullet just barely missing her ear as she took the panther to the ground. Zanga's eyes darted back and forth in a wild panic as she struggled to fight the lioness off, then she clutched at Tomkin and sobbed openly. Tomkin held her friend tightly, but only for a moment, "Come on Zanga, we don't have time for this now." Zanga nodded and took the paw Tomkin offered her. They stood up together, Zanga looking away from the eyes that were now fixed on her.

   "Let's move!" roared Taut over the sound of gunfire that had started back up again, "If you want to live, you'd better start shooting something pretty damn quick." He brushed past Zanga and Tomkin, giving Zanga a gentle slap on the back that might have been comforting to one of his fellow soldiers, but it did nothing for her.

   In the field above them, the Volfehader soldiers were surprised to suddenly find that the trench before them was returning fire. Colonel Torcantre, a thin fox who only appeared stocky because of his bushy coat gave the order for his men to drop to the ground. They crawled forward firing enough to keep the Teirguts' heads below the edge of the trench. Torcantre cursed under his breath--a Teirgut defector had wired them early the previous day with the promise of a surrender. Obviously something had not gone to plan. Normally his rank would have put him behind his soldiers where it was safer, but if this was going to be a surrender, it needed to be easy. The Teirguts would be surrendering to him, so he was going first.

The fox was creeping toward the edge of the trench, keeping his ears flat so he wouldn't be seen, when he suddenly found himself nose to nose was a very disturbed looking panther who wasted no time blasting a hole through his ear and ducking back below the edge. Torcantre clutched at his ear and growled loudly. He gave another order and his men began to retreat, preparing to throw grenades as they did so.

   Zanga pressed herself back against the wall again, breathing heavily. She had just come much closer to a Volfehader than she had ever intended to. They had practically touched noses. Tomkin glanced at her and nodded, encouraging her to stick her head up and fire again. Zanga nodded back and cocked her rifle, taking a deep breath to ready herself.

   "We've got them on the run!" yelled Taut who was close by them, "That was their ranking officer's ear you flattened, Zanga! Level the rest of him!"

   Zanga felt an odd sense of pride welling in her at his words. She poked her head up again, carefully finding the fox's forehead in her sights. Before she could pull the trigger, though, something flew over her head into the trench behind her.

   "Look out!" someone further down the line yelled, "They've got gerna-!" But that was as far as they got before the trench was lit up. The explosions shook the sides of sides of the trench, causing them to collapse in a tidal wave of semi-liquid muck. The Teirguts who weren't thrown free of the trench found themselves buried under wet soil and broken bodies. Taut pulled himself free of the sucking mud as a cloud of steam and smoke settled over what was left of the trench. Another soldier, a young lion, was slumped beside him, his body buried chest deep. Taut hurried over to him and started to pull him up by the shoulders. He was surprised by how easily the lion came free until he realized that he was freeing a severed torso. Taut dropped the soldier's remains as if they were on fire and moved away from the grizzly corpse as quickly as he could.

He found Tomkin a moment later. Her leg was bleeding, but she was conscious and didn't seem too badly hurt. Together they crawled toward the far side of what had been their trench. If the cover of smoke from the grenades held for long enough they might reach some kind of safety.

   Zanga came to on her back in the mud. She opened her eyes slowly and screamed in terror. Rorf's severed head was laying beside her, its sightless eyes were still open and staring at her. The panther struggled to get up, but what was left of the ladder she had been standing on now lay on top of her, pinning her down.

   "Did you hear that?" Tomkin stopped.

   "Hear what?" Taut could barely hear a thing, his ears were still ringing from the concussions of the Volfehader grenades.

   "That scream, it sounds like Zanga," Tomkin stopped and looked back toward the trench, "I'm not leaving her down there for them to find. We're going back."

   "What?! Annetta, no!" Taut grabbed for her arm, but she would have none of it.

   "Captain George Taut, I am a Major in the Teirgut Republican Army." Tomkin hissed sternly, "If I say we're going back, we're going back."

   Taut growled and followed her back into the trench. They found Zanga at the bottom of it, squirming under a ladder. "Zanga, stop... Stop!" Taut barked, holding her down, "We're here. We'll get you out of this."

   "It's okay, sweetheart," Tomkin grunted as she heaved on the ladder, "Just stay still."

   As soon as she was free, Zanga rolled into Taut's arms, which closed around her tightly. Taut looked down at her and furrowed his eyebrows, surprised by both her reaction and his. Professional soldiers didn't hold each other, but then Zanga wasn't a professional soldiers and had never pretended to be one.

   "She looks okay," said Tomkin.

   "She's shaking..." whispered Taut, stroking Zanga's back gently. He looked down at her, then growled to himself and pushed her away, "We have to get out of her, let's..." but the sound of a gun being cocked behind him made him pause, "...go." It was too late to run, the Volfehader had found them.

   Torcantre watched as his new prisoners were forced to the ground before him. He pulled off his black leather gloves to reveal a pair of rust red paws with delicate looking white fur on their pads. The fox yanked Tomkin's head back by the scruff of her neck and examined her, "Name and rank, lioness."

   "Annetta Tomkin," she snarled menacingly, "Major."

   Torcantre nodded and dropped her head before stepping in front of Taut, "George... it's been a long time."

   "Ivan," Taut spat, "not long enough."

   "So, what are you now?" the fox laughed sardonically, "Still a Captain?" Taut growled and looked away. "I'll take that for a yes... and who are you?" he said, moving over to Zanga and lifting her chin with his soft paw. "The Teirgut army is really scraping the bottom of the barrel, isn't it. Look at you! Are you even a soldier, or are they making the prostitutes fight now, too?"

   "Leave her alone!" roared Tomkin, struggling against the wolves that were holding her back.

   Now it was Taut's turn to be sardonic, he flashed a sarcastic smile and nodded up at Torcantre's bloody ear, "She did a good job on you."

   Recognition suddenly lit the fox's eyes. He snarled angrily and slapped Zanga across the cheek with his gloves, then glared at Taut, who began to laugh. "Bad form, my friend. Slapping a woman. Why don't try doing that to someone you've got a real bone to pick with, someone who might be able to really slap you back, you two bit piece of shit. I should've killed you back at Rileguard."

   Torcantre put his muzzle right in Taut's face, his words dripping from his mouth like acid, "I wish you would have, but you'll get what's coming to you. You stabbed me in the back, Teirgut, and you'll pay for it."

   "Aww, you hurt my feelings, Ivan." said Taut, acting as if he were deeply offended, "I remember when you thought I was more than just a Teirgut." Torcantre raised his gloves to slap the jaguar before he could say more, but Taut beat him to it, "You know, I think you've got the longest muzzle of anyone I've ever screwed? My dick barely reached the back of throat."

   Torcantre pulled a gun, pressing it up under Taut's jaw," Not another word, you son of a bitch, not another word!"

   Taut smiled, "Okay, Ivan, okay. Not another word."

   Torcantre holstered his gun, glaring at Taut. "Down to business," he said slowly, "Major Tomkin, you are the highest ranking survivor of your outfit."

   "Ivan, wait!" said Taut, straining against the paws that were holding him down, "Think about this, you could take three prisoners back instead of just two. Who would know? You don't have to do this."

   Torcantre ignored the jaguar and stood over Tomkin, putting his gloves back on. "Get the other two loaded into the truck, and bind her arms and legs."

   Zanga and Taut were shoved roughly into a large cage fitted to the bed of a military truck. They watched from a distance as Tomkin was bound and her mouth was forced open. Torcantre was handed a small, red grenade with a thin chain hanging from the pin by a soldier, who quickly ran for the cover of the trucks. Torcanter started to push the grenade toward the back of Tomkin's throat, carefully keeping the chain dangling outside of her mouth. Then he forced her jaws shut, ignoring the sounds the lioness made as she gagged on the grenade.

As one of the soldiers holding her took out a belt to synch her muzzle closed, though, Torcantre suddenly changed his mind. He waved the soldier away and pulled the grenade from Tomkin‘s mouth, giving an order as he did so which Zanga and Taut couldn't hear. The soldiers holding her threw her onto her back and held her on the ground while Torcantre slashed the bindings on her ankles. The soldiers took he by the knees and forced her legs apart.

   "Tomkin!" Zanga grabbed the bars of the cage and shook it, "Leave her alone, you bitch! Leave her alone!"

   Taut pulled her back, not taking his eyes off of Torcantre and Tomkin, "Ivan, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

   Even from that distance, Taut could see the sadistic grin Torcantre flashed him as he cut through the fabric between Tomkin's legs. Then, with his paws he tore through her pants and gazed at her panties appraisingly, "Hmm... lacey! Is that standard issue for women in the Teirgut military, or have they really made the prostitutes start fight, as well?" He pulled her panties to one side and ran his tongue up her slit, making her gasp and try to shut her legs, but the strong paws holding them apart wouldn't let her. "Get the hell away from me," she snarled, "you're a perverted, sick bastard!"

   "Tomkin... that was your name, wasn't it?" Torcantre held up the grenade and examined it like Hamlet examining a skull. "You know, Major Tomkin, I hear these make fantastic dildos."

   Tomkin gasped again, feeling the cold object intruding on her pussy. She shut her eyes and screamed as Torcantre forced the grenade deep into her folds until only the chain hung out of her slit. He pawed her, keeping her from expelling the grenade and making her hips roll involuntarily. Finally, the fox pulled her panties back over her dripping pussy and hoisted her up onto her knees.

   "And the climax..." Torcantre hissed in her ear as he pulled the chain. The pin slipped smoothly from the grenade, which started to vibrate on her g-spot, making Tomkin's legs buckle. "I hear the climax is absolutely explosive."