Journey to another world pt2 ch57

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#7 of Journey to Another World pt2

Journey to Another World 4 Ch. 7 I sighed to myself as I looked up at the top of the tent as both Jenavee and Rena lay in the crook of each of my arms. ‘When Jenavee said that I'd not be getting any sleep tonight, she was right. Damn' My whole body was in a state of exhausted bliss as I lay between two very satisfied girls as I saw that they both had very big smiles on their faces. Even though Jenavee had been slightly against the whole idea of the three of us together... ‘I never knew that she was such a freak under the sheets, or in this case sleeping bag.' I thought as I recalled the ideas and positions that she'd came up with. It amazed me that just a few weeks or so ago, I'd been an average kid playing a video game with no thought about what life would be like in the Pokemon world. Now I was sleeping with two beautiful girls that loved and cared about me. I smiled to myself as I gently rubbed both their heads. It also amazed me that I was probably not only living one group of peoples dream of being transported to the Pokemon world, but being able to make love to them as well... * * *

(Author: I know you want it, so here's the flashback)

  • * * Once I'd been pushed/tackled into the tent, the girls pretty much took control of the situation. While I lay there on my back rubbing the obvious bruise that would soon form on the back of my head, the girls proceeded to undress me, while the other would caress me in some intimate places. ‘There very enthusiastic about this.' I thought to my self as my pants were quickly removed from my body. "What do you think Jenavee? Think he is just as excited about this as we are?" Rena asked with a giggle as there was the start of a tent in my trunks. "If not now, then I am sure he will be in a moment." She replied as she pulled my shirt off my head and looked down at my nearly naked body. They both looked at each other then started to giggle as I tried to get up and reach for the girls. Jenavee pushed me down and then lay down next to me so we could kiss each other. At first the kisses were only small quick pecks, but they eventually started to become something more as I decided to try something new. When she was about to kiss me gently again, I pulled her a little more over my body and lightly licked at her lips. This caught her a little by surprise but eventually she decided to try it as well, and that's when I made my move. I pulled her a little closer to me and intertwined our tongues together, but it didn't last long as I felt something stroke me a little down under. As I tried to get Jenavee into a French Kiss, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Rena had removed my underwear and was now stroking my hard shaft. One part of my body was saying that this was too much stimulation for someone as inexperienced as myself, while the other was begging Rena to not stop and go further. I guess she must have heard my second voice as she started to pump me a little harder with her furry paws. The feeling of fur against my naked manhood was almost unlike anything I could describe. "I think he is really enjoying our attention." Rena said but then slowed for a moment. "Jenavee, I think he is leaking something out of his thingy." Jenavee laughed. "Oh do not worry about that. That is his way of showing you that you are doing a good job." "The smell..." She said as she sniffed my pre that was now starting to dribble down my shaft. "That smell is so... I think I want to taste it." She said right before she took her long tongue and licked up the bead that had dribbled down my shaft from the bottom to the top, getting every last bit of the bead of pre. I let out a long moan and only stopped when Jenavee started to kiss me again. ‘Oh, I think he likes it Rena. Do it again.' She said as she continued to kiss me but sent her voice to both Rena and I. Rena did as she was told and continued to lick me up and down my shaft, making me squirm with delight. Jenavee stopped kissing me, straddled my chest, then looked over her shoulder at Rena. "So, how is the taste?" She asked, but didn't get a reply as Rena started to put her mouth over my shaft and started to suck on me to get more of my pre out of my shaft. ‘Oh Jenavee. The taste...The taste is driving me...' She didn't say anything as she continued to suck on my shaft. Though what I didn't notice was that she was using one paw to stroke me during her licks, while the other was in-between her legs. "I think I am being let out of all the fun." She said to Rena but then turned back to me and gave me a wicked smile. "I have seen some of the images of what you wanted to do to us, and I think I like this one." She said as she scooted up and placed her shins on either side of my head and stroked my hair. "Come now Donovin. I think that you have waited long enough to try this. So come to momma, and have your fill." She said to me. I had no idea that Jenavee had been digging around my mind again, but right at that moment, that thought was the last thing on my mind. A pair of deep emerald green lips were right in front of my face, practically begging for attention. Being so new to this, I slowly stuck out my tongue and touched it to her nether lips. There was a slight taste of something there, but I couldn't quite place it as there was only a small amount of it there. So wishing to try and get more, I began to lick her nether lips. I'd only taken a few licks when I heard Rena moan then say, "I can not take this any longer." Rena stopped stroking me and quickly got on either side of my hips and grabbed my member again. "I need him so bad it actually hurts. I am sorry Jenavee, but I am taking him first." And with that she slowly let herself down onto my shaft. She was about to sit down on me totally but must have thought of something better as she moved my shaft over her entrance a few times. "Do not interrupt him, Rena." She moaned. "He is goooood." She moaned out again, but jumped when I began to really get into it. "Oh Donovin, stop teasing meeeeeee." She begged as I'd only used my tongue to run it around the outside of her lips. Though that didn't last long as I accidentally shot my tongue into her as Rena slammed home on my shaft. Both girls quickly let deep moans of pleasure as they both got what they deeply wanted from me. Rena with my shaft into her deeply needed sex, and Jenavee with my tongue up hers as well. The stimulation of having my shaft up Rena and my tongue up Jenavee, nearly overloaded my brain. So taking a moment I pulled away from Jenavee to take several deep breaths, in hope to keep myself from blowing so fast. "Easy Rena. We nearly lost him right there." Jenavee said as she looked back at Rena but stopped and stared as Rena's eyes had this glazed over look. "It would seem that though we did not loose Donovin, we lost you, to your heat." She looked down at me, then got another wicked idea. "Come back here Donovin. Momma needs something a little more." With that she moved her legs a little closer to my head and made sure that I wouldn't look anywhere but up at her. She used her psychic abilities to move my hands up to her breasts and placed them there. "Momma needs you to make her feel really good." I didn't need to reply as my tongue returned to her lips with earnest while my hands gently massaged her breasts. While I was doing this to Jenavee, Rena's tongue lay hanging out of her mouth and she began to pant. At first things started off slow and steady as she rocked her hips back and forth, but after a while she started to really grind into me. The feeling of her doing this was of course unlike anything I'd ever imagined or even dreamed of. So after she got tired of that, she began to slowly lifted herself up off me, then slowly move back down. This only happened a few times as she began to pick up her pace. Wishing to help the girls a little more, I began to meet Rena's downward movements with my upwards, and slightly squeeze Jenavee's breasts a little harder while sticking my tongue deeper into her needy sex. This only lasted a little while longer as I could feel my climax quickly approaching. ‘Oh god. I feel like I'm just about to....' I couldn't say more as I knew by the way that Jenavee was shaking above me and Rena's passage starting to really tighten down on me, that the three of us were about to climax together in one massive orgasm. Quickly searching Jenavee's sex with my probing tongue, I finally found what I was tasting for and waited for Rena to nearly hit her orgasm. It was the most pleasurable torture I'd ever experienced as I held back my climax from Rena, but I was relived when she finally slammed down on me hard and stayed there as a deep shudder spread over her body and fluids leaked down my shaft. Just as I felt her do this I quickly stuck my tongue on that special spot in Jenavee and she too let loose a massive orgasm, with all her fluids as well. Not being able to hold back any longer I came deep into Rena's Vagina. Filling her with my seed as the three of us let out long and drawn out yells of orgasmic bliss. I don't know how much fluid I drank from Jenavee or how much of my stuff I pumped into Rena's needy tunnel as it worked to pull as much of my seed into her as possible, but it all felt goooooooooooood. Eventually as my head fell back, I heard a thump sound and looked around Jenavee's legs to see Rena had fallen onto her back on the floor. ‘I guess this was just to much stimulation for her.' I thought/chuckled to myself. Eventually Jenavee started to teeter as well, but fearing where she would land, I wrapped my arms around her waist. Without me to hold her up she leaned to far back and would have probably landed on Rena. "I guess all of us are pretty tired." Jenavee looked down at me and gave me a sleepy smile to which I returned. Just then she surprised me as she slowly reached into my pack and pulled out an Oran berry that I didn't know I still had and slowly ate it but stopped when she'd only ate half. I was about to ask her what she was doing when she quickly shook her head and gave me a mischievous smile as she looked like she was now ready for another go. "As I told you earlier Donovin. I am going to keep you up all night, and I meant it." She took another bite but leaned down with it still in her mouth and kissed me. To say the least, I was quite shocked as she actually fed me the bite that she took with her tongue. She continued to kiss me and feed me until the whole berry was gone. It didn't take long for that berry to work it's magic in me as I could feel strength returning to me. ‘What the heck? It's like that berry took away all my fatigue. Just like it did when I ran myself raged from being chased away from that Pokemon Center so long ago.' I thought to myself, but slowly raised an eyebrow as Jenavee smiled down to me and rubbed my face with her hand. "That's the point Donovin. Now show me what you can do." She said as she moved back to straddle my hips. I knew what was to come but I wasn't going to let these girls get the better of me, so I sat up and wrapped my arms around her chest, and kissed her. I would have continued the kiss but stopped when I felt Jenavee start to lower herself down on me. Reaching down I grabbed her backside and gave it a gentle squeeze, then lifted her back up. Jenavee looked a bit disappointed but when I smiled to her she just got a questioning look on her face. "Oh no Jenavee. Were not going to go that route." I said before I kissed her again. Slowly rotating us around, I lowered her to the sleeping-bag and placed her on her back. "I think that we should continue where we were interrupted last time." When I said this, Jenavee gave me a smile as she nodded. She spread her legs and nodded to me. "You know. This was the same position that we were in when we were in the dream." I smiled to her as I nodded. "I know. This position will always be ours." I said as I stroked myself back to full stiffness, then slowly pushed into her. She let out a deep moan as I slowly pushed myself all the way into her. Once I was all the way in, I leaned down and kissed her deeply. While I kissed her I slowly withdrew my shaft and then slowly pushed it back in. Things began to get a bit hazy from that point, but things became clear again as I neared my peak as she wrapped her legs around my hips, keeping me against her. "You are not going anywhere Donovin. I want to feel everything. I want you to fill me like you did Rena. I want to feel everything." She said as I continued to pump faster and harder into her. Eventually I couldn't hold it back anymore and pushed as far into her as I could and stayed there with her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. So even if I wanted to pull out, which I didn't, I couldn't. I could feel myself pump my seed deep into her as she let out a deep orgasmic yell. How long we spent there together, I didn't know. The only thing I knew was that once I was finished and utterly spent, I fell to the side, then rolled over to my back. I lay there panting for breath as I realized that for some reason, I'd been holding my breath. I was now covered in a deep sweaty sheen, but that didn't seem to mind to Jenavee as she leaned over me and cupped my right side of my face, pulled my head towards her, and kissed me. Though the kiss wasn't that deep, we both could feel the love of the other in it. Eventually she pulled away from me and lay her head down on the crook of my left arm. Just then Rena came up as well and did the same only to hold my left part of my face and kiss me as well. When she was done she lay in the crook of my other arm. I heard them both let out contented sighs as I was quick to join them. "Thank you Donovin for the gift that you have given us." They both said as the words fell on deaf ears as I was lost to the feeling of the post orgasmic bliss. Then they both girls looked over to the other, giggled, then fell into a deep sleep. * * *

(End flashback)

  • * * I was just starting to feel my old friend sleep calling me as my eyes started to droop, when I heard the sound of slow footsteps crushing dried leaves outside the tent. At first I didn't bother with thinking about it, but when the footsteps grew closer I started to get a little perturbed. ‘Can't that person see that there is someone already camping here? Why can't they just go and find somewhere else to camp?' I was about to get out from under the girls when a thought popped into my head. We'd been making a lot of noise last night and the girls had been quite vocal. Maybe this person had been passing by and had heard all the noise that we'd been making. Fear started to creep into my face as I began to think of what the consequences of said action would be again. Though thankfully my fears proved false as the person walked over to the tree that was next to our tent and stopped there to probably relieve him/herself and left. About an hour after my heart had finally calmed down, a smell of honey started to fill the air. ‘Oh so that's what that person was doing.' I laughed to myself. ‘Just putting some honey on a honey tree. Hoping to catch something interesting with said honey.' They'd probably catch a Combee, a Heracross, or something like that as they seemed to really go after that sweet stuff. Finally after relaxing a little more, I began to drift off again until another person came by. Just thinking that they were going to do the same thing as the last person, I drifted off into a pleasant slumber as Jenavee wrapped her arms around me a little tighter. How little did I know that that is what saved her from what happened next. Once I'd drifted off to sleep, I didn't hear the sound of the zipper of the tent's door being opened. "Toxicroak, use Sleep Powder in the tent." The weird colored frog nodded to it's master and then leaned it's head into the tent and released a thick white powder into the tent. Effectively putting all three of us into a deeper state of sleep. (Several hours later) Eventually I awoke to the sound of someone shaking the tent. I thought it was probably just Rena or Jenavee that probably just needed to use the bathroom or something and couldn't get the zipper open. So when I got up I felt Jenavee slide out of my embrace, which meant that it was just Rena either trying to get out or come in. "Just a minute Rena." I said as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and let them adjust to the bright sun. ‘Wait a minute. Why is it so bright out? It's almost like the suns been up for hours.' I then smiled to myself again as I thought that must have been so tired that I slept past noon. (Author: Ya, like you don't sleep for a really long time when your really tired.) When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I looked around and could see that Jenavee was just starting to wake up. So, with that confirmed I reached around and undid the zipper to the tent's door and looked up to meet the stern face of an Officer Jenney. "Well, good afternoon. Might I ask you what you think your doing still asleep at this hour?" "Wait a minute your not Rena." I looked past her and tried to see where she was. The officer looked over her shoulder with a questioning look on her face. "What or who are you looking for exactly?" I was about to answer her when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw that Jenavee had a worried expression on her face. "Donovin. Why does it smell like Sleep Powder in here?" She asked me in a sleepy tone. That's when a worried look slowly appeared on my face. It wasn't enough to have Rena missing, but to have Jenavee tell me that there was the smell of Sleep Powder in here. That's when the officer handed me something. "Well anyway, this way lying outside your tent." She said as she handed me a white envelope. I took it and looked back at Jenavee. I guess she must have picked up on my worry as she too sported one of her own. I quickly opened the letter and pulled out a folded piece of white paper. To the sword wielding, red eyed, freak trainer; You may not know me, but my boss sure knows you. You've been causing our organization quite a few problems in the past, and now it's time for some payback. I have taken your Lucario and have taken her to our most secret base. If you ever want to see her again, you will surrender to the officer and admit to murdering several of our members. Next I want you to release that Gardevoir that is comfortably sleeping by your side. As you two seem quite chummy together. If these demands are not met and you are not in jail by the end of the day. I'll personally send you your Lucario's head in a hand basket. Have a nice day; Saturn As I read the letter to myself once more, I knew that this had gone to far. It may have been one thing to con this organization into thinking that I'd killed their members, when actually they were just under heavy jail lockdown. But to actually threaten one of my Lov...Girlfr...Pokemon. ‘I know what you are thinking, but you have to read the fine print. How does this Saturn person know that you will be in jail and confessed to these, crimes?' Jenavee asked me over a private link. ‘There's someone on the inside. Someone within the Police force.' I looked up at the officer and shuddered. ‘Do not worry Donovin. She is not one of them. Though you will have to say something as your are starting to make her nervous.' I looked to the officer then to Jenavee. ‘How sure are you that she isn't working with Team Galactic?' I asked her. ‘I am a hundred percent sure. So if you are thinking, what I think you are thinking, then go for it.' About an hour later the cell door to my prison was slammed closed in my face. I had admitted to the murder of several Team Galactic members to the officer Jenny, then was quickly taken into custody, and was now awaiting the day that I was going to be put before a judge to be sentenced for said murders. I turned around and went over to one of the benches and lay down on it. I was about to dose off when I heard the sound of someone banging something on the bars of my cell. I opened on of my eyes and saw a man who looked to be in his thirties, blue like hair, either Japanese or Chinese decent, sporting an officers uniform, and had a very smug look on his face. He held a metal tin drinking cup that he threw to the ground of my cell. "Not so tough without your sword, now is it...Donovin. Maybe now I'll use it to remove your Lucario's head." Said the man with an obvious superior tone to his voice. I just ignored him for a minute and was about to turn over and go to sleep when what he'd said clicked in the back of my mind. I quickly leapt to my feet and rushed the bars. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough as he stepped back from the bars as I reached out to him through the bars. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled at him as I continued to reach out to him. The man just laughed at my vain attempts to get a-hold of him. "Now this is what I wanted to see. You helpless as a newborn Pokemon, as I go on ahead and take the life of one of your beloved Pokemon. As it's the only fair thing since you've done the same to a number of our members." "What are you talking about?" I asked in a confused/angry voice. "I did what you wanted. I admitted to the murders of your members, and released my Gardevoir. Now return my Lucario to me!" The man just laughed again. "Now, why would I do such a foolish thing like that. The Lucario race is quite rare and quite valuable to our cause." He started pacing the outside of my cell back and forth. "Your Lucario is helping us right now to get a better understanding of Aura, and I suspect that she's going to be staying with us for quite some time. She may be even used for a breeding subject as you've destroyed our last breeding office branch." He went on and on about this or that, until he had his fill and left the room laughing. When I heard all that they were planning to do with Rena, I couldn't help but cry as I fell to my knees while my hands squeezed the bars a little harder. This group was far worse than I'd imagined, and they needed to be stopped. Once the man had left I walked back to the bench and sat down on it. ‘How are things on your end Jenavee?' I asked her over the link. ‘Pretty well. He has just left the station, and is now heading towards a very large purple building. Why does this organization have to have such tacky looking buildings? It looks almost identical to the one back in that other town. Only this one is wider where as that one was taller.' ‘That is not our biggest concern right now Jenavee. If he does go into the building then...' ‘He just did' Jenavee interrupted me. ‘Should I head back now?' She asked me. ‘Ya, that's fine. The guards should be letting me out when the charges are dismissed, as soon as they make a few phone calls.' * * *

(Flashback to the tent earlier that afternoon)

  • * * "Officer Jenny. We have a problem." I handed her the note. She read the note and then looked up at me in shock. "You're the one who's been doing this to all those Team Galactic members?" To which I nodded to her. She smirked then stood up. "I can't believe my luck. I get to meet the person who single handedly closed down not one but two operations of Team Galactic." She dropped to her knees and looked in at us. "Is this note really true? Do you really cut off the heads of any Team Galactic members that you come across?" I simply shook my head. ‘I guess my reputation precedes me.' "I'm sorry Officer Jenny, but this really isn't the time to talk of such things." I pointed to the note. "They have my lovely Lucario, and I intend to get her back. But in order to keep her safe for as long as possible, I need you to arrest me." I turned to Jenavee and I could see she had a scared look on her face. ‘Donovin, please tell me that you are not going to release me, like that note says that you have to.' Jenavee said in a scared tone to me over the link. "That's not the plan Jenavee. Though you will have to act like a wild Pokemon for a while, while I'm in their custody." I turned back to the Officer and motioned for her to leave. "What?" She asks in a confused tone, as she cocks her head to the side. "I'm sorry officer Jenney but I do need to get dressed here." She looked me up and down seeing that I had my/our lower bodies covered by the sleeping bag, while my bare chest was uncovered. I saw her blush a quick shade of red, then just as quickly she jumped up and quickly walked away. Jenavee reached over and started to pull the zipper of the door closed. While Jenavee reached over and began to pull the zipper closed I quickly threw on a quick shirt, but stopped putting my cloths on when I saw her on all fours. Deciding to have a little fun, I gave her backside a little pinch. She gave off a little, "eep" of surprise as she jumped in the air, but smiled at me as she looked over her shoulder at me. Moreover, she did the same thing to me as I was putting on my pants. Though I would have enjoyed playing with her a little longer, I knew that there were things to do and plans to make.