Dave The Desextive: The Dog Pound (2/2)

Story by Snow Shepherd on SoFurry

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The blue dragon stood with his arms crossed, firmly planted in front of the Dalmatian's clothes. The dog in question was sitting naked on the wrinkled bedsheets next to the fox, whose cheeks were reddened with the thought of being sandwiched between the other two.

"Dave, would you be a dear and tie up our guest?" Warren said. "We don't want him causing trouble, do we?"

Dave noticed Brock shiver slightly. The fox remembered the handcuffs he'd seen in room 361 earlier that day--it seemed the big dog liked bondage. Good thinking, Warren! Dave hopped off the bed and started gathering up the corners of the sheets. "Wrists together," he ordered. The dog was all too happy to comply, and after a few seconds the fox had entrapped Brock in his makeshift handcuffs. Dave maneuvered the canine's legs into position, putting the spotted ass high in the air. The bony tail between Brock's legs wagged nervously. Dave grabbed it and lifted it up to see his target beneath: that tight, pink, puckered hole. He watched it twitch in the cold air, its mesmerizing movements beckoning him in.

Dave snapped back to reality. He fumbled around for the bottle of lube and squirted some on his paw. He spread some across the canine's taint and pushed his slickened finger inside. The dog inhaled sharply at the sudden cold. His muscled ring felt almost virgin-tight, but not quite. It was like he'd toyed with it before, but never put anything in too far. Did he use that big dildo in room 361 on himself?, Dave wondered.

Before long the two were ready to go. Dave handed the bottle to Warren, who had just climbed onto the bed, making it creak loudly. The fox put his hands on Brock's hips and lined himself up, placing his tip on the center of the fleshy opening.

"You ready?" Dave asked.

The Dalmatian nodded and smiled. "Go easy on me, okay?"

The fox grinned. "No promises." He pulled the dog's hips back slowly and let the meaty head of his cock slowly sink into the lubed hole.

Brock cried out, tensing up around Dave's glans. The fox had to resist shoving his way into the deliciously tight passageway. He gave the dog a few seconds to relax and loosen up, then pressed in a little more. Judging by Brock's grunting and squirming against the makeshift restraints, he wasn't used to taking a cock up the ass. Or at least, one whose speed he couldn't control himself. Again Dave thought of how Brock was acting like a first-timer, which would suggest he'd never cheated on Allison. The pieces of evidence were starting to come together.

Warren's small push from behind was a potent reminder of the situation at hand. The scaly hand forced the fox down over the Dalmatian, while the other pulled up on his fluffy tail to expose his sensitive taint. Dave could still feel the dog's warm cum dripping out of him as something thick and hot placed itself over the pre-loosened hole. The fox's eyes widened. If Brock was big, then Warren's ribbed dragon cock was huge. He knew this was going to be a tight fit, even with the help of lube. I'm gonna be feeling this in the morning, he thought. But he'd have it no other way.

The dragon's manhood was over a foot long, with a tapered tip and sensual ridges at regular intervals. The shiny lube glistened off the jet-black hunk of flesh. "Hope you're ready," said the dragon with a grin.

The fox pushed his hips back against Warren's groin in reply, making the slickened dick slide between his cheeks and brush against his soft tail, just like earlier. The dragon grunted. "I'll take that as a yes." He repositioned his shaft and pressed in. It took a few prods for the fox's rear to accept the giant, but once it did...

Dave gasped as the widening head split his puckered ring wide open, quickly surpassing the girth of the dog's cock from just minutes before. Warmed up as he was, he felt himself being stretched to the limit, and he wasn't even to the first ridge yet. It was already so tight, Warren's short, shallow thrusts were forcing Dave's cock deeper into the Dalmatian below, who whined under the rough treatment. The fox felt the scaly hands on his sides pulling him back, impaling him on the meaty rod inch by inch. Even with the lube, Dave didn't know how much of the thick shaft he'd be able to take.

Another of Warren's slow-yet-forceful thrusts, and he could feel the first of the dragon's fleshy ridges against his tight hole. He remembered how they looked from earlier in the day: like peaks on a mountain range, getting gradually larger as they neared the base of the beast. Based on how wide he was stretched now, Dave didn't know how he'd fit the first one inside him, let alone the last, which would surely act like a draconic knot.

"Relax," Warren said, sensing Dave's apprehension. "It'll fit... I think." The dragon pressed in. To Dave's surprise, it wasn't rigid like the rest of the cock. It was fleshier, softer. He could feel it slide through his ring, delightfully increasing the pressure against it but not seeming to stretch it any further. It was much subtler than expected, adding delicious variety to the sensations already present. It seemed to expand slightly once it was past his sphincter, due to its shape. Warren began to pull back, and the fleshy ridge tugged at his ring, finally coming out with a small, wet pop. Dave shivered. It reminded him somewhat of anal beads, but combined with a thick, meaty cock.

This is gonna be fun, Dave thought, smiling.

The fox took another assertive thrust from the hunky dragon, letting the force push his hips up against the Dalmatian's rear. Brock was panting by now, straining slightly against his restraints. Dave was in almost up to his knot. The dog's tight tunnel was finally starting to loosen up, allowing for longer, deeper thrusts. He rutted against Brock's sensitive insides, making the dog whine and moan. The fox could feel his knot brushing against the dog's ass cheeks and starting to kiss Brock's pucker, signaling a knotting wouldn't be far off.

Meanwhile, Warren was sliding his first meaty ridge in and out of Dave's hole, making the fox give a murr each time it popped in and out. The dragon was about five inches deep now, and there was still over half the shaft to go. Dave felt the buildup to the second ridge as Warren's thrusts started going longer, deeper. Soon, each thrust contained two little _pop_s, each ridge sending tingles up the fox's spine. He could feel his balls pumping pre into the dog, slickening the passageway more.

Dave's own tight tunnel was finally loosening up more. After another minute he was feeling a third ridge sliding in and out. The fox moaned. Warren's thick rod was stretching even his deepest parts, something he hadn't enjoyed in a long time. The dragon was now bent low over his back, pounding him into submission. Each long thrust pushed him deeper into the dog below, until his knot was trying to force Brock's muscled ring open wide enough to enter.

Dave noticed the Dalmatian seemed tense. He was enjoying himself, for sure, but he needed to relax before he could receive the fox's knot. Dave lowered his paw down to the dog's groin and cupped his sensitive sack in his palm. Brock grunted as his purse was rolled around in the fox's dexterous paw, tingling with each small movement. Occasionally Dave would give a gentle squeeze, earning him a stifled gasp of pleasure. He move up to the dog's knot and closed his fingers around it tightly. It felt huge in Dave's paw--he had no idea how it had fit inside him. He started pumping it slowly, trying not to lose his grip on the hot, slippery object. Brock whined and started bucking his hips into the fox's tight grasp, slowly at first but getting steadily faster.

Without warning, Dave heard a pop and felt himself sink deeper into the Dalmatian. Brock gasped. The fox felt the passageway clamp down tightly on his dick. His instinctual reaction was to try to pull back, but his knot was lodged firmly inside. His enlarged organ sent shivers up his spine and filled his head in ecstasy. He pummeled Brock beneath him with short, quick thrusts, slapping his groin against the dog's clenched ass.

The dragon was quick to turn the situation to his advantage. While Dave was distracted with his bottom, Warren pulled back and drove his cock the rest of the way into the fox's relaxed passageway.

"Oh, f-f-fuhhck!" Dave cried. It felt as if he was being split open. Before he could say more, the dragon drew his hips back, leaving only the tip inside and making all five fleshy ridges rub against the fox's insides on the way out. Warren began making long, sawing strokes, going all the way in and out each time. The fox moaned. The exotic ridges massaged his stretched ring and the dragon's girth pounded away at his prostate. Dave gritted his teeth. He wouldn't last much longer.

The Dalmatian below moaned. "Dave, I'm gonna... Gonna... O-oh gawd... Nnggh!" Brock's shaft came to life in Dave's grasp as it tensed and started shooting string after string of cum from its tip. The fox pumped at its knotted base, milking out every bit he could.

The dog's clenching passageway was finally too much for Dave. He thrust his hips forward once more and blew his own load, returning Brock's favor as he filled the dog's ass with hot, thick spunk. He felt his sack straining to pump semen into such a tight space. But he'd been building this up for a while, and he knew it wouldn't stop until he was empty.

Dave felt the Warren's fingers dig into his shoulders before the dragon roared and slammed his hips forward. The fox groaned as he was stuffed. He could feel the thick, meaty monster pulsing inside him as it churned out thick globs of cum. One of the ridges was sitting right on his prostate, making him cum harder into the Dalmatian below. The hot jizz was quickly building pressure in the fox's gut, and he could feel his lower abdomen slowly bulging out and brushing against the dog's soft fur. Dave was in rapture sandwiched between the two virile males.

The impassioned grunting slowly gave way to panting as the three orgasms slowed down and finally subsided. Warren pulled them all over on their side, where they lay for some time, catching their breath and embracing the afterglow. Dave gave a low murr. The Dalmatian's tunnel was still twitching around his cock, and he could feel each of Warren's powerful heartbeats throbbing inside his own ass. The room smelled even more strongly of semen, nearly overwhelming his olfactory senses. He smiled and closed his eyes, listening to the pounding beat from outside the room.

"Wow...," Brock breathed. "That was... wow."

"Very eloquent," Dave teased.

The dog shrugged and grinned. "Doesn't change the facts. I never thought the real thing would feel so good. Tonight has been an absolute blast."

"Agreed," Warren said. "So I'm curious: why choose tonight for all this?"

"Well, I..." Brock flicked his tail. "Well, this might sound corny, but tomorrow I'm gonna propose to my girlfriend."

"What??" Warren and Dave blurted out simultaneously.

"Yeah." The Dalmatian blushed. "As you probably guessed, I'm... not strictly gay. About half and half. But I really wanted to explore this half before I really got committed. Especially the physical aspect. Don't get me wrong, dildos are great and all, but it's just not the same as a cock with a life of its own inside you, you know?"

"I know," Dave said with a giggle. So he was using the dildo in 361 on himself! I knew it! Minutes ago the fox could have sworn the other's tailhole wasn't quite virgin-tight, and now he knew why: Brock had been practicing on himself. And the upcoming proposal explains the rose petals...

"So I decided to have a little bachelor-part-type-thing before I asked her the big question," Brock continued. "Something that she wouldn't have to know about, and something with no commitment so I wouldn't feel guilty."

"And do you feel any guilt?" Warren asked.

Brock smiled. "None! I mean, if she found out she'd probably take it all the wrong way and raise hell, so in that case I would. But there's no way she could know."

Dave bit his lip. "Heh. Yeah."

* * *

"So? What did you find out?"

Dave stood in front of Allison's low desk, fingers laced together in front of him and his tail swishing nervously. Every time his tail moved it tugged at his hole, which was still delightfully sore from last night. But he figured leaving out certain details like that might be for the best.

"Well, yesterday I started with a thorough investigation of his hotel room, room 361. Nothing of interest outside the bedroom. Inside I found some sex paraphernalia, but I was able to determine that it was either unused or used on himself. There was no other party involved. Based on this and a brief, discreet interview with Brock, I can pretty safely say he is not cheating on you at all." Dave had put on his best poker face to cover all the little white lies. He had decided not to tell her about their lascivious experiences last night, since that would only make things more complicated. He was also reluctant to divulge his room examination methods for similar reasons.

Allison narrowed her eyes. "That's it? That easy? I was expecting a bit more detail. I need to know if I can trust him or not, you hear?"

"Yes ma'am," he said. "Loud and clear. I know the sex toys may be a little shocking to hear about--"

"Not at all. He's always had a thing for dildos. He likes it when I use a strapon."

"Oh..." His cheeks felt hot. That was more about his boss than he initially wanted to know, but now that she said it he was growing curious. Another time, Dave, he told himself_._"Well, like I said, they weren't used on anyone but him, as far as I could tell."

"And how exactly could you tell?"

"By scent, mostly." If you consider taste a major part of the sense of smell, he thought. Or is it the other way around? "It matched his scent, which I got a good whiff of during our meeting."

"And during this short meeting, did you get close enough to him to be able to know 100% if he's telling the truth about being with anyone else?"

The fox gulped. "When I first brought it up, he said he'd been with nobody but you." Until a few minutes later, anyway."And I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth."

The diminutive otter stood up and paced behind her cluttered desk. "None of this explains why he's been acting weird, though. Something's definitely off, but from what you're telling me everything's business as usual. I find that a little hard to believe. You mean you didn't notice any abnormal behavior? At all?"

"I really can't say."

"Can't say or won't say?" she pressed.

Dave sighed. "I mean... He was acting a little excited about something."


"Well, he..." He bit his lip. "He has something to tell you. But it's best you heard it from him."

Allison leveled a finger at him. "I told you to uncover details. Details, Dave. If you're being vague, I can't one hundred percent trust what you're telling me. And I can't one hundred percent trust anything Brock says, either. I'm getting tired of all this beating around the bush. Either you start telling me what's going on or you can consider your little task a failure."

"No, Allison, please!" he pleaded. He knew failure meant losing his job. But spoiling a proposal would be something Allison would remember for the rest of her life, and Dave didn't want to be the one responsible for that. "I swear, you can trust him. You can trust me. He's going to tell you something important soon but I can't tell you what it is. You'll understand when you hear it."


"I promise, you'll understand."

The otter laced her fingers together. "I haven't gotten to be where I am today by relying on people's promises. Only when they back it up with cold, hard facts can I trust them. Can you tell me the facts or not?"

"I... I can't. But he will."

"I'm afraid that's not good enough. Thank you for your efforts, Dave." She motioned toward the door.

His legs didn't want to move from their spot. The fox opened his mouth, trying to find the right words to say, but nothing came out. There was nothing else he could do. He turned and headed for the door with his tail between his legs. He looked back over his shoulder. Allison was already shuffling through papers on her desk, making herself busy with other things. Dave exited the room and closed the door softly behind him.

He'd bet everything on Brock--that he would go through with the proposal soon, and that he'd keep quiet about last night. If either of those bets didn't pay off, Dave's life was about to get a whole lot more complicated.


What naughty acts will Dave's investigation lead him to next? Click here to find out in the conclusion of the story arc! https://www.sofurry.com/view/1117876

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