Scent of a Male: 3, Cabin 2

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#3 of Scent of a male -Random Uploads-

Here's the third chapter as promised, happy days for all.

Vote and Comment like always.

And as a heads up, this story will take a turn in one of the next two chapters. I hope ya'll enjoy it and yes the yiff will continue. >:)

Stretching out slightly as I curled up a bit with my head resting on Leean's lap, her large paw stroking my side making me murr constantly. She had put me to sleep twice already and was about to do it a third time if she kept it up, but I had more questions for her about all she had told me over the past few hours. Turning onto my back I lightly grabbed her paw to get her attention.

"Alright enough of that for a moment, I've got more..." I was cut off by feline lips pressing against mine forcing me into a deep tongue filled kiss. We remained kissing for a few long seconds before she broke the kiss and scratched my chest and stomach lightly, making me murr even more which brought a giggle from her.

"It's enough when I say so lover," she teased before standing up and leaving me on the couch with a feeling of abandonment.

I immediately pushed myself to my feet and followed her up the stairs into the bedroom and found her crawling on her paws and knees into the bed, casting me one of the most seductive gazes I've seen so far. Her tail swayed behind her with her paws and one knee on the bed, her other leg stretched out off the bed, foot paw lightly touching the floor. Her muzzle was slightly hidden by her shoulder though I could see the corners of a smile behind the smooth fur and her predatory eyes gazing at me and commanding me to move into the room after closing the door.

As I got to the bed Leean slipped her paws over and pinned me to the bed with her straddling me. I stared up at her as she purred and I gave a soft gasp as I felt her thick tail slip up between my legs, pulling my sac up slightly then cradling my orbs expertly with her tail.

*A few hours earlier*

I was pressed up against the back of the shower, the whole bathroom covered in steam, though even if it wasn't I wouldn't of been able to see two feet in front of me from the pleasurable haze that glazed over my eyes. Leean was on her knees and giving me one of her best oral jobs by far. Her tongue played over my length pulling on the skin ever so lightly before she engulfed my entire length and gave long hard sucks, her right paw was back under my tail prodding at my tailhole while her left massaged the base of my tail gently. Pulling back and giving light nibbles to my tip, which made me shiver in anticipation, I heard her giggle below me and I knew why, she loved making me shiver and whimper in pleasure, she was a very cruel cougar.

I clawed at the wall behind me giving a long puppy whimper as she nosed the base of my shaft. I didn't knot like ferals but I swear she was pushing me to the edge of becoming feral. I would have bet that a knot was slowly forming but with my nose pointed at the ceiling I couldn't look to see as she rubbed me with a claw as I felt another claw circling my tailhole. I panted heavily and whined some more, making her giggle as I tried bucking my hips only to hit air as she pulled her paw away.

"Damnit Leean stop teasing me" I called out, and gasped as my entire length disappeared into her hungry maw.

She stopped teasing me just as I told her to, her tongue caressed the underside of my shaft as her cheeks pulled in as she suckled my length. She was slurping and drooling as she quickly bobbed her head up and down my shaft, it felt like a few minutes but it was actually near five seconds before I exploded in her maw. My hot seed splashing out into her mouth making her purr and slurp it down, her tongue rubbing against the underside of my tip drawing out more and more seed, I shivered and shook as I came. Leean had to have drawn my orgasm out for at least a minute before my spurts slowly died down, her large paws came up and held my hips so I didn't fall down though her mouth still worked on my length making me whine, not in pleasure but in distress. Like most males after I cum my length becomes sensitive especially around the tip and she was rubbing that rough tongue of hers right against my tip.

Placing both of my paws against her head I pushed her away with a bit of force, and with one final long suck drawing out a late spray of cum that spurted out and splashed against her muzzle. I slid down and lay against the wall limply with Leean smiling down at me. She leaned over and nibble on my shoulder giving a loud purr which relaxed me a bit.

"You gonna be okay babe" she asked with an amused undertone, her left paw rubbing my stomach lightly.

"Uh huh..." I said weakly, "You're too good at that" I panted out with made her giggle.

Slowly standing and pulling me along with her, letting me lean against her "I've had a lot of practice over the years," giving my rear a squeeze before washing the cum off her muzzle and turning the water off.

It took us awhile to get dried off, what with fur and all and no blow dryer. Moving out and flopping down on the couch with my naked tail to the world and my muzzle buried in a cushy pillow I found myself just wanting to go to sleep, but a giggle brought me back as well as a large paw giving my tail a squeeze. Pushing myself up I turned to look at Leean as she sat on the other end of the couch.

"Alright Leean, I want some answers now," she nodded and leaned back resting her right elbow on the back of the couch, looking over at me with a smile.

"I'm a patient at WestFur's medical and a specific patient of one Mrs. Yowman." I blinked and tilted my head.

Doctor Yowman was a male and he did have a wife, so Leean must be a patient of Yowman's wife, but WestFur medical dealt mainly with pheromone problems such as mine as well as females heat and herms heat that effected everyone, male or female.

"Mrs. Yowman introduced me to her husband, as she was not in the 'pheromone' field. I happened to see you leaving his office the first time I went to him, but he didn't give me much information on you even though I proved I was a co-worker due to doctor patient privacy rules. After I saw Doctor Yowman I found that my pheromone levels were surprisingly low, even during heat, which is why I wasn't able to attract a male during my season. As you've probably guessed, me being the size and shape I am, I normally scare males off." I lowered my ears, not wanting to be rude, but her half saddened smile let me know she already knew, she reached over and scratched between my ears lightly before pulling my head onto her lap then continuing her story.

"On the discovery of me having low pheromone counts he began testing them against your pheromone levels and he thinks that we might be able to even each other out. If I stay in close contact with a male with a high pheromone level my body might begin to compensate for my lack of pheromones, and if your body senses that there is a female with a strong pheromone near it might lessen. This is all just theory but Doctor Yowman believed that it is the best chance of our pheromone levels to 'naturally' get to a safe normal level."

Leaning up and rolling onto my side so my nose was pointed away from Leean's stomach, my mind worked over everything with Leean petting my side.

"Were supposed to stay here in the cabin with one another for a total of three to five days, it all depends on when we feel like going back to the city. We can stay even longer if we want to, once we go back though we are to immediately go to Doctor Yowman and get checked out. Also our Boss wants us back ASAP, I heard that he's going to take you with him to Reea Two on business."

That caught my attention and I looked up at Leean who smiled down at me.

"I'm one of Mr. Sett's friends, have been before he even became a bigwig up stairs so he tells me everything over coffee, helps regulate his stress levels."

I stared at Leean for a moment before I looked back toward the wall, Reea Two was an all fur planet, and one of the three planets that were all fur before Earth was found. Why of all the people in the company did Sett want to take me along with him? I was a normal employee and the thought of Leean having urged Sett to take me along popped into my mind since they were friends like she said.

*Present time*

Leean, having moved off me, spread out and raised her right leg as she laid on her left side, moving up and wrapping my arms around her strong leg and grinding my sheath firmly against her sex, making her purr and move her hips back and forth. I was out of my sheath and fully hard immediately. Finding myself wanting a bit of revenge for all the teasing Leean gave me in the shower I only prodded at her with my tip, making her moan then try and push down to make me slide in but I only pulled away. Looking down at me, she gave me a questioning look as I moved away from her.

Over the years of constant sex I've learned something strange about the opposite sex, the large and strong of the species being 'mainly' female yet most of them loved being the weaker and submissive ones in the bedroom, and Leean was no different. She loved being the helpless little kitten in the sheets.

I moved up and shoved with all of my strength on her hips, making her move onto her stomach, with her help of course. I slipped my head down then and buried my muzzle between the feline's legs, making her moan as my long soft canine tongue found it's way deep into her sex. My tongue lashed around inside of her pulling out as much of her sweet nectar as it could. Looking up as my tongue worked I found myself smiling as I saw Leean's tail breakdancing in the air, her tail had fluffed out a bit and was now lashing back and forth, unsure of where to go.

Pulling my tongue back I blew cold air onto her dripping sex, making her shiver before I lightly prodded at it with my cold nose which produced a satisfying gasp for me. I rubbed my nose around just past her 'lips', with my tongue lapping lightly at her exposed clit. Leean was gripping the sheets firmly, shaking all over with her maw wide open and all predator teeth shown as she panted with clenched eyes, her juices ran down freely coating the sheets beautifully as I continued my 'torture' on the larger feline.

My paws moved up and scratched firmly over Leean's rear, leaving nice red welts under her fur and made her cry out in pain and pleasure, her hips pushing her rear up into the air in wanting pleasure, begging to have a male mount her. Soon her body begging turned into verbal begging as well. I heard her whine out, beginning to beg for me to slide into her though she had to 'suffer' a bit more just like I did in the shower. Pulling my nose back, having it as well as most of my muzzle coated in her juices, I then began to give butterfly kisses from the base to the start of her sex.

Her begging became more and more desperate, near pitiful wines as I nipped her clit, making her jerk forward in the sudden surprised pain before making out as I lightly suckled on it, a way of saying 'sorry for biting you' even though I know she loved it. Soon she was outright crying for me to mount her, looking over her shoulder with a light show of tears forming in her eyes. I knew she wasn't in pain, at least not physical pain, but pleasurable pain as well as being in pain for not being filled like she wanted.

Finding that I didn't want her to cry tears I quickly moved up and slid into her with one strong thrust, my length throbbing deep inside of her making her call out my name in pleasure. My paws held her hips firmly and my claws were lightly digging into her sides making sure she knew I was the dominant male here to mount her, she lead to no complaint. My hips began moving on their own thrusting nice and hard into the feline beneath me, my hips slapped firmly against her rear rocking her slightly though it was hard to move her as her upper body rested against the bed. Her tail wrapped around my waist as her claws tore through the sheets. I picked up my pace and moved my hips faster, slamming into her as hard as I could with my legs falling off, and she cried out even more, her tight walls contracting even more around my length drawing out moans from me.

In a fight of carnal pleasure I leaned down and took a firm hold on Leean's scruff with my teeth. This could lead to a bit of a problem in the future since biting upon one's neck in the fur world was a way of marking that fur as yours. Nips and kisses to the neck were shows of large affection but a firm bite to the back of the neck and a pull to the scruff was a mark. I didn't think much of it at the time but Leean froze for a noticeable second before moaning once again as my hips slapped against her. Her tail wrapped tighter around my waist as she began to pant and moan out that she was about to cum, her statement only making me thrust harder.

My hips began to form a dull pain as I pushed them even harder, but Leean loved it. With a powerful final thrust I sank into her and jerked my head back, pulling Leean's head up as well making her cry out as her walls slammed down on my length, pulling my seed out in thick ropes. Her walls drew my seed deep into her body, each rope spraying out and immediately being pulled into the deepest part of the cougar's body and soon I was empty, releasing Leean's scruff I saw the red stains of blood from biting down on her so hard.

Panting as Leean shivered beneath me I began licking up the stains like a proper male, cleaning her fur as she purred below me, then she slowly turned, looking up at me and slipping a paw back lightly, grabbing my scruff and pulling me down into a firm kiss.

I felt myself slide from her and let a flood of mixed juices pour out onto the already soaking bed, though our kiss never broke. Our two different tongues lashing against each other's over and over again, pulling and pushing one another's in a firm fight for domination which after a moment she let me win. Slipping up next to the larger cougar without breaking the kiss then lying down with her arms wrapping around me, slowly the kiss broke and we began just licking over one another's muzzles giving small playful nips.

We nipped at one another lightly for a few moments then I slipped my head down and buried my muzzle between her large breasts. Rubbing my head against her throat, finding that with my muzzle between two large furry mounds like Leean's I could sleep through anything, and she would only pet my head with a smile as I did. After finally finding my muzzle a resting spot I closed my eyes, with Lean curling up around me a bit before we both drifted off to a light and pleasurable sleep, just going to let the rest of the day slip off after a good yiffing like that.