Prisoner of War[6]: Worn Down and Defenceless

Story by solar on SoFurry

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#7 of Prisoner of War

"So, all ready for your next truck load?" Preston chuckled as he undid my handcuffs.

I sighed at the thought. My body was definitely not ready to unload another truck, especially not if I was going to be rushed. He had to know that I wasn't ready to do anything physically strenuous.

"Come on, the people need their food and what not," Fred told me as he took me by the arm.

I shook my head slowly, "I don't think I really have the strength for this right now. I've been locked away for ages, I'm out of shape and really sore." The thought of dragging more stuff around the back of that store made me feel even worse. It really didn't seem bad enough to draw further objections though. What he wanted, I'd deliver or so I figured.

Preston reached out and pulled the flogger from Fred's side. "Tell you what," he said, "One less thing to worry about. I'll also tell you something that'll make you feel better about this when you're done."

There was little I could do as Preston motioned for Fred to take me off. I was too weak to really fight back but somehow I wasn't too weak to move heavy objects. It was nice that the truck was level with the loading dock, it seemed to take forever for me to get the first palette of junk off the truck and onto the walk in fridge. Meanwhile, Fred tried to rush me along. It felt like a reasonable approximation of the real slave experience. Work till exhaustion for little reward. The threat of pain was gone for now, but this was happening everyday. I guess in some twisted way less pain was a bit of a reward.

As much as he didn't have the flogger anymore, I knew he could hurt me plenty with his bare hands. I could probably have hurt him plenty back, if I was in good condition. We spent a long time learning just how to hurt people during army training. There was discipline that went along with that as well, but unlike the martial arts sort of discipline, this was the type of that required a command structure. The commanding officer gave the orders, if he fell, the ranking officer would take over. If you were the last man standing, you pretty much couldn't finish the mission. Discipline didn't really help.

I was well on my way with the second palette when he decided to give me a break and pulled the rest of the stuff into the loading area. It was more for getting the truck on the road again so that other people could load it up with different stuff, but I was grateful for every agonising step that simple move saved me.

There didn't really seem to be much of a point to what I was doing. Everyone was working around me and I was just a side-show. They probably shuffled a couple trucks worth of stuff around me while I worked. My help was probably slowing things down more than it was helping. Eventually Fred started pushing me through doorways and along some of the narrower isles so that I wasn't always blocking the way. It was very demoralising every time someone had to pull over and wait for me to pass. I felt so bad for holding things up.

Of course, at the end of this was supposed to be something that would make me feel better. However, I just didn't like asking everyone to put in an hour of over-time so whatever it was he wanted to say had better be worth their time as well. It was hard to imagine anything that would make it worth their time as well.

The very first few truck I loaded didn't take nearly this long. That happened late at night when I was tired, but my body wasn't worn down. I tried to figure out how much slower I was going. Previously, I was the only one working in here. There was no reference of time outside my own mind. Fred was helping me this time, but I still didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. Before this, I never really appreciated how much one of those tractor-trailers could hold. Even earlier, sure I knew how big the crates were, but the size didn't mean much to me. It was hard to relate to military hardware. Now that it was food, I had a better feel for things. Of course, I didn't really know when I had last seen anywhere nearly this much food. This was going to be able to feed an army, which incidentally was what we were trying to do. It also meant that I was going to be at this for quite a while.

Last night was exhausting for me, today was even worse. By the time I was done, it was nightfall and I wasn't sure what was holding me up throughout the task. I collapsed in silence next to the last palette. Everyone else had left. Fred ventured off to retrieve Preston and the others had left sometime ago. For the time being I was alone and for once it actually felt good. Granted, I couldn't go anywhere and I couldn't really think of anything else besides flopping over. I was done and I was happy about that, and Preston had promised something that would make it all worth while. It wasn't long now before I found out just what that was.

There was the familiar sound of crutches approaching and I didn't really care to turn my head. I knew who it was and slid over a bit, only to spread myself across the floor. Hopefully, he wasn't expecting me to stand up and salute. I don't think I ever saluted anyone after I was captured. Hand-cuffs always got in the way.

Preston poked at my cheek with his crutches and tilted my muzzle towards him, "Well my slave boy, you look like you've done a good job."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I said, still huffing and puffing.

He tilted his head and leaned down closer to me, "Is that any way to talk to your master?"

I closed my eyes and muttered, "No master."

"How about we take a little break and make sure that rules are still clear," Preston suggested, "What do you say?"

"Yes, master," I muttered as I relaxed there. A break sounded really good.

"Let's start with something simple, what do you say if stop?" Preston asked.

I groan and tried to think. It was bad that I had forgotten already. This was a very important word, but what was it. Something simple for sure. "Orange," I said, kind of half asking for clarification. No wait, that wasn't it, it wasn't a colour, it was a name. "Umm... I got it. Give me a minute," I stalled, "Arcadia."

"You're going to need to be a little quicker on that in the future. You might need it in an emergency and it might be a very distracting situation," He told me. I felt something brushing across my chest as he continued, "I probably could have given you a good twenty to thirty lashes while you were thinking. Perhaps that would be a good way to hammer down the message."

I gulped at the thought of that. I just unsuspectingly earned myself another punishment. My safe word was something that I needed to know though. I agreed with the general premise. "Well, I'm not going to refuse my master on that one," I reluctantly told him.

"Keep in mind, that was supposed to be an easy question," Preston said, "This one is a bit of a harder question. If I were to ask you to pick me up and carry me while you were in your present condition, what do you do?"

The first thing that came to my mind was collapse, so I blurted it out with a chuckle, "Collapse." The thought of trying to stand up was a scary one right now. Supporting someone else's weight really didn't seem possible.

"Are you mocking my questions?" Preston asked.

"Sorry, master," I said. I was starting get the hang of this, or so I thought.

"So, once again, same question, more serious answer this time," Preston insisted.

"I would collapse, master," I told him. That was the only thing that was going to happen if I tried to lift him.

"Are you telling me that you would place me in an unsafe situation and let me get hurt?" He asked.

That one required a bit of thought, was that really the answer I wanted to give? Well, if I were to try to pick him up that's what would happen right now. Would I do that though? I could see his point; I could hurt him if I tried to pick him up right now. Especially with his hurt leg. He might have a bit of trouble recovering his balance if I were to upset it. I'd probably be hurt pretty badly too.

I didn't know what I would do. The question had to be taken seriously though. Could I just admit that I wasn't sure?

"Did I ever mention that it was rude to keep your master waiting? I'm going to walk you through this, but in exchange, you're getting ten more lashes and we'll over look the fact that you could use a minor correction for your attitude. Does that sound fair?" Preston proposed.

I was actually afraid to decline when he mentioned that I could use a minor correction. What was wrong with my attitude though? There was something about the way it was phrased that suggested that I would probably be punished worse for declining. "Yes, master," I conceded.

"When I asked the question, was your first instinct to try to pick me up?" Preston asked, being a little more specific this time.

That was a little easier. "Yes, master," I admitted. It felt like the wrong thing to say, but it was the truth.

"When you first answered did you even consider not trying to pick me up?" he asked.

That was also another easy one. "No, master," I honestly declared.

"I like your responses so far," Preston told me with a poke. I couldn't tell if it was his crutches or his boots, "So for minus five lashes, tell me did you ever think of warning me that I might get hurt if you went through with that?"

That had me torn. My throat tensed as I tried to decide what to say. I wanted to say yes but I honestly didn't think of that. My mouth opened and I was undecided what to say. It was going to be one or the other, "Yes master."

There was a poking on my chest as Preston told me, "That's a bad answer. These are simple questions; you shouldn't have to think about it. Why did it take you so long to answer?"

Trouble was coming. I could feel it. Part of me wondered if I was going to be scared of his talks later one. This one had me facing forty lashes already and we were still talking. "I'm not sure, master," I told him.

"Were you thinking of lying to me?" Preston asked.

That question made me feel bad. I got caught and it didn't make my life any easier. It was time to tell the truth though. "Yes, master," I grumbled.

"And did you lie to me?" he asked. It seemed like the natural thing to follow up with, but I didn't want to hear it.

I was starting to get sick of this game, but luckily, I didn't have the energy to cry. "Yes, master," I admitted.

"The thought should never cross your mind, but at least you're honest enough to admit it. Granted, I had to force it out of you," Preston told me, "It's a tough habit to break though, specially when you know you're going to get in trouble for doing that." He put his heel up to my head and pushed my muzzle back and forth. "What do you suppose should be done about this?" he asked me.

I definitely didn't want to request another punishment, but there was little else that I could think of doing though. My mind weighted the options for a wile. Hopefully, I could avoid more pain. What else could be done? This wasn't really about the best way for me to stop, but rather, I felt that he was just out to get me. "I don't know," I blurted out when I started worrying about how long I was keeping him waiting.

"I suppose I could walk you through this one too for the same price as before, ten lashes," Preston told me. I groaned at the thought, I was already getting more punishments. As much as things were starting to pile up, it still felt like a fair price. Part of me wished that I had just requested ten lashes earlier. He gave my chest a poke with his crutches. "There are two things that I'd like to deal with. The first one is that you would lie to me. The second one is that you're reluctant to admit that you lie to me. You shouldn't be afraid of admitting your mistakes, but at the same time they cannot be allowed to continue. Do you understand me so far?" He told me.

I nodded silently. Maybe hurting myself wasn't going to be the best thing to do after all. Hearing that gave me a bit of hope.

"I could let you off with a warning this time, but then I'm assuming that you've learnt something from the scare and hopefully next time won't be for a while," he told me. That sounded like a good idea, but I had the feeling that it was best not to take chances around him. He gave out another alternative, "I could simply add more lashes to your punishment and hope that you won't be too scared to admit these things in the future." That was the one that I was trying to avoid at the moment. It sounded like it was going to be a long enough session as it was. "Or you could have your choice of another swift pain, some continuous discomfort, more labour, some impairment or a wildcard from one of them."

Whimpering, I considered my choices. I was hurting badly enough as it was. Didn't need more pain and labour was out since I was in no condition to work. Getting off easy was still an option, but I wasn't really too keen on it. I wish I knew what was meant by impairment and what sort of things were continuous discomfort. Swift pain probably meant I was going to be hit with something. Labour was pretty obvious. I thought about discomfort for a while and decided that I was in no mood for anything that might involve struggling. "Impairment?" I mumbled in confusion, hoping that he would provide some clarification.

"A wise choice," Preston told me, "You'll find out what's in store for you later. Would you like a simple question next or a hard one?"

"Simple question," I said without even thinking. There was enough thinking done already.

"Well then, I suppose I'll ask you one with no wrong answer and no new thought. You just have to remember something," Preston informed me. Seeing as to how my first memory question didn't go too well, it didn't really make me feel all that comfortable though. Those were also the open-ended questions, which were somewhat harder. "Yesterday, we were doing something and I told you that if you were sore after, you shouldn't bother trying to speak. What was your interpretation of that order?" he asked me.

There was no sense in making stuff up for this one. I had already been chatting away for the better part of the day now. "You were about to fuck me," I said to help put things in context, "You didn't think I was really ready to be fucked." I paused to take a deep breath. It was hard to answer questions when I knew that I could be hurt for my answers. During our previous sessions, I didn't feel anywhere near this threatened. "So I took it to mean that if my ass was still sore tomorrow, I couldn't really tell you if I was really ready or not and so shouldn't have been speaking today," I muttered.

"As you are speaking today, does that mean you can stand to be fucked again today?" he asked.

"Yes, master," I groaned. The memory of last time was fresh in my mind. Kind of hurt a bit, but I was sure it was nothing. My legs certainly weren't going to hold if I was expected to go riding again though.

"A question that involves new thought for you," Preston announced, "The crate, have you reached a decision about the crate and whether or not you feel like being packaged and shipped away?"

When I was asked the first time, I was already leaning towards an answer. If he had asked again at the end of the meal, I would have accepted. Now, well, I wasn't going to get the chance to do this again. "Yes, master," I said, loud and clear.

"Well I suppose that concludes the questions I have for now," Preston told me. I opened my eyes again when I heard his crutches fall to the ground. As much as he scared me back then, I still worried about him. Somebody had really turned up the lights since I collapsed and I found it hard to keep my eyes open or see anything clearly. My ears told me that there was some kind of gathering around me.

Preston sat down at my head and it became a little easier to see, but he occupied my entire field of view. Gently, he tilted my head up and brushed my eyes closed. Something was being wrapped around my head to serve as a blindfold. I suppose that was going to be my punishment for lying, I wasn't going to be able to see for a while. "Well, maybe just one more question," he told me, "How do you think you did at your last task?"

"Rather poorly, master," I admitted, thinking of how long it took me and how I was always in everyone else's way. We were finally at the part that I was waiting for. Somehow he could make me feel better about the whole thing.

Preston's hands rubbed my throat gently as he began, "You know, I could really care less that managed to move all that stuff around. Not that I don't think you did a good job on that." He unbuttoned the top button of my prisoner fatigues and reached inside, rubbing his hands through the band of thick fur around my shoulders. "You did a really good job, I just never told you the goal," he continued, "You're probably not used to assignments like that." Another few buttons slowly gave way as he talked.

It was relaxing to have some close contact with him. He told me that he didn't want to e a monster that I was scared of and he really needed to spend some more time with me if things weren't going to head that way.

Leaning over my body, Preston unbuttoned my pants with little objection on my part. He let the tip of his long muzzle touch me as he sat back down. "I told you to unload that truck because I wanted to have you weak and defenceless," he told me. I could feel his nice, warm breath up against my ears as he whispered, "And you did a very good job of that."

That still didn't make me feel good though. Sure I did a good job, but I still wasted a lot of time and caused more work for everyone around me. It still didn't make me feel very good, but Preston started speaking again, there was more.

"Can you guess why I wanted you weak and helpless?" he asked.

"Not really," I groaned. I could still hear people gathered around me and glanced back and forth under my blindfold. There was an annoying crack of light, but not really enough to make out much detail.

"Well, I read through that list I had you make at the start of all this and well, you don't really get that many chances to have a nice gang rape," he told me as he set my head back on the hard cement floor.

As soon as he finished, I could feel about a dozen hands reach out and grab me at once. My arms and legs were being spread and I instinctively tried to break free. It was no use though. I certainly did do a good job of making myself helpless earlier. "Hey," I shouted as they lifted me up. There was a rumbling in the background as something was slid under me. They put me back down on a stack of palettes. My legs and tail dangled off of one end and my head tilted back off the other end.

A pair of hands rubbed up my inner thighs and then my balls were grabbed. I tried to move my hands over only to have them grabbed as well. They were pulled aside and I could feel warm hard cock in both my hands. Several small objects landed on my chest. I could only guess that they must have been condoms. A few quick deep breaths later, the surprise was over and I wondered what I was struggling against. This was something I actually wanted to try.

I let out a deep moan as someone picked up my head. My muzzle was forced open a crack and a pair of fingers slipped inside. At least my tongue wasn't tired. Nobody had tried to tire it out yet.

The others were grabbing the little packages off my chest. I felt a cool rush of fluid entering into my rump. Whoever it was pushed a finger into me and spread it around. It burned just a little, and I became aware of the minor crack that I had been ignoring. There was something that I definitely wasn't going to be aware of. Hopefully it wasn't going to ruin all the fun. I suppose I did say that I was ready for this.

My legs spread helplessly and I swallowed hard in anticipation. Whoever was at my mouth tilted my head back and gradually slid his fingers out. I was expecting something much more fun, and then I got some strange plastic taste. It was nice that he was looking out for me, but Fred didn't use condoms when he was with me. My lips closed tight around the cock and I licked the tip, flicking the end of the condom back and forth inside my mouth. There was quite a bit of space on the end.

Somebody was brushing my exposed belly. My hands were being guided along; one of them to a set of testicles and the other hand was on the tip of a penis. It was nice and smooth. There were no condoms on either of those yet. I didn't really care what they did with my hands. They were too tired and sore to work.

My legs were up on someone's shoulders and I braced myself for it. He was pressing hard against me and I was trying hard to relax. I sucked hard on the penis that was in my mouth. My lungs were empty and I cringed, as my anus was stretched open without preparation. Last time, I was given a little while to help relax myself before it started. I didn't really make good use of it though.

It made me sore even more so than the little tear that I had. This was only going to get worse through the night. It took a bit of effort to keep from biting. That was the last thing anyone needed right now. I took quick short breaths as I was fucked, trying hard to get used to the intruder. Part of it felt good, but my sphincter was begging for mercy.

My own cock was standing erect and dripping all over my fur begging for attention. I so desperately wanted to rub it, but others had taken hold of my hands. There was little I could do with those besides keep other penises hard.

I clamped down on the penis in my rump and rocked my body in want. I wanted pleasure. I wanted release. I wanted so many things. He was going slowly and I wanted him to speed up.

My mouth was too full to say anything. I could barely move my neck so I was relying on others to help me out. There was a good grip on my head and someone was ramming his member deeper and deeper into my muzzle. His balls occasionally tapped my nose when he thrust in. The back of my mouth tensed trying to protect my gag reflex. If I was going to deep throat this wasn't how I wanted to learn.

The thrusting slowed down and I relaxed a bit. It must have been a pretty good display. He was still trying to push his cock deeper with every stroke. Probably feeling out my limits. For a while, I thought about trying to flick his penis to the side so that it wouldn't go down the back of my throat. It felt rude. Then again, this was supposed to be a gang rape. It was supposed to be rude, or at least they were allowed to be rude to me.

My chest jolted upwards when he made a sudden unexpected deep push. It didn't gain me much space to work with. With my head firmly in his clutches, he tried to coax me back down and slide his cock into my throat.

I gagged and flailed limply as I learnt that he could still push a little deeper. It was already too far deep to push off to the side and bumped into my throat. That was the most unnatural thing that I had felt in a long time. My throat closed around the tip of his penis and I found myself inexplicably trying to swallow it down. He pulled back a moment afterwards.

It was done, I could deep throat. It just hurt like a bitch and I didn't want to do it ever again. Didn't matter how much master might want it, it was dead set on not doing that ever again.

I couldn't stay focused on my mouth though. There was so much happening to me, all around me. My cock so badly ached for stimulation now that the person behind me was finally going faster. It was what I wanted a moment ago and it really had me feeling hot. I found myself tensing and moving along with his body. It hurt so badly and felt so good at the sametime.

My head was freed for a while and I let my tongue dangle in the air. Someone with smaller hands and larger claws took my head and I blinked under my blindfold. How many people were here? I still had one cock in me and was holding two more.

My nose sniffed the air in confusion. There was someone there, toying with me. "Cock?" I begged. I found myself rubbing the two penises in my hands more vigorously as I waited. Something cold and moist touched my nose and my tongue reached out to lick it.

"Ew, it's lubed," I complained. It was shoved into my mouth as I had it open complaining. I whimpered, still trying to talk as it shut me up. That was a rather rude surprise. I wasn't going to object though.

It was still cock, it was still in my mouth, and I was still going to suck it off. Unless he chose to pull out before I could finish that is.

The condoms were hastily cleared from my chest and my wrists were free again for a little while. I could hear the stack of palettes groaning as someone climbed up. There was a small splash of warm liquid on my chest and then he quickly stepped down. I figured it was probably whoever I was just blowing having a bit of fun.

The guy who was fucking me was thrusting deep and keeping quite a bit of his cock inside me. It tickled my insides nicely now that the pain had dulled a bit. His grip on my ankles tightened and he made a few quick final strokes.

That was two down, how many did I have left. My eyes darted back and forth out of habit. All I could see was darkness with a bit of light towards the bottom. One of them stepped away from my hands and I reached out to my own penis. It felt good to get a few decent strokes in, but man did my arm burn when I moved it. My hand was fiercely snatched away and restrained. Apparently, I wasn't to pleasure myself during this trial.

It wasn't long before the penis was pulled out of my rump. Before my legs could fall again, someone else had taken his place. This time, he had better be the one to fuck me off. Sex was about the only thing on my mind as I sucked on the guy with the lubed condom. If I weren't so tired and in such and awkward position, I could do a better job and put a bit more energy into it. The taste wasn't as bad now that I had become used to it. He also wasn't nearly as aggressive. I could lick away as I pleased.

My strained little pucker was being stretched open again. It seemed to hurt the worst when it was being pulled apart. The pain didn't matter. I wanted the pleasure. This one had me squirming with delight. It didn't have that intimidating feel that the last one had but still rubbed where I needed it. Maybe it was smaller or maybe it was just that I was warmed up. It didn't matter.

The last cock left my hands rather abruptly. The palettes rattled again as he climbed up. He slid a condom over my hard penis. Cold lube followed causing me to squirm a bit in response. My hips rocked with anticipation. He pulled my hands back up onto his cock and balls. I played gently with his balls as he slowly slid down over my cock.

It was hard to resist the urge to start thrusting. I didn't want to hurt him, but I felt so much need and desire building up. It was hard to argue with. I tried to remind myself that this wasn't about my pleasure. Part of me felt pressured now because I wasn't sure if he intended to continue riding after I got off.

I mumbled incoherently with the cock in my mouth. It didn't really feel like I was really doing a good job. Couldn't get my head moving while I was too tired to move and pinned down like this. Maybe he would circle around and use my rump once that freed up though. The taste had really died down.

It was hard to keep myself controlled now that there was someone on my cock. I tensed around the cock that was in my rump. That was probably something that I would regret latter on when the pleasure was gone and all I had left was the pain. A bit of good fucking was all I needed to cum. It was so close.

I held my breath as the warm tightness ran its way to the top of my knot. It was starting and I could feel it. I wanted this moment to last. The pleasure was overwhelming and I could feel myself trembling as fluid worked it's way through my penis, finally emerging out into the condom.

My head tilted back my arms collapsed to my side. When this started, I didn't think I could really feel more dead. Now I was in a blissful state of dead. I was still getting fucked, but that was the only thing that was still going. Movement was simply not going to happen for a while. I was just too weak and feeble.

"I think you broke him," someone said. There was a very uncomfortable rubbing against my cock but I couldn't do anything about it. Hopefully whoever was there still found it nice. I heard a loud slap followed by a dull pain on my rump.

Part of me knew I should finish but I had no energy left to go on. I didn't care how any of them wanted to use my body as long as I didn't have to do anything.

One of them had my hand and swung it around to slap me in the face with it. The only response I gave was a distorted groan. Then I breathed a little easier as the cock pulled out of my muzzle and my tongue dangled free. It wasn't fair. With all I had been through and all the work I did, they still wanted me play.

"Oh great, now I'm having trouble getting off," someone said. I had a hard time figuring out where that voice was coming from. There was more riding on my cock shortly afterwards. The warmth was really tightening around my shaft. It probably would have felt good a minute ago. I wanted to help, I really did. My body just didn't want to move.

I found that I was slapping myself again. "Well, he's still not fighting back. We can have some fun with him," a voice said. Whatever they wanted to try, it was easier not to move. Though I felt obligated to push on and finish pleasuring everyone.

"I'm still going to take advantage of him," someone else said. I could feel a poking at my anus. The thing really burned. It was already hurt from before and today just made it a lot worse. "I'm sure he'd want me to," the voice added.

"And how can you tell?" someone else said.

"Well, he's not making any objections," the voice pointed out. I found myself tensing again. It sent a pretty sharp pain through my body. It just wouldn't be fair not to finish playing with everyone.

My shoulders rocked back and forth and I tried to show a bit of life. "Please," I muttered weakly. My throat was so incredibly sore.

"It's alive," someone declared in joy, "It's alive!"

Someone a little more caring held my head and asked "Please what? Stop or go on?"

I wasn't sure which of he two I really wanted. I just knew that I couldn't do one and it didn't really feel right going with the other. "Use me if you want, but I'm drained," I said hoarsely.

Whoever was fucking me was starting to get my cock to stiffen back to life. It felt a little embarrassing.

"Stop or continue?" Preston voice boomed, "This is important. Nobody's here to really rape you. We want you to have fun too."

"Not saying no," I wheezed. Hoping that was enough to get things going again. It felt like my nice little bubble of subspace was threatened and I didn't want to leave.

"Well, you heard him. Keep going, he's enjoying it," Preston interpreted for me. There was a light patting on my muzzle as he added, "As for you, I'm getting you a drink. You sound awful."

There I was, helplessly getting raped again. Whoever was doing it was managing to bring my cock back to its full stiffness. It was still a little sensitive, but it was starting to feel good again. I was still feeling dead tired. If it were possible to fall asleep during this, I probably would have.

I let out a high-pitched whine and let my head dangle over the edge. There were only two left. I had nothing to suck on. My mouth was open and my tongue dangled freely. A strange new pain was running down my legs from being held up all this time. It was tolerable compared to all the other pain that I was forced to put up with. That combined with all the pleasure that was thrust upon my drove me back into my state of earlier bliss. For a while I didn't care to hear another interruption.

Preston pat my cheeks and placed something cold on my chest. I tried not to think about it as he tilted my head up and thrust a straw into my lips. Reluctantly, I closed my muzzle and sucked it back. It felt so good to have a nice drink. I could feel the cool liquid trickling down my chest. It was such a strange feeling. My body was feeling a little looser and easier to move. That was so incredibly refreshing, I found it hard to believe that I could loose track of things so easily.

My head fell back again and nothing else mattered. It really burned every time I tried to move, but I could do a few limited movements again. Feeling around blindly, I eventually managed to work my hands back onto the member of whoever was riding my cock. His hands were there now and there was little I could do. He could probably do a better job than I could at the moment anyway. Eventually, my hands settled on his thighs and I rubbed them up and down with each bounce.

It didn't seem to take long till I felt another joyful splatter on my chest. The person riding me slowed to a stop but didn't get up. I still enjoyed the nice warm squeeze around it. My body rocked slowly and I wondered if I could manage to cum again. I found myself rhythmically squeezing the cock that was fucking me with every thrust. It made me want certain things, but I didn't think I was going to get them. Once was probably enough, though two was going to be really nice.

I cold feel his knot pressing up against me and thrusting against me harder and harder. Against my better judgement, I tried to relax myself as much as I could every time he thrust in. Each time, I took in just a bit more of it. I wondered how much more of the bulge there was. The thing burned every time I tried to make its way in.

To my disappointment, the next thrust wasn't nearly as hard or as deep. He had given up on trying to tie. My hips rocked in disappointment, but there was nothing I could do about it. He was the one thrusting and I was the one pinned down here. It took a while to accept that I wasn't going to be tied tonight. Then he made another hard thrust and I yelled out in pain. I must have taken a pretty good portion of it that time, but it still wasn't in. Such a cruel tease.

Part of me was disappointed that it stopped shortly afterwards. Another part of me felt rather relieved that he didn't try again after how much the last one hurt.

My legs fell down again and dangled off the side. Someone gave them a tug and my head was on the platform again. It felt a little more comfortable, though I felt really stretched out. The usual cuffs were snapped around my ankles again, as I lay there dead tired and ready to sleep now that the excitement had stopped. Hopefully there wasn't going to be anything else to bother me tonight.

My arms were pulled together and dragged towards my feet. Handcuffs were put on me with the chain running between my legs. It felt awkward but I wasn't going to complain. Master was going to get what he wanted without objection.

Prisoner of War[5]: Sorting the Mess

I would like to acknowledge the help of Heir\_of\_Faust for his help in editing this story. Please enjoy. * * * Preston must have had some strange plan about hooking up the two of us. For some reason, I kept winding up in bed with Fred. In bed...

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Pokebrothel 21

Stacey rested there for quite some time after the horror had stopped. At last, the needles were gone and her boyfriend, Brian, was down from stand. A few drops of blood were visible in both their coats, but nothing too serious. She was thoroughly...

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Pokebrothel 20:The proper image

Stacey was horrified as she looked out at Brian's still body. The only movement was the gentle rise and fall of his back with every breath. He really wasn't himself and that mew seemed to have a control over him unlike any other she had seen before....

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