Beautiful Twilight: Split Special

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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#5 of Beautiful Twilight

Beautiful Twilight: Split Special

Dennis gave a quiet, anxious sigh as he checked the small watch hanging off his left wrist. 1:57. Usually, the Beautiful Twilight was an extremely crowded bar, and usually, it was hard to get a word in edgewise with all the fighting, hollering, and noise that echoed around the club. But on nights like this, when it was quiet, and there were only a few furs left lingering around the bar near closing- that's when things really started to heat up for him.

He'd been coming to Twilight for almost a year, and for the last four months, he'd be taking advantage of some of the "other" services Sparkle had to offer aside from her usual bartending skills. As far as the public knew, Beautiful Twilight was a BDSM club that stood on the corner of Bluefox Road and Badger Avenue. As far as the public knew, they served drinks, spanked each other, and tied one and other up for fun. As far as the public knew, they closed at 2 in the morning, and that's when everyone one went home. And as far as the public knew, that's all that occurred at Beautiful Twilight. But the regular, trusted individuals, whom had special membership cards on Thursday and Friday nights ... the club was a little bit more.

One such member, was the large stallion that always sat at the end of the bar. His tail swishing over the barstool where he sat. He was a cream colored stallion, pure cream without a hint of any other color in his fur. Beautiful, deep brown eyes, and a very large, imposing body. One of those business types. A C.E.O or something, always came in wearing a business suit looking very tense and stressed out and tense. That was Dennis. Working for a company that demanded 120% out of anyone whom worked there was hard enough and often a few drinks helped that out. But then, there were nights where those drinks just didn't do it for him...nights like tonight...

Sparkle grinned, padding over towards one of her favorite customers- the horse that tipped so well, and leaned across the bar, grinning at him.

"Membership card, sweetie?" She cooed, although she knew he already had his. Sure enough, he reached into his pocket, and produced a small, purple card that seemed to shimmer in the dim lights of the club. The wolf grinned, and turned around, looking at the wall of booze behind her.

"So what'll it be tonight Dennis? You look kind of tense sweetie...maybe something a bit on the heavy side?" The witch asked. Dennis leaned back on his seat, looking at the choices in front of him. There were so many, vodka, J.D., rum...Spark. He paused, looking at the woman, whom stood in front of him, grinning so wolfishly. Today she was dressed like normal, her bar tending outfit, which she nearly wore every night. Her ail gave a swish over her plump bottom to entice him and he grinned.

"Why...I think I'd like to try the Sparkle- if that's ok with you?" He asked. She gave a grin.

"The Sparkle? That'll be one hundred dollars...or, you could try my Split Special, for two hundred. "

"Split Special? What's that? "

"Aside from damn expensive? It's only a special little treat I've cooked up for only my most special members. "

"But what is it?"

"Worth every penny."


"Well, if you don't trust me dear, we can always just go with the regular." She grinned at him. Dennis opened his wallet...

Dennis grinned, looking up at the chain that suspended him in the air. At nearly 300 pounds of beefy, muscular stallion, he rarely found himself in bonds he couldn't break out of, but at the moment, the large horse was very secure, and very aroused. He was in a pair of shackles, hanging from the wall. They allowed him to sit, slightly suspended above the ground, but other wise, it was comfortable. Aside from standing up or sitting down, he was immobile. Sparkle had escorted him into the room, and helped chain him up, and with a wave of her paws, he was naked. Completely nude, and vulnerable- and that's when she had left. She promised she'd be back soon with something special, and left it to his imagination. That imagination of his was enough to bring the horse to a full erection, standing nearly a foot and a half in length, he had no idea what she was going to bring, but it'd almost been five minutes -And he was beginning to get frustrated. He paid 200 dollars for this "Split Special" which Sparkle had promised, not to be tied up and left alone in one of her dungeons for an hour. He was considering giving her a piece of his mind, when something startled him- a paw on his crotch!!

Turning quickly to his left, he was instantly relieved to see the wolf, grinning up at him, stroking his member gently with her fingertips. She was damn good at it too, softly gliding her fingers over the turgid length, squeezing gently over the dark colored ebon flesh. Dennis churred softly, stretching back over the restraints and closed his eyes, letting the wolf do as she'd promised. Although, for a simple paw job, 200 bucks was a bit pricey, even if she was damn good at what she was doing.

"S, spark...?" He grumbled. He had to know. He had to know if there was more to it, or if he was about to be pissed off for being cheated.

"Shhh, sweetie." Said a voice from his right. He blinked. She was sitting next to him, on his right, stroking gently along his erection, fingers tickling slowly towards the tip in a soft dance of pleasurable strokes. He groaned quietly. Ok, she was really, really good at it.

"If you talk, you'll ruin the experience...just sit back and let me take control. " She whispered. She was right in front of him now, fingers wrapping gently around the tip of his shaft, massaging the spot just under the head of his penis. Dennis closed his eyes, squirming gently under the contact of her fingertips. IF it was turning into just a blow job, it was STILL one of the most expensive blowjobs he'd ever paid for. Still, she was very good. Her fingers caressing and loving, her actions smooth and graceful, she knew exactly what buttons to push, and how gently to push them, making sure he didn't get aroused to quickly, and burst. Unlike some other blowjobs he'd paid for in the past, she was working for his pleasure, not just to get him off. He closed his eyes, moaning quietly as her tongue slurped gently down and over the tip of his shaft. She held him still, working the tip of her tongue in slow circles now, just over his glans, but never again touching the slit itself.

"Oooo, Spark..." The stallion moaned, his breathing heavy, eyes shut. She really must have cast a spell on him or something. The blowjob was the best he'd ever had, her tongue working gently over his shaft while it felt like her paws moved away and ere replaced with more tongues. Perchance it was her gentle touch, or perhaps it was the way her lips seemed to be everywhere- but he opened an eye, and drew in a gasp of breath.

Six. There were six wolfs in front of him, all of them working their tongue's slowly across his throbbing erection. Six girls were inhaling his musk. Six girls were worshipping his cock. Six girls pleasuring him in ways he'd never been pleasured before.

"Sp, Sparkle...h, How...?"

"Didn't I say be quiet?" One of the witches hissed.

"We shall have to punish him. He's a very naughty boy."

"Can't take orders very well, can he?"

"I've got an idea."

The other wolves backed away, leaving just a single one in front of him, suckling warmly, teasing him. She gripped the throbbing shaft that bulged in front of her, and gave a few gentle licks along the underside. This drove Dennis wild, her tongue was so soft, and delicate, yet so strong, and knew exactly how to tease him, and Dennis was beside himself with pleasure. She held him tightly, working her tongue over the underside of his shaft in gentle flickers and soft butterfly kisses, teasing him.

"G, gonna...gonna cum....fuck, I'm gonna cum..." He whimpered- and that's when she backed away. Now Dennis knew why he was shackled. He couldn't move. Couldn't reach down to touch himself, and the other girls giggled at his need.

"Poor horsie. All tied up with a stiffy, and no one to play with it."

"He looks positively needy."

"Poor pony."

"Are we gonna let him off girls?"

"I don't know, think he's learned his lesson?"

"Yes!! Yes Yes I have!!" Dennis squeaked. The girls looked at one and other.

"Still talking."

"He hasn't learned a thing."

"Needs more punishment if you ask me."

"Oh, yes, lets punish him!"

"Just the thing!"

They leaned down again, each girl licking, kissing over his throbbing penis, slurping gently over his senstive member, kissing with precision, and skill. Dennis could feel his cock on the brink, ready to burst, his nuts swollen beneath him, filled with his juices and aching to spill them- but he couldn't, and he knew he wouldn't. The kisses and licks were grand, an amazing set of sensations that flooded through him, but they knew exactly what they were doing. Teasing him, keeping him on the very brink without going over. He was their prisoner, and they were torturing him.

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! I'll pay you whatever you want!! Whatever you desire!! Just LET ME CUM!!!" Dennis squealed, and all at once, the girls stopped and looked at each other. Dennis whimpered, a pleading look in his eyes.

"He's still talking. "

"Not the brightest bulb this one is. "

"More punishment girls?"

"NOOOOO!" Dennis squealed, but they went at it again, this time more vicious then before. He could feel nips, and kisses, bites and licks, two of them working over his swollen nuts, which almost made him cry. He could even feel on of them kissing under his balls, her tongue working over his musky tailhole. Another suckling the tip of his erection, but with no one rubbing his glands or his slit, he couldn't quite hit the sweet spot to cum. He wiggled helplessly, his eyes shut tightly, his bondage keeping him down. No, he couldn't move. He was going to burst if this kept up. He whimpered, whined, and bucked his hips, but the girls kept him down. For an added insult, one of them crawled over his tummy, prone as it was, and twisted around atop of him, pressing her bottom against his nose, forcing him to inhale the hot arousal that leaked into her panties- which she cruelly rubbed against his muzzle. Directly over his nose, letting the heavy scent of need tease his inflamed senses. He didn't make a sound though. He learned his lesson. He wasn't going to cry out. He wasn't going to bite... He kept his lips shut, and closed his eyes, ignoring the wiggling bottom just in front of his face. Finally, it stopped. All of it. And he opened his eyes, seeing just one single wolf standing in front of him, grinning.

"Ready to cum sweetie? You've been tortured for forty five minutes. " She explained. She was wearing a pair of goggles, and what looked like a poncho. He nodded his head, and she snapped the goggles over her eyes, leaned forward slowly, and licked once across the tip of his shaft. The explosion was like a geyser. She flew back, and landed with a thud as his penis erupted, spewing ridiculous amounts of thick, sticky horse semen, that splattered against the ceiling of the room at first, and then across the floor in hot, heavy bursts. Again and again and again, there seemed to be no end to the flood of seed that spilt from his tip, splattering all over the floor, her, him, the room, everywhere. And with each burst of his sticky cream, the Dennis's pleasure grew, until he was screaming himself, with every hot throb- and everything when black.

Denis woke up with a groan and a headache. He'd been having such a wonderful dream, a wonderful, exciting dream that seemed so real his cock hurt. He grumbled quietly and sat up, rubbing bleary eyes, and looked around. He was in a small office room. There was a big desk to one side, a T.V. in the corner, a rug on the floor, and a wolf sitting at the desk.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." She giggled quietly, and with a wave of her fingers, there was a steaming plate of food on the desk in front of her. He threw himself at it, scarfing down the plate as fast as he could, while the wolf moved her paws back to avoid losing a finger. He didn't know it, but he was famished for some reason.

"W, what happened to me?"

"Well, long short of it. After spraying me and the room with your seed, you passed out. It is now Sunday, "

"I, it wasn't a dream?"

"Of course not. You owe me 200 bucks by the way." The wolf grinned. She pointed towards a small bundle of clothing that quite resembled the stallion's business suit he walked in wearing. He stood up slowly, and walked over, fishing free a fat wallet. He opened it, and handed her a two hundred dollar bills.

"This, is for "Split Special" He explained, and reached into his wallet again, producing several more bills, which he stuffed into her paw.

"This is your tip. "

"T, this?! This is my tip?! N, no. no sweetie, no. This is FAR too much. "

"I want you to have it. And do that to me again next Friday. "

"...Are you sure you can afford this kinda tip hun?"

"Lady, I live on my own, in a condo, and make around 80,000 a year. Next time, if the service is just as great, I'm leaving you a new car. "

"...Next Friday it is! I'll make sure you have a wonderful night, at Beautiful Twilight!"

The end.