Story by Horse_furry on SoFurry

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By Horse_Furry


Mandy laid in her bed, not able to sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed with her eyes closed, trying to escape into the dreamworld so that the next day would come soon. She opened her eyes and looked at the red numbers that were displayed on the alarm clock on the table next to her bed. '11:30 pm' she read. She couldn't wait for tomorrow, it was going to be her 18th birthday. Mandy was excited even more because it would be on a Saturday so she wouldn't have to go to school. But unfortunately her parents were never home because they were always away on business trips, them owning their own business and all. The mare flicked her ears as she heard the humming of the ceiling fan from outside her door. Mandy sighed, deciding that she wasn't going to be able to sleep that night. She rose up from under the covers and headed over to dresser, pulling out a small, tight white shirt out of the dresser. Mandy slept in only a bra and a thong, so she needed to cover her slender, athletic body before she headed out. Mandy slipped on her tight shirt, which clung to her large but still developing breasts. Next she grabbed a pair of her short shorts that read 'Juicy' on her ass. Her sister had gotten it for as mostly as a joke. But she had found it was nice to sleep in it and as a dress quickly option. Mandy slipped her legs through and tugged it up before giving her rump a playful smack. She smiled and giggled as she shook her rump.

"Mmmm...No guy is gonna be able to resist me," Mandy said with a silent giggle. She had waited for a long time for her 18th birthday. She had made a vow a long time ago that she wouldn't do anything sexually until after her 18th birthday. So as her friends went, lost their virginity, and in one case got pregnant, she teased and kept her vow. But now she was turning 18, and she could join her friends in the sexually active club. Mandy even knew who would be first. She had her eye on Chad, the large stallion senior who was the stud on the high school varsity baseball team. She had watched his games, wondering if it was his cup or not that was creating the giant bulge in his baseball pants. Mandy had found out through the high school grapevine that Chad had his eyes on her too. So now she was planning her first move on him.

Mandy smiled as she walked out of her room and towards the kitchen so she could get some water. She went down the stairs of her two story home and turned on the lights in the kitchen and preceded to get a drink. While she took her sips, she looked onto the refrigerator at the pictures that were hung up on its doors. Pictures of her older brother and sister doing their activities. Her older brother, Jack, and her older sister Clara, along with herself showed memories of past times from the past few years. Jack in his army fatigues with a couple of buddies, the desert in the background and M-16s in their hands. Clara in one of her bikinis at the beach with dark sunglasses on and the waves behind her. Mandy looked to see pictures of her too, seeing the action shots of her running in various sports over the years. She took a sip of her water as she looked them all over. She then thought how glad she was that her older brother had come back on leave for the next two weeks and he would be spending his time with Clara and her at home.

Mandy took a look up to the clock. '11:45, only 15 more minuets till I'm 18.' She thought to herself. She felt very excited inside, thinking of all the opportunities that she'll get when she became 18. She smiled and took the last sip of her drink and lets out a satisfying sigh as she placed the glass back down into the sink. She turned and headed towards the stairs, thinking about what she would do the next day. Spending it with her older siblings and her friends would be cool, but she just wanted to make sure that she had some fun. As she reached the top of the stairs, her ears flickered as she heard a quiet noise in the distance. She stopped and looked in the direction of where she thought the noise had come from. Mandy looked down the hall at the door that was slightly ajar.

'Did I just hear a noise from Jacks room?' Mandy thought to herself. But she heard nothing after that. She shrugged it off and headed down the hall towards her room. Her room was right next to Jacks'. Mandy stood in front of her door, just about to push it open when her ears flickered again, hearing a noise off to her left. She slowly turned her head to the left and looked at her brothers' slightly ajar door again. She could have sworn that she had heard a noise this time. She paused for a second, thinking whether or not she should look in and see what the noise was. But her curiosity took control of her thoughts as Mandy heard another sound come out of Jacks' room. She slowly turned her body and went down onto her knees and slowly peered into the dark room. Mandy started to hear a steady flow of noises as she scooted her way forward, slowly and quietly opening the already slightly open door.

Mandy couldn't see too well inside the darkened room. Her eyes still used to the light in the hall, they still needed time to adjust to the darkness. After a while, her eyes were able to see through the darkness. She slowly moved her head around, trying to see what the noises were. Mandy looked at Jacks' closet, his floor, his bed...

Mandy's eyes went wide as she looked up onto the bed and saw the last thing she would have expected. There, in all their glory, was Jack and Clara on top of the bed with each other. She saw as Jack was on his back and Clara was moving up and down over his waist. Her mouth felt like it was going to drop to the floor as she watched her sister having sex with their brother. Mandy wanted to run out of the doorway, go into her room and try to forget what she had seen. But for some reason she couldn't take her eyes off of the pair as their bodies grinded together. Mandy watched with wide eyes, looking the both of them over as they grunted and groaned. Their short brown fur glistened in the moonlight that poured into the room through the large skylight. Their faces stared into each others as they gasped for the cool night air as Clara moved herself up and down on top of Jack's lengthy cock. Mandy watched astonished, she never knew that her brother and sister were doing that with each other.

'Oh my god,' Mandy thought to herself. 'Th...they're having sex. That's...that's...' Her thoughts started to stray as she continued to watch her brother and sister on the bed. Mandy felt herself start to heat up all over her body. She felt as legs began to feel a little weak, and in between her legs, her hands had absentmindedly began to roam. She leaned into the room, trying to get a better view of the action. Her eyes slowly roamed up and down her brother's body. Before Jack had gone off to join the military, he was pretty muscular. Mandy used to join him in his workout at their gym when she was a freshman in highschool. But this was the first time that she had seen his body after the military, and now she couldn't believe it. His body looked like a Greek statue of a Hercules, chiseled, well defined without an ounce of fat anywhere. Mandy could feel herself getting wet through her shorts as she seemed to study over Jack's body. Soon her eyes trailed down and there she saw her sister Clara in her full glory. Mandy's eyes worked her way up Clara's body, looking it over slowly. Clara had long, slender legs that were laid out on the bed as she sat on top of Jack. Her nice, firm ass stretched against the intrusion of Jack's large equine cock grinding up into her. Her long, blonde tail draped over her rump, flicking once in a while. Mandy then saw her large breasts, larger than her own, as they bounced against Clara's chest. Clara's long blond mane reached down slightly past her shoulders, moving with their lovemaking.

Mandy in the past had thoughts of whether she liked girls or not. A couple of her friends were bisexual and told her stories of their bisexual encounters, which peeked her interest. But she still didn't know about it yet. But for now, she couldn't keep her eyes off of her older sister's body. Mandy was now up onto her knees, trying to get a higher view of the action. Suddenly Mandy lost her balance and with a slight yelp, fell forward and slamming against the ground and hit the door, causing it to slam against the wall.

The sounds on the bed suddenly stopped. The two faces on the bed turned suddenly towards the door, their movements stopped as they looked with shocked and surprised looks. Mandy landed on the ground with an thump. Mandy quickly looked up to see the stares from her older siblings. Jack spoke up first.

"Wha...what are you doing here?"

To Be Continued...