Why it's Always Good to go to the Gym - 3

Story by Meical on SoFurry

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#3 of Why it's Always Good to go to the Gym

Ok, usual warning, gay sex acts, cant be viewed under 18, as well as some rape and violence in this one. Junfu woke up and opened his eyes upon his handsome dragon mate. Smiling, he stuck out his tongue and licked Meical's lips. Snorting slightly from the lick, Meical opened his eyes and smiled at his mate. "Morning beautiful." Junfu said through a yawn. "You're the beautiful one daddy." Meical softly nuzzles up to his big mate, taking in his scent, and kisses him gently. Junfu murrs into the kiss, wrapping his arms tight around his dragon baby. Pulling him in close to his body, Junfu feel a pole between their bodies and look down at Meical's red cock at full staff. Chuckling to himself he looks at the dragon in his arms. "I see your not exhausted at all after last night," taking a hold of the cock eliciting a loud groan out the dragon. "No daddy, I'm quite a horny dragon actually," through the moans of Junfu squeezing his cock in different places. "Good." Junfu's black cock starts to harden under Meical's tailhole. Meical pushes down slightly wincing. Noticing the wince form Mecial, Junfu places a hand under him to stop him going down. "Hold on baby, we should lube each other up first." Meical nods and turns around pushing his butt in Junfu's face, and takes the wolf's cock deep into his mouth. Junfu murrs loudly, and begins to work on Meical's hole, licking around it and on it. Meical licks up and down the shaft, globing saliva over as much of it as possible. Moaning continually onto it from the pleasure surging though his tailhole. He suckles on the head gently, loving the moans coming from his mate behind him. Junfu, working on the tailhole, licks against it harder, pushing his tongue in and out of his hole gently. Eventually Meical straightens up, and Junfu sits up a little higher in bed. The blue dragon straddles Junfu's lap, slowly lowing himself down till Junfu's cock pops in, getting groans from the lovers. Meical slowly lowers himself till he's completely hilted on Junfu's black, 9 in cock. He leans forward onto the soft muscles in front of him, getting used to the wolf's size. He looks up at his daddy, and the two kiss deeply, each moaning loudly from the sensations running through their bodies. Meical sits up and starts to pull off his mate's cock moaning loudly. He pulls till the head is left, and goes back down, a bit faster this time, keeping Junfu moaning out for more. Meical picks up the rhythm as he gets used to the object in his ass, and begins to moan loudly, matching Junfu's moans. Junfu reaches up and starts to play with Meical red cock bringing out even more moans from the dragon. "You've got such a tight hole baby! So much pressure!" He says between loud moans. Meical too lost in his own pleasure in front and back, just nods, moaning louder and louder as his climax approaches. Junfu feels the dragon's prostate growing harder as the thrusts pass by, and adds his own thrusts into Meical dropping on his cock. The extra slam into his prostate causes Meical to spray his load all over Junfu's body and face, tightening his hole on Junfu's cock. The extra pressure causes Junfu to hit his climax and unloads big wads of cum deep into his dragon's ass. Junfu gently pumps his cock in and out of Meical's ass to get all the cum out of his cock, while pumping the red cock till no more cum dribbles out on Junfu's canyons of abs. Meical falls forward onto Junfu, sticking his scales to the wolf's cum encrusted fur. Both pant heavily, kissing every now and then, till Meical, exhausted drifts off on top of Junfu. Junfu smiles down at his sleeping baby, and slowly detangles himself from his lover, gets up, and covers up and tuck in his dragon, kissing his forehead gently. He moves around the room, grabbing a pair of shorts and a tank top shirt to cover up his matted fur. He dresses and quietly leaves the room. In the kitchen he leaves a note for Meical. "I'm going to go out, and grab you more clothes to wear. Some sexy clothes just for my baby. I'll see you soon. You can do anything you'd like while I'm gone. Love you. XOXOXO. Love Junfu." He placed on the counter where Meical would be able to see it and headed out the door towards the mall. He decided to take a few shortcuts he knew through the alleys in town. He had gone a few block before he heard a rustling behind him and turned around. Nothing was there. He began to walk again, and again he heard it. This time he turned around still glancing back and started to run out of the ally. He turn his head around just in time to see an outstretched trash can lid right in front of his face before hitting it full on. He drops to the ground and black out, but not before hearing a faint laugh. * * * Meical woke with a start and a blinding pain in his head, and then it was gone. Confused, he sat up in bed and looked around for Junfu. "Junfu?" he called, getting out of bed. He moves out into the kitchen, and finds Junfu's not on the counter. He opens and reads it, letting out a small sigh of relief. He put the note down and rummages the fridge for some food, and settles in front of the TV. * * * Junfu comes back to his senses, but doesn't open his eyes. He tries to move his hand to his aching head, but feel a tug on his feet when he tries to do so. He opens his eyes, and noticed he's totally naked on the ground, and has his hands tied, tied to his feet, in front of him. "Finally awake are you? Very good..." says a voice from above and in front. Junfu tries to struggle against the rope. "Who are you? What are you going to do to me?" "Oh, we're just going to have some fun right now, like you had this morning." The stranger fingers the matted cum in Junfu's fur. Junfu struggles harder against the ropes binding him together, all while the stranger laughs at his attempts. The stranger leans down and reveals the face of a grey wolf. "The more you struggle, the tighter those will bind. I'd just sit back and enjoy the ride." With an evil smile the wolf straightens up and drops his pants. Junfu resumes his struggle to no avail; the binds did get tight and tighter till he was in danger of cutting off circulation if he struggles more. All the while to wolf explored his body, squeezing on pleasure points and receiving involuntary moans from Junfu. Chuckling to himself, "It seems wolfy likes this." The wolf watches blood start to enter the prisoners cock, and engorge it. "I think it's time now then. Get ready wolfy." The stranger leans down, and places his 10 in unlubed cock at Junfu's unlubed hole and pushes it in, in one thrust. Junfu gasps for air as the monster intrudes on his tail hole, crying to himself and only thinking of Meical. * * * At home Meical get a flash of pain throughout his body, and jumps up. He looks around, and sees nothing. Deciding it's a bad omen, he pulls on a pair of shorts and leaves the apartment quietly and carefully, listening hard with his dragon hearing. A few blocks away he can hear someone groaning in pleasure, while an all too familiar voice grunts in pain. He immediately opens his wings wide and takes off in the direction of the sounds.

  • * * "Oh wolfy, you're so tight, I could fuck this hole all day long." The rapist throws his head back and lets out a long moan. The wolf keeps thrusting hard and fast into Junfu's already abused hole. Junfu has closed his eyes by now, his tears still escaping, and just concentrating on his lover back home, hoping he'd still be accepted after this, whimpers escaping him. He feels a smack on his back after each whimper. Behind him, he feels the wolf slip out of him quickly. He opens his eyes and turns his head to see Meical holding the wolf up by the neck of his clothes. "How. Dare. You." Meical raises a hand and punches the wolf full on in the face. Blood spurting from the wolf's nose. The wolf grabs a hold of Meical's arm and wrestles him to the ground, being muscular himself, and the two grapple with each other, Junfu watching from the sidelines. Each of the combatants trying to throw a punch or a kick at each other. The wolf finally wrestles Meical down to the ground and gets on top of him, pinning his arms down. "You'll make a nice little fuck toy as well." The wolf growls, and raises a fist for a knockout punch to the head. "I will never let you hurt me or my mate again!" Meical unsteadies the wolf just enough to get a wing out, and hit the rapist's head with full on force from the wing bone. His eyes roll into the back of his head and he falls down off of Meical. Meical slowly get up, and kicks the still alive captor into a corner of the ally. He runs over to Junfu, who cringes away from him. He approaches slower and kneels down. "You won't want me after this." Mutters Junfu. "Of course I do daddy. You have no blame here. It was all him." Giving a disgusted look at the unconscious form in the corner. "Here, I'll get you out of those." Meical gently pulls Junfu towards him, who feebly resists. He undoes the knots and pulls the ropes gently off, looking at the deep rope burns left. "I'll take good care of you. Making sure those don't get infected." He walks over to the unconscious wolf and binds him up tight, before returning to him mate. He pulls the wounded wolf gently into his lap, and rubs his back looking at him. Junfu tears up looking at his handsome baby, and falls into his chest, sobbing softly. Meical holds him tight, and rubs his back, telling him everything will be ok.